Redactor Responsável H. F. WILEMAN. Redacção, Administração e Officinas: Rua Camerino 55-57, Rio de Janeiro, k. mxkmmx râmwn %ttkw A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, r '. FINANCE, ECONOMICS, AND SHIPPING BLâM--. semy »K>P8VAHt VOL. 15 RIO DE JANEIRO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lOth, 1924 o


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• ¦Ot- OE-» _o*DC lM^O*TCt fO MiN«i««*ori POvl«l'«iV(TCD ' IMICRT1QN Of WINOI P-AVf IN Bul-T UP eo**0

OIS D c o ,•

J«r»__ Blôíftfl C-S«rON ON >^~*O-C* OF MC1ALS A0%0ÊhK

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O Urro "Mestre" meio encadernado, mostrando a molla eua qu« a capa é pre.a no lombo d*» aoo

. ÈèM •'M$S&.¦ --:^-:»-___H-_i--_a--Í ^4^^^^àmmm^^^^^^^ÊÊSmmmmmÈ^Ê'_S___T*T'nr';_-______||M IshpPWI /¦; >££ ___^Í______f isé^5^**^^. . ,._li_B___l_«i--_-9l____!_¦ _¦¦_# , , ,.' -IüSÍBÍK

Livro aberto mostrando a facilidade com que as folhas podem ser insertas e retiradas.

We have just received a large consignment of English Loose-Leaf Metals and can supply Ledgers or Transfers of any dimension promptly. A representative will call on receipt of card or 'phone call, IMPRENSA INGLEZA ROA CAMERINO 55-57 Telephone, Norte 1966 Caixa Postal. Rio de Janeiro December lOth, 1024W1LEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. • > 1 Loose Leaf Ledgers and Transfers. i We have received a large consignment of loose leaf 1 metais from Europe and can execute promptly ali orders i 1 for any size of Loose Leaf Book, from the ordinary I æ¦ I transfer to the luxurious Ledger with double lock. i MIMPRENSA INGLEZAj I Specialists in Loose Leat Books. I ¦ RUA CAMERINO, 55/57 ¦ Caixa Postal 809.Telephone 1966 Norte. I RIO DE JANEIRO

I. « • mÊkmm • n__n • ¦¦ • .—.J THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY, LIMITED Central Office, RUA DA GLORIA, 36 — RIO DE JANEIRO Telephone Central 2404 — Cable Address: LATESCENCE

Direct communication between the States of Rio, Espirito Santo and Minas Geraes. Length of Line, 1,831 miles, with 289 stations serving an área of 200,000 square miles. Traffic carried in 1923:— Pessengers, No. 17,111,453Parcels and Luggage, Tons, 99,916.Goods, Tons, 1,584,054. TRAINS LEAVE FOR THE INTERIOR—FROM NICTHEROY: 6.30—Express—Campos, Miracema, Itapemirim, Porciuncula and branch lines, daily. 7 00—Express—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily. 15.35—Passeio—Friburgo, Saturdays. 21.00—Night Express—Campos, Itapemirim and Victoria, Mondays and Fridays. Return from Victoria Sundays and Thursdays. 10.15. Electric illumination and ventilation. Single fare Nictheroy/Victoria 55S600. Return fare, 90$600. Sleeper cars between Nictheroy and Campos. Upper Berth, 15$3O0, Lower Berth 20$300. Lunch and dinner served on restaurant cars between Campos and Victoria. 21.00—Night Express—Campos only, Wednesdays until further notice. From Campos, Tuesdays 21.50. Single, 29$400. Return 48$600.

WINTER.RIO — PETROPOLIS. From lst May to 31st October.SUMMER. WEEK DAYS. From lst November to 30th April. WEEK DAYS. Praia Formosa, dep. (except Sat.) 6.00 8.30 12.00 16.20 17.50 20.00 8.30 13.35 15.50 16.20 1.7.50 20.00 (Sat. only) 6.00 8.30 13.30 16.20 17.50 20.00 Praia Formosa, dep6.00 8.35 10.05 12.35 15.45 19.20 Petropolis, dep6.10 7.35 8.35 10.05 15.45 19.20 Petropolis, dep6.10 7.35 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. 3raia 8.30 10.25 15.50 17.50 20.00 Praia Formosa, dep6.00 7.30 8.30 10.25 15.50 17.50 20.00 Formosa, dep6.00 7.30 'etropolis, 10.00 15.20 17.20 19.20 20.20 Petropolis, dep6.10 7.35 10.00 15.20 17.20 19.20 20.20 dep6.10 7.35 EXCURSIONS SPECIA .LY RECOMMENDED. minutes, lst class Petropolis.—2,700 feet above sea levei, magnificent climat.e, beautiful views during trip; 1 hour, 40 return 6§200. Stone ballast, no dust. to Monday;. Friburgo.—2,800ft. above sea levei, 3h. 25min. by passeio train. Fare 11$100 lst class return, single 6$800 (Saturday information re: mileage books aud GUIDE BOOKS AND TIMETABLES published half-yearly:—Price $300—containing useful Company's Agencies in Rio; free storage time and demurrage charges on priees- reduced fares for excursions, pienies, etc; Guide; Delivery to dvvelliugi; and of model poultry coops; rates of advertising at stations and in this timber; illustration price g views, and sundry other artieles of interest. map of L. R. system; advertisements, | IV WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. December lOth, 1924 LAMPORT & HOLT LINE "DE THE LUXE" SEliVICE FAST MAIL AND LUXURIOUS PASSENGÉR STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK, BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE "V" The steamers forming the famous fíeet were ali specia ly de sir ne d and built for travei between North and South America, and offer the maximum comfort. Large airy çabins, broad long decks, gymnasiums, permanent tennis courts, launges, dlnir.g saloons, smoke rooms, and verandah cafés are adap ed for tropical cruising. particularly "VANDYCK" "VOLTAIRE", "VAUBAN" "VESTRIS". TRAYEL TO NEW YORK VIA TRlNIDAD AND BARBADOS ON THE OR


VOLTAIRE... 27th Dec. VAUBAN Hth Dec. VANDYCK... lOth Jan. VESTRIS28th Dec. VAUBAN 25th Jan. VOLTAIRE... 15th Jan. VESTRIS .... 8th Feb. y

..cStoy/•-' ''**£'*£ '¦' .***Íl^m^m^^^^^^^^^^B^D&mmwmm\3\a3tfFJ^^E~^ffi*y^*^*^Ç * í mm^SSÍmà^cf3gg*mW&9mm- *?• Si'**""''' i~ .

Santos : F. S. HAMPSHIRE & Co., Ltd. Lamport & Holt, Ltd. Buenos Aires : LAMPORT 8 HOLT, LTD. Bahia : F. STEVENSON A Co., Ltd. RIO DE JANEIRO Montevideo: M. REAL DE AZUA Pernambuco : WILLIAMS & Co. Avenida Rio Branco, 21-23 TEL. N. 6671

DEN NORSKE SYP-AMERIKA LINJE (The Norwegian South America Line) REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN NORWAY,%-BNORWAY DENMARK \\ ^V\DENMARK & FINLANDYv.êT' ?& FINLAND BRAZIL.XY^\ = RIVER OUTWARDS. TABOR—End of December. PLATE KORGHILDEnd December. of HOMEWARDS. PARA—End of December. Jfor furtber partículais applç fo :— COMETA—23rd December. FREDRIK ENGELHART - Agent - ü!f* ?E_ s_*0.f_E»«0_M»-». *•« °e janeiro. RUA 15 DE NOVEMBRO 172, SANTOS.

REDERIAKTIEBOLAGET NORDSTJERNAN JOHNSON LINEws-rii^j-i.1^ FLEET: 11 MOTOR SHIPS. TOTAL TONNAGE, 80,000. Regular Service between :-Finland, Finland, Sweden-River Plate. Finland, Sweden-Ghile and Sweden-North Pacific, and vice-versa. FROM SWEDEN :— FOR SWEDEN :— Suecia-loads Rio about 28th December. Kronp. Gustaf Adolf -leaves Gothemburg beginning December. Valparaiso-loads Rio about lõth January, 1925. San Francisco-loads Rio about lOth February 1925. Kr. Gustaf Adolf-loads | Ri0 about 28th February, 1925. For further particulars apply to the Agent: LUIZ CAMPOS84, RUA VISCONDE INHAÚMA, 84. R,0 DE JANEIRO. y^yy:y ¦V(7.; PSSSw *.*¦¦ ' ' , ,.7~"- . . ¦- •'.¦&- ' ¦'- .


1924 DO No. 50 Vol. 15 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lOth, JUO L>a_ANÈ_ à*2_ The Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills § Granaries, Limited OFFICES - RUA OA QUITANDA, 108 - RIO JANEIRO. 48. MOORGAT1- LONDON E5. Cí.«.

BUENOS AIRES SÁO PAULO ROSÁRIO 443 Calle Sarmiento Rua Boa Viata 13 660 Calle Sapmlento 15000 Bags FLOUR MILLS: Rna Gamboa No. DAILY PRODUCTION THe- Mills IVla-rW® aré> "OTARABY". "BUBA-lfAOIONAL", "RACIOHAL", "8BM0LWA". "•RAZILBIRA", 1908 AWARPS:-OoldMedal: Paris 1889J.Í||%$ÊÊÊ. Pri_e Brazil St. Louis 1904First Pme Brussels 1910 First of Brazil WM First Priie Turim 1911 Hors Concoiirs — International Centennial Exposition Loom-i COTTON MILLS: Rua Gamb-a No. 2-861.000 DAILY PRODUOTIOM 50.000 Metre» Qrand PriseInternational Centennial Exposition of Brasil 1922.


BRAZILIAN WARRANT COMPANY, LIMITED Authorized Capital... £2.000.000.Capital Paid up... £1.500.000 E.CA. HEAD OFFICE: 20 King Wi/liam Street London. Av BRANCHES AT: Santo», Rio deJaneiro, and São Paulo. Orlean». HO, 8. A.: Braailian Warrant Cq., (Inc.), Ne? Yerk, New 10EMCLE8 At: C-*_.i*m, JaM jai São CtrlM âe PUhtl


jjj ^.íMKVJ^y ¦¦>;l *::-''!«'f.

,....„ „„,rwl,rDecember lOth, 1924. ^rWILEMAN*S BRAZILIAN REVIEW.£ 1642_____ Booth Line,Liver Between Regular Service of Passenger and Cargo Steamers NEW YORK, N0RTn,MIP-.50UThPRflZIL (calling at Barbados) also between LIVERPOOL, HAMBURG, ANTWERP, HAVRE, VIGO OPORTO, LISBON, MADEIRA, PARA,MANAOS, MARANHÃO, CEARA' PARNAHYBA, IQUITOS. Agents íor NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA

KSLs MSi™0 IjuHus vo„ Sohstent$& JANE.RO) CABEDELLO f Wi,so„ Sons * Cp. Ltfc &HXO BMMC,(l0lta)Ll, r ^ ^^fâ™^ ÚQ SUL PARWRHVRR ?VICTORIAArbuekle & Co.PELOTAS) Guilherme H. Chaplin PORTO ALEGRE} IOUITOSFLORIANÓPOLIS DO SUL, R. 0'N. Addison PARANAOUÂ: Empreza de Melhoramentos Urbanos de Paranaguá. SÃO FRANCISCO BARBADOS Laurie & Co. Ltd. BOOTH AMERICAN SHIPPING CORPORATION IT ttzLttor-y Place New Yoi-1^.


Seattle Maru—14th December.México Maru—Hth December. WILSON, SONS & CO., LIMITED. Avenida Rio Branco, IMo. 3^, RIO DE JANEIRO.


S. A. "Hlspano-Brazilalra" — SantosWilson Sons S Co. Ltd. - BAHIAWilson Sons a Co. Ltd. - PERNAMBUCO JSSSS. --' ¦¦•:'

December lOth, Í924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAK REVlÈW. Í643

TOUXlEnDHIR'© 361RHZ1IX1IH1W IRjeiDflJÊllil Eslabi.aiied lòUtt. Editor—H. F. Wileinan.7 OFFICES: 55/57 RUA CAMEBINÜ. Wmíh Caixa do Correio (P. O. Box) 809, Kio de Janeiro Ali Communications to be addressed to the Editor TELEPHONE: NORTE 1966.* % Tel. Address—"REVIEW," ltiojaneiru Subscriptions (Payable in Advance): II Brazil, 100$000 per annum AMERICAN DELIA Abroad, £5 per annum. 2$0Ü0, supplied to -unscribeis only MISSISSIPPI SHIPPING CO., INC. Separate copies ' U.S. Shipping Board Servlc» Back Numbers 2$50U per eupy AGENTS: REGULAR UNE OF STEAMERS BETWEEN RIO DE JANEIRO:— NEW ORLEANS — BRAZILIAN Crashley & Co., Rua do Ouvidor 58. & RIVER PLATE PORTS. SÃO PAULO:— \\X. James McWilliam, c/o "Anglo-Brazilian Chromicle", Cuixa EKONK Postal 2124. s/s WEST BAHIA:— Loading Santos lst half December A Cardoso, Caixa Postal 493. Rio 2nd half December. LONDON:— PASSENGER SERVICE G. Street & Co., 6 Gracechurch Street, Í-.C.3. lst class sccommodations only AUSTRÁLIA:— Dinsdale & Osborne, 14 and 16 Market Street, Melbournc American Steamship Agencies Go., Inc. Also at Sydney, Adelaide and Perth. General Agents for Brazil NEW YORK:— "The Tea and Coffee Trade Journal,' 79 YV4ÍI Street. Santos-Head Office Rio de Janeiro Commercio 36 Av. Rio Branco 5 COPENHAGEN:— Rua do 43 Tel: Central 66 Tel: Norte "The Scandinavian Shipping Gazette,' 38 Vestre Boulevard. Cables: Amagencies Notice.—^he Editor is not responsible for Correspondence or Articles signed with the writer's name or initials, or with a "Communicated." Editor pseudonym, or that are marked The must likewise not necessarily be held in agreement with the views therein contained or with the mode of expression. In accõrdance with Brazilian Press Law no correspondence or contribution will be published in this Review unless authenti- cated by the date, name and address of the contributor, though RIO CAPE LINE, LTD. not necessarily for publication. Direct Cargo Service from Rio de Janeiro and Santos to South and East Afrlcan Ports MAIL FIXTURES THE 4APANE5Í STEAME& • ..1Í-*N'7.-AWA FOR EUROPE. 1 MARU Contract) (under LUTETIA, Sud Atlantique, 12th December. AVON, Royal Mail, 14th December._; half of January loading second CAP POLÔNIO, H. S. D. G., 15th December. m S. NEVADA, N. D. Lloyd, 22nd December. Bay, Port Elizabèth, tor Cape Town, Mossel DESEADO, Royal Mail, 24th December.« Durban and Delagoa Bay, East London, * GELRIA, Royal Holland Lloyd, 24th December. ALMANZORA, Royal Mail, 28th December.., For further*particulars apply to :— S. CORDOBA, N. D. Lloyd, 31 st December. CUMMING YOUNG M. SARMIENTO, H.S.D.G., lst January, 1925. Atlantique, 3rd January, 1925. Agent for the Rio Cape Line, Ltd., MASSILIA, Sud Royal Mail, 7th January, 1925. htUJL CANDELÁRIA, 4_t DARRO, 44, N. G. Italiana, 7th January, 1925. 2664 GUILIO CESAi\_S, Telephone—Norte llth January, 1924. ²— ANDES, Royal Mail, RIO DE JANEIRO *FLANDRIA, Li vai Holland Lloyd, 14th January, 1925. A. DELFINO, H.S.D.G., 20th January, 1925. DESNA, Royal Mail, 4th February, 1925.

*Call a 1'ernainbuco.;.,7 LOOSE LEAF LEDGERS AND TRANSFERS. FOR THE UNITED STATES. WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE CON- AND SIGNMENT OF LOOSE LEAF LEDGER VAUBAN, Lamport & Holt, 14th December. CAN BE TRANSFER METALS. ORDERS PLACED AMERICAN LEGION, Pan America Line, 24th December. 'PHONE OR CALL EXECUTED IMMEDIATELY. VESTRIS, Lamport & Holt, 28th December. PAN AMERICA, Pan America Line, 7th January, 1925. ~-IMPRENSA INGLEZA, VOLTAIRE, Lamport & Holt, 15th January, 1925. 1925. Telephone No. 1966. WESTERN WORLD, Pan America Line, 20th January, RUA CAMERINO 55-57, RIO DE JANEIRO. "-íjt'-',-»- "V» -w" ^-^&- ".;•-..-^--.'.^v^...^.

'^ 'ZX~*~V'*a ¦ \ ¦-,'''''-.' ' *¦. '¦'.. ~ .-.;" * A Z-A"-'".--ZZ',;¦' -ZZ':r . .-A ,'¦',¦ December lOth, 1924. WILÉMAN'S BRAZILIAN RÈVÍEW. 1644 LONA

"LiCOMOtlTl' «¦area Registrada i U|RR*



OF FAST STEAMERS BETWEEN RUGULAR ¦SERVICE Urazll, INew York, Philadèlphia and New Orleâna S/S "AFRICAN PRINCE" en route from New York for Rio de Janeiro S/S "INDIAN PRINCE" loads for New Orleans 7th December S/S "CAST1LIAN PRINCE" loads for New York 27th December. S/S "PORTUGUESE PRINCE" mid January loading New Orleans & Boston

AGENTS; HOULDER BROTHERS cfc CO., LIMITED — Rua da Quitanda, 149, RIO DE JANEIRO Rua Santo Antônio, 35, SANTOS Tel. Add.i ««PRirSCKLINB'* U-  æ—- THE GITY OF SÃliTOS IfPROVEjflESTS GOIttPfljiY, jgjjjj|f Caixa 4 — GAS Department. Special Coke and Tar produced by the Continnom Carbonization proceu: Alio soit Pitch for waterproofing purposes, crude fienzol and Oils ior the manufacture o! Desinfectanti. WATER Department. Distribution on the constant supply system. Special cheap rates for industrial sapplies. Ships supplied with water of gnaranteed purity, at the rate of 150 tons per honr if required. ELEOTRICITY Department. Installations of any magnitude for light and power. Cheap power for long- hour eensumers. Motor repairs. TRAMWAY Department. Seventy Kilometres of rapid electrio Service, during 22 hours. Season tiekets with non-stop serviço at night Special terms ior large parties. Parcel delivery; Service to aU points. Blectrio transport of Goods and Building Material at ehoap ratos. Goods from interior should he despatched "Companhia CITY. Desvio Stbo**. TELEOKAPHIC ADDRESSi-"0IBAIE"-SANTOS.HEAD OFNCEi-gALIIBIIT SJOIII, LMIIN WALL - LtNBON •m 1645 December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW.

¦:ÍÍ7 J\ Bít oí Oxford Street in Brazil

BRANCHES, LONDON -v RIO (Furniture & Furnishing Only) 1Ô6 BishòpsÊfáte Si. Rua Senador Vergueiro 147 S. PAULO SANTOS Phone: Gent 45 Rua do Gommercio^21 Letters: Caixa 1391.

much as the Ivondon visitor Visitors to S. Paulo gravitatetowards Mappins. Street. eventual^nuaseventuallv finds himselfR.WÍQdoW3 in famous Oxford are a constant^elight to Paulistas aud a souree interior decorations further remmd surprise and admiration to strangers. Ourfine of The illusion is còmpleted by a visit A.o one óf a ffreat Oxford St. establishmeüt. _¦ .-•-.-<,¦¦ _ y.y-.

RÈVÍÈW. December iOtli, Í924, 1646 WÍLEMAÍ_'_ BftAZÍLIÂN

SCOTT & URNER (Formerly of SCOTT ft HUME) THE IDiifg-oeerix-g- Contractors - Builders Rio de Janeiro - Avenida Rio Branco, 109. flnglo-Brazili a n C h r tt ni c I e São Paulo - Rua Barão Ifapetininga N? 37 A. Tal. Addr.: "SCOTTURNER" Rlojanelro & Sio Paulo (Generally known as the À. B. C.)

is the Ideal Newspaper for the Home. It is an English Weekly on sale regularly every Salurday morning in Rio, São Paulo and Sanlos,and has subscribers in every part of the country, as well as throughout the world, serving thereby as a sure link between the scattered ftritish Colonies in Brazil. It provides its readers with ali the news of local and foreign interest, and in the two and a half years of its existence has secured for itself "delivering the reputation of always the goods".


One year'5 Subscription: Abroad 30S000 • Brazil 20$ 000


. -. . .^ .•.y-jíW'_»*..'-'V-'-. -I ___"¦;<: ylX^\~&. •_>_

ESTABLISHED 1884 XTbe financial IFlews Hamburg - Amerika Linie m^—mmimmmm~mm—«M_Í_i______m>immmWmmmmm___»_-__. DAILY ©• . TWO PENCE OFFICES: 111, Queen Victoria Street, London, E. G. 4. Regular service with modern Telephone . . . 6830 City (4 line$), Telegrams "Fincws, Cent, Lendo»." passenger and cargo steamers between THE FINANCIAL NEWSis the oldest and most influential Daily Financial news- in the world; and is acknow- Hamburg, Antwerp, Brazilian Íiaperedged to be the most Potent Authority World of Finance, and an Íthedvertising Médium of unique value. and River Plate Ports.

SPECIAL FEATURES, international Finance; Banking; Insurance; Mining; Rubber; Oil; Bngineering; Shipping; Land and Agtnts Estates; Miscellaneous Industries, Ac, &c. ALL THE NEWS 0F ALL THE MAEEETS. TbeodorWilleâCo SUBSCRIPTION RATES (POST FREE) 12 months. . . £3-18-0 X • ª 1-19-0 6• ...... 19-6 MO DE JAMEIEO, READ 79, AVENIDA RIO BRANCO, 79. Zhe financial Iflews Santosgâo Th© Great City Daily. Paula

./¦: _¦•___£_.. :¦;•; '::,,¦¦".'<¦¦;•¦¦ l",./'t ¦¦¦ ry . ¦' -"l , y:y.:yyy. ? ¦'¦ ¦ ¦ 7 17 s--7 -7 yy- Wf';: • ¦' , ::. . _ ;-"U. ¦¦fy\ y:yy ¦ ¦, -.' ' 1647 Deeember lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. LDÃVIDSON, PULLEN fr CO. «ENEftAL HERCHAKTS t CONMSSIOM AGENTS. muix da Qulttidi 14S/7, RIO DE JANEIRO,

;*¦' 801E CtNS>CNEES FOR BHIMWER MON» ft CO., ITO. - HEAVY CHEMICALS th0Ír **saelated oompaales. €HEtCENT I ^"^ I BRANa>•¦* Wbhio¥ ASEBTS FOR Rand Oanrtraetari: LTD. YHKERS, Palita k Yanlaiaa, BURRELL & CO., LTD. galas, ate. CHUBB k SONS LOCK k SAFE 00. FOR: - CEHERAl"""" SELUKC~~ ACEHT8««OLHO»» jj tRAZIl ISrand Matchca.

— -A. SÃO PAULO BRANCH: Rua José Bonifácio 47

on curtams, etc; dstablished and 11500; 19. to create a tax of $500 to 1$000 It was with this object that the Bank of Issue was 20. to create a tax of 80 reis per fraction (?) on etaibroidered the faculty f|rom the Treasury. But recent which wrested issuing raise the sales stamp tax; 22, to raise the market, with the result cotton goods; 21. to political events reflected strongly on radio-telegraph service1; 23. difficult to to 300 reis the tax on the internai that moneíy has become very scarce and crédit the. tax on to double thé tax on walking sticks; 24. to raise . The extraordinary expenditure which the Government the obtain. dises, and the sale of real estate; 25. to raise military happenings, called for gramaphone has had to face in virtue of the cent.; 26. to raise the banks» con- issue» made tax on firearms by 100. per large sums of money, which may explain thejecent 27. to make obligatory ' not to tribution for fiscalisation purposes; by the Bank of Bjrazil. This money, no¦wevêrí-fcppears ali buüdings withm the our the installation of hydrométqrs in have been issued by the bank direct to the market, hencé Federal District; 28. to raise the judicial tax. the bank was forced to issue to aid the Govern- more may opinion that These, we fear, are only a few changes and many ment out of temporary difficulties. yet be made. is reaching such a stagé that even if Dr. Taxation ín this country Estimates and Taxation. It is evident that, cannot but repeat The the air we breath may one day be taxed. We are accepted by Congress, the out- financial Affonso Penna's proposals What we have said in these columns that the. afflicting tax-payetf is indeefd black. Dr. Pemn proposes measures look for the situation of the country undeniably calls for prompt taxes wholesale and establishing new ones, to redress increasing existing for at least reduchig the déficit, if it is not possible will quote some of Dr. Penna's and con- Before we comment further, we it. We admit that the taxpayer must pay the PU>er taxes, 4 He proposes to alter the income country. lhe ídeas with regard to tribute towards the financial reconstruetion of thei extensive to agriculture and rdal estate which isubject which tax and to make it economic effect of oyer-taxation, however, is a now, which is only equitable. and mdustry were free from this tax up to apparently Congress disregards, commerce, trade may be it is not stated, but we fear the estimates What the otheir alterations are to bé taxed to the hilt. The vexatious factor in income tax wül be the result. It the raismg of taxa- that a general increase in the is that whiíst revenue is being increàsed by the minimum income taxable from is already proppscfd to lower tion, no reaí attempt at economy is made. tax was first established we whilst thqre is 10 contos to 6 contos. When this Are taxpayers to be everlastingly sacrificéd was small it was the thm end the neceissity stated that though the tribute n0 real effort at economy? The'country ^ecognises and we believe we were not its- tribute, of the wedge to higher taxation, for sacrifice, and the community is willing to pay an ever-inqréasmg far wrong.  . but when it is bled almost white to cover follows:. 1. To impose a tax tried -t» thj Hmit. The other proposals are as expenditure, its patience will naturally b3 or fraction thereof on travei- toease taxation of 20 reis per premium of 500 reis Instead of economy, howeveir, our drigents attorneys shall bear as many and energ^es of ler's life insurance; 2. powers 4ot to such an extent as to weaken the initiative i, to aiter the stamp tax on «xchange but aggra- Ifell as mandates; production itself, thus not only retarding pro^vesís, from 2,000 to 5*000 per £1,000 The country or money operátions; 4. raising vatrng the none too satisfactory economic situation. or sale of bills of ex- the-stamp tax on contraets of purchase however, is paying for the sins of past limited liability, «te, of p|««economy change; 5. to raise the tax on and not until pnblic men grasp the meamng political thawof; 6. petiüons m t„ 3,000 per 1,000 eontos or fraetion can .reconstruetion and progress be made possible. folio; 7. to raise the rent of post :Penna, the estimates so far show general shall pay 2*000 per According tG Dr. Affonso waters; 8 add 50 re.^to however, the interest on km hoxes and the! tax o„ mineral a surplus of 56,248 contos. Should, 9., ft. tax on lugh da in the of public servants the existing tax on eigarettes; to the floating debt and thé increase pay of foreign manufacture, would be a déficit of 86,000 W " wear- 10 tG tax electric battaries (Tabeliã Lyra) be addeld, there 2,000 on poeUet debt wUI be Len«s; 12. to establisb a tax of The addition of interest on the floating tex create contos be .13. to raise the tax on toys; H. to emo^ments should undoubtedly book and purses; of inevitable, but increase in to wit, 2,000 per mner tube can bear it.. a tax on ™°rabber mannfaetares, postponed until thd country bicycles, etc, 5*000 per pneu- solid same for bicycles. 4,000 per e-xperience teaches, the cheapest place, Ü motor Í SI P í Gold Salarie,. If, as f| adnlts and 1,000 per same the currèncy is most depreciated, Zter C 2^00 P- macMntosb to live in are those where! to 350 per Per corse, must be a perfect paradise as gold has gone U children,^ ^ ^ Brazil' issue more ^^X^ and the Gove.rnment is. preparing to of wool, ete, cent premium Tax oTsO reis per bali the falls, the gold bugs are f l£SffiÍ e^g. shin plasters. When premium 2,000 on hai^ comhs br^sbes, the fixed, but generally WÊA «O reis to preeions smart abont getting pretaium to 100 i eis, 200 reis, to raise the tax on wall papeo-s A_

¦' • yy/: - ' ' '¦ ' ''' • > •,'- - .¦'¦ . - ¦ ¦ \ .: December -Oth. _92f. WILEMAN*S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1648

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December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1649

An invaluable volume for the The 1925 BUSINESS MAN, INVESTOR, TRAVELLER, OFFICIAL, SOUTH STUDENT of AFFAIRS. and i: 700 pages—clear type-thin paper—handy size, Specially prepared map—México to AMERICAN Cape Horn. Obtainable at all booksellers, at all offices of the Royal Mail Steam Packet Company & from the publishers HANDBOOK ¦ SODTH J-HEBIGAN PÜBLICAT10NS LTD., NOW READY 1925 Atlantic House, Moorgate, London, England. 77:'

rise in freights, shipping is sauce for the The result of this congestion is a forget to say anything when it rises. What for in raising companies having raised their rates fróm Ewopean ports is sauce for the gander, and if there is justice goose cargo destined to that port. caae, they should be reduced in the* other. Were salaries in one It is stated that not until more railway wagons are availabl applied it would be interesting to know what the such a method move from warehouses can there b^ any irn- in Brazil, that is, what to merchandise reduetion would amount present average of 372 wagons not merely pirovement. A report states that thei the real or value of the mureis is and purchasing per day being delivered by the railway to the Dock Company single commodity—gold; a Very different thing! the price of a repjresent about a third of the number required. doei not There is no doubt whatever that the cost of living There1 are many fali simultaneously with the price of gold. the òf which Coffee - products and services largely çomsumed. pirices The Coffee Pest. The latest report issued by the slowly, by a rise of are Sscarcely affected at all, or only very Defence Service of Sao Paulo states that gleaning ha-, taken of our expenditure that im- district , exchange. In fact the only pan placd up to date in 775 fazendas situated in 18 different is the pHme cost mediately responds to alterations of exchange 35,543,125 trees, having been gleaned, 1.076,698 litres of coffee articles as are produced and freight of imports and prices of such in the shell being picked, eqüivalei to 13 000 arrobas or 195,000 in the country itself and. liketwise exported. kilos vaiüéd at 800 contos at curirent market prices. would be to trees of other An arrangement that would be equitable to all The same treatment was likewise applied to of living for statistlcal fixas appjroximately as possible the proportion fazendas, in which no details were gatheired say one- trees existing in these expetases on an average iri gold and paper respectively, purposes. Considering the number of If the' average about 50 000,000 trees have third in the former and two-thirds in the latter. fazendas, it can be! safely said that as a basis every may be very impressive rate for the previous twó years were then taken been gleaned this year. This figure 6 17-64d.), salames might but little when comp^ed wih the yesr (that for 1923-24 works out at in itself, but represehts át that exchange, iri the State of Sao Paulo or when be paid two-thirds in currency and one-third total number of trees existing the amount of paper money the which threatens t.. destroy th- . without prejudice to either side, as the extreme gravity of pest to the real deprecia- receivéd would then correspond very elosely greatest wealth of Sao Paulo is considered. currency. Thtí-e invoke ignorance1 as a motive tion of the general pu(rchasing power of the There is no further reason to have, we believe, four months of untiring are one or two British firms in this city who o,r an excuse for neglect, for during that basis. made throughout the State fixed the rate for payment of salaries on work, a systematic propaganda was ravaging salaries when of Sao Paulo, and in every point of the coffee zones the If there is reason for the reduetion of gold the were clearly shown. that is practically wh.t it amounts to) effects of pest .exchange falls, (for the existence of such a calamity might than sufficient to live on, the It is possible that because the equivalent is more another country, the contrary and have been overlooked were it to have afflicted case with currency salaries must be precisely the re- but when it is right in the midst of this country's coffee zones should be increased in proportion to in equitv they discredit its importance and attempt of money. Otherwise with neglect is criminal. To duetion of the purchasing power could be only tolerated by it would be a case of heads to diminish or atteriuate its gravity merchants and employees generally, a class that prides itself would be to put a_x less progressive elements, but not by I win tails you lc;se. The fairest arrangement of all salaries in on its high qualities of energy and spirit. on the same basis and pay say, two-thirds Although what has already bedn done /represents but a mean and one-third in gold."H- fact that the paper effort, its value must be recognised. It is a notdd ex- measures advised by the -Defence Service have beeta almost whilst the» clusively adopted by the small planters and colonists, ever.. wh0 represent the elite of their class, have not at Santos, appears to be1 as had as big fazendeiros, The Congestion the methods recognised as the only ones that the shortage of railway stoek paid due attention. to Advices from that port. stat. the damage donè A vessel with o.803 capable of overcoming the pest 0r of restricting is chiefly responsible for the congestion. by ' it._ coa, which entered that p,.t on 2!st »«|g« Ls of 38 days to Amongst the contaminated districts there ajre. examples on 28th NovembeT, taking, consequently discharging An- much to be desired. If Campinas and Itatiba havei have taken not more than 8 days. which leave discharge"sei when it should energy and sacrifice, such districts vhen it should have taken given riotable proofs of their tooU 46 days to aiseharge which o "*"™» -he cargo o as Piracicaba cannot point to a single fazenda in gléaning 12 days in norma! The a,. two and Lly o, 2) day, has been done, whilst Ribeirão Preto can only indicate been discharged m two dayr t which should have - Espirito Santo do Pinhal, which is still free and 3,000 barreis of cement^ Indaiatuba three. t0 unload 1,149 bal0sof paper '. 'W'V.«*!%wmT'>''>' ':>',-777'^ to-'.-\,J.«:^.^... "to .""•!.:•' ¦>-,-?- ¦".- vf December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1650


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IK39.RI iat II h II READ THE B AZ M EVERY SATURDAY The Pusiness Puilder of Drazil ¦ A Weekly Encyclopedia i 50S000 per year in Brazil 70S000 » y> Elsewhere BRAZILIAN AMERICAN :-: UQ, AVENIDA PASSOS, 4_s :-: Caixa.Postal 629Phone Norte 4857 L!i iIIIIIIHi i já ' 'Y i !'•';.,

becember lOth, 1924. WÍLÊMAN'S BftAZllLÍAN- ílEVlfiW. 1651


the source in thtí majority of its It cannot be admitted nor tolerated that .greatest * of the pest, has adoptdd the measure risk of it of wealth of Sao Paulo, of ali Brazil, should run the fazendas, whilst Mogy-Mirim, hadly infested has .ignored are| obsti- disappaering simply because incredulous fazendeiros altogether.. tliat nate in comprehe-nding the importance of the calamity repeated that the suecess of th) confess, It can nevdr be too often threatens it. It is necessary. to recognise, to loyally depends on collective effort, and when campaign agaihst campaign against the pest that the gjreatest obstacle to he overcome in the of the situation which weighs minded ali planters re'alise the gravity theí írests with the managers, generally narrow plague our heavily on the coffee industry./! and uneducated, but who nevertheless make or unmake only of The Coffee Defence Service has discovered the process agricultural properties, whilst the system of monthly visits the Stòte into consider- capable of combating the. pest and of thus permitting proppetors to their fazendas continues. Taking to allege of Sao Paulo to continue to,figure as the greatest coffee produc.r ation the actual prices of coffee, no one has the right followed by in the wojrlde.Y•- the imposibility of carrying out a careful harvest Üi27 Z is now no a thorough gleaning, because it is impossible to, reconcile That the mdasures adopted are effective there of thev with a good c(rop. of doubt, but they must be put into practice generally, existence prest shadow capable of combating the evú, is the fate of other coffee producing Gleaning, thd only method 5if Sao Paulo is not to follow result of deep from the markets not the outeome of chance, but represehts thel countries. Sumatra is about to disapp^r Coffee combat the study, lengthy experiments and patient thought. The as of coffee; Java wa,s only able to pest producer that Service, organised on a transitory basis, to study and of labour, whilst Uganda now confesses Defence after 15 years entire and complete efforts t0 the measure that will saveJts coffee combat the plague gave its | gleaning is the only effective study ing the biology of • mission with which it wás entrusted, industry from destructiòn. the methods Campinas to the insect, détermining with scientific exactitude It is not necessary to go any further than the combating — rational, practical, executâble and efficient, to demonstrate the efficacy oi thq mdasures of obtain elenienis and conditioning and finally means of Service. In orie of the fazendas systems of disinfection rccommended by the Défence done in a very much cent. during .he conquqring the evil. Ali this was period in which the decree of infestation was 89 per and -now of thel less than the most fe-rvent thought possible, last harvest and which was gleaned by the personnel atter a the end of its arduous undertaking is not far distant, very little Service, is to-day almost free of the pest and Defence to be done owing to its provisionary cha,racter. The thousands of trees only 1 per cent. of remains thorough inspection of has been drawn up, the greater portion infected, an insignificant whole plan of campaign the coffee gleaned was found t0 be *practiceand • with satis- of time. In having beén put into proves, plainly and a notable result in so short a space the percentage! factory results,. very encouraging, and it now rests with fazenda, however, where gleaning was defective, a neighbouring to carry on the. good work. The Coffee Defence July and August flowering picked fazendeiros 79 pe:r cent. of the coffee of should it be will make ali for itself, Service! has drawn up a law which passed, » ag0 was found to be infected, which speaks how- fortnight the, methods which have been successful obligato

' '--¦' -Z^-Zl December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1650



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South Correspondents in ali the principal Cities and Towns in Europe, in the United States of America and in and Central America. Alto in Austrália, Canada, New Zealand, South África, índia, &c. Drafts issued on the Bank's Branches and Correspondents. The purchase and sale of Funds undertaken,as also the receipt of Dividends, the issue of Letters of Crédit, the negotiation and collection of Biils of Exchange,Drawn legitimate Banking business. Bonds and Coupons, Cable Transfers, and ali other ¦ Deposits received at Interest for fixed periods, the terms of which may be ascertained on application.J rr ii R AD 38 THE AZAM EVERY SATURDAY The.PusinessPuilder of E5razil A Weekly Encyclopedia 5OS0OO per year in Brazil^ 70SOOO » » Elsewhere BRAZILIAN AMERICAN IDA PASSOS, 48 :-: Caixa. Postal 629 Phone Norte 4857 II I ¦_____l _k =____]

A0: becember lOth, 1924. WítÉMAfc'S BÍUZlíLiAN. ftÉVHSW. 1651



tolerated that the ..greatest source • measure in the! majority of its .._ It cannot be admitted nor of the pest, has adoptdtl the the risk of it of wealth of Sao Paulo, of alj Brazil, should run fazendas, whilst Mògy-Mirini, hadly infested has; .ignored are| obsti- disappaering simply because incredulous fazendeiros altogether. that ,'.iV_; nate in. comprehending the importance of the calamity repeated that the success of th; confess, It can neveir be too often threatens it. It is necessary. to recognise, to loyally depends on collective effort, and when campaign agaihst campaign against the pest that the gjreatest ohstacle to be overcome in the of the situation which weighs narrow minded ali planters re'alise the gravity thé plague rests with the managers, generally our _heavily on the coffee industry., and uneducated, but who nevertheless make or unmake only visits of The Coffee Defence Service has discovered the process agricultural properties, whilst the system of monthly the State into consider- 7y capable of comhating the pest and of thus permitting prop,rietors t0 their fazendas continues. Taking to allege of Sao Paulo to continue to .figure as the greatest coffee produc.r ation the actual prices 0f coffee, no one has the right harvest followed by in the wojrlde.yiy7;: ^: the imposibility of çarrying out a careful the- is now no a thorough gleaning, because it is impossible to, reconcile That the mdasures adopted are effective there existence of the, prest with a good cjrop. shadow of doubt, but they must be put into practice generally, only method capable of combating the evil, is to the fate of other coffee producing Gleaning, the1 if Sao Paulo is not follow the! result of deep from the markets not the outcome of chance, but represents countries. Sumai^ra is about to disappéar Goffee the study, lengthy experiments and patient thought. The as of coffee; Java was only able to combat pest producer that Service, organised on a transitory basis, to study and of labour, whilst Uganda now confesses Defence after 15 years entire and complete efforts to the measure that will save its coffee combat the plague gave its j is the only effective biology of the -. studying ¦• • mission with which it was entrusted, industry from destructiòn. the methods Campinas to the insect, détermining with scientific exactitude It is not necessary to go any further than the thej meiasures of comhating — rational, practical, executâble and efficient, obtain elements to demonstrate the efficacy of, of disinfection and conditioning and finally means of Defence Service. In one of the fazendas systems recommended by the Ali this was done in a period very much was. 89 cent. during iie conque;ring the evil. in which the degreeof infestation per thought and -now the of thè less than the most fe-rvent possible, last harvest and which was gleaned by personnel little ai ter a the end of its arduous undertaking is not far distant, very Service, is to-day almost free of the pest and Defence to be done owing to its provisionary character. The of trees only 1 per cent. of remains thorough inspection of thousands up, the portion an insignificant whole plan of campaign has been drawn greater the coffee gleaned was found t0 be infeeted, satis- In having beén put into'practice and proves, with plainly and a notable reisultin so short a space of time. percentage! factory results,. very encouraging, and it now rests with the fazenda, however, where gleaning was defecttve, a nèighbouring to carry on the. good work. The Coffee Defence of July and August flowering picked fazendeiros 79 pe_- cent. of the coffee should it be will make ah_ for itself, Service! has drawnup a law which passed, " ago was found to be infeteted, which speaks how- fortnight the, methods which have been successful obligatory, certain, most infested In the same fazenda, in the g|rove originally that where initiative fails to act, very little can/ *staff of ever, private carried out by Hhe ¦ and in which the gleanings were be done unle'ss under compulsion.,;7; Yy fmit was tound, even the' Coffee Defence Service, no, infeeted wherê the bernes though this grove is sunrounded by others tho sei still in the trees on the ground only were collected and were badly infeeted. PEDRO LEVÉL MOREAUX Coffee Defence During the innumerahle trips* which the BROJKER to inspect work COTTON : ^ Service Commission have made to the interior ' I ' splendid resu ts of the RAW-COTTON carried on undefir its supervision, the same time, ' undertaken have been verified, and, at the gleanings It is necessary CLASSIFICATIONS, ETC. of impejrfect gleanings. -" ¦ 1 \hé unsatisfactory results ¦¦¦*. ; ,--/..i" after the harvest not to forget that a single fruit left on a tree INFORMATION OF ANY that an insect can pro- is enough to infest a whole fazetada and NATURE CONCERNING mo>re which wiU Sprêad over a, considerable RAW-COTTON BUSINESS . duce thousands ALSO to-day afflicts the coffee plantations ¦i area the pest which OF TEXTILES IN BRAZIL by a single! insect, im- MANUFACTURE of Sao Paulo has probably been caused regions. In the Coffee Defence prudently imported from infeeted mor« insécts have frequently Servicb laboratories 20, 30, 40 ar RUA VISCONDE INHAÚMA 64 sob. -berry, and on one oceasion 153 were been found in a single RIO DE JANEIRO deduced the absolute necessity that observed, from which,can be and scrunulonsly eafried out. the gleaning should be ca-reful-y

v ...

"¦', ->ií__á_ . . ., ¦'••{,-.¦,?,•<_ - '*',:"; ¦: ¦¦¦ .:' : -v y :¦¦'.¦

1924. 1652 WILÈMAN'S BhAZlUAl. REVltíW. becemier ÍÔth,

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__^~_9S^SB8aES>ai|v_N__i _..,. .i._n-_-_—_.n 66-74, Avenida Rio Branco, 66-74. m :7-y:.:ây: y


Janeiro '. Avenida Rodrigues Alves, 437, Rio de r"r< Telephone: Norte 5297c


wa 19 exports were as follows, in milreis THE FOREIGN TRADE OF SANTOS The values of principal paper:—y'y y ; Inc. or Dec. IMPORTS, EIGHT MONTHS, JANUARY—AUGUST. 19231924 '¦ ²16,264:047$ v¦¦-M3Ê Cotton, raw 21,022:383$4,758:336$ C.I.F. value Increase or Decrease ²2,607:936$ Kice 2,611:20»$3:27_,? 1924.1923Value% ²3,161:756. Lard• • • 3,8(34:97V)$703:223$ •.... 10,715,418 3,826,659 35.7 £ sterling , 14,542,077 + 822,548:246$ 1098,034:698$ +275,486:452$ 26.2 Cof ftíe• • • • cu-rrency 586,355 464>564 + .121,791 1,089:341$ Contos Frozen & chilled meat 38,402:106$,39,491:447$+ 5,212:401$9,664:212$ + 4,451:811$ of im- bananas For the first «fight months, 1924, sterling c.i.f. value of increase of .35.7 cent. and in papei- currency months, 1924 ports shows per Coffee: Quantity exported during thp. eight same in 1923. 26.2 per cent. as compared with the period bags against 5,429,982 bag; in the same follows in mil amounted to 6,017,635 Imports by article in 1923 and 1924 were as bags. period in 1923, an increase of 587,653 reis paper: -1923 1924 exports and value, in milreis paper:— 36,919:661$ Destination of Raw and manuf actured cotton 33,984:294$ 68,840:901$ Iron and steel manufactures ...... 38,689:338$ :, y 19231924 20,719:109$ 16,273:512$ Industrial machinery •'•• . 29,692:502$53,612:241$ 2,968:330$ Germany Agricultural machinery 1>644:003$ 26.077:075$27,059:416$ 56,553:960$ Argentine Other machinery, tools, etc. • • 32,620:989$ 31,941:414$38,649:493$ 17,370:098$ Belgium• drugs, and preptns. 12916:645$ M Chemicals, pharm. .Denniarkí • • 14,424:292$18,571:076$ tanned and manuf.. 9,113:854$ 6,422:137$ Skins and hides, United States of America 491,954:698$627,424:044$ ‡...... 1,626:640$ 2,166:189$ Jute yarn• France‡ 142,975:107$166,596:130$ • • ‡ 25.343:130$ 11,070:786$ Jute raw¦ Kingdom 29.219:998$ 9,576:125$ 19,481:511$ 18,441:393$ United Coal . ..;...... ;...•¦•• .••••.••• 63:477$518:981$ 4,553:713$ 7,149:573$ Spain¦ Keírozene 66,392:283$110,771:691o 4,470:294$ 5,961:120$ HoUand '50,471:392$72,804:875$ Codfish, salte-dL••¦•• 24,782:166$ ItaTy...... Wheaten flour: • • 6,153:078$ 2,576:250$2,400:380$ 54,096:682$ 48,986:534$ Norway Wheat in grain ...... ...... 16,864:662$25,431:117$ 13,878:878$ 14,248:152$ Sweden....•¦ Wines•••'• countries 19,954:178$13,292:445$ 15,991:776$ 27,464:156$ Other Unspecified alimentary produets 5. 1,166,708:014$ Total..... 922,607:328$ Origin of imports and value in milreis paper; sterling. Balance of Trade, Six Months, January-Áugust, in £ 1923 1924 Increase or dccrea_e 46,124:789$ 70,165:956$ Germany...... :.. .y.-- 19241923Value y % • * * 64,318:319$ 77,416:934$ 36.5 Argentina• y • • '¦'?¦• •: MZmSi 29,157,737 21,359,305 +7,798,432 15,650:899$ ,18,547:777$ Exports Belgium• •• * ‡ ' 14,542,077 10,715,418 +3,826,659 35.7 92,088:405$ 151,820:505$ Imports United States of America • ‡• • • 25,168:299$ 34,397:633$ France...... *- exports 14,615,660 +10,643,887 +3,971,773 112,475:333$ 114,498:597$ + or + ...... % 100.599.3—y 38,984:751$ 46,426:348$ Ditto ltaly L--7.••• 8,914:075$ 10,993:433$ Portugal• 60 838:950$ . 62,087:335*? Other countries THE TEA & COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL 586,354:518$ 464,563:820$ Trade. Total The International Organ of the Tea and Coffee New York. * Published monthly on the lOth, at 79, Wall Street, F.O.B. VALUE ''¦7 rí^ EXPORTS . annum. Increase or decrease By Subscription, $4.00 per Advertising Rates on Application. 0: 1924 1923Value : % and Advertising received by:— y 29,157,737 21,359,305 +7,798,432 36,;> Subsriptions £ sterling 922-607 2441°*. currency .... W-™ + 0 REVIEW, Contos shows WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN 8 months of 1924 value of exports For àé tm (Agents for Brazil). and of 26.4 per cent. in currency, of 36 5 per cent. in sterling

./.. '¦¦'¦ $$"5$B3? AAr-s^mm

Í924. ' WÍLÉMAN'S BÍUZILIAÍÍ áEVIÉW. December iòth, Í654

Trade of the United Kingdom with thé Principal American in the trade Countries.' There has been a remarkable progrclss American countries of. the United Kingdom with the principal during since 1914. Imports from and exports to these countries ..«-*',«*^_<«'*"* UH anl tbe the first nine months (January to September of current year were as follows (Board oi" Trade returns):

In £1,000 (000*s omitted). SS % % 0 imports irom ———-i-x.po.rts. to 1914.1924. In. or de.19141924.In.orde. 43.9 United States 95,789160,787+ 67.227.25339,188+ 85.6 Ciíba 3,74411,055+194.41,281 2,378+ . .... 1,4224,739+233.2484 1,751+261.8 México tímmsHgm Argentine . 25,89560,903+134.612,32220,324+ 64.9 9,487+79.6 brazil 6,2304,253—31.75,281 Chile' 4,3709,280+112.33,3853,882+14.7 pt)m 2,1416,779+216.69211,969+113-3 Uruguay..' 2,170 4,864 +124.1 1.439 2,379 +63.3 ______

jTotal.... 141,761 262,660; + 85,3 52,366 81,358 +55,3 *. ' . ..*. ¦ ‡•'Áyr 'f-ÁÁy' With tlie exception of Brazil, impo.rts into the United King- dom from other countries show substantial increases. The falling PAN AMERICA LINE consumption óíf of imports from Brazd was due to tbe decline in of cotton, oils and cocoa. Munson Steamship Line Exports from the United Kingdom to ali the above men- Managing- Agent for than tioneil countries show increases, hut at a much smalier ratio United States Shipping Board \ imports from samò. Fleet Corporation The totais show imports, in 1924 increased by 85.3 per cent. 55.3 on the aggregate as compared with 1914, and exports by Twelve Days to New York per cent. The increase in values as shown above is due largely to the Fortnightly Sailings rise in for it will be found that in volume the expansion prices, 8.8. was in a much smaller degrete. Pan America The balance of trade, i.e., the balance in favour ( + ) or 8.8. American Legion against (—) British exports, with eiach of the countries dis- 8.8. Western Worlí ' eliminated above is ás follows:— S.S. Southern Cross In £1,000 (00's omitted). ' 6iS Ali «peed 1914. s, 1924.. recorda for merchant ships between Rio de Janeiro and New York are held by these 21,000 United States -68.536-121.599 displaoement ton verseis. Combining express speed with great steadiness, they oífer ti_e disorimin- Cuba .. ,..- 2.4638.677 ating traveler the comfort and luxury of the besi hotéis México • • • *"-"' 938""^2,88S I. s Latest eqnipment for handling cargo. Yonr Argentina .••'••-13,57340,579 shipménts will get there quioker and in better con- Brazil - im£,234 dition if they goin these fine ships. Chile- 9855,398 tt •_ fPcecial reduced rates for round trips to the United States by way of the East or West Coast of Peru ' — 1-5Í20²4,910 South America and returning by either coast inolnd- ingtneTráns-Andean Railway trip between Buenos Uruguay - 1,7312,485 Aires and Valparaiso. For rates and further information address: —181,302 Total•"¦ — »lJ,395 g THE FEDERAL EXPRESS COMPANY General Agents for Brazil In 1914 the United Kingdom bought more from the foregoing eight countries than she sold to them. In 1924, however, she RIO DE JANEIRO the aggre- obained an advantage over Brazil only, but even so, 87, Avenida Rio Branco gate balance against British exports amounted to £100,000,000 more than in 1914,' a not altogether healthy sign, in spité of the fact that this amount is more than covered by invisible exports such as shipping freights, interest on capital invested ahroad, etc. British imports from Central and South America, however, comprise entirely of raw material, so that the increase shown above1 in reality represents an expansion in Britsh manufactures. Imports from Argentina and Uruguay for exarnple, are re- W;Á<0'.': presented largely by wheat, meat, maize, linseed, oats, bran, Kú#-:Z's wool, etc; from Chile by nitrates and other mine'rals, from México by petróleum, from Brazil by cotton, sugar, vegetáble oils, meat, oil seed-, irubber, hides vegetáble waxes, and some coffee, cocoa, nuts, canned meat, cotton seed, etc; from* Cuba mm by chiefly sugar; from Peru by minerais. Thel only American country north of México which may expojrt more manufactures to than she imports from the United Kingdom is the United States."-0 ,,, . - ..

December lOth, 1924; WILEMAH'5 BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 165£

bales, Overseas Trade of the United Kingdom. The Board of of 10,128,478 bales in 1923, 9,762,069 bales in 1922, 7,953,641 "The bales in 1919. the Trade returns fòr October, says Economist," does not show , ín 1921, 13,439,603 bales in 1920 and 11,420,763 m 10,540,100 bales. any sign whatever of being affècted by thé domestic political average production for the five yeairs being 'As\ than expected, price* Upheaval dujrttng :the month. compare/d with September, Although the latest estimate is better trading circlès, says "The Economist, imports are ne&rly £20 millions úp at thè second highest total have tended to advance. In on the of consunip- of the year, exports show ãn incréaisé of over £5 millions, while more attention is now being cejntred question The mills in Lancashire re-exportsi alre £3y2 millions higher. The figures, however, tion during the next; twelve months. Mm in the United States. are from soirie aspects not as satisfactory as could be ddsired, are likely to run revival Last season the consumption of American cotton was about f qr although exports have expanded as compared with the previous much smaller thonfor several years month, they. are by no means keeping paee with the expansion 11,200,000 bales, and was back. Accojrding some authorities, the requirements of users in imports. As compared with October, 1923, moreover, imports to 12,500,000 bales. are £20 millions higher, but total exports are nearly a million this season will be fully lower, and we have an adverse balance of. nearly £39 millions Brazilian cotton conditions state that tZe for the. month, as compared with less than £17 % millions in The reports on North Eastern States will be large ones this se'ason. . the corresponding month last year. The figures for October crops of Sao Paulo, however, crops a^e reported to be less favourable.. and for the ten months compare with last year's totais as follows. In Demand for Sao. Paulo cotton has fallen off owing to short pro- to Z;Month of October.Z duetion and inferior quality. Sao Paulo has much. ground will Increase or Decrease cover hefoire it can produce1 a quality of cotton that be entering 1923.1924. 1924. acceptable to Lancashire mills. British enterprise now ¦ £ . % this field will, n0 doubt, do much to improve matters. .'¦?•¦ it is reported that Lord•. Lovat, Imports .. 99,927,488 120,458,328 +20,530,840+20.6 ; Apropos of such enterprises, — - Syndicate, will sail British exports Al 71,322931 68,586,638 2,736,293 3.8 the' founder. 0f the Brazilian Plantations |o| /+ 1,784,528+16.0 Brazil /sometime in January. Re-expqrts z •• .;• 11,146,961 12,931,489 — -1.2 American Consulate General of this city advises üs that Total exports .... 82,469,892 81,518,127 951,765 The * is in rCceipt of a communication from the Chamber of Com- Excess of imports ovei*• he Washington, dated October 17, 1924, announcmg total exports : 17,457,596 38,940,201 + 21,482,605 +123.2 mercê of Seattle, of the National Foreign ²•*!— that the Twelfth Annual Convention in that city on June 24, 25 and 26, First., Ten Months. Trade Council will be held United States Steel Increase or Decrease 1925. Mr. James A. Farrell, president of thè the National Foreign Trade Council. 1923.1924.- in 1924 Corporation, is chairman of of Commerce advis

Some satisfaction may be derived from the fact that the oceurs almost entirely under the head of REPORTS AND MEETINGS OF COMPANIES imports æ''...-'¦• increase in • . materiais, the forme(r category showing an in- food and raw City of Sao Paulo Improvements and Freehold Land. Th? millions, and the latter an increase of £6% millions crease of £12 twelfth òrdinary general meeting of the City of Sao Paulo Im- as compared with October la)st year. Winchester provements Co., Ltd., was held on 21st October at in British exports for the month is due entirely The dcfcline House, Old Broad-street, E.C, Mr. Herbert Guedalla, F.C.A. (the iron and steel, which are down by £3% millions, £1.4 to coaf and Chairman), presiding. France, Germany, Italy and Rússia accoant- millions irespectively, . The Secretary (Mr. F. S. Tomkins) having read the notice of the former. The rise! in re-exports ing for the greater part cbnvenihg the meeting and the report of the auditors.. increased by £855,000, wool, cotton, — is due largely to rubber, which The chairman said: Gentlemen,—I have now to move: of ¦LM and hioes and skins.: ;-¦.,_, "That the, report of the directors and the balance sheet the for the ten months is made up ;Z:, The increase in imports companv at 29th February, 1924, thereto annexed, a-, submitted ¦ and drink, £64 millions in raw materiais, twelfth. ,,:. £43% millions in food to the meeting, be received and adopted." This is the in manufactured goods. On thel export side, it not bceix and £34y2 millions òrdinary general meeting of the company, and had millions higher, but owing to a drop of from food and drink are £10 for the slight delay in the audited accounts coming forward / / exports, raw materiais ímow a decline over £23 millions in coal Sao Paulo, caused by the disturbance in that city, the directors are £30y2 millions earlier of over £21 millions, but manufactured goods woulcl have been able to present the balanc sheet. at an last year. Raw cotton, directors' report higher than in the corresponding period date. If you will kindly permit me to take the contribute substantially to the ten the various hides and skins, and meat and balance sheet as read, I shall now explain to you the Com- months' increase in re-exports. items on the balance sheet and go into the position of ¦: pany.. Z In the first in this balance sheet effect has been given Crop Conditions. The Board of the place, American Cotton 278,688 shares, which was approved by the of Agriculture, its tenth to the cancellation of United States Departmenlt ?n of the High Court on. that the con- shareholders and duly sanetioned by order cotton report issued on November 8th, estimates to-day stands. cent. of 29th July, 1924. Thel result is that our capital the crop on NoveSmber lst was 55.9 per dition of . £1,721,312 in òrdinary shares of £1 each, while certain doubtful 49;5 cent. oh September 25th last year àt normal, ás against per have been eliminated, with the resalt cent. three years ago and items on the other sidè 50.0per cent. two years :ago, 42.2 per is, in my opmion, for the lart that wé are now able to place before you what cent. the average" condition on that date. 56.1per àn absolutely cleau balance sheet» as 29th ten years., The creditors and crédit balances in London rt reported on November 8 forecasts a total The condition to £6,471, and to-day these only amoun./: 500 lbs., as against production February last amounted production of 12,816,000 bales of

:AÍA- - to-ltoüto jitotoV

1656 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. December lOth, 1921.

n*: if^ ..¦'to,;').'.;^4-í..;/'- í.^^^^ ^^^mj^mm^-- V~7S£& M|P|,:l:^|,^::,rto,::-' >.._>-? ...: .>... :...»..v _^_. ,-.....>_-_rf_i_i /i__H__K^^l^í_Í__l_BÉ_^ffii_HÉí:^ ,'77-7>_^_Éi4_____l:'"'':*:'

WsAmK^^^mmmmmt^ -J' ^mP^rT ¦^mmW iB___r**_fj5l_H_í_^_^í^^ ^-J-.^¦^-_^-_Wl^^-_^-_^-_B -Bíl

"¦¦^^-'¦¦¦i-— -¦¦¦¦.-¦•__..¦¦;²-1 ^^ - '—¦—¦ 1

(Owners: T. H. Skogland & Son A/S, Haugesund, Norway.) 'XX7 FLEET: wmmmm—mmi

»HANNA s.g. SKOOLAND" 8000 TONS D. W. s. s. «WALDEMAR SKOGLAND 7650" s.s. "KARI SKOOLAND" 6800" s.s. "LAURA SKOGLAND" 6100" s.s. "TORLAK SKOGLAND" 5700" m s.s. "MARGIT SKOOLAND" 5700" s.s. "SKOOLAND" 5100"

Ofílcea in Braail: ifi SKOOLANDS LINJE," (Brazil) Ltd., Rio de Janeiro SKOGLANDS LINJE, (Brazil) Ltd., Santos

BESIDES AGENCIES ALL OVER BRAZIL REGULAR SERVICE, EUROPE—BRAZIL—RIVER PLATE AND VICE-VERSA AND BRAZIL—NEW ORLEANS AND NEW YORK. wJ^rJ*.*'S<-t~ For further partieulars about freights, sailing, etc, apply to vUÍ^*— SKOGLANDS LINJE (BRAZIL) LIMITED. Avenida Rio Braneo No. §—!• Andar, 8alas 221-227, Rio da Janeiro. Oiible Address: "Skogland."Telephone: Norte 1676.P.O. Box No 1020 -*5_»8W '¦ •  -¦„* X ~ aaTt '• I ,II æ—I"'— I «II I . . ./ • ¦ ¦ - ¦-: - ' ' XX7 'XXXX-XiX^lillÉIt . ¦ •¦'¦¦¦

to a few hundred arising pounds, out of the normal course of the last few years, we think that business. the time has now come when The similar item for Sao Paulo' stands at £69,370. it is desirable that some settlement should be arrived at in this taken at an exchange of 6%d. per milreis, but the majòi- part matter. Moreover, as the company, we hope, is now entering of this amount—namely, £59,000—merely represents contra on more prosperous times, it is necessary amounts for the question of which are included in the item of debtors on the other directors' remuneration as regards the future to be placed upon side. When tlie company còntracts to make a loan or build a a proper footing. I can assure you that" our suggestions in this house an entry is made creating the liabiiity and the debt at matter will be quite modest, as compared same to the amount to which the time. Therefore, the more business the company doe the board are ehtitled under the articles of association, and, as in this respect the larger this item is likely to become. regards the future, we quite realise that the article^ must be This year we owe the Sao Paulo Mortgage and Finance Co. altered in this respect. For the moment £177,270, showing I have no suggestion an increase of about £40,000 since the previous to make, as I have not been able to consult my colleagues, both balance sheet, which amount. again has been utiüse\ i. loa-s past and present, but I do not anticipate for house construction. any difficulty in ob- taining their consent to meet the shareholders in Provision for fluctuations thel fairest in exchange and cancellations this possible manner. year shows ari increase of £13.009 and stands at £86,892. Having Taking the other side of the balance regard to the higher sheet, it will be more prices obtainable for our lands, it is really convenient to leave reference unnecessary to our main assèt—namely, fre- to allocate any reserve for cancellations, so that hold land—to the last. The improvements, house the whole of this amount may be said to be attributable property plant, to the etc, at £104.849 this year show a nett increase contingency of fluctuations of about £7,500.' in exchange. I use the word net because The the actual expenditure during' the land sales amount for the year shows a surplus oí twelve months under review amounted to about £25,000, £33,620, but we hítve dedueted from but the this sum certain expenses directors deemed it desirable formerly this year to adjust the sterling charged in the London office expenses and also a larger values of certain expenditure in previous with the amount of interest than we shall actually periods, resul' have to pay tò the that an amount of £17,500 has been Sao Paulo Mortgage dedueted and charged against and Finance Co., Ltd., with the result that provision for fluctuations the surplus in exchange on the other side. Although as compared with the previous actually shows this year capital expenditure will now always be included an improvement of about £14,000. at the After dedueting the London average rate of the milreis office expenses, for the year, I woü'd remind the total surplus on land sales account, includirg you that the expenditure for the most part is allocated against the carry forward, amounts to £86,227. the land to which it appertâins, and when In connection with the land is sold the pro- this item, you will ob erve the not. in portion of the expenditure the balance on improvements is charged for . i sheet that no charge has been made in the accounts the books at the price of ls. per milreis. \, m respect of directors' fees, which is the sam. note as has ap- The debtors in for land sold, house construction, etc, amount peared the balance sheet for the last two Having years. to £462,263, taking the milreis at 6%d, This regard to the changes in the board which shows a consider- have taken place during able increase over the same item for last year, amounting %q December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1657

no less than £181,000, when we take into consideration the fact that under the scheme of capital reorganisation £90,600 was THJE \vritten off last year's figures. With the excepfon of a few thousand pounds, the whole of this total of £462,000 represents f ISaHDIMYIIN debtors for land sold" and for loans for construetion. Ali these SHIPPING GAZETTE debts carry interest at vãrying. rates, and tlie flebEs for land sold are really secured debts, because fn the system adopted" hy But lílici: 38, Yostre Biilmrt, COPEIHiGII. the company for selling its land, the land is gradually paid for, first of ali by the deposit of a certain amount, and then by Telegrams: "Vikiaexpo" monthly or quarterly instalments, and the actual titla to the property is not transferred until tb,e final instalment has been Cedes: A.B.C. Sth. Ed ¦m paid. When the price of land continually rises, as has happened in this case, the security behind these payments becomes move and more valuable, and, in fact, it often happens that parties who have paid up a certain proportion transfer their rights under contract at a profit to other parties. In somewhat the same manneSr the loans for house construetion do not covet the full amount necessary for this purpose, the balance being provided Tbe Leading Shipping Paper by the party to whom the money is lent, and ít has not Inen our experience so far that we have had any bad or douhlful debts in these transactions. In addition to the margin of securi- in Scandinavia, ty, there is always the personal liabiliy of the party to whom the money is lent. FOREMIST AMONG THE TRADE J0URNAL8 IF EUROPE Our investment in the Sao Paulo Mortgage and Finance Co., Ltd., in ordinary shares remains the same at £97,500, repre- Adrertising Agent in Brasil: '""¦'¦<- senting the whole of issued 7.' 7 0 v the capital of that company, which, "Wilemin's as you are aware, was formed for the purpose of financing loans H.F.WILEMAN, Brazffiai> Rtfliw" for house construetion, by which means we have added consider- ably to the values of certain properties, while,the sale of land has been greatly facilitated. RUACAMERINO. I now come to our largest asset, which freehold is the land Postal S09 which we possess in and adjoining the City of Sao Paulo, and Caixa (P.O.Box) which stands in the balance sheet at a cost of £1,473,539, showing DE JANEIRO a reduction of about £52,000 in the corrèsponding figure last RIO year. The cost price of the land sales cancelled last year amòunted to £33,1_9. Of this amount about £11,000 represents actual repurchase of land on our part which we wanted for the improvement in values which on will more than compen- purpose of resale to other parties, while of the remaining £22,000 is going a large proportion was due to a rearrangement which we made sate for the reduction entailed by such calculation, and therefore any really with certain parties to whom we had sold a large block of land that your capital, without rise in exchangé, will b2 represented in full by the balance some time ago at a cheap price on the understanding that they assets in your sheet. should effect certain improvements. This obligation they were This company originally purchaseu, in 1911, some 12,000,000 not in a financial pòsition to carry out, so that we came to a spuare metres, or roughly, 3,000 acres of lánd, and, after making compromise in the matter by giving them a small block of 5,000 provisions for the área required for streets, gardens and parts square metres of land in the same district and a payment of more or less unsuitable for sale, it was estimated that there was about £1,250, taking back the original land, which had consider- a net saleable área of nearly 2,000 acres. At the present *ime ably increased in value. The cost price of land sold during the we have left,roughly, 1,250 acres of good and valuable land for year was £85:052, and this land was sold atj roughly, 100 per cent. sale, mostly in property which we have developed, while we ' 1 above the cost value in mureis in the books, which, I trust, you possess about 690 acres of land more remotely situated, and will agree with me is very satisfactory» especially considering which we value at a very low figure and are not endeavouring that the land sales were spread over our various estates. In our to deal with at the present time. Our most valuable p^ece of balancei sheet we have always taken the land cost at ls. per land is at Pacaembu which should be ready for sale before the milreis, and now the milreis is only about 6d., S;> that if we end of the current year. We hold there 660.000 square metres can maintain these prices the land value at 6d. per milreis is and expect to obtain as selling price about £1 per square metre. represented by the cost figure of £1,473,000. The selling prices, Small sales have already been effected at that price. We still however, are continually rising, as we now feel the benefit of have large blocks in the Villa America and Lapa for disposal, the large amount spent in improvements, and also perhaps 1he and the price for the former has shown a considerable rise. during greater benefit of being in a pòsition to finance the construetion the current year. of houses. The City of Sao Paulo is growing at a rapid rate, Since the date of the balance sheet under review, although aiid, indeed, has nearly doubled since 1911, with fhe result that prices have been well maintained, the sales as compared monthly as far as one can foresee, property commanding the geographicaj with the previous results have shown in total considerable situation^ which appertains to our land, must in the long run decline, and this is doubtless due to the political events whieh gain materially in value. I am refening to this matter at some have recently taken place in Sao Paulo. I am happy to say that length, because I wish to make it quite clear that, in our opinion, according to our managing director's advices, business is again we feel justified in taking this item of freehold land at its cost pursuing its normal course, and no damage was sufferéd there- value ín' the balance sheet, despite the fact that Brazilian ex- by the personnel of our staff or to our property. The progress change is standing at 6d. per milreis, while we have every reason of the City Sao Paulo is really extraordinary, and the number to believe that this value in the future will continue to impr.we. of building licenses issued during the year 1923 4,242 as æææ• _was Of course, you will understand that there is aa asset which is against 2,875 in the previous year ánd 2,112 in th_ year 1921. only capable of gradual realisation, and that therefore its lar^e Notwithstanding this fact, the amount of property transfers on value must be discounted to bring it down to its present worth, a gold basis which are registerèd are less to-day than they were but I must confess that I am exceedingly hopeful that the ten years ago, and Mr. Gurd ajrgues from this point of view that -teíte- :f"\ ""> í* fVV.l,í<-'--'? f V **> y P-te ¦' te.


WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. December lOth, 1924. 1658

T"^^v->uagesvassat5——¦ss5S55__H_a_^_i_^__a—¦¦¦¦¦¦saBa—ssss¦_¦_¦¦_¦—¦¦—¦—M-* not only should higher prices be expected, especially if exchánge remains as it is, but also tha*t increased business, with very satisfactory returns can be looked for during the next tw0 or Banco Sol three years. Hollaodez da America do You will observe from the report that the number of houses completed or in course of construction on our property at the date of the balance sheet was 246, as compared with 130 at the Head Office: AMSTERDAM. end of the preceding year, and also that a great deal of worl; has been done during the. year on what we term public utibty services. BRANCHES I would like to record that the board, and I feel certain the shareholders, appreciate the loyal work of the individual mem- bers of our staff in Sao Paulo, who, I happen to know, have Rio de Janeiro—São Paulo—Santos great confidence in the future of our undertaking. Buenos Aires—Valparaiso I do not propose on this oceasion again to elaborate on the question of exchánge, but I am pleased to note that events have Santiago de Chile—Hamburg proved that my prognostications on this subject when last we met were not far out. In April last Dr. Cincinnato Braga, who Genoa. is one of our directors, gave a most illuminating address ôn this subject to the shareholders of the Bank of Brazil, of which he is the president. He compared the position in Brazil with that in which the country found itself in 1898, when exchánge stood at 5%d. to the milreis. Subscquently, for reasons upon Capital Authorised Fls. 35,080,000.00 which he enlarged, from 1900 to 1907 the evchange in Brazil Capital Issued Fls. 22,680,000.00 continually improved, and he stated that the actual position at the moment is the counterpart of that transformation, but in larger and more proficient terms of progress and wealth. RIO DE JANEIRO BRANCH- While any improvement in exchánge would naturally have a ¦:¦ V'"Vi very material effect on the value of the assets in our balance sheet, I am glad to be able to state that in my opinion our ex- 11 Rua Buenos Aires 13 change reserve account is more than ample to meet the contingency of any possible fali. I now have pleasure in moving:"That the report of the di- POST 0FFIGE BOX, 1242 rectors and the balance sheet, as at 29th February, 1924, now TELEPHONE, NORTE 5356 presented, be receivèd and adopted," and I shall ask Mr. Cradock to second the resolution, but before putting it to the meeting I shall be pleased to answer any questions in my power. Mr. H. E. Cradock seconded the resolution, which, after some congratulaiory remarks by Mr. Derbyshire, was carried. MONEY The retiring directors, Mr. H. E. Cradock and Monsieur Rene Official Exchange Quotations, Câmara Syndical and Vales:— de Livio, were re-elected, and Messrs. Deloitte Plender Griffiths 90 days Sight Sovereigns Dollars Vales termi- and Co. having been reappointed auditors, the proceedings PencePence' nated. December 3 ...6 1-64 5 61-6448*0008$6724*1752 December 4 ...5 31-32 5 29-3248$0008$6954$779 1 December 5 ...5 63-64 5 59-6448 0008$6914$779 December 6 ...5 61-64 5 57-6447!0008$7024$773 December 8 . . Holiday' . í^_ fflUH11 T December 9 . . Holiday

Average5 63-64 5 59-6447 7508$6904$771 G. H. TATTERSALL Equivalest. ...5980-469 5917-969²— —

THE DAILY MOVEMENT OF EXCHANGE. Jeweller, Silversmith, etc. /"¦£$&¦'"W-V» '— • i ¦ wjj¦*•~rff; *~_* " Wednásday, December 3rd: Banks posted from 6d. to 6 l-32di with money for future delive(ry at 6 l-32d. Rates fell to 5 31-32d. TELEPHONE CENTRAL 959 in the afternoon, the market closing easy. The New York-London rate* came as $4.63 % and Paris-London as 84.75 to the £. Presents delivered in England, Thursday, December 5th. Banks posted 5 31-32d., with money at London Catalogue prices, by arrangement for future delivery at 5 31-32d. The market closed at same rates. with The New York-London rate came as $4.67 % and Paris-London as 85.00 to the £. Rriday, December 5th. Banks posted 5 31-32d.; with money Messrs. EUINGTON l Co. for future bills at 5 31-32d. The market was dull, closing with- out movement. The New York-London rate came as $4.68 and Pajris-London as 85.40 the SHOWROOM AT to £• Saturday, December 6th. Banks posted from 5 15-16d to 67, RUA GONÇALVES DIAS - 2nd. FLOOR 5 31-32d., with mone-y for future bills at 5 31-32d. The market closed at same rates. The* New York-London rate came as $4.67% Lift in entrance of CASA FLORA and Paris-London as 86.50 to the £. Monday, December 8th. Holiday. =__¦_! Tuesday, December 9th, Holiday,, ¦.¦...¦•'-•'••¦¦;'¦•¦.:• "- ¦¦",'•- : yy^y^Zx^Zy

foecember lOth, 1924. WILSIMAN'8 BBAZELUH BÈVIEW. 1659

THE EXCHANGE MARKET. The exchange! market was devoid of interest, the week under review comprising of only four working days, Monday and Rio de Janeiro, lOth December, 1924. yesterday being holidays. 90 days closing drawing rates:— Thé* nwket opened on the 3rd steady with banks quoting Bk of Brazil Other banksN.Y.-Lond. 6d. to 6 l-16d. but during the afternoon the rate fell to 5 31-32d. 'i.e., Pence* PenceDol. Dol. which was mainained throughout the rest of the week, up Dec. 2, 1924 .... 6 1-32 6 1-328$630 4.64.750 to Saturday *I)ec. 6, 1924 ... 5 31-32 5 31-3288600 4.67.625 The same conditions prevail as repòrted in our last issue —t- — and we are still of, the opinion that so long as money is tight Rise or fali ••¦• —1-16—1-16 —0$030 little or no change in rates wül be witnessed. * +0.02.875 Monday ánd Tuesday, 9th and lOth respectively being holidays The market continues almost paralysed and theré is practi- we close the week on Saturday. cally no supply and demand.

APPROXIMATE VALUE OF THIRTEEN LEADLNG EXPORTS, RIOAND SANTOS, Av. per No. of days. Coffee Mang'eseMeatSugai' Beans Cotton Rice HidesLard Sundry Total diem Total, 12 months, 1918 . 18,0392,0463,2309671,641— 237 1,3501,000 1,131 29,641 81 Monthly average, 1918 . 1,503171• 26981137— 20 11283 94 2,470 81 Weekly average, 1918 .. 34739621932— 5 2619 21 570 81 Total, 12 months, 1919 . 67,8809393,1381,299TJ7il,y24 525 1,501 2,198 778 81,374 223 Monthly average, 1919 . 5,65778262108100160 44 125 183 65 6,781 Weekly average, 1919 .. 1,3051860252337 10 29 42 15 1,565 223 ¦ Total, 12 months, 1920 51,037L9712,8571,20455t>3,004 2,853 1,116 432 362 66,392 182 Monthly average, 1920 . 4,2531642381004;250 321 93 37 30 5,582 182 Weekly average, 1920 .',,; 9823755231158 74 22 8 7 1,277 182 "98 . 'Mm Total, 12 months, 1921 . 31,6351,0121,36736!391 306 469 207 110 35,864 Monthly average, 1921 . 2,6378411430²33 26 39 17 9 2,989 98 • Weekly average, 1921 ..6072026²7 6 4 2 690 98 Total, 12 months, 1922 . 41,815~631914281¦-=~"796 23 379 98 74 45,011 123 Monthly average, 1922 . 3,484537624²66 2 31 8 6 3,750 123 Weekly average, 1922 .. 8041318²15 7 2 1 865 123

§31 January 3,989323617 44 3 4 4,128 133 §28 February 4,1825024²1 22 8 10 4,298 1Ó4 §31 March 3,95561120149 2 29 24 5 4,352 140 87 §30 April 2,17840152²94 7 60 51 4 2,587 §31 May 3,1463262²133 15 47 39 1 2,480 80 2,0396213459²60 8 40 11 1 2,414 80 §30 June i - 2,526 85 §31 July 2,1562518374²22 7 53 5 1 4,272 138 §31 August ...3,9442215752²3 5 66 22 1 5,246 168 §30 Septémber ...... 4,85318929²42 5 41 44 35 70 7 5,909 193 §31 October . 5,553498023166 5 36 1 122 4 4,316 144 §30 November 4,045227132²1 18 Y 17 62 3 5,046 163 §31 December 4,6993712411— 92 1 47,655 131 Total, 12 months, 1923 . 43,739"ÍÍÕÍ332294780"" 56 473 461 76 3,971 131 Monthly average, 1923 . 3,6453711124²65 5 39 39 6 1 916 131 Weekly average, 1923 .. 84126²15 1 9 9 1924. 14 45 4,728 152 §31 January 4,541515811 48 29 5,919 204 §29 February 5,68915 77²²61 24 5,068 163 §31 March .... 4,726212951 22 2,893 96 §30 April 2,74956.641 31 3,887 125 §31 May 3,650. 32174- 26 4,614 154 §30 June 4,561123- 8 4,273 138 July -. 44048476- §31 25 1 6,231 201 August 6,2241416.1- §31 33 4 6,761 218 Septémber 6,66949-=-¦__.. §30 . " 1,023 146 ended 7 October .. 1,023²„~²—. Week 7 3,677 525 Zz Week ended 14 October 3,64624²²— 10 1 1,122 160 ended 21 October 1,030²81²²— Week 19 1 3,149 449 ended 29 October 3,114²10²— Week 42 2 9,408 303 October 9,2162910910a| §31 6 787 112 5 November 753y;~Y 28^"J^ Week ended 5 3,725 389 ended 11 November 2,711²²— Week 12 2,299 328 ended 18 November 2,241261010-~- Week 7 1,234 176 26 November 1,216²H Week ended 24 1 7,557 252 ?>450422911- §30 November 1 949 135 Week ended 3 December 93216

'Sundries comprise Cocoa, Tobacco, Cottonseed and Mandioca MeaL gSubject to alteration.

y.y ftÊVíÈW. December lOth, 1924. 166Ò WÍLÈMAN'5 BÍ-AZiLÍAN

CUSTOMS REVENUE, RIO DE JANEIRO DI8TRICT. ,« . ' - F BAHK OF tONDON 8 SOUTH 5 i 1 ~ 1.-I. ¦¦ 3 X X{B,<_HO AMERICA, LIMITED 1924,Contos. Contos. Contos Contos. l-ORMERLY January (ágio, 404.3%) 3,81615,4284,05623,300 February, (ágio, 358.0%) ...3,76513,5134,12521,403 THE LONDON & RIVER PLATE BANK, LIMITED, March (ágio, 382.0%) 3,96515,1464,03423,145 with which is amalgamated April (ágio 389.1%) 3,98215,494' 4,41823,894 May (ágio, 398.0%) 4,326 17,2174,68526,228 THE LONDON & BRAZILIAN BANK, LIMITED. June (ágio, 412.2%) 4,36818,0054,70827,081 July (ágio), 400.4%) 3,37715,5483,53322,458 Authorised Capital August 455.6%) 4,87522,2104,98032,065 £4,000,000 (ágio, Subscribed Capital £3,540,000 September (ágio, 446.4%) ..4,98322,2445,04832,275 Paid-up Capital £3,540,000 ....5,07524,9285,18135,184 October (ágio, 491.2%) Reserve Fund ... • ••» .••••••! £3,600,000 Novembem (ágio 480.9°jü....4,91823,6514,87733,446 Total 11 months 1924 47,450 203,384 49,645 300,479 — Ditto, 1923 38,655 170,847 41,975 251,477 Head Office — Princes Street London E. C. 2 Ditto, 1922 32,065 105,209 36,810 174,084 Branch Office —7 Tokenhouse Yard

The premium (ágio) at which gold was appraised in MANCHESTER PARIS °|° against 4912 cent November averaged 480.9 per cent as per 36—Charlotte Street 9—Rue du Helde. in October, 446.4 per cent. in September, 455.6 per cent. in August, 450.4 per cent. in July, 412.2 per cent. in June, BRADFQRD ANTWERP 398.0 cent. in May, 389.1 cent. in April, 382.0 cent. per per per 35—Hustlergate 22—Place de Men in March, 358.9 per cent. in February, 404.3 per cent. in January and 525.2 per cent. in November l-ijSt year. NEW YORK LISBON 51-Wail Street 44—Rue Áurea Customs collections in November, show an all round decrease 67—Wall Street as compared with October, of which 157 contos or 3.1 per cent. in collections of 1277 coníoà' or 5.1 C€*at. in the gold, pe). OPORTO—9 Rua Infante Henrique .-.•>/-., 304 contos or 5.9 per cent. in collections in paper, and consequently, 1,738 contos or 4.9 per cent. in total BRASIL terms in paper. Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santos, Curityba, Porto Alegre, Customs revenue during the eleven months of the current Pelotas, Rio Orande, Victoria, Bahia, Maceió, Penambuco, Ceará, Maranhão, Para, Manaos, year compared with thet same period last year shows an increase in total in terms of paper, i e., collections in gold, premium, ARGENTINE 49,002 contos 19,5 cent. plus collections in paper, of or per Buenos Aires, Rosário, Bahia. Blanca, Tucuman, Mendoza, Paraná, Concórdia, Cordoba 0¦ . ÜRÜCÜAY Montevideo, Paysandu, Salto, Rivera. üe Janeiro Lighterage Co., LM, CHILE | Santiago, Valparaiso, Antofagasta. Lighterage Contractors, Stevedores, Tug and PARAGUAY Launch Owners, Salvage Operators. Asuncion Fleet—Over 200 Lighters: 22,000 tons total capacity. COLÔMBIA Bogotá, RAPID HANDLING 0F CARGO GUARANTEED. Medellin, Manizales. Salvage Tug "Emily" equipped with Modern Salvage Appliances. AGENTS AND CORRESPONDENTS IN ALL THE PRIN

RIO DE JANEIRO CIPAL CITIES OF THE WORLD; 75, Rua Visconde de Itaborahy, 75 P. O. BOX 1164. "LIGHTERAGE The Bank ls affilated with TELEGRAMMS - RI0JANEIR0 LLOYDS BANK LIMITE D, who Codes-~BENTLEY'S, À.B.C. 4lh Ed., LIEBER'S, A. 1 have 1,600 Branches in Great Britain; Paid-up Capital and LONDON - Dashwood House, New Broad Street, E. C. 2 Reserve Fund over £24,000,000, with which Bank is also ln«_-H_riHM_MM ENQUIRIES INVITED. affiliated THE NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, LTD. '¦''"¦ ' >..'.' ¦ December lOth, Í9_4. WÍLÊÍ_AÍJ'_ BRA2ÍLUN ÍIEVÍÈW. 1661

Liabilities. BANK BALANCES Capital 3.812:554$40Ò Deposits in current account with interest 27.568:222^410 Ditto, limited accounts 6.974:342*631 THB BRITISH BANK OF SOUTH AMERICA, LIMITED. Capital 8.280:214$778 £2,000,000 Ditto, at 18.142:887*440 Capital realised fixed dates £1,000,000 Ditto, against collections abroad 13:978*900 Res-ire Fund £1,000,000 BALANCE &HBBT FOR THE RIO DE JANEIRO BRANCH Securities deposited and in guarantee 114.685:810*756 29th November, 1924. Head Office 8.990:077*507 Branches aud agencies abroad525:861 $316 Assets. Ditto, in Brazil 292:557*807 818:419$123 Capital unpaid 8.888:888$880 Bills discounted 8.832:297*1640 Bills receivable: Foreign 23.844:447*690 Correspondents abroad 27.278:254$598 Domestic 31.736:916*y80 55.581:364*670 Ditto, in Brazil 1.960:308*494 29.238:623*092 3.108:244$824 Securities in liquidation 3.462:940*880 Bills payable Loans in current account.23.001:340*720 Sundry acco unts 2.302:018^918 Collateral deposited a8 security19.202:492*220 Bills rediscounted abroad 48.8_y:9_4!j'*480 Securities deposited 80.640:357*740 Branches and agencies 17.000:624*620 I 272.765:929*259 Correspondents abroad 2. 6ü8:0O4S*Jü0 Securities owned by bank 1.4oò;593*270 Rio de Janeiro, 6th December, 1924. -John Willet, Manager; Hypothecations2.573:801*180 J. Blanco, Accountant. Cash: In currency 9.961:154*620 2.156.813*110 At Bank of Brazil PAULO. At other bankers 92:419*70010.210:387*430 BANCO COMMERCIAL DO ESTADO DE S. CapitalRs. 50.000:000$000 Capital 30.000:000$0üU Sundry accounts 1.229:338*790 realised Reserve Fund  20.000:000$000 234.098:553*000 BALANCE SHEET OF HEAD OFFICE AND BRANCHEe* Liabilities. 30th November, 1924. Capital•••17.777 :777$760 Assets. Provision for bad and doubtful debtB 3.561:623f370 Capital unpaid 20.000:0001000 Deposits in c. ac. with interest. 17.286:881*370 Bills discounted 113.428:014*030 Ditto, limited accounts 12.749;3U2*5_030.036:183*890 Bills receivable: Foreign 3.890:399*1440 Domestic 71.551:350*540 75.441:755*980 Ditto, without interest ^ÍSSíSS Ditto, at fixed date..£_}£££!_ Loans in current account 71.235:569*120 Securities deposited and in guarantee 155.300,üdO*o\íU Collateral deposited as security109.283:841*030 Head üifice..1:I*_S_2_Í5q .Securities deposited •'••178.110:473*740 Branches and agencies ^iS Directors** Guarantee150:000*000 Correspondents abroad‡^SÍSqSdOO \ Agencies••74.003:449*640 •'••' Cõrrespohdents abroad ...8.953:940*730 Hypothecations *S2_30 Büls paya>le ‡022*9.9.710 Ditto, in Brazil ^V?o?£2 Sundry accounts 1.-___¥-»».iu Securities owned by bank £™£?íí^- Sundry accounts 3.768:0/ .fc9_-ü 234.698:553*000 Cash: In hand and ai bankers-—62.088:861*100 6th December, 1924.—Fjrank Dodd, Manager; Rio de Janei-ro, 623.227:052*640 H, E. Young, acting Accountant. Liabilities. i Canital 50.000:000*000 YORK. THÈ NATIONAL CITY BANK OF NEW &.fS""".:.‡2U.OUO:0üü$UOO Di& JANEIRO, BB ANOH. BALANCE SHEET OF RIO Deposits in c. ac. with interest. 166.890:325*000 ' 30th Novembar, 1924. Ditto, without mterest 6.910:202*240_•-< _, at fixed dates 25.0-0:146*850199.468:674*090 10.551:368fi371 Bills discounted -íü^‡ receivable, foreign/.tbànk's) ^.W:878g0O Securities deposited and in guarantee 187.394:314*770 Bills 67.110.195tt-9U Ditto, domestic (bank's) .... 3.749:317^290 Directors' Guarantee.. ••••••••• 150:0u0*000 Bills tor collection 75.441:755*980 80.604:345*100 Ditto foreign 9.924:157$J000 28.188:527$226 and abroad1*?So?SfÍ2 Ditto, domestic 18.2ò4:370#226 Correspondents' m"Bra_-f Bills payable ."y ^S Profit and Losb AccountftíaítiSoso Securities in liquidation•••• J9./-0.-^/uoM5Uã_28£ Sundry accounts• ••>•••••• ,...... ••...••••«.••••••¦••••••o.-_-._io*^*J Loans in current account •?>:i&-fâ&$£j^ 49.825.097^30 Collateral depo..ted as aecurity 623.227:052*640 36.672:186$000 86.497:283$530 Securities depoBitea »•••• ••« - Director S. Paulo, 4 December, 1924. J. M. Whitaker, 10.945:420$384 L. de Assumpçao, Manager; L.Fleury, Accountant. Head Offío** Superintendent; Branches and agencies abroad 2.803:599^447 6.549:357^436 9.352:956!|883 TO THE Al)V.t_RT_S___i: Ditto. in Brazil in a íour aim in placing announcements paper offer 792:086^917 is because you know that what you Correspondents abroad ••••••¦¦ primarily 2.057.399P75 2.849:486^292 meets the eya of most likely to be Ditto, in Brazil persons • interested. Once readers are interested it resta 995:733$500 owned by bank with the advertiser to push the enquiry into good Securities 11.292:859*$030 Cash: In currency ,»••••••• business. Wileman'8 Brazilian Review numbers o 2Ò:000$000 In other species r«_M4üS238 amongst its readers every coffee, banking, export of Brazil?o-312S293350:14U$238 con- At Bank 70:312$293 14.233:311^561 and import house of any standing in three At other bankers •*•••••••*• tínents. It is rare for an advertisement to be 1.817:9531756 withdrawn. The inference is obvious. Sundry accounts WILEMAN*S BRAZILIAN REVIEW.. 272.765:929*259 CAIXA (POST OFFICE BOX) 809, 1662 WILEMAN'5 BRAZILÍAN RÈVÍEW. December lOth, SÃO PAULO RAILWAY GOMPANY steamers can usually TRANSIT PASSENG-ERS fe arrange to VISIT^illingatSANTO^ U-UABUJA, and other pictu- TIME-TABLE, DEC. Ist. 1924 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE resque seaside localities in the neigbbourhood of thac port. Should they care oo ascend the slopes of tlie foresccxad mountain range known as che SJÜRRA DO MAR special trains will, at an hour's nocice, be placed at their diaposal Trains leaving Santos lor São Paulo at a cost oí: 200 mil réis for 40 passengers plus Grovernmenfc impost: 1$800, travelling. lJaulo per passenger Santos tíâo Remarks dep. arr. Above that number 7$600 róis each person. The return trip lasts 3 hours in ali, including time for lunoh 6.20 9.00 ²Daily. at the Alto. 7.34 10.00 ²Daily, buffet car. The Sao Paulo Railway Line whose first section was begun in 1860, has 8.15 10.09 ²Mondays and days following holidays only. been assiduousiy consolidated and improved since that period, and has long Pullman car. enjoyed a deserved repucation as second to none in the world in point of so- 8 25 10.19 ²Daily ; excluding Sundays Mondays and liüity and security. The line as ic scands has resources far in excess of all holidays and days following holidays, actual traffic requiremencs : but should such become necessary, its transport Pullman car, capacity can be easily extended to a practically unlimiced ex&ent. 10.25 12.55 ²Daily» restaurant car. 12.47 15.24 ²Working days only. Pullman car. TU_ „,..,-* ,AAv,A*AA of tlie São Paulo Railway represented a 14 03 16.27 ²Daily ; buffet car. TMt PLANOS INCLINADOS cnumph ot engineering science and pers- 16.10 18.24 ²Sundays and holidays only. Pullman car. everance. 16.31 18.25 ²Working days only. Pullman car. 16.43 ²Daily. The geological characteristics of the ground are such as to render cons- 19.09 truction and maintenance of railway 17.31 19.45 ²Daily, buffet car. lines over it a work demanding the 18.15 20 31 ²Sundays and holidays only. utmosc patience, skill and care. ²Daily, 18.50 21.05 restaurant car. sometimes called «CHICAGO» of «SOUTH 21.54 and holidays only. SÂO PAULO, AMERICA», and 19.25 Sundays whose prosperity bida fair ac no distant date to rival that of its above namea American coutemporary — is a brighc breezy city, situated on a table-land2.7U0 feet above sea-levei, and discam; 79 kilometres, or, 1 h. Trains leaving São Paulo (or Santos õOms. by São Paulo Railwajy E1ÍÜ.&Í SANTOS, ic possesses WJLuE STKEETS. A• important buildings, theatres, Sao Paulo Santos : -r> Li public EXCELLENT SHOPS, etc., and dep.arr._Bemarka| ELECTRIC TRAMWAY and Ll&HTiNG bERViOE, and is notable for the unusual AROjtíiTJiOTÜRAL and ELORAL LEAUTY of some of its RESI- o 508.17— Sundays and holidays only. DENTIAL SUBURüS. 6.008.39- Daily. 7.109.29— Sundays and holidays OHly. Pullman car. THE SAN1TATION is perfect and the CLIMATE bland. 7.459.55— Daily, buffet car. 8.0810.03— Woncing days only. Pullman car. THEint PORTrum urOF aANiUbsanthq possesses WHARVES alongside which ALL 8.1110.34— Daily. OCEAN-GOínG STEAMERS are BERTHED. 10.0012 42— Daily, restaurant car. Its quays and spacious warehouses are perfèctly equipped for thé 12.1514.46— Daily. Pullman car; excluding Sundays RAPID DESPATCH of all deseriptions oí CARGO. and holidays and Saturdays during May, June, July and August. BUSINESS IN SÂO PAULO STATE is' aatlirally> for the most part, of 14.0016.05— Saturdays only during May, June, July n* XaiAifc ajl AORIOGLTQRA^ and PASTO- and August. Pullman oar. RAL character. The Q-overnment is always ready to encouruge enterprise. 14.3017.12- Daily, buffet car. Tlie Secretary of Agriculture replies promptiy to all inquines througn the lti.lõr 18.09- Working days only. Pullman car. special «Information and Publication «eçtion» of this Department. 17 0019.34- Daily, buffet car. 18.50j 21.11- Daily, restaurant oar. E. A. JOHNSTON. Superintendent.

<*• Railway News COFFEE Rio de Janeiro, 10 December, 1924. THtí LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY. Closing Quotations:—>jew York SPOT.RioSantos Rio—-Santos-— ESTIMATED WEEKLY TRAFFIC RECEIPTS. 7s4s7s4s7s Dec, 2, 1924. . . 56$800 Nominal 23c25%c. 24c. lieoeipts for WeekTOTAL Dec. 10, 1924. Nominal 42$000 21% 26c. 24&c. Y«ar Week Knded ~— from Currenoy.Exchange Sterlingl»b Jannary Rise or fali. -iy2c. + %c. -j-Mc. Ditto °1°. . . L, 1924 Nov. 29th 1.437:000$6 £35-925£1.500.251 OPTIONS. Rio -Santos- — New York — 1923 Dec. Ist 1.303:000*4 29/32 £26.739£1.249.477 Nov. Nov. Dec. Dec.March. Dec. 2, 1924 . 55§500 441525 45$700 18.90c. —18.07c. - [no*«Me.'. 129:000$1 3/32 £ 9,186£ 250.774 Dec. 10, 1924. 55^000 43$175 43$575 18.38c. 17.65c. Decraatie — — _ _ Fali .... —$500 —11350 —2$125 —0,52c —0,42e Ditto %

Note. Owing tò 8th and 9th being holidays we havei taken the THE SÃO PAULO ftAlLWAtt COMPANY. quotations from the cloising rates on the lOth. Quotations:—Rio, per 15 kilos; Santos, per 10 kilos; Néw ESTIMATED WEEKLY TRAFFIC RECEIPTS* York, per lb.

" = *WI'f'' i.—' Rio de Janeiro, lOth December, ... for WeekT0TAL 1924, Year Week,' Ended„ ²Receipts from Currency Exchange Sterling Ist January The Local Market became depressed again during the past week. The freedom 0f entries and.the pressupe! in New York werei 1924 Nov. 30th1.950:857$400 5 31/32 *48.517-8-4 £ 1.768.082-10-3 chiefly responsible for the» depression and at one time 1923 Dec. 2nd1.317:802*200 4 15/16 * -C-8 27.111 £ 1.396.377-2-0 it looked as if the market might become demoralised again, but owing to the refusal of sellers to be influenced by the bears,, tbe Increase.. 633:065*200 11/32 £ 21.406-7-8 £ 371.705-8-3 market regained confidence and at the time of writing (Wednes- Decrease. ²— — . __ _ •» day), looks as if it might recover. The market is clamouring for protective measues, such as restriction of entries, but we fail to seel the advantage of any


¦ ¦•:•;...... ®^w.^$mmjm$g ¦ZZZ.- '.¦¦'"¦vi ¦','''-' ' Z';;.iZZZ].'7 1 December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1663


such mdasures seeing that over 74 per cent. of the current Rio COFFEE PRICES CURRENT. crop has already come down to market. During the week ended 4th December. ¦ . Demand during the past week wajsj somewhat disappointing, ..-' but as wewrite an improvement is already in evideince. Dec. Dec. Deo. Deo. Ave- :Z-7k The Santos Market. 6th Decembefc). The Nov. Nov. '¦'¦4*a (Week ended 28 29 1 2 3 4 rago firmelr tendency to which we refejrred in our last issue did not last and the market v/as suddenly face to face with a drop of RIO—mureis 10 kilos 37.976 5$000 per 10 kilos within 24 hours. The downward movetaoenl Eer•t N. f 10 ks 30.292 388U 89.016 37.790 was sudden it unexpected and market one as as was the gave N. 7. 85.95a 38 471 38.675 37.449 37.636 the impression as if values had been engineetred downwards M. 8. 35.611 38.130 38.335 37.109 37,296 for some definite the bulls apparéntly concurring in purpose, '¦ '•¦-Zim this extraordinary manipulation. M. 9. Of course the financial situation of the* market is not of the "Futures. 10 kilos rates interest such as over 18 Spot No. 7 best and nati^rally very high of December • 36.700 37325 39 550 37:800 36.500! 37325 37.533 conducive to buli •• 37.925 40 .525 38275 37575' 38.125 38.495 per cent. per annum on secured loans is not January.. 38.550 39.291 February.. 3*.750 39 325 41 625 39.22.Í 38.125' 38800 manipulations. Rumour has it that the drop was aritificially Maroh. 39 025 39825 41 .800 39700 38600 39.150 39.633 39500 39 933 April. ••••••¦ 41 .900 39.500 38.975 brought about so as to a politically important market 39 525 40200 Unquoted qnablel May 39.32.r) 40 525 42 .2251 40.215 38 975 i40.265 ¦ m operator to get out of a heavy ovqr-sold position in the neigh- Sales—bags... 73.000 37.000 48.000 52.000 68.000 52-000 55.000 However, that may be, the SANTOS—milreii bourhood of 43$000 for January. 10 kilot. per 43.0001 fact remains that the market got very shaky towards the end' , Spot Ne.  43.000 of the week and with bear raids and weak buli liquidation, values Spot No. 7 10 ks... 41.000i 41.000 41$000 for January. touched.low watermark of 10 kilos, Futures. 42-850 525 Late Saturday afternoon a change in the tendency was Deoember.... 44.775 46350 46.000 44.525 42.660 44 ...<... 47 400 44.375 44.1-5 41758... .„_ hous afó JanuaTy 45-850 47.100 45-700 noticeablé, January having advanceíd m the few February...... 46 425 47.325 48.000i 46.200 45 350 45.000 46 383 Sales ! 149.000J 76.000 112.OCO, 154.C0Ü 82.0Í10 108.166 last call in the street to 42$000 pejr 10 kilos. The decisive factor 79.000 will of course remain the disposal of the Décembesr tenders and N. YORK, coats lb. its solution in some Govefrnment per this will doubtless find Spot Rio Mo. 6 ... 221/4 22 1/4 22 1/4! 22 3/4 21 1/2 21 1/2 22 1/8 measure by means of which the 80,000 to 90,000 bags teínders No. 7..... 21 3/4 213/4 21 3/4' 22 1/4 21 21 21 5 8 will be| taken off the market. There is no doubt that once the frade Spot Santos No. 6.. 25 3/4 25 3/4 25 3/4 26 3/4 26 26 26 situation has been cldared up locally we shall see improved j 1/4 demand as stocks in consuming countries are too small to allow * æMo. 7.. 24 24 24 25 24 1/4 24 24 1/4 of importers holding off much longer. Options — z;zZ On the whole it looks almost as if the market had got over » Dec» 19.95 20.75 20.35 worst and that we might we1!! see a general revival in busi- !Maroh..> 18.955 19 60 20 05' 18.90 18 20 17.50 18 86 the f » May....» 18.24 18.85 19 35 18.07 17-30 16.65 18- 6 ness in the near future. !July—» 17.75 18.40 18-83 17.61 16 80 16-15 17-59 tells uís that the for the » Sept....» 17. «8 16.05 15.45 16 62 A planter in Sao Paulo prospects 17-00 107.500 reteent Sales 00.000 90.000 90-000 100.0CO 175.000 100 0G0 next crop are very doubtful. He states further that the — and that, consequently, a large percent- HAVRE IU Kilos drought was very severe francs age of the trees lost ali their foliage. When the (rains started Deoember 464.50 473-25 .473.50 4^8.87 out a very heavy flower and many Maroh 445.75 454 50 465 462 442.50 in November it brought May.. 430 437 447.50 443 422.50 419-75 451.20 to report 433 espeWally those sent up country from Santos July 413_ 419 430 426 411 401 23 29 . people, 25 415.40 .".. that the next crop would September. 414 410.50 384 384 on prospects, jumped at the conclusion Salea 13.000 5.000 15.600 4.000 9.000 7.000 398.18 friend very large one. It is impossible, says our esteemed be a LONDON —por cwl he does not lóok for to estimate the future crop at present, but ¦hillinf s and pence:- : bags. Figures at plresent are useless OpMoi.s a crop of eVen 10,000,000 Deoember. 114/6 Holiday 114'6 what the crop wül 115/6 113/- 113/3 and in his opinion it is not possible to say Maroh 114/- 117/- 117/3 be until about the end of January.

Companhia Registradora e Caixa de Liquidação,do Rio de Janeiro 1924 HIME & CO. Quotations for the week ended 6 th December, Per 15 kilos 52-RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI-52 Highest Lowest Sellers Buyers Sellers Buyers :-N. 5024-5025-5026 W-Telephone December. 591500 58$100 53$300 52$800 DEPÓSITOS: 54§100 January . 601000 591500 54$300 N. 396 e 6282 558250 55$000 Rua da Saúde, 108 a 112; Telephone February. 61S500 61$000 551900 47, RUA THEOPHILO OTTONI, 47 March . . 62$000 61$400 55$950 56$500 55$700 April. . . 62$000 61$550 Aço, Ferragens, Cimento, 55§500 Importadores de Ferro, "Jacaré May 62$500 62^000 57$000 Tintas, Óleos, Coalho wetek 304,000' bags. Estradas de Ferro, etc, etc. Total sales of futures during. the i%- Material para Porto das ' l.aminaçno de Ferro, Fundição de ferro e melaes, no

NEVES ,'NiCTHERQY) the week Entries at the two ports of Rio and Santos during Chumbo, de Paris, a decrease Fabricantes de: Canos de pontas ended 4th December amounted to 289,165 bags, being ferros de engormtiar, fogões, fogarciros, panellas, with the ferraduras e esmaltado, chapas of 30,890 bags or 9.6 per celnt. as compaired previous balançai'louça de ferro estanhado at Rio and 13,452 delatão, ca,xas d'agua. ete., week, of which 17,438 bags or 18.4! per cent. para fogões, pesos de ferro e bags or 6.0 per cent. at Santas. CtC' MELLO the two RUA LUIZ GAMA E FIGUEIRA DE Compared with the same week, last year, entries ;at 2.6 cent,, of which "JACARÉ" ports show decrease of 7,684 bags or per COALHO or 0,3 cent. 7,012 bags or 8.3 per cent. at Rio and 672 bags pèr RIO DE JANEIRO at Santos» ¦

¦..,'¦¦-¦''¦¦ ' ,i£Jv~*-'Z..7ÁSZ•'- 'V*7 íp*ií \'ÀZ ikizilíé 1664 WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. December lOth, 1924.


Total Crop Cr op to 4 the Decembeir Week ended 1922-23 1923-24 11)23-24 1924-25 Incr. cr Decr. % 4 Dec. United States5,906,597 7,299,114 3,552,264 2,785,171 —767,093 21.6 81,163 France 1,487,008 1,840,962 802,440 707,609 ²94,831 11.8 8,730 French Possessions 143,580 167,880 100,058 49,418 ²50,640 50.6 3;312 Italy 1,024,000 1,157,390 642,366 716,751 + 74,385 11.6 28,110 Fiume 3,750 8,375 5,250 4,751 ²499 9.5 313 . United Kingdom 9,120 22,255 8,465 14,520 + 6,055 71.6 7 British Possessions (ex discriminated)38,119 19,349 14,955 6,568 ²8,387 56.1 375 Canada 20,158 26,278 13,382 8,854 ²4,528 33.8 500 Cuba — 8,000 3,250 + 3,250 100,0 Tangiers1,950 1,625 1,500 250 ²1,250 83.4 South África 183,339 214,863 .133,745 .99,350 —. 34,395 25.7 1.550 Egypt 81,414 78,621 43,852 46,780 + 2,928 6.7 1,625 Belgium 335,313 380,147 145,767 139,785 ²5,982 4,1 Holland 785,777 1,000,800 .421.540 641.285 4-219.745 52.1 4.630 Denmark 160,155 218,523 110,982 85 303 ²25,679 23.1 Norway46,755 56,603 35,200 23,240 ²11,960 33.8 Sweden 372,568 451,68! .245.962 213,762 ²32.200 13.1 Spain and Colonies 12,332 20,416 10,221 7,969 .— 2,252 22,0 Portutral ;md islands 24,489 34,311 6,088 10,496 + 4,408 72.4 300 Plate and Pacific 443,751 450,689 192,486 223,068 + 30,582 15.9 10,700 .Tapan and East 3,047 1,381 50 400 4 350 70.0 Finland 109,362 85,531 55,440 48,111 ²7,329 13,2 Syria 3,970 4,160 3,910 ²3910 100,0 Switzerland Gretece and Cretè 22,325 33,248 .22.998 24.200 ²1,202 5,2 750 Smyrna 5,378 6.751 4,001 5,875 4- 1,874 46,9 125 Roumania 3.500 5.770 4,770 3,525 ²1,245 26.1 Bulgária 1,875 2,625 2,750 1,075 ²1,675 61,0 Palestine 250 500 125 250 + 125 100,0 Dantzig, Port of 8,675 10,290 29,986 18,785 ²11,201 37,4 125 Turkey28,860 41.817 7,394 .2,375 — 5,019 69,9 Germany 284,340 435,139 183,894 235,521 -j- 51,638 20.1 5,882 Tripoli 1,875 438 313 313 100,0 Total Overseas íl,553,722~~" 14,083,532 6,802,154 6,128,303 —673,851 9,9 148,316 Coastwise 166,164 227,891 50,109 85,589 35,480 '" 4- 70.8 5,234 Grand Total a11/719,886 14,313,4236,852,2636,213,892 -638,371 9.3 153,550

Far the) crop to 4th December entries at Rio and Santos crease of 673,851 bags 0r i9.9 per cent. as against ditto of 631,078 amounted to 6,692,431 bags, of which 2,227,752 bags or 33.3 per bags or 9.6 per cent. up to the previous week. cent. at Rio and 4 463.679 bags or 66.7 pe'r cent. at Santos, Coastwise clearances at the two ports for the crop to 4 Compared with the same period last crop., entries at the December show increase of 35,480 bags or 70.8 per cent. as com- two ports for tbe crop to 4th December increasd show of 439,300 pared with the same bags period laist cjrop. or 7.0 per cent., of which 347,906 bags orl8.5 per cent. at Rio and 91,394 bags or 2.2 per cent. at Santos. Clearances overseas from the ports of Rio and Santos during Clearances overseas at the two ports for thei week ended the week ended 4 December, 1924, and crop to date 4th December amounted to 148.316 bags as against 197,342 bags for the previous week and 190,189 bags for the corresponding JtJy Flag. week last year. Week Compared with the previous week clearances overseas at -Crop to 4 Decembep- ended the two ports show decrease of 49,026 bags òr 24.3 per cent Flags:— 4 Dec. accounteti fqr by increase of 2 260 bags at Rio but decrease of British to U.S. 692,903 66.5 29,716 ; 51,286 bags at Santos. To Eulrope. . 149.318 14.3 Of total clearances overseas at the two for ports the week Sundry. . . . 199.581 19.2 4.682 of 148,316 bags. 60,008 bags or 40.5 per cent. were cleared from Rio and 88.308 bags or 59.5 cent. per from Santos, 81,163 bags or Total British1,041,802 17,0 34398 54.7 pejr cent. going to the Unitetf States, 28,110 bags or 19.0 Oter Flags—American1,361,439 22,2 52 703 per cent. t0.Italy, 10,799 bags 7.3 or per cent. to Plate and Pacific Italian 892,569 14 6 31,048 8,750 bags or 5.9 cent. to France, per 5,882 bags or 4.0 per cent. Brazilian749,797 12.2 8,625 to Gejrmany, 4.630 bags or 3.1 cent. Hollan:!, 312 per to 3 bags Dutch. . . 488,773 8.0 4,880 or 2.2 per cent. to French Possessions, 1,625 1.1 bags or per cent. French . . . 404,773 6.6 8,304 to Egypt, 1,550 bags or 1.0 cent. to South per África. 750 bags Scandinavian 554,032 9.0 2,032 c|r 0.5 per cent. to Greece, 500 bags or 0.3 per cent. t0 Canada, Japanese 131,731 2.2 375 bags to British Possessions, 300 bags to Portugal, 313 bags Belgian43,726 P.7 to Fiume, 125 bag each to Smyrna and Dantzig, and 7 bags to Spanish. . . 19,194 0.3 the United Kingdom. Dantzig2,099 Compared with the same period last crop, clearances over- seas at the two pqrts for the crop to 4th December show de- Total6,128,303 100,0 148,316 rmw(&-:

December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. 1665

F.OJB. Válue at Rio and Santos for the week éndccl 4 July 5 190 249 439 225 202 427 427 December averaged £6.283 per. bag as against £6.160. per bag the 12July 190 249 439 225 202 227 400 previous week and £3.271 par bag for the' same period last year. 19July 332 239 571 173 For the crop t0 4 December, f.o.b. value at Rio and Santos 26 July 229 237 466 145 226 371 228 392 averaged £5.493 per bag as, against £3.068 for the same period 2 August ....234 429 663 164 225 403 lastarop. ¦/ 9 August ....238 229 467 178 16 August 243 220 463 181 223 404 213 470 Coffee Loaded (embarques) at Rio and Santos for the week 23 August 235 215 450 157 342 ended 4 December were smaller and amounted tò 162,911 bags 30 August 205 210 415 141 201 189 292 as against 180,916 bags for the previous week and 309,890 bags 6 Sept198 206 404 103 106 176 282 for the same pejriòd last yetar, and their f.o.b. value £1,023,570, 13Sept174 200 374 165 276 £1,114,443 and £1,013,650 respectively. 20Sept190 197 387 111 395 117 153 270 185 ¦ 27 Sept210 : 113 ié 252 Sales (declared) at the two ports were larger, 131,457 bags 4 Oct199 176 375 106 128 234 as against 114,921 bags for the previous week and 175,205 bags 11 Oct198 168 366 120 219 the1 corresponding week last 18 Oct232 160 392 99 for year. 250 25 Oct243 156 399 140 110 154 101 255 Stocks at Rio and Santos on 4 December show increase of 1 Novembar ...211 152 363 157 370 178 100 278 . 121..887 bags accounted for by decireaise of 2,353 bags at R'o but 8 Nov213 ¦..oo 393 190 yü increase of 124.240 bags at Santos, total Brazilian stock on the 15 Nov235 158 195 92 287 as follows, in bags of sixty kilos:— 23 Nov238 166 404 same date being distributed 284 30 Nov 236 171 407 191 93 176 3(98 203 91 294 Rio de Janotiro (including afloat)595:307 « Nov. /'.:222 Santos l,75Mò«> Bahia 24,768 Quótations:— ,.,‡•••. SpotNearRio f.o.b. Exch. Rio7sOpts.No. 7 Cost C.&F. Total stocks, three ports on 4th December, 1924 2,376,361 N.Y. Ditto, 27th Novembe^, 1923• ••• 2,260,195 Store CentsCentsRs. Cents Cents Ditto, 6th December^ 1922 1,^15,138 Pence 1924. 12.20 12.60 made up as follows:—Rio City, (q) Jan. 26 .... 6 13-32 10 7-810.4029$000 Rio de Janeiro stocks were 13.15 13.55 595,307 bags. (q) 4 Feb 6 5-8 12 1-811.63301200- 338,582 bags; afloat, 256,725 bags; total, 16.55 17.15 (r) Mar. 1 .... 6 25-32 15%13.7737*500 15.35 15.95 April 5 .... 6 11-32 15 1-413.60371100 (r) '6 14.45 15.05 in 1,000 bags. May 31 1-8 14%12.7636$200 United States Stocks, Deliveries and Visible Supply, (r) 16.00 16.60 June 28 6 3-16 1514.1539$800 (r) 16.30 16.90 26 July .... 5 5-16 17%45.6547$500 19241923 (r) 15.70 16.30 V.Sup. 2 August .. 5 11-32 16%14.72451500 Stocks Deliv. V.Sup.Stocks Deliv. (r) 15.85 16.45 9 August .. 5 13-32 16%15.0445*400 June 3 340 1347677251391,053 (r) 16.40 17.00 89659 r 16 August .. 5 19-16 16%15.1548$000 July 1 ...... 361 85957446 . 16.70 17.30 23 August .. 5 29-64 16%15.6047$500 July 8 351 1019734947362.") (r) 16.95 17.55 30 August .. 5 23-64 1715.8749$000 July 15 283 841,0314349502.) (r) 17.30 17.90 á 6 Sep 5 23^64 17%15.8050$000 July 22 ..'...,.492 13891537869596 17.70 18.30 r) 13 Sept 5% 17%16-2550$000 July 29 ...... 509 21881939560674 17.85 18.45 20 Sept 5 35-64 17%16.1550SOOO August 5 525 14684436359701 (r) 18.20 18.80 . 69821 27 Sept. .... 5,11-16 18%16.6049*600 August 12 458 121971452 (r) 19.25 19.85 r) 4 Oct 6 3-32 19%18.0049$000 August 19 508 94922412132775 19.55 20.15 r) n Oct 6 3-16 19%18.4649*000 August 26 .....452 136877. 43356990 19.90 20.50 (r) 18 Oct...... 61-8 20%18.7550$500 Sept. 574 179777402'901,186 20.90 21.40 25 Oct...... 6 3-32 20%19.4553*400 Sept. 9 ...... 478 1348175431071,241 (s) 21.90 22.40 Cs) ! Nov 6d. 22%20.4756$800 Sept. 16 363 1168284681241,226 24.10 24.60 . 1081.296 Z 8 Nov 6 1-16 23%22.3062*000 Sept. 23346 129887600 23.40 23.90 15 Nov 6 1-8 2520.8959.500 Sept. 80 ...... 37» 89943668145425 (s) 21.50 22.00 (s) 22 Nov 6 1-32 2118.7053*000 Oct. 7 372 1691,0177721351,468 20.45 20.95 29 Nov 6 1-64 21%20.7552*800 Oct. 14 ...... 437 1581,014712166l.«9 (s) 2,1.10 21.60 (s) 6 Dec. 5 31-32 20%17.60551000 Oct. 21 395 1511,0207081731516 Oct. 28 329 1511,0076292731,427 (q) Freight 40 cents per bag infull Nov. ‡443 1561,0476292271552 full. (r) Freight 60 cénts per bag in Nov. 11 551 1151,1745821891,438 Freight 50 cents per bag in full. Nov. 18 7.500 1691,2085782101,482 (s) Nov. 25 492 2181,0666741671,498 Dec. .540 1201.0957312311,361 Dec. 455 .2119006772271,256 THE TEÁ & COFFEE TRADE JOURNAL Coffee Trade. The International Organ of the Tea and New York. monthly on the lOth, at 79, Wall Street, Havre Stocks:— Published By Subscription, $4.00 per annum. 1924*923 Advertising Rates on Application. Brazil Other. TotalBrazil OtherTotal Subsriptions and Advertising receivéd by:— 1 June.:284 228512274193467 ' June270 239509293203496 BRAZILIAN REVIEW, 14 -257500278206484 WILEMAN'S 21 June243 (Agents for Brazil). 357470320341661 28 June213

I .- .,t,r «-.-. »,. - r.g^jjj/w:,, v; -.-,.• ;.},-¦ • mm ^.•fV''5;"'' - •'•:¦ 7'\::'77>7^;4%^i^iíl.;í5^ :y:yvvv-v;y ^H9^_ '•-:v7" ":^ V' v,, 1666 WÍLEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. December lOth, 1924.

»—————~~~^~—~i«—¦—-_i iii Coffee Statistics COFFEE SAILED. r-- During the week ended 4th December. > ENTRIES. -KS ¦ UllOFK _>'-_.TOTAl. "•) «"ORW M».™. mm. «"¦ &•• SS„»V « «« During the weeft énded 4th December. In bags of sixty kilos. Rio 21.195 29.589 4.600 7.367 1.857 • ²04608 1-915914 Santos.... 60.469 24.408 634 3.432 — ²88.942 4 297.978 FOR THE WBEEENDEDFOR THECROP TO ,1  RIO IW4/1925.. 81.663 53.997 5.234 10.799 1.857 153.550 6.213.892 Dec. Nov. 27Dec. Dec Dec. 6 1D241924192319241923 1928/1924.. 94.456 87.087 3477 8.646 — 193.666:6.852.263 -•¦trai and Leopoldina Ry 76.78587.24884-2672.180 0791.844.304 ²²²²2.686 Inlând OUR «oaatwito, disehargad.. 4697.445-~48.67333.907 OWN STOCK.

Total 77.25594.69384.2672.228.7521.880.846 In bags of sixty kilos. Traniferrod fram Rio to Nlc-haroT ²²²²—. RIO- Stock on Nov. 27 1924 851.5.8 Entries during week ended Dec. 4 1924 77.255 «a. Bntrlai at Rio 77.25594.69384.2672.228.7251.A80.846 428.823 Loaded 1 (Embarques), for week ended Dec. 4 1B24.. 75.241 Mietharor from Rio A ²²²²— 353982 Laopaldiaa, Deduct local consumption 15.000 STOCK AT RIO ON Deo. 4 1924 338.582 Total Rio, inoluriing STOCK Afloat on Nov. 27 1924 246 092 Nitheroy 4 tranait. 77 25594.69384 2672.228.7521.880.846 Embarques during week ended Dec. 4 1924.. 75.241 Total Santoa: 211.910225.362212.5824.453.6794.372-285 321-333 Sailed during the week ended Dec. 4 1024, 64 6C8 Total Rio 4 Santoa. 289.165320.055296.8496.692.4316.253.131 STOCK AFLOAT ON Dec. 4 1924 256.725 STOCK IN lst and 2nd HANDS and AFLOAT ON Dec. 4 1924. 595.307 SANTOS- Stock on Nov. 27 «924 1.632-04$ Entries for week Tao total antriea by tho dlfforont 8. Paulo Ràilwaysfor the Crop to Dec. 4 ended Dec. 4 1924 211 910 war • aa follows : r _ J , I -843 956 PorRomainlaf Loaded (embarques) during same week Deo. 4 1924.*. 87-670 Paat Sorocabana Total atTotal at at J-ndiahy and othori S. PauloSantos S. Pa«U STOCK AT SANTOS ON Dec. 4 1924 . 1.756.286 l»-4/1925 2.975.742 1.413.615 4.38935744.3.679 - BAHIA—Stock on Nov. 72 IQ24 30.489 1923/1924 3.213.457 1.197.237 4.410.6944.372.285 - Entries during week ended Dec. 4 1924 .... 23 524 54 013 ¦¦' ¦¦¦¦¦ ———-—-» Clearances during same week 29.245 Stock at Bahia on Dec. SALES OF COFFEE (DECLARED). 4 1924 24.768 Stock at Rio, Santos and Bahia 4, 1924... During the week ended 4th December. Deo. 376.361 áo do do do Nov. 27, 1924.. 260.195 4o do de Dec 6,1923.. Dec- 4'1W4Nov. 27M924Dec 6/1923 215.138 *»•; 37 457 33 92144.205 ¦»»loi 98.000 81.000131.000 "TÍ4T92Í"l75lÕ5 . Trtal 131.457 MANIFESTS OF COFFEE. RIO DE JANEIRO. During the week ended VALUE OF COFFEE CLEARED FOR FOREIGN PORTS. 4th December. 24—ARACAJU—Havre Theodor Wille & Cia. During the week ended  625 4th December. Ditto Alfred Sinner & Cia. . 500 In bags of sixty kilos. Ditto  Ornstein & Cia.. • ¦•• •••*• 500

D.e__V_4 N<£.,B7De£' Nov- 27Orop toDec. 4 192419241924 /1924 1.625 1924 26—Western World—New York, American Coffee Corp... 2.000 » Bags Bags Bags j. Ditto Vicri S|A1.000 m° Ditto »» SO-OOB 57.748342.483310.7761.839.594 9.099.266 Rebello Alves & Cia950 Ditto 8antos Arbuckle & Cia650 88.308 139.594589-412904.7934 288.709 24.563.389 Ditto Pinto & Cia500 total 1924/25... 143-316 ~33.662.655. 197.342931.8951.215.569"0^28^03 Ditto Alfred Sinner & Cia....5C0 do 1923/24.. Ditto 190.189 296.267622.1301.024.6786.802.154 20.871.586 Cia. Expresso Federal.. • ¦ 5.602 2ô-GUARUJA'-Marseille.. Cohen Arrigoni & Cia..125 Ditto—Alger... E. G. COFFEE LOADED (EMBARQUES). Q Fontes & Cia....937 Ditto Ornstein & Cia375 During the week ended 4th December. DittoQ E. Johnston & Cia., Ltd..125 In bags of sixty kilos. Ditto—Oran... E. Johnston & Cia., Ltd..625 Ditto Grace & Cia ..... 375 DÜRI11G W__BK BHDBDj-OE THB OBOF TO Ditto"7 Rocha Faria & Cia...... 250 Ditto" • • • m Seraphim Fernandes & C.250 19241924192319241913 Ditto" Ornstein & Cia125 Dec.^ 4 Nov.27 Dec. 6 Dec. 4 Deo. 6 Ditto—Casa Blanca. Ornstein & Cia25U Ditto—Gibraltar • • • • • Ornstein & Cia... .\.....375 2í_th_roV* 12'2il 62'046 107-9012.050.340 2.321460 ",™. 7"" • • •••—² In tranf.itBB_____~ 3.812 27—HALEAKALA-Baltimore.Grace » & Cia . 7.000 Total Rio Including Niothoroy Di«o Alfred Sinner & Cia....* 1.000 62'n4fí '»Vivacqua feUlraufwní' •••••• Z."E41 117.9012.050 840 2 321.460 Djtto Irmãos & Santoa 87.670 118 870 Cia. 500 201.9894.344.698 4.840.326 ••Theodor Wille & Cia... 250 Sf**°Ditto-Jacksonville r% Theodor Total Rio & Santoa Wille & Cia... 1.500 162.911 180.916 809.8906.395-038 7.1,1.786 —-————^——^———n—_3_j5______=___ 10,250

'. '•>•. --r ?wíq/;,;: Y'\r-> yy-t: ÍVy'- ¦ .- ^s,'^^^^:s^^^^y^

December lOth, 1924. WÜÊMAN»S BÍUZILiAN RBVlM. ièè*

30—Arlanza—Cape Town.... Mc. Kinlay & Cia200 i;;tto " • Ornstein & Cia50 €&-<_>» Rebello Alves & Cia.... 250 SANTOS. Ditto »? Pinto Lopes 8t Cia 200 During the week ended 4th December. 2.575 24—West Camargo—S. Franc Almeida Prado & Cia... 6.500 28-GROIX—Montevideo .... Ornstein & Cia 700 Ditto 0...... Leon Israel & Cia., Ltd. 2.150 Ditto Sequeira & Cia 100 Ditto...... Cia. Paulista de Export. 1.500 • 500 Ditto—Buenos Aires... Ornstein & Cia_ 1.150 Ditto tt J. Aron & Cia., Ltd — » • Ditto S. Alhanat & Cia. 100 Ditto Silva, Ferreira & Cia.:.. 500 M Cia... 500 Ditto Castro Silva & Cia. 100 Ditto Theodor Wille & Ditto Pinto Lopes & Cia. 100 Andrade Junqueira & Cia 3.000 Ditto—San Pedro 600 Ditto tt Leon Israel & Cia., Ltd. 2.250 »» Almeida Prado & Cia... 500 Ditto 500 Ditto it Lima, Nogueira & Cia.. tt Raphael Sampaio & Cia. 500 29—VANDYCK-New York.. Ôrrtstein & Cia.2.000 Ditto *••••» 250 7 Ditto it Hard, Rand & Cia...... Ditto Arbuekle & Cia1.043 & Cia., Ltd 500 Ditto—Portland J. Aron Ditto Oscar. Marques & Cia...1.000 Prado & Cia... 250 Cia..500 Ditto Almeida Ditto Cohen Arrigoni & Nogueira & Cia . 550 » & Cia....500 Ditto—Seattle .. Lima, Ditto è. •••••«• E. G. Fontes Warrant Co.. . 300 ti Ditto" American Ditto S. Alhanati & Cia300 Ltd. 250 Ditto—Vancouver Naumann, G. & Cia., Nogueira & Cia,. 250 5.343 Ditto". Lima, 19.100 30—Herschel—Buenos Aires.. Hard, Rand & Cia. 200 C ,„;4 M ti

¦¦- ¦¦ .: _ :.-...; ' ' ;m%m. • - ¦¦ ¦ -.- ¦ - f:mm:wm^0s . 'f-f™ .¦;>.¦-: '. ¦ '•' '¦-¦ '- ' ¦ - ¦¦ ¦• )• 'y ü^^i__l^_l

December lOth; 1924. 1668 WÍLÉMAN'S BRAZíLxÂN RÉVÍÈ\V.

24—Western World—New York. Cia. Brasileira de Café.. 1.500 Ditto E. Johnston & Cta. Ltd 250 Ditto  J. C. Mello & Cia 1.500 Ditto—A lexaudria Cia. Prado Chaves  000 Ditto  Mc. Laughlin & Cia 800 Ditto—Ancona A. C. & Abreu, Ltd... 125 Ditto " ...... M. C. Coelho & Cia... 750 Ditto—Napiea A. Ferreira & Cia 125 Ditto " American Coffee Corp.. 630 Ditto—Uou-umption Virgílio Bellini ...... 2 Ditto  Negrão & Cia 627 Ditto - " C. Gonçalves &Cia.... 500 Cia. .697 Ditto Paulista de Export. 250 30—Príncipe di Udine—Genoa. Hard, Rand & Cia. 750 Ditto " M. Wright & Cia., Ltd... 250  Ditto J. C. Mello & Cia 500 Ditto Hard, Rand & Cia•. 159 Ditto Enéa Malaguti 449 Ditto S.A. Casa Malta.. 250 6.966 Ditto A. Ferreira & Cia . 250 24—Qotha-Bremen Hard, Rand & Cia 125 Ditto Nossack & Cia 125 Ditto " Francisco V. Fonseca... 2 Ditto - -Alexandria Hard, Rand & Cia. 375 Dito—ConsumptionZerrenner Bulow & Cia. 1 Ditto—Livorno Nossack & Cia 250

128 2.949 & Cia. 200 25—Newton—Buenos Aires... Lima, Nogueira 30—Poconé—Havre...... J. C. Mello & Cia... 4.500 Ditto A. C. & Abreu, Ltd .. 2.000 Ditto • ••••..__.« Cia. P. de Exportação. 500 25—Cape Camorin—New York Jessouroun Irmão. 2 000 Ditto Baccarat & Cia 1.250 7.000 Ditto Cia. Leme Ferreira..... 1.000 30—Dante Alighiere—Gertoa.. Cia. Leme Ferreira 1.000 Ditto Sion & Cia 1.UO0 Dit»^ M S. A. Casa Malta .. 500 Ditto S. A. Casa Picone 1.000 Ditto Nauman, Gepp & C% Ltd 375 Ditto 750 Ditto • ••••••* A. Ferreira & Cia 233 Ditto • *•••• Antônio França & Cia.. 500 Ditto Nossack 125 ii & Cia.. Ditto I. R. F. Matarazzo..... 497 Ditto- -Con sumption Virgílio Bellini 17

7.997 2.250 26—Sardinian Prince—NewYorkJ. C. Mello & Cia4.500 Dilto it Leon Israel & Cia., Ltd.4.000 Ditto i* Naumann, Q. & Cia., Ltd.3.000 Total Overseas. 88.308 Ditto Cia. Brasileira de Café..2.000 Ditto Hard Rand & Cia1.750 SA NTOS—COASTWISE. Ditto ti American Warrant Co..1.000 Ditto i» Cia. Paulista de Export.750 During the week ended 4th December.

17.000 27— Itajubá—Rio de Janeiro Franco Soares & Cia... 100 26—West Carnifax—B. Aires, Leon Israel & Cia., Ltd. 1.614 Ditto  Nioac & Cia., Ltd 465  27—Alvim—Rio de Janeiro.. Camargo Galvão & Serpa. 59 Ditto João Siqueira & Cia.... 400 Ditto n •--•••• M. C. Coelho & Cia... 309 27—Itaperuna—Aracaju .... J. C. Mello & Cia...:.. 6 2.788 27—Omega—Buenos Aires Pereira da Cunha & Cia. 349 30—Poconé—Rio de Janeiro. Franco Soares & Cia 469 Ditto it C. Simon95 Total Coastwise 634 444 27—Eemland—Rotterdam. Cia. Prado Chaves 2.130 Ditto " S. A. Levy 750 VICTORIA. Ditto Origenes Tormin & Cia. 500 Ditto n Naumann, G. _*¦ Cia., Ltd 500 Dining the week ended 4th Decembe.*. 3 880 27—ThodeFageJund—Boston. Hard, Rand & Cia 2.031 1—Salvation Lass—N.,Orleans Cruz, Sobrinhos & Cia..8.500 Ditto » Hard, & Dito—Consumption.... J. S. Edge 1 Rand Cia5.000 Ditto * Vivacqua, Irmãos & Cia.3.000 Ditto w Fraga, Leal & Cia. Ltd..3.000 2.032 Ditto n A. Prado & Cia1.000 28—Vandyck—New York Cia. Brasileira de Café, 2.250 Ditto" Almeida Paddo & Cia.. 2.160 Ditto" Hard, Rand & Cia 1.000 20.500 Ditto» Mc. Laughlin & Cia 713 2—Haleakala—Baltimore'* Vivacqua Irmãos & Cia..2.500 Ditto* Ditto VicriS. A..1.000 J. Carvalho & Cia 500 " Ditto J. Aron & Cia., Ltd..., 500 Ditto Hard, Rand & Cia500 Ditto M. C. Coelho & Cia.., 250 4.000 7.373 2—Sardinian Prince—N York. Hard, Rand & Cia. ?.750 29—Artus—Hamburgo A. Cardia & Abreu, Ltd. 2.250 Ditto" A. Prado & Cia ... 2.000 Ditto ª....;... A. Diebold &  Cia 750 Ditto Cia. Prado Chaves 252 4.750 2— Guarujá—Marseille Hard, Rand & Cia 750 Ditto n Vivacqua Irmãos & Cia 1.000 3.252 Ditto Or stein & 29—Sierra Morena—Bremen. Cia.. 750 E. Struckmeyer & Cia.. 250 Ditto—Genóa .. Hard, Rand & Cia ..'.... 250 Dito—Consumo Theodor &  Wille Cia...1 Ditto Zerrenner Bulow & Cia.1 2.750 3—Cape Camorim—N. York, Oliveira Sautos & Filhos. 3.500  252 Ditto Vivacqua, Irmãos & Cia. 3.000 29—Atlanta—TriesteCia. Ditto tr Ornstein & Cia 1.500 MartinsPrado Chaves 875 ™tto Wright &CaLtd. 875 Dtto ªS. ZTheodorA. Levy 375 8.000 Ditto Wille & Cia.... 320 Ditto—Venic® A. C. & Abreu, Ltd.... 750 Total Overseas 40.000 ¦'•/¦ ' • -• ^- I


Entries from 10 to 16 November not yet to hand. Ihe KOPEWMK EXPORT CO., LTD. Shipments from 10 to. 16Nov..' SOLE SPINNERS, WEAVERS* EXCHANGE. Market very dull, with very' little business MAKERS & PATENTEES OF done. Rates have varied between 6 l-16d. to 6d., with down- ( 4 9 9 ward tendency. A few small businesses in cotton sc.ed and BIRKMYRE'S castor seed have appeared this week, and private paper was done at 6 l-16d. Celebrated WATERPROOP & ROTPROOF COTTON & FLAX Pernambuco, 29th Novemb.r, 1924. •' ' :ivll SUGAR. Market fairly steady owing to small entries due to . GANVAS lack of transport on the ;railway. The market, however, was yy for Tents of aU descriptions, Tarpaulins wdaker to-day. Prices during the week for crystal have ranged Hatch Covers, Wag-g-on Covers, beween 10$600 to 10$000 (prompts), with brutos at 9f?000. SmaU .'..Cart Covers. business in demeraras was done on the basis of 8$300-8$500 aecording t0 polarisation. Prices to-day for. crystals ranges ROPES, TWINBS. CORDS, STEEL WIRE ROPES betweCn 10<_000-10-$300, weak. COTTON NETS Quotations (nominal) for unbagged are: Usinas lst 9$500 AND TEAWL NETS ALL. AI QUALITY. to 91800, usinas 2nd 8$800 to 9$200, crystal 8.600 t0 9$500, branc0 ME. I 9S000 to 9?500 somenas 8§500 to 9_00ü, bruto secco 8$200 to 8$600, . r bruto mellado 6$000 to 6$500.' PERNAMBUCO MARKET REPORT. 17 22 November were 97.805 bags of which ¦ ;"'".'¦¦ t Entries from to 28,514 came by watdr, rest by rail.,/T „ Pernambuco, 22nd November, 1924. Shipments from 17 to 22 November were: Manáos 1,010 bags, difficulies between the Great Western Rail- SUGAR. The Para 1,400 bags, Amaraçao 290 bags, Camocim 248 bags, Ceara Plantejrs, ovei- the question of the new tariffs way and the.Cane 130 bags, Rio 20,187 bags, Santos 51,000 bags, S. Francisco 1,950 arranged. Entries of sugar have again have been amicably bags, Rio Grande do Sul 7,465 bags, Pelotas 2;500 bags, Porto market during the1 week has oscillated become normal. The 12,616 bags, Paranaguá 4,200 bags, Antonina 1,800 bags, to requirements. Alegre between 9§0JD0 and 10.000 for p|.ompt_, aecording sundries 185 bags.,,T T ^Futures delivery have been sold on basis for December-Januairy COTTON. Market continuei quiet throughout the week,with Market closed to-day quiet. of 9.400 to 9$500. no business done, with exepíion Of small sales to are: Usinas lst, 9$500- practically Quotations (nominal) for unbagged 70$000, and médium; secco local factories. Nominal pjrices are for firsts 2nd 8$800-9|200, crystal 81200-9*000, bruto 9$800, usinas 651000., mellado 6$000-6$500. 8$200-8$500, bruto Entries from 17 to 22 November were 1,113 bales. 10 to 16 Novembejr were 104,719 bags of which Entrkte from Shipments from 17 to 22 Novebnber .were: Bahia 112 pressed by water, rest by rail. 24.998 came bales, Itajahy 155 pressdd bales, Rio 326 pressed bales, Santos 10 to 16 November were: Papa 2,750 U%% Shipments from 1,029 bales, Liverpool 285 bales. Ri0 50,320 bags, Santos Maranhão 1.225 bags, Ceara .865 bags, slightly, being 49$000. on Grandd COFFEE. Market eased off price Alegre 1,900 bags, Pelotas 1,200 bags, Rio 97,100 bags, Port which basis some 800 bags we-re sold. 1,850 bags, Antonina 1,050 bags, dj Sul 850 bags, Paranaguá Entries from 10 to 22 November were 5,744 bags. bags, Montevideo 11,000 bags, Buenos Aires Uruguayanna 2,250 Shipments from 17 to 22 November were: Maranhão 55 bags,. .300-bags... Cabedello 5 bags, Havre 6,125 bags. throughout the we__c, witn COTTON. Market has been quiet viz., 22$000, on which same*, MAIZE. Price remained the same, Prices sill remain round the very little business done. basis some 4,000 bags have been sold.. and 65f000-67$000 for figurei-viz., .7Q$000-72.000 for firsts November were 10,338 bags. ';Vy Entries from 10 to 22 mediums,T: Shipments from 17 to 22 November were: Ri0.500 bags, 16 November were. 2,612 bales. Entries from 10 to Nietheroy 500 bags, Havre 1/667 bags..,.'.; to 16 November were: Rio 548 presaxl Shipments from 10 FARINHA. Market continues pararysea with nominal prices bales, Itajahy 50 pressed bales, Rio bales, Santos 1,386 pressed ranging between 18 _000-20$000 aecording to quality. bales. Grande do Sul 71 pressed Entries fpom 10 to 22 November were 3,520 bags. off slightly durmg the wetek,- with COFFEE. Market eased Shipments from 17 to 22 November weré nil. ranging round 51$000-52$000. little business done, nominal prices BEANS. Market steady at.SOfOOG, with small retail business Etries from 10 to -6 November were:x New York 750 done on this basis.VlVBVi from 10 to 16 November were: Shipments ; Entries from 10 to 22 Novembejr were 3,466 bags. 30 bags,,.•¦-./..^ bags, Havre 284 bags, Itacoatiara • Shiprneiits from 17 to 22 November were: Rio 200 bags.. as last week, price being MAIZE. MUrtet remained same fine', with occasional heavy some 5,000 WEATHER. Has been generally at the; town station, on which basis 221000 delivered showers. Southern marketshstill iare^tóady^boyers. bags have been sold. FREIGHTS. Unchanged. Exports have been some 285 bales are not hapd. Entries from 10 to 16 November, 6,125 bags of coffee to Havre, als0 1.667 Victoria 850 ba&s, cotton to Liverpool, and from 10 to 16 November-were: ¦' Shipments bagsomaize to same port. ¦.•,¦„'.-..Vj> : Twr . .'"-'"• •! ..V-xV. EXCHANGE. Market firmed up for the end of the m.?nth with nominal prices ranging or W^^^M^&^^M window dtessing, and as usual stajrted to weaken off a day aecording to quality.,...'" hetween 18.000-20S000 bdfore the end of the month. It touched 6 l-16d. hank, ' • not^t to hand.,. two Enteies from,10,to,16TNoycmbcrl-are- here,' sellers, however, hanging out fo.r lower f-at ,s and PJ^jgg tò 16 November were nil.. Shipments from 10 was done for account òf Rio át 6d. January delivejry, up, prtees rangi.* business Market has takdn a further jump this under these BEANS. have be» and banks ar-e» still looking for cover at rate on which basis.some 1,000 bags between 78Í000-80WO, conditions., ,.__;„_J„J 'yy.'"- :""V-yy -T\T../ çoldi < ! ¦' \V^: ;.-. ¦¦-* ¦¦^¦í.'^r<^.;.^''^;^,?,;, '.¦"". '-¦'¦''./¦;¦ 'SC'-'¦.'¦" '.".'•','' ¦¦;,"*'' '-".•'¦' *¦ "'^¦f.;'.!"^ ' " ':'.'¦''¦" - r;. ti" í .''¦ :>'. ¦¦- ¦ v; ."¦> ¦ rj- ^ :~? ,-í"* :"¦'. -.i :..>.v;;;-::. 3 :j., ¦¦yr ¦¦¦'¦" lf,,vf" yy • " ¦•'/¦¦/ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' - ¦•'¦-^ '"-"?-.' fe^PPiP

'¦:'"-. :


_The movementt at Rio de Janeiro for the monthof No- ' RUBBER vember was as follows:— Stock on 31 October, 19248,430 Cable Quotations for Hard Fine—London per lb. and Pará per ld. Entries in November. . 28,254 London.Pará s. d. Available/. 36,684 llth, 1924 11%4$400 October Deliveries in November. .  16,488 October 18th, 1924 1 4$600 24th, 1924 1 5$000 October Sttock on 30 November, 1924 20,196 November lst, 1924 1 4$800 Ditto, 1923'. .... 16,987 November 8th, 1924 1 5%51100 November Uth, 1924 1 5%5$000 The S. Paulo market closed on December 3 with options as November 22nd, 1924 1 4$900 follows:— November 1 29th, 1924 5%4$950 3 Dec, 1924 26 Nov., 19245 Dec, 1923 December 6th, 1924 16 51150 Buyers-Sellers Buyers-SellersBuyers-Sellers Decembejr. . . . . 77$600-78$500 78 000-80$000— 126$000 Januar. . r .. • . . 78$600-78$900 70 000-80$000— 128$000 February. .... 78$350-79$300 80 500-81$000— 129&500 March...... 78$500-79$500 80$500- ²— Í28S000 COTTON April79$100-80$000 81 000- ²— 1281500 May 79$700-80$500 81,100-81$900—- — The Pernambuco market closed on 3 December with first sorts quoted at 70$000 buyers only unaltered as compared with the previous Wednesday and 110&000 sellers on 5 Dec last year. SUGAR The movement at Pernambuco for the week ende^l 3 Dec. was as follows, in bales of 80 kilojs:— The Pernambuco market closed on 3rd December weak with usinas, 9$800 to 10Ç300; cjrystal, 8$800 to 9$400; 3rd Sorts, Stock on 26 November, 192415 000 p§000 to- 98500; somenos, 8|500 to 9$00; brutos sdecos, 8$200 Entries dujring the week 8,200 to 8$600; other sorts, nomnial; as against usinas, 9|200 to 9$800; crystals, 8 600 to 9$500; brutos seccos, 8$200 to 8$700; other Available 18,200 sorts, nominal on the previous Wednesday. Deliveries during the same week....7,200 The movement at Pernambuco for the week ended December 3 was as follows, in bags of sixty kilos:— Stock on 3 December 1924..'11,000 Ditto, 5 December, 19235,000 Stock on 26 November, 1924.. 262,000 Entries during the week. .  124  . 000 Entries for the week ended 3 Decembeir amounted to 3,200 bales as against 2,600 bales for the previous week and 4,300 bales Available. . 386,000 for the corresponding week last year. Deliveries during the same week...... 141,000 For the crop to date, entries amounted to 32,900 bales against 38,500 bales for the same period last orop. Stock on 3 December, 1924 245 000 Ditto, 5 December, 1923...... ^...... ,..._., 178,000 The movement at Pernambucoo for the month of November was as follows:— For the orop to date entries amounted to 1,132,000 bags é.s Stock on 31 Octobqr, 192411,000 against 844.000 bags for thet same period last year. Entries in .November,..._14&00- The movement at Pernambucoo for the month of Novembea- was as follows:— Available25,100 Stock on 31 October, 1924. .  227,000 Deliveries in Novembem. . 13,1.90 Entries in November...... 1./.;...] 400,000' • •;"¦¦/.:'' ¦ - ,i ¦¦ ¦ i .  Stock on 30 November, 1924.;..!.?:...>:• n»:«: 12,00.0 Available 710,000! Ditto, 192315,000' Leliveries in November. . . ,.. 525,000^

The Rio market closed on 3 Dec. with prices quoted as Stock on 30th November, 1924'...'.. 185,000 follows, per 15 kilos:— Ditto, 1923...... ..., 147,000 —The 3 Dec. 192426. Nov. 192*§ Dec 1925 Rio market closed on 3 December weak with prices Sertões61|000-63|00058$000-62$00094$|Q00-95$000 quoted as follows, per kilo:—White crystals $833 to .$850; de- First 55$000-56$00053$000-55$00093$000-94$000 meraras, $750 to $767; mascavo superior, $817 to ,',813; other Mediums53.000-54800051$000-52$00091 000-i,2$600 sorts, nominal against White crystals, $833 to $850, Demeraras, Paulista NominalNominalNominal $767 to $800, moscava superior, $853 to $883 other sorts, no- minai on the previous Wednesday. The movement at Rio de Janeiro for the weekended 3 The movement at Rio de Janeiro for the week was as foi- Decembep was as follows, in bales:— lows, in bales of 60 kilos:—. Stock on 26 November, 192415,190. Stock on 26 November, 1924.;.. 117.447. Entries diiring the week8,846 Entries during the week.., . 42,517

Available24.036 Available...... -.- m ...... ,,...... ,..,. 159,964 during the same week4,075 Deliveries Deliveries during the same week. 35551 3 December, 1924'.. Stock on 19,961 Stock on 3 December, 1924...... é..é...;*.*.*¦ 124413 Ditto, 5 Dete. 192316,815 Ditto, on 5 December 1923JJPA*,...'.]'.[ 140,161

üÉfiÜI •7.V.

'..'. ¦ ¦'*'•-" December lOth, 1924. WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIBW. ^ - y. 167Í

The movement at Rio de Janeiro for the mouth of November Orleans and Port Arthur, due Rio Dec. 27; Elkhorn, at ííeW was as follows;— Orleans; Cleaft-water, from New Orfeans and Port Arthur, at Plate iStock "69,118 on 31st October, 1924 port. Entries in November. . . ., 209,012 Pan America Line—Federal Express Company, agente American Legion, left Rio Dec 5, for Buenos Aires; Southern Available¦..'.. 278,130 Cross, due Rio Dec 10, due New York Dec. 22; Pan.America, Ièft Deliveries in November. 159.290 New York Dec 6, due Rio Dec 181; Weistern World, arrived New York Dec. 8. Stock on 30th November, 1924 118,840 American Republics Line, (Federal Express Co., agents). Bird City, leaves Jacksonville Dec 10, fojr S.A.; Casper, at '.,;;: ,. The S. Paulo market closed oi ? December with sp.t Santos, for Plate; Commack, at River Plate, due Santos Dec 18, quoted as follows pe|r bag of 60 kilos:—S. Paulo and Campos for Rio; Culberson, U.S. port; Haleakala, left Victoria Dec. 1, icrystals 58$000; Pernambuco and Maceió crystals, nominal; for U.S. prts; Libefrty Glo, left States for River Plate; Otho, en other sorts, nominal. route for States; Storm King, en route States; The Angeles, U.S. Crystal options closed at S. Paulo on íth December at por; West Kéene, at Santos; West Catrnifax, at River Plate. following priees per sixty kilos:—December, 54$100 buyerr Ja- nuary, 53$200 buyers and 53$800 sellers; February, 53$500 buyers Prince Line—Houlder Bros. & Co., Ltd., agents. arid 53$800 sellers; March, 53$700 buyers and 54$000 sellers; Apii Indian Prince, for New Orleans Dec. 13; Caistilian Prince, 54$500 buyers and 54$900 sellers; May,.54$800 buyers and 55$100 for New York and Boston Dec 24; Portuguese Prince, for New sellers. Orleans early Jan.; African Prince, eín rute fo;r Rio; Roman Prince, at River Plate; Cqrsican Prince, for New York 2nd half Jan.; Sardinian Price, etí route for New York. 7 COCOA Pacific-Argentine-Brazil Line—Houlder Bros. & Co., Ltd., agent». West Cactus, loads Rio Dec. 24, foir State's. Bahia, cocoa was quoted iri New York on 4th December as follows, cents. per lb.:—fair formented, 9%c; good fair, 9%c; Wilhelmsen Steamship Line—E. Johnston & Co., Ltd. Agents. and superior, 9%c; as against 8%c, 9c, and 9%c. on 2.7th Nov. Tiradentes, at New York due Rio end Dec; Titania, at Monte- video; Cubano,, loads Rio middle Dec for States; Rotterdam Zuid Amerika Lijn—E. Johnston & Co., Ltd. Agents. SHIPPING Alcyoné arrived Rio Dec. 11^ for Bahia, etc; Zijldijk, left " STEAMERS' Rio Dec 6 fo(r Santos; Alwaki, due Rio Jan. 3, for Europe. MOVEMENTS. Rio Cape Line—Cumming Young, agent. 9Royal Mail. Awa Maru, sails 20th Jan. for the Cape. Det Forenede Dampskibs-Selskab—Cumming Young, agent. Almanzora, due Rio Dec. 12, from Southampton; Andes, For Denmark, Finland and Baltic ports: Arizona, Dec. 14, leaves Southampton Dec. 12 for S.A., due Rio Dec, 27, for Santos Florida, middle of Jan., Nevada, end of Jan. and Plate; Arlanza, due Southampton Dèc. 15, homewards; Avon. leaves Buenos Aires Dec. 9, duè to leave Rio Dec. 14, homewards; Deseado, left Santos Dec. 12, fo/r- Buenos Aires; Dardo, left Lis- bon Dec. 5, due Rio Dec. 19, for Santos and Buenos Aires; Desna Hamburg-Suedamerikanische due' Liverpool, Dec. 14, homewards; Demerara, left Rio Dec. 9, homewards; Highland Loch, left Rio Dec. 9, for RiveV Plate; Highland Laddie, due Rio Dec. 23, for River Plate; Ortega, Ièft Dampfschiffahrts Gesellschaft Liverpool Dec. 4, Straits route; Reading, due Rio Dec. 11, from arrived Rio Dec. 9, for Rio Grande; Sambde South Walés; Somme, (Hamburg-South American Steamship Company). left Southampton Dec. 6, for Lisbon and Brazil; Sabor, leaves London Dec. 25, for Lisbon and Brazil; Siris, leaves London Jan. 15, for Lisbon and Brazil; Silairus, left Victoria Dec. 8, home- Regular service with the well known, luxurious, express steamers ward»; Severri, arrived Santos, Dec. 6, Homewards. "CAP POLÔNIO," triple screw, 30,000 tons displacement. X ..! "ANTÔNIO DELFINO» and "CAP NORTE" Lamport & Holt, Ltd. Between 14, New York; Voltaire leaves New Vauban, due Rio Dec. for Hamburg, Boulogne s/m, Vigo, for Buenos Aires; Holbein, left YoVk Dec. 13, due Rio Dec. 27, Lisbon, Rio de Janeiro, Santos, Montevideo. Liverpool Dec. 6, direct for Rivei- Platei; Herschel, leaves Buenos r

Numa das fazendas que este ponto, satisfará os mais exigentes. (SECÇAO EM PORTUGUEZ) °|° O de, Serviço tomou a seu cargo e cm que era dé 89 grau são hoje infestação durante a ultima colheita, dificilmente . rigorosa inspecção encontrados fructos contaminados e só após cafeeiros um foi possível achar, em muitos milhares de gjrão °|° existentes, infestado, representando menos de 1 dos fructos resultado já no- porcentagem verdadeiramente insignificante e Broca do Gafe lado dessa A tavel em tão curto lapso de tempo. Ao propriedade, de modo num cafesal visinho, em que o repasse foi realizado oriundos das imperfeito, em grande numero de fmetos colhidos, Até esta data, o Serviço de Defesa do Café obteve dados °\° infestação floradas de julho e agosto; era de 70 o grau de relativos ao repasse feito em 775 fazendas, de 18 municípios di- em dias da semana passada, algarismo bastante eloqüente para versos, num total de 35.543.125 cofeeiros, em que foram co- dispensar commentarios. Nessa mesma fazenda, no talhão pri- lindos 1.076.-.698 litros de café em coco, representando ccVca 'oram mais atacado e em que os repasses executados approximadamente 800 contos de réis, aos mitivamente de 13.000 arrobas, ou também não se en- por pessoal do Serviço de Defesa do Café, preços áctüaés do mercado. Em algumas outras pVópriédades contraíram fructos contaminados^ embora aquella parcella do ca- agrícolas, foi igualmente applicada a medida essencial do com- fesal esteja rodeada de outros em que apenas foi apanhado o ; bate á broca, que este Srviçò vem insistentemente scorrs.elhando, café do chão e em que os fructos presos aos cafeeiros estão ; mas sem que tivessem sido annòtados os dados colhidos para a muito atacados. organização de uma estatística completa e perfeita. Levando, Nas innumeras excursões que a Commissão do Serviço de em linha de conta somente os seus cafeeiros, obtem-se porém, ao interior, para inspecção dos foram repas- Defesa do Café tem realizado um total inferior talvez a 50 milhões de pés, que resultado trabalhos a seu cargo, tem sido verificado o optimo sados este anuo, numero que poderá impressionar citado isola- dos repasses c, ao mesmo tempo, quanto elle é pouco satisfa- damente, mas que muito pouco representa quando comparado ao tal medida é executada imperfeitamente. E» pre- da totalidade dos existentes em todos os cafeeiros do Estado, ctorio quando um único frueto deixado nos cafesaes considerada a extrema da ciso não esquecer que ou se for devidamente gravidade de toda depois da colheita pode ser bastantepara a infestação praga que ameaça de destruição a maior riqueza de S. Paulo. insecto dar origem a milhares razão em appellar a ignorância como . uma fazenda e que um só poderá Já não ha mais para coiiside- de se disseminarão por áreas de extensão motivo ou pretesto de desculpas em matéria de tamanha monta, outros que A hoje assola os cafezaes de S. Paulo é pro- mormente depois que, durante quatro mezes de trabalho insano, ravel. praga que tenha sido causada por um só insecto, imprudente- foi feita uma aetiva propaganda em todos os pontos do terri- vavel que mente importado de regiões contaminadas. No laboratório do torio paulista e a todos os recantos do Estado foi levado per4- Defesa do Café tem sido freqüentemente encontradas feito e exacto conhecimento do mal. Seria ainda possível ignorar Serviço de mais brocas num só grão e já uma vez foi 153 o a existência de tamanha calamidade se ella houvesse oceorrido 20, 30, 40 e observado, de onde facilmente se deduz a imprescin- em outro paiz e não a dois passos de nossa casa em pleno co- numero de o seja cuidadosa e meticulosa-? ; ração da lavoura paulista. Descrer da sua importância, tentar divel necessidade que Repasse diminuir ou atfcnuar a sua gravidade, só seria admissível em mente excutado. nem tolerável, que a maior riqueza de São outro meio, cm outro povo e não no seio de uma classe que se , Não é admissível, todo o Brasil, corra o risco de desapparecer, sim- impoz pelas suas notáveis qualidades de energia e de espirito. Paulo, de incrédulos se obstinam em não Embo-a difficil de explicar esforço tão diminuto deànte de plesmente pdrque fazendeiros flagello ameaça. E' pre- tamanha ameaça,' força é reçonhecel-o e confessal-o. Na pre- comprehender a importância do que a o maior obstáculo sente campanha, é verdadeiramente notável que as medidas ciso reconhecer, confessar lealmente, que que campanha contra a broca' reside nos adminis- aconselhadas pelo Serviço de Defesa do Café tenham sido ex- tem de vencer a acanhados e incultos, mais que editadas quasi que exclusivamente pelos pequenos proprietários!; tradores, geralmente espíritos os fazem e desfazem nas nossas propre- pelos sitiantes, e que os fazendeiros mais adeantados, que re- são na realidade que emquanto o systema das visitas men- presentam a elite de sua classe, não tenham ligado a devida dades agíricolas, perdurar ;da- Deante dos lactuaes (Importância aos processos preconizá-los como os uircos saes dos fazendeiros ás suas lavouras. preços direito de allegar a impossibilidade de pazes de debellar a praga ou restringir-lhe os damnos.. do café, ninguém tem o Entre os municípios contaminados também se podem citar exigir que as colheitas sejam bem feitas e, a seguir, repassados não conciliar a existência exemplos que bem longe estão de ser animadores. Se Campinas os cafezaes, mesmo porque é possível e Itatiba deram uma prova verdadeiramente notável da sua cul- da broca- com uma boa safra. tura e da eiielrgica iniciativa de seus lavradores. Piracicaba não O repasse, única medida capaz de conter o mal, não foi resultado do acurado estudo, pode apontar uma única fazenda em que tenha sido realizado o frueto de acaso, mas representa o írepasse dos cafezaes, Ribeirão Preto só poderá indicar duas e longas pesquizas e pacientes cogitações. O. Serviço de Defesa todo o município de Inda*atuba somente conseguiu que fossem do Café, organizado em caracter transitório, para o estudo e repassadas três propriedades agrícolas. Se Espirito Santo do debellação da praga, deu inteiro e cabal desemnenboo á missão - Pinhal, que ainda está indemne, executou a medida na grande de que foi incumbido, estudando a biologia do insecto em todos !res maioria de suas fazendas c em algumas del.las duas e vezes, os seus detalhes, esclarecendo pontos que ainda se conservavam Mogy-Mirim, bastante infestado, deixou de pratical-o em ab- obscuros, determinando com todo o rigor scientifico os pro- soluto. cessos de combate, racionaes, práticos, exeqüíveis e efficientes, os Nunca será demasiado repetir que o bom êxito d'a campanha systemas de expurgo paira o produeto e seus materiaes de acon- ' só poderá ser obtido com o esforço collectivo, quando todo dicionamento e, finalmente, os meios de disseminação do mal. os lavradores se compenetrem de que realmente a situação é Tudo isto foi realizado num período muito curto do que a'melhor grave e tremenda a ameaça que peza sobre a lavoura eafeeira. espectativa fazia prever e agora, que não muito distante está O Serviço de Defesa do Café achou a única medida capaz o termo da sua árdua tarefa, pouco mais lhe resta a executar, de enfrentar o mal, de permittir que S. Paulo continue a figurar dado o seu caracter provisório. Todo o plano dé combate está como o maior produetor de café do universo, e todos os dias traçado, tendo até em grande pajrte sido posto em pratica e á novas provas vêm confirmar o sen accerto. Sumatra está prestes prova, com resultados plenamente satisfactorios, altamente ani- a desapparccer do marcado como produetora, Java só ao fim madores, cabendo agora aos fazendeiros realizar o restante. O de 15 annos conseguiu meios de combater a praga, e os tech;- Serviço de Defesa do Café já tem elaborada a lei que deverá nicos de Uganda acabam de confessar eme só o repasse poderá ser votada, tornando obrigatórias as medidas que suggeriu. permittir a continuação de suas cultuVas de café. Não será ore- aconselhou e cujo êxito ficou demonstrado, certo porém, de ciso ir tão longe buscar elementos que de-onstr-*m que o Ser- que, onde a iniciativa particular deixar de agir, pouco, muito viço de Defesa do Café não errou, pois que Campinas, neste pouco se ha de conseguir compulsoriamente.