Note: Questions 25 and 26 have been removed from this data set, as gathering information about specific organizations and their programs was not a core focus of this study.


The first few questions are to ensure that we are talking to the right people.

1. In what year were you born? RECORD YEAR ______[TERMINATE IF NOT BORN BETWEEN 1978 AND 1996]

Prefer not to answer [TERMINATE] ​

2. Are you ...

Female 1 Male 2 Something else (optional: please specify) 3 Prefer not to answer 4

3. What is your current zip code?


Prefer not to answer [TERMINATE] ​

4. What, if any, is your present religion? Please select all that apply.

Protestant (Baptist, Methodist, Nondenominational, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Pentecostal, Episcopalian, Reformed, Church of Christ, Jehovah’s Witness, etc.) 1 Roman Catholic 2 Jewish 3 Muslim 4 Buddhist 5 Hindu 6 Atheist 7 Agnostic 8 Another religion (please specify) 9 Nothing in particular 10

5. [IF Q4 Do you consider yourself to be Jewish in any way? ​ NE 3 Jewish] ​

Yes 1 No 2


6. Thinking about Jewish religious denominations, which of the following do you consider yourself to be?

Conservative 1 Humanist 2 Just Jewish 3 Messianic 4 Orthodox 5 Reconstructionist/Reconstructing 6 Reform 7 Renewal 8 Something else (please specify) 9 Not sure 10


7. [IF Q6=5] Do you consider yourself to be … ​

Modern Orthodox 1 Traditional Orthodox 2 Some other kind of Orthodox 3


8. Do you have any children?

Yes 1 No 2


9. In what country were you born? [DROP DOWN LIST OF COUNTRIES WITH USA AT TOP]



The next questions focus on different activities you might enjoy doing and what’s important in your life right now.

10. Which of the following do you do at least two to three times a month? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-13; ANCHOR “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM Attend cultural productions (such as the theater or ballet) 1 Attend or watch professional sporting events 2 Attend work-related events or professional networking events 3 Explore new restaurants, bars, and/or coffee shops 4 Host dinner parties for family and friends 5 Learn about different cities or places 6 Meditate or practice other forms of mindfulness 7 Participate in comedic or dramatic groups or productions 8 Participate in exercise classes or groups (such as yoga classes or a running group) 9 Participate in language, arts, or other types of cultural classes 10 Participate in team or intramural sports 11 Spend time outdoors (such as camping or hiking) 12 Visit museums or historical sites 13 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 14 ​

11. And, thinking about the past year, which of the following have you done? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-10; ANCHOR “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM Attended a community meeting 1 Attended a political rally or speech 2 Contacted a government official about an issue that was important to you 3 Made a financial contribution to an organization or cause you support 4 Made a financial contribution to a political candidate 5 Served as a member or on a board of a civic association or group 6 Signed a petition (digitally and/or on paper) 7 Volunteered 8 Worked or volunteered for a political party or candidate 9 Wrote a letter to the editor 10 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 11 ​


12. [IF Q11=4 OR 8] Which of the following types of causes have you supported through ​ ​ financial contributions and/or volunteering in the past year? Please select all that apply.

Animals or wildlife 1 Arts and culture 2 Community building 3 Children and youth 4 Disability inclusion 5 Education and literacy 6 Environment 7 Health 8 Humanitarian 9 Homelessness and housing 10 Hunger 11 LGBTQ 12 Racial justice or inequality 13 Seniors 14 Women 15 Another cause (please specify) 16

13. [IF Q11=4 OR 8] And, which of the following statements applies to your financial ​ ​ contributions and/or volunteering in the past year? Please select all that apply.

I have made a financial contribution to a Jewish organization or cause 1 I have volunteered with a Jewish organization or for a Jewish cause 2 I have made a financial contribution to an Israel-related organization or cause 3 I have volunteered with an Israel-related organization or cause 4 I have made financial contributions or volunteered for a reason that I associate with being Jewish 5 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 6 ​



14. How important is religion in your life?

Very important 1 Fairly important 2 Not too important 3 Not at all important 4

15. How important is spirituality in your life?

Very important 1 Fairly important 2 Not too important 3 Not at all important 4



Before we continue further, here is a little more information about this survey. Earlier you indicated that [IF Q4=3: you are Jewish] OR [IF Q5=1: you consider yourself Jewish]. Many ​ ​ of the questions that follow are about your Jewish background.

16. Are any of the people who raised you Jewish?

Yes, one person who raised me is Jewish 1 Yes, two people who raised me are Jewish 2 Other (please specify) 3 None of the people who raised me are Jewish 4

17. In what country or countries were the people who raised you born? Please enter multiple countries if appropriate. [RECORD VERBATIM RESPONSE] ​

18. Which of your grandparents are Jewish? Please select all that apply. [RESPONDENTS ​ CAN SELECT UP TO TWO PUNCHES FROM 1-4; EITHER 1 OR 2 AND EITHER 3 OR 4]

One of my maternal grandparents is Jewish 1 Two or more of my maternal grandparents are Jewish 2 One of my paternal grandparents is Jewish 3 Two or more of my paternal grandparents are Jewish 4 Other (please specify) 5 None of my grandparents are Jewish [EXCLUSIVE] 6 ​

19. Which of the following describes the household you were raised in? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-6; ANCHOR ANSWER CHOICE 7 AND “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM I grew up familiar with Jewish culture (such as books or food) 1 I grew up familiar with my Jewish ancestry 2 I grew up in a household that felt a connection to the history of Jewish people 3 I grew up in a household that observed Jewish religious practice (such as keeping kosher or attending synagogue) 4 I grew up in a household that observed or celebrated Jewish holidays 5 I grew up in a household that observed religious practices or celebrated holidays for more than one religion 6 I grew up in a secular household 7 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 8 ​


20. Which of the following languages were regularly spoken in your household when you were growing up? Please select all that apply.

Arabic 1 English 2 Farsi 3 French 4 German 5 Hebrew 6 Russian 7 Spanish 8 Yiddish 9 Another language (please specify) 10



The next set of questions are about your experiences and perspectives on being Jewish.

21. What makes you feel Jewish? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-14; ANCHOR “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM Being a descendant of Holocaust survivors 1 Being familiar with Jewish traditions 2 Being part of a community of or having a Jewish social circle 3 Eating Jewish foods (such as challah or matzoh ball soup) 4 Experiencing a connection when meeting fellow Jews 5 My connection to Israel 6 My connection to Jewish history 7 Having a good sense of humor 8 Having a sense of connection to others who are Jewish whom I may not have met (such as celebrities, politicians, authors, innovators) 9 Living according to Jewish values 10 My family 11 My family’s history 12 Observing Jewish practice (such as keeping kosher) 13 Witnessing or experiencing antisemitism 14 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 15 ​

22. What else makes you feel Jewish? [OPTIONAL; RECORD VERBATIM RESPONSE] ​

23. How much did formative experiences and events from your childhood help you to understand what it means to be Jewish today?

A lot 1 Some 2 A little 3 Not at all 4 I converted to Judaism or learned I was Jewish as an adult 5


24. [If Q23=1-4] Which of the following did you do growing up? Please select all that apply. ​ ​

RANDOMIZE 1-13; ANCHOR “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM Attended Hebrew or Jewish Sunday School 1 Attended Jewish overnight summer camp 2 Attended Jewish day school 3 Attended Jewish preschool 4 Attended Jewish services on Shabbat and/or holidays 5 Attended or hosted Shabbat dinners 6 Had a Bar/Bat Mitzvah 7 Participated in activities at a Jewish community center 8 Participated in a high school year or gap year in Israel 9 Participated in a Jewish youth group 10 Participated in a school-based Jewish club (such as a Jewish Student Union or Jewish Student Connection) 11 Visited Israel with family or friends 12 Visited Jewish historic sites, museums, and/or memorials 13 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 14 ​


27. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements?

RANDOMIZE a-e Completely Somewhat Somewhat Completely agree agree disagree disagree 1 2 3 4

a. I am nostalgic for the ways being Jewish brought 1 2 3 4 people together when I was younger.

b. I enjoy participating in activities that tie 1 2 3 4 back to my being Jewish.

c. I sometimes feel guilty that I am not more 1 2 3 4 knowledgeable about what it means to be Jewish.

d. I sometimes feel guilty that I do not spend more time 1 2 3 4 expressing my Jewishness.

e. My worldview is influenced by being 1 2 3 4 Jewish.



28. Generally speaking, how connected do you feel to any type of Jewish community right now?

Very connected 1 Fairly connected 2 Fairly disconnected 3 Very disconnected 4

29. [IF Q28=1 OR 2] Which of the following explains why you feel connected to some type ​ ​ of Jewish community right now? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-9; ANCHOR “ANOTHER REASON” AND “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM Attending events hosted by Jewish organizations 1 Belonging to a synagogue 2 Engaging in advocacy or other civic engagement with Jewish friends or a Jewish organization 3 Gathering with Jewish friends or a Jewish social circle 4 Interacting with a Jewish community online 5 My family 6 My personal connections to Israel 7 My spouse or partner 8 Volunteering or doing service with Jewish friends or a Jewish organization 9 Another reason (Please specify) 10 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 11 ​


30.[IF Q28=3 OR 4] Which of the following explains why you feel disconnected from some ​ ​ type of Jewish community right now? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-11; ANCHOR “ANOTHER REASON” AND “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM I am geographically isolated from a familiar Jewish community (such as family or childhood friends) 1 I am not interested in being connected to a Jewish community right now 2 I am reluctant to associate myself with a specific subgroup or culture 3 I am uncomfortable with the connection between being Jewish and Israel 4 I do not feel that I belong 5 I do not feel that I would be welcomed 6 I do not feel that I know enough about being Jewish 7 I do not have enough time 8 I do not want to exclude non-Jewish friends and/or partners 9 It is not relevant to my life right now 10 I worry about anti-Semitic reactions or behaviors 11 Another reason (please specify) 12 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 13 ​

31. Which of the following do you do at least two to three times a month? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-13; ANCHOR “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM Attend Jewish cultural events (such as film screenings or food festivals) 1 Cook Jewish foods 2 Discuss Jewish topics 3 Follow Jewish celebrities on social media 4 Listen to podcasts related to Jewish life or being Jewish 5 Notice references to Jewish people and Judaism in pop culture (such as books, movies, music) and the news 6 Participate in a Jewish organization’s activities 7 Read Jewish publications (such as Tablet or ) 8 Seek out information about Judaism or Jewish topics 9 Seek out Jewish foods (such as at Jewish delis) 10 Share Jewish culture and/or holidays with non-Jewish friends or partner(s) 11 Use a Jewish dating app (such as JDate or JSwipe) 12 Visit Jewish websites (such as My Jewish Learning) 13 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 14 ​


32. When traveling to new places, how do you connect with a Jewish community or being Jewish? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-5; ANCHOR “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM By seeking out an existing Jewish community (such as at a Moishe House, a Jewish community center, or a Chabad House) 1 By seeking out Jewish foods 2 By visiting Jewish museums and historical sites 3 By visiting or attending synagogues 4 By volunteering or through service 5 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 6 ​

33. How frequently do you do each of the following?

RANDOMIZE a-e; ANCHOR f AT BOTTOM A few times Once a On special Never a month month occasions 4 1 2 3

a. Attend a service at 1 2 3 4 a synagogue

b. Attend a service somewhere other 1 2 3 4 than a synagogue

c. Attend Shabbat dinners with family 1 2 3 4 and friends

d. Host Shabbat dinners with family 1 2 3 4 and friends

e. Light candles for 1 2 3 4 Shabbat

f. Observe Shabbat in 1 2 3 4 another way


34. On average, how many Jewish holidays do you observe or celebrate each year excluding Shabbat? [RECORD NUMERIC RESPONSE, LOWER LIMIT=0; UPPER LIMIT=12] ​

PRE-CODE 0 1 1-2 2 3-5 3 6-8 4 9+ 5

35. [IF Q34≥​1] Thinking about specific Jewish holidays, which of the following did you do last ​ ​ year? Please select all that apply.

Attended a Passover seder 1 Fasted on Yom Kippur 2 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 3 ​



36.How well do each of the following statements describe you?

RANDOMIZE a-f Does not Describes me Mostly Completely describe me a little describes me describes me at all 2 3 4 1

a. [SF PORTRAIT STUDY] I am ​ comfortable with the 1 2 3 4 idea of Israel as a Jewish state.

b. I appreciate Israel’s contributions to the 1 2 3 4 world.

c. [SF PORTRAIT STUDY] I favor the establishment of a 1 2 3 4 Palestinian state alongside Israel, known as the two-state solution.

d. I feel an emotional 1 2 3 4 attachment to Israel.

e. I question decisions made by the Israeli 1 2 3 4 government.

f. I regularly follow news 1 2 3 4 about Israel.



These final questions are for statistical purposes only.

37. Which of the following words or phrases would you use to describe yourself? Please select all that apply.

RANDOMIZE 1-12; ANCHOR “NONE OF THE ABOVE” AT BOTTOM Conservative 1 Driven 2 Environmentally conscious 3 Extroverted 4 Funny 5 A humanitarian 6 Intellectually curious 7 Introverted 8 Liberal 9 A lifelong learner 10 Moderate 11 Tolerant 12 None of the above [EXCLUSIVE] 13 ​

38.How would you describe the area where you live?

Urban 1 Suburban 2 Small town 3 Rural 4

39.Which of the following categories includes your highest level of education?

Some high school 1 Graduated high school 2 Trade, vocational, or technical school 3 Some college or 2-year degree 4 Graduated college 5 Post-graduate degree 6 Prefer not to answer 7


40.How many siblings do you have? [RECORD NUMERIC RESPONSE, LOWER LIMIT=0; ​ UPPER LIMIT=10]

PRE-CODE 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4+ 5

41. Which of the following best describes your marital status?

Married or living with partner 1 Single and never married 2 Divorced, widowed, or separated 3 Prefer not to answer 4

42. [IF Q41=1] Does your spouse or partner consider themselves to be Jewish in any way? ​ ​

Yes 1 No 2 Not sure 3 Prefer not to answer 4

43. Do you have any immediate family who currently live in Israel? When thinking about immediate family, please consider parents, siblings, grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins.

Yes 1 No 2 Not sure 3 Prefer not to answer 4

44. Do you consider yourself to be ...

Straight or heterosexual 1 Gay or lesbian 2 Bisexual 3 Prefer not to answer 4

45.Do you consider yourself to be transgender?


Yes 1 No 2 Prefer not to answer 3

46.Are you of Hispanic or Latino background—such as Mexican, Puerto Rican, Cuban, or another Latin American background?

Yes 1 No 2

47. Which of the following categories best describes your race or ethnicity? Please select all that apply.

White 1 Black or African-American 2 American Indian or Alaskan Native 3 Asian (such as Asian Indian, Chinese, Filipino, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese) 4 Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander 5 Other (please specify) 6 Prefer not to answer 7