Southern Hemisphere Map This map depicts the Moon as it will appear from the southern J hemisphere at approximately 9:00 PM EDT and 6:00 PM PDT on International Observe the Moon Night, October 5, 2019. Many of the best views will occur along the terminator (the line between the day and night side of the Moon). D 6 Lunar Maria (Seas) You can see a number of maria tonight. Once thought to be seas E 5 of water, these are actually large, I flat plains of solidified basaltic G lava. They can be viewed in binoculars or even with the unaided eye. C H F 4 A. Mare Frigoris B. Mare Serenitatis C. 3B D. Mare Nectaris 2 E. Mare Fecunditatis F. Mare Crisium G. Mare Undarum H. Mare Marginus A I. Mare Smythii 1 J. Mare Australe

Selected Telescopic Objects Some of the more interesting lunar landforms that 1. Alpine Valley 4. Hyginus & Ariadeus Rilles have favorable lighting for viewing tonight are 2. Apennine Mountains 5. identified here. Details for each are on the reverse 3. Taurus-Littrow Valley 6. Altai Scarp side of this map.

PRRQQDVDJRYREVHUYH #2bserve7he0oon International Observe the Moon Night 2019 Selected Objects for Telescopic Viewing

1. Alpine Valley 2. Apennine Mountains 3. Taurus-Littrow Valley

Sunrise will catch the Moon’s Alps Enjoy the lunar sunrise as it Look for the dark embayment Mountains as we watch tonight. The illuminates the peaks of the extending east from Mare mountains are cut through by the 190 km Apennine Mountains. This range is Serenitatis into the surrounding long and 10 km wide Alpine Valley. The part of the east rim of the Imbrium highlands. This valley is deeper Alpine Valley is an example of a graben, impact basin, is 250 km long and than the Grand Canyon. It includes or down-faulted block. reaches up to 2.4 km high. The the landing site for Apollo 17, at the Apollo 15 landing site is shadowed center of the drawn circle. tonight on the range’s western edge.

4. Hyginus & Ariadeus Rilles 5. Tranquility Base 6. Altai Scarp

Formed by magma rising up through and Mare Tranquillitatis includes the This spectacular cliff is the widening cracks in the lunar crust. Hyginus landing site (center of drawn circle) southwest rim of the outer ring (H) to the west and Ariadeus (A) to the east. for , the first human mission of the Nectaris impact basin. It to the lunar surface. The site was can be traced for nearly 700 km chosen for its smooth, flat terrain. between the craters Kant and The lunar module Eagle landed on Piccolomini, and reaches the Moon on July 20, 1969 with Neil heights of more than 7 km Armstrong and while above the basin’s center. Michael Collins orbited above.

Detailed images are LRO WAC mosaics with north up and lunar west to the left. Find more high-resolution images of the Moon at: