Redactor Responsável H. F. WILEMAN. Redacção, Administração e Officinas: Rua Camerino 55-57, Rio de Janeiro, k. mxkmmx râmwn %ttkw A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE, r '. FINANCE, ECONOMICS, AND SHIPPING BLâM--. semy »K>P8VAHt VOL. 15 RIO DE JANEIRO, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lOth, 1924 o r/mu <àt .* IHE ROYAL MAIL and PACIFIC UNES PASSENGÉR and FREIGHT SERVIGE REGULAR SERYICE OF MAIL & PASSENGÉR STEAMERS BETWEEN BRAZIL / EUROPE ALSO TO RIVER PLATE & PACIFIC PORTS REGULAR SERVICE of CARGO STEAMERS TO CONTINENTAL & U.K. PORTS FURTHER INFORMATION FROM: RIO GRANDE DO SUL THE ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET ÍO. RIO DE JANEIRO SANTOS BAHIA SÃO PAULO THE PACIFIC STEAM NAVIGAT10N CO. PERNAMBUCO II \VILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. December .Oth, 1924 AS VANTAGENS DO SYSTEMA i i FOLHAS AVULSAS" (Loose Leaf System) • ¦Ot- OE-» _o*DC lM^O*TCt fO MiN«i««*ori POvl«l'«iV(TCD ' IMICRT1QN Of WINOI P-AVf IN Bul-T UP eo**0 OIS D c o ,• J«r»__ Blôíftfl C-S«rON ON >^~*O-C* OF MC1ALS A0%0ÊhK ^^í^fÊ_^^Z^^^^^Z^^ZZb^^-c x^' iP\\ O Urro "Mestre" meio encadernado, mostrando a molla eua qu« a capa é pre.a no lombo d*» aoo . ÈèM •'M$S&.¦ --:^-:»-___H-_i--_a--Í ^4^^^^àmmm^^^^^^^ÊÊSmmmmmÈ^Ê'_S___T*T'nr';_-_________||M IshpPWI /¦; >££ ___^Í______f isé^5^**^^. ,._li_B___l_«i--_-9l____!_¦ _¦¦_# , , ,.' -IüSÍBÍK Livro aberto mostrando a facilidade com que as folhas podem ser insertas e retiradas. We have just received a large consignment of English Loose-Leaf Metals and can supply Ledgers or Transfers of any dimension promptly. A representative will call on receipt of card or 'phone call, IMPRENSA INGLEZA ROA CAMERINO 55-57 Telephone, Norte 1966 Caixa Postal. Rio de Janeiro December lOth, 1024W1LEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. • > 1 Loose Leaf Ledgers and Transfers. i We have received a large consignment of loose leaf 1 metais from Europe and can execute promptly ali orders i 1 for any size of Loose Leaf Book, from the ordinary I æ¦ I transfer to the luxurious Ledger with double lock. i MIMPRENSA INGLEZAj I Specialists in Loose Leat Books. I ¦ RUA CAMERINO, 55/57 ¦ Caixa Postal 809.Telephone 1966 Norte. I RIO DE JANEIRO I. « • mÊkmm • n__n • ¦¦ • .—.J THE LEOPOLDINA RAILWAY COMPANY, LIMITED Central Office, RUA DA GLORIA, 36 — RIO DE JANEIRO Telephone Central 2404 — Cable Address: LATESCENCE Direct communication between the States of Rio, Espirito Santo and Minas Geraes. Length of Line, 1,831 miles, with 289 stations serving an área of 200,000 square miles. Traffic carried in 1923:— Pessengers, No. 17,111,453Parcels and Luggage, Tons, 99,916.Goods, Tons, 1,584,054. TRAINS LEAVE FOR THE INTERIOR—FROM NICTHEROY: 6.30—Express—Campos, Miracema, Itapemirim, Porciuncula and branch lines, daily. 7 00—Express—Friburgo, Cantagallo, Macuco and Portella, daily. 15.35—Passeio—Friburgo, Saturdays. 21.00—Night Express—Campos, Itapemirim and Victoria, Mondays and Fridays. Return from Victoria Sundays and Thursdays. 10.15. Electric illumination and ventilation. Single fare Nictheroy/Victoria 55S600. Return fare, 90$600. Sleeper cars between Nictheroy and Campos. Upper Berth, 15$3O0, Lower Berth 20$300. Lunch and dinner served on restaurant cars between Campos and Victoria. 21.00—Night Express—Campos only, Wednesdays until further notice. From Campos, Tuesdays 21.50. Single, 29$400. Return 48$600. WINTER.RIO — PETROPOLIS. From lst May to 31st October.SUMMER. WEEK DAYS. From lst November to 30th April. WEEK DAYS. Praia Formosa, dep. (except Sat.) 6.00 8.30 12.00 16.20 17.50 20.00 8.30 13.35 15.50 16.20 1.7.50 20.00 (Sat. only) 6.00 8.30 13.30 16.20 17.50 20.00 Praia Formosa, dep6.00 8.35 10.05 12.35 15.45 19.20 Petropolis, dep6.10 7.35 8.35 10.05 15.45 19.20 Petropolis, dep6.10 7.35 SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS. 3raia 8.30 10.25 15.50 17.50 20.00 Praia Formosa, dep6.00 7.30 8.30 10.25 15.50 17.50 20.00 Formosa, dep6.00 7.30 'etropolis, 10.00 15.20 17.20 19.20 20.20 Petropolis, dep6.10 7.35 10.00 15.20 17.20 19.20 20.20 dep6.10 7.35 EXCURSIONS SPECIA .LY RECOMMENDED. minutes, lst class Petropolis.—2,700 feet above sea levei, magnificent climat.e, beautiful views during trip; 1 hour, 40 return 6§200. Stone ballast, no dust. to Monday;. Friburgo.—2,800ft. above sea levei, 3h. 25min. by passeio train. Fare 11$100 lst class return, single 6$800 (Saturday information re: mileage books aud GUIDE BOOKS AND TIMETABLES published half-yearly:—Price $300—containing useful Company's Agencies in Rio; free storage time and demurrage charges on priees- reduced fares for excursions, pienies, etc; Guide; Delivery to dvvelliugi; and of model poultry coops; rates of advertising at stations and in this timber; illustration price g views, and sundry other artieles of interest. map of L. R. system; advertisements, | IV WILEMAN'S BRAZILIAN REVIEW. December lOth, 1924 LAMPORT & HOLT LINE "DE THE LUXE" SEliVICE FAST MAIL AND LUXURIOUS PASSENGÉR STEAMERS BETWEEN NEW YORK, BRAZIL AND RIVER PLATE "V" The steamers forming the famous fíeet were ali specia ly de sir ne d and built for travei between North and South America, and offer the maximum comfort. Large airy çabins, broad long decks, gymnasiums, permanent tennis courts, launges, dlnir.g saloons, smoke rooms, and verandah cafés are adap ed for tropical cruising. particularly "VANDYCK" "VOLTAIRE", "VAUBAN" "VESTRIS". TRAYEL TO NEW YORK VIA TRlNIDAD AND BARBADOS ON THE OR FROM NEW YORK FOR NEW YORK VOLTAIRE... 27th Dec. VAUBAN Hth Dec. VANDYCK... lOth Jan. VESTRIS28th Dec. VAUBAN 25th Jan. VOLTAIRE... 15th Jan. VESTRIS .... 8th Feb. y<y- WÈÊM VANDYCK... 8th Feb. VOLTAIRE .. 21st Feb. —^mir^ynnv ' m~~tfr±~ilVtS T^"™T«B|IfltHUF^fítW WPW™'"^ WPft . ,.."I íV ¦ VAUBAN ...22nd Feb. VANDYCK. 2 lst March VESTRIS .... 8th March VAUBAN 5th April ___m^Ê VOLTAIRE. 19th March VESTRIS... 19th April VANDYCK.. 19th April VOLTAIRE. 2nd May VAUBAN.... 3rd May ..cStoy/•-' ''**£'*£ '¦' .***Íl^m^m^^^^^^^^^^B^D&mmwmm\3\a3tfFJ^^E~^ffi*y^*^*^Ç * í mm^SSÍmà^cf3gg*mW&9mm- *?• Si'**""''' i~ . Santos : F. S. HAMPSHIRE & Co., Ltd. Lamport & Holt, Ltd. Buenos Aires : LAMPORT 8 HOLT, LTD. Bahia : F. STEVENSON A Co., Ltd. RIO DE JANEIRO Montevideo: M. REAL DE AZUA Pernambuco : WILLIAMS & Co. Avenida Rio Branco, 21-23 TEL. N. 6671 DEN NORSKE SYP-AMERIKA LINJE (The Norwegian South America Line) REGULAR SERVICE BETWEEN NORWAY,%-BNORWAY DENMARK \\ ^V\DENMARK & FINLANDYv.êT' ?& FINLAND BRAZIL.XY^\ = RIVER OUTWARDS. TABOR—End of December. PLATE KORGHILDEnd December. of HOMEWARDS. PARA—End of December. Jfor furtber partículais applç fo :— COMETA—23rd December. FREDRIK ENGELHART - Agent - ü!f* ?E_ s_*0.f_E»«0_M»-». *•« °e janeiro. RUA 15 DE NOVEMBRO 172, SANTOS. REDERIAKTIEBOLAGET NORDSTJERNAN JOHNSON LINEws-rii^j-i.1^ FLEET: 11 MOTOR SHIPS. TOTAL TONNAGE, 80,000. Regular Service between :-Finland, Sweden-Bra.il. Finland, Sweden-River Plate. Finland, Sweden-Ghile and Peru Sweden-North Pacific, and vice-versa. FROM SWEDEN :— FOR SWEDEN :— Suecia-loads Rio about 28th December. Kronp. Gustaf Adolf -leaves Gothemburg beginning December. Valparaiso-loads Rio about lõth January, 1925. San Francisco-loads Rio about lOth February 1925. Kr. Gustaf Adolf-loads | Ri0 about 28th February, 1925. For further particulars apply to the Agent: LUIZ CAMPOS84, RUA VISCONDE INHAÚMA, 84. R,0 DE JANEIRO. y^yy:y ¦V(7.; PSSSw *.*¦¦ ' ' , ,.7~"- . ¦- •'.¦&- ' ¦'- . y A WEEKLY JOURNAL OF TRADE. FINANCE, ECONOMIÇS. AND SHIPPING 1924 DO No. 50 Vol. 15 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER lOth, JUO L>a_ANÈ_ à*2_ The Rio de Janeiro Flour Mills § Granaries, Limited OFFICES - RUA OA QUITANDA, 108 - RIO JANEIRO. 48. MOORGAT1- LONDON E5. Cí.«. BUENOS AIRES SÁO PAULO ROSÁRIO 443 Calle Sarmiento Rua Boa Viata 13 660 Calle Sapmlento 15000 Bags FLOUR MILLS: Rna Gamboa No. DAILY PRODUCTION THe- Mills IVla-rW® aré> "OTARABY". "BUBA-lfAOIONAL", "RACIOHAL", "8BM0LWA". "•RAZILBIRA", 1908 AWARPS:-OoldMedal: Paris 1889J.Í||%$ÊÊÊ. Pri_e Brazil St. Louis 1904First Pme Brussels 1910 First of Brazil WM First Priie Turim 1911 Hors Concoiirs — International Centennial Exposition Loom-i COTTON MILLS: Rua Gamb-a No. 2-861.000 DAILY PRODUOTIOM 50.000 Metre» Qrand PriseInternational Centennial Exposition of Brasil 1922. 80LE ÀQENTS of BISCOITOS AYMORÉ LIMITADA. BUT quality •qu»l to ¦narlUburniu Bieeulte athalftlieoont. EXPOSITION OF BRAZIL ltBl GRAND PRIZE - INTERNATIONAL CENTENNIAL Oftice Box N0J86 Telegrams "EPIDERMIg" / Telephone MORTE 1460Pest AGENCIES IN EVERY STATE IN BRAZIL. BRAZILIAN WARRANT COMPANY, LIMITED Authorized Capital... £2.000.000.Capital Paid up... £1.500.000 E.CA. HEAD OFFICE: 20 King Wi/liam Street London. Av BRANCHES AT: Santo», Rio deJaneiro, and São Paulo. Orlean». HO, 8. A.: Braailian Warrant Cq., (Inc.), Ne? Yerk, New 10EMCLE8 At: C-*_.i*m, JaM jai São CtrlM âe PUhtl IUIIREM. eOIDBITS A CIBERAl BBIMMRBT AM CIMMIStlOM COFFEE, 3UCAR, CEREAIS ANB GENERAL MEICRANilSI. ¦*¦"havei A BPECIAUTY OF ADYAMCE» ACEIIT8 COBPAMY LIMITED. C-HE«Al ACEMT8 OF THE CUARDIAII ASSURANCE 1 K^t^V^.y. --;...-¦..-:..:_: ir&S.it.r-lVVSW*-1*'» jjj ^.íMKVJ^y ¦¦>;l *::-''!«'f. ,....„ „„,rwl,rDecember lOth, 1924. ^rWILEMAN*S BRAZILIAN REVIEW.£ 1642_____ Booth Line,Liver Between Regular Service of Passenger and Cargo Steamers NEW YORK, N0RTn,MIP-.50UThPRflZIL (calling at Barbados) also between LIVERPOOL, HAMBURG, ANTWERP, HAVRE, VIGO OPORTO, LISBON, MADEIRA, PARA,MANAOS, MARANHÃO, CEARA' PARNAHYBA, IQUITOS. Agents íor NORTH and SOUTH AMERICA KSLs MSi™0 IjuHus vo„ Sohstent$& JANE.RO) CABEDELLO f Wi,so„ Sons * Cp. Ltfc &HXO BMMC,(l0lta)Ll, r ^ ^^fâ™^ ÚQ SUL PARWRHVRR ?VICTORIAArbuekle & Co.PELOTAS) Guilherme H. Chaplin PORTO ALEGRE} IOUITOSFLORIANÓPOLIS DO SUL, R. 0'N. Addison PARANAOUÂ: Empreza de Melhoramentos Urbanos de Paranaguá.

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