DIRECTORY OF TASMANIAN FORESTRY SERVICES 2020 Private Forests Tasmania 30 Patrick Street, HOBART TAS 7000
[email protected] Phone: 1300 661 009 ©2020 Private Forests Tasmania Ownership of intellectual property rights Unless otherwise noted, copyright (and any other intellectual property rights, if any) in this publication is owned by Private Forests Tasmania (PFT). Apart from any use as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, all other rights are reserved. Requests and inquiries concerning reproduction and rights should be addressed to the CEO, Private Forests Tasmania, 30 Patrick Street, HOBART TAS 7000. Disclaimer The information in this directory is general in nature and may be of assistance to you. The information does not constitute professional (including legal, technical, scientific or expert) advice and should never be relied upon as such or as a substitute for seeking appropriate, independent professional advice or used as a basis for doing or failing to do anything. Any use of, or reliance upon, any information in this directory is done so entirely at your own risk. Private Forests Tasmania (PFT) makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, reliability, relevance or completeness of any information in this directory. PFT, its officers, employees and agents do not accept any liability however arising (including, without limitation, for negligence) for any loss in connection with or arising out of any use of, or reliance upon, any information in this directory. If you would like to be included in, or removed from the directory, please contact: Private Forests Tasmania Telephone: (03) 6477 7389 Email:
[email protected] We would also appreciate hearing about any errors or missing information you might have found in the directory, or if you know of a processor closing down or opening its doors, so we can consider appropriate amendments.