To adequately measure economic impacts, an analysis that follows an industry-wide accepted methodology was used in this study. That methodology first identifies the direct spending and employment at (called direct impacts) and includes the direct spending at off-airport sites such as hotels and restaurants (called indirect impacts in this study). Armed with this information, regional multipliers are applied to the data to determine the multiplied impacts of direct spending (called secondary impacts). The technical processes involved in developing the analysis included the following: q Direct and Indirect Impacts q Secondary Economic Impacts

It is important to note that for purposes of this study, surveys were used to gather data on impacts for 44 airports, data from business plans prepared by the Aviation Services Bureau of NYSDOT was used for 11 airports, results from previously prepared studies were used for 20 airports, and data from the Port Authority of and New Jersey (PANY&NJ) was obtained for two airports. These studies all used similar methodologies and provided a means for compilation of a significant amount of economic data to relate the benefits of New York’s aviation system. For the 20 airports from which results were extrapolated, many of these airports were analyzed by regional planning agencies as part of studies funded by the FAA. These studies primarily used the methodology from the 1991 “Economic Impact Assessment” of New York State’s airports, updating the data with new survey analysis. The data imported from these studies was inflated to reflect 2000 price levels to account for changes in buying power. Consumer Price Index (CPI) data for the northeast region was obtained from the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor statistics. For the two PANY&NJ airports, John F. Kennedy International and La Guardia, data were obtained from PANY&NJ for inclusion in this study.


By way of definition for this study, direct impacts are associated with providers of services at the airport. They are immediate consequences of airport economic activity. The value of direct impacts is the sum of all payroll, capital expenditures, operating and maintenance costs, taxes, and fees incurred by providers of services at the airport. Direct impacts also include the employment and expenditures related to on-airport contracted employees such as construction workers or contracted air traffic control employees. Indirect impacts2, as they are defined in this study, are associated with the users of airport services. They are derived primarily from offsite economic activities that are attributable to the airport. The value of indirect impacts is the sum of the fees and charges paid, time and cost savings, expenses related to food, lodging, ground transportation, and similar outlays.

2The IMPLAN definition of Indirect Impacts is synonymous with Induced impacts of this plan. IMPLAN definition of Direct Impacts is synonymous with Direct and Indirect impacts of this plan. These nomenclature differences are taken into account in compiling impact tables for this report.

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The collection of data concerning direct and indirect impacts is essential for the accurate assessment of overall economic impacts of aviation. That is why time and effort were expended to survey various components of aviation in New York such as: airport management and on- airport businesses. Response to these surveys varied by airport, but overall, much valuable information was collected. In some cases, extrapolation of the survey information was needed to cover non-respondents. For example, on-airport tenants were asked to specify their annual expenditures. From this statewide pool of information, averages for airports with similar tenant profiles and activity levels could be compiled and extrapolated for non-respondents. In other cases, the IMPLAN model was used to estimate expenditures for businesses and organizations for which employment levels were known.

3.1 Direct Impacts

There were a number of ways that the direct impacts of aviation in New York were estimated. These included surveys, published data, and extrapolated results. From the surveys, specific questions were asked concerning on-airport spending and employment. This spending comes from one of two primary sources: the airport sponsor/management, and on-airport businesses and employers. From published data, information regarding average wages and labor cost components in various industries was collected. Both the survey data and the published data could be interpolated and extrapolated to estimate direct impacts of aviation.

Airport Management Survey

In addition to asking questions about the operational activity and number of businesses and employers located at the airport, the Airport Management Survey requested information concerning the number of full and part-time administration/operations employees. In addition, the survey requested an estimate of the annual expenditures on airport operations and employment. This information concerning employment and sponsor expenditures on the airport is considered direct airport-related impact and is not duplicated by other sources. The data was used directly from the surveys to input the direct spending component for airport management.

On-Airport Business Survey

The On-Airport Business Survey was distributed to all employers located on New York airports. Responses were screened by asking whether or not the business was aviation related. If the business had no requirement for aviation, its location on the airport was not an essential aspect of its operation and thus, it was not included in the economic impact model. Responses that were applied to the study’s catalogue of impacts were limited to those companies or employers that needed the airport in some way in order to operate effectively. Employers like Fixed Base Operators (FBOs), corporate flight departments, the Air National Guard, and so on, were included in the aviation-related impact base. Key questions asked in this survey included the number of full and part-time employees, annual gross sales volume, estimated annual expenditures, and total estimated payroll. The direct economic impact of these employers could be measured from the responses.

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Some respondents only included the employment data on the survey and left the expenditures and payroll questions blank. For these employers, estimates of wages were made using either the IMPLAN model or the consultants’ extensive data base based on previous airport economic impacts studies from around the United States. While these numbers are averages and are likely to understate the actual wages paid to employees, they do provide a reasonable order of magnitude estimate of what is spent by on-airport employers for wages and salaries. In addition, using final-demand multipliers, an estimate of the final demand output can be made using the employment numbers.

3.2 Indirect Impacts

As defined earlier, indirect economic impacts are those associated with the use of airports and aviation. They include expenditures by visitors who arrive by air and spend money at local hotels, restaurants, travel agencies, and other businesses as a result of airport use. Most indirect impacts are associated with off-airport locations. As can be imagined, a survey effort needed to track the indirect expenditures of airport users in New York would require resources much greater than those available for this effort. Therefore, a surrogate measure of indirect impacts was developed that did not require surveys of arriving passengers. The method for determining indirect impacts was based on an adaptation of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association method described as Module #2 in their publication What's Your Airport Worth? Essentially, this method first estimates the number of visitors to an airport. Then, an estimated expenditure per visitor is applied to the total number of visitors, quantifying indirect economic impacts. This method was used for both airline and general aviation visitors.

To estimate the number of general aviation visitors in New York, it was assumed that only the transient pilots and passengers would be counted as visitors. To estimate the true number of visitors, it was assumed that for all airports, 10 percent of itinerant arrivals are conducted by transient aircraft (the other 90 percent were assumed to be conducted by aircraft based locally. Further, the FAA estimates that on average, there are 2.5 occupants aboard each general aviation flight. Thus, to calculate the actual number of visitors, one-half of the itinerant arrivals are multiplied by 2.5. q Itinerant Arrivals = Itinerant Operations/2 q Visitors = 0.10 times Itinerant Arrivals times 2.5

Using this method, the number of general aviation visitors was estimated for each airport in New York. To estimate the individual economic impact of air general aviation visitors using New York airports, the number of annual visitors was multiplied by a per trip assumed expense level based on the airport’s location. For example, airports in rural areas were assigned an average expense level of $300. Airports in upstate New York urban areas were assigned an average level of $442, while airports in the metropolitan area were assigned an average expense level of $515 per passenger. This assumed expense level is based on airport economic impact studies conducted previously in New York State. It should be noted that these expenses do not include FBO or aircraft-related costs in order to avoid double counting.

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To estimate the individual economic impact of air transportation visitors using New York commercial service airports, the number of annual visitors was multiplied by the same per trip expense level based upon the airport’s location in the State.


Secondary impacts primarily consist of induced impacts. Induced impacts are those benefits that are the result of the recirculation of direct and indirect impacts within the economy. Recirculation of direct and indirect impacts within an economy is frequently referred to as the multiplier effect. For example, as an airport employee spends his or her salary for housing, food, or services, that spending circulates through the economy and leads to increases in associated spending, payroll, and employment throughout New York. Regions that are more economically self-sufficient have higher respending "multipliers" than do regions that are more dependent on regional imports, since less of the money is siphoned out of the community for goods and services.

The effects of secondary economic impacts can be demonstrated through the following example. A new firm opens up in New York, generating 200 new jobs, most of them filled by local residents. At the end of the year, the regional labor office notes that employment has risen by 350 – yet only 200 new jobs were created. Why did an additional 150 jobs appear in the State? The process by which these jobs were created is known as the multiplier or ripple effect and is a result of several factors – the new firm making purchases of inputs from other firms in the region (thereby generating additional output and potentially employment), as well as the impacts of the expenditures of wages and salaries earned by the 200 new employees. It would be a tedious and difficult process to trace the impacts on a case-by-case study. Fortunately, an accounting system and associated model exists to make this more feasible.

IMPLAN, developed originally by the US Forest Service, is a comprehensive impact system that is built on the framework on input-output and social accounting methodology. The database is maintained at the county level, affording the analyst an opportunity to create regions for study that are aggregations of counties. The database includes the latest business Censuses (1997) supplemented by county business patterns and other data derived from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. The ability to edit data makes IMPLAN a dynamic economic modeling tool. Software users have the ability to edit all underlying data, from value added, employment, and final demands to production functions, byproducts, and regional purchase coefficients - and many other components.


An extensive network of public-use airports is available to accommodate New York's air travel needs. Exhibit 3 shows the 76 airport locations throughout the State that were analyzed as part of this study. These airports contribute jobs, payroll and output to the economy. The majority of system airports were surveyed to estimate expenditure and employment levels that affect the

R.A. Wiedemann, Wilbur Smith Associates, McFarland - Johnson 11 ixhi˜it2Q eirport2vo™—tions vegend RH tyƒi€r2‰F2‚iƒxsgu2es‚€y‚„ TW „ri2p‚exgsƒ2ƒF2qef‚iƒus2es‚€y‚„ RI usxqƒ„yxE vƒ„i‚2es‚€y‚„ UH „sgyxhi‚yqe2w xsgs€ev2es‚€y‚„ I ehs‚yxhegu2‚iqsyxev RP veui2€vegsh2es‚€y‚„ UI „‚sEgs„siƒ2es‚€y‚„ c P evfex‰2sx„i‚xe„syxev RQ vihqihevi2es‚€e‚u UP ‡e‚‡sgu2w xsgs€ev2es‚€y‚„ IQ glinton T Q fsxqrew„yx2‚iqsyxevGih‡sx2eF2vsxu2psivh RR vi2‚y‰2es‚€y‚„ UQ ‡ivvƒ†svvi2w xsgs€ev2es‚€y‚„ SU R f ppevy2xseqe‚e2sx„i‚xe„syxev RS v„F2‡e‚‚ix2ie„yx2es‚€y‚„ UR ‡rs„py‚hƒ2es‚€y‚„ pr—nklin S gre „e  e2gy x„‰Gtewiƒ„y‡x2es‚€y‚„ RT we„„s„ gu2es‚€y‚„ US ‡svvsewƒyxEƒyh ƒ2es‚€y‚„ c T gvsx„yx2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ RU wyx„e u2es‚€y‚„ UT c c c RV xseqe‚e2pevvƒ2sx„i‚xe„syxev ‡ ‚„ƒfy‚yEƒ vvs†ex2 U ivws‚eGgy‚xsxq2‚iqsyxev gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ IR ST V q‚ie„i‚2‚ygriƒ„i‚2sx„i‚xe„syxev RW xy‚„r2f ppevy2ƒ f ‚fex2es‚€y‚„ I †ermont W s„rege2„yw€usxƒ2gy x„‰ SH yxishe2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ IH tyrx2pF2uixxih‰2sx„i‚xe„syxev SI yxiyx„e2w xsgs€ev2es‚€y‚„ RP II ve2q e‚hse SP y‚exqi2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ ƒtF2v—wren™e c IP vyxq2sƒvexh2weg2e‚„r ‚ SQ yƒ‡iqy2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ IQ weƒƒixe2sx„i‚xe„syxevE‚sgre‚hƒ2psivh SR €ixx2‰ex2es‚€y‚„ c IR yqhixƒf ‚q2sx„i‚xe„syxev SS €sƒigy2es‚€y‚„ tefferson IS ƒ„i‡e‚„2sx„i‚xe„syxev ST €ve„„ƒf ‚qr2sx„i‚xe„syxev SU €y„ƒhew2w xsgs€ev2es‚€y‚„ IU IT ƒ‰‚eg ƒi2rexgygu2sx„i‚xe„syxev issex IU ‡e„i‚„y‡x2sx„i‚xe„syxev SV ‚exhevv2es‚€y‚„ UH IV ‡iƒ„griƒ„i‚2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ SW ‚i€ fvsg2es‚€y‚„ c IW eu‚yx2es‚€y‚„ TH ‚y‰ev„yx2es‚€y‚„ c PH fe‰€y‚„2ei‚yh‚ywi TI ƒe‚e„yqe2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ r—milton TP ƒgrixig„eh‰2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ PI f‚yyure†ix2es‚€y‚„ vewis PP f ppevy2es‚psivh TQ ƒshxi‰2w xsgs€ev2es‚€y‚„ PQ f ppevyEvexgeƒ„i‚2es‚€y‚„ TR ƒuexie„iviƒ2ei‚y2h‚ywi PR gexexhesq e2es‚€y‚„ TS ƒu‰2eg‚iƒ2es‚€y‚„ ‡—rren PS ge„„e‚e q ƒ2gy x„‰Eyviex2es‚€y‚„ TT ƒy „r2evfex‰2es‚€y‚„ SS QT TU ƒ€ehe‚y2es‚€y‚„ PT gre „e  e2gy x„‰Gh xus‚u2es‚€y‚„ yswego QQ PU gyv wfse2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ TV ƒ vvs†ex2gy x„‰2sx„i‚xe„syxev SQ c c PV gy‚xsxqE€esx„ih2€yƒ„2es‚€y‚„ QU c PW gy‚„vexh2gy x„‰E US c ‡—shington xi—g—r— TH yrle—ns RQ greƒi2psivh RV RW V yneid— SH QH h „griƒƒ2gy x„‰ c UR c TI es‚€y‚„ c QS c c c c ‡—yne c pulton QR QI ieƒ„2rew€„yx2es‚€y‚„ wonroe c c w—dison c QP psxqi‚2veuiƒ2‚iqsyxev IW TR R c c IT rerkimer c ƒ—r—tog— QQ pvy‰h2fixxi„„2wiwy‚sev c QV cc qenesee PR ynond—g— wontgomery QR p v„yx2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ c RR c QPc c TPc P QS qixiƒii2gy x„‰2es‚€y‚„ PQ ynt—rio c ƒ™hene™t—dy QT q‚ex†svvi2es‚€y‚„ PP ƒene™— ytsego c ‚enssel—er QU q‚sppsƒƒ2es‚€e‚u g—yug— PW rewsv„yx2w xsgs€ev ‡yoming RS QV irie vivingston ‰—tes c SI es‚€y‚„ W c ƒ™hoh—rie c TT QW ry‚xivv2 SR c el˜—ny c gortl—nd c w xsgs€ev PT c PU w—ss—™husetts elleg—ny QW ghen—ngo PS c ƒ™huyler „ompkins Q S PV c qreene c c UQ ƒteu˜en TQ golum˜i— g—tt—r—ugus UI c c c U hel—w—re gh—ut—uqu— c froome c „iog— ghemung c lster RIc RH TS TV hut™hess c QH c gonne™ti™ut €ennsylv—ni—2 c UT c ƒulliv—n c cSPc c IR €utn—m SV yr—nge c RU UP ‡est™hester ‚o™kl—nd RT IV QI c c c c IP TU xew2tersey2 fronx ƒuffolk c II x—ss—u SW cc xÔ xew2‰ork c TW cueens c c PI uingsc PH xew2‰ork2ƒt—tewide2eirport2i™onomi™2fenefit2ƒtudy ‚i™hmond IH N EW Y ORK S TATEWIDE AIRPORT E CONOMIC B ENEFITS S TUDY November 2003

economy3. Most of the airports have on-airport businesses that are engaged in aviation-related activity whose impacts were included in this analysis. Impacts from air traveler visitors using general aviation and commercial service aircraft were also assessed.

Three components of economic impact were measured related to aviation’s contribution to New York State’s economy: q Employment – Employment is based on full-time equivalent positions. For example, two part-time workers are assumed to equal one full-time position. q Payroll – Payroll is the annual salary paid to all workers. q Output (Economic Activity) – Output or economic activity for on-airport businesses is typically assumed to be the sum of annual gross expenditures and average annual capital expenditures.

Payroll and output impact categories are exclusive and cannot be combined. Payroll and output cannot be combined because elements of economic benefit related to payroll are also contained, to some extent, in the output estimate. Each of the three impact components (employment, payroll, and output) stands alone as a measure of an airport’s or the airport system’s total economic impact.

5.1 9/11 Impacts

New York State commercial airports constitute an important link in the State’s economy. As with the rest of the nation, the State’s commercial airports faced unprecedented challenges due to the downturn in travel after the events of September 11, 2001. Following 9/11, air travel and air service activities have declined significantly. While the decline cannot be attributed solely to these events, as the economic conditions of the U.S. at that time and up through early 2003 have also impacted airline travel, the impacts of 9/11 continue to affect the airline and commercial airport industry.

As part of this study, an attempt was made to measure the impact of 9/11 on aviation business activity in the State. The on-airport employer/business survey asked what percent of pre 9/11/01 business that returned to the employer as of July 2002. The responses varied from as low as 70 percent return to a high of 95 percent. Based on the limited response to this question on the majority of the completed surveys, an exact estimate cannot be made.

A study conducted for the Communities for Economic Strength Through Aviation (CESTA) by The Campbell-Hill Aviation Group, Inc., “The Economic Benefits of Aviation to the U.S. Economy and the Potential Impact of Service Disruptions,” showed that aviation activity is essential to a healthy economy and that disruptions in air service have rippling effects on the U.S. economy.

3 As previously noted, 44 airports were surveyed for this study, 11 airports had recent data from Business Plans, and 21 airports’ existing economic impact analyses were incorporated into this study in order to prevent duplication of efforts.

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Another study conducted by the Milken Institute entitled “Metropolitan Economies in the Wake of 9/11” found that, as a major tourist destination, New York City has and will continue to “suffer the heaviest job losses as a direct result of September 11.” New York was projected to lose the most number of jobs (149,200 in 2002), but that a rebound was expected in 2004. It’s interesting to note that the study anticipated that other metropolitan areas would experience a rebound in 2003.

The Milken Institute study evaluated the impacts of 9/11 on specific industry sectors and found that the most directly impacted industry is travel and tourism, with air transportation declining approximately 20 percent. Metropolitan areas that attract a high level of foreign tourists or domestic tourists that use airline service, such as New York, are the most impacted. Business travel, which historically constituted the highest percentage of revenue to airlines, has not returned to pre-9/11 levels and the impact of this has been significant losses for airlines that have led to bankruptcy filings, including one of the nation’s largest carriers, United Airlines. In addition to airlines, the hotel and motel industry has been impacted tremendously. Occupancy rates are quoted at being at their lowest in 75 years.

Enplanements In November 2002, the Aviation Services Bureau of New York State Department of Transportation prepared a report on how 9/11 has impacted air service and commercial airport enplanements. The following is a summary of the major findings regarding airport activity in the State in terms of service, enplanements, fares, and airport tower operations. These findings provide an overview of the state of commercial service in New York. q Statewide enplanements in 2000 were at record levels, up six percent over 1999 and up a total of 15 percent from 1995 (see Exhibit 4). q Enplanements statewide fell by six percent in 2001 as compared to 2000 due to significant drops in travel after the 9/11 attacks; however, enplanements through August 2001 had increased two percent for the State and 11 percent for upstate airports over the same period in 2000. q Initially, after 9/11, New York City’s loss of enplanements exceeded upstate enplanement losses; however, since May 2002 New York City has recovered more quickly than upstate. q Statewide enplanement losses after 9/11 recovered from just over 22 percent in October 2001 (as compared with the same month in the previous year) to around 12 percent in May 2002. q However, the recovery stalled during the summer and fall of 2002. Enplanement levels for the period of June through November 2002 are an average 11 percent below 2000 levels. (Comparisons with year 2000 enplanement levels are more meaningful as this was the last year showing “normal” enplanement figures; comparisons with 2001 numbers after September show high positive numbers due to the travel downturn after 9/11/01.) q The following chart shows statewide enplanement figures for 2000, 2001, and 2002. The data show that the initial recovery rate after 9/11/01 stabilized after April 2002, but has failed to recover to pre-9/11 levels.

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Exhibit 4

Monthly State Enplanements 2000-2002 4,000,000




2,000,000 Travel demand normally drops after summer 1,500,000




April May June July March August January February October September November December 2000 2001 2002

Sources: New York State Enplanements and Air Service Analysis, Aviation Services Bureau Services While New York’s commercial service airports have experienced declines, it is important to note that these are the same national trends that are occurring. The impact on airline service levels can be summarized as follows: q The Northeast region of the country and New York State was initially more affected by the travel downturn in the few months after 9/11/01 losing more service than the rest of the nation; however, State service losses in 2002 were more in line with national service losses. q By the summer of 2002, service levels remained about 10 percent below previous year’s levels both nationally and statewide. q In New York State service cuts exceeded losses in enplanements over the past summer. This would suggest that New York State should be largely spared from future service cuts and that there may be opportunities to make a case for the restoration of some previous services. q Airlines continue to restructure their operations in the face of their financial crises; one of the measures being adopted is the shift in aircraft sizes to match markets. Many airlines are switching from full-size jets to the smaller regional jets for certain routes. For New York airports this has resulted in some decreases in aircraft size, especially upstate, but in some cases flight frequencies have been increased at the same time.

While much of the news regarding scheduled commercial airlines has been negative for the past two years, recent service gains at State airports have occurred. For example: q Southeast Airlines low-fare service from Stewart International (Newburgh) to Florida destinations q AirTran low-fare service from Rochester q Recently announced service by Delta Air Lines from Binghamton to Cincinnati q Continued expansion of New York-based CommutAir at Albany International

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q Increased service by Northwest Airlines from Albany to Minneapolis from one to two flights daily q Service levels, while still below pre-9/11/01 levels, have been recovering slowly statewide, based on published schedules as shown on the following table. (Note that because of significant seasonal variation it is best to compare services with the corresponding month in the previous year to assess trends.)

Table 3 New York State Commercial Service Changes

Comparison to Pre-9/11 Service Recovery Aug-01 Aug-02 Nov-01 Nov-02 Number Avg. Number Avg. Number Avg. Number Avg. of Daily of Daily of Daily of Daily Airports Cities* Flights Cities* Flights Cities* Flights Cities* Flights New York City JFK 134 507 126 378 115 289 122 350 LGA 69 543 66 477 63 412 64 485 Downstate Suburban ISP 15 63 15 47 15 46 15 48 SWF 6 23 5 16 5 16 5 18 HPN 16 77 15 67 17 58 16 62 Upstate Hubs ALB 25 131 30 112 26 103 32 111 BUF 27 129 20 98 20 90 20 89 ROC 21 111 18 80 20 74 18 75 SYR 20 91 15 65 18 67 15 66 Southern Tier ITH 6 25 5 13 5 13 3 14 BGM 12 23 7 18 10 15 6 17 ELM 6 27 3 13 3 12 3 12 JHW 1 5 1 3 1 3 2 4 North Country MSS 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 2 OGS 2 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 ART 3 5 3 5 3 5 3 5 PLB 10 10 2 3 3 3 2 3 UCA** 1 3 1 2 SLK 2 6 2 4 2 4 2 4 * Number of cities served non-stop ** Commercial service at Utica ceased on June 30, 2002 MSS, OGS, ART and SLK are served under the EAS program which requires minimum service levels. Note: Table 3 reflects service as published in the OAG schedules and includes data on flights that are operated infrequently. Sources: Official Airline Guide, New York State DOT Aviation Services Bureau

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Affairs The impact of 9/11 has also been experienced in terms of airline fares, as summarized below: q Trends in average fares in the State mirrored national trends after 9/11/01: fares decreased after 9/11 as airlines tried to revive passenger travel, but fares started to increase slightly in early 2002 as airlines tried to reverse large revenue losses. Currently, fares are still below year 2000 levels. q Average air fares per trip and average fare per mile traveled for upstate airports as a group remain below national averages due to the presence of competition by low-fare airlines at the upstate hubs (Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, and Albany). q New York City airports average fares per trip and average fare per mile have been slightly higher than national averages, but the gap has been decreasing since the third quarter of 2001; further, JFK fare-per-mile levels are lower than LaGuardia's because of its long- distance international services. q Fares for downstate suburban airports vary widely with Islip much lower than the national average due to Southwest Airlines, while Westchester County is much higher due to a high proportion of business travel; Stewart airport fares are comparable to the national average. q Small airports both in NY State and nationally continue to face higher fares than larger airports. Small communities nationwide have been disproportionately hit by the travel downturn after 9/11/01 in terms of reduced service and limited competition.

5.2 Employment Impacts

This study’s findings indicate that airports in New York are an important source of jobs. Employment, as defined in this analysis, is based on “full-time equivalent” (FTE) estimates where two part-time jobs are generally assumed to equal one full-time job. Employment impacts are calculated for both on-airport businesses and off-airport visitors.

5.2.A. On-Airport Employment

Table 4 lists the total number of jobs generated by on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees at each study airport. The direct jobs comprise those people who are engaged in the provision of aviation-related services on the airport. In the case of on-airport military units at public airports, the full and part-time military personnel and the military-related civilian employees were also included. In total, there were over 108,000 jobs created directly by the operation of New York's airports in 2000-2001 time period. It is important to note that this employment estimate does not include additional jobs associated with non-aviation businesses, which for various reasons are located on an airport. For instance, some airports have on-site businesses that are not related to airport facilities in any way. Employment of non-aviation businesses are not included in this employment estimate.

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Direct Change Adirondack Regional 25 31 24.0% Albany International* 2,089 2,109 1.0% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field 328 328 -0.1% Buffalo Niagara International 2,569 2,239 -12.9% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport 94 95 1.3% Clinton County Airport 84 94 12.0% Elmira/Corning Regional 694 697 0.5% Greater Rochester International 1,238 1,238 0.0% Ithaca Tompkins Regional 131 131 -0.2% John F. Kennedy International* 70,280 66,140 -5.9% La Guardia* 16,840 14,940 -11.3% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport 1,147 1,210 5.5% Massena International - Richards Field 14 14 -1.4% Ogdensburg International 7 7 2.9% Stewart International 2,977 3,039 2.1% Syracuse Hancock International 1,941 1,910 -1.6% Watertown International 14 15 2.1% Westchester County Airport* 1,275 3,591 181.6% Subtotal 101,746 97,827 -3.9%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Akron Airport 5 6 20.0% Bayport Aerodrome 1 1 0.0% Brookhaven Airport 65 65 0.0% Buffalo Airfield 5 10 104.1% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport 1 2 100.0% Canandaigua Airport 5 11 144.4% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* 3 3 0.0% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport 52 51 -1.2% Columbia County Airport 36 32 -9.8% Corning-Painted Post Airport 0 0 0.0% Cortland County-Chase Field* 9 8 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* 135 133 -1.2% East Hampton Airport 18 18 -1.2% Finger Lakes Regional* 8 8 0.0% Floyd Bennett Memorial 15 15 -1.2% Fulton County Airport 10 8 -14.2% Genesee County Airport* 17 17 0.0% Granville Airport 3 2 -33.3% Griffiss Airpark 10 10 0.0% Hamilton Municipal Airport* 7 7 0.0% Hornell Municipal* 5 5 0.0% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport 5 2 -60.0% Kingston/Ulster Airport* 16 16 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport 13 13 0.0% R.A. Wiedemann, Wilbur Smith Associates, McFarland - Johnson 18 N EW Y ORK S TATEWIDE AIRPORT E CONOMIC B ENEFITS S TUDY November 2003


2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Ledgedale Airpark 4 6 50.0% LeRoy Airport 9 11 22.2% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport 59 58 -1.7% Mattituck Airport 6 6 0.0% Montauk Airport 6 6 5.3% Niagara Falls International 1,797 2,088 16.2% North Buffalo Suburban Airport 1 2 100.0% Oneida County Airport 620 624 0.7% Oneonta Municipal Airport 5 5 -1.2% Orange County Airport* 213 210 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* 26 26 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* 73 72 -1.2% Piseco Airport 1 1 0.0% Plattsburgh International 63 86 35.9% Potsdam Municipal Airport 53 52 -1.2% Randall Airport 4 4 0.0% 628 731 16.4% Royalton Airport 3 3 20.0% Saratoga County Airport* 162 160 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport* 751 742 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport 4 4 0.0% Skaneateles Aero Drome 3 2 -20.0% Sky Acres Airport 27 26 -3.7% South Albany Airport 2 2 -4.8% Spadaro Airport 2 2 0.0% Sullivan County International 16 15 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport 1,118 1,105 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport 3 2 -33.3% Tri-Cities Airport* 22 22 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport 3 1 -50.6% Wellsville Municipal Airport 22 18 -18.2% Whitfords Airport* 3 3 0.0% Williamson-Sodus Airport 4 2 -42.9% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport 16 16 0.0% Other SASP Airports 24 24 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use 21 21 -1.2% Private Airports 16 16 0.0% Heliports 22 21 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports 3 3 0.0% Subtotal 6,255 6,644 6.2%

Total 108,002 104,471 -3.3% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates R.A. Wiedemann, Wilbur Smith Associates, McFarland - Johnson 19 N EW Y ORK S TATEWIDE AIRPORT E CONOMIC B ENEFITS S TUDY November 2003

In the 2002-2003 time period, there were approximately 104,500 jobs created directly by the operation of New York's airports in. This represents a decrease of over 3 percent on total on- Airport jobs in the State when comparing the two time periods. Commercial service airports had the largest decrease in direct on airport jobs with nearly a 4 percent decrease. Even with gains in aviation security personnel on every New York commercial service airport the 3,500 direct on- Airport job losses are noteworthy. Direct on airport employment on general aviation airports increased 6 percent. Nearly all this growth can be attributed to increases in military personnel at Niagara Falls International airport.

5.2.B. Visitor Employment

Visitors to the State arriving via a commercial service airport typically spend money, thereby helping to support additional employment. Table 5 identifies the number of New York employees supported by visitors arriving by commercial service airlines at the 18 commercial service airports. As previously discussed, it is possible to calculate the number of visitors and, subsequently, the number of jobs supported by these visitors. These direct jobs are attributed to a variety of sectors; however, the majority of these jobs are in the hotel/motel, restaurant, recreational and entertainment, and retail sectors. As a result of visitor expenditures at commercial service airports during the 2000-2001 time period, there were nearly 124,500 direct full-time positions supported in the State. In the 2002-2003 time period, there were nearly 110,000 direct full-time positions as a result of visitor expenditures at commercial service airports. This represents a decrease of nearly 12 percent in direct full-time positions related to commercial service airports. Job losses in the visitor industry sector are a direct result of the economic downturn and the impacts of 9/11. Direct visitor employment related to general aviation airports experienced a modest increase of 3 percent.

5.2.C. Total Employment

Table 6 identifies the direct, secondary and total number of employees whose jobs are directly related to activities at the airports in the State. Secondary impacts are those jobs that are created by the multiplier effects stemming from the direct jobs associated with New York’s on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees. For example, an employee of a fuel distributor may owe a portion of his job to an airport since the distributor sells fuel to the airport's FBO. As a result of on-airport business activity, additional secondary employment is created. Secondary impacts associated with the day-to-day operation of New York’s airports add over 131,500 full-time positions to the economy. As a result of on-airport businesses and visitors using commercial service and general aviation airports, as well as the multiplier effect there are over 347,500 jobs attributable to New York's airports during the 2002-2003 time period. Of this total, nearly 335,200 jobs are associated with the commercial service airports and nearly 12,400 jobs are associated with the general aviation airports. It should be noted, however, that since the 2000-2001 time period there has been an estimated 8 percent decrease in total employment attributable to New York's airports. This decrease is a direct result of the economic downturn and the impacts of 9/11.

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Direct Change Adirondack Regional 59 52 -12.1% Albany International* 6,380 6,444 1.0% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field 387 383 -1.1% Buffalo Niagara International 11,223 12,178 8.5% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport 84 58 -31.0% Clinton County Airport 53 25 -53.0% Elmira/Corning Regional 350 244 -30.3% Greater Rochester International 6,228 5,460 -12.3% Ithaca Tompkins Regional 260 262 0.6% John F. Kennedy International* 57,090 49,160 -13.9% La Guardia* 26,700 23,080 -13.6% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport 5,419 4,904 -9.5% Massena International - Richards Field 17 19 13.8% Ogdensburg International 10 14 44.3% Stewart International 2,326 1,759 -24.4% Syracuse Hancock International 5,355 4,249 -20.6% Watertown International 28 23 -18.2% Westchester County Airport* 2,478 1,628 -34.3% Subtotal 124,447 109,941 -11.7%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Akron Airport * 10 12 20.0% Bayport Aerodrome 0 0 0.0% Brookhaven Airport 32 30 -5.9% Buffalo Airfield 7 6 -13.0% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport 1 0 -100.0% Canandaigua Airport 3 11 266.7% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* 5 5 0.0% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport 21 20 -1.2% Columbia County Airport 30 27 -9.8% Corning-Painted Post Airport 13 13 0.0% Cortland County-Chase Field* 48 47 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* 338 334 -1.2% East Hampton Airport 72 71 -1.3% Finger Lakes Regional* 4 4 0.0% Floyd Bennett Memorial 21 20 -1.2% Fulton County Airport 4 12 199.3% Genesee County Airport* 7 7 0.0% Granville Airport 3 2 -41.2% Griffiss Airpark 4 4 0.0% Hamilton Municipal Airport* 5 5 0.0% Hornell Municipal* 4 4 0.0% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport 2 3 36.4% Kingston/Ulster Airport* 30 30 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport 9 11 17.0%

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Ledgedale Airpark 2 4 81.8% LeRoy Airport 7 4 -42.0% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport 8 8 0.0% Mattituck Airport 2 2 0.0% Montauk Airport 18 20 11.1% Niagara Falls International 15 58 286.7% North Buffalo Suburban Airport 5 5 0.0% Oneida County Airport 43 40 -8.0% Oneonta Municipal Airport 28 27 -1.2% Orange County Airport* 145 143 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* 22 22 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* 34 34 -1.2% Piseco Airport 1 1 0.0% Plattsburgh International 14 18 31.9% Potsdam Municipal Airport 3 3 -1.2% Randall Airport 9 9 0.0% Republic Airport 162 171 5.5% Royalton Airport 1 1 -16.7% Saratoga County Airport* 36 36 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport * 31 31 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport 23 23 0.0% Skaneateles Aero Drome 2 0 -100.0% Sky Acres Airport 13 14 7.7% South Albany Airport 3 2 -33.3% Spadaro Airport 0 0 0.0% Sullivan County International 26 26 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport 36 35 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport 3 1 -66.7% Tri-Cities Airport* 57 56 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport 4 2 -50.6% Wellsville Municipal Airport 17 14 -17.2% Whitfords Airport* 5 5 0.0% Williamson-Sodus Airport 6 7 25.0% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport 8 10 23.5% Other SASP Airports 9 9 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use 14 13 -1.2% Private Airports 1 1 0.0% Heliports 72 71 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports 6 6 0.0% Subtotal 1,564 1,612 3.1%

Total 126,011 111,553 -11.5% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates R.A. Wiedemann, Wilbur Smith Associates, McFarland - Johnson 22 N EW Y ORK S TATEWIDE AIRPORT E CONOMIC B ENEFITS S TUDY November 2003 TableTable 6 5 TOTAL EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS TOTAL EMPLOYMENT IMPACTS 2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Secondary Total Direct Secondary Total Change Adirondack Regional 84 33 117 83 33 116 -1.2% Albany International* 8,469 1,921 10,394 8,553 1,942 10,495 1.0% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field 716 251 966 711 252 961 -0.5% Buffalo Niagara International 13,792 3,793 17,585 14,416 3,215 17,630 0.3% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport 178 61 239 153 57 211 -11.6% Clinton County Airport 137 46 183 119 41 161 -12.1% Elmira/Corning Regional 1,044 479 1,524 941 434 1,374 -9.8% Greater Rochester International 7,465 1,718 9,338 6,698 1,743 8,441 -9.6% Ithaca Tompkins Regional 391 99 490 392 94 485 -1.0% John F. Kennedy International* 127,370 96,150 223,520 115,300 88,910 204,210 -8.6% La Guardia* 43,540 26,060 69,600 38,020 22,950 60,970 -12.4% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport 6,566 2,369 8,935 6,114 2,166 8,280 -7.3% Massena International - Richards Field 31 11 46 33 11 44 -5.2% Ogdensburg International 17 4 21 21 6 26 25.6% Stewart International 5,303 2,163 7,466 4,798 2,128 6,926 -7.2% Syracuse Hancock International 7,296 2,162 9,458 6,159 1,800 7,958 -15.9% Watertown International 42 11 53 37 9 46 -13.4% Westchester County Airport* 3,753 3,621 7,374 5,219 1,609 6,828 -7.4% Subtotal 226,193 141,115 367,308 207,767 127,394 335,162 -8.8%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Secondary Total Direct Secondary Total Change Akron Airport * 15 9 24 18 11 29 20.8% Bayport Aerodrome 1 1 2 1 1 2 0.0% Brookhaven Airport 97 56 154 95 57 152 -1.3% Buffalo Airfield 12 6 17 16 6 24 38.7% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport 2 1 2 2 0 3 25.0% Canandaigua Airport 8 4 12 22 10 31 169.6% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* 8 8 16 8 8 16 0.0% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport 73 53 126 72 53 125 -1.2% Columbia County Airport 66 56 122 60 50 110 -9.8% Corning-Painted Post Airport 14 9 22 14 9 22 0.0% Cortland County-Chase Field* 56 15 71 55 15 70 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* 473 384 857 468 379 847 -1.2% East Hampton Airport 90 40 131 89 40 129 -1.3% Finger Lakes Regional* 12 8 20 12 8 20 0.0% Floyd Bennett Memorial 36 17 52 35 17 51 -1.9% Fulton County Airport 14 3 22 12 8 20 -10.0% Genesee County Airport* 24 13 37 24 13 37 0.0% Granville Airport 6 1 7 4 0 4 -44.4% Griffiss Airpark 14 5 19 14 5 19 0.0% Hamilton Municipal Airport* 12 20 32 12 20 32 0.0% Hornell Municipal* 9 5 13 9 5 13 0.0% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport 7 3 11 5 1 6 -43.4% Kingston/Ulster Airport* 46 37 83 46 36 82 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport 22 6 28 24 5 30 7.1%

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Secondary Total Direct Secondary Total Change Ledgedale Airpark 6 3 9 10 6 17 82.8% LeRoy Airport 16 6 22 15 7 22 0.9% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport 67 31 97 66 31 96 -1.0% Mattituck Airport 8 4 12 8 4 12 0.0% Montauk Airport 24 9 32 26 7 33 2.2% Niagara Falls International 1,812 1,235 3,046 2,146 1,239 3,385 11.1% North Buffalo Suburban Airport 6 1 7 7 0 8 9.6% Oneida County Airport 663 354 1,018 664 331 995 -2.3% Oneonta Municipal Airport 33 12 44 32 12 43 -2.7% Orange County Airport* 358 237 595 354 234 588 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* 48 83 131 47 82 129 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* 107 115 222 106 113 219 -1.2% Piseco Airport 2 1 2 2 1 2 0.0% Plattsburgh International 77 30 107 104 40 144 34.9% Potsdam Municipal Airport 56 15 71 55 15 70 -1.2% Randall Airport 13 7 21 13 7 21 0.0% Republic Airport 790 458 1,248 902 472 1,374 10.1% Royalton Airport 4 1 5 4 0 5 -2.0% Saratoga County Airport* 198 48 246 196 47 243 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport * 782 347 1,129 773 343 1,116 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport 27 7 34 27 7 34 0.0% Skaneateles Aero Drome 4 2 6 2 0 4 -29.8% Sky Acres Airport 40 14 55 40 14 54 -1.8% South Albany Airport 5 2 7 4 2 6 -16.7% Spadaro Airport 2 1 3 2 1 3 0.0% Sullivan County International 42 16 58 40 16 57 -2.7% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport 1,154 184 1,338 1,141 182 1,322 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport 6 2 8 3 1 4 -46.7% Tri-Cities Airport* 79 52 131 78 52 129 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport 6 2 8 3 1 4 -50.6% Wellsville Municipal Airport 39 12 51 32 7 39 -23.1% Whitfords Airport* 8 12 19 8 12 19 0.0% Williamson-Sodus Airport 9 3 12 9 3 11 -7.6% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport 24 11 35 26 7 33 -6.8% Other SASP Airports 34 17 50 33 16 49 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use 35 18 53 34 18 52 -1.2% Private Airports 17 8 25 17 8 25 0.0% Heliports 94 34 128 93 33 126 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports 9 3 12 9 3 12 0.0% Subtotal 7,819 4,159 11,978 8,247 4,134 12,381 3.4%

Total 234,013 145,274 379,286 216,014 131,528 347,542 -8.4% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates

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5.3 Payroll Impacts

Employment supported by aviation-related businesses and contracted employees, and visitors to, New York’s airports result in payroll expenditures being introduced in the statewide economy. Payroll impacts related to the previously identified employment benefits were calculated for aviation-related businesses and on-airport contracted employees, commercial service visitors, and general aviation visitors using the airports in New York.

5.3.A. On-Airport Payroll

Table 7 identifies the payroll associated with direct on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees at each of New York’s airports for the 2000-2001 and 2002-2003 time periods. Total payroll for direct on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees, was nearly $5.0 billion for the 2002-2003 time period. Of this total, nearly $4.8 billion was attributable to commercial service airports. Direct on-airport payroll associated with general aviation airports was nearly $225.0 million. It should be noted that during the 2000- 2001 time period, total direct statewide payroll impacts were over $5.2 billion. When comparing the two time periods New York State airports experienced a 4.5 percent overall decrease in direct on-airport payroll activity.

5.3.B. Visitor-Related Payroll

Table 8 identifies the payroll attributable to visitors using New York's commercial service airports for the 2000-2001 and 2002-2003 time periods. Direct payroll is money paid to employees working at the restaurants, hotels/motels, retail businesses, and other service industries that are patronized by commercial service and general aviation visitors. The direct statewide payroll attributable to commercial service and general aviation visitors was estimated at over $2.7 billion during the 2002-2003 time period. Of this total, over $2.7 billion was attributable to commercial service airports. Direct on-airport payroll associated with general aviation airports was nearly $27.6 million. During the 2000-2001 time period, total direct statewide payroll impacts attributable to commercial service and general aviation visitors was estimated at over $3.0 billion. When comparing the two time periods New York State airports experienced a 9.0 percent overall decrease in direct visitor industry payroll activity.

5.3.C. Total Payroll

The direct, secondary and total impact of the combined on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees, commercial service visitor, and general aviation visitor-related payroll is identified in Table 9. Businesses that supply and service these visitor-related industries owe a portion of their employees’ payroll to the service industries. As employees in the service industries spend their payroll, the monies continue to circulate, generating additional employment and subsequent payroll. Secondary payroll impacts associated with on-airport and visitor-relateed payroll during the 2002-2003 time period were estimated at nearly $5.7 billion.

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Direct Change Adirondack Regional $832,400 $812,100 -2.4% Albany International* $77,278,600 $78,049,900 1.0% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field $11,061,700 $12,539,200 13.4% Buffalo Niagara International $81,590,600 $61,358,700 -24.8% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport $3,698,700 $3,678,800 -0.5% Clinton County Airport $3,375,200 $3,404,000 0.9% Elmira/Corning Regional $27,971,900 $26,696,200 -4.6% Greater Rochester International $46,713,800 $31,667,400 -32.2% Ithaca Tompkins Regional $5,388,600 $5,277,600 -2.1% John F. Kennedy International* $3,650,000,000 $3,445,000,000 -5.6% La Guardia* $810,000,000 $721,000,000 -11.0% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport $55,070,100 $66,426,300 20.6% Massena International - Richards Field $500,900 $516,000 3.0% Ogdensburg International $272,100 $614,800 125.9% Stewart International $124,801,600 $138,623,800 11.1% Syracuse Hancock International $54,175,000 $36,493,100 -32.6% Watertown International $890,700 $756,700 -15.0% Westchester County Airport* $60,386,700 $121,709,900 101.6% Subtotal $5,014,008,600 $4,754,624,500 -5.2%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Akron Airport $295,500 $395,500 33.8% Bayport Aerodrome $45,100 $45,100 0.0% Brookhaven Airport $3,155,500 $3,110,200 -1.4% Buffalo Airfield $226,200 $444,500 96.5% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport $41,400 $79,500 92.0% Canandaigua Airport $209,600 $370,800 76.9% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* $95,700 $95,700 0.0% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport $1,188,200 $1,174,200 -1.2% Columbia County Airport $3,650,000 $3,291,000 -9.8% Corning-Painted Post Airport $255,700 $255,700 0.0% Cortland County-Chase Field* $172,600 $170,600 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* $4,968,200 $4,909,300 -1.2% East Hampton Airport $1,067,900 $1,055,300 -1.2% Finger Lakes Regional* $139,500 $139,500 0.0% Floyd Bennett Memorial $709,600 $701,100 -1.2% Fulton County Airport $255,700 $230,200 -10.0% Genesee County Airport* $357,400 $353,200 -1.2% Granville Airport $35,700 $24,200 -32.2% Griffiss Airpark $349,300 $349,300 0.0% Hamilton Municipal Airport* $76,900 $76,000 -1.2% Hornell Municipal* $50,000 $50,000 0.0% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport $205,900 $84,500 -59.0% Kingston/Ulster Airport* $178,700 $176,600 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport $577,700 $616,700 6.8%

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Ledgedale Airpark $201,600 $404,900 100.8% LeRoy Airport $410,200 $457,200 11.5% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport $2,807,700 $2,807,700 0.0% Mattituck Airport $262,200 $132,300 -49.5% Montauk Airport $268,500 $267,100 -0.5% Niagara Falls International $68,577,400 $78,852,800 15.0% North Buffalo Suburban Airport $27,400 $38,500 40.5% Oneida County Airport $19,244,600 $22,642,000 17.7% Oneonta Municipal Airport $269,000 $265,800 -1.2% Orange County Airport* $8,010,400 $7,915,400 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* $425,600 $420,600 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* $3,650,000 $3,606,700 -1.2% Piseco Airport $41,400 $41,400 0.0% Plattsburgh International $2,192,200 $3,246,300 48.1% Potsdam Municipal Airport $1,179,900 $1,166,000 -1.2% Randall Airport $225,900 $225,900 0.0% Republic Airport $27,146,500 $36,970,000 36.2% Royalton Airport $93,900 $93,800 -0.1% Saratoga County Airport* $3,159,000 $3,121,500 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport* $14,644,500 $14,470,800 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport $84,100 $84,100 0.0% Skaneateles Aero Drome $94,900 $72,900 -23.2% Sky Acres Airport $1,015,200 $1,015,200 0.0% South Albany Airport $115,000 $100,500 -12.6% Spadaro Airport $75,900 $75,900 0.0% Sullivan County International $745,600 $736,800 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport $21,987,600 $21,726,900 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport $135,500 $91,700 -32.3% Tri-Cities Airport* $292,900 $289,400 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport $67,200 $33,200 -50.6% Wellsville Municipal Airport $663,700 $558,300 -15.9% Whitfords Airport* $34,600 $34,600 0.0% Williamson-Sodus Airport $146,000 $126,800 -13.2% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport $991,700 $605,300 -39.0% Other SASP Airports $1,156,400 $1,142,700 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use $1,091,100 $1,078,200 -1.2% Private Airports $714,200 $714,200 0.0% Heliports $1,005,600 $993,700 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports $152,300 $152,300 0.0% Subtotal $201,715,400 $224,978,100 11.5%

Total $5,215,724,000 $4,979,602,600 -4.5% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Direct Change Adirondack Regional $885,600 $885,600 0.0% Albany International* $124,305,100 $125,545,800 1.0% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field $6,198,000 $6,049,400 -2.4% Buffalo Niagara International $167,608,500 $201,467,100 20.2% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport $1,049,900 $855,300 -18.5% Clinton County Airport $701,900 $458,300 -34.7% Elmira/Corning Regional $5,783,700 $5,130,100 -11.3% Greater Rochester International $106,320,500 $106,320,500 0.0% Ithaca Tompkins Regional $3,971,000 $4,110,000 3.5% John F. Kennedy International* $1,530,401,500 $1,331,448,200 -13.0% La Guardia* $744,965,600 $645,853,100 -13.3% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport $109,384,600 $105,890,600 -3.2% Massena International - Richards Field $332,000 $304,600 -8.3% Ogdensburg International $130,800 $101,500 -22.4% Stewart International $66,094,300 $49,979,500 -24.4% Syracuse Hancock International $90,360,200 $95,713,500 5.9% Watertown International $319,200 $296,200 -7.2% Westchester County Airport* $37,216,000 $41,313,500 11.0% Subtotal $2,996,028,400 $2,721,722,800 -9.2%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Akron Airport $229,200 $229,200 0.0% Bayport Aerodrome $4,700 $4,700 0.0% Brookhaven Airport $664,100 $664,100 0.0% Buffalo Airfield $106,500 $101,200 -5.0% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport $10,000 $2,300 -77.0% Canandaigua Airport $45,500 $214,800 372.1% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* $72,500 $72,500 0.0% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport $234,600 $231,800 -1.2% Columbia County Airport $181,100 $163,300 -9.8% Corning-Painted Post Airport $189,700 $189,700 0.0% Cortland County-Chase Field* $194,500 $192,200 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* $6,090,300 $6,018,100 -1.2% East Hampton Airport $1,404,200 $1,387,600 -1.2% Finger Lakes Regional* $76,700 $76,700 0.0% Floyd Bennett Memorial $291,100 $287,600 -1.2% Fulton County Airport $189,700 $170,700 -10.0% Genesee County Airport* $101,500 $100,300 -1.2% Granville Airport $48,300 $24,900 -48.4% Griffiss Airpark $64,800 $64,800 0.0% Hamilton Municipal Airport* $87,000 $86,000 -1.1% Hornell Municipal* $50,800 $50,800 0.0% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport $34,000 $28,900 -15.0% Kingston/Ulster Airport* $438,700 $433,500 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport $162,200 $193,400 19.2% R.A. Wiedemann, Wilbur Smith Associates, McFarland - Johnson 28 N EW Y ORK S TATEWIDE AIRPORT E CONOMIC B ENEFITS S TUDY November 2003


2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Change Ledgedale Airpark $31,200 $48,900 56.7% LeRoy Airport $94,700 $70,800 -25.2% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport $132,300 $132,300 0.0% Mattituck Airport $47,300 $47,311 0.0% Montauk Airport $322,200 $379,600 17.8% Niagara Falls International $246,600 $870,400 253.0% North Buffalo Suburban Airport $74,700 $75,300 0.8% Oneida County Airport $748,300 $699,900 -6.5% Oneonta Municipal Airport $413,200 $408,300 -1.2% Orange County Airport* $2,102,500 $2,077,600 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* $46,800 $46,200 -1.3% Penn Yan Airport* $181,100 $179,000 -1.2% Piseco Airport $10,000 $10,000 0.0% Plattsburgh International $221,100 $304,400 37.7% Potsdam Municipal Airport $41,700 $41,200 -1.2% Randall Airport $156,700 $156,700 0.0% Republic Airport $3,145,100 $3,804,400 21.0% Royalton Airport $18,200 $16,600 -8.8% Saratoga County Airport* $1,003,600 $991,700 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport* $1,144,000 $1,130,400 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport $340,000 $340,000 0.0% Skaneateles Aero Drome $29,000 $14,100 -51.4% Sky Acres Airport $221,700 $221,700 0.0% South Albany Airport $73,300 $47,900 -34.7% Spadaro Airport $3,200 $3,200 0.0% Sullivan County International $325,100 $321,200 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport $671,000 $663,000 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport $52,600 $26,000 -50.6% Tri-Cities Airport* $764,000 $755,000 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport $58,900 $29,100 -50.6% Wellsville Municipal Airport $168,600 $144,900 -14.1% Whitfords Airport* $65,300 $65,300 0.0% Williamson-Sodus Airport $80,000 $94,900 18.6% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport $165,600 $167,300 1.0% Other SASP Airports $207,600 $205,200 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use $298,300 $294,700 -1.2% Private Airports $24,300 $24,300 0.0% Heliports $1,585,700 $1,566,900 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports $125,500 $125,500 0.0% Subtotal $26,412,700 $27,590,311 4.5%

Total $3,022,441,100 $2,749,313,111 -9.0% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates

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TableTable 89 TOTALTOTAL PAYROLL PAYROLL IMPACTSIMPACTS 2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Secondary Total Direct Secondary Total Change Adirondack Regional $1,718,000 $826,200 $2,544,200 $1,697,700 $816,400 $2,514,000 -1.2% Albany International* $201,583,700 $68,376,400 $269,965,100 $203,595,700 $69,058,800 $272,659,600 1.0% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field $17,259,700 $6,948,600 $24,208,300 $18,588,600 $7,605,900 $26,194,500 8.2% Buffalo Niagara International $249,199,100 $114,876,900 $364,076,000 $262,825,800 $91,090,400 $353,916,200 -2.8% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport $4,748,600 $1,551,500 $6,300,100 $4,534,100 $1,516,400 $6,050,400 -4.0% Clinton County Airport $4,077,100 $1,194,400 $5,271,500 $3,862,300 $1,112,400 $4,974,700 -5.6% Elmira/Corning Regional $33,755,600 $13,759,300 $47,514,900 $31,826,300 $12,797,500 $44,623,800 -6.1% Greater Rochester International $153,034,300 $61,608,800 $214,643,000 $137,987,900 $61,935,900 $199,923,800 -6.9% Ithaca Tompkins Regional $9,359,600 $2,970,600 $12,330,200 $9,387,600 $2,841,800 $12,229,400 -0.8% John F. Kennedy International* $5,180,401,500 $4,321,598,500 $9,502,000,000 $4,776,448,200 $3,997,551,800 $8,774,000,000 -7.7% La Guardia* $1,554,965,600 $1,224,034,400 $2,779,000,000 $1,366,853,100 $1,077,146,900 $2,444,000,000 -12.1% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport $164,454,800 $83,621,600 $248,076,400 $172,316,800 $85,826,300 $258,143,100 4.1% Massena International - Richards Field $832,800 $283,700 $1,116,600 $820,600 $280,800 $1,101,300 -1.4% Ogdensburg International $403,000 $109,200 $512,200 $716,300 $163,900 $880,200 71.8% Stewart International $190,895,900 $94,680,000 $285,575,800 $173,452,300 $67,013,200 $255,616,500 -10.5% Syracuse Hancock International $144,535,200 $66,390,300 $210,925,500 $132,206,500 $61,805,300 $194,011,800 -8.0% Watertown International $1,209,900 $313,700 $1,523,600 $1,052,900 $277,700 $1,330,700 -12.7% Westchester County Airport* $97,602,700 $66,380,900 $157,972,100 $163,023,300 $74,552,300 $237,575,700 50.4% Subtotal $8,010,037,100 $6,129,525,000 $14,133,555,500 $7,461,196,000 $5,613,393,700 $13,089,745,700 -7.4%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Total Change Akron Airport $524,700 $406,300 $930,900 $624,700 $406,300 $1,030,900 10.7% Bayport Aerodrome $49,800 $25,900 $75,600 $49,800 $25,900 $75,600 0.0% Brookhaven Airport $3,819,600 $2,012,200 $5,831,800 $3,774,300 $1,988,300 $5,762,600 -1.2% Buffalo Airfield $332,700 $170,200 $503,000 $545,700 $245,100 $790,800 57.2% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport $51,400 $23,800 $75,100 $81,800 $35,800 $117,600 56.6% Canandaigua Airport $255,100 $116,400 $371,600 $585,700 $231,100 $816,700 119.8% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* $168,200 $107,900 $276,100 $168,200 $107,900 $276,100 0.0% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport $1,422,800 $1,397,600 $2,820,400 $1,405,900 $1,381,000 $2,787,000 -1.2% Columbia County Airport $3,831,100 $2,818,900 $6,650,000 $3,454,300 $2,541,600 $5,995,900 -9.8% Corning-Painted Post Airport $445,400 $250,800 $696,200 $445,400 $250,800 $696,200 0.0% Cortland County-Chase Field* $367,100 $876,000 $1,243,100 $362,700 $865,600 $1,228,400 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* $11,058,500 $6,958,400 $18,016,900 $10,927,400 $6,875,900 $17,803,300 -1.2% East Hampton Airport $2,472,200 $1,425,100 $3,897,200 $2,442,800 $1,408,200 $3,851,000 -1.2% Finger Lakes Regional* $216,200 $216,200 $432,400 $216,200 $216,200 $432,400 0.0% Floyd Bennett Memorial $1,000,600 $497,500 $1,498,100 $988,800 $491,600 $1,480,300 -1.2% Fulton County Airport $445,400 $250,800 $696,200 $400,900 $225,800 $626,700 -10.0% Genesee County Airport* $458,900 $371,000 $829,900 $453,500 $366,600 $820,100 -1.2% Granville Airport $84,000 $22,800 $106,800 $49,100 $13,500 $62,500 -41.5% Griffiss Airpark $414,000 $157,300 $571,300 $414,000 $157,300 $571,300 0.0% Hamilton Municipal Airport* $163,900 $306,600 $470,500 $162,000 $303,000 $464,900 -1.2% Hornell Municipal* $100,800 $55,400 $156,200 $100,800 $55,400 $156,200 0.0% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport $239,900 $94,900 $334,800 $113,400 $51,100 $164,500 -50.9% Kingston/Ulster Airport* $617,500 $1,127,500 $1,744,900 $610,100 $1,114,100 $1,724,200 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport $739,800 $139,600 $879,500 $810,200 $161,600 $971,700 10.5% R.A. Wiedemann, Wilbur Smith Associates, McFarland - Johnson 30 N EW Y ORK S TATEWIDE AIRPORT E CONOMIC B ENEFITS S TUDY November 2003 TableTable 9 (Cont.) 8 TOTALTOTAL PAYROLLPAYROLL IMPACTS IMPACTS

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Total Change Ledgedale Airpark $232,800 $108,000 $340,700 $453,900 $237,000 $690,900 102.8% LeRoy Airport $504,900 $170,300 $675,200 $528,000 $171,000 $699,000 3.5% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport $2,940,000 $765,000 $3,705,000 $2,940,000 $765,000 $3,705,000 0.0% Mattituck Airport $309,600 $151,600 $461,100 $309,600 $151,600 $461,100 0.0% Montauk Airport $590,800 $303,900 $894,600 $646,700 $323,200 $969,900 8.4% Niagara Falls International $68,824,000 $25,236,500 $94,060,500 $79,723,200 $34,236,500 $113,959,700 21.2% North Buffalo Suburban Airport $102,000 $37,400 $139,400 $113,700 $40,300 $154,100 10.5% Oneida County Airport $19,993,000 $9,087,800 $29,080,800 $23,341,800 $10,191,000 $33,532,800 15.3% Oneonta Municipal Airport $682,300 $300,000 $982,300 $674,200 $296,400 $970,600 -1.2% Orange County Airport* $10,112,900 $2,395,900 $12,508,800 $9,993,000 $2,367,500 $12,360,500 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* $472,400 $2,254,500 $2,726,900 $466,800 $2,227,800 $2,694,600 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* $3,831,100 $2,818,900 $6,650,000 $3,785,700 $2,785,500 $6,571,100 -1.2% Piseco Airport $51,400 $23,800 $75,100 $51,400 $23,800 $75,100 0.0% Plattsburgh International $2,413,300 $745,000 $3,158,300 $3,550,700 $1,053,400 $4,604,000 45.8% Potsdam Municipal Airport $1,221,600 $394,500 $1,616,100 $1,207,100 $389,800 $1,596,900 -1.2% Randall Airport $382,600 $221,500 $604,100 $382,600 $221,500 $604,100 0.0% Republic Airport $30,291,600 $15,605,800 $45,897,400 $40,774,500 $18,629,900 $59,404,400 29.4% Royalton Airport $112,100 $36,900 $148,900 $110,400 $35,000 $145,400 -2.4% Saratoga County Airport* $4,162,600 $1,452,800 $5,615,400 $4,113,200 $1,435,600 $5,548,800 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport* $15,788,500 $7,336,100 $23,124,600 $15,601,200 $7,249,100 $22,850,400 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport $424,100 $329,900 $754,000 $424,100 $329,900 $754,000 0.0% Skaneateles Aero Drome $123,900 $54,500 $178,300 $87,000 $37,500 $124,600 -30.1% Sky Acres Airport $1,236,800 $494,000 $1,730,900 $1,236,800 $494,000 $1,730,900 0.0% South Albany Airport $188,200 $78,800 $267,000 $148,400 $57,200 $205,600 -23.0% Spadaro Airport $79,100 $35,700 $114,800 $79,100 $35,700 $114,800 0.0% Sullivan County International $1,070,700 $444,100 $1,514,800 $1,058,000 $438,900 $1,496,900 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport $22,658,600 $6,184,700 $28,843,300 $22,389,900 $6,111,400 $28,501,300 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport $188,100 $37,200 $225,300 $117,700 $22,300 $140,000 -37.9% Tri-Cities Airport* $1,056,900 $1,321,700 $2,378,600 $1,044,400 $1,306,000 $2,350,400 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport $126,100 $64,700 $190,800 $62,300 $32,000 $94,300 -50.6% Wellsville Municipal Airport $832,300 $256,800 $1,089,100 $703,200 $173,900 $877,100 -19.5% Whitfords Airport* $99,900 $216,800 $316,600 $99,900 $216,800 $316,600 0.0% Williamson-Sodus Airport $226,000 $76,900 $302,900 $221,700 $83,400 $305,100 0.7% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport $1,157,200 $450,700 $1,607,900 $772,500 $208,100 $980,600 -39.0% Other SASP Airports $1,364,000 $700,300 $2,064,400 $1,347,900 $692,000 $2,039,900 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use $1,389,400 $764,800 $2,154,200 $1,372,900 $755,700 $2,128,600 -1.2% Private Airports $738,500 $355,600 $1,094,200 $738,500 $355,600 $1,094,200 0.0% Heliports $2,591,300 $1,381,200 $3,972,600 $2,560,600 $1,364,900 $3,925,400 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports $277,800 $144,100 $421,900 $277,800 $144,100 $421,900 0.0% Subtotal $228,128,000 $102,667,800 $330,795,300 $252,698,100 $115,210,000 $367,907,500 11.2%

Total $8,238,165,100 $6,232,192,800 $14,464,350,800 $7,713,894,100 $5,728,603,700 $13,457,653,200 -7.0% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates R.A. Wiedemann, Wilbur Smith Associates, McFarland - Johnson 31 N EW Y ORK S TATEWIDE AIRPORT E CONOMIC B ENEFITS S TUDY November 2003

When all direct impacts were combined the 2002-2003 time period, New York’s airport system was responsible for generating nearly $7.7 billion in direct payroll. With over $5.7 billion in secondary payroll benefits, a total of nearly $13.5 billion in annual payroll was created in New York as a result of business and visitor spending at general aviation and commercial service airports. Of this total, nearly $13.1 billion was associated with commercial service airports and nearly $367.9 million with general aviation airports. When comparing the 2000-20001 time period to the 2002-2003 time period New York State airports experienced a 7.0 percent overall decrease in total payroll activity related to the State’s system of airports.

5.4 Output Impacts

Output or economic activity is defined as annual gross sales and average annual capital expenditures for on-airport businesses. Two exceptions involve government and airline businesses located on the airports. Government and airline output is defined as the sum of operating expenses, payroll, and average annual capital expenditures. Output related to commercial service and general aviation visitors is defined as expenditures made during their visits. These visitor-related expenditures are typically in the hotel/motel, restaurant, transportation, and retail sectors. Output impacts for airport businesses and visitors are discussed below.

5.4.A. On-Airport Output

Table 10 identifies the direct on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees output for each of the airports in the State for the 2000-2001 and 2002-2003 time periods. Total direct annual output by on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees was estimated at over $14.2 billion during the 2002-2003 time periods. Of this total, over $13.8 billion was attributable to commercial service airports. Direct on-airport output associated with general aviation airports was over $413.0 million. It should be noted that during the 2000-2001 time period, total direct statewide output impacts were nearly $15.2 billion. When comparing the two time periods New York State airports experienced a 6.3 percent overall decrease in direct on-airport output activity.

5.4.B. Visitor-Related Output

Table 11 identifies the output attributable to visitors using New York’s commercial service airports for the 2000-2001 and 2002-2003 time periods. Direct output is comparable to visitor expenditures for restaurants, hotels/motels, retail, rental car agencies, entertainment, and other service industries that are patronized by commercial service and general aviation visitors. The direct statewide output attributable to commercial service and general aviation visitors was estimated at over $8.5 billion during the 2002-2003 time period.

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Direct Change Adirondack Regional $3,365,700 $3,296,600 -2.1% Albany International* $183,921,200 $193,744,600 5.3% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field $27,902,100 $32,075,200 15.0% Buffalo Niagara International $206,499,400 $145,896,600 -29.3% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport $9,568,300 $9,696,300 1.3% Clinton County Airport $8,084,200 $8,156,300 0.9% Elmira/Corning Regional $65,457,500 $61,616,200 -5.9% Greater Rochester International $77,132,300 $72,307,500 -6.3% Ithaca Tompkins Regional $13,232,700 $11,815,500 -10.7% John F. Kennedy International* $10,739,000,000 $10,127,000,000 -5.7% La Guardia* $2,708,000,000 $2,448,000,000 -9.6% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport $127,681,000 $150,289,000 17.7% Massena International - Richards Field $1,734,100 $1,786,500 3.0% Ogdensburg International $623,600 $1,464,900 134.9% Stewart International $299,029,200 $320,672,700 7.2% Syracuse Hancock International $111,235,700 $82,252,900 -26.1% Watertown International $2,153,700 $1,845,900 -14.3% Westchester County Airport* $197,833,900 $151,384,100 -23.5% Subtotal $14,782,454,600 $13,823,300,800 -6.5%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Akron Airport $1,131,300 $1,601,600 41.6% Bayport Aerodrome $110,600 $116,300 5.2% Brookhaven Airport $7,962,500 $7,585,200 -4.7% Buffalo Airfield $660,100 $1,104,200 67.3% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport $106,900 $162,700 52.2% Canandaigua Airport $694,600 $928,600 33.7% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* $464,300 $458,800 -1.2% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport $8,564,900 $8,463,400 -1.2% Columbia County Airport $7,352,400 $6,526,300 -11.2% Corning-Painted Post Airport $2,263,500 $2,236,700 -1.2% Cortland County-Chase Field* $436,000 $430,900 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* $25,006,500 $24,709,900 -1.2% East Hampton Airport $3,501,000 $3,459,500 -1.2% Finger Lakes Regional* $690,900 $682,700 -1.2% Floyd Bennett Memorial $2,248,300 $2,221,700 -1.2% Fulton County Airport $2,263,500 $2,037,200 -10.0% Genesee County Airport* $1,422,800 $1,405,900 -1.2% Granville Airport $88,800 $59,400 -33.1% Griffiss Airpark $598,600 $643,700 7.5% Hamilton Municipal Airport* $797,900 $788,400 -1.2% Hornell Municipal* $1,142,800 $1,129,300 -1.2% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport $565,700 $253,400 -55.2% Kingston/Ulster Airport* $964,800 $953,400 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport $1,347,000 $1,493,600 10.9%

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Ledgedale Airpark $593,200 $1,455,100 145.3% LeRoy Airport $1,136,600 $1,241,300 9.2% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport $6,501,300 $6,416,300 -1.3% Mattituck Airport $480,600 $608,800 26.7% Montauk Airport $654,300 $434,600 -33.6% Niagara Falls International $79,427,400 $58,629,100 -26.2% North Buffalo Suburban Airport $63,300 $71,800 13.4% Oneida County Airport $52,176,200 $60,333,800 15.6% Oneonta Municipal Airport $1,118,700 $1,105,500 -1.2% Orange County Airport* $12,934,000 $12,780,600 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* $4,208,500 $4,158,600 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* $7,352,400 $7,265,200 -1.2% Piseco Airport $106,900 $105,700 -1.1% Plattsburgh International $5,570,300 $8,188,400 47.0% Potsdam Municipal Airport $2,532,100 $2,502,000 -1.2% Randall Airport $568,200 $568,200 0.0% Republic Airport $75,222,300 $85,907,000 14.2% Royalton Airport $233,200 $220,200 -5.6% Saratoga County Airport* $1,218,300 $1,203,800 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport* $30,264,400 $29,905,500 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport $1,200,800 $1,186,500 -1.2% Skaneateles Aero Drome $197,200 $138,100 -30.0% Sky Acres Airport $2,724,300 $2,624,300 -3.7% South Albany Airport $332,200 $254,400 -23.4% Spadaro Airport $180,600 $177,300 -1.8% Sullivan County International $2,585,600 $2,554,900 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport $41,029,800 $40,543,300 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport $321,600 $214,200 -33.4% Tri-Cities Airport* $736,100 $727,400 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport $126,500 $66,400 -47.5% Wellsville Municipal Airport $2,281,700 $1,882,600 -17.5% Whitfords Airport* $440,800 $435,500 -1.2% Williamson-Sodus Airport $543,200 $572,100 5.3% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport $1,693,000 $1,430,500 -15.5% Other SASP Airports $2,169,800 $2,144,100 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use $2,335,800 $2,308,100 -1.2% Private Airports $1,226,500 $1,211,900 -1.2% Heliports $1,751,000 $1,730,300 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports $263,100 $260,000 -1.2% Subtotal $414,887,500 $413,016,200 -0.5%

Total $15,197,342,100 $14,236,317,000 -6.3% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Direct Change Adirondack Regional $2,458,400 $2,458,400 0.0% Albany International* $288,942,600 $304,375,200 5.3% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field $15,351,600 $14,984,300 -2.4% Buffalo Niagara International $408,701,900 $486,431,400 19.0% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport $2,539,700 $2,188,900 -13.8% Clinton County Airport $1,786,100 $1,199,300 -32.9% Elmira/Corning Regional $14,369,200 $13,037,100 -9.3% Greater Rochester International $258,920,400 $258,920,400 0.0% Ithaca Tompkins Regional $9,694,400 $10,014,400 3.3% John F. Kennedy International* $5,268,000,000 $4,590,674,600 -12.9% La Guardia* $2,271,000,000 $1,971,359,200 -13.2% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport $257,716,500 $248,764,000 -3.5% Massena International - Richards Field $796,200 $728,900 -8.5% Ogdensburg International $317,800 $245,900 -22.6% Stewart International $184,957,600 $80,556,900 -56.4% Syracuse Hancock International $220,401,400 $229,678,400 4.2% Watertown International $767,800 $712,400 -7.2% Westchester County Airport* $167,832,000 $225,716,400 34.5% Subtotal $9,374,553,600 $8,442,046,100 -9.9%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Akron Airport $525,400 $625,800 19.1% Bayport Aerodrome $11,500 $11,500 0.0% Brookhaven Airport $1,424,500 $1,419,500 -0.4% Buffalo Airfield $269,200 $249,900 -7.2% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport $25,000 $5,700 -77.2% Canandaigua Airport $136,400 $525,900 285.6% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* $636,800 $629,300 -1.2% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport $639,700 $632,100 -1.2% Columbia County Airport $181,100 $160,800 -11.2% Corning-Painted Post Airport $620,000 $612,700 -1.2% Cortland County-Chase Field* $1,462,500 $1,445,100 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* $10,983,800 $10,853,500 -1.2% East Hampton Airport $3,406,200 $3,365,800 -1.2% Finger Lakes Regional* $300,700 $297,100 -1.2% Floyd Bennett Memorial $763,800 $754,800 -1.2% Fulton County Airport $620,000 $558,000 -10.0% Genesee County Airport* $366,900 $362,600 -1.2% Granville Airport $118,600 $61,100 -48.5% Griffiss Airpark $156,100 $167,800 7.5% Hamilton Municipal Airport* $117,600 $116,200 -1.2% Hornell Municipal* $112,900 $111,500 -1.2% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport $99,100 $82,000 -17.3% Kingston/Ulster Airport* $1,537,200 $1,519,000 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport $391,700 $494,700 26.3%

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2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Direct Change Ledgedale Airpark $76,800 $125,100 62.9% LeRoy Airport $329,900 $199,700 -39.5% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport $330,100 $330,100 0.0% Mattituck Airport $117,500 $34,400 -70.7% Montauk Airport $775,400 $914,500 17.9% Niagara Falls International $535,300 $2,569,300 380.0% North Buffalo Suburban Airport $182,800 $182,800 0.0% Oneida County Airport $1,783,400 $1,667,300 -6.5% Oneonta Municipal Airport $1,170,500 $1,156,600 -1.2% Orange County Airport* $5,405,000 $5,340,900 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* $722,900 $714,300 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* $181,100 $179,000 -1.2% Piseco Airport $25,000 $24,700 -1.2% Plattsburgh International $650,100 $860,300 32.3% Potsdam Municipal Airport $124,300 $122,900 -1.1% Randall Airport $412,300 $412,300 0.0% Republic Airport $7,482,900 $9,058,400 21.1% Royalton Airport $45,800 $40,300 -12.0% Saratoga County Airport* $10,891,200 $10,762,100 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport* $1,011,600 $999,600 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport $759,300 $750,300 -1.2% Skaneateles Aero Drome $69,900 $33,800 -51.6% Sky Acres Airport $555,100 $555,100 0.0% South Albany Airport $190,400 $122,600 -35.6% Spadaro Airport $7,800 $7,800 0.0% Sullivan County International $984,900 $973,300 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport $1,729,100 $1,708,600 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport $129,500 $63,000 -51.4% Tri-Cities Airport* $2,722,600 $2,690,300 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport $142,400 $74,800 -47.5% Wellsville Municipal Airport $443,000 $380,300 -14.2% Whitfords Airport* $139,100 $137,400 -1.2% Williamson-Sodus Airport $227,000 $274,400 20.9% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport $391,800 $404,700 3.3% Other SASP Airports $514,400 $508,300 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use $747,200 $738,400 -1.2% Private Airports $65,500 $64,700 -1.2% Heliports $3,730,800 $3,686,500 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports $296,200 $292,700 -1.2% Subtotal $71,006,600 $74,224,000 4.5%

Total $9,445,560,200 $8,516,270,100 -9.8% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates

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Of this total, over $8.4 billion was attributable to commercial service airports. Direct on-airport output associated with general aviation airports was over $74.2 million. During the 2000-2001 time period, total direct statewide output impacts attributable to commercial service and general aviation visitors was estimated at over $9.4 billion. When comparing the two time periods New York State airports experienced a 9.8 percent overall decrease in direct visitor industry output.

5.4C. Total Output

The direct, secondary and total combined impact of on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees, commercial service, and general aviation visitor output is identified in Table 12. As aviation-related businesses and government businesses located on each airport expend monies, these expenditures ripple throughout New York’s economy. For example, if an airport FBO were to construct a hangar on an airport, a significant amount of money would be spent in the area’s economy on construction materials, labor, and other services. Secondary impacts associated with the day-to-day operation of New York’s airports add over $12.6 billion in output to the economy. As a result of on-airport businesses and visitors using commercial service and general aviation airports, as well as the multiplier effect generates nearly $ 35.4 billion in output attributable to New York's airports during the 2002-2003 time period. Of this total, nearly $34.6 billion in output is associated with the commercial service airports and over $761.5 million in output is associated with general aviation airports. It should be noted, however, that since the 2000-2001 time period there has been an estimated 7.4 percent decrease in total output attributable to New York's airports this decrease is a direct result of the economic downturn and the impacts of 9/11.

5.5 Combined Economic Impact

When the direct and secondary impacts from all on-airport businesses, commercial service visitors, and general aviation visitors are combined, the total economic benefit stemming from New York's airports is quantified. During the 2002-2003 time period, the total statewide employment attributable to all airports in New York was estimated at over 347,500 full-time positions; total annual payroll for these jobs was estimated at $13.5 billion; and total output was estimated at nearly $35.4 billion. Table 13 summarizes the combined economic impact for all New York on-airport aviation-related businesses and contracted employees, commercial service visitors, and general aviation visitors.

5.6 Economic Impact of On-Airport Military Facilities

Several of airports in New York have a joint use agreement between the military and the airport sponsor. For example, the New York Air National Guard (NYANG) shares runways with Syracuse Hancock International Airport. NYANG airbases stretch from eastern Long Island to the Niagara Frontier. Units fly a wide variety of aircraft from the C5 Galaxy, to F16 fighters, to the US Air Force's only ski-equipped aircraft to operate off the snow and ice of the Arctic and Antarctic, to rescue helicopters and refuelers. NYANG also operates combat Air Support units. Several other branches of the military also operate at joint use facilities in the State. These include the U.S. Coast Guard and U.S. Marine Reserve Units, as well as Army Reserve units.

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TableTable 11 12 TOTALTOTAL OUTPUT OUTPUT IMPACTS IMPACTS 2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent Commercial Service Airports Direct Secondary Total Direct Secondary Total Change Adirondack Regional $5,824,100 $2,276,100 $8,100,200 $5,755,000 $2,249,100 $8,004,100 -1.2% Albany International* $472,863,800 $165,255,800 $638,119,600 $498,119,800 $174,082,200 $672,202,000 5.3% Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field $43,253,700 $17,548,300 $60,802,000 $47,059,500 $18,981,400 $66,040,900 8.6% Buffalo Niagara International $615,201,300 $301,674,700 $916,875,900 $632,328,000 $255,611,100 $887,939,100 -3.2% Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport $12,108,000 $3,934,500 $16,042,500 $11,885,200 $3,841,700 $15,726,900 -2.0% Clinton County Airport $9,870,300 $3,082,600 $12,952,900 $9,355,600 $2,864,500 $12,220,100 -5.7% Elmira/Corning Regional $79,826,600 $36,408,400 $116,235,000 $74,653,300 $33,821,700 $108,475,000 -6.7% Greater Rochester International $336,052,700 $144,095,700 $480,148,400 $331,227,900 $153,113,500 $484,341,300 0.9% Ithaca Tompkins Regional $22,927,100 $7,524,400 $30,451,500 $21,829,900 $7,256,200 $29,086,100 -4.5% John F. Kennedy International* $16,007,000,000 $9,206,000,000 $25,213,000,000 $14,717,674,600 $8,571,325,400 $23,289,000,000 -7.6% La Guardia* $4,979,000,000 $2,702,000,000 $7,681,000,000 $4,419,359,200 $2,416,640,800 $6,836,000,000 -11.0% Long Island Mac Arthur Airport $385,397,500 $205,380,700 $590,778,200 $399,052,900 $211,201,400 $610,254,400 3.3% Massena International - Richards Field $2,530,300 $768,900 $3,299,200 $2,515,400 $761,700 $3,277,100 -0.7% Ogdensburg International $941,300 $286,400 $1,227,800 $1,710,800 $427,200 $2,138,000 74.1% Stewart International $483,986,800 $238,191,700 $614,681,300 $401,229,600 $168,975,700 $570,205,300 -7.2% Syracuse Hancock International $331,637,100 $169,904,100 $501,541,200 $311,931,300 $155,908,900 $467,840,200 -6.7% Watertown International $2,921,500 $809,800 $3,731,300 $2,558,200 $717,600 $3,275,800 -12.2% Westchester County Airport* $365,665,800 $248,167,200 $613,833,000 $377,100,400 $184,931,700 $562,032,200 -8.4% Subtotal $24,157,007,900 $13,453,309,300 $37,502,820,000 $22,265,346,600 $12,362,711,800 $34,628,058,500 -7.7%

2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Secondary Total Direct Secondary Total Change Akron Airport $1,656,800 $1,026,300 $2,683,100 $2,227,300 $1,026,300 $3,253,600 21.3% Bayport Aerodrome $122,100 $61,700 $183,900 $127,800 $64,600 $192,400 4.6% Brookhaven Airport $9,387,000 $4,817,200 $14,204,200 $9,004,700 $4,760,100 $14,035,800 -1.2% Buffalo Airfield $929,300 $426,600 $1,355,900 $1,354,100 $606,800 $1,960,900 44.6% Buffalo-Lancaster Airport $131,900 $58,900 $190,900 $168,400 $87,000 $255,400 33.8% Canandaigua Airport $830,900 $299,100 $1,130,000 $1,454,400 $583,100 $2,037,500 80.3% Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* $1,101,100 $623,600 $1,724,700 $1,088,100 $616,200 $1,704,300 -1.2% Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport $9,204,700 $3,506,900 $12,711,600 $9,095,500 $3,465,300 $12,560,900 -1.2% Columbia County Airport $7,533,500 $4,647,300 $12,180,800 $6,687,100 $4,125,200 $10,812,200 -11.2% Corning-Painted Post Airport $2,883,500 $713,400 $3,597,000 $2,849,300 $705,000 $3,554,300 -1.2% Cortland County-Chase Field* $1,898,500 $871,400 $2,769,900 $1,876,000 $861,100 $2,737,100 -1.2% Dutchess County Airport* $35,990,200 $20,053,100 $56,043,300 $35,563,500 $19,815,300 $55,378,800 -1.2% East Hampton Airport $6,907,200 $3,510,000 $10,417,200 $6,825,300 $3,468,400 $10,293,700 -1.2% Finger Lakes Regional* $991,600 $455,100 $1,446,700 $979,800 $449,700 $1,429,500 -1.2% Floyd Bennett Memorial $3,012,200 $1,270,100 $4,282,300 $2,976,400 $1,255,100 $4,231,500 -1.2% Fulton County Airport $2,883,500 $713,400 $3,597,000 $2,595,200 $642,100 $3,237,300 -10.0% Genesee County Airport* $1,789,800 $996,800 $2,786,600 $1,768,500 $985,000 $2,753,600 -1.2% Granville Airport $207,500 $59,700 $267,100 $120,500 $35,000 $155,600 -41.7% Griffiss Airpark $754,700 $390,900 $1,145,600 $811,500 $420,300 $1,231,800 7.5% Hamilton Municipal Airport* $915,500 $420,200 $1,335,700 $904,700 $415,200 $1,319,900 -1.2% Hornell Municipal* $1,255,700 $699,400 $1,955,200 $1,240,800 $691,100 $1,932,000 -1.2% Joseph Y. Resnick Airport $664,800 $249,400 $914,200 $335,400 $135,100 $470,500 -48.5% Kingston/Ulster Airport* $2,502,000 $1,276,400 $3,778,400 $2,472,300 $1,261,200 $3,733,600 -1.2% Lake Placid Airport $1,738,800 $387,300 $2,126,100 $1,988,300 $448,700 $2,437,000 14.6%

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Table 11 12 (cont.) (Cont.) TOTALTOTAL OUTPUTOUTPUT IMPACTS IMPACTS 2000/2001 2002/2003 Percent General Aviation Airports Direct Secondary Total Direct Secondary Total Change Ledgedale Airpark $670,100 $258,900 $929,000 $1,580,200 $575,300 $2,155,400 132.0% LeRoy Airport $1,466,500 $446,800 $1,913,600 $1,440,900 $449,900 $1,890,900 -1.2% Lt. Warren Eaton Airport $6,831,500 $2,026,900 $8,858,400 $6,746,500 $2,006,800 $8,753,300 -1.2% Mattituck Airport $598,200 $364,900 $963,000 $643,100 $392,300 $1,035,400 7.5% Montauk Airport $1,429,600 $750,100 $2,179,700 $1,349,100 $802,900 $2,152,000 -1.3% Niagara Falls International $79,962,700 $30,819,700 $110,782,400 $61,198,400 $67,863,100 $129,061,500 16.5% North Buffalo Suburban Airport $246,100 $104,700 $350,800 $254,600 $112,200 $366,800 4.6% Oneida County Airport $53,959,600 $24,391,300 $78,350,900 $62,001,000 $27,192,800 $89,193,800 13.8% Oneonta Municipal Airport $2,289,200 $784,800 $3,074,000 $2,262,000 $775,500 $3,037,500 -1.2% Orange County Airport* $18,339,000 $10,214,800 $28,553,800 $18,121,500 $10,093,700 $28,215,200 -1.2% Oswego County Airport* $4,931,400 $2,263,100 $7,194,500 $4,872,900 $2,236,300 $7,109,200 -1.2% Penn Yan Airport* $7,533,500 $4,647,300 $12,180,800 $7,444,200 $4,592,200 $12,036,400 -1.2% Piseco Airport $131,900 $58,900 $190,900 $130,400 $58,200 $188,600 -1.2% Plattsburgh International $6,220,400 $1,928,400 $8,148,800 $9,048,700 $2,722,800 $11,771,500 44.5% Potsdam Municipal Airport $2,656,400 $1,000,600 $3,657,000 $2,624,900 $988,700 $3,613,600 -1.2% Randall Airport $980,400 $552,300 $1,532,700 $980,400 $534,100 $1,514,500 -1.2% Republic Airport $82,705,100 $37,178,300 $119,883,400 $94,965,400 $44,683,700 $139,649,100 16.5% Royalton Airport $279,000 $98,100 $377,100 $260,500 $92,600 $353,200 -6.3% Saratoga County Airport* $12,109,500 $8,218,400 $20,327,900 $11,965,900 $8,120,900 $20,086,800 -1.2% Schenectady County Airport* $31,276,000 $21,861,900 $53,137,900 $30,905,100 $21,602,700 $52,507,800 -1.2% Sidney Municipal Airport $1,960,100 $946,900 $2,907,000 $1,936,800 $935,700 $2,872,500 -1.2% Skaneateles Aero Drome $267,100 $133,500 $400,600 $171,800 $90,900 $262,700 -34.4% Sky Acres Airport $3,279,400 $1,226,200 $4,505,600 $3,179,400 $1,272,700 $4,452,100 -1.2% South Albany Airport $522,600 $189,400 $712,000 $377,000 $136,700 $513,700 -27.9% Spadaro Airport $188,400 $85,400 $273,700 $185,000 $85,400 $270,400 -1.2% Sullivan County International $3,570,500 $1,182,900 $4,753,400 $3,528,100 $1,168,900 $4,697,000 -1.2% The Francis S. Gabreski Airport $42,759,000 $15,577,800 $58,336,800 $42,251,900 $15,393,100 $57,645,000 -1.2% Ticonderoga Municipal Airport $451,100 $103,500 $554,600 $277,100 $61,800 $338,900 -38.9% Tri-Cities Airport* $3,458,700 $1,926,500 $5,385,200 $3,417,700 $1,903,700 $5,321,400 -1.2% Warwick Municipal Airport $268,900 $161,900 $430,800 $141,100 $85,000 $226,100 -47.5% Wellsville Municipal Airport $2,724,700 $670,100 $3,394,800 $2,262,900 $479,600 $2,742,500 -19.2% Whitfords Airport* $579,800 $845,900 $1,425,700 $573,000 $835,900 $1,408,800 -1.2% Williamson-Sodus Airport $770,200 $206,200 $976,400 $846,600 $225,400 $1,071,900 9.8% Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport $2,084,800 $1,065,400 $3,150,200 $1,835,200 $553,200 $2,388,400 -24.2% Other SASP Airports $2,684,200 $1,677,200 $4,361,400 $2,652,400 $1,657,300 $4,309,700 -1.2% Non SASP Public Use $3,083,000 $1,847,100 $4,930,100 $3,046,400 $1,825,200 $4,871,600 -1.2% Private Airports $1,292,000 $842,200 $2,134,200 $1,276,700 $832,300 $2,108,900 -1.2% Heliports $5,481,800 $3,377,900 $8,859,700 $5,416,800 $3,337,800 $8,754,600 -1.2% Seaplane Bases & Gliderports $559,300 $349,500 $908,800 $552,700 $345,400 $898,000 -1.2% Subtotal $485,894,500 $227,919,900 $713,815,000 $487,239,200 $274,045,600 $761,555,900 6.7%

Total $24,642,902,400 $13,681,229,200 $38,216,635,000 $22,752,585,800 $12,637,028,600 $35,389,614,400 -7.4% * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates

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TableTable 1213 NewNew York York State State Economic Economic Benefit ofof AirportsAirports TOTALTOTAL IMPACTSIMPACTS

Commercial Service Airports Total Employment Total Earnings Total Output Adirondack Regional 116 $2,514,000 $8,004,100 Albany International* 10,495 $272,659,600 $672,202,000 Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field 961 $26,194,500 $66,040,900 Buffalo Niagara International 17,630 $353,916,200 $887,939,100 Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport 211 $6,050,400 $15,726,900 Clinton County Airport 161 $4,974,700 $12,220,100 Elmira/Corning Regional 847 $44,623,800 $108,475,000 Greater Rochester International 8,441 $199,923,800 $484,341,300 Ithaca Tompkins Regional 485 $12,229,400 $29,086,100 John F. Kennedy International* 204,210 $8,774,000,000 $23,289,000,000 La Guardia* 60,970 $2,444,000,000 $6,836,000,000 Long Island Mac Arthur Airport 8,280 $258,143,100 $610,254,400 Massena International - Richards Field 44 $1,101,300 $3,277,100 Ogdensburg International 26 $880,200 $2,138,000 Stewart International 6,926 $255,616,500 $570,205,300 Syracuse Hancock International 7,958 $194,011,800 $467,840,200 Watertown International 46 $1,330,700 $3,275,800 Westchester County Airport* 6,828 $237,575,700 $562,032,200 Subtotal 334,634 $13,089,745,700 $34,628,058,500

General Aviation Airports Total Employment Total Earnings Total Output Akron Airport 29 $1,030,900 $3,253,600 Bayport Aerodrome 2 $75,600 $192,400 Brookhaven Airport 152 $5,762,600 $14,035,800 Buffalo Airfield 24 $790,800 $1,960,900 Buffalo-Lancaster Airport 3 $117,600 $255,400 Canandaigua Airport 31 $816,700 $2,037,500 Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* 16 $276,100 $1,704,300 Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport 125 $2,787,000 $12,560,900 Columbia County Airport 110 $5,995,900 $10,812,200 Corning-Painted Post Airport 22 $696,200 $3,554,300 Cortland County-Chase Field* 70 $1,228,400 $2,737,100 Dutchess County Airport* 1,374 $17,803,300 $55,378,800 East Hampton Airport 129 $3,851,000 $10,293,700 Finger Lakes Regional* 20 $432,400 $1,429,500 Floyd Bennett Memorial 51 $1,480,300 $4,231,500 Fulton County Airport 20 $626,700 $3,237,300 Genesee County Airport* 37 $820,100 $2,753,600 Granville Airport 4 $62,500 $155,600 Griffiss Airpark 19 $571,300 $1,231,800 Hamilton Municipal Airport* 32 $464,900 $1,319,900 Hornell Municipal* 13 $156,200 $1,932,000 Joseph Y. Resnick Airport 6 $164,500 $470,500 Kingston/Ulster Airport* 82 $1,724,200 $3,733,600 Lake Placid Airport 30 $971,700 $2,437,000

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Table 12 (cont.) Table 13 (Cont.) TOTALTOTAL IMPACTSIMPACTS

General Aviation Airports Total Employment Total Earnings Total Output Ledgedale Airpark 17 $690,900 $2,155,400 LeRoy Airport 22 $699,000 $1,890,900 Lt. Warren Eaton Airport 96 $3,705,000 $8,753,300 Mattituck Airport 12 $461,100 $1,035,400 Montauk Airport 33 $969,900 $2,152,000 Niagara Falls International 3,385 $113,959,700 $129,061,500 North Buffalo Suburban Airport 8 $154,100 $366,800 Oneida County Airport 995 $33,532,800 $89,193,800 Oneonta Municipal Airport 43 $970,600 $3,037,500 Orange County Airport* 588 $12,360,500 $28,215,200 Oswego County Airport* 129 $2,694,600 $7,109,200 Penn Yan Airport* 219 $6,571,100 $12,036,400 Piseco Airport 2 $75,100 $188,600 Plattsburgh International 144 $4,604,000 $11,771,500 Potsdam Municipal Airport 70 $1,596,900 $3,613,600 Randall Airport 21 $604,100 $1,514,500 Republic Airport 1,374 $59,404,400 $139,649,100 ^ Royalton Airport 5 $145,400 $353,200 Saratoga County Airport* 243 $5,548,800 $20,086,800 Schenectady County Airport* 1,116 $22,850,400 $52,507,800 Sidney Municipal Airport 34 $754,000 $2,872,500 Skaneateles Aero Drome 4 $124,600 $262,700 Sky Acres Airport 54 $1,730,900 $4,452,100 South Albany Airport 6 $205,600 $513,700 Spadaro Airport 3 $114,800 $270,400 Sullivan County International 57 $1,496,900 $4,697,000 The Francis S. Gabreski Airport 1,322 $28,501,300 $57,645,000 Ticonderoga Municipal Airport 4 $140,000 $338,900 Tri-Cities Airport* 129 $2,350,400 $5,321,400 Warwick Municipal Airport 4 $94,300 $226,100 Wellsville Municipal Airport 39 $877,100 $2,742,500 Whitfords Airport* 19 $316,600 $1,408,800 Williamson-Sodus Airport 11 $305,100 $1,071,900 Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport 33 $980,600 $2,388,400 Other SASP Airports 49 $2,039,900 $4,309,700 Non SASP Public Use 52 $2,128,600 $4,871,600 Private Airports 25 $1,094,200 $2,108,900 Heliports 126 $3,925,400 $8,754,600 Seaplane Bases & Gliderports 12 $421,900 $898,000 Subtotal 12,908 $367,907,500 $761,555,900

Total 347,542 $13,457,653,200 $35,389,614,400 * A previous economic impact study contirbuted to this airport's results. Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann & Associates

^Direct impacts at Republic include 112 state police employees earning $1.8 million with a total direct impact of $3.7 million.

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The New York Air National Guard 106th Rescue Group is based at the Gabreski Airport. They perform search and rescue services, as well as coverage for the NASA space shuttle launches. Table 14 below identifies military units located on airports in New York as well as their full- time equivalent (FTE) employment levels.

Table 14 Direct Military Employment Levels at New York State Airports

Airport Military Unit Direct FTE The Francis S. Gabreski Airport 106th Rescue Group ANG 998 Greater Rochester International NYS NG OMS & AASF 55 Long Island MacArthur Airport NY Army National Guard 642nd Support Battalion 63 Niagara Falls International 914th Airlift Wing 1,741 Niagara Falls International 107th Air Refueling Wing 570 Niagara Falls International U.S. Army Reserve 530 Schenectady County Airport* 109th Airlift Wing 897 Stewart International Airport NY Air National Guard HQ105 & US Army 2nd Aviation 1,459 Syracuse Hancock International 174th Fighter Wing 815 Syracuse Hancock International 152 Air Operations Group 102 Syracuse Hancock International NYS National Guard Armory 12 Total 7,242 Sources: Wilbur Smith Associates, R.A. Wiedemann and Associates. * Capital District Regional Planning Commission Study

Survey data indicates approximately 7,242 FTE positions are military and civilian positions at military installations on joint use airports throughout the State.

5.7 Economic Impact of Air Cargo

The air cargo sector of the aviation industry is comprised of several components, including integrated express and charter freight, scheduled and small parcel transport, and mail service. As the air cargo industry has evolved during the last 30 years, air cargo facilities and services have become an increasingly integral part of the development of airports in New York’s system of airports.

Airport-related air cargo facilities and services generate a significant economic impact to New York State. Based on Airport’s Council International (ACI) data, approximately 5.6 percent of the air cargo in North America is handled at New York’s airports. In 2001, with nearly 1.6 million metric tons of air cargo activity at airports throughout the State, there were nearly 31,500 on-airport jobs in the air cargo sector (see Table 15). In 2001, the air cargo sector on the airports generated $4.2 billion in direct economic output, with $1.4 billion of that total being in payroll. When including secondary impacts, air cargo industry generated $7.7 billion in economic output, with $2.6 billion of that total being in payroll. Total jobs created after applying the multiplier is over 62,649. It should be noted that JFK accounts for 95 percent of the total jobs as indicated in Exhibit 5.

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JFK is one of the largest air cargo gateways in North America as well as the world, while the New York/New Jersey region is the world’s largest air cargo market. In a typical year, the Port Authority’s airports (including Newark Airport) handle nearly three million tons of air cargo. JFK accounts for nearly half of this tonnage (see Table 16). Nearly 25 percent of air cargo imported to the U.S. comes through Kennedy and Newark airports. JFK and Newark Airports are home to more than 1,000 cargo companies – including airlines, cargo handlers, brokers, truckers and freight forwarders.

Table 15 Air Cargo Industry Economic Impacts

Employment Direct Secondary Total John F. Kennedy International 29,590 30,030 59,620 La Guardia 950 860 1,810 Other NY Airports 935 290 1,225 Total 31,475 31,180 62,655 Payroll Direct Secondary Total John F. Kennedy International $1,319,718,400 $1,145,524,800 $2,465,243,200 La Guardia $40,376,000 $33,454,400 $73,830,400 Other NY Airports $35,803,671 $18,259,872 $54,063,542 Total $1,395,898,071 $1,197,239,072 $2,593,137,142 Output Direct Secondary Total John F. Kennedy International $4,022,603,200 $3,328,136,000 $7,350,739,200 La Guardia $125,742,400 $93,441,600 $219,184,000 Other NY Airports $83,386,094 $42,526,908 $125,913,002 Total $4,231,731,694 $3,464,104,508 $7,695,836,202 Sources: PANYNJ and Wilbur Smith Associates

Exhibit 5 Air Cargo Related Employment at New York Airports

3%2% John F. Kennedy International

La Guardia

Other NY Airports 95%

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Table 16 2002 Total Annual Cargo Tonnage At New York Airports

Airport Metric Tons Airport Metric Tons John F. Kennedy International 1,668,197 Elmira/Corning Regional 458 La Guardia 35,527 Chautauqua County 422 Buffalo Niagara International Airport 46,009 Plattsburgh 405 Syracuse Hancock International Airport 22,625 Westchester County Airport 144 Albany International 20,020 Long Island MacArthur Airport 56 Stewart International Airport 19,905 Binghamton Regional 62 Greater Rochester International Airport 1,031 Tompkins Regional Airport 19 Total 1,814,880 Sources: Airport management as reported to Air Cargo World, Airports Council International, and US DOT Form T3 Data

5.8 Tax Revenue Impacts

Airport activity in the 2002/2003 time period in the State of New York generated federal, State, and local tax revenues paid by the individuals directly employed by airports, as well as individuals employed in activities induced by on-airport spending. IMPLAN estimates airport activity across the State generated $3.5 billion in federal taxes, and another $2.8 billion in State and local tax revenues. This total of $6.3 billion in taxes was paid on approximately $35.4 billion in output by all of New York’s airports, representing an effective tax rate of about 17.8 percent.

The majority of taxes collected at the State’s airports come from JFK International Airport, which in 2000 accounted for $2.3 billion in federal taxes and $1.8 billion in State and local taxes. This total of $4.1 billion represents approximately 65 percent of the taxes attributed to New York’s airports.

The types of taxes that were analyzed in this study are presented in Table 16. Estimates were constructed for nine types of federal taxes, fines, and fees, and for 15 types of State and local taxes, fines, and fees. Not all airports paid each type of tax.

Federal taxes include the following: q Corporate profit taxes – income taxes paid by businesses on profits q Customs duties – fees paid on the importation of goods q Excise taxes q Non-tax fees and fines on businesses q Estate and gift taxes – taxes paid by individuals on inheritances q Personal income taxes – taxes paid on wages to individuals q Non-tax fees and fines on individuals q Social Security taxes paid by both businesses and individuals – contributions made to social insurance by individuals and the matching contributions made by employers

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Table 17 New York State Economic Benefit of Airports 2002/2003Table TAX 16 IMPACTS 2002/2003 Tax Impacts

Commercial Service Airports Output Federal Taxes State/Local Taxes Adirondack Regional $8,004,100 $785,280 $630,249 Albany International* $672,202,000 $65,949,566 $52,929,691 Binghamton Regional/Edwin A. Link Field $66,040,900 $6,866,924 $5,493,698 Buffalo Niagara International $887,939,100 $94,431,541 $72,945,211 Chautauqua County/Jamestown Airport $15,726,900 $1,503,507 $1,199,415 Clinton County Airport $12,220,100 $1,206,616 $1,073,034 Elmira/Corning Regional $108,475,000 $11,764,677 $9,329,435 Greater Rochester International $484,341,300 $49,605,889 $40,616,751 Ithaca Tompkins Regional $29,086,100 $2,928,671 $2,497,739 John F. Kennedy International* $23,289,000,000 $2,284,877,831 $1,833,793,353 La Guardia* $6,836,000,000 $670,678,211 $538,271,774 Long Island Mac Arthur Airport $610,254,400 $68,216,564 $55,544,787 Massena International - Richards Field $3,277,100 $250,124 $208,093 Ogdensburg International $2,138,000 $199,367 $156,467 Stewart International $570,205,300 $58,224,668 $49,520,640 Syracuse Hancock International $467,840,200 $82,910,280 $67,942,573 Watertown International $3,275,800 $287,111 $271,740 Westchester County Airport* $562,032,200 $55,140,835 $44,254,838 Subtotal $34,628,058,500 $3,436,119,096 $2,758,404,998

General Aviation Airports Output Federal Taxes State/Local Taxes Akron Airport $3,253,600 $86,901 $70,782 Bayport Aerodrome $192,400 $21,051 $17,105 Brookhaven Airport $14,035,800 $1,377,048 $1,105,189 Buffalo Airfield $1,960,900 $186,465 $146,945 Buffalo-Lancaster Airport $255,400 $25,910 $20,544 Canandaigua Airport $2,037,500 $171,140 $124,954 Cattaraugus County-Olean Airport* $1,704,300 $167,208 $134,198 Chautauqua County/Dunkirk Airport $12,560,900 $1,232,346 $989,055 Columbia County Airport $10,812,200 $1,183,001 $961,232 Corning-Painted Post Airport $3,554,300 $168,950 $119,167 Cortland County-Chase Field* $2,737,100 $268,536 $215,522 Dutchess County Airport* $55,378,800 $5,433,200 $4,360,569 East Hampton Airport $10,293,700 $1,009,912 $810,534 Finger Lakes Regional* $1,429,500 $140,248 $112,560 Floyd Bennett Memorial $4,231,500 $415,151 $333,192 Fulton County Airport $3,237,300 $153,881 $108,539 Genesee County Airport* $2,753,600 $270,155 $216,821 Granville Airport $155,600 $13,187 $10,767 Griffiss Airpark $1,231,800 $137,739 $206,783 Hamilton Municipal Airport* $1,319,900 $129,495 $103,930 Hornell Municipal* $1,932,000 $189,548 $152,127 Joseph Y. Resnick Airport $470,500 $42,666 $34,461 Kingston/Ulster Airport* $3,733,600 $366,302 $293,986 Lake Placid Airport $2,437,000 $245,556 $225,058

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Table 17 (Cont.) New York State Economic Benefit of Airports 2002/2003Table 16 TAX(cont.) IMPACTS 2002/2003 Tax Impacts

General Aviation Airports Output Federal Taxes State/Local Taxes Ledgedale Airpark $2,155,400 $193,623 $129,977 LeRoy Airport $1,890,900 $161,700 $127,018 Lt. Warren Eaton Airport $8,753,300 $899,684 $775,727 Mattituck Airport $1,035,400 $121,001 $63,059 Montauk Airport $2,152,000 $233,804 $195,163 Niagara Falls International $129,061,500 $14,667,754 $11,636,990 North Buffalo Suburban Airport $366,800 $38,208 $29,318 Oneida County Airport $89,193,800 $7,474,238 $3,692,808 Oneonta Municipal Airport $3,037,500 $298,009 $239,175 Orange County Airport* $28,215,200 $2,768,187 $2,221,686 Oswego County Airport* $7,109,200 $697,482 $559,784 Penn Yan Airport* $12,036,400 $1,180,888 $947,756 Piseco Airport $188,600 $19,134 $15,171 Plattsburgh International $11,771,500 $1,081,034 $876,177 Potsdam Municipal Airport $3,613,600 $354,529 $284,538 Randall Airport $1,514,500 $148,587 $119,253 Republic Airport $139,649,100 $15,495,217 $12,709,612 Royalton Airport $353,200 $37,884 $30,536 Saratoga County Airport* $20,086,800 $1,970,711 $1,581,649 Schenectady County Airport* $52,507,800 $5,151,527 $4,134,504 Sidney Municipal Airport $2,872,500 $281,820 $226,183 Skaneateles Aero Drome $262,700 $28,990 $18,108 Sky Acres Airport $4,452,100 $505,134 $386,487 South Albany Airport $513,700 $37,096 $30,668 Spadaro Airport $270,400 $29,378 $24,522 Sullivan County International $4,697,000 $460,821 $369,845 The Francis S. Gabreski Airport $57,645,000 $5,655,536 $4,539,011 Ticonderoga Municipal Airport $338,900 $33,450 $30,584 Tri-Cities Airport* $5,321,400 $522,081 $419,011 Warwick Municipal Airport $226,100 $24,554 $16,856 Wellsville Municipal Airport $2,742,500 $191,675 $166,019 Whitfords Airport* $1,408,800 $138,218 $110,930 Williamson-Sodus Airport $1,071,900 $76,418 $59,475 Wurtsboro-Sullivan County Airport $2,388,400 $318,808 $182,456 Subtotal $740,613,100 $76,571,177 $59,729,350

Total $35,368,671,600 $3,512,690,273 $2,818,134,348 Source: IMPLAN, Randal Wiedemann Associates, Wilbur Smith Associates

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State and local taxes include the following: q Corporate profit taxes – as above q Dividend taxes – taxes paid on dividends earned by corporate stock owners q Corporate motor vehicle licenses – fees paid to states for registering vehicles q Other taxes paid by businesses q Sales taxes – taxes paid as a portion of the sales price of a good or service q Estate and gift taxes – as above q Personal income taxes – as above q Personal motor vehicle licenses – fees paid to states for registering vehicles owned by individuals q Non-tax fees and fines on individuals q Other taxes paid by individuals q Personal property taxes – taxes paid by individual property owners q Social Security taxes paid by both businesses and individuals – as above

5.9 Other Impacts

While commercial airline service has suffered as a result of 9/11/01, other segments of the aviation industry have recovered and are actually growing. It is important to note that all of the commercial airlines have not been negatively impacted. Low-fare carriers and regional airlines are continuing to grow. Air cargo was initially impacted, but has recovered and is expected to continue to grow based on world economic growth. General aviation activity has also experienced a slight slump, but is rebounding and is expected to outperform commercial activity in the next few years. This resurgence in general aviation demand is linked to the growth in fractional corporate aircraft, as well as charter flying that has resulted from 9/11 and continued security issues. FAA flight data shows that business jet activity has grown over 30 percent since 9/11/01.

Commercial service airports have been impacted as a result of all of the previously discussed activities. With the cutbacks in service and demand, revenues from commercial service such as passenger facility charges, entitlement funds, revenue from concessionaires, and increased security costs have affected the ability of commercial airports to remain financially viable. Airport capital development is also impacted with the reductions in airport revenue and a focus of the FAA on security needs. Even if general aviation activity increases, as this study has shown, commercial service airports account for the most significant portion of New York State’s aviation economic benefit. This benefit continues to be impacted by the events of 9/11 and the weakened U.S. economy.

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