Annual State of the City Address March 20, 2017
CITY OF SOUTHFIELD Annual State of the City Address March 20, 2017 Kenson J. Siver, Mayor The Southfield Team Council Pres. Frasier Pro Tem Crews Councilmen Brightwell, Fracassi & Mandelbaum Councilwomen Morris & Seymour Clerk Banks Treas. Lowenberg City Admin Zorn Deputy Michrina The Southfield Team Administration Fred Zorn, City Manager Nikki Lumpkin, Purchasing John Michrina, Deputy City Mgr. Michael Manion, Community Sue Ward, City Attorney Relations Director Terry Croad, City Planner Johnny Menefee, Fire Chief Al Aceves, DDA Director Jim Pierce, Deputy Budget Director Maria Calhoun, Code Enforcement Mark Pilot, Building Dept. David Ewick, City Librarian Mike Racklyeft, City Assessor Terry Fields, Parks & Recreation Leigh Schultz, City Engineer Shelly Freeman, Business Development Larry Sirls, Public Works Director Eric Hawkins, Chief of Police Lauri Siskind, Human Resources Lisa Hawkins, Cable TV Rhonda Terry, Human Services Bill Johns, Homeland Security LaVern Walker, Technology Director REDEVELOPMENT READY As an Established Community Our Future Lies in Renewal & Redevelopment WE ARE … REDEVELOPMENT READY CERTIFIED Southfield met all the requirements set forth by the Michigan Economic Development Corp. for certification. In December 2016 Southfield became the 9th Michigan city to earn certification as a Redevelopment Ready Community. REDEVELOPMENT READY COMMUNITY CERTIFICATION Processes for AMONG OTHER THINGS: redevelopment are: Governing body has adopted a new master Streamlined plan with strategies for redevelopment Predictable Zoning ordinances reflect goals of master Vibrant plan with flexible techniques to promote infill Efficient development, flexible parking requirements & Transparent variety of housing options Certified communities Community identifies and prioritizes exhibit the best practices redevelopment sites and markets the same. in planning & zoning The governing body has an approved economic development strategy REDEVELOPMENT READY COMMUNITY CERTIFICATION Every 5 years communities need to update their Master Plan.
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