Gregan Eyes Presideney of Distriet Moncloy

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Gregan Eyes Presideney of Distriet Moncloy Gregan eyes iiaurlirfitpr presideney of distriet Vol. XCIX, No. 166 — Manchester, Conn., Monday. April 14, 1980 Since 1881 • 20c Single Copy • 15c Home Delivered port from the electorate,’’ Mrs. Red Cross By KEVIN FOLEY Gregan said, "and I don’t think any Herald Reporter of tee other boys are interested in tee MANCHESTER - Evelyn job.’’ Gregan, a four-year member of tee She said she told Lassow of her at embassy Eighth District Board of Directors, decision to seek the post "a long time has disclosed her intentions to seek ,ago’’ and said voters would be at­ tee district presidency, although she tracted to her record of service and for visit will not formally announce until tee fact teat she hadn’t missed tee April 21 at tee directors’ monthly directors’ monthly meeting until a TEHRAN, Iran (UPI) - Two meeting. recent accident in which she fell and International Red Cross officials Mrs. Gregan, of 53 Schaller Road, fractured three vertebra on tee way entered the occupied U.S. Embassy is tee third director to express an in­ to a district meeting February 19. today to visit the American hostages terest in tee seat currently held by Last year, Bletchman ran the can­ and check on their health. Gordon Lassow. Lassow has said he didacy of Lawrence Noone and has Harald Schmid de Gruneck, per­ won’t make up his mind until tee dis­ frequently criticized Lassow in the manent representative of the Inter­ trict’s annual meeting May 25 to run past. national Committee of the Red for tee post he has held tlwee years. ‘Tm not advancing my can­ Cross, walked inside the compound, Robert Bletchman said last week he didacy,” Bletchman said Monday accompanied by Dr. Bernard would seek tee seat if enough support morning. “But I’m sure I’d be in­ Liebeskind, a physician after 1 p.m. for his candidacy materialized. terested if electors voice their sup­ (4:30 a.m. EST) and were still inside Mrs. Gregan has been the public port for me.” at 3.30 p.m. (7 a.m. EST), a relations director since joining tee Lassow contends his oil business spokesman for the Moslem militants board in 1976 although she conceded and family may affect his decision to holding the hostages told UPI. Lassow, during his tenure as presi­ run, however, like Bletchman , he The spokesman confirmed that the dent, had done a “very good job.’’ adds he would seek tee presidency two Swiss members of the Red Cross "I feel as though I’ve got g o ^ sup­ again if voters support him. were meeting the hostages but he could not say when they would leave the compound. The two-man Red Cross team was accompanied by Iranian Health Official appeal Minister Mousa Zargar, Tehran’s religious leader Hojjatoleslam Mohammad Ali Khamenei and Ira­ clinches boycott nian Red Lion and Sun (Red Cross) official Mansour Shamsa. ’The Red Cross mission followed COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. world” was at stake in the boycott meetings last week between Presi­ (UPI) — The first American boycott crisis. dent Abolhassan Bani-Sadr and in tee 84-year history of tee Olympic “The President and Congress have Foreign Minister Sadegh Ghotbzadeh Start at the Games was clinched by tee patriotic made it clear that the Olympic and envoys of the European Common d by bar cast of appeals of Vice President Walter boycott is a genuine element of Market countries and Japan. Fridays. Shown Mondale and former Treasury America’s response to tee invasion of At those meetings, the envoys Haddock, Lita Secretary William Simon. Afghanistan,” Mondale said. “It is a expressed concern about the well­ Schacton (foro- The two political adversaries keystone in our call to our allies for being of the hostages and asked the Ringwald, Julia struck a partnership for patriotism solidarity.” Iranian officials to specify a date for teat in the end proved too tough an After the USOC’s House of the captives release. opponent for this country’s Olympic Delegates went into executive ses­ Strong effort No date for the release was athletes, who for months biattled sion to debate the issue, Simon Dave Jave, Tolland, and Peter James, Race. A total of 108 canoes were entered in offered. Ambassadors of Britain, Ita­ President Carter and American delivered the final plea for the South Windsor, show a strong effort on Union the fourth annual event. More pictures on ly, Belgium and Holland left Tehran public opinion over tee boycott issue. boycott with a speech that several of today to report to their governments The New York Daily News, quoting tee delegates said swung tee uncom­ Pond as they approach the single portage Page 6. (Herald Photo by Burbank) on the weekend talks. Other am­ unnamed sources, reported today mitted votes into the boycott camp. point in Sunday’s Hockanum River Canoe bassadors were due to leave within that the National Broadcasting Co. “There were plenty of votes sitting the next few days. will announce today or Tuesday that on the fence,” one delegate said, The departure of the ambassadors it will drop its planned coverage of “but after Simon, they went with tee for “consultations” left open the the Summer Olympic Games in boycott. I don’t know if you’ve ever possibility that the governments Moscow. Jim Murray, a publicist for beard William Simon s p ^ , but he’s would wait for the outcome of NBC, would neither confirm nor deny a difficult man to follow.” Annual canoe race today’s visit to the embassy. the report. “I told teem tee president’s power The Red Cross team is expected to Mondale, abandoning tee hard- to safeguard national security cannot prepare a report on the health of the nosed tactics which tee administra­ be challenged by anyone,” said hostages and submit it in confidence tion employed when it appeared tee Simon. “I recognize tee personal to the Iranian and U.S, governments. USOC might vote to defy Carter and tragedy of tee athletes who lost their most successful yet . send a team to Moscow, told tee lifetime dreams, but they had to At a meeting with envoys from delegates nothing less than the realize we are Americans first and nine European Economic Communi­ ty nations and Japan, Bani-Sadr dis­ “future security of the civilized Olympians second.” By FRANK A. BURBANK Eighth District Fire Department and Kevin and Bill Toupin, Spencer, Mass., 1:05:35. closed a visit was imminent and said Managing Editor which provided crowd control and men and equipment for the single Two-man short racers: Jackson Krejit the group would be able to see “all MANCHESTER — High water, portage point at Union I*ond. and Edmund Lamb, Ledyard, 1:07:55; the hostages.” sunny weather and a near course Watkins also thanked the Savings Bruce Lane, East Hartford, and Rich Previous visitors to the hostages, Kobylenski, Columbia, 1:12:07 and Jacob New utility rule record, combined for an exciting Bank of Manchester for providing now in their 163rd day of captivity, Pyznar, Enfield, and Darrell Elliott, Hockanum River Canoe Race Sun­ extra financial assistance. have never seen all of the hostages, Somers, 1:12:51. raising questions about exactly how Os day. Watkins lauded the timekeepers Mixed class: Edmund Stasz, West many there are and whether they are A total of 108 canoes were entered and said, “Most finishers had their Chesterfield, Mass., and Carolann Wood, all still alive or in the embassy. in seven classes in the fourth annual final times about 10 minutes after Northhampton, Mass., 1:07:13, racing will affect 157 race directed by Lee Watkins and un­ crossing the finish line” That is quite class. der tee auspices of the Hockanum good and also quite rare.” Mixed class, non-racing: Dennis J. MANCHESTER - Residents of with him. River Linear Park Committee. 157 homes in tee Manchester region, While Nelson didn’t know how long Of the 108 canoes which started the Wagemann, Glastonbury and Margaret Sunday’s race was the second Holloway, Wethersfield, 1:44:30; Robert which includes some of Blast & rt- the wait would be between this visit race, a total of 96 crossed the finish Oil leaking event in a weekend of canoe racing line. The annual post-race meeting to Maciel and Cynthia Maciel, Arlington, ford, will be faced with a toss of ser­ and the next one, he said tee second with a 12-mile race on the Williman- Mass., 1:17:21 and Amory Gabel and vice staring Wednesday when a state visit would be to turn off the power, if view pictures and films of the race Steven Telgner, both of Glastonbury, tic River Saturday. and to critique the event is scheduled into brook law protecting utility customers in some arrangement hadn’t been Frank and Dan Stasz, both of 1:18:48. the winter, expires. for June 3 at Center Congregational Sportsman: Steven Mitchell and Scott made. Westeampton, Mass., had the best MANCHESTER - Highway George Nelson, manager of com­ Representatives of tee Manchester Church. Smith, both of Manchester, 1:05:55; Department workers were checking time over the 6.2 miie course, Edwin Johansen, Manchester, and Don munity relations for Northeast Area Conference of Churches will be finishing in one hour, one minute and The event was videotaped Sunday this morning reports of oil leaking Utilities, said today that unless these attending a Friday meeting of area and will be broadcast on Cable Hart, East Hartford, 1:08:00 and Ken into Folly Brook. 46 seconds. Payson, Worcester, Mass., and Tom people make arrangements to offer social service agencies and The time missed the course record Channel 13 at a date to be announced.
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