Registration Figures,Now Total 1481
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ARKANSAS /i TRAVELER UNIVERSITY OF ARKANSAS OLUME 39 FAYETTEVILLE, ARKANSAS, FRIDAY, EPTEMBER 29, 1944 NUMBER 6 Registration Figures,Now Total 1,481 !42 Students First Student Forty-eight Civilian Enrollment Is Senate Meeting On Summer Twenty Per Cent More Than Pledge UA Next Wednesday Fraternities J ack Berry, president of the Asso Honor Roll At Same Time Last Year ciated Students, has anonunced that Forty-eight students from the Total enrollment for the University of Arkansas at the end of the Tbe Greek letter fraternities on the first Student Senate meeting of combined colleges of the University second day of registration was 1,481. An increase of approximately 20 per the campus announce the pledging the fall quarter will be beld Wed were listed on the honor roll for the cent was shown in the civilian student enrollment of the University for of 155 women students and 88 men nesday, October 4 ,at 5: 00 o'clock summer quarter, according to the 1944-45 as compared to that of last year, it was announced by Dr. A. M. students during rush week which in the blue room of the Student deans of the respective colleges. Harding, president. lasted from Sept. 20 to Sept. 24. Union. Agriculture Although the registration period ended late Wednesday, a number Women who pledged are: At the meeting the senate will Juniors: George H . Collins, New of additional students who were un CHI OMEGA make appointments of some class port, 4.00; Edna Lucille Wilson, able to be here for the opening ot Ann Allman, Chicago, Ill.; Sue officers and plans for the establish Springdale, 4.00. Sophomores: Hel the fall quarter were scheduled to Atwood, Fordyce; Ann Bailey, Pat ment of a bowling alley will be dis Swimming Pool en Udene Copeland, J ane, Mo., 4.00; register later in the week. tibeth Browne, Genevieve Rose cussed. Al so, plans for an office for Avanelle Kirksey, Mulberry, 4.00; Among the students enrolllng for Dickinson, Ann Pattillo, Peggy St. the senate will be made. This ottlce To Be Open Mary Lou McConnell, Fayetteville, the fall quarter are 67 veterans of John, Little Rock; Martha Lee Bar will be for the records of the activi 4.71. the second world war. One of these ton, Fayetteville; Virginia Lee Best, ties of the student government and For Spring Term Arts and Sciences is Capt. Maurice L. "Footsie" Britt, Betty Semmes, Osceola; Gene for records of ABC and other organ Seniors: Lynnette Wilson, Dan Plans for a $75,000 all tile swim former Razorback football star who Booth, Searcy. izations. ville, 5.25; Suzanne Watkins, Sear ming pool to be constructed north won the Congressional Medal of Betty Bowen, Senatobia, Miss.; Making up the 1944-45 senate are: cy, 5.00. Juniors: Mary Carolyn of the field house have been com Honor for his heroic deeds in Italy, Marilyn L. Bradford, Arkadelphia; Janice Hernsberger, College of Cherry, Little Rock, 4.74; Dorothy pleted and will be ready for adver where he lost an arm and suffered Jane Claire Brown, Memphis; Peg Agriculture; Freda Stafford and Barrett, Fayetteville, 4.33; Ronald tising in about two weeks, it bas other injuries. by Brown, Harriet Jane McGhee, John McAdams, College of Arts and Riggall, Prairie Grove, 4.00. Sopho been announced by L. L. Browne, Malvern; Mary Jane Cullom, Bettie Science; Sue Holthoff, College of Captain Britt received a bachelor mores: William Edward Harville, superintendent of buildings and Sherman, Texarkana; Constance Business Administration; J eanne of arts degree from the University Crossett, 3.38; Martin Kurzner, New grounds. It has been estimated that Denton, June Marie Gosnell, Blythe Hooper, College of Education; Bill in 1941. He returned to the campus York City, 3.33; Jane Dickinson, the pool will be ready for use in ville; Grace J enny Greenhaw, Jones Glassburn, College of Engineering; to study law. Fayetteville, 3.05. Freshmen: Rich the spring classes. boro; Leslie Hampton, Lake Vil• Jack W est, College of Law; James Following a two-day orientation ard Lee Stites, Fort Smith, 5.63; )age; Myrian L. H ull, Russellville; Crenshaw, Marshall Mease!, Louise The 42 by 75 foot pool will be program, and the registration per Louis Edward Bohlen, Fayetteville, Betty Boyd Izard, Van Buren; Ann Scurlock, and Sarah Aldridge, Juni ten feet at the deep end and three iod, classes began Thursday morn 5.26; Wilma Jean Ahlmeyer, Fay arrd one-half feet at the shallow end. Kelly, Edwynne Morris, Helena; ors; Atlas Lilley, James Kauffman ing. etteville, 5.00; Lorene Alvy, Van These measurements will meet any Virginia Lee, Louise Trotter, Claire and Marvin Thaxton, Sophomores. Orientation activities for the new Buren, 4.40; Martha H. Patterson, AAU requirements for swimming or Sallee, Pine Bluff; Faye Lit tlefield, Some of the above are not enroll• students began at 8: 30 Monday Alpena Pass, 4.22; William Kenneth diving records. Fort Smith. ed in school. These vacancies will morning. All new students met in Ball, Nashville, 4.00; Stanley Leon Mary Helen McGill, Camden; be filled at the meeting. The walls and ceiling of the in the ball rbom of the Student Union Deckoff, ew York City, 4.00. Shirley Morgan, Nancy Lou Vance, -----•----- terior of the building are to be of and, following an invocation by Mr. El Dorado; Pearl Newkirk, Morril Busines Administration ccrk, which will be insulating, W. S. Gregson, were addressed by Seniors: Ann Dickinson, Fayette- ton; Miriam Orr, Hot Springs; Eliz Publications Board sound proof, and water resistant. Dr. Hardin~. Dr. R. H. \\'aters pre ville, 6.00; Frances Tyler, England. abeth Rhodes, Betty Stockley, Mar The pool will be full circulating, sided over this meeting. To Meet Thursday Juniors: Lou Alice Wright, Fayette ion; Betty Robins, Hope; J ean and will have a chemical treatment At 9: 15 all new students were ville; Ann Dukeminier, Muskogee, Thomas, Holly Grove; and Kathryn The Board of Student Publications and filtering system. given psychological and reading Okla. Sophomores: Helen Ruth Wood, Wabash. will meet next Thursday to appoint Underwater lights and observa tests. These tests were given in White, Fayetteville; Mildred Ethel an editor for the Razorback Direc tion windows for both men ~nd the main reading room of the li· DELTA GAMMA Crenshaw, Pine Bluff; William Ed tory. Archie Sheffield, elected last women classes are being installed brary and in the chemistry audl• Tommye Arbogast, Seminole, ward Evans, Smackover. Freshman: spring, bas resigned. so tl1at the insructors may help stu torium. Okla.; Phyllis Barker, Rector; Shir Jesse F. Warren, Marianna, 6.00. ley Binkley, Coffeyville, Kan.; Mary Candidates for this office should donts correct mistakes in swimming Again at 1: 30, Monday afternoon, register with Joseph Thalheimer, E(lucation technique. All tile runways will Boecker, Christine Newman, Little Seniors: Artie B. Dearasaugh, the new students met in the ball chairman of the board, in Room run eight feet wide on the sides of Rock; Betty May Bryant, Rosalie Little Rock, 5.33; Frances Gaston room. Group singing, led by Dr. R. U6, some time before the meeting, the pool, ten feet wide at the shal Garrett, Wanda Faye ichols, Mary Wood, Little Rock, 5.00; Rebecca W. Winslow, professor of music, which will be held in the Blue Room low end, and sixteen feet wide at Lynn Taylor, Clarksville; Frances Bryan Anderson, Bentonville, 4.67; was a feature of this period. of the Student Union at 4 p. m. on the deep end. N. Dale, Alamagordo, New Mexico; Jo Vivian Stroud; Centerton, 4.67; At 2: 30 o'clock Marvin Miller, Thursday, Oct. 5. Candidates will Maxine Glazner, Hot Springs. Julia Fay Graves, Dierks, 4.50. Jun A balcony which will seat 500 librarian, instructed the new men also be expected to be presented at Dorothy Ann Hamilton, Mary Ann iors: Aleze Gribble, Benton, 6.00; spectators is to be placed the full students on how to use the library, this meeting to state their qualifi Johnson, Doris Juanita Jones, Nelda Vera Lee Morrow, Hot Springs, length of the pool. and Miss Jeannette Scudder, dean cations for the position. Deen Taylor, Fort Smith; Juanita 5.67; Mary Lou Cosgrove, Little The building which will have a of women, gave all new women stu All members of the board, faculty Hamilton, Russellville; Geraldine Rock, 5: 33; Myrtie Pauline Gay, direct connection with the field dents information on the rules and and student, are also requested to Holmes, Bay; Edwyelle McKay, De Springdale, 4.44; Dorothy Anne house, will be set back fifty feet regulations of the University. At attend the meeting. Witt; Mary Jane McKerren, Tulsa; Greig, Van Buren, 4.33; Elizabeth west of the field house. Future 3: 00 Mr. Miller gave the women Martha Lee Martin, Lois J ean Mil• -----•----- building plans for the University, students instructions on the use of HOMARD TO NEW MEXICO Louise Wear, Morrilton, 4.16. Soph ler, Pea Ridge; Anita Paz, New Or• omores: H elen P. Brown, Gentry, according to Mr. Browne, include the library, and Dean Humphreys leans; Helen Riddle, Brownwood, Cadet Harry T. Homard Jr., a 4.70; Anita J eanne Park, Morrilton, a new women's gymnasium, which related University rules and regu Texas; Mildred Slade, El Dorado; former student of the University, 3.60. Freshman: Bonnie Lee Pace, will be set even with the field house lations to the men students. Jean E. Standefer, Osceola; Betty and where the dairy building now has reported at Carlsbad, N. M., Combs, 4.23. A reception for all new students, R. Taylor, Fayetteville; Julia Army Air Field, where h e will Engineering stands.