Floor, Vikas Bhawan, Ip Estate, New Delhi-110002 Sanction Order
GOVERNMENT OF NCT OF DELHI DEPARTMENT FOR THE WELFARE OF SC/ST/OBC/MINORITIES B-BLOCK, 2ND FLOOR, VIKAS BHAWAN, I.P. ESTATE, NEW DELHI-110002 SANCTION ORDER Sanction of the Competent Authority is conveyed for incurring an expenditure of Rs. 63,83,160/- (Rupees Sixty Three Lakh Eighty Three Thousand One Hundred & Sixty Only) on account of "Merit Scholarship to College/ Professional/ Technical Institutions to SC/ST/OBC/MIN” in r/o 923 OBC/MIN students studying in various recognized Colleges/Institutions for the year 2015-16 (List Enclosed). This sanction has been accorded in exercise of the powers delegated by the Finance Department, Govt. of NCT of Delhi and in consultation with the accounts of the department. The expenditure involved on this account would be debitable to the Major Head “2225”-Welfare of SC/ST & Backward Classes, 80 Geneal 800 – Other Expenditure 77 00 34 Scholarship for Colleges and University Students for SC/STs under Demand No. 8 for the FY 2015-16 (Plan). This issue with the approval of Pr. Secretary (DSCST), Govt. of NCT of Delhi vide their U.O.No. 1718 dated – 31/03/2016. SD/- (S.P GUPTA) DY. DIRECTOR (SCH) F.No. F11(82)/SCH/MC/DSCST/2015-16/4077-88 Dated : 31/03/2016 Copy to: 1) Director (Planning), Planning Department, GNCT of Delhi, 6th Level, B-Wing, Delhi Sectt. I.P. Estate, New Delhi. 2) Deputy Secretary (Budget), Finance Department, GNCT of Delhi, 4th Level, A-Wing, Delhi Sectt. I.P. Estate, New Delhi. 3) Deputy Secretary (Expenditure), Finance Department, GNCT of Delhi, 4th Level, A-Wing, Delhi Sectt.
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