Team Member

Assoc. Prof Dr. M. Ali Iqbal (0021096105) Assoc. Prof Dr. Kashmir, SE, MM (0301056401) Assoc. Prof Yanti Murni (0025075601)

International Partner:

Associate Professor Dr. Anees Janee Ali School of Management, University Sains Malaysia

Field of Management Science UNIVERSITAS MERCU BUANA 2020


1. a. Title of Proposal : Strategy Corporate Social Responsibility for Community Service Strengthening Small Scale and Medium Enterprises at Maruya Sub District, b. Previous Research : Entrepreneurship Training for Communities at Title Darussalam Mosque, Kota Wisata Gunung Putri Sub-District, Bogor District 2. Team leader a. Name : b. NIDN : Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, M.Sc c. Functional Position : 0021096105 d. Faculty/Study Program : Lektor Kepala e. Mobile Phone : Pascasarjana MM f. E-mail Address : 081319815590 3. Team Member : [email protected] a. Number of Member b. Name and NIDN of Member 1 : Lecturer 2 persons c. Name and NIDN of Member 2 : Dr. Kasmir, SE, MM/0301056401 d. International Partner : Dra. Yanti Murni, MM/0025075601 4. Team Member Student : Assoc Prof Dr. Anees Janee Ali a. Number of Member b. Name and NIM of Member 1 : Rizky Muhammad Ramadan/43118210032 c. Name and NIM of Member 2 : Muhammad Bagas Pratama Wibisono/43119210120 5. Location os Activities : a. Location/Activities Area b. Regency/City : Maruya Sub District c. Province : West Jakarta d. Distance of Location : DKI Jakarta 6. Project Partner : 2 Km 7. Output Produced : University Sains Malaysia 8. Duration : Management skill development 9. Source of Expenditures : 4 months a. Source from UMB : b. Source from Partner (inkind) : Rp. 7.500.000 c. Grand Total : Rp. 7.500.000 : Rp. 15.000.000

Jakarta, Desember 2020

Leader of Community Service Group, Team Leader,

(Dr. Suraya, MSi) (Dr. M. Ali Iqbal,M.Sc) NIP/NIK : 1 176860597 NIP/NIK: 116610519

Approved by,

Director of Post Graduate School Head of Community Service Centre,

(Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mudrik Alaydrus) ( Dr.Inge Hutagalung.,M.Si) NIP/NIK : 103710262 NIP/NIK : 113590380




Validity Sheet ...... i-ii

TABLE OF CONTENT ...... iii-iv

Abstract ...... v


1.1. Situation Analysis ...... 1

1.2. Partner Issues ...... 2


2.1 Target ...... 3

2.2 Output ...... 3


3.1 Implementation Framework ...... 5

3.2 Activity Plan ...... 6

3.3 Target Audience ...... 6




• Biodata of Team Members • MOU PPM-KLN Aplication Form



Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in the economy of the Indonesian people. The role can be seen from as the main driver of the real sector which directly influences national economic growth. The contribution of SMEs is 57.60% of Gross Domestic Product (PBD) and has a workforce absorption rate of around 97% of the entire national workforce. SMEs have also proven unaffected by the crisis. When the crisis hit in the period 1997-1998, only SMEs could survive. give the special attention to their growth, including constructing environment with the effort climate which conducive, facility and give to access productive resources and strengthen the enterpreneurship and also its competitiveness.To strengthen the SMEs, one of the important strategy is partner. From other side the government, big company role to give a support and cast aside some of clean advantage is they utilize the development of SMEs money recognized by Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR) possible also require to be continued. Construction CSR for the development of SMEs have come to one of the strategic choice many developing countries in order to strengthening and improving competitiveness SMEs. In order to help SMEs to understand the important of corporate social responsibility, it is necessary for guidance them in order to obtain the knowledge of corporate social responsibility. For this reason, a training program of corporate social responsibility for strengthening the SMEs is needed to develop the knowledge.

Keyword: Small and Medium Enterprises, corporate social responsibility



1. Situation Analysis Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have an important role in the economy of the Indonesian people. The Indonesian government also considers the existence of SMEs to be important. The proof, along with the Cooperative SMEs have a special place under the Ministry of Cooperatives and SMEs.

High attention given to the SMEs is nothing but a form of government in supporting the economy of the small people. Moreover, SMEs is able to have a direct impact on the lives of people in the lower sector.

The development of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) has proven to be a major driver of the real sector which has a direct effect on national economic growth. MSMEs have contributed 57.60% of Gross Domestic Product (PBD) and have a workforce absorption rate of around 97% of the entire national workforce (SME Business Profile by LPPI and BI, 2015).

SMEs have also proven unaffected by the crisis. When the crisis hit in the period 1997-1998, only SMEs could survive.

Micro and small businesses generally have advantages in fields that utilize natural resources and are labor intensive, such as: food crop agriculture, plantations, animal husbandry, fisheries, trade and restaurants. Medium businesses have the advantage of creating added value in the hotel, financial, leasing, corporate services and forestry sectors. Large businesses have advantages in the processing, electricity and gas, communications and mining industries. This proves that micro, small, medium and large businesses in practice complement each other. So by increasing the performance of SMEs with local production materials without relying on imported materials, it will strengthen national economic development (Solikatun and

Masruroh, 2018: Saheb, et al, 2018).

Indonesia give the special attention to their growth, including constructing environment with the effort climate which conducive, facility and give to access productive

6 resources and strengthen the enterpreneurship and also its competitiveness.To strengthen the

SMEs, one of the important strategy is partner. To form this partner, governmental role and other supporter institution is important and strategic. Governmental role can be done/conducted to the creation of effort climate which kondusif to create the partner and earn also give the other and endorsement by facility like for example facility of compatibility creation, providing financial aid and need of the other to link the partner of between second side. From other side the government, big company role to give a support and cast aside some of clean advantage is they utilize the development of SMEs money recognized by Corporate Social Responsibility (

CSR) possible also require to be continued. Construction CSR for the development of SMEs have come to one of the strategic choice many developing countries in order to strengthening and improving competitiveness SMEs. Have been confessed by that big company will not grow to expand better without support SMEs. Therefore, big SMEs company And have to always work along one another exploiting opportunity for the shake of growth and society prosperity

In order to help SMEs to understand the important of corporate social responsibility, it is necessary for guidance them in order to obtain the knowledge of corporate social responsibility. For this reason, a training program of corporate social responsibility for strengthening the SMEs is needed to develop the knowledge.

1.2. Partner Issues

Many problems faced by SMEs include: a. Limited knowledge of corporate social responsibility. b. Do not have strategic partner for developing their business




The targets and outcomes to be achieved in this SMEs service activity are: 2.1. Target

2.1.1. Providing knowledge on corporate social responsibility in general

2.1.2. Providing knowledge on how to increase their knowledge of strategic partnership.

2.2. Output

2.2.1. Conduct counseling, training for increasing their knowledge on corporate social


2.2.2. Conduct counseling, training for increasing their knowledge on strategic


2.2.3. Produce scientific papers that can be published.

The method used in SMEs activities is carried out in the form of training, mentoring and direction regarding the improving their knowledge on corporate social responsibility and strategic partnership. the target of the output outcomes can be seen in the following table:

Otput Type Indikator Capaian

1. Scientific publications in ISSN journals / proceedings 1) Submitted

2. Publication in print media/online/repository PT 6) None

3. Increasing competitiveness (increasing quality, quantity and Not yet

value added of goods, services, product diversification, or

other resources) 4)


4. Increasing the application of science and technology in None

society (mechanization, IT, and management) 4)

5. Improvement of community values (cultural, social, Not yet

political, security, peace, education, health) 2)

6. Publication in international journals 1) None

7. Services, social engineering, methods or systems, products / None

goods 5)

8. New Innovation TTG 5) Not yet

9. Intellectual property rights (Patents, Simple patents, Not yet

Copyrights, Trademarks, Trade secrets, Industrial Product

Design, Plant Variety Protection, Protection of Integrated

Circuit Topography Design) 3)

10 Book with ISBN 6) Not yet




3.1. Implementation Framework

The implementation framework of this SMEs is in the form of training, with the following stages of activity:

3.1.1 Preliminary Stage

At this stage, observations were made on the SMEs at Maruya Sub-District, West Jakarta namely: a. The survey was conducted by means of interviews to find out the SMEs at Maruya Sub-

District, West Jakarta. b. Identify business ventures that are currently carried out.

3.1.2. Formulation Stage Environmental identification.

Identification of business environment conditions consisting of macro, internal and external environment (Mulyadi, 2007) a. Internal aspects

Internal aspects identify the strengths and weaknesses of the SMEs business such as identifying strengths and weaknesses in terms of their knowledge of CSR, partnership, production, resources and marketing as well as its target market. The definition of the target market itself is an activity in which a company chooses a market segment to enter and then the company can determine more specifically the target market (Daryanto, 2011). Next step is designing the market and marketing aspects. According to Kurtz (2008) the design aspects of the market and marketing are a whole, the company's program to determine the target market and satisfy consumers by building a combination of elements of the marketing mix; product, distribution; promotions and prices

10 b. Externalities Aspects

Externalities are indirect results and side effects of activities that can have positive effects

(provide additional benefits) or negative effects (result in community losses). For example the establishment of a chicken slaughtering business in a residential area has a positive effect on labor absorption and income distribution for the community but at the same time has a negative effect due to air, water pollution and the emergence of disease for the surrounding community.

3.1.3. Stage of Training

The final result of the implementation of SMEs is the preparation training plan CSR and

Strategic of Partnership.

3.2. Activity plan

Time: Odd semester of the academic year 2020/2021

Place: Maruya Sub-District, West Jakarta

Implementer: This activity was carried out by lecturer Mercu Buana University

3.3. Target Audience:

The strategic targets planned for this activity are the SMEs who are going to do business SMEs who are going to develop their business Maruya Sub-District, West Jakarta.



4.1 Budget from UMB

No. Componen Proposed Cost

1 Initial survey (Meeting, Supplies, Field Survey, IDR 1.425.000 Transportation

2 Implementation Preparation (Preparation of IDR 1.850.000 Preparatory Materials

3 Implementation (Consumption, Transportation, IDR 3.600.000 Participants, Certificates, Documentation, Banners, Honorarium Instructors)

4 Making Activity Report IDR 625.000

Amount IDR 7.500.000

4.2 Budget from Partner (inkind)

No. Componen Proposed Cost

1 Initial survey (Meeting, Supplies, Field Survey, IDR 1.150.000 Transportation

2 Implementation Preparation (Preparation of IDR 1.850.000 Preparatory Materials

3 Implementation (Consumption, Transportation, IDR 3.600.000


Participants, Certificates, Documentation, Banners, Honorarium Instructors)

4 Making Activity Report IDR 900.000

Amount IDR 7.500.000

4.3 Activities Schedule

No Activities/Time Nov-Des Jan Febr 2019 2020 2020

1 Submission of proposals & presentations

2 Initial survey

3 Preparations for the Implementation

4 Implementation

5 Evaluation

6 Progress Report



Daryanto. 2011. Sari Kuliah Manajemen Pemasaran. Bandung: PT Sarana Tutorial Nurani Sejahtera. Louis, E. Kurtz. 2008. Pengantar Bisnis Kontemporer. Buku 1. Jakarta: Salemba Empat.

LPPI, Bank Indonesia. (2015). Profil Bisnis Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). Jakarta. Mulyadi. 2007. Sistem Perencanaan dan Pengendalian Manajemen (Edisi ke-3,). Jakarta: Salemba Empat. Saheb, S., Slamet, Y., & Zuber, A. (2018). Peranan Modal Sosial Bagi Petani Miskin Untuk Mempertahankan Kelangsungan Hidup Rumah Tangga Di Pedesaan Ngawi (Studi Kasus Di Desa Randusongo Kecamatan Gerih Kabupaten Ngawi Provinsi Jawa Timur). Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi, 2(1). Solikatun, S., & Masruroh, Y. (2018). Kemiskinan Dalam Pembangunan. Jurnal Analisa Sosiologi, 3(1) Suliyanto. 2010 . Studi Kelayakan Bisnis. Yogyakarta: CV Andi Offset.


Biodata Team Leader and Team Members Team Leader

1 Name Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, M.Sc 2 Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala 3 NIK 16610519 4 NIDN 0021096105 5 Date of Birth Jakarta, 21 September 1961 6 Home Address Perumahan Mediterania Regency Blok C No. 34, RT 09, RW 16, Kel. Jakamulya, Selatan 17146 7 HP 0813-1981-5590 8 Office Address Jalan Raya Kranggan No.6 Jatisampurna, Bekasi 9 Telepon number 021- 10 E-mail [email protected] 11 Lulusan yang telah dihasilkan 12 Mata Kuliah yang diampu 1. Organizational Theory and design 2. Entrepreuneurship and Innovation 3. Seminar Thesis Proposal 4. Metodologi Penelitian

II . Riwayat Pendidikan Perguruan Tinggi S1 S2 S3 Sekolah Tinggi Pengolahan hasil Perikanan perikanan Magister of Science Agricultural Economics Universitas Manajemen Brawijaya Sumberdaya Manusia Bidang Ilmu Pengolahan Hasil Agricultural Manajemen Perikanan Economics Sumberdaya Manusia Tahun Masuk/Lulus 1983/4-1986/7 1988-1990 2006-2010 Judul Skripsi/ Tesis/ Analisis Tata Niaga Comparative Pengaruh Disertasi Produk Perikanan Advantage of Kepemimpinan, Indonesian Tuna Sistem Penghargaan Fisheries in dan Pekerjaan Indonesia terhadap Efektivitas Organisasi Pada Badan DIKLAT Pertanian Nama Pembimbing/ Ir. Abdurrahman DR. Ruangrai Prof. Dr. Aries Promotor Tokrisna. Prof. Dr. Thamrin Dr. Tanwa


III . Pengalaman Mengajar

Mata Kuliah Yang Diampu Perguruan Tinggi Tahun 1. Organizational theory and Universitas Mercubuana 2008 s/d Design Universitas Mercubuana sekarang 2. Entrepreneurship and Innovation 3. Metodologi penelitian STIE Kusuma Negara 2010-2014 4. Seminar Thesis Proposal

IV . Pengalaman Penelitian dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir No Tahun Judul Biaya Sumber Peneliti Biaya 1 2019 Model Penentu minat Rp. 9.000.000 Universitas 1. Dr. M. Ali mahasiswa untuk Mercubuana Iqbal, M.Sc menggunakan e- 2. Dra. Yanti learning Murni, MM 3. Dr. Ahmad Badawi Saluy, MM 1 2018 Analisis Pengaruh Rp. 7.500.000 Universitas 1. Dr. M. Ali Citra Merek dan Nilai Mercubuana Iqbal, M.Sc Pelanggan terhadap 2. Dra. Yanti Kepuasan Pelanggan Murni, MM dan Dampaknya 3. Dr. Niken terhadap Loyalitas Sulistyowati, Pelanggan Ak, MM 2 2017 Analisis Pengaruh Rp. 5.000.000 Universitas 1. Dr. M. Ali Sikap dan Persepsi Mercubuana Iqbal, M.Sc Kemudahan 2. Hirdinis M, Penggunaan terhadap SE, MM. Minat Mahasiswa 3. Dra. Yanti Pengguna E-Learning Murni, MM 3 2010 Pengaruh Rp.20.000.000 Mandiri M. Ali Iqbal, Kepemimpinan, M.Sc Sistem Penghargaan dan Pekerjaan terhadap Efektivitas Organisasi pada badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen pertanian


4 2008 Analisis Sistem Rp. Departemen 1.Rambat Reward dan 80.000.000 Pertanian Lupioadi Punishment untuk SE,MSi meningkatkan kinerja 2.M. Ali Iqbal, geografis di MSc Departemen 3. pertanian 5 2007 Pengaruh Kesiapan Rp. 8.000.000 Mandiri M. Ali Iqbal, Teknologi Atas M.Sc Penggunaan Jasa Perbankan Berbasis Teknologi

V . Pengalaman Pengabdian Masyarakat No Tahun Judul Biaya Sumber Pelaksana Dana 1 2018/2019 Pelatihan Rp. LPPM 1. Dr. M. Ali Penyusunan 3.500.000 Universitas Iqbal, M.Sc Perencanaan Mercubuana Bisnis Bagi 2. Muhammad Masyarakat di Zulfikar Kelurahan Jatimurni, Kecamatan Pondok Melati, Kota Bekasi 2 2017/2018 Pelatihan Rp. LPPM 3. Dr. M. Ali Penyusunan 3.500.000 Universitas Iqbal, M.Sc Perencanaan Mercubuana Bisnis Bagi 4. Muhammad Masyarakat Zulfikar Maruya Utara, Jakarta Barat 3 2016/2017 Sosialisasi Rp. LPPM 1. Dra. Yanti Perbankan 3.500.000 Universitas Murni.,MM Syariah untuk Mercu masyarakat Buana Kampus dan 2. Hirdinis Pengusaha M.,SE.,MM disekitar Kampus D Universitas 3. Dr. M. Ali Mercu Buana Iqbal.,M.Sc

4 2014/2015 Pelatihan Rp. LPPM STIE 1.Nendi Juhandi pengembangan 3.000.000 KUSUMA SE,MM koperasi “At- NEGARA 2. Kasbuntoro SE,MM Ta’awun” terkait 3. Drs.Budi S, organisasi dan SE,MM


keuangan Yasma 4. Drs. Bambang PB Soedriman, R,MM Cijantung-Jakarta 5. Refren Riadi Timur SE,MM 6. Zaenal SS,MM 7.Kusiyah SE,MM 5 2013/2014 Pelatihan Rp. LPPM STIE 1.Nendi Juhandi kewirausahaan 3.000.000 KUSUMA SE,MM kepada siswa NEGARA 2.Refren Riadi SMK PGRI SE,MM Citeureup- Bogor 3. Sabar Sutia SE,MM 4. Sari M, SE,MM 5. Saefudin SE,MM 6. Dr. M Ali Iqbal Msc 7. Kasbuntoro SE,MM 8. Pawit Spd,MM 9.Drs.Budi S, SE,MM 10.M Syafarudin SS,MM 11.R.Heru H SE,MM

VI. Pengalaman Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

N0 Tahun Judul Artikel Ilmiah Volume/ Nama Jurnal . Nomor/Tahun

1. 2019 Analysis of the Influence of Vol. 11 No. 18, Europian journal Trust and Service Quality on 2019. of Business and Customer Value and It’s Impact management on Customer Satisfaction in Online Shopping Case Study: Lazada Indonesia

2. 2019 Analysis of Impulse Buying Vol.3, No. 07; International Behaviour in Online Shopping 2019 Journal of Economics, Business and Management Research 3. 2019 The determination Model to Use Vol. 11 No. 21, Europian journal E-learning 2019 of Business and Management 4. 2019 How product quality, brand Vol. 10, No. 2, International image and customer satisfaction 2019). Journal Services, affect the purcase decisisons of Economics and


Indonesian automotive management customers (Scopus)

5. 2019 The Effect of Website Quality Vol. 11 No. 28, Jurnal and Brand Image on Consumer 2019 Internasional. Purchase Decisions with Trust as Europian journal of Business and an Intervening Variable (Case Management Study at

6. 2019 Analysis Of Auditor C Vol. 10. No.2, International Satisfaction On Tax Audit 2019 Journal Business Quality Moderated By Time Excellence (Scopus) Pressure (Sudy Case of Indonesian Tax Office)

7. 2019 The Effects of Workload and Vol. 20, No.1, International Compensation on Tax Account 2019 Journal Bussiness Representative Performance Innovation and Research Mediating by Public Service (Scopus) Level (Case of the Indonesian Tax Office)

8. 2018 Analysis of the Influence of Vlol.2/No. International Brand Image and Customer 4/2018 Journal of Value on Customer Satisfaction Economics, Business and and Its Impact on Customer Management Loyalty Research 9. 2016 Analisis Strategi Efektivitas Vol. 11,No. 3 Transformasi, Enam (6) Pasar Pada Perusahaan Oktober 2016 Jurnal Ekonomi, Jasa makanan (Studi Kasus Manajemen dan mcDonalds). Akuntansi, Universitas Al Azhar, Indonesia.

10. 2016 Strategi Pengembangan Vol.11, No.2, Transformasi, Investasi Human Capital di Juni 2016 Jurnal Ekonomi, Indonesia Manajemen dan Akuntansi, Universitas Al Azhar, Indonesia.

11. 2015 Analisis Gaya Kepemimpinan, No. 131 Th Majalah Ilmiah Kekuasaan, dan Korupsi di XIX, Mei Ekonomi, Indonesia 2015 manajemen dan


Akuntans, STIE Kusuma Negara

12. 2014 Perkembangan Self-service No. 130 Th Majalah Ilmiah Technology dan Pergeseran XVII Oktober Ekonomi, Paradigma Pemasaran 2014 manajemen dan Akuntans, STIE Kusuma Negara

13. 2014 Evolusi Pertukaran dalam Volume 5, Jurnal Ekonomi, Strategi Pemasaran No.1 Mei 2014 Universitas Esa Unggul

14. 2013 Kapasitas manajemen dan No. 127 Th. Majalah Ilmiah Kewirausahaan Dalam XVII, Mei Ekonomi, Pengembangan Kinerja Ekspor 2013 manajemen dan Usaha Kecil dan menengah Akuntans, STIE Pertanian (Tinjauan Literatur) Kusuma Negara

15. 2013 Perkembangan Strategi Volume 4, Jurnal Ekonomi, Pemasaran dalam Industri Jasa No.2 Universitas Esa November Unggul 2013,

16. 2013 Kepemimpinan dan Pekerjaan Volume 10, Forum Ilmiah, sebagai penentu Keefektifan No.1, Januari Universitas Esa Suatu Organisasi 2013, Unggul

VII. Pembicara Seminar Dosen Tetap No Nama Dosen Jenis Kegiatan Tempat Waktu Sebagai Penyaji (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 1 Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, Training of Puncak, 4-9 Maret V M.Sc Trainers/Training of Jawa 2002 Experts Manajemen Barat Perekonomian Rakyat di Lingkup Departemen Dalam Negeri dan Pemerintah Daerah, kerjasama antara Badan Pendidikan dan Latihan Dep. Dalam Negeri dan Centre for Agricultural Policy Studies 2 Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, Seminar Upaya Bandung 27 Januari V M.Sc Pemulihan Ekonomi 2000


Nasional: Promosi Produk Pertanian di Era Perdagangan Bebas 3 Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, Kursus Perencanaan LPEM 11 Juni, V M.Sc Nasional Jangka UI, 1999 Panjang, oleh LPEM Jakarta UI, 4 Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, Seminar Pemberdayaan Bogor 26-28 V M.Sc Petani, oleh HKTI Nopember 1999 6 Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, Seminar Nasional “ Jakarta 22 V M.Sc Prospek Oktober Agribisnis/Agroindustri 1998 dalam mengantisipasi Globalisasi oleh Pusat Studi Ilmu Manajemen Industri dan Lingkungan (PSIMIL-STMI) bersama Lembaga Pengkajian Pemanfaatan Sumberdaya Alam (LP2SDA)

VII . Menulis Buku Ajar dan Buku Teks No Judul Buku Penerbit ISBN Tahun No. Sertifikat HAKI 1 Pengaruh Bimantara 2010 Kepemimpinan, Aluugoda Sistem Sejahtera, Surabaya. Penghargaan dan Pekerjaan terhadap Efektivitas Organisasi pada badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pertanian, Departemen pertanian

Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara hukum. Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidak sesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sangsi. Demikian biodata ini saya buat

21 dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan penugasan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat

Jakarta, Nopember 2020

Ketua Pengusul

Dr. M. Ali Iqbal, M.Sc

1. Team member

A. Identitas Diri Ketua Nama Lengkap (dengan 1 gelar) Dr. Kasmir, SE,MM

2 Jenis Kelamin Laki-laki

3 Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala

4 NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya 197580866

5 NIDN 0301056401

6 Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Bukit Layang (Bangka) 1 Mei 1964

[email protected] dan 7 E-mail [email protected]

9 Nomor Telepon/HP 0813 10626365


Pascasarjana Universitas Mercu Buana

10 Alamat Kantor Jl. Menteng Raya Jakarta Pusat

11 Nomor Telepon/Faks -

Lulusan yang Telah 12 Dihasilkan S-1 = 510 orang; S-2 = 126 orang; S-3 = 5 orang

1. Strategic Human Resources

2. Human Resouerce Risearch

3. Manajemen Keuangan

13. Mata Kuliah yg Diampu 4. Studi Kelayakan Bisnis

B. Riwayat Pendidikan

1. Program D IV/S1 S2 S3

2. Nama PT Universitas Universitas Universitas Indonesia Jayabaya Negeri Jakarta

3. Bidang Ilmu Manajemen Manajemen Manajemen

4. Tahun Masuk 1988 1996 2008

5. Tahun Lulus 1992 1998 2011


6. Judul Strategi Analisis Turn Pengaruh Skripsi/Tesis/Desertasi Pemasaran Over di PT HM Budaya Produk Simpanan Sampurna Organisasi, Bank X Kepemimpinan dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja di PT. Pelni

6. Nama Pembimbing Sri Manoso SE, Prof. Dr. Darwis Prof. Dr. MBA Gani Thamrin Abdullah Dr. Laode Geo, MS Prof. Dr. Thomas Suyatno

C. Pengalaman Riset Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

(Bukan Skripsi, Tesis maupun Disertasi)

No. Tahun Judul RISET Pendanaan Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)



3 * Tuliskan sumber pendanaan baik dari skema RISET DIKTI maupun dari Dst. sumber lainnya.

A. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir No. Tahun Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Pendanaan

Sumber* Jml (Juta Rp)

Pelatihan Kewirausahaan Bagi Pemuda di 1 2106 4.5 Kecamatan Matraman Jakarta Timur UMB dan



Pelatihan Motivasi Penanggulangan UMB dan Kenakalan Remaja di Kecamatan 2 2017 Mandiri 4.5 MatramanJakarta Timur Pelatihan upaya pencegahan UMB dan penyalahgunaan narkoba di Kecamatan 3 2017 Matraman Jakarta Timur Mandiri 4.5

UMB dan Pelatihan pengelolaan keuangan usaha kecil 4. 2019 di kelurahan jatimurni Bekasi Mandiri 4,5

E. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal alam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Tahun Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/ Nomor/Tahun

Analisis kemiripan kareteristik Vol.2, No.2 agustus Studia pekerjaan bank dan lembaga 2014 - ISSN 2337- 4. 2014 Akuntansi dan keuangan lainnya berdasarkan 6112 tahun 2014 Bisnis persepsi karyawan

Pengaruh kepemimpinan dan Vol.10, No.2 5. 2015 budaya organisasi terhadap MANAJERIAL September 2012 - kinerja ISSN 1907-8432

F. Pemakalah Seminar Ilmiah (Oral Presentation) dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir


No Nama Pertemuan Ilmiah / Judul Artikel Ilmiah Waktu dan Seminar

1 UMB Tempat 2 UUM

G. Karya Buku dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No Judul Buku Tahun Jumlah Penerbit

1 Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia 2016 315 RadjaGrafindo Halaman Jakarta 2 Customer Service Excellent 2017 285 RadjaGrafindo Jakarta

H. Perolehan HKI dalam 5 – 10 Tahun Terakhir

No. Judul/Tema HKI Tahun Jenis Nomor P/ID

1 Manajemen sumber Daya Manusia 2017 BUKU 2 Customer Service Excellent 2017 BUKU

Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara hukum. Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidak sesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sangsi. Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan penugasan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat

Jakarta, Nopember 2020

( Dr. Kasmir, SE,MM)


2. Team Member

A. Identitas Diri

1 Nama Lengkap (dengan gelar) Dra. Yanti Murni.,MM 2 Jenis Kelamin Perempuan 3 Jabatan Fungsional Lektor Kepala 4 NIP/NIK/Identitas lainnya 195607251992022001 / 115560459 5 NIDN 0025075601 6 Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir Tanjung Karang / 25 Juli 1956 7 E-mail [email protected] 9 Nomor Telepon/HP 081266944184 10 Alamat Kantor Jalan Raya Kranggan No.6 Jatisampurna, Bekasi 11 Nomor Telepon/Faks - 12 Lulusan yang Telah Dihasilkan S-1 = … orang; S-2 = … orang; S-3 = … orang 1. Matematika Bisnis

13. Mata Kuliah yg Diampu 2. Statistik 3. )Operation Research

B. Riwayat Pendidikan

S-1 S-2 Nama Perguruan Tinggi Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta STIE IPWI, Jakarta

Bidang Ilmu Matematika Manajemen Tahun Masuk-Lulus 1976 – 1985 1995 – 1996 Judul Skripsi/Tesis/Disertasi Analisis Antrian Berdasarkan Proses Analisis Investasi Jalan Birth Death Tol Padalarang Cileunyi

Nama Pembimbing/Promotor Prof. Nuniek Sri Murti Soemartoyo Dr.Dalil Hasan.,M.BA

C. Pengalaman Penelitian Dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir (Bukan Skripsi, Tesis maupun Disertasi)

N Tah Judul Penelitian Pendanaan o. un Sumber* Jml (Juta) Analisis Pengaruh Kepercayaan, Kemudahan Dan Rp) Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Konsumen Untuk 2018 UMB 7.000.000,- 1 Meningkatkan Loyalitas Konsumen Belanja Online

Corporate Governance, Value Chain dan Kinerja Keuangan: Kajian Empiris pada Badan Usaha Milik 2018 UMB 7.000.000,- 2 Negara (BUMN)


Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Nilai Pelanggan Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Dan Dampaknya Terhadap 2018 UMB 7.000.000,- 3 Loyalitas Pelanggan

Analisis Pengaruh Sikap dan persepsi Kemudahan Penggunaan Terhadap Minat Belajar E-Learning di 2017 UMB 5.000.000,- 4 Universitas Mercu Buana

Analisis Aktivitas Volume Perdagangan Saham Dan Variabelitas Tingkat Keuntungan Saham Berdasarkan 2016 UMB 3.500.000,- 5 Pengumuman Laporan Keuangan Tahunan di Bursa Efek Jakarta Analisis Investasi Indomaret CV. Tersayang Bekasi 6 2015 Mandiri 3.500.000,- Diktat Matematika dan Penerapan dalam Ekonomi 7 2014 Mandiri 3.000.000,- Diktat Matematika dan Penerapan dalam Ekonomi 8 2013 Mandiri 3.000.000,- Penerapan Pohon Kalsifikasi dan Pohon Regresi untuk Mengetahui Keberhasilan Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana 2012 Mandiri 3.000.000,- 9 Program Studi Magister Manajemen Universitas Trisakti Penerapan Pohon Kalsifikasi dan Pohon Regresi untuk Mengetahui Keberhasilan Mahasiswa Pasca Sarjana 10 2011 Program Studi Akuntansi Universitas Pancasila Mandiri 3.000.000,-

* Tuliskan sumber pendanaan baik dari skema penelitian DIKTI maupun dari sumber lainnya.

D. Pengalaman Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam 5 Tahun Terakhir.

Pendanaan No. Tahun Judul Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Sumber* Jml (Juta 1 2018 Penumbuhan Minat Pada Kain Nusantara Rp) Melalui Pelatihan Kain Shibori Bagi UMB 3.500.000,- Generasi Muda Kelurahan Jatimurni Kota Bekasi 2 2018 Sosialisasi Pengenalan Produk-Produk Perbankan Syari’ah Pada Masyarakat Di UMB 3.500.000,- Kelurahan Jatimurni, Kecamatan Pondok Melati Bekasi 3 2017 Pelatihan Decoupage Bagi Masyarakat Kampung Sawah Kota Bekasi UMB 3.500.000,-

4 2017 Sosialisasi Perbankan Syariah Untuk Masyarakat dan Pengusaha Kecil Kampung UMB 3.500.000,- Sawah Bekasi 5 2016 Meningkatkan Potensi Kerja Guru Melalui Pelatihan Program Excel UMB 3.500.000,-


6 2016 Penataan dan Pembinaan Manajemen Bidang Keadministrasian Pada Pendidikan Anak Usia Dini (PAUD) Cempaka di Perumahan Taman Sari Bukit UMB 3.500.000,- Damai Desa Curug Kecamatan Gunung Sindur Kabupaten Bogor Provinsi Jawa Barat 7 2015 Pelatihan Metodologi Penelitian Bagi Guru-Guru- Mandiri Guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah Yayasan Fisabilillah 3.500.000,- Bekasi 8 2014 Pelatihan Pengggunaan Excel Bagi Pengurus PKK Mandiri Kelurahan Cipinang Melayu, Kecamatan Makasar 3.000.000,- Jakarta Timur 9 2013 Pelatihan Statistik Bagi pegawai Kelurahan Cipinang Melayu, Kecamatan Makasar Jakarta Mandiri 3.000.000,- Timur 10 2012 Pelatihan Statistik Bagi Staf Pengajar Sekolah Mandiri 3.000.000,- Menengah Pertama (SMP) Swadaya Jakarta Timur

E. Publikasi Artikel Ilmiah Dalam Jurnal alam 5 Tahun Terakhir

No. Judul Artikel Ilmiah Nama Jurnal Volume/ Nomor/Tahu 1 Analysys Of The Influence Of Trust, Easiness International Volumen 2, In Shopping, Product Quality To Customer Journal of Issue 4, Juni Satisfaction To Increasiness In Shopping Economic, 2018 Consumer Loyalty Online Shopping Business and Management Research. 2 The Strategic Glaze Of Expertise And International Volume 9, Reliability Journal of Civil Issue 4, Juni Engineering and 2018 Technology (IJCIET). SCOPUS. IAEME Publication 3 Pelatihan Decoupage Bagi Masyarakat Journal MITRA, Volume 2, No.1 Kampung Sawah Kota Bekasi Lemaga Penelitian Mei 2018 dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat UNIKA ATMAJAYA 4 Corporate Governance, Value Chain and International Volume 9, Financial Performance: An Empirical Analysis Journal of Issue 02, in Indonesia’s SOEs Contemporary February 2018 Research and Review


5 Analysis Of The Influence Of Brand Image International Volume 2, And Customer Value On Customer Journal of Issue 04, 2018 Satisfaction And Its Impact on Customer Economic, Loyaltys Business and Management Research. 6 Comparison Study Of Customer,s Satisfaction The International Volume 4, Between Carefour And Giant Hypermarket In Journal Of Social Issue 12, Cikarang West Sciences and Desember 2017 Humanities Invention. Valley International Journal 7 Analisis Pengaruh Sikap Dan Persepsi Jurnal Ekonomi, Volume 1, Kemudahan Penggunaan Terhadap Minat Manajemen dan Nomor 2, Belajar E-Learning Di Universitas Mercu Akuntansi. Oktober 2017 Buana Universitas Al Azhar Indonesia

8 Pengaruh Positioning, Diferensiasi dan Citra Jurnal Widya Volume 1, Merek Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Buku Ekonomika, Nomor 2, Mimpi Sejuta Dolar Dengan Promosi Sebagai Kopertis Wilayah April 2017 Variabel Intervening III (Online) 9 Day Of The Week Effect Dan Week Four Jurnal Ilmiah Volume 2, Effect Terhadap Return Saham LQ-45 Di Manajemen Dan Nomor 3, Bursa Efek Indonesia Bisnis. Universitas November Mercu Buana 2016 10 Penilaian Kelayakan Investasi Pada Waralaba E-Journal WIDYA Volume I Indomaret Ekonomika. Nomor 2 Mei (Online). Kopertis 2016 Wilayah III Jakarta

F. Penghargaan dalam 10 tahun Terakhir (dari pemerintah, asosiasi atau Institusi lainnya)

N Jenis Penghargaan Institusi Pemberi Tahun o. 1 Piagam Tanda Kehormatan Presiden Republik Presiden Republik 2008 Indonesia Satya: Satyalancana Karya Satya Indonesia. 10 Tahun (DR.H.Susilo 2 Piagam Tanda Kehormatan Presiden Republik PresidenBambang Republik 2014 Indonesia Satya: Satyalancana Karya Satya Indonesia.Yudhoyono) 20 Tahun (DR.H.Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono) 30

Semua data yang saya isikan dan tercantum dalam biodata ini adalah benar dan dapat dipertanggung jawabkan secara hukum. Apabila dikemudian hari ternyata dijumpai ketidak sesuaian dengan kenyataan, saya sanggup menerima sangsi. Demikian biodata ini saya buat dengan sebenarnya untuk memenuhi salah satu persyaratan dalam pengajuan penugasan Program Pengabdian Masyarakat

Jakarta, Nopember 2020

( Dra.Yanti Murni.,MM )





Nationality : MALAYSIAN

Current Position : Associate Prof Dr

Qualifications : Diploma in Science (Canada), Bachelor of Management (USM), Master’s of Science and PhD (University of Groningen, The Netherlands)

Field of specialization : International Management, Adaptation of Expatriates, Internationalization of Higher Education, Internationalization at Home

Tel (office) /HP : 04-653 5156/ 012-582 3660

Fax : 04-657 7448

email : [email protected] and [email protected]



On going grants : None

Completed grants : Muhamad Saiful Bahri Bin Yusoff, Eugene Ong Boon Beng, Mohd Ghows Bin Mohd Azzam, Morshidi Bin Sirat, Anees Janee Bin Ali @ Hamid, Constructing Malaysian’s Future Higher Education Scenarios in the Fourth Industrial Revolution,Higher Education Policy Studies Grant, RM100,000.00, 01/12/2017-28/02/2018

Munir Bin Shuib, Anees Janee Bin Ali @ Hamid, Shukran Abdul Rahman, Danial Mohd Yusof, Irene Tan, Enhancing International Students Experience For Global Prominence,Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia, RM100,000.00, 01/12/2017-31/05/2018

Malaysia Higher Education grant on “Practices, effectiveness and Challenges for the Implementation of AIMS (ASEAN International of Mobility for Students), (RM 100,000 in 2014- 2015), co-researcher with Dr Aishah Abu Bakar (UM) and Puan Nordiana Nordin (UiTM Shah Alam)

FRGS grant by USM on (RM25,000 in 2007), main researcher, “Factors Contributing to Repatriates Adjustments to Home Country: A Study of Repatriates’ and Family Members’ Adjustment to Home Country”

FRGS Grant, “Recreating the University from Within- Research on Modelling Sustainable University”, (RM31,000 in Jan 2007), co-researcher with Prof Dato’ Omar Osman, Prof Madya Zainal Abidin Sanusi, Dr Salfarina Abd Ghapor, Prof Madya Ratna Roshida Ab Razak, and Dr Nurul Salmi Abdul Latif


FAMA grant on “Integrating into New Marketing Paradigm: The Need for Entrpreneurship Traits among Small Farmers” (RM210,000 in 2006), co-researcher with Prof Madya Mohamad Hasmi Abu Hassan Asaari and Prof Madya Norliza Karia

Incentives Grant by USM (RM1,000 in 2006)

Graduated students : PhD (14 students), DBA (5 students), Master’s theses (21), Master’s (1)

Postgraduate under : 6 PhD and 1 master’s candidates current supervision

Patents/ Copyrights/ : None Filing

Achievements/Awards : Best Paper Award for Van der Zee, K. I., Ali, A.J. & Haaksma, / Recognitions I. (2003), Personality characteristics, work characteristics, demographic data and expatriate children’s intercultural adaptation, AAM Procedings, pp.79-91.

Best Employee of School of Management, USM in 2007 and 2018

Founder of AFLES (ASEAN Future Leaders Summit in 2013, has conducted this event for four consecutive years with 170 participants of studends leaders from the 10 ASEAN countries. A collaboration with AKEPT, Prince of Songkla University,


Thailand (PSU), UiTM, USIM and UUM. Continuously until 2019 (the 7th AFLES)

Founder of USM International Week in 2009 and has been become an annual event in USM since 2009 until 2018 and will continue for the next few years.

Founder of USM International Al-Quran competition since 2010

Founder of USM Nooruz Festival since 2010

Founder and the First USM Toastmaster Club President, 2009

Penggawa/Residential Principal of PETAS from 2008-2015 and 2018-2019

Penggawa/Residential Principal of Desasiswas Bakti Fajar Permai PETAS (March 2019-current)

Director of USM International Office, 2013-2015

Founder and Advisor of USM Postgraduate Students Association (PSA) in 2009. Managed to get USM Postgraduate Students, both local and international to be active in activities such as USM International Week, USM Nooruz Festival, AFLES, APA-Asia Pacific Postgraduate Students Forum, USM International Al-Quran Competition, ASEAN Badminton Tournament, English Camp and others

Advisor for International Golden Key Club, USM Chapter since 2008



• Internationalization of Higher Education • Internationalization at Home • Adaptation of expatriates, spouses and children • Communication skills


Mohammad Aktaruzzaman Khan, Md Aminul Islam, and Anees Janee Ali (2014). Education development of NGO beneficiaries in Bangladesh: A Disjunction between programmes and implementation, Asian Social Science, 10(22).

Khan, Mohammad Aktaruzzaman and Ali, and Anees Janee Ali (2014). The role of training in reducing proverty: The case of the ultra-poor in Bangladesh, doi:10.1111/ijtd.12041 (Scopus, ABDC, ABS), International Journal of Training and Development, 18(4).

Mohammad Aktaruzzaman Khan and Anees Janee Ali (2015). Do non-governmental organisations' socio-economic and training programmes improve disaster prevention capacity of their beneficiaries? International Social Work Journal, 58(3).

Mahazir Ismail, Anees Janee Ali and Mohd Rizaimy Shaharudin (2015). Repatriate Children's Readjustment to the Home Country and the Impact on Repatriates, Asian Social Science, 11(25).


Anees Janee Ali, Laily Alfa Citra and Matchima Naradisorn (2015). Recognized good practices in internationalization of higher education: the I-Award, in Regional Integration Through Educational Innovation, Exchange and Cooperation, 110-113, SEAMEO Secretariat.

Mohamad Jalalkamali, Anees Janee Ali, Sunghyup Sean Hyun and Davoud Nikbin (2016), Relationships between work values, communication satisfaction, and employee job performance: The case of international joint ventures in Iran, Management Decision, 54(4):796-814 · May 2016, Impact Factor: 1.42 DOI: 10.1108/MD-01-2015-0003

Jamshed Khalid, Anees Janee Ali, Mohammad Khaleel, Md Shamimul Islam, Towards Global Knowledge Society; A SWOT Analysis of Pakistan Higher Education in Context of Internationalization, Journal of Education and Practice

Jamshed Khalid, Anees Janee Ali, Md Shamimul Islam, Muhammad Khaleel, Fang Shu Qi, Internationalization as Investment for Higher Education Institutions; Introducing a Framework to Enhance Investment in Internalization practices, European Journal of Business & Management

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J., Islam, M. S., Khaleel, M. (2017). Multiple dimensions of emotional intelligence and their impacts on organizational commitment and job performance. Humanomics

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J., Islam, M. S., Khaleel, M., & Shu, Q. F. (2017). Internationalization as Investment for Higher Education Institutions: Introducing a Framework to Enhance Investment in Internalization Practices. Review of Social Sciences, 2(2), 1-11

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J., Khaleel, M., & Islam, M. S. (2017). Towards Global Knowledge Society; A SWOT Analysis of Higher Education of Pakistan in Context of Internationalization. Journal of Business, 2(2), 08-15.

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J., & Islam, M. S. (2017). Depression leads to disquietude; An empirical investigation of workplace depression among teachers in Penang. SAGE, Journal of Career Assessment (Under Review)

Jamshed Khalid, Muhammad Khaleel, Anees Janee Ali and Md. Shamimul Islam (2018), Multiple dimensions of emotional intelligence and their impacts on organizational commitment and job performance, International journal of Ethics and System, 34(2):, 221-232 (Impact Factor : 0.73)


Jamshed Khalid and Anees Janee Ali (2018) Promoting Internationalization at Home in ASEAN Higher Education Institutions: A proposed project, Journal of Community Engagement, 2(1)

Kaiser Mahmod, Jamshed Khalid, Hanisah Kamilah, Anees Janee Ali, Lubowa Muhammad and Fazilah Ariffin (2018), An empirical study of food safety, food handling and food poisoning awareness among foreign students in Penang, Malaysia, International Journal on Advance Science Engineering Information Technology, 8(1):, 150-156

Jamshed Khalid, Braham Rahul Ram, Mohamed Solliman, Anees Janee Ali, Muhammad Khaleel and Md Shamimul Islam (2018), Promising digital university: A pivotal need for higher education transformation, International Journal Management in Education, 12 (3):, 264- 275

Jamshed Khalid, Anees Janee Ali, Nordiana Mohd Nordin and Syed Faisal Hyder Shah (2019), Regional Cooperation in Higher Education: Can It Lead ASEAN toward Hormanization?, Southeast Asian Studies, 8(1), 81-98

Lucky Nugroho, Nurul Hidayah, Anees Janee Ali, and Ahmad Badawi (2020), E-Commerce to Improve Homemaker Productivity (Women Entrepreneur Empowerment at Meruya Utara, Kembangan District, West Jakarta, Indonesia), Amalee: Indonesian Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 1(1), 13-24

Jamshed Khalid, Nordiana Mohd Nordin, Anees Janee Ali, Umer IftiKhar and Adnan Jamil (2020), Exploring Factors Influencing Student Study Abroad Choice of Destination in the Contemporary Globalized Era, Akademika 90 (Special Issue 2), 17-28

Nordiana Mohd Nordin, Fiffy Hanisdah Saikim, Jamshed Khalid, Anees Janee Ali, Azman Mat Isa and Norizan Anwar (2020), Study Abroad Benefits and Graduates Employability: Asian International Mobility for Students Programme (AIMS): Malaysia, Akademika 90 (Special Issue 2), 51-62


Hira Khan, Khairul Anuar Mohammad Shah, Jamshed Khalid, Majed Ageel A Harnmal, and Anees Janee Ali (2020), Globalization and University Rankings: Consequences and Prospect, International Journal of Higher Education, 9 (6), 190-199, Q4

Mochamad Soelton, Eko Tama Putra Saratian, Anees Janee Ali, Tine Yuliantini and Dwi Astari (2020), The Implication Of Emotional Environment That May Effect The Employee Turnover Intention, South East Asia Journal of Contemporary Business, Economics and Law, 21(5), 108-119, Impact factor 4.60

Mochamad Soelton, Yanto Ramli, Anees Janee Ali, Harefan Arief, Eko Tama Putra Saratian and Eviyanti Pasaribu (2020), To Imply The Organizational Citizenship Behavior In The Work Place To Improve Employee Performance, International Journal of Business, Economics and Law, 21 (5), 70-82, Impact factor: 4.708

Ubedullah Memon, Anees Janee Ali, Zaib Un Nisa and Zahid Hussain Pathan (2020), Perceived threats of terrorism and helping behavior: The role of dispositional mindfulness in an ethical dilemma, International Journal of Ethics and System, 36(4), 563- 579. DOI 10.1108/IJOES-02-2020-0018, Q1

Ubedullah Memon, Anees Janee Ali, and Zaib Un Nisa (2020), Teachers' war against terrorism: A mediated moderation mode, Journal of Public Affairs,, Q3

Papers for conferences

Anees Janee Ali and Jamshed Khalid, Internationalization as Investment for Universities (2016). International Conference on Tax, Investment and Business, Jakarta, Indonesia, 23-25 May 2016 (Invited speaker)

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J. (2017). Towards ASEAN Regionalization and Harmonization through Higher Education Internationalization Practices. Perspectives on Leadership, Learning and Social Enterprise in Asia Conference, ELLTA July 2017. Bangkok, Thailand.


Khalid, J., Ali, A. J. (2017). Malaysia’s Visa Policy for International students; Fetching of Repelling? Asian Academy of Management Conference (AAMC-2017). 6-8 October 2017.

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J. (2017). Magnetism of Malaysia as study destination: an international students perspective. IPPTN NCC – 2017 Conference, 25-26 October.

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J. (2017). Towards ASEAN Regionalization and Harmonization through Higher Education Internationalization Practices. Perspectives on Leadership, Learning and Social Enterprise in Asia Conference, ELLTA 23-25 July 2017. Bangkok, Thailand.

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J. (2017). Magnetism of Malaysia as study destination: an international students perspective. IPPTN NCC – 2017 Conference, 25-26 October.

Khalid, J., Ali, A. J. (2017). Malaysia’s Visa Policy for International students; Fetching of Repelling? Asian Academy of Management Conference (AAMC-2017). 6-8 October 2017.

Jamshed Khalid, Anees Janee Ali, Fang Shu Qi (2017), Inclusion of digitalization in higher education institutions *, , IPCORE Conference, 11-13 August 2017

Nurliyana maludin, Khairul Anuar Mohammad Shah, Anees Janee Ali & Ng Yin Kuan, The effect of Multicultural Personality Traits on Turnover Intention Amongst Expatriates in Malaysia, The Asian Academy of Management Conference, Iran Chapter 2018, 5-6th March 2018

Jamshed Khalid, Anees Janee Ali & Mohammad Reevany Bustami, Critical factors affecting international students' satisfaction of hostel facilities: A case study of Universiti Sains Malaysia,Konvensyen Kepengetuaan & Felo Penghuni Kolej-kolej Kediaman Peringkat Kebangsaan, UKM, 24-26 Julai 2019.

Anees Janee Ali, Shabana Gul Sarang, Mohammad Ali Sarvghadi, Jamshed Khalid and Brandon May, AFLES's Inspirations and Its ASEAN Youth Community Development, International Conference on Community Development, BINUS University, 15 November 2018