Eastern Illinois University The Keep Faculty Research & Creative Activity Biological Sciences January 1988 The genera of Bambusoideae (Gramineae) in the southeastern United States Gordon C. Tucker Eastern Illinois University,
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[email protected]. TUCKER, BAMBUSOIDEAE 239 THE GENERA OF BAMBUSOIDEAE (GRAMINEAE) IN THE SOUTHEASTERN UNITED STATESu GoRDON C. T ucKER3 Subfamily BAMBUSOIDEAE Ascherson & Graebner, Synop. Mitteleurop. Fl. 2: 769. 1902. Perennial or annual herbs or woody plants of tropical or temperate forests and wetlands. Rhizomes present or lacking. Stems erect or decumbent (some times rooting at the lower nodes); nodes glabrous, pubescent, or puberulent. Leaves several to many, glabrous to sparsely pubescent (microhairs bicellular); leaf sheaths about as long as the blades, open for over tf2 their length, glabrous; ligules wider than long, entire or fimbriate; blades petiolate or sessile, elliptic to linear, acute to acuminate, the primary veins parallel to-or forming an angle of 5-10• wi th-the midvein, transverse veinlets numerous, usually con spicuous, giving leaf surface a tessellate appearance; chlorenchyma not radiate (i.e., non-kranz; photosynthetic pathway C.,).