BOSTON UNIVERSITY STUDY ABROAD PADUA Galleria Santa Lucia 1 - 35139 Padua – Italy Tel +39.049.650303

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BOSTON UNIVERSITY STUDY ABROAD PADUA Galleria Santa Lucia 1 - 35139 Padua – Italy Tel +39.049.650303 BOSTON UNIVERSITY STUDY ABROAD PADUA Galleria Santa Lucia 1 - 35139 Padua – Italy Tel +39.049.650303 CAS HI 259 - Italian Emigration and Immigration (1861-2014) Instructor: Prof. Gadi Luzzatto Voghera ([email protected]) Office hour: by appointment Class schedule: 2 hours twice a week on Tuesday and Thursday 9.15 am – 11.00 pm (from September 2 to December 11, 2014) Course Value: 4 credits THE COURSE Italian migration is considered the largest exodus in modern history. Starting from 1861 more than twenty-four million departures have been recorded. It was an exodus that involved all the Italian regions. Between 1876 and 1900 the exodus involved mainly the northern regions. In the next two decades most of the migration came from the southern regions. After the Second World War the number of people leaving Italy for work reasons remained strong. In addition, an important wave of domestic migration (from southern regions to the north of the country and to the main towns) became a crucial aspect of the changes in Italian society. With the end of the Cold War Italy was transformed from a country of emigration to one of immigration, attracting millions of people from Eastern Europe, Africa and the Third World countries. This course provides an overview of the history of migration and its significance for the history of contemporary Italian society, addressing the main issues related to various social phenomena such as working dynamics, gender differences, cultural production etc. Areas of interest: Sociology, History, Italian, Anthropology The course is conducted in Italian. It is composed of 48 hours (24 classes of two hours each). A class presentation is required. The topics of the course are: - Countries of migration - Stereotypes and discrimination - The clandestine figure - Emigration and emancipation - From emigration to immigration: the changing of a country METHODOLOGY During the lessons students will see videos and films related to the topic of the course and will read and debate articles from newspapers to connect the problems of today’s Italy to its history. Students are expected to arrive in class on time, ready and prepared on the assigned readings. EXAMS The Mid-term exam is written (2 hours: 10 multiple choice questions, 5 open questions, 1 general composition on given topics) The Final exam is written (2 hours: 5 questions with short answer, 1 general composition on given topics) One Class presentation: 15-20 minutes of exposé in Italian on a given topic One or two short presentations in Italian on individual topics Two written reviews (2 pages) of a film BIBLIOGRAPHY Each student should use will purchase the course packet prepared by the lecturer with chapters of books and articles: P. Bevilacqua, A. De Clementi, E. Franzina (a cura di), Storia dell’emigrazione italiana. Partenze, Donzelli, Roma 2001 (pages 77-94; 95-112; 187-212; 257-274; 309-322; 323-342; 385-396; 397-414; 515-536; 537-562) Edmondo De Amicis, Sull’oceano (1889) Paul Ginsborg, A History of Contemporary Italy, New York 2003, cap. 7, The “Economic Miracle”, Rural Exodus and Social Transformation, pages 210-229; 230-253. Michele Colucci e Matteo Sanfilippo, Guida allo studio dell’emigrazione, Viterbo 2010 Mattia Vitiello, Emigration policies and the building of the unitary Italian state, paper Asher Colombo – Giuseppe Sciortino, Italian immigration: the origins, nature and evolution of Italy’s migratory systems, Journal of Modern Italian Studies 9(1) 2004: 49–70 Enrico Pugliese, L’Italia paese di emigrazione e paese di immigrazione. Marina Galati e Valentina Bugli, “Le buone pratiche antidiscriminatorie nei confronti delle comunità straniere”, Roma 2012 _Le_buone_pratiche_antidiscriminatorie_realizzato_da_Codici_per_conto_di_Unar_a_cura_di_M._Galati_V._Bugli During the course (aside from the class time) students will see and study two films: • Lamerica directed by Gianni Amelio (1994) • Nuovo Mondo directed by Emanuele Crialese (2006) Added bibliography (not required) AA. VV., Un secolo di emigrazione italiana 1876-1976, Cser, Roma 1978. A. De Clementi, Di qua e di là dall’Oceano. Emigrazione e mercati nel Meridione (1860-1930), Roma, Carocci, 1999 A. De Clementi, Il prezzo della ricostruzione. L’emigrazione italiana nel secondo dopoguerra, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2010 E. Franzina, Gli italiani al Nuovo Mondo, Milano 1995 R. Gabaccia, Emigranti. Le diaspore degli italiani dal Medioevo a oggi, Einaudi, Torino 2003. M. Meriggi – L. Di Fiore, World history. Le nuove rotte della storia, Roma-Bari, Laterza, 2011 M. Sanfilippo (a cura di), Emigrazione e storia d’Italia, Quaderni del Giornale di Storia Contemporanea febbraio 2003 D. Villa, L’emigrazione italiana. Il più grande esodo di un popolo nella storia moderna, Edizioni BST, Romano d’Ezzelino (VI) 2005. Added filmography (not required) • Pane e Cioccolata (Bread and Chocolate) directed by Franco Brusati (1974) • Rocco e i suoi fratelli (Rocco and his brothers) directed by Luchino Visconti (1960) [BU Library] • Good Morning Babilonia (Good Morning Babylon) directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani (1987). • Così Ridevano directed by Gianni Amelio (1998) • I magliari directed by Francesco Rosi (1959) • Kaos (l’altro figlio) directed by Paolo and Vittorio Taviani (1976) [BU Library] • Il padrino (The Godfather) directed by Frances Ford Coppola (1972-74-90) • Riso amaro (Bitter Rice) directed by Giuseppe De Santis (1949) [BU Library] • La rosa tatuata (The Rose Tattoo) directed by Daniel Mann (1955) • Cristo si è fermato a Eboli (Christ stopped at Eboli) directed by Francesco Rosi (1978) [BU Library] Added websites GRADING CRITERIA Attendance and active class participation: 10% Mid-term exam: 25% Class presentation: 20% Short class presentations:10% 2 Written reviews of films: 10% Final exam: 25% BU GRADE CHART Grade Honour Points A 4.0 93-100 A- 3.7 90-92 B+ 3.3 87-89 B 3.0 83-86 B- 2.7 80-82 C+ 2.3 77-79 C 2.0 73-76 C- 1.7 70-72 D 1.0 60-69 F 0.0 Below "A" grade will be assigned to serious, ambitious, hard-working, punctual Artists. All Artists are expected to dedicate their time and to engage with enthusiasm/ participation/contribution to all class-work and exercises. Two unexcused absences will bring the class grade down half grade. Three or more unexcused absences can put the student in jeopardy of failing the course. It is the student’s responsibility to make up work from a class missed for an excused absence. BU POLICIES Attendance Boston University Study Abroad Padua students are expected to attend each and every class session, tutorial, and field trips required for the class. Students should note that attendance will be taken into account by faculty when determining final grades. Students absent from class for medical reasons need to provide a local doctor’s note. Plagiarism Simply stated, plagiarism is taking another’s work and presenting it as you own. Dictionary definitions of plagiarism frequently include terms such as ‘theft’ or ‘steal’. Plagiarism is, in fact, intellectual theft. It is one of the most serious forms of academic misconduct. Plagiarism committed by a student will certainly result in course failure and may result in suspension or dismissal. For more details please see Boston University’s Academic Conduct Code: code/ Religious Holidays Boston University’s Office of the University Registrar states: ‘The University, in scheduling classes on religious holidays and observances, intends that students observing those traditions be given ample opportunity to make up work. Faculty members who wish to observe religious holidays will arrange for another faculty member to meet their classes or for cancelled classes to be rescheduled.’ See Chapter 151C of the General Laws, Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The Course Lesson Title Readings Events 02/09 Introduction to the Assignments of final course. Definition of class presentation topics the chronology and the geography of contemporary Italy. Sources and problems. 04/09 Mattia Vitiello, Emigration policies and the building of the Types of mass unitary Italian state, paper emigration. Part 1 09/09 Types of mass Bevilacqua, De Clementi, Franzina, Storia dell’emigrazione emigration. Part 2 italiana, Donzelli, Roma 2001, cap. V: Tipologie dell’emigrazione di massa, pp.77-94. 11/09 Rural society and Bevilacqua, De Clementi, Franzina, Storia dell’emigrazione Parts of the film: Kaos emigration italiana, Donzelli, Roma 2001, cap. VI: Società rurale e (l’altro figlio) directed by emigrazione, pp.95-112 Paolo e Vittorio Taviani (1976) 16/09 Bevilacqua, De Clementi, Franzina, Storia dell’emigrazione The mass emigration italiana, Donzelli, Roma 2001, La grande emigrazione. Dalle in the liberal age origini alla chiusura degli sbocchi americani, pp.187- 197 18/09 Emigration and Bevilacqua, De Clementi, Franzina, Storia dell’emigrazione Parts of the film: cinema in Italy - Part I italiana, Donzelli, Roma 2001, La grande emigrazione. Dalle Nuovomondo di origini alla chiusura degli sbocchi
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