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21 - THE HERALD. Sat.. June 6. 1981 : > ■Ki STUMP 8SINDIN6 SPECIALII^ * ‘ J HOT WAT8R PRE88UR6 CLEANINO save market... page 5 BAL Eiitorprlsas Traa Ramoval Rotottlling 7 "S .,' MANCHESTER Senior CHIzm Discount Qroup RatBB«FrtB lallmBtoavazs.DO Minimum 6 4 6 -3 4 2 5 BRUCl LITVINCHVK, 6vnMf/Op«ralor 341 LYOALL 8T., MANCHESTER Serving the Manchester, Conn. HAS IT! Manchester area Jt^onday, June 8, 1981 for 100 years 25 Cents OMUFFI NTTO BODY / 763 ROUTE 03 TALCOTTVILLE. CT. MAIN ST 643-1191 24 HR. TOWING 191 643-0016 MAIN ST FEATURING THIS WEEK ... MANCHESTER •COM^LCTi COLLISION NESAIN •EONEIQN AND AMENICAN CANS 643-1900 DOORS HARDWARE AW NIN6S Israelis A A A SHRINERS.... WINDOWS SHUTTERS CANOPIES SALES— SERVICE— INSTALLATION YANKEE AUIMNUM SERVICES fesigns, SPECIALISTS IN CLASS t SCREEN REPAIR hit Iraqi who are we? 20 WARREN STREET )4 1 SROAO ST n i f T MAf6CHlST(R CO^N 0AO40 MANCHESTER, CONN. M jn rhfV fr Pm^css' " m ‘ .i»» S ' • I ‘ 0 4 9 - 1 1 0 6 There are nearly one million 4 ■ l. L ’N WE SERVICE AND INSTALL INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL AIR CONDITIONING - REFRIGERATION Shriners with more than one K-B AUTOMOTIVE reactor HEATING and SHEET METAL KEN 6RAITHWAITE 299 8R0A0 ST. 643-8844 t\ hundred eighty-one temples in JERUSALEM (U P I) - Israeli air In January, Israeli news reports said the scientists had resumed New England Mechanical Services. Inc. SPECIALIZING IN: force planes destroyed the Iraqi atomic reactor near Baghdad Sun work on the reactor and, one report cities in the United States, • STARTERS said, " I t is now highly likely that the 166 TUNNEL RD. day because it was aimed at making • GENERATORS • TUNE UPS atomic bombs, Israel announced Iraqi nuclear reactor would become VERNON, C T. 06066 CanadB, Mexico and the operational according to the original • ALTERNATORS • WIRING today. 871-1111 "Our pilots fulfilled their mission schedule, almost unaffected by the PananvA Canal Zone. completely,” a special Israeli an-' Iraqul-Iranian war.” nouncement said. “ The reactor was The announcement said Iraqi U ' l President Sadaam Hussein had an CLYDE A MICKEY MILLER'S SiTi iMi; \luin lii'^h'r »n it 'ill v r«. completely destroyed." TEL 649-3528 p - - AUTO The announcement said all the nounced his country’s Intentions out Since-4872, thl(|jirait fritamity Israeli planes returned safely to right. It said that when the Iranians PARTS ^ Pent\and The Florist hit the reactor last autumn In the “WITO PWTS FOR LESS" tteir base. 24 BIRCH ST. It said the Iraqi reactor could early days of the Iraqi-Iranian con HOURS has paraded Into the TEL. 643-8247 produce atomic bombs of the same flict, Hussein in d iA ed the attempt 8 TO 8 MON.-FRI had been In vain bemuse the reactor 643-4444 type that were dropped on 8 TO 5 SAT. A SUN was established for use against hearts of men. Hi colorful fezzes, F.T.D. Hiroshima in World War II. 307 E. CENTER ST. (REAR) MASTER CHARGE The Israeli announcement said the Israel. MANCHESTER AMERICAN EXPRESS WORLD WIDE The Israeli announcement said the parades, COStMirres and SERVICE reactor would have been operational BEHIND LENOX PHARMACY "In a abort tim e," creating "a atomic bombs the reactor could danger to the esUtence of the nation produce, either with enriched ceremonials ara intagral parts of uranium or plutonium, were of the of Israel.” FLO'S Cake Decorating Supplies Inc. The Israelis said they destroyed same type that was dropped on by CAP -N- CORK PACKAGE STORE 648-0238 875-3262 Ellery Michaud. 21 months of 209 Hlllstown Road, waited for the an organization dadloated to fun, the facility before it became the United States on Hiroshima. 485-489 No. Main St. A COMPLETE LINE Of WILTON CAKE DECORATIONS “ Hius was created a danger to the right opportunity during the Sphinx Temple parade Satur Manchester, Conn. operational because, bad they Seizing the right moment day afternoon, before joining the line of march, right photo. waited, “ Ita ipUtting would have existence of the nation of Israel," fellowship and 0illandl|^py. the announcement said, adding that (Herald photos by Pinto) 649-0591 caused a huge wave of deadly 191. CCNTER ST highly reliable sources gave Israel KrniiKh'Ird S. htlnrun! AANCHESTCn CONN radioactivity over the city of two datoa for the completion of the Mon Sal 10 S f ' u)d many of Baghdad’! In- III Hrllrr S .t i c 1 m i Thuit 10 9 reactor and its activation — the 7 ; j nocent dtlnn a would have been In LIQUOR - 6EER • CORDIALS Since 1922, Shriners Hospitals h.igLnniM gf July 1961 oT the begin- jured,” the anoouncemant n id . Larg* Saltction of nlBg of Saptenibar 1961.. II rihlinK I fiki’s I .S/m tih/Ix . 1 1 In Washington, acting White New postn^aster appointed Imoortad A Domattic WInft for Crippled Children have Hoosc press secretary Larry ‘Tn a diort time, the Iraqi reactor Spaakaa said President R iM an was would have been ready and served younOaters In North informed of the bombing eanier and operating,” the announcement said. He was named Postmaster of the Year in 1979 "Under such conditions, no govern MANCHESTER — Alden Victoria has been served as postmaster in West Mystic, East MOHAWK INDUSTRIAL SUPPLY. INC. OVER would issue a statemant on the ac and received letters of commendation for the MANCHESTER 45 ment in Israel could have taken the named postmaster of the Manchester Post Of Granby and Winsted, and instructor of fun tion. operation of the East Granby Post Office in 1979. ^ . (I..M America. These hospitals YEARS deciaion to bomb the reactor (when fice. damentals of labor relations for the Connecticut "F or a long time,” The Israeli an He is married to the form er Virginia EXPERIENCE It was already in operation). The announcement was made today by Jerry Valley District; Equal Employment-Opportuni MEMORIAL CO. nouncement said, "w e have been Ledwidge and is the father of four children. "Its splitting would have caused a K. Lee Sr., Northeast Regional Postmaster ty Agency Representative (or the Connecticut wFOUL WEATHER SUITS provide outstandirtg care to following, with deep concern, the ea- The Manchester Post Office has 131 Opp. Eat! Camatary CALL 649-5807 huge wave of deadly radioactivity General. Valley District and as an instructor for city wROOTS eHOSE tablishment of the Osslrak atomic employees. over the city of Baghdad and many Victoria was selected on merit by a regional delivery management. reactor. Reliable sources have no He succeeds William L. Christy •6L0VES*TARPS*RESPIRAT0RS| children with orthopeidic of Baghdad’s innocent citizens management selection board and appointed by He is a graduate of Stonington High School and UALITY HARRISON ST. doubt, and we have learned, that it In the interim, Thomas P. Ford served as would have been injured,” the an the Postmaster General. The appointment is not attended American International College and ■ '5 Gian Rd. • Mancheater • 643-5107 MANCHESTER (the reactor) Is Intended, despite officer-in-charge. Ford will return to his regular problems and those who have DMORIALS nouncement said. subject to Senate confirmation. Springfield College. the camouflage, to create atomic position as manager, Stations and Branches in Last Sept. 30, shortly after the He began his postal career as a clerk/carrier He is a resident of Winsted and is active in bombs. in the Mystic Post Office in 1961. He also has church and community affairs in the town. Hartford. "The target of these bombs was beginning of the Iran-Iraq war, Ira been severely burned. Bo^ in S p rin g Call (or Quality steam nian planes attacked the Iraqi Israel,” the announcement said. C le a n in g ? k carpel cleaning the nuclear research center 20 miles EVERYTHING IN GLASS Over the past several years, WE CANT HIDE BEHIND OUR PRODUCT patient and out-patient cafe are Bane-CIcne way east of Baghdad and a power station Israel has protested strenuously to CALL south of the capital. The raid on the France and Italy against their help Soviets pressure Poland Delti Maintenance nuclear center damaged some given to children from infancy to to Iraq in building the reactor. J.A. WHITE GLASS CO. M r 4e7 No. Main SI buidings, but was reported to have On April 5, 1979 still unidentified 643-5056 saboteurs — widely reported abroad missed the reactor. • 4 9 - 7 3 2 2 the 18th birthday regardless of An cl(. 4 ii)ie 'Txofii ’The Israeli government announce I to be Israeli — destroyed the core of Ol f H VI )t IKS EX/'f K irM f i4'Ar> C A 'p elS ment said if Israel would have FREE ESTIMATES an advanced research reactor about 31 BISSELL 8T MANCHESTER allowed the reactor to be Union refuses compromise •MIRRORS •SHOWER DOORS •STORE FRONTS race or religion, and a youngster 24 HOUR KRVICE to be shipped from Seyne-sur-Mer •SAFETY GLASS •BATHTUB ENCLOSURES •ETC FULLY INSURED near Toulon, FYance, to Ba^idad. operational, "W e would have been forced to watch passively the crea need NOT be related to a Shriner Last Sept. 30, Iranian planes patience over the renewed strife in tion of atomic Ixmbs in Iraq, a coun called an emergency meeting for “ those who are responsible for the bombed the reactor facilitlea, WARSAW, Poland (UPI) - Poland and Poland's fate is at stake. Tuesday. Bydgoszcz provocation" although not' the reactor Itself. try whose dictator would not have Despite reports of mounting Soviet "The fimits of common sense FAMOUS BRAND to be admitted to a Shriners’ The meeting was timed two days Gotowski said the union was J.