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W In, Lose, Or Draw Fining Jslaf Jsports SPORTS—CLASSIFIED* ADS RADIO-COMICS GENERAL NEWS fining Jslaf Jsports THURSDAY. APRIL 21. 1J*4!» w in, Lose, or Draw | By FRANCIS STANN The Bugaboos Appear Early Here is the major league season only a couple of days old and Groth of Hottest Rookie in Years already the bugaboos which haunted managers in Florida, Arizona Tigers Majors' and California last month are in evidence. < All spring Eddie Dyer knew his Cardinals were weak at first and third bases. So at those positions the opening game was lost. Nippy Jones and Tommy Nats' at Bat Wastes Glaviano. neither a big leaguer, kicked across Third Home Run Slump three unearned runs and Cincinnati beat Cat Brecheen, 3 to 1. Good in New York It's evident now that all those scare stories In 2 Hurling Joe and Keller Seals concerning DiMaggio Charley Days Pictvrt on Pape C-J powd of 1 **.» Clyde Vctumer weren’t figments of the imagination, although and %6&» Tam Keller waited until opening day batting practice ly lurtoft Howkie* to reinjure his aching back. Without this pair »■«* M CrwMf Hen! tea • hose home rua Mast ball club, rating the Yankees are just another Bengal Victory NEW YORK April 31 Wash- beat Hudson Tuesday dee la ret somewhere under the best and not much above the elongated Washington pHCher ing lor. s subdued batting order the worst. Johnny Shows 5 Hits, is headed for a big veas Re a may burst out m a raah of hiu That the Giants still need pitching was 7 RBI beuer than I ve ever seer, him* pointed out on opening day, when the Dodgers for Span; A's, shortly, but mean*lute Sid Hud- •aid Heiuieh 1 happened te gel son and Calvert Francis Stann. blasted Larry Jansen, their ace, to win, 10 to 3. Paul somberly hold at one and « peat him but Braves Still Win Nau low of What Leo Durocher has left for pitchers are cuts under Jansen in are considering the don't make anj mistake about two games despite three successive RtC Me » it ability. By Jack Hand got all denied it adequate pitching performance* '"I though! he pitched a beau- Bob Feller’s arm was suspect spring. Everybody Atwciated Prats Writer Sparta Not until the ninth inning on ufu! game rest!trued Henneh. wasn’t in the best of shape. But Feller lasted only two innings Johnny Groth looks like the hot- opening day did the Nats muster "He was a little wM maybe but oefore he left the Indians’ opener and it may be the beginning test rookie to hit the majors since a margin for Ray Scarborough to 1 don t believe I've evrr seen him of the end for the one-time fireballer. j , Joe Di Magglo, Ted Williams and eapiUUar on his seven-hit hurl- have better command of a game "" Groth and Brissic Away Good Stan Musial. ing Hudson pitched a creditable until I socked that one He was nine-hltier on Tuesday but be- rough and he U win of The Cubs Dutch Leonard at the age of 40 because, 8ure. it’s too early to tell. Two plenty acquifed came a 5-2 victim of don’t make a season Tommy games as Jim Gallagher put it, “We want a pitcher who days or a General Manager Henrlch s homei career. But what a two ninth-inning Frank Milan kid a That’s exactly what Leonard did in days this brother of can keep us in ball game.’’ and the Nats light hitting Until the ninth inning, 22-year-old Detroit freshman Nat Coach Clyde Milan s« an the Cubs’ opener—kept .them in a game. his debut for has had. Calvert, making actor-artist who across an unearned run for a 1-0 cutrently » un- that is, when Pittsburgh pushed the un- Nats here yesterday to Three home runs, five hits and derstudy Conrad Nagel m victory. The Cubs still lack punch. leashed a five-hitter against the seven runs batted in. That's a Ooodbye My Fancy Frank The Nats were given two rousing pitching performances by New York Yankees, but was deb- last a to be the flashy showing that need take a year painted portrait of Mis Ray Scarborough and Sid Hudson. They ought leading ited with a 3-0 loss when Vic back Eleanor Holm Rose the former but tney’re not as in 1048, they also seat to nobody. Raschi checked with American League, because, Washington for to be great swimmer, tsoo lack power. Not many Washington pitchers are going big The $35,000 the Tigers shelled I three hits It comes as slight Toronto will offer a job to Jake winners unless the Nats average more than 2Va runs a game. out as a bonus to Johnny when solace to Calvert that his was an Eatly the recently released Wash- But it hasn’t all been bad. There were those in the Detroit he got out of the Navy at Great excellent piece of pitching ington catcher Outfielder who the finger on Johnny Groth and called him the Lakes may have been their best Undismayed by the Nats wand- camp put Johnny He investment. At a waving is Manager Joe Kuhel Undell of the Yankee* best young outfielder to come up since DiMaggio. got away least, $52,000 his confesses he» In the doghouse two home runs and adding another yesterday. product, Dick Wakefield, is riding who anticipates club cluster- winging by hitting with star. the bench these ing hits in a more magnificent Manager Casey Stengel, Lou Brissie was another who looked the part of a rising days. manner. "Well hit better." sax which could mean the big right- Connie Mack again was calling him the A’s best southpaw since There tiever was any doubt in Joe, "and if we keep getting the handed hitter ta headed elsewhere. Grove this and in his first start the best Philadelphia left- Manager Red Rolfe's mind about spring sort of we've been In Calvert s first major league Red Sox. Groth. He center field pitching get- hander since Grove slapped down the favored assigned " ting we'll be a formidable team start—with Cleveland tn !*44 he to him before spring training a Few beet the Yankees Engel Wants to Win started. Each of his three poten- Lewis' Failar* Is Hit Harta. The Nats are burned up by the Clark Griffith and his farm director. Ossie Bluege, are a little tial outfield combinations pivoted The failure of veteran Buddy Association sarcastic press they're getting tn annoyed with Joe Engel, president of their Southern around Groth at center. Lewis to launch the season im- but New York Every time the team at Chattanooga. They don’t care to air their grievance, Not Upset by Publicity. pressively has hurt the Nats GRAND SLAM—AND A COUPLE OF ACES—Virgil Trucks (left*. Detroit Tiger pitcher, attempts W’aahmgion ball club is mentioned Griffith and Bluege feel that Engel is letting them down by play- Buddy remains the only Wash- Even a year ago, the word was to muss up Johnny Groth’s hair as he congratulates the rookie Tiger outfielder in dressing there Is a dirty dig with it but instead of trying to develop youngsters who may ington player who hasn't hit. but ing veterans out that Groth was te be the room at Detroit after in which Groth hit a home run in that ■ yesterday’s game grand-slam eighth will Manager Joe Kuhel says >r move up to the Nats. Kuhel believes Lewis explode eventually Tigers' centerflelder in '49 with inning to beat the Chicago White Sox. 5-2. —AP Wirephoto. all fight- let em think we re not ’■> has only one youngster in the lineup, Griffith the dynamite which lurks in his “Chattanooga Hoot Evers moving to right or so hoi We ll surpr ise some teams see more kids even if they are green bat and lead the Nau out of the admits. “I'd rather playing, left. That was the understanding season over doldrums. before the 1* a few when Steve Is Sidelined and blow games. ’. O’Neill, then Detroit Paige Httm- a Cuban. Bosox Marse Joe Shakes Washington, which has dis- Second Baseman Oeorge The lone youngster is Shortstop Guillermo Miranda, manager, sent Johnny back to Give be patched only three pitcher* to the welas of the Yankees was idle yes- It’s the old story of the parent club asking that a farm Buffalo last spring. Pulled Muscle By hill in three game*. w*s to rely on terday due to a damaged hand for the development oirfresh talent, and the minor A .340 season at Buffalo and used primarily as in '48 fey th# Atteoottd ^f»» a bat BUlf cellar last By Starting Poorly left-handed Forrest Thompson to Couldn't grip team trying to win. Engel finished in thi^ year a .471 batting average at De- * league ■y th« Aitocietad Pros ST. LOUIS. April 21.—The salvage one game against the Jurges. the former National League season loading up with the troit in the final six and he hopes to avoid another bad by games of for a will PHILADELPHIA, April 21.—Are Cleveland Indians' shortage of Yankees here today. Tommy inflelder now working sport- Newsoms. Tom McBrides, Earl Wootens, et al. None the season cemented Groth's Bobo the Byrne, swift but erratic aouthpaw. ing goods concern, got rich yester- for the Southern claim to a regular Philadelphia Athletics again relief got shorter to- ever help the Nats, but they’re good enough job.
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