49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018 (LPI Contrib. No. 2083) 1009.pdf Lunar domes in Delisle region: Morphometry and mode of formation. KC Pau1 and R. Lena2. 1 Flat 20A, Fook Chak House, 17 Po Yan Street, Hong Kong;
[email protected]; 2Via Cartesio 144, sc. D, 00137 Rome, Italy- BAA Lunar section;
[email protected] Introduction: Recent studies about lunar domes the examined domes by applying the combined are based on the evaluation of their spectrophotometric photoclinometry and shape from shading method (sfs) and morphometric properties, rheologic parameters, described in [1-4]. and their classification based on the spectral properties The heights of the domes De1 and De2 were de- and three dimensional shapes of the volcanic edifices termined to 108 ± 10 m and 95 ± 10 m, resulting in [1-3]. In this contribution we provide an analysis of flank slopes of 0.60° and 0.55° respectively (Fig. 5). two domes located in Delisle region near the crater Assuming a parabolic shape the estimated edifice vol- Artsimovich and Diophantus D, termed De1 and 2 umes correspond to about 23 and 24 km3 for the domes (Fig.1 and Table 1). De1 and De2. Fig. 2. WAC imagery: two domes are not apparent as in CCD telescopic image. Fig. 1. Telescopic image acquired on January, 8, 2017 at 13:35 UT with a 250 mm f/6 Newtonian reflector and a 2.5X barlow (Pau). General description and spectral properties: Delisle is an impact crater located in the western part of the Mare Imbrium. It lies to the north of the crater Diophantus, and to the northeast of the designated Mons Delisle (Figs.