Vascular FLOra AND Plant COmmunities OF Alleghany COunty, NOrtH CarOlina Derick B. Poindexter1 I.W. Carpenter, Jr. Herbarium (BOON) Appalachian State University, Biology Department Boone, North Carolina 28608-2027, U.S.A.
[email protected] ABSTRACT An inventory of the vascular plant species of Alleghany County, North Carolina was conducted from spring 2008–summer 2012. Extensive fieldwork was augmented by a search of numerous herbaria, resulting in the documentation of 1508 taxa (1457 species) in 642 genera and 161 families. These taxa are represented by nine Lycopodiophyta, 39 Monilophyta, 23 Acrogymnospermae, and 1437 Angiospermae. Four hundred and thirty-five taxa, 28.8% of the total flora, are considered exotic. Sixty-five native taxa have state or global ranking due to rarity. Ten species are documented here as new to the flora of North Carolina, while 613 are new county distributional records. An additional 38 plausible sight records are included in the annotated checklist to bring attention to their uncertain attribution to the flora; however, these records are not treated in the taxonomic summary. A comparative assessment of all plant origin categories (i.e., native vs. multiple exotic categories) within the flora is included to accommodate the various perspectives of the botanical community. A companion website (www. was created to provide a dynamic source of digital documentation for this study. RESUMEN Se realizó un inventario de las especies de plantas vasculares del condado de Alleghany, Carolina del Norte desde la primavera de 2008 hasta el verano de 2012. El extensivo trabajo de campo de Incrementó con la búsqueda en numerosos herbarios, dando como resultado la docu- mentación de 1508 taxa (1457 especies) en 642 géneros y 161 familias.