Software Applications Catalog Eagle PC and Eagle 1600 April 1983
Software Applications Catalog Eagle PC And Eagle 1600 April 1983 TABLE OF <mIDlJ.1S SECl'IOO INTRODUcrION • i GENERAL BUSINESS I ACCDUNI':W; AND INVEN'IDRY • II SPREADSHEETS/FINANCIAL • III JOB AND INDUSTRY • DATA NANAGEMENT v WORD PROCFSSI~ AND TEXT EDITI~ • VI GRAPHICS • VII DATA COMMUNICATIONS • VIII IX INDEX X This Software Application Catalog is a listing of most of the MS-DOS and CP/M-86 software offerings, known to Eagle computer as of this printing, which are available for use on the Eagle Computer models 1620, 1630 and the Eagle PC. This catalog is divided into nine categories; General Business, Accounting and Inventory, Spreadsheets/Financial, Job and Industry, Data Management, Word Processing and Text Editing, Graphics, Data Communications and Languages. However, same programs from one category may be applicable in another area. We, therefore, suggest that you carefully review each of the different categories. We have included the program name, author and a brief description. Programs included in the catalog are for informational purposes only. Inclusion does not constitute an endorsement of the product. Responsibility lies with the user in determining whether or not a program will function with his particular equipment. The purchaser is strongly urged to seek this information from the vendor and to specify his specific equipment before any purchase is made. DIS<LAI.MER Eagle Computer makes no warranties, either express or implied, with respect to the programs included herein, their quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness for any particular purpose. In no event will Eagle be liable for direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damages resulting fram any defect in the programs even if it has been advised of the possibility of such damages.
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