Fuzhou World Bank Financed Fuzhou Nantai Peri-Urban Development

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Fuzhou World Bank Financed Fuzhou Nantai Peri-Urban Development El 072 Volume 12 Fuzhou World Bank Financed Public Disclosure Authorized Fuzhou Nantai Peri-Urban Development Project ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT Public Disclosure Authorized Prepared for: Fuzhou Municipal Engineering Development and Construction Corporation and Public Disclosure Authorized Fuzhou Muncipal Transport Commission Prepared by: Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection Public Disclosure Authorized March, 2005 I I I I I I I Prepared for: Fuzhou Municipal Transport Commission Prepared by: Guangzhou Research Institute of Environmental Protection (GRIEP) Legal representative: Luo Jiahai General technical superintendent: Cui Xia Project Manager: Xu Guanfu Coordination Unit: Fujian Provincial Radiation Environment Monitoring Station (FREMS) EA Team: Name Title Env. ass. post Responsibilities Signature certificate No. General provisions, project Xu Guanfu Senior engineer No.A28020052 analysis, ecological environmental impact assessment Wang Weide Senior engineer No.A28020024 Current noise environment and WangWeide Seniorengineer NoA28 4 Impact, noise treatment measures Alternative plan, profit and loss Lu Yan Assistant engineer No.A28020058 analysis of environmental economy, relocation and resettlement Current water environment and Peng Lin Engineer No.A28020044 impact, risk evaluation, treatment _measures of water pollution Current environmental air and Wang Junbo Engineer No.A28020039 impact, treatment measures of atmosphere, cultural property assessment Reviewer: Cui Xia Professor-level senior No.A28020003 engineer He Liangwan Senior engineer No.A28020025 En\ironmental Impact Assessment Fuznou Naitai Island Pert-Urban Development Project Content I GENERAL PROVISION 8 1.1 ROLE AND MEANING OF BUILDING TWO ROADS AND ONE BRIDGE 8 1.2 ASSESSMENT PURPOSE .............................. 9 1.3 BASIS FOR COMPILATION .............................. 9 1.4 ASSESSMENT RANGE ... 1...........................1 1.5 ASSESSMENT CONTENTS AND KEY POINTS .............................. 11 1.6 LAWS AND REGULATIONS .............................. ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 1.7 ENVIRONMENT FUNCTIONAL AREAS AND IMPLEMENTATION STANDARD WITHIN THE ASSESSMENT AREA ......................................................................................... ............................................................................... 12 1. 7. 1 Noise environmentfunctional area. ............................................................................... 12 1. 7.2 Air environmentfunctional area .......................... 12.....................................................1 1.7.3 Water environment.functionalarea and implementation standard.............................................. 13 1.8 EMISSIO STANDARDN ................................................................................ 13 2 PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND ENGINEERING ANALYSIS 14 2.1 STATUS AND ROLE OF THE 3RR/II AND NANJIANG BINLU IN THE TRAFFIC PLANNING OF FUZHOU.. 14 2.2 ROAD STRIKE AND INTERCHANGES ............................................... 15 2.2.1 Nanjiang Binlu strike and interchanges............................................... 15 2.2.2 The 3RR/II strike and interchanges................................................ 15 2.2.3 Kuiqi Bridge strike and interchange............................................... 15 2.3 DESIGN STANDARD ................................................ 16 2.4 ROAD CROSS SECTION ................................................ 18 2.4.1 Road cross section of Nanjiang BBinu ............................................... 18 2.4.2 Road cross section ofthe 3RR/II ................................................ 18 2.4.3 Road cross section of Kuiqi Bridge ............................................... /8 2.5 DRAINAGE SYSTEM ............................................... 18 2.5.1 Nanjiang Binlu drainagesystem ............................................... 18 2.5.2 Drainag syse temof the 3RR/II ............................................... /9 2.6 CONSTRUCTION SCALE AND INVESTMENT ................................................ 20 2.6.1 Construction scale and investment of Nanjiang Binlu ............................................... 20 2.6.2 Construction scale and investment of the 3RR/II ................................................ 0 2.6.3 Construction scale and investment of Kuiqi Bridge............................................... 21 2.7 TRAFFIC FORECAST ................................................ 2 1 2.8 ANALYSIS ON EMISSION OF MAJOR POILLUTANTS ..................... .......................... 22 2 / ehicleh.i...........l.............. eio.........2...........insinn ........ ... ........ .. ...... ........ 22 _. 2 A o 1.5 ......... ..... ................................................................................................................. 24 2.9 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE ...................... 25 2.10 LAND OCCUPIED BY CONSTRUCTION SITE, MATERIAL SOURCE AND MITIGATION MEASlIRES FOR CONSTRUCTION ENVIRONMENT ......................................................................... 26 2.10.1 Land occupied by Nanjiang Binlu, source of sand, stone and earth materialas well as environmental protection measuresfor construction...................................... 26 2.10.2 Land occupied by 3RR/II, source of sand, stone and earth material as well as environmental Guangzhou Environment Protection Research Institute I Environmental Impact Assessment Fuznou Naitai Island Peri-Urban Development Project protection measuresfor construction ................ ...................................................... 26 2.10.3 Land occupied by Kuiqi Bridge, source of sand, stone and earth materialas well as environmentalprotection measuresfor construction...................................................................... 27 3 OVERVIEW OF NATURAL AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENTS ALONG THE PROJECT LINE 28 3.1 NAT1'RAL ENVIRONMEN1 .... .................. 43 3.1.1 Natural geographic overvieuw ..... ......... ...... ........... 43 3.1.2 Landforms and Topography........................................................ .................. 43 3.1.3 Stratigraphicgeolog) . 45 3.1.4 Climate and meteorolog . .45 3.1.5 River hydrology . .46 3.1.6 Underground water . .47 3.1.7 Soil .. 47 3.2 FUZHOU'S CURRENT SOCIAL SITUATION AND PLANNING . ............................................................ 48 3.2.1 City nature . .48 3.2.2 Geographic position . .48 3.2.3 Current economic and social situation of Fuzhou and Nantai Island . 48 3.2.4 City's natural landscape . .49 3.2.5 Baseline of surface water resource development and utilization . .50 3.3 DEVELOPMENT PLANNING, TRAFFIC AND ENVIRONMENT PLANNING OF FUZHOU .............................. 28 3.3.1 Development objective of Fuzhou ............................................................... 28 3.3.2 Development scale of Fuzhou . ............................................................. 28 3.3.3 Current city traffic situation and development planning ............................................... ... 31 3.3.4 Fuzhou environ,neni planning ( 3.4 SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT . .................................... ERROR! BOOKMARK NOT DEFINED. 3.4.1 Number of population and communities .................................... Error! Bookmark not defined. 3.4.2 Baseline of land resource development and utilization of Nantai Island ............................. 50 3.4.3 Baseline of surface water development and utilization .......................................................... 50 3.4.4 Current communications situation ............................................................... 51 3.5 GENERAL PLANNING OF NANTAI ISLAND .............................................................. 39 3.5.1 Nature of Nantai Island............................................................... 39 3.5.2 Development scale of Nantai Island ............................................................... 39 3.5.3 Overall structure andfunctional layout. ............................................................. 39 3.6 NANTAI ISLAND ENVIRONMENT PLANNING ............................................................... 41 3.6.1 General objective of environmentalprotection .............................................................. 41 3.6.2 Classification of environmentalfunctionalarea . ............................................................. 42 3.7 SENSITIVE POINTS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION .............................................................. 51 3.7.1 Sensitive point distribution of Nanjiang Binlu Project. .......................................................... 51 3.7.2 Environmental protection sensitive points along 3RR/II . ....................................................... 53 3. 7.3 Environmental protection sensitive points along Kuiqi Bridge Project ................................. 54 4 ASSESSMENT OF ECOLOGICALAL ENVIRONMENT AND MITIGATION MEASURES 43 4.1 TERRESTRIAL ECOLOGICALAL ENVIRONMENT ......................... .. ........ ................... 55 4.1. I Baseline of plants along the ling area ................................. .. 55 4. 1 2 Baseline offor-est resource.s.. .. .......... - 55 Guangzhou Environment Protection Research Institute 11 Environmental Impact Assessment Fuznou Naitai Island Peri-Urban Development Project 4.1.3 Baseline in greenery' construction................................................................... 56 4.1.4 Survey and assessment of ecologicalalstatus along the road will be built.................................. 56 4.2 CURRENT STATUS OF AQUATIC ECOLOGY
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