7168· Also, a Bill (H
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1926 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENAT]l .7168· Also, a bill (H. R. 11154) for the reUef of Carib Steamship which has for its purpose the quieting of title to school lands Co. (Inc.); to the Committee on Claims. granted to the several States by the " land grant act"; to the Alsot .a bill (H. R. 11155) for the relief of the owners of the Committee on the Public Lands. steamship San Lucar and of her cargo ; to the Committee on 1699. By Mr. MEAD: Petition of City Council of Buffalo, Claims. N. Y., approving House bills 16 and 485; to the Committee on Also, a bill (H. R. 11156) for the relief of the Atlantic & the Judiciary. Caribbean Steam-Navigation Co.; to the Committee on Claims. 1700. By Mr. :MOONEY: Petition of residents of the District By Mr. REED of New York: A bill (H. R. 11157) granting of Columbia and Arlington, Va., opposing compulsory Sunday an increase of pension to Eva H. Miller; to the Committee on observance; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. Invalid Pensions. 1701. By Mr. NEWTON of Minnesota : Petition signed by Also, a bill (H. R. 11158) granting an increase of pension to sundq citizens of Minneapolis, Minn., urging favorable action Clara V. Swanson ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. upon House bills 71 and 7479; to the Committee on Agriculture. By Mr. ROBINSON of Iowa: A bill (H. R. 11159) granting a 1 i02. Also, petition of sundry citizens of Minneapolis, favor- pension to Hanora 0. Fritz; to the Committee on Invalid ing further restrictions of immigration; to the Committee on Pensions. Immigration and Naturalization. By Mr. STALKER: A bill (H. R. 11160) granting an increase 1703. Also, petition of the Polish Welfare Council of Minne of pension to Lydia F. Roe; to the Committee on Invalid apolis, opposing legislation providing for the registration of Pensions. aliens (H. R. 102); to the Committee on Immigration and Also,. a bill (H. R. 11161) granting an increase of pension to Naturalization. Eliza M. Bagley ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 1704. By Mr. O'CONNELL of New York: Petition of Roy D. Also, a bill (H. R. 11162) granting an increase of pension to Chapin, of the National Automobile Chamber of Commerce, Mary S. Thompson ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. favoring an appropriation of $3,000 per annum to enable the Also, a bill (H. R. 11163) granting an increase of pension to United States to accept membership in the Permanent Associa Augusta C. Blttmeyer ; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. tion of International Road Congresses; to the Committee on By Mr. SWING: A bill (H. R. 11164) granting a pension to Roads. Emma D. Tenney; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. 1705. Also, petition of the Merchants Association of New By Mr. THOMAS: A bill (II. R. 11165) for the relief of York. opposing the passage of the Fitzgerald bill (H. R. 487), Frank Griffith and L. D. Alexander; to the Committee on the workmen's compensation bill for the District of Columbia; Claims. to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. UNDERHILL: A bill (H. R. 11166) to appoint Mate 1706. Also, petition of George M. Flynn, of Jamaica, N. Y., John Joseph Bresnahan, United States Navy, a boatswain in opposing the Fitzgerald bill (H. R. 487), workmen's compen· the Navy; to the Committee on Naval Affairs. sation bill for the District of Columbia; to the Committee on By Mr. VINCENT of Michigan: A bill (H. R. 11167) grant the District of Columbia. ing an increase of pension to Livona Holton; to the Committee 1707. Also, petitio.a1 of the International Association of Ma on Invalid Pensions. chinists, District Lodge No. 15, New York City, favoring the By Mr. WOODRUFF: A bill (II. R. 11168) for the relief of passage of the Fitzgerald workmen's compensation bill (H. R. James V. Martin ; to the Committee on Claims. 487) ; to the Committee on the District of Columbia. By Mr. WURZBACH: A bill (H. R. 11169) granting a pen 1708. By 1\ir. WELSH: Petition of members of Benjamin sion to Silas W. Granberry; to the Committee on Pensions. Harrison Council, No. 92, favoring House bill 5000 i to the Com mittee on Education. PETITIONS, ETC. Under clause 1 of Rule XXII, petitions and papers were laid SENATE on the Clerk's desk and referred as follows : 1690. By Mr. CARSS: Resolution favoring passage of legis· FRIDAY' A p1il 9' 1926 lation to provide adequate pensions for Civil War veterans and their widows; to the Committee on Invalid Pensions. (Legislat1tVe d(J;y of Monday, April 5, 1926) 1691. Also, petition opposing House bill 5583, to provide for The Senate reassembled at 12 o'clock meridian, on the ex- registration of aliens, and for other purposes; to the Committee piration of the recess. on Immigration and Naturalization. Mr. CURTIS. 1\lr. President, I suggest the absence of a 1692. By Mr. W. T. FITZGERALD: Petition of Lemert Post, quorum. G. A. R., Newark, Ohio, requesting enactment of legislation for The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. relief of veterans of the Civil War and their widows; to the The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Sena Committee on Invalid Pensions. tors answered to their names : 1693. By Mr. GALLIVAN: Petition of Bernard J. Rothwell, Ashurst Ferris King Robinson, Ark. president Bay State Milling Co., 608 Grain and Flour Exchange, Bayard Fess La Follette Sackett India and Milk Streets, Boston, Mass., protesting against the Bingham Fletcher Lenroot Sheppard Blease Frazier l\IcKellar Shlpstead passage of a bill to create a Federal farm board; to the Com· Borah George McMaster Shortridge mittee on Agriculture. Bratton Gillett McNary Smith 1694. By Mr. HERSEY: Petition signed by Eugene Clark and Broussard Glass Mayfield Smoot Bruce Goff Metcalf Stanfield 48 other residents of Caratunk, Me., protesting against the pas Butler Gooding Moses Stephens sage of the Copeland-Bloom bill to regulate the practice of Cameron Greene Neely Swanson mediums and spiritualists in the District of Columbia; to the Capper Hale Norbeck Trammell Caraway Harreld Norris Tyson Committee on the District of Columbia. Copeland Harris Nye Wadsworth 1695. Also, petition signed by R. H. Bean and 69 others of Couzens Harrison Oddie Walsh Stockholm, l\1e., against compulsory Sunday observance; to Curtis Heflin Overman Warren Dale Howell Pepper Weller the Committee on the District of Columbia. Dill Johnson Phipps Williams 1696. By Mr. KINDRED: Petition of the Chamber of Com· Edge :r ones, N. Mex. Plne Willis merce of the State of New York, protesting against the passage Edwards Jones, Wash. Pittman Ernst Kendrick Ransdell of Senate bill 2808, introduced by Senator Smith, as being a Fernald Keyes Reed, Pa. measure fraught with grave danger to the integrity of the Interstate Commerce Commission and the business interests of Mr. PHIPPS. I desire to announce that my colleague the - the country; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Com· junior Senator from Colorado [Mr. MEANS] is deliained on merce. account of illness. I will let this announcement stand for 1697. Also, resolution of the National Guard Association of the day. the State of New York, urging upon the present Congress the The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-one Senators having an authorization at this session of Ccngress of the proposed all· swered to their names, a quorum is present. American canal from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE by way of t}le Mohawk and Hudson Valleys; and also urging A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. Halti the Congress of the United States to refrain from participation gan, one of its clerks, announced that the House insisted upon in the authorization of any international canal on this con. its amendment to the bill (S. 24.65) to amend the act entitled tinent whatsoever until the all-American ship canal shall have "An act to regulate foreign commerce by prohibiting the ad been completed; to the Committee on Rivers and Harbors. mission into the United States of certain adulterated grain and 1698. By Mr. LEATHERWOOD: Resolution of the Chamber seeds unfit for seeding purposes," approved August 24, 1912, of Commerce of the United States, indorsing House blll 10360, as amended, and for other purposes ; agreed to the conference . Jl64 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENAT]J . APRIL 9 requested by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two councils, and Filipino organizations in favor of measures which liouses thereon, and that Mr. MAPES, Mr. BURTNES~, and Mr. I introduced and which are now pending before the Committee PARKS were appointed managers on the part of the House at on Territories and Insular Possessions, providing for immediate the conference. independence of the Filipinos and for the withdrawal of the United States troops from the Philippine Islands. ENROLLED BILL AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS SIGNED I present herewith 16 additional resolutlons-2 from provin The message also announced that the Speaker of the House cial boards and 14 from municipal councils. I ask their refer had affixed his signature to the following enrolled biD and ence to the committee and that they be considered along with joint resolutions, and they were thereupon signed by the Vice those heretofore presented. President: The resolutions from the following provincial boards and S. 3108. An act to amend section 2 of the act of June 7, 1924 municipal councils were referred to the Committee on Terri ( 43 Stat. L. p. 653), as amended by the act of March 3, 1925 tories and Insular Possessions : ( 43 Stat. L. p. 1127), entitled "An act to provide for the pro The provincial government of Iloco~ Sur, city of Vigan, P.