
REPORT No. 2067



H.W. Glen

NATIONAL INSTITUTE for 200 Hans Strijdom Hoad RANDBURG SOUth Africa 29th August, 1980 JÊ




No. 2067


Investigator H.W. Glen Head of Division L.F. Haughton

29th August, 1980

All correspondence to the National Institute for Metallurgy, Private Bag X30I5. Ranuburg. 2125 South Afric


This publication lists the 742 unrestricted reports, 337 papers, 26 patents, and 4 other technical publications that were issued as publications of the National Institute for Metallurgy (NIM) from 1966 (the year of its inception) to 1st April, 1980. For ease of reference, these publications are also classified under research topics. Also included are details of the 2 periodicals issued by NIM and a list of the current miscellaneous publications of the Institute, which include the annual report, and brochures and leaflets of various kinds.


Hierdie publikasie lys die 742 onbeperkte verslae, 337 referate, 26 patente en 4 ander tegniese publikasies wat sedert 1966 — die stigtingsjaar van die Nasionale Instituut vir Metallurgie (NIM) — tot 1 April 1980 as publikasies van NIM uitgegee is. Hierdie publikasies word vir maklike verwysing ook onder navorsingsonderwerpe, geklassifiseer Daar word ook besonderhede verstrek van die 2 blaaie wat NIM uitgee en n lys van diverse publikasies van die Instituut soos die jaarverslag en verslvillende soorte brosjures en pamflette, ingesluit. PREFACE

This report, which supersedes Report 2013. is a compilation of all the publications of the National Institute for Metallurgy (NIM) having an unrestricted distribution list. It includes all the unrestricted reports and the patents issued and registered by NIM from 1966 to 1 st April. 1980. the confidential reports that were declassified during that period, all the papers published during that period where one of the authors was, or is, a member of NIM staff, and the other technical publications that do not fall into the categories already mentioned. The total number of unrestricted reports included is 742, the patents amount to 26. the number of papers published is 337, and the other technical p. blications amount to 4. For ease of reference, all the reports, papers, patents, and ether technical publications listed here have been classified as far as possible into variou research topics. A list of these topics is given in Section 1. together with the numbers of the pages on which the publications are classified according to iopic. This report also gives details of the 2 periodicals issued by NIM and concludes with a list of NIM miscellaneous publications, which are additional to those mentioned above. These include the current annual report, together with brochures and leaflets of various kinds. CONTENTS



A. NIM Research Topics 2 B. Research on Uranium Involving NIM Staff 6








The page numbers on which the publications are arranged according to topic are given on the right-hand side of the following Hst. Where no page number is given for a topic, it means that no publications have been issued under that topic.



No. of page

Ferro-alloys, stainless steels, iron and steel, and related fields

Ferro-alloys Fundamental metallurgical studies of ferro-alloy processes and the application of results to operating plants 70

Development of new and improved processes for the major ferro-alloys (ferrochromium, ferromanganese. ferrosilicon) 73

Instrumentation, optimization, and control of ferro-alloy processes 74

Stainless steel Research and development of stainless-steel processes 75

Iron and steel Research associated with conventional processes for the production of iron and steel ... 75

Minor ferro-alloys Research and development of processes for minor ferro-alloys 75


Direct reduction processes for iron

Properties of carbonaceous reducing agents with special reference to ferro-alloy processes 76

Chromium metal and chemicals Development of processes for the production of chromium metal and chemicals Manganese metal Development of processes for the production of manganese metal 76

Silicon metal

Development of processes for the production of silicon metal

Base metals (, nickel, , , cobalt, cadmium)

Ore-dressing Development of processes for the concentration of base metals, especially copper, zinc, lead, and nickel, by -dressing techniques with special reference to mixed sulphides 76 Development of hydrometallurgical processes for base metals, especially copper, nickel, and cobalt, including non-sulphidic raw materials 77

Lead and zinc — Pyrometallurgical processes for the production and refining of lead and zinc

Copper and nickel — Pyrometallurgical processes for the and refining of copper and nickel 80

Recovery processes Instrumentation, optimization, and control of processes for the recovery of base metals


No. of page

Zinc — hydrometallurgy Development of hydrometallurgical processes for the recovery of zinc 81

Nickel-bearing serpentinites Processing of nickel-bearing serpentinites with special reference to their occurrence in South Africa 81

Analysis of base-metal sulphides Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of base-metal sulphide ores, concentrates, metals, and byproducts 83

Mineralog» of base-metal sulphides Mineralogical studies of base-metal sulphides 84

Gold and

Gold — ore-dressing Development of improved ore-dressing processes for the recovery of gold and from Witwatersrand and O.F.S. gold mines 85

Gold — hydrometallurgy Development of improved hydrometallurgical extraction processes for gold from Witwatersrand ard O.F.S. gold mines 86

Gold — instrumentation and control Instrumentation, optimization, and control of processes for the recovery of gold 88

Gold — mineralogy Mineralogical and geochemical studies of gold ores 88

Gold from refractory ores Recovery of gold from refractory ores 89

Gold and silver — refining

Refining processes for gold and silver 90

Platinum-group metals and other associated metals

PGM — refining Research and development of new processes for the recovery of -group metals . 91 sludges Research and development of new processes for the treatment of anode sludges from copper refineries 92

PGM — ore-dressing and smelting Research and development of improved ore-dressing and smelting processes for the recovery of platinum-group metals and chromite from ores, including ores of the Merensky and Chromitite Reefs 93

PGM and gold — analysis Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of platinum-group metals and gold in ores, concentrates, mattes, and pure metals 93


No. of page

PGM — mineralogy Mineralogical studies of platinum-group metals and chromite-containing reefs in the Bushveld Complex 97


Phosphates and phosphorus Development of improved processes for the recovery of phosphates and phosphorus chemicals 98

Fluorspar Development of improved processes for the recovery of fluorspar 98

Aluminium Investigation of processes for the production of alumina and aluminium from local raw materials 99

Aluminous refractories Investigation of processes for the production of aluminous refractories, with special reference to sillimanite and andalusite 100

Magnesite Processes for the production of magnesitc and magnesium oxide 100

Lime Processes for the production of limestone and lime

Sodium chemicals Processes for the production of sodium chemicals (e.g., salt, soda ash) 100

Potassium chemicals Processes for the production of potassium chemicals 101

Asbestos Recovery «nd processing of asbestos

Miscellaneous minerals and metals

Pegmatite Processing of pegmatites for the recovery of niobium, tantalum, spodumene, mica, beryl, etc. 101

llmenite, rutile, zircon Recovery of ilmenite, rutile, zircon, and other minerals from beach-sand and similar deposits 102

Tungsten Recovery of concentrates from ores, and the development of processes for the refining of tungsten 102

Manganese Processes for the upgrading of manganese ores and for the production of ard manganese chemicals 103

Magnesium Production and refining of magnesium metal and magnesium-metal alloys


No. of page

Zirconium (non-nuclear) Research and development for the production and use of zirconium and its alloys in non-nuclear fields 103

Iron, titanium, vanadium Recovery of iron, titanium dioxide, and vanadium from iron ores containing titanium arJ vanadium 104

Production and refining of titanium metal and its alloys

Tin Recovery of tin concentrates from ores, and refining of tin 105

Niobium and tantalum Processes for the production and refining of niobium and tantalum metal and their alloys . 105

Rare earths Recovery and refining of the rare-earth minerals and metals

Antimony Recovery and refining of antimony

Silicate analysis Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of silicate-containing ores and concentrates 106

Research and development of equipment, processes, reagents, and research techniques

Flotation and fiocculation — physicochemical General physicochemical study of flotation and fiocculation, and the development of reagents for these processes 109

Hydrometallurgy — physicochemical General physicochemical study of hydrometallurgy '12

Ore-dressing Research and development of equipment for ore-dressing processes, and new concepts in ore-dressing (excluding flotation and ) 115

Simulation and control Fundamental investigations of the simulation, optimization, and control of processes and computation techniques 116

Analytical techniques Research and development of analytical techniques and methods '17

Reference materials Preparation of international and secondary reference materials 119

Mineralogical techniques Development of mineralogical techniques and methods 120

Neutron-activation analysis Development of neutron-activation techniques as methods for the analysis of minerals and metals 121


No. of page

Hydrometallurgy and — equipment Research and development of equipment for hydrometallurgical and electrometallurgical processes 124

Pyrometallurgy — equipment Research and development of equipment for pyrometallurgicaJ processes 125

Measurement and control — equipment Research and development of instruments and associated equipment for measurement and control 126

Electrochemistry General studies of electrochemistry 127

Flotation — modelling and control studies of the flotation process and equipment, including modelling, scale-up, optimization, and control 129

Hydrometallurgy — reagents Development of solvent-extraction, ion-exchange, and other reagents for hydrometallurgy 139

High-temperature processes General chemical studies of high-temperature processes

Comminution and classification Engineering studies of comminution and of associated classification processes and equipment, including modelling, scale-up, optimization, and control 131

Processing and properties of metals

Selection of materials Selection of matei ials and optimization 133

Special processing Further processing of metals with special reference to end-usage and properties that are particularly suited to local raw materials


Costs and Miscellaneous economic, cost, and studies 133

Manpower Minerals manpower, training, and recruitment 134

Miscellaneous Miscellaneous unallocatable topics 134


The work done by the Extraction Metallurgy Division of the Atomic Energy Board with the assist of NIM staff is classified under the following headings:

Beneficiation of ores for the recovery of uranium 137 MM PUBLICATIONS


HydrometaUurgy Fundamental studies on the hydrome'allurgy of uranium ores 137

Instrumentation Instrumentation for uranium plants 13S

Determination of associated materials Methods for the determination of baddelcyite. zirconium compounds, and nuclear-grade zirconium metals 139

Determination of trace impurities in uranium Methods for the determination oi trace impurities in uranium compounds 139

Determination of uranium and thorium Methods for the determination of uranium and thorium 140

Mineralogy Mineralogical studies of uranium minerals 141

Recovery processes Processes for the recovery of uranium 142



Copies of most of these reports are available free of charge from the National Institute for Metallurgy, Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125 South Africa. For those reports that are out of print, photocopies can be supplied at a nominal charge. The report? that have become available since the previous issue of this Mst (Report 2013) are marked •.


No. Title Year

2 The dissolution of gold in cyanide solutions containing copper in a

carbonate/bicarbonate medium. Preliminary results 1966

5 The spectrophotometry determination of trace amounts of tin 1966

8 Mineralogy and chemical behaviour of some refractory gold ores from the Barberton

Mountain Land 1966

10 The determination of phosphate in silicate samples 1966

11 Gravimetric determination of carbon dioxide in cyanide solutions 1966

12 Exploratory tests on the concentration of tin ore from Kuils River, C.P. 1966

14 A comparison of the effects of additions of carbonate/bicarbonate as opposed to

additions of lime in the of a Blyvooruitzicht gold ore 1966

16 The rotating-disc system and its applications in the dissolution of gold 1966

18 The 8th Commonwealth and Metallurgical Congress — Australasia — 27th February to 15th April, 1965. Visits to various places in Australia and i .-mania 1966 20 The determination of small amounts of gold in barren cyanide solution by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1966 21 The use of heavy-medium separation for the recovery of spodumene 1966 24 Determination of gold in barren cyanide solutions by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1966

25 Quantitative mineralogical examination of six samples of pulverized mine ores submitted by the Chemical Engineering Group, CSI R 1966

26 Economic evaluations of the possible producion of alumina from Sasol ashes by the ammonium sulphate baking process and the ammonium fluoride and sulphuric acid leaching process 1967

27 Spectrophotometry determination of gold in cyanide solutions after solvent extraction as the bromo-aurate complex 1966

28 Exploratory tests on the dissolution of manganese dioxide by reaction with sulphuric

acid and a metallic sulphide 1966

29 The determination of and in silver chloride 1966

30 The extraction of alumina from Sasol coal ash 19o6 34 Qualitative clectron-microprobc investigation of cobalt-gadolinium intermetallic compounds 1966

35 The determination of gold ores and solutions by neutron activation analysis 1966

37 The determination of aluminium in silicate sampV, !,y complexomctric titration 1966

38 Chemical treatment of refractory gold ores. Literature survey 1966 NIM PUBLICATIONS

No. Title Year

39 The determination of sma'l amounts of silica in zirconium ores and concentrates 1966

40 The spectrophotometric determination of tin in silicate materials 1966

41 Table of the isomeric states of stable nuclides 1966

42 The redox potential of solutions of potassium ethyl xanthate 1966

43 The effect of oxygen on the stability of solutions of potassium ethyl xanthate 1966

44 The zero point of charge of uranium dioxide and uraninite 1966

45 An apparatus used in the study of interactions between sulphide minerals, sulphydryl reagents and oxygen 1966

48 The investigation of a suspected sillimanite-bearing sample 1966

49 The spectrophotometric determination of silica in zirconium oxide 1966

51 Exploratory tests on the recovery of diaspore from a ferruginous shale from the Gamagararand 1966

53 Differential thermal investigation of Moore-filter residues for tiit Anglo American Research Laboratory 1966

54 Electron-microprobe investigation of from the Bushveld Igneous Complex 1966

63 X-ray and spectrographic analyses of seven samples of manganese ore 1966

64 The determination of the hafnium/zirconium ratio in ammonium diuranate produced by the Bufflex Process 1966

65 Samples of manganese dioxide for battery tests by the C SI R 1966

66 The study of propagation modes effective in around-the-World radio-wave propagation in the 15-Mc/s to 30-Mc/s band 1966

67 The application of silicon controlled rectifiers to instruments using half-cycle heating 19f»6

69 Preliminary examination of ijolite from Spitzkop 1966

76 The electron-microprobe investigation of a gold concentrate from the Louis Moore Mine 1966

77 Concentration of fluorspar from the farm Strydfontein. Marico District. Preliminary investigation 1966

78 X-ray investigation of four samples of manganese ore 1966

79 Investigation into the improvement of gold recovery in the cyanidation circuit of the Louis Moore gold mine 1966

80 The resolution of photopeaks obtained from the products of stable nuclides irradiated by neutrons 1966


No. Title Year

81 The solvent extraction of copper cyanide 1966

82 The spectrophotometric determination of cobalt with 2-nitroso-l-naphthol 1966

83 Qualitative X-ray exai. inatiort oi two samples of Mn02 ore 1966

84 Leaching tests on the copper sulphide valleriite from Palabora Mining Company — a preliminary report 1966

85 The of refractory gold ores and concentrates. Literature survey 1966

86 The investigation of six samples of serpentinite from the Barberton area 1966

88 Quantitative electron-microprobe investigation of the distribution of nickel in serpentinites and associated minerals and rocks from the Barberton area 1966

89 Mineralogical examination of ijolite from Spitzkop 1966

90 Mineralogical examination of schist sample from the Giant Reefs Mine 1966

91 Half-cycle heating applied to an X-ray powder camera 1966

96 The mode of occurrence of beryl in grey gneiss along the contact with the Gesie pegmatite 1966

97 X-ray diffraction analysis of six samples of manganese ore from Graskop, eastern Transvaal 1966

98 Qualitative X-ray analysis of manganese dioxide ore from Graskop 1966

99 Determination of molybdenum in uranium compounds 1966

101 Electron-microprobe identification of opaque minerals in gold ore from the Basal

Reef, Free State Geduld Mine 1966

102 Micas of the Noumas pegmatite 1966

103 Techniques for the examination of inorganic compounds on an infrared spectrograph 1966 104 The infrared examination of microlite. muscovite, apatite in the presence of carbonate, asbestos, paragonite, and various uranium salts 1967

105 Report on overseas visit 1966

107 Investigations on the treatment rr refractory gold ores from the Giant Reefs Mine 1966

108 An X-ray-diffraction method for the quantitative determination of nsutite (-y-MnO\) and cryptomelane («-MnO.,) in ores from Gopani Mine, Transvaal 1966

109 The possibility of establishing a local cost index for the estimation of metallurgical and chemical plant 1967

111 The X-ray investigation of a sample of upgraded material from the Graskop wad deposit 1966


No. Title Year

113 The identification, by means of the electron microprobe, of an opaque mineral from

the Artonvilla Mine, Messina 1966

120 Exploratory tests on the recovery of apatite and magnetite from the farm Schiel 1967

127 Comments on the size of gold particles observed in polished sections of ore from the Giant Reefs Mine 1967 128 Exploratory concentration test for the recovery of cassiterite from Sandspruit No. 51, Bronkhorstspruit district 1967

129 The polarographic determination of total hexavalent uranium as uranyl fluoride in uranous fluoride 1967

131 The spectrographic determination of titanium oxide, ferric oxide, and silica, in baddeleyite 1967

132 Mineralogical and spectrographic investigation of a mineral concentrate from Koster, western Transvaal 1967

133 Gold recovery by cyanidation from products obtained after pyrite flotation. Progress made up to 1st July, 1967 1967

136 Determination of aluminium in silicate materials by solvent extraction and atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1967

137 Determination of aluminium by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with the

nitrous oxide and acetylene flame 1966

138 The determination of beryllium by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1967

139 A preliminary survey of gold-recovery problems arising in the production of pyrite 1967

140 A preliminary mineralogical investigation of pyrite from the Kimbe~vy and the Main Reefs, Vogelstruisbult Gold Mine 1967 142 Micas from the Namaqualand pegmatite area 1967

143 A review of the investigations into the possibility of producing alumina and aluminium from South African ores 1967

148 The recovery of gold from the Fairview dump after pretreatment with sulphurous

acid 1967

149 The extraction of alumina, potash, and soda from a nepheline concentrate 1967

151 The spectrophotometric determination of minor amounts of antimony 1967

152 The determination of beryllium by irradiation with gamma rays 1967

153 The spectrographic determination of zirconium in uranium oxide 1967 154 The leaching of various copper minerals with dilute sodium cyanide and dilute solutions containing sulphuric acid and ferric ions 1967


N->. Tide Year

155 The quantitative estimation of valleriite in the presence of other copper minerals 1967

156 Preliminary observations on the automation of the TRP method for determining uranium 1967

157 Results of tests to obtain pure valleriite 1967

158 Aerosol formation with a high-speed spinning surface 1967

159 A radioactive-tracer technique for the study of flotation of valleriite 1967

160 The determination of copper in rocks and ores by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1967

161 The quantitative electron-microprobe determination of magnesium content of magnetite from Phalaborwa 1967

162 The growth of radioactivity in uranium after separation from its daughter products 1967

163 The fluorimetric determination of uranium 1967

165 Gold recovery from pyrite flotation mill products by cyanidation. Progress made ufi

to 1st May, 1967 1967

167 The determination of thiocyanate in uranium solutions 1967

172 The solvent extraction of copper cyanide 1967

173 The determination of beryllium by atomic-absorption spec rophotometry 1967

174 Determination of chloride in uranium solutions 1967

175 by leaching from Palabora Mining Company 1967

177 Compensating for flux variation in neutron-activation analysis 1967

179 The nickel distribution in weathered serpentinites from Volspruit, Potgietersrus 1967 180 The distribution of nickel in a rock sample from Louis Moore Mine, northern Transvaal 1967

190 Micas from the Namaqualand pegmatite area 1967

193 An investigation into the use of platinum ware for silicate analysis 1967

200 The spectrochemical analysis of silicate material by a plasma-jet source 1967

207 The analysis of bail Icleyite by X-ray-fluorescence spectroscopy 1967

208 Determination of fluorine in fluorspar ores by neutron-activation analysts 1967

211 Refractory gold ores. Report on investigations into roasting of gold concentrates in the Edwards roaster of the Fairview and the New Consort reduction plants 1967

216 The determination of minor quantities of manganese in silicate materials 1967


No. Title Year

218 Exploratory comminution and flotation tests to indicate some characteristics of valleriite 1967

219 A review of some of the mineralogical factors influencing the flotation of pyrite 1967

225 Test to recover tantalite-columbite from a bulk sample of tailing from the Noumas pegmatite by pneumatic tabling 1967

232 A comparison of open-circuit and closed-circuit grinding for the control of slime formation 1967

.33 A chemical and mineralogical study of mtcrolite from the Noumas pegmatite [available only on loan from NIM library] 1967

236 The determination of some of the major constituents of ores and minerals by fast-neutron activation analysis 1967

237 The mineralogy of uranium in Western Areas ores 1967

241 Investigation of the effects of sulphydryl flotation reagents on the cyanidation of native gold 1967

244 The determination of selenium and tellurium in silver chloride and uranium compounds 1967

256 The determination of carbon in uranium tetrafluoride 1967

257 The determination of uranium by the TBP method 1967

258 Exploratory concentration tests by Warren Spring Laboratory on the use of the fluidized-bed concentrator for the recovery of spodumene 1967

260 The electron-microprobe investigation of two samples of magnetite catalyst from Sasol 1967

262 Preliminary gravity concentration tests for the recovery of scheelite, wolframite, and cassiterite from the tailing dump at Boksputs in the Gordonia district 1967

264 A new detector unit for the Techtron model AA3 atomic-absorption spectrophotometer 1967

265 The spectrophotometric determination of minor quantities of chromium in silicate materials 1967

266 Concentration tests for the recovery of lepidolite from tailing dumps at Helicon and Rubicon Mines by electrostatic separation and flotation 1968

268 A power-failure safety device and operational aid for the electron microprobc 1968

269 A literature survey of the vertical distribution of gold and uranium in various auriferous reefs 1968

272 The determination of iron, titanium, and zirconium, in baddelcyite by X-ray-fluoresccncc spectroscopy 1968


No. Title Year

276 The determination of vanadium in silicate materials by atomic-absorption

spectrophotometry 1968 277 The determination of small quantities of xanthate in cyanide solution 1968 278 Gold recovery by cyanidation from mill products obtained after pyrite flotation 1968 281 The determination of xanthate in cyanide solutions 1968 286 A mineralogical and petrographic study of the pre-Transvaal rocks in borehole K. 1.

287 Koster district, western Transvaal 1968

288 A preliminary examination of kieselguhr from Witdraai. south of Postmasburg 1968

289 Ramsdellite (MnO..) from the Hotazel Mine, northern Cape Province 1968 The determination of lead in silicate materials by atomic-absorption 291 spectrophotometry 1968 298 Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa. I. herroan trevorite 1968 300 The recovery of potassium from phlogopite 1968

302 The mixed-collector system xanthate plus quaternary ammonium halide. A literature survey 1968 Mineralogical examination of phosphate in pyroxenite from St. Agnesfontein. 306 north-western Transvaal 1968 The effect of preaeration on two samples of thickener underflow from the

Venterspost Gold Mine 1968 307 Preliminary examination of kyanitc-bearing material from Granvilie. Leydsdorp 1968 308 A mineralogical study of gold particles in pulp residues from the Bracken Gold Mine 1968 312 An investigation of the influence of alkyl trimethyl ammonium halides on the stability of potassium ethyl xanthate in aqueous solution 1968 313 The qualitative investigation of inclusions in free-cutting steel with the electron microprobe 1968 316 The flotation of pyrite from siliceous by catinnic collectors. A literature survey 1968

317 Results of tests carried out at the Loraine Gold Mine during the period 5th to 7th

February. 1968 1968 321 Aeration of ore from the Lorainc Gold Mine before the addition of cyanide 1968 323 The colorimetric determination of cyanide in solutions from gold cvanidation plants 1968 325 Investigation for nickel and precious metals in samples from Malelane 1968 327 Information theory and the design of experiments 1968


No. Tide Year

328 A mineralogical examination of iron ore from Nooitgedacht. near Airlie Station.

eastern Transvaal 1968

331 A literature survey of the preparation of standard rock samples 1968

332 Collection and preparation of standard rock samples 1968 333 The hot-water leaching process for refining arsenious oxide in flue dusts from the Fairview Mine 1968

340 The detection of the formation of a bulk adduct between potassium ethyl xanthate and dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide in aqueous solution 1968

341 An experimental on-stream colorimetric uranium monitor and solvent-addition controller for the Purlex process 1968

343 A mineralogical investigation of gold-bearing sulphidic ore from the Florence-Devonian Mine, Barberton 1968

344 Nickel minerals from Barberton: II. Nimite, a nickelian chlorite 1968

347 Concentration tests on "rich blue nobby' kyanite-bearing ore from Nkandhla. Zululand 1968

348 The determination of gold and silver in pyrite and banket by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1968

349 The separation of platinum from solution after fusion with potassium bifluoride 1968

350 Concentration of cassiterite from two samples from Enkeldoorn. Bronkhorstspruit

district 1968

352 Nickel minerals from Barberton: III. Willemseite, a nickelian talc 1968

354 The determination of trace amounts of in uranium tetrafluoride 1968 358 The determination of mercury at concentrations of parts per thousand million in geological samples 1968

359 The separation and determination of calcium and magnesium in silicate material 1M68

360 The determination of the alkali metal carbonates and hydroxides or carbonates and bicarbonates in the presence of permanganate ions 1968

36' The spectrophotometry determination of small amounts of calcium and magnesium in glass sands and allied materials 1968

362 The determination of cobalt in geological samples by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1968

363 The determination of thorium in solid samples of baddelcyite and carbonatite ores and in the solutions resulting from leaching these ores 1968

367 Felix Project: imperfect mixing in continuous leaching at Buffclsfontcin uranium plant 1968


No. Title Year

371 A preliminary investigation of cyanide-sulphydryl mixed-ligand complexes of

mercuric ion 1968

377 Examination of pulp samples, treated with cyanide, for coated gold 1968

378 A literature survey on the manufacture of ferrochrome 1968

379 The inhibition of the rate of cyanidation of native gold by Aeromine 3037 1968

380 Preparation of gold ore before cyanidation 1968 385 The determination of the nature of coatings on gold particles 1968

392 The spectrophotometric determination of small amounts of calcium and magnesium in glass sands and allied materials 1968

414 The geochemistry >>i some uranium minerals in the Dominion Reef and Witwatersrand Systems 1968

415 Uranium compounds in the Dominion Reefs, and their association with phosphorus compounds 1968

416 Comminution kinetics: batch tests in small mills, and model development 1968

417 Determination of molybdenum in uranium compounds 1968

428 Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa: IV. Reevesite, a member of the hydrotalcite group 1968

429 The determination of chromium in chromite 1968

430 A mineralogical investigation of pyrite from the Loraine Gold Mine, Orange Free State 1968

433 The spectrophotometry determination of microgram quantities of vanadium in

U^O,,, UO„ and UF4 1968

434 The determination of titanium in uranium compounds 1968

435 The liquid-liquid extraction of ferric thiocyanate complexes with Versatic 911 1968

437 The bathochromic shift of 381 nm absorption peak in aqueous solutions of potassium ethyl xanthate containing dodecyltrimethyl ammonium bromide 1968 439 The determination of free acid in the presence of hydrolysable cations 1968

440 Separation of hafnium and zirconium oxides from uranium preliminary to the spectrographic determination of hafnium 1968

442 'n Ondersoek na die gebruik van die Hallimondbuis vir die kwantitatiewe bestudering van flottasieverskynsels met besondere verwysing na die kondisionering van apatiet en kalsiet 1968

443 The determination of anionic surface-active agents in dilute aqueous solution 1968


No. Title Year

445 The use of californium-252 fission neutron sources 1969

447 Chemical beneficiation and agglomeration of low-grade chromite ores—a literature study 1969

449 The determination of cationic surface-active agents in dilute aqueous solution 1968

450 The spectrographs determination of alkali metals and alkaline earths in uranium oxide 1968

451 The determination of thorium in baddeleyite and carbonatite ores and in the solutions resulting from leaching of these ores 1968

452 The Purlex Process—a description of the pilot plant leading to the use of the process in South Africa 1969

455 Determination of uranium by the TBP method after extraction with ethyl acetate 1968

456 Method for the determination of vanadium in silicate materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1969

457 The determination of rubidium and caesium in silicate materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1969

459 Determination of tantalum in rocks and minerals by paper-partition chromatography 1969

460 A rapid method for the determination of minor amounts cf thorium in aqueous solutions of uranyl nitrate or chloride 1969

464 The saturation pressure of nitrogen in determinations of surface area 1969

465 The determination of aminoid nitrogen in organic compounds by the Kjeldahl method 1969

466 The volumetric determination of aluminium in silicate materials 1969

470 Rapid estimation of uranium in raffinate solutions containing thorium by the pyridylazo-naphthol method 1969

473 Mineralogical examination of tantalite-bearing samples from the Warmbad district, South West Africa 1968

474 The IAEA Conference on thf Use of Nuclear Techniques in the Prospecting and Development of Mineral Resources 1969

477 Balanced-temperature analysers 1969

482 Review of work on the treatment of pegmatites 1969

483 Summary of the mineralogical investigation of pegmatites 1969

485 Gravimetric determination, using nitron, of nitrates in uranium compounds 1969

486 Determination of strontium in ores by atomic-absorption and emission spectrophotometry 1969


No. Tide Year

487 The spectrophotometric determination of minor quantities of vanadium in silicate materials 1969

489 Thermal analysis. Overseas visit 1969

491 The determination of nickel, copper, and cobalt in a nickel alloy matte 1969

493 Concentration of andalusite from alluvial sands from the farm Goecgelegen, Groot Marico district 1969

494 A preliminary study of beryllium distribution in phyllosilicates from the Etiro pegmatite, Karibib, South West Africa 1969

496 A preliminary study of beryllium distribution in quartzes from the Etiro pegmatite, Karibib, South West Africa 1969

497 The determination of ferric iron using Tiron 1969

498 An infrared investigation of the potassium alkyl xanthate and alkyl trimethyl ammonium bromide mixed-collector system 1969

499 The determination of molybdenum by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 196°

502 The volumetric determination of chloride and bromide using mercurous perchlorate 1969

503 Rapid estimation, by the ammonium thiocyanate method, of uranium in raffinate solutions containing thorium, lead, and copper 1969

504 The influence of preadsorbed oleate ions on the adsorption of water vapour by insoluble ionic crystals 1969

508 The distribution of nickel in serpentinite samples of borehole cores from the Msauli

Mine, Barberton 1969

510 The performance of a clarifier subject to low-intensity turbulence 1969

511 The determination of silica in chrome ores and chrome refractories 1969

512 The distribution of nickel in two surface samples of serpentinite 1969

513 Gold recovery by cyanidation from mill products obtained after pyrite flotation 1969

515 The influence of sulphydryl and cationic flotation reagents on the cyanidation of

native gold 1969

517 Radiotracer tests on the pachucas on the uranium plant at Western Reefs Mine 1969

518 The prediction of gravity or inertial separation efficiencies from heavy-liquid tests

and Tromp-type efficiency curves. An improved method 1969

524 The determination of minor amounts of molybdenum in soil samples 1969

526 The determination of the platinum-group metals and gold in ore samples 1969

527 Quantitative aspects of the interaction between , xanthate, and oxygen at a pH value of 10 19 1969 NIM PUBLICATIONS

No. Title Year

529 The determination of uranium in the organic solvent from the Purlex Process 1969

530 The measurement of 14MeV neutron fluxes from a neutron generator 1969

533 Determination of the stoichiometry and stability constants of mercury(H)-cyanide-xanthate complexes. I. Low-concentration region 1969

536 The distribution of nickel in limonite-bearing birbiri e and gossan from Vlakfontein and Groenfontein in the western Transvaal 1969

537 Flame-photometric determination of lithium with the Techtron AA4 spectrophotometer 1969

837 The association of gold and uranium with other minerals in different Witwatersrand reefs 1969

845 An electron-microprobe study of the nick.l distribution in a serpentinite from

Volspruit, Potgietersrus 1969

847 The liquid-liquid extraction of ferric thiocyanate complexes with carboxylic acids 1969

848 The distribution of nickel in serpentine from Lusinzi, north-eastern Transvaal 1969

853 The determination of silicon in ferrochrome alloys 1970

857 The volumetric determination of in metallurgical ores and concentrates 1969

870 Determination of the stoichiometry and stability constants of mercury(ll)-cyanide-xanthate complexes. II. High-concentration region 1970 884 Review of information on the mineral of Mozambique 1970

889 The simultaneous determination, by instrumental thermal-neutron activation analysis, of some selected trace elements likely to be present in lunar material 1969

890 The determination of the platinum-group metals and gold in ore samples — Part II 1969

891 Calibration of the 'Universal Voltronics' power supply for the neutron generator manufactured by Accelerators Incorporated 1969

894 The determination of thorium in silicate rocks 1969

897 Nickel in South Africa with special reference to low-grade nickeliferous ores 1970

898 The development of a computer programme for countercurrent operations involving liquid-solid solute separations 1970

911 The recovery of gold from sulphidic and arsenical ores mainly from the Barberton

area 1970

938 Life test on IRA 400 resin during the recovery of zinc chloride 1970

943 An electron-microprobe investigation of chiastolite crystals 1970

950 A mineralogical study of eight samples of phosphate ore from Stcenkampskraal, Van Rhynsdorp, Cape Province 1970


No. Tate Year

951 Colorimetric determination of minor quantities of nitrate in uranniA compounds 1970

952 The analyse of ferrochromc 1970

961 The preparation of standard solutions for the platinum-group metab and gold 1970

964 The recovery of copper from sulphate leach liquors by liquid ion exchange with LIX-64N 1970

965 The spectrophotometric determination of phosphate in leach residues and solutions 1970

967 Automatic timing of the neutron-generator counting station 1970

970 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of platinum, palladium, rhodium, , gold, silver, and lead, in prills 1970

971 The determination of gold by atomic absorption, and of platinum, palladium, rhodium, and by spectrophotometry, in solutions 1970

975 Visit to the Tripartite Chemical Engineering Conference in Montreal 1970

976 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of gold in cupeDatinn prills and in platinum-metal concentrates 1970

977 The collection and rapid determination of noble metals in ores and concentrates by the fusion technique using lcací as a collector 1970

987 Rhythmic-activation analysis 1970

991 The determination of thorium in solid samples and in solutions resulting from the leaching of ores 1970 994 The separation and determination of noble metals by reversed-phasc extraction chromatography 1971

996 An improved distributed-parameter model for the kinetics of mineral flotation 1970

998 The determination of macroscopic amounts of total rare-earth oxides and thorium oxide 1970 1003 The chromatographic separation and determination of platinum, palladium. rhodium, and iridium 1970

1005 Modifications to the Intertechnique 4000-channel analyser 1970

1010 The leaching, with hydrofluoric acid, of materials containing tantalum and niobium 1970 1012 The coordination numbers of cyanide complexes of zinc, cadmium, and mercury in aqueous solution 1970

1013 The instrumental neutron-activation analysis of samples taken at diftcreni levels of the E.R.P.M. Mine 1970

1017 The spectrophotometric determination of rhodium 1970


No. Title Year

1020 Phase relationships involving iron, chromium, silicon, and carbon, with special reference to high-carbon ferrochromium and ferrochromium-silicide alloys. A literature survey 1970

1025 An introduction to stochastic differential equations. Abbreviated lecture notes 1971

1026 Small-scale flotation techniques 1970

1028 Exploratory heavy-liquid separation tesis on a low-grade apatite concentrate 1970

1031 The dissolution of U02 as an electron-transfer reaction 1970

1037 The detennination of gold in concentrates of the platinum-group metals after

extraction with dibutyl 'CarbitoP 1970

1043 The determination of ruthenium in uranyl fluoride 1970

1044 The determination of ruthenium in uranyl fluoride 1970

1048 The determination, by neutron-activation and tracer techniques, of the losses of iridium during the fire-assay procedure for the platinum-group metals 1970 1049 Exchange visit to the Institut fur Spektrochemie und Angewandte Spektroskopie in Dortmund, West Germany 1970

1075 The preparation of PADAP — 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (zinc complex) 1970

1076 The direct determination of acid-soluble uranium in silicate ores and in the solutions resulting from leaching these ores 1970

1077 The determination of acid-soluble, acid-insoluble, and n I uranium in silicate ores 1970

1078 The complexometric determination of zinc in ores and concentrates, with ion-exchange resin 1970

1085 The optimi7^tion of the design of a countercurrent liquid-liquid-extraction plant using LIX-64N 1970

1086 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, of platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, and gold in the presence of base metals 1970

1088 The determination of ferrous iron in refractory minerals 1970

1089 The rapid volumetric determination of calcium in pregnant solutions in uranium plants 1970

1093 The calculation of the equilibrium distribution of metal-ion complexes in multicomponent aqueous ystems 1970

1096 The spectrophotometry determination of titanium in ores, rocks, and minerals, with diantipyrylmethane 1970

1106 Computerization of atomic-absorption data with the Olivetti Programma 101 1970


No. Title Year

1108 Interferences relating to the determination of the noble metals by atomic-absorption

spectrophotometry 1970

1113 The determination cf uranium in ores and solutions by X-ray fluorescence 1970

1114 A study of the products of reaction between galena and aqueous xanthate solutions 1970

1125 Studies of the stability of xanthates and dixanthogen in aqueous solution, and the chemistry of iron xanthates and cobalt xanthates 1971 1137 The determination of the platinum-group metals and gold in ore samples — Part HI 1971

1144 Three-dimensional predominant-area and solubility diagrams for the uranyl carbonate and uranyl sulphate systems at 25 °C 1971

1145 The use of 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determination of uranium 1970

1153 EJE0 diagrams. Their use in the estimation of unknown standard reduction potentials, with particular reference to the d,n electron-configuration ions 1970

1154 The extraction and separation of niobium and tantalum by liquid-liquid extraction using tri-n-butyl phosphate 1970

11 f<8 The production of ferric sulphate and sulphuric acid by the autoxidation process using the Fring's Aerator 1970

1163 The computer programming of atomic-absorption measurements on the Olivetti

Programma 101 1970

1172 A visit to Outokumpu Oy Research Laboratory in Finland 1970

1178 Further leaching tests, with hydrofluoric acid, on a tantalite concentrate 1970

1179 The spectrophotometric determination of iridium 1971

1185 The recovery of noble metals for analysis. A radiotracer investigation of losses 1971 1203 The chromite of the Bushveld Igneous Complex. An assessment of published information 1971

1204 The flotation of phoscorite ores. Possible correlations between chemical variables in solution and metallurgical performance 1971

1205 The adsorption of uranyl species on pyrophyllite, quartz, and acid-treated South African uranium ores. A preliminary investigation 1971

1206 A review of the South African platinum-mining industry 1971

1209 The economics of instrumentation for the cyanidation of gold 1971

1217 Investigation of beach sands from Bantu Area No. 4, Nhlabanc, Zululand 1971

1218 The acid-extraction of noble metals from low-grade concentrates and ores, and the subsequent determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold 1971


No. Title Year

1219 Spectrographs analysis for the toble metals present in solutions 1971

1222 The liquid-liquid extraction of zinc from zinc chloride solutions by the use of di-2-ethyl hexyl phosphoric acid 1971

1230 The determination of copper and zinc in borehole cores with the Ekco Mineral Analyser 1971

1232 The determination of 1971

1245 The separation of non-volatile noble metals by reversed-phase extraction chromatography 1971 1247 The pelletizing of chromite fines. A preliminary investigation of the preparation of cold-bonded pellets 1971

1257 Aspects of the Seventh X-ray Analytical Conference, Durham, September 1970 1971

1260 Interference by base metals in the spectrophotometric determination of platinum

metals 1°/1

1267 The development of an electrodeless conductivity meter 1971

1268 A two-stage process for the recovery of flotation concentrates from copper-zinc ores 1971

1273 The coprecipitation of noble metals from tellurium. I. Platinum, palladium, rhodium, and gold 1971 1281 The heavy-medium cyclone concentration plant for the treatment of andalusite sands on the farm 'Wonderfontein', Groot Marico district 1971 1282 The determination of free hydrofluoric acid in the leach liquors from tantalum-niobium ores 1971 1296 A review of reactions in the flotation system galena-xanthate-oxygen 1971

1305 The determination of total sulphur in the dust from nylon thread 1971

1308 Heavy-medium tests for the treatment of pegmatite ores and dump material in

Namaqualand 1971

1310 South African costs of industrial equipment for the metallurgical industry 1971

1318 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of osmium and

iridium in solution 1971

1319 Nickel minerals from Barberton. V. Trevorite 1971

1322 The preparation and analysis of minerals for use as reference material. Progress

report no. 1 ' 971

1324 The separation of base metals from noble metals by cation exchange 1971

1340 The cadmium-cyanide-xanthate system 1971 24 NIM PUBLICATIONS

No. Tide Year

1343 The Pyrometallurgical Research Group's current research programme on ferro-alloys 1971

1351 Preliminary report on the analysis of the six NIMROCgeochemical standard samples 1972

1356 Nickel in samples of serpentinite from Kaapsehoop, Barbertcn 1971

1361 An electron-microprobe analysis of gold in the Witwatersrand banket and in ores

from the Barberton Mountain Land 1971

• 1364 Thiourea anion-exchange resins for the recovery of platinum-group metals and gold 1971

1365 Studies of incipient fusion in the system chromite-MgO-Al-.03-Si02-C 1972 1366 Liquidus temperatures, viscosities, and electrical conductivities of lime-containing produced during the smelting of high-carbon ferrochromium and ferrochromium-silicide ailoys 1971 1371 Concentration of noble metals by a fire-assay technique using nickel sulphide as the collector 1971

1372 The electrical double-layer properties of kimberlite suspensions 1971

1374 Rotation tests on copper-zinc ore from Letaba district 1°71

1380 An electrochemical model for the leaching of uranium dioxide 1972

1384 Flotation tests on samples of Canadian copper-zinc ores 1971

1388 Flotation tests on samples of copper-zinc ores from Finland 1971

1394 The determination of ferrous iron in chromites and chromium ores 1972

1398 The peptization of chromite fines. Preparation of pellets bonded with bentonite and indurated by heat treatment 1971 1401 The pressure dissolution of platiniferous materials by the sealed-tube technique [superseded by Report 1852] 1972

1402 A study of mineral-surface properties by the use of gas-adsorption measurement 1972

1403 The coagulation and flocculation of suspensions of kimberlite 1972

1408 The determination of molybdenum in the solids and solutions resulting from the processing of Witwatersrand uranium ores 1972 1414 The use of a closed recirculation apparatus in the study of the galena-oxygen-xanthate system 1972

1415 The interrelation of the chemical, physical, and certain metallurgical properties of chrome spinels from the Bushvetd Igneous Complex 1972

1423 The effects of chromium oxide, iron oxide, and calcium oxide on the liquidus temperatures, viscosities, and electrical conductivities of slags in the system

MgO-AI2Or-Si02 197?


No. Title Ytar 1424 A review of the World's fluorspar industry, with particular reference to South Africa 1972

1425 The effect of the reactivity of lime on desulphurization efficiency in the basic oxygen furnace 1972

1427 The pressed-fused disc — a technique for the preparation of ore samples to be analysed for uranium by X-ray fluorescence 1972

1428 The separation and determination of trace and minor amounts of individual rare earths in silicates 1972

1430 The use of the Ekco Mineral Analyser for the determination of copper and zinc in the presence of iron 1972

1432 The determination of ruthenium and osmium in the residues resulting from the leaching of mattes 1972

1435 The determination of chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, and nickel by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame 1972

1436 A computer programme for the simulation of the performance of a flotation plant. Revised report 1973

1438 A mineralogical examination of fluorspar ores from the Ottoshoop area 1972

1439 The reaction of sulphide minerals with thiol compounds 1972

1443 Gravity concentiation tests on four samples from Tantalite Valley, S.W.A. 1972

1445 Cost assessments for the production of andalusite concentrates 1972

1447 A preliminary electrochemical investigation of the galena-xanthate-oxygen system in aqueous solution 1972

1448 A potentiostatic study of the anodic dissolution of uranium dioxide in aqueous solutions 1972

1454 A dynamic model for the extraction bank of Purlex plants 1972

1457 Phase equilibria in the Cr-Fe-Si-C system in the composition range representative of high-carbon ferrochromium alloys produced in South Africa 1972

1458 Liquidus temperatures in the Cr-Fe-Si system in the composition range representative of ferrochromium-silicide alloys produced in South Africa 1972

1463 Liquidus temperatures - d activities of manganese(ll) oxide in slags associated with the production of high-carbon ferromanganese alloys 1972

1467 The spectral analysis of solutions. I. The analysis of rare-earth minerals 1972

1476 A magnetic-tape-oriented system for data reduction in neutron-activation analysis 1972

1477 The control of Purlex plants 1972

1478 An examination of two andalusite-bearing samples from Magostad No. 6, Marico district, western Transvaal 1972


No. Title Year

1479 Infrared studies of the adsorption of oleate species on mineral surfaces, with special reference to fluorite 1972

1482 Reactions occurring during the smelting of high-carbon ferrochromium from Transvaal chromite ores 1973

1483 The South African manpower requirements in 1972

1484 Cost estimates for the production of copper wirebars from sulphidic ores 1972

1486 Review of the fluorochemical industry of the World 1972

1488 Extraction of rutile from Highveld smelter slags 1972

1489 The breakage of Soderberg electrodes 1972

1490 The adsorption of krypton, nitrogen, and water vapour on sodium oleate 1972

1491 Technology and economics of the Gaus kiln under South African conditions 1972

1495 A method for the determination of elemental sulphur on the surface of sulphide minerals 1972

1499 The production of medium-carbon ferrochromium 1972

1500 The chromatographic separation and determination of noble metals in matte-leach residues 1973

1503 Fast-neutron-activation analysis for the determination of oxygen in rock samples 1973

1505 The production of the refractory aluminium silicates, with special reference to South Africa 1973

1508 The selection of economically mineralized pegmatites according to their border-zone characteristics 1973

1509 The instrumentation developed for electrochemical studies of the leaching of uranium oxide 1973

1513 The upgrading of chromite ore from Moreesburg 1973

1514 The determination by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry of minor amounts of niobium and tantalum in geological materials 1973

1515 A mineralogical investigation of titaniferous magnetite from the Mambula Intrusion,

Natal 1973

1517 Computer-controlled flotation plants in Canada and Finland 1973

1521 The dissipation of electrical power in the burden of a submerged-arc furnace 1973 1522 An electron-microprobe investigation of an exsolved mineral in a sample of magnetite 1973

1526 Heat of solution as a control of aqueous-ammonia concentration 1973


No. Title Year 1527 The physicochemical properties of slags associated with the smelting of nickel sulphide concentrates 1973

1529 South African costs of equipment for the metallurgical industry (1972) 1973

1530 AUREOL — an X-ray-absorption analyser for the determination of the uranium on loaded resin in ion-exchange plants 1973 1533 Fields of application for dispersive and non-dispersive X-ray-fluorescence instruments 1973

1534 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of noble metals in the presence of sodium, barium, or sulphate ions. A comparison of uranium and lanthanum as releasing agents 1973

1541 Further tests on beach sands from Bantu Area No. 4, Nhlabane, Zululand 1973

1544 The recovery of salable ferrochromium from material discarded by Ferrometals Limited 1973

1545 A mineral ogical investigation of leach residues from the Blyvooruitzicht Gold Mine 1973

1546 Pilot-plant smelting campaign on iron ores from Tete 1973

1547 Physicochemical and thermodynamic properties of slags in the system

MgO-AIO,.,-Si02 1973

1548 Physicochemical properties of slags in the system MgO-Al20:,-Si02 and their application to the technology of ferro-alloy smelting 1973

1549 Thermodynamic and related physicochemical factors pertaining to the production of ferromanganese. A literature survey 1973

1550 A fundamental study of the dissolution in acid solutions of uranium minerals from South African ores 1973 1552 The preparation and analysis of minerals for use as reference material. Progress report no. 2 1973

1553 Characterization of the flotation properties of fluorspar from small-scale batch and pilot-plant tests 1973

1555 The analysis, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of matte-leach residues 1973

1556 The spectral analysis of solutions. 2. The analysis of leach liquors, concentrates, slags, and residues 1973

1557 Cost estimates for the production of pig iron in the Tete district of Mocambique 1973

1559 A cost assessment of the production of elemental sulphur by chlorination roasting 1973

1562 Application of a flotation model to an industrial plant 1973

1563 Neutron-activation analysis of samples from the Kimberley Reef conglomerate 1973 1565 A mineralogical investigation of the vanadium-rich titaniferous iron ore from Tete, and the slag produced from it 1971


No. Tide Year

1566 Comparative tests on coke, char, and anthracite 1973

1567 Estimation of the parameters in the distributed-constant flotation model 1974

1568 A computer programme for the estimation of parameters in flotation 1973

1569 The use of DDTU as an analytical reagent for the noble metals 1973

157] The commissioning of a direct-reading spectrometer for the analysis of silicate rocks by the use of the graphite-pellet technique 1973 1573 A pilot-plant investigation of a flotation model 1974

1574 The chromatographic separation and gravimetric determination of noble metals in matte-leach residues 1973

1575 The recovery of zinc from pickle liquors by ion exchange 1973

1577 Quantitative analysis of fluorite ores by X-ray diffraction 1973

1579 The determination of tin in geochemical-survey samples 1973

1580 The determination of silver in ores, concentrates, and mattes 1973

1581 The computer calculation, from fundamental parameters, of influence coefficients

for X-ray spectrometry 1974

1582 The construction and testing of a precision calorimeter 1973

1583 Preliminary tests on winnowing for the recovery of mica 1973

1587 A preliminary investigation of the flotation of copper-activated without the use of collectors 1973 1589 Preliminary investigations into the flotation of tin dioxide, cassiterite, and some related gangue minerals 1973 1590 The separation of osmium from ruthenium in hydrochloric acid solutions 1974

1591 The inductive measurement of conductivity in slags 1974

1592 The determination of line intensities in the presence of interfering spectra in dispersive X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1974

1595 Preliminary tests on low-grade breccia ted fluorspar ore from the Ottoshoop district 1973

1597 The role of sulphur in the flotation of sulphide minerals 1974

1598 The use of carbon-rod devices in the determination of noble metals by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1974

1599 The analysis of silicate rocks and metallurgical slags by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1974

1600 Dilute-acid leaching of slag from Tete ore 1973


No. Title Year 1602 The roasting of Tete slag for the extraction of vanadium 1973

1606 The electrical-resistance characteristics of the charge in the electric reduction furnace 1974

1607 The analysis of ion-exchange resins by X-ray fluorescence 1974

1609 An interlaboratory analysis of two ferrochromium slags 1974

1611 The X-ray-fluorescence determination of percentage concentrations of niobium and tantalum in ores and minerals 1974

1612 Flotation tests on sulphide-bearing high-grade brecciated and wad ores 1974

1613 The deactivation of copper-activated sphalerite with cyanide 1974

1614 The extraction of rutile from smeher slags 1974

1615 Fluorspar pellets. A survey of the World market and an assessment of future South African production 1974

1617 An electronic differential precision thermometer 1974

1619 Reduction of the chromium in ilmenite concentrates 1974

1620 The recovery of titanium dioxide from Tete slag by the sulphate route 1974

1621 Correction for matrix effects in the analysis of solutic.is by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1974

1622 The electrical conductivity of the charge in a ferrosilicon furnace 1974

1625 The determination of uranium and thorium by the use of delayed neutrons 1974

1626 Formation constants of zinc chlorocomplexes in perchlorate medium 1974

1628 The recovery of non-ferrous metals from a secondary blast-furnace slag 1974

1629 The thermodynamics of the formation of complexes of silver with some substituted pyridines 1974 1630 An electrochemical investigation of the dissolution of copper, nickel, and copper-nickel alloys in ammonium carbonate solutions 1974

1632 A mineralogical examination of beach-sand concentrates from a pilot plant at Richards Bay 1974

1635 Magnetic separation tests on Tete slag and ore 1974

1636 Trace elements in diamonds from the Premier, Finsch, and Jagersfontein Mines, and their petrogenetic significance 1975 1638 The determination of trace elements in natural diamonds by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1975

1639 The determination, by 14MeV neutron-activation analysis, of small amounts of oxygen and silicon in diamond 1974


No. Title Year

1640 A semi-automatic titrimeter for cyanide analysis 1974

1643 Further tests on low-grade breccia ted fluorspar ore from the Ottoshoop district 1974

1644 Prospects for the recovery of minerals from the sea 1974

1646 Examination of the methods of analysis for calcium fluoride in fluorspar 1974

1647 The industrial application of KEGOLD electrodes 1974

1649 The establishment of preferred values for a series of fluorspar samples 1974

1650 The production of medium-carbon ferrochromium alloys by solid-state reduction 1974

1652 The identification of diamonds from Premier, Finsch, and Jagersfontein Mines, by

statistical analysis of data obtained from instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1975

1654 The determination of osmium in platiniferous media 1975

1656 The analysis of geological samples for trace elements by direct-reading emission

spectrometry 1974

1660 An economic assessment of the production of high-grade fluorspar pellets 1974

1664 The smelting of copper-nickel concentrates in an electric furnace 1974 1665 The determination of minor amounts of antimony in ores and concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1974

1668 An updated summary of the World's fluorspar industry 1974

1669 An assessment of the carbon-rod atomizer for the determination of silver 1974

1670 Neutron-activation analysis of routine mineral-processing samples 1974

1671 Pyrometallurgiba! retreatment of a slag for the recovery of vanadium 1974

1679 The detection of noble-metal impurities in refined noble-metal solutions by thin-layer chromatography 1974 1681 The determination of sulphur and phosphorus in chromite 1975 1684 The application of three-phase liquid-liquid extraction to the separation and concentration of noble metals 1974

1685 The METSEP process for the separation and recovery of zinc, iron, and hydrochloric acid from spent pickle liquors 1974

1687 The viscosities and electrical conductivities of slags associated with the production of high-carbon ferromanganese alloys 1975

1688 The analysis of nickel-refining solutions: separation of trace elements by liquid-liquid extraction followed by atomic-absorption measurement 1974

1689 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of arsenic, selenium, tellurium, antimony, and bismuth on ion-exchange resins 1975


No. Tide Year

1691 The determination of zirconium and aluminium by 14 MeV neutron-activation analysis 1975

1693 Research at the National Institute for Metallurgy on the engineering aspects of copper 1975

1696 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of a ore 1975

1697 A petrographic and mineralogical investigation of silica samples from the farm Elandskraal 470 JO, Rustenburg district 1975

1698 Measurement of the electrical resistance of ferrochromium furnace charges 1975

1703 The geochemistry of some selected South African kimberlites and associated heavy minerals 1976

1705 The effects of various matrix elements on the efficiency of the fire-assay procedure using nickel sulphide as the collector 1975

1706 Concentration of magnesite from Apiesbomen, Burgersfort district 1975

1707 The work of the Pyrometallurgy Research Group at the University of the Witwatersrand 1975

1708 An examination of the suitability of various reducing agents for the production of ferrochromium 197 5

1709 The mineralogy, chemistry, and certain aspects of reactivity of chromitite from the Bushveld Igneous Complex 1975

1710 The recovery of scheelite from Shongona, north-western Transvaal 1975

1711 The oxidation of aqueous solutions of ferrous sulphate in a bubble column 1975

1712 The thermodynamics of the formation of chlorocomplexes of nickel and copper(ll) in perchlorate medium 1975

1714 The efficiency of the fire-assay procedure with nickel sulphide as the collector in the determination of platinum, silver, gold, and iridium 1975

1715 Flotation tests on various types of ore from the Ottoshoop district 1975

1717 The use of isothioronium compounds as liquid-liquid extractants 1975

1718 The determination of silver in lead, copper, and zinc concentrates by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1975

1719 An evaluation of the X-ray-fluorescence analysis of rocks and silicates under routine conditions 1975

1720 The initial development of processes for the direct leaching of iron-nickel-copper mattes containing platinum-group metals, and for the production of ferronickel 1975

1721 A preliminary investigation into the mechanism of depression in the flotation of sulphide minerals 1975


No. Title Year

1722 The determination of small amounts of fluoride in uranium compounds by use of an ion-selective electrode 1975

1723 The determination of zirconium and aluminium in zirconium-aluminium alloys 1975

1724 The preparation and reduction of chromite pellets containing a reducing agent 1975

1725 The determination of silica in fluorspar by 14MeV neutron-activation analysis 1975

1726 Mertieite and an unnamed compound of palladium with arsenic and tin in a mineral intergrowth from the Atok Mine 1975

1730 The chromitite from the Marico occurrence, western Transvaal, its alteration, and possible reasons for its refractory nature 1975

1732 A mineralogical examination of eight nickel-bearing rocks from the Grasvally Chromite Mine 1975

1733 A mineralogical investigation of weathered carbonatite from Salpeterkop 1975

1736 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and liquid-liquid

extraction, of antimony (parts per million) in ores and concentrates 1975

1739 The determination of trace amounts of noble metals in sulphate media 1975

1741 South African costs of equipment for the metallurgical industry (1975) 1975 1742 The determination of tin in ores, residues, and concentrates by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1975

1744 The refining of the platinum-group metals 1975

1746 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of minor elements in zinc. lead, and copper sulphide concentrates 1975 1747 Magnetohydrostatic separation of gold from gravity concentrates 1975

1749 Epithermal-neutron-activation analysis for uranium in Barberton and Bushveld granites 1975

1750 A review of the present and future development of sulphur production in South

Africa 1975

1753 Full-scale flotation-plant data for modelling purposes 1975

1754 A new three-dimensional anodic electrode for reduced power consumption during the electrowinning of metals 1975 1761 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of minor elements in anode sludges and residues 1975

1762 The determination, by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, of some elements in the NIMROC standard reference materials 1975

1764 Correlations of the free-energy and enthalpy changes of the


No. Title Year 1768 Some developments in gold extraction from Witwatersrand ores 1975

1769 An evaluation of the low-pressure ammonia-ammonium sulphate system for the leaching of local base-metal sulphides 19"*6

1770 The spectrophott metric determination of vanadium in chromium-bearing materiak 1975

1771 The determination of silver, selenium, tellurium, antimony, tin, lead, and arsenic in

anode sludges 1975

1772 A study of copper recovery by the lime-roast leach process 1975

1776 The extraction of copper from copper-nickel catholyte by cation exchange 1975

1777 Ferro-alloys in Brazil 1976 1778 An apparatus for the automatic measurement of current efficiencies during the electrodeposition of nickel in chloride media 1976

1779 A summary of work done on the concentration of andalusite from deposits in the western Transvaal 1976

1781 The determination, by ion-selective electrode, of fluoride in complex materials 1976

1782 The application of air-sparging techniques to industrial electrodeposition of zinc from acidic zinc sulphate solutions 1976

1783 The spectrographs determination of minor and trace elements in copper, lead, and zinc concentrates 1976

1784 A single-standard calibration method for use in analysis by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1976

1785 Some thermodynamic aspects of systems relevant to the flotation of sphalerite 1976

1787 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of trace elements in sulphide concentrates 1976

1788 A computer programme for emission-spectrographic calculations 1976

1790 The rapid determination of manganese, vanadium, and aluminium by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1976

1791 A motivation for a pyrometallurgical pilot plant 1976

1792 The determination, by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, of some trace elements in sulphide ores and concentrates 1976

1793 The kinetics of mechanism of solvent extraction of copper by LIX 64N and KELEX 100 1976

1794 The application of three-phase liquid-liquid extraction to the analysis of bismuth and tellurium in sulphide concentrates 1976

1795 The determination of minor and trace elements in the leach liquors from anode sludges 1976


No. TO*

1796 The mechanism of the eiectrodeposition and dissolution of nickd from chloride media I 976

1797 A rapid atomic-absorption method for the determination of silver in sulphide ores and concentrates 1976

1798 Interferences in the deteraiiitttam. by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of copper, lead, and zinc in sulphide concentrates 1976

1799 An electrochemical investigation of copper cementation on iron 1976

1800 An electrochemical investigation of the dissolution and passivation of platinum in acid solutions 1976

1803 The preparation and analysis «if minerals for use as reference material. Progress

report no. 3. 1976

1804 The eiectrodeposition of nickel from ammoniacal solutions 1976

1807 The establishment of preferred values for a scries of rare-earth samples 1976

1808 Spectrophotometry determination (with pyrocatcchol violet as chromogenk agent) of aluminium in zirconium metals and in the residues from anode sludges 1976 1809 The analysis, by flamclcss atomic absorption spectrophotometry, of pure selenium and tellurium 1976

1812 List of unrestricted NIM reports and papers published during the first decade of NIMs existence (1966 to 1975) [superseded by Report 1894] 1976

1813 The economic potential of some pegmatites from the Kcnhardt area in relation to the trace-clement content of their border zones 1976

1814 An updated summary of the World's fluoroar industry. 1975 1976

1815 The commissioning of an induction-coupled plasma system and its application to the analysis of copper, lead, and zinc concentrates 1976

1817 The rapid determination by X -ray-fluorescence spectrometry of tungsten in tungsten

ores and concentrates 1976

1818 A microprocessor-based system to control the feed to a ferro-alloy fumacc 1976

1820 The thermodynamics of the formation of chlorocomplcxcs of iron(lll). coba!tdl>.

ironilh. manganese*ID. and coppcrdh in pcrchloratc medium 1976

1822 Stability constants and linear free-energy relations for the platinum-group metals 1976

1823 The recovery of gold and pyritc from a residue dump at Crown Mines 1976

1825 The full automation of a Philips 1220 X-ray spectrometer 1976

1826 Dithiocnrbamatc as a releasing agent in the atomic-absorption determination ol noble met;ils in organic mediii 1976


No. Title Year

1828 -y-picoline adducts of the nickel, copper, and zinc chelates of 2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone 1976

1829 An investigation of weathered carbonatite from Salpeterkop 1976

1830 The determination of iron in zircon beach sands and its leachability 1977

1833 Effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of chromite ores 1976

1834 The analysis of slag and silicate samples with a fully automatic sequential X-ray spectrometer 1976

1836 The analysis of pilot-plant products for copper, zinc, and lead wi'h the Telsec Lab-X-250 Analyser 1977

1837 The rapid and precise determination of noble metals in matte-leach residues bv atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1976

1838 An investigation of the atomic-absorption spectrophotometric measurement of the elements that form gaseous hydrides and their determination in metal sulphide concentrates 1976

1839 A valence-bond study of dialkalis and alkali hydrides 1977

1840 The spectrophotometric determination of total uranium in silicate ores and leach liquors by use of bromo-PADAP 1976

1841 The determination of acid-soluble uranium in silicate ores and solutions 1976

1843 The treatment of Athlone Sewerage-plant effluent by the DESAL process 1976

1845 The composition and mode of occurrence of gold in Witwatersrand ores and leach residues 1976 1847 A pilot-plant investigation of a kinetic model for flotation 1976

1852 A revised method for the dissolution of platiniferous materials by the sealed-tube technique [supersedes Report 1401] 1976

1853 Chloromethylation of polystyrene resins 1977

1854 The interaction of pyrite, oxygen, and xanthate 1977

1856 A study of model systems in anion exchange 1977

1857 The determination of some trace elements in sulphide concentrate by spectrophotometry 1977

1858 The kinetics and mechanism of the non-oxidative dissolution of some iron sulphides in aqueous acidic solutions 1976

1859 Increased current efficiency during electrodeposition of manganese from sulphate 1976

1860 /% preliminary investigation of materials of construction for ore hoppers 1976


No. Title Year

1861 The determination of some impurities in zirconium metal by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1976

1864 The preparation of primary standard solutions for each of the noble metals 1977

1865 A sensitive method for the measurement of osmium by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1977

1867 N1M decennial review (1966 to 1976) 1977

1868 The reduction of fluxed and non-fluxed manganese ores by ferromanganese silicide 1977

1869 The separation and determination of trace elements in iron ore 1977

1871 Batch and pilot-plant flotation tests on copper-nickel ore from the Uitkomst ore-body 1976

1872 The determination of mercury by cold-vapour atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1977

1873 The rapid reduction of gamma-ray spectra with a desk-top calculator 1977

1874 Activation analysis and classification to source of samples from the Kimberley Reef conglomerates 1977

1875 The determination of tungsten and iron in ferrotungsten alloys by X-Tay-fluorescence spectrometry 1977

1876 The determination, by ultrasonic measurement, of the mud level in a thickener and

the resin level in an ton-exchange column 1977

1878 The electrochemical dissolution of galena in aqueous solutions 1977

1879 Alkalis in the iron 1977

1880 The electrochemical reduction of silver chloride and its application to the refining of silver 1977 1881 n-octylaniline, a new treatment for noble metals 1977

1883 The determination of iron, chromium, titanium, and tungsten in ores and other materials, by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1977

1884 The use of capacitance probes for the determination of interfaces 1977

1885 A data-logging system for a submerged-arc ferro-alloy furnace 1977

1886 A rapid method for the determination of fluoride in geological samples 1977

1888 The Imperial Smelting Process and its ap^ ication to the smelting of complex zinc-lead-copper ores 1977

1889 Entropy relations in the formation of complexes of silver(l), mercury(H), and cadmium(li) with monodentate ligands 1977


No. Title Year

1894 List of unrestricted NIM publications issued from 1966 to 1977 [superseded by Report 1970] 1977

1895 A review of applications of plasma technology with particular reference to ferro-alloy production 1977

1896 The interaction of . oxygen, and xanthates 1977

1897 A study of aggregation in the organic phase of solvent-extraction systems and its influence on the extraction process 1977

1898 Batch and pilot-plant tests on Merensky Reef ore from the Western Platinum Mine 1977

1899 The production of stainless steel in South Africa 1977

1902 The determination of boron in aluminium of high purity 1977

1904 Separation of rare earths from solutions of phosphoric acid 1977

1905 An examination of fire-assay techniques as applied to chromite-bearing materials 1977

Í 906 An automated instru "it for measuring the effects of impurities on cathodic-current efficiency during the electrowinning of zinc 1977

1907 The application of the induction-coupled plasma system to spectral analysis 1977

1908 An analysis of the replies to a questionnaire on materials of construction for ore hoppers 1977

1911 Methods for the analysis of zinc-bearing materials, electrolytes, and process solutions 1977

1912 The determination, by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry, of noble and base metals in matte-leach residues 1977

1913 The mechanism and rate of reduction of Mamatwan manganese-ore fines by carbon 1977

1914 The thermodynamics of the formation of sulphate complexes of iron(iii), cobalt(li). iron(ll), manganese(ii), and copper(ll) in perchlorate medium 1977

1917 The instrumental neutron-activation analysis of granites from the Bushveld Complex 1978

1919 The determination, by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry, of gold in activated charcoal 1977

1920 A mineralogical investigation of Mamatwan and Wessels manganese ores 1977

1924 The composition of chromite grains from various Witwatersrand reefs 1977

1926 The analysis of anode sludges by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1978

1928 A liquid-nitrogen monitor for lithium-drifted germanium detectors 1977

1931 The equilibrium between the slag and the metal in the production of low-carl.on ferromanganese 1977


No. Tale Year

1932 A basic computer programme for the evaluation of intensity data from the Telsec Lab-X-250 Analyser 1978

1933 The determination of trace elements by thin-film X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry. and its application to zirconium 1977

1934 The spectrometric analysis of chromium-bearing materials with particular reference to ferrochromium slags and chromite ores 1977

1935 The construction and testing of a small mixer-settler for use in the laboratory 1977

1936 The analysis of mineralogical and metallurgical materials. A guide to the analytical techniques and instrumentation available at the National Institute for Metallurgy 1978

1939 An industrial microprocessor system 1978

1940 The extraction of the noble metals with n-octylaniline, and its application to the analysis of platinum-bearing materials 1978

•1941 The recovery of chromite and platinum from the UG-2 Upper Chromitite Layer of the Bushveld Complex at the Pandora Mine 1978

1942 The accuracy of assays for platinum-group metals and gold on flotation of platinum ores from the Merensky Reef 1977

1943 A review of the literature on the separation and determination of rare-earth elements 1978

1945 Analyses of the NIMROC reference samples for minor and trace elements 1978

1947 The cation- and anion-exchange behaviour of various base-metal chlorides in polar organic solvents 1978

1948 The measurement of trace amounts of gold in solution by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and carbon-rod atomization 1978

1949 The kinetics of the leaching of zinc sulphide concentrates in acidic solutions containing ferric sulphate 1978

1950 Faciors affecting the carbon contents of alloys formed during the prereduction of chromite ores 1978

IS.'I Potentialities and limitations of four-parameter equations for the correlation of

formation constants of metal-ion complexes in aqueous solution 1978

1952 The effect of slag composition on topper losses to silica-saturated iron silicate slags 1978

1953 A fundamental investigation into the depression of copper-activated sphalerite 1978 1956 An improved ion-exchange separation of rare-earth elements for spectrographs analysis 1978

1957 Solid-state reduction, by graphite and carbon monoxide, of chromite from the Bushveld Complex 1978


So. Title Year

1959 The slag-metal equilibrium and the activities of slag and metal components in the production of high-carbon ferromanganese 1978

1960 The recovery of ferrochromium furnace slags and related products 1976

1962 alteration of sulphide ores. I. Literature survey, measurement, and effect on floatability and leachability 1978

1963 An evaluation of the methods used at the National Institute for Metallurgy for the analysis of base-metal sulphide concentrates 1978

1964 The separation, by anion exchange, of noble metals on substituted cellulose 1978

1965 Analyses, by several laboratories, of three ferromanganese slags 1978

• 1966 A mineralogicai investigation of ores from the Merensky Reef and their flotation products 1978

1967 The movement of the burden in submerged-arc furnaces for the production of high-carbon ferromanganese 1978

1968 The influence of cabonaceous reducing agents on the rate of reduction of representative manganese and chromium ores 1978

1969 The interaction of silicon monoxide gas with carbonaceous reducing agents 1978

1970 List of unrestricted NIM publications issued from 1966 to 1978 [superseded by Report 2013] 1978

• 1971 The effect of open- and closed-circuit operation in the copper-cleaning flo:ation circuit of a complex sulphide ore 1978

1972 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of high-carbon

ferrochromium 1978

1975 Reactions in the production of high-carbon ferromanganese from Mamatwan ore 1978

1976 The preparation and certification of two samples of chromium ore 1978

1977 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of hematite ore 1978

1978 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of magnetite ore 1978

1982 The resistivity of mixtures of Mamatwan manganese ore and reducing agents I97S

1984 The commissioning of the AF-I MS702 mass spectrometer 1978 1985 The determination of boron in high-purity aluminium metal by spark-source mass spectrometry 1978

1988 The effect of particles on !he stability of flotation froths 1978

1991 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of europium in phosphoric acid and in rare-earth oxides 1978


No. Title Year

1992 The use of optical emission spectrometry for the determination of impurities in

metals 1979

1996 The extraction of gold from chloride solutions 1978

1997 A laboratory investigation of reducing agents for use in the electric-smelting industry 1979

1998 Electrode response to the addition of zinc during the cementation of gold 1979

•2001 An assessment of vibrating viscometers on slurries 1979 2002 The spectrochemical determination of phosphorus, magnesium, and iron in phosphate rocks and sulphuric acid leach liquors 1979

2003 An electrodeless conductivity meter of improved sensitivity and reliability 1979

2005 The spectrometric analysis of manganese-bearing materials, with particular reference to ferromanganesc slags and metals 1979

2006 An examination of procedures for the analysis of dry powders by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1979

2007 The instrumentation and computerization of a 25 MV-A submerged-arc furnace 1977

•2009 A review of the activities of the NIM Measurement and Control Engineering

Research Group 1979

•2011 The analysis of anode sludges, and their process solutions and beneficiation products 1979

•2013 List of unrestricted NIM publications issued from 1966 to 1979 [superseded by Report 2067] 1979 •2014 The determination, by spark-source mass spectrometry, of chlorine and phosphorus

in high-purity tungsten oxide 1979

•2015 The preparation of synthetic standards for instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1979

•2016 Analysis of the NIMROC reference samples for major elements 1979

•2017 Vanadium-bearing titaniferous iron ores from the Rooiwater, Usushwana. Mambula, Kaffirskraal, and Trompsburg Igneous Complexes 1979 •2018 Supergene alteration of sulphide ores. II. The effect on the floatability of

. galena, and sphalerite 1979

•2022 The determination of thallium and indium in sulphide concentrates 1979

•2023 Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with hydride generation: an improved technique 1979 •2025 The determination of uranium in solids and solutions by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry and a background-ratio method with a derived exponent 1979

•2026 The determination of uranium in pyrite samples 1979


No. Title Year

•2029 The commissioning of a 5 kW inductively coupled plasma unit for use with a 3.4 m

Ebert spectrograph 1979

•2030 Chemical unhomogeneity of sphalerite in a base-metal sulphide deposit 1979

•2032 The Cancer Project: a summary of the computer-aided operation of a 48MV-A ferrochromium furnace 1979 •2034 A rapid method for the determination of uranium in ores and carbonaceous materials

by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1980

•2036 The determination of thallium in ores, concentrates, and metals 1980

• 2037 The removal of contaminants from recycled water in a mineral-flotation plant 1980

•2039 The determination of fr:e acid in the presence of hydrolysable cations 1980

•2040 A solid-state constant-current power unit for the magnetic analyser of the MS702R mass spectrometer 1980 •2042 The preparation and»analysis of minerals for use as reference material. Progress

report no. 4 1980

•2044 The separation and determination of anions by ion chromatography 1980

•2051 The supergene alteration of sulphide ores. III. The influence of the chemistry of sphalerite op its floatability 1980 •2053 A study of the measurement, by electrothermal atomization and atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of hydride-forming elements 1980



The papers are arranged alphabetically according to author/s, and chronologically below author/s. Co-authors from other organizations are indicated by a series of superscripts, which are explained at the end of the list. These papers are not available from NIM, but can be consulted in the relevant journals or books to which reference is made. The papers that have been published since the previous issue of this list (Report 2013) are marked •.


ALLISON. S.A.. and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. A study of the products of reaction between galena and aqueous xanthate solutions. Trans Instn Min. Metall., vol. 80. no. 781. Dec. 1971. pp. C235-C239.

ALLISON. S.A.. GOOLD. LA.. NICOL. M.J.. and GRANVILLE. A. The products of reaction between sulphide minerals and aqueous xanthate solutions, and a correlation of the products with electrode rest potentials. Metali. Trans., vol. 3. no. 10. Oct. 1972. pp. 2613-2618.

ALLISON. S.A.. HARRIS. P.J.. and MARSICANO. F. Depression and deactivation of sphalerite. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 76. spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 123-124.

•ANDEWEG, A.H. A large capacity sample changer for fully automated gamma ray spectroscopy. IEEE Trans, nucl. Sci., vol. NS-27. no. 1. Feb. 1980. pp. 728-732.

ASHURST, K.G., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. The influence of sulphydryl andcationic flotation reagents on the cyanidation of native gold. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali., vol. 70, no. 6,pt 2. Jan. 1970. pp. 248-256.

ASHURST, KG.. FINKELSTEIN. N.P., and GOOLD, LA. The coordination numbers of cyanide complexes of zinc, cadmium, and mercury in aqueous solution. J. chem. Soc. (A), 1971. pp. 1899-1902.

ASHURST. KG., FINKELSTEIN. N.P., and RICE. N.M. Studies of cyanide-xanthate mixed-ligand complexes of mercury(II). J. chem. Soc. (A), 1970. pp. 2302-2307.

ASHURST, K.G., and HANCOCK, R.D. Characterization of inner- and outer-sphere complexes by thermodynamics and absorption spectra. Part 1. Sulphato-complexes of the first-row transition elements. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1977. pp. 1701-1707.

ASHURST, K.G., and NEALE, R.W. The porosity of gold electrodeposits. Trans. Inst. Metal Finishing, vol. 45, no. 2. 1967. pp. 75-82.

ATMORE, R.B', HOWAT, D.D-, and JOCHENS, PR. The effect of slag and gold bullion composition on the removal of copper from mine bullion by oxygen injection. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 72, no. 1. 1971. pp. 5-11.

AUSTEN, C.E.. and STEELE, T.W. The computer calculation, from fundamental parameters, of influence coefficients for X-ray spectrometry. ADVANCES IN X-RAY ANALYSIS. Pickles, W.L.. Barrett, C.S., Newkirk, J.B., and Rund, CO. (eds.). , Plenum Press, 1975. vol. 18. pp. 362-371.

•BARCZA, N.A. Slag-metal equilibrium in the production of low-carbon ferromanganese./. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 79. no. 10. May 1979. pp. 269-280.

BARCZA, N.A., JOCHENS, P.R., and HOWAT, D.D.2 The mechanism and kinetics of reduction of Transvaal chromite ores. 29TH ELECTRIC FURNACE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Metallurgical Society ofAIME. New York, AIME, 1972. vol. 29. pp. 88-93.

•BARKER, I.J. Arcing in the electrical circuit of a submerged-arc furnace. Elektrowdrme Int., vol. 38. no. Bl. Feb. 1980. pp. B28-B32.

BARKER, I.J., and KING, R.P.2 A real-time recursive filter appli.'d to a milling circuit to estimate particle-size distributions. AUTOMATION IN MINING. MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.H. (ed.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation, 1977. pp. 263-275.

•BARKER, I.J.. and STEWART. A.B. Inductive reactance, and the operation of large submerged-arc furnaces./ S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 80. no. 3. Mar. 1980. pp. 123-128.

BATRA, K.•'', SEE, J.B., and KING. T B.' Flow behaviour of liquid metals on solid substrates. Metal Sci., vol. 11, no. 5. May 1977. pp. 145-!.51.


BERNING. J.•"'. COOKE. RA H1EMSTRA. S.A.. and HOFFMAN. U. • The Rossing uranium deposit. South West Africa. Econ. GeoL, vol. 71. 197o. pp. 351-368.

BIBBY. D.M., and RASMUSSEN, S. Reactor neutron flux monitoring with iron foils. Radiochem. radioanalyt. Leu., vol. 9. no. 1. 1972. pp. 1-8.

BIBBY. D.M.. and RASMUSSEN. S. Pe; 'ormance of a counting head for an automatic sample changer. Radiochem. radioanalyi. Lett., vol. 14. no. 1. 1973. pp. 9-15.

BIBBY. D.M.. and SELLSCHOP. J.P.F.- Determination of copper, zinc. iron, and silicon in copper/zinc ore flotation products by fast neutrons. Radiochem. radioanalyt. Lett., vol. 12. no. 4-5.1972. pp. 245-257.

BIBBY, D.M.. and SELLSCHOP. J.P.F.2 The determination of oxygen and silicon in diamonds by 14MeV activation analysis. J. radioanalyt. Chem., vol. 22. 1974. pp. 103-111.

BOEYENS. J.C.A. Electrostatic calculation of bond energy. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 26, no. 3. 1973. pp. 94-105.

•BOEYENS, J.C.A.. and HAEGELE. R. Oxygen as a di-/i-peroxo bridge; synthesis and structure of benzyltrimethylammontum-di-/i-peroxohexachlorodiuranyl(Vi). Inorg. chim. Acta, vol. 20. 197(>. p L7.

BOEYENS, J.C.A., McDOUGALL, G.J.. and SMIT, J.V.R.- Crystallography study of the ammonium-potassium 12-molybdophosphate ion-exchange system. J. solid State Chem., vol. 18. 1976. pp. 191-199.

•BOYDELL, D.W.\ LAXEN. PA., BOSCH, D.W.\ and CRAIG. W.M.7 New uranium-recovery circuit at Blyvooruitzicht. CIM Bull., vol. 72. no. 805. May 1979. pp. 127-134.

•BRAAE. M.. and RUTHERFORD, DA." Fuzzy relations in a control setting. Kybernetes, vol. 7. 1978. pp. 185-188.

•BRAAE. M., and RUTHERFORD, DA." Selection of parameters for a fuzzy logic controller. Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 2. 1979. pp. 185-199.

•BRAAE, M., and RUTHERFORD, DA." Theoretical and linguistic aspects of the fuzzy logic controller. Automatica, vol. 15, no. 5. Sep. 1979. pp. 553-577.

BROOKS, H.C."'. and PAUL, R.L. Densities and excess volumes of fused halides. Z. Naturforsch.. vol. 30a. 1975. pp. 64-68.

BRYNARD, H.J., DE VILLIERS, J.P.R.. and VILJOEN, E.A. A mineralogical investigation of the Merensky Reef at the Western Platinum Mine, near Marikana. South Africa. Econ. Geol., vol. 71, no. 7. 1976. pp. 1299-1307.

BUSHELL, L.A., and VEITCH, M.L. The influence of chemical environment during milling on the flotation of zinc from complex sulphide ores. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Me tali, vol. 76, spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 143-145.

CHANNON, W.P . and SEE. J.B. The reduction of fluxed and non-fluxed manganese ores by ferromanganese silicide. /. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 77, no. 8. Mar. 1977. pp. 151-162.

CHANNON, W.P.. UROUHART, R.C., and HOWAT, D.D.- The mode of current transfer between electrode and slag in the submerged-arc furnace. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 75, no. I.Aug. 1974. pp. 4-7.

CLARKE. P.J. The National Institute for Metallurgy. South Africa. Stahlund Eisen, vol. 97. no. 18. 8th Sep., 1977. pp. 895-899.


CLARKF.. P.J. A new centre for metallurgical research — the National Institute for Metallurgy in Randburg. Afrika-Post, vol. 24. no. 11. Nov. 1977. pp. 337-340. (In German.)

CLARKE, P.J. Recent progress of the National Institute for Metallurgy. Metall, vol. 32, no. 3. Mar. 1978. pp. 288-289. (In German.)

•CLARKE, P.J. Carbon and the recovery of gold — some developments by the National Institute for Metallurgy. Metall, vol. 34. no. 2. Feb. 1980. pp. 128-131.

•CLARKE. P.J. South Africa's National Institute for Metallurgy. Int. J. Miner. Processing, vol. 6. no. 4. Feb. 1980. pp. 341-347.

COALE. R.D-, WOLHUTER. C.W.-. JOCHENS. PR., and HOWAT. D.D.- Cementitious properties of metallurgical slags. Chem. Concr. Res., vol. 3. no. 1. 1973. pp. 81-92.

COLBORN, R.P.r, and NICOL. M.J. An investigation into the kinetics and mechanism of the oxidation of iron(II) by oxygen in aqueous chloride solutions. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 73. no. 9. Apr. 1975. pp.281-289.

COOK, E.B T., and GEREGHTY, A. The spectrophotometry determination of uranium by use of 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenoI (PADAP). Bull. S.Afr. Inst. Assavers Analysts, no. 12. Jul. 1971 pp. 1-10.

•COPELOWITZ. I., and LOVEDAY, B.K. An analysis of continuous resin contacting. Hydrometall., vol. 4. 1979. pp. 259-268.

•CORRANS, I.J. A development in the application of wet high-intensity magnetic separation. FINE PARTICLES PROCESSING. Somasundaran, P. vol. 2. New York. American Institute of Mining. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers Inc., 1980. pp. 1294-1309.

CORRANS, I.J., and LEVIN. J. Wet high-intensity magnetic separation for the concentration of Witwatersrand gold-uranium ores and residues. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 79. no. 8. Mar. 1979. pp. 210-228.

CRAIG. W.M.\ HAINES. A.K.. NICOL, D.I.. OLÊN. CM., DOUGLAS. M.E.E.". and LOUW. G.D." The design and operation of a continuous ion-exchange demonstration plant for the recovery of uranium. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 78. no. 12. Jul. 1978. pp. 316-324.

CZAMANSKE, G.K., and MIHÁLIK, P. Oxidation during magnetic differentiation. Jinmoskia Complex, Oslo area, Norway: Part 1. The opaque oxides. J. Petrol, vol. 13. no. 3. pp. 493-509.

DE VILLIERS, J.P.R. The crystal structure of braunite with reference to its solid-solution behaviour. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 60. 1975. pp. 1098-1104.

DE VILLIERS, J.P.R., and BOEYENS. J.C.A. Crystal structure of a calcium sulphate-urea complex. J. Cryst. Mol. Struct., vol. 5. 1975. pp. 215-226.

DE WAAL, S.A. Ramsdellite from the Hotazel Mine, northern Cape Province, South Africi. Econ. Geoi, vol. 64, no. 2. 1969. pp. 221-222.

DE WAAL. S.A. On the origin of hydrogrossularite and other calcium silicates in serpentinitcs. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 72, pt 1. Jan.-Mar. 1969. pp. 23-27.

DE WAAL, S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa: I. Fcrroan trevorite. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 54, no. 7/8. Jul.-Aug. 1969. pp. 1204-1208. DE WAAL, S.A. Interference-folding of Bushvcid Igneous Complex age in the Transvaal System north of Marble Hall. Transvaal. Johannesburg. Geological Society of South Africa, spec. pub. I, 1970. pp. 283-298.


DE WAAL. S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa: 11. Nimite. a nickel-rich chlorite. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 55. no. 1/2. Jan.-Feb. 1970. pp. 18-30.

DE WAAL. S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa: III. Willemseite. a nickel-rich talc. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 55, no. 1/2. Jan.-Feb. 1970. pp. 31-42.

DE WAAL, S.A. South African nickeliferous serpentinites. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 3. no. 2. Apr. 1971 pp. 32-45.

DE WAAL, S.A. The Bushveld granites in the Zaaiplaats area. Trans. Geol. Soi: S.Afr., vol. 75. pt 2. May-Aug. 1972. pp. 135-144.

DE WAAL, S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa: V. Trevorite redescribed. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 57. no. 9/10. Sep.-Oct. 1972. pp. 1524-1527.

DE WAAL, S.A. The ferromanganese deposit at Lisbon Falls, near Graskop, Transvaal, and its similarity to ferromanganese nodules of the ocean floor. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr.. vol. 80, pt 2. 1977. pp. 131-136.

DE WAAL. S.A. The alteration and possible reasons for the refractory nature of chromitite from the Marico occurrence, western Transvaal. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr.. vol. 80. p! 3. 1977. pp. 235-239.

DE WAAL, S.A. Carbon dioxide and water from metamorphic reactions as agents for sulphide and spinel precipitation in mafic magmas. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 80, pt 3. 1977. pp. 193-196.

DE WAAL. S.A. The nickel deposit at Bon Accord. Barberton. South Africa — a proposed paleometeorite. Mineralization in metamorphic terranes. Johannesburg. Geological Society of South Africa, spec. pub. 4. 1978. pp. 87-98.

DE WAAL. S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa: VIII. The spinels cochromite and nichromite and their significance to the Bon Accord nickel deposit. Bull. B.R.G.M.. Section H. no. 3. 1978. pp.225-230.

DE WAAL. S.A.. and CALK. L.C.IJ Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa: VI. Liebenbcrgite. a nickel olivine. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 58. no. 7/8. Jul.-Aug. 1973. pp. 733-735.

DE WAAL, S.A., and CALK. L.C.'- The sulfides in the garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from Salt Lake Crater. Ohio. J. Petrol., vol. 16. no. 1. Feb. 1975. pp. 134-153.

DE WAAL. S.A.. and HERZBERG. W. Uranium and gold mineralization of the Black Reef Series in the Kaapse Hoop area. Nelspruit District, eastern Transvaal. Annals Geol. Surv. S.Afr., vol. 7. 1968-1969. pp. I 1 ,-124.

DE WAAL. S.A.. and VILJOF.N. E.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa: IV. Reevesite. a member of the hydrotalcitc group. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 56, no. 5/6. May-Jun. 1971. pp. 1077-1081.

DE WAAL. S.A.. VIL.ÍOEN. E.A., and CALK. L.C.,J Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa. VII. Bonaccordite, the nickel analogue of ludwigite. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 77. pt 3. Sep.-Dec. 1974. p. 375.

•DIXON, K.. RUSSELL. G.M.. WALL, G.. and EDDY. B. The analysis of anode slimes, especially copper slimes, by instrumental techniques. Talanta, vol. 26, no. 9. Sep. 1979. pp. 833-839.

ELLIOT. B.J.. SEE. J.B.. and RANKIN. W.J. Effect of slag composition on copper losses to silica-saturated iron silicate slags. Trans. Instn Min. Metall., vol. 87. Sep. 1978. pp. C204-C2I 1.

ELLIS. P.J.. COPELOWITZ, I., and STEELE, T.W. The estimation of the mode by the dominant cluster method. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. I. no. 2. Oct. 1977. pp. 123-130.


ENGELBRECHT. J.A.. and WOODBURN. E.T."' The effects of froth height, aeration rate, and gas precipitation on flotation. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 76. spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp 125-1*2.

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48 MM Pt Hilt AliOV»

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FINKELSTEIN. N.P.. and HANCOCK. R.D. A new approach to th- iiicmrstrv «>f gold. Gold Bid!.. vol. 7. no. 3. Jul 1974. pp. 72-77.

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•FLEMING. C.A.. HANCOCK. R.D.. NICOL. M.J.. and FINKELSTEIN. N.P. The kinetics of the extraction of copper by LIX64N and LIX6.V Discussion of the rate law. ISTFRSATIOSAl. SOLVFST EXTRACTION CONFERENCE. TORONTO. SEPTEMBER 1977. Lucas. BIT. etal. ieds). Montreal. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1979. pp. 193-197.

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FLEMING. C.A.. NICOL. M.J . HANC (X K. R.D.. and FINKELSTEIN. N.P. The kinetics of the extraction of copper by I.IX65N and the catalytic role of I.LV»3 in this reaction. J. appl. (hem. Biota hnol.. vol 28. 1978. pp 443-452.

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•GLEN, H.W. (ed.). INFACON 74. Johannesburg, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1975. 320 pp.

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• HAEGELE, R., and BOEYENS, J.C.A. Crystal structure of benzyltrimethylammonium /x,.-peroxo-bis[trichlorodioxouranate(Vi)], a binuclear uranium complex containing dioxygen in a Mrperoxo linkage. J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 1977. pp. 648-650.

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HAINES, A.K., EDWARDS. R.I.. and TE RIELE, W.A.M. The separation of gold from acidic leach liquors with Amberlite XAD-7. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF ION EXCHANGE (AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE HELD AT CHURCHILL COLLEGE, UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 25TH-30TH JULY, 1976). Streat, M. (ed.). London, Society of Chemical Industry, 1976. pp. 40.1^*0.12.

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HAINES, A.K., TUNLEY, T.H., TE RIELE, W. A.M., CLOETE, F.L.D., and SAMPSON, T.D. '* The recovery ofzinc from pickle liquors by ion exchange. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 74, no. 4. Nov. 1973. pp. 149-157.

HALL, P.G-. LOVELL, V.M.. and FINKELSTEIN. N.P. Adsorption of water vapour on ionic solids containing preadsorbed sodium oleate. Part 1. Calcium fluoride. Trans. Farad. Soc, vol. 66. no. 570. Pt 6. Jun. 1970.pp. 1520-1529.

HALL, P.G.-, LOVELL, V.M.. and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Adsorption of water vapour on ionic solids containing preadsorbed sodium oleate. Part 2. Calcium carbonate. Trans. Farad. Soc., vol. 66. no. 574. Pt 10. Oct. 1970. pp. 2629-2635.

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•HANCOCK. R.D.. JACKSON. G.. and EVERS. A. The affinity of lanthanoid(lii) ions for nitrogen-donor ligands in aqueous solution. J. Chem. Soc.. Dalton Trans., pt 9. Sep. 1979. pp. 1384-1387.

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• HANCOCK. R.D.. McDOUGALL. G.J.. MARSICANO. F.. and BOEYENS. J.C.A. Empirical force-field calculations of strain-energy contributions to the thermodynamics of complex formation. Part III. The chelate :ffect in complexes of polyamines./wm>. Chem., vol. 18.no. 10. 1979. pp. 2847-2852.

HARRIS. P.J.. and FINKELSTEIN.N.P. Interactions between sulphide minerals and xanthates. I. The formation of monothiocarbonate at galena and pyrite surfaces. Int. J. Miner. Proc, vol. 2. no. 1. 1975. pp. 77-100.

HARRIS, P.J., and FINKELSTEIN. N.P. The formation of monothiocarbonates during the reaction between xanthates and sulphide minerals in flotation systems. PROCEEDINGS ELEVENTH MINERAL PROCESSING CONGRESS. Ente Minerario Sardo. Cagliari. Instituto di Arte Mineraria. Special volume. 1975. pp. 35-57.

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SOMMER, G , and SANDER, H.W. Balanced temperature analyser. 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THERMAL ANALYSIS, 1968. Schwenker, R.F., and Gam, P.D. (eds). New York. Academic Press, 1969. vol. 1. pp. 163-175.

STANKO, J.S., and JOCHENS. P.R. Ferro-alloy industry looks to big coal supply. Coal, Gold base Miner., vol. 23, no. 4. Jul. 1975. pp. 51, 55. 57, 58. 63, 64.

STANLEY, G.G. Mechanisms in the autogenous mill and their mathematical representation. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 75, no. 4. Nov. 1974. pp. 77-98.

STANLEY, G.G. Considerations in the application of autogenous milling. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 76, spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 53-55.

STEELE, T.W., and GUER1N, B.D. A new graphite rod for flameless atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Analyst, vol. 97, no. 1150. Jan. 1972. p. 77.

•STEELE, T.W., and HANSEN. R.G. Major element data (1966-1978) for the six 'NIMROC' reference samples. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 3. no. 2. Oct. 1979. pp. 135-172.

STEELE, T.W., WILSON, A.. GOUDVIS, R.. ELLIS. P.J.. and RADFORD. A.J. Trace element data (1966-1977) for the six NIMROC reference samples. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 2. no. 1. Apr. I97X. pp. 71-106.

STEWART, A.B., and MARTIN, P.D. The implementation of data logging and raw-material feed control on a submerged-arc furnace. AUTOMATION IN MINING, MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.H. (ed.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation, 1977. pp. 583-588.

•STOCH, H., STEELE, T.W., and RANKIN. R.S. The preparation and certification of t*< les of chromium ore. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 1. Apr. 1979. pp. 25-45.

TUNLEY, T.H., KOHLER. P."\ and SAMPSON, T.D.,S The Metsep Process for the separation and recovery of zinc, iron, and hydrochloric acid from spent pickle liquors. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 76. no. 10. May 1976. pp. 423-427.

UKEN, E-A. Neutron-activation analysis. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 2. no. 2. Apr. 1970. pp. 24-34.

UKEN, E-A., WATTERSON, J.I.W., KNIGHT, A., and SELLSCHOP. J.P.F.5 The determination of gold in ores and solutions by activation analysis with a neutron generator. Int. J. appl. Rad. Isotopes, vol. 19. 1968. pp. 615-623.

UKEN, E-A., WATTERSON, J.W.. KNIGHT. A., and STEELE, T.W. The application of neutron activation analysis to sorting Witwatersrand gold-bearing ores. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Meiali, vol. 67. no. 3. Oct. 1966. pp. 99-114.

UKEN, E-A., and WILLIAMSON, J.E. Radioactivity build-up of freshly separated radium from the uranium, actinium and thorium series. Radiochim. Acta, vol. 8. no. I. 1967. pp. 60-63.


UROUHART. R.C- The production of high-carbon ferrochromium in a submerged-arc furnace. Miner. Set. Engng. vol. 4. no. 4. Oct. 1972. pp. 48-65.

URQUHART. R.C.. JOCHENS. PR. and HOW AT. D.D.: The dissipation of rlectrkal power in the burden of a submerged arc furnace. 31ST ELECTRIC FIRS A CE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Metallurgical Society ofAIME. New York. AIME. 1973. vol. 31. pp. 29-48.

UROUHART. R.C.. JOCHENS. PR., and HOW AT. D.D.- A laboratory investigation of the smelting mechanisms associated with the production of high-carbon ferrochromium. ISFACON 74. den. H. led.). Johannesburg. South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1975. pp. 195-205.

UROUHART. R.C.. RENNIE. MS. and RABEY. C.C. The smelting of copper-nickel concentrates in an electric furnace. THE EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY OF COPPER. Yamopoulos. Y.. and Agarwal. J. feds) New York. AIME. 1976. vol. 1. pp. 274-295.

VAN RENSBURG. W.C.J. Changing patterns in the World's supply of minerals. Miner. Set. Engng. vol. 6. no. 3. Jul. 1974. pp. 142-153.

VON RAHDEN. H.V.R. Apparent fineness values of gold from two Witwatcrsrand gold mines. £ro#i. Geo!., vol. 60. 1965. pp. 980-997.

VON RAHDEN. H.V.R. A modified haiide-disc holder for infrared spectrometry. J. scient. Instrum.. vol.44. 1967. p. 168.

VON RAHDEN. H.V.R.. and DICKS. L.W.R. Desdoizite. mottramitc. and vanadinite from South West Africa — an infrared and X-ray study. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 52. Jul.-Aug. I967.pp. 1067-1076.

WARREN. G.F.. JOCHENS. P.R.. and HOW AT. D.D.- Liquidus temperatures and the activities of mangancsc(ll) oxide in slags associated with the production of high-carbon ferromangancsc alloys. INFACON 74. On. H. fed). Johannesburg. South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1975. pp.175-185.

WARSHAWSKY. A. The liquid-liquid extraction of nickel: a review. Miner. Sci. Engng. vol. 5. no. I. Jan. 1973. pp. 36-52.

WARSHAWSKY. A. Solvent-impregnated resins in hydrometallurgical applications. Trans. Instn Min. Metall.. vol. 83. no. 811. Jun. 1974. pp. C10I-C104.

WARSHAWSKY. A. Polystyrenes impregnated with B-diphenylglyoxime. a selective reagent for palladium. Talanta. vol. 21. no. 6. 1974. pp. 624-626.

WATTERSON. J.I.W. Optimization of irradiation and decay times in nuclear activation analysis. J. radioanalyt. Chem.. vol. 26. 1975. pp. 135-150.

WATTERSON. J.I.W.. and HAWKINS. DM.1 Multivariate techniques for the classification of granites. PROCEEDINGS TWELFTH INTERNA TIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICA TION OF COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS IN THE MINERALS INDUSTRY. Johnson. T.B.. and Gentry. D.W. (eds.). Colorado. Colorado School of Mines. 1974. pp. D57-L76.

•WATTERSON. J.I.W.. MALKIN. J.T.*. MNGADl. J.T.J. R AMJEE. B.1. and SELLSCHOP. J.P.F.1 A computer-based system for absolute neutron activation analysis. COMPUTERS IN ACTIVATION ANALYSIS AND GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY. Carpenter. B.S.. D'Agostino. M.D.. and Yule. HP. (eds.). Springfield (U.S.A.). National Technical Information Service. 1979. pp. 238-252.

WETHMAR. J.C.M.. HOW AT. D.D.2. and JOCHENS. PR. Phase equilibria in the Cr-Fc-S:-C system in the composition range representative of high-carbon ferrochromium alloys produced in South Africa. J. Metall.. Set., vol. 9. 1975. pp. 291-2%.


WETHMAR, J.C.M., HOWAT, D.D.2, JOCHENS, PR., and STRYDOM, O.A.W.- Liquidus temperatures in the Cr-Fe-Si system in the composition range representative of ferrochromium-silicide produced in South Africa. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall, vol. 73, no. 6. Jan. 1973. pp. 181-183.

WOODBURN, E.T.1", KING, R.P., BUCHALTER, EM., and PIPER, S.E. Integrated grinding and flotation control-computational problems in an optimum decision making model. A DECADE OF DIGITAL COMPUTING IN THE MINERAL INDUSTRY. Weiss, A. (ed.). New York, AIME, 1969. pp. 695-728.

WOODBURN, E.T.1", KING, R.P., and COLBORN, R.P.7 The effect of particle size distribution on the performance of a phosphate flotation process. Meiall. Trans., vol. 2, no. 11. Nov. 1971. pp. 3163-3174.

WOOLLACOTT, L.C.2, HOWAT, D.D.2, and JOCHENS, PR. The viscosities and electrical conductivities of slags associated with the production of high-carbon ferromanganese alloys. INFACON 74. Glen, H. (ed.). Johannesburg, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1975. pp. 227-232.

YOUNG, M.L., and SEE, J.B. Effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of chromite ores. /. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 77, no. 5. Dec. 1976. pp. 103-113.

ZANDERS, J.A.J. Single-ended differential instrumentation amplifier. Electron. Instrumn, vol. 4, no. 11. Mar. 1974. pp. 2-3.

ZANDERS, J.A.J. An electronic differential precision thermometer. Electron. Instrumn, vol. 4, no. 12. Apr. 1974. pp. 24-25,28.

ZANDERS, J.A.J., BIBB Y, DM., and RASMUSSEN, S.E. A simple automatic sample changer for the gamma-ray counting of reactor-irradiated samples.7. Phys. E-.scient. Instrum., vol. 6. 1973. pp. 973-975.

1 Robor Limited 2 University of the Witwatersrand 3 Hindustani Steel, India 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, U.S.A. 5 Rossing Uranium, Limited 6 Rio Tin to South Africa Limited 7 Atomic Energy Board 8 Rand Mines Limited 9 UMIST (University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology), England 10 University of Natal 11 Blyvooruitzicht Gold Mining Co. Ltd 12 U.S. Geological Survey, U.S.A. 13 South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research 14 Imperial College of Science and Technology, London 15 University of Cape Town 16 Woodall-Duckham S.A. (Pty) Ltd 17 Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa 18 Kennecott Copper Corporation, U.S.A. 19 Sala Magnetics Ltd, Cambridge, U.S.A. 20 Samancor Management Services (Pty) Ltd 21 University of Durban-Westville 22 Mineral Chemistry Research Unit, Murdoch University, Australia 23 Ames Laboratory-USDOE, Ames, U.S.A. 24 University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia 25 Rand Refinery Limited 26 Anglo-Transvaal Consolidated Investment Co. Ltd 27 Israel Geological Survey. Jerusalem, Israel.



The patents are arranged chronologically according to the date on which they were first registered. Copies are not available from NIM bit can be obtained from The Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AY, England.


Title of patent Country Patent no. Date Extraction of copper South Africa 67/2097 3-4-68 Rhodesia 133/68/58 5-4-68 South West Africa P.68/041 5-4-68 Zambia Z.31/68 5-4-68 Canada 858.472 8-4-68 Congo Republic 833/A 16-4-68 Chile 25.464 30-4-68 Improvements in and relating South Africa 69/5623 28-8-70 to the contacting of liquids South West Africa 70/0100 28-8-70 and particulate solids

Contacting liquids and South West Africa 72/052 5-5-72 solids U.S.A. 3,957,635 8-5-72 Australia 472,709 10-5-72 Belgium 783.407 12-5-72 Canada 978,722 12-5-72 France 72/17146 12-5-72 West Germany P.22 23 627.7 12-5-72 Luxembourg 65.371 16-5-72 Italy 955.497 31-5-72 Solid/fluid contacting South Africa 71/3139 5-5-72 Bophuthatswana 71/3139BW 5-5-72 Transkei TR71/3139 5-5-72 South Africa 71/3140 5-5-7J Bophuthatswana 71/3140BW 5-5-72 Transkei TR71/3140 5-5-72 Recovery of zinc South Africa 71/0048 28-12-71 Recovery and separation of platinum South Africa 71/4981 21-7-72 group metals and gold Bophuthatswana 71/4981BW 21-7-72 Transkei TR71/4981 21-7-72 Separation and purification of platinum South Africa 72/0308 27-12-72 group metals and gold Bophuthatswana 72/0308BW 27-12-72 Rhodesia 521/72 27-12-72 Great Britain 1,418,391 2-1-73 France 73.01418 16-1-73 Italy 976.937 18-1-73 South West Africa 73/084 20-8-73 Equipment for contacting South Africa 72/4328 20-6-73 liquids and solids South West Africa 73/064 20-6-73 Improved method of measuring South Africa 72/8807 8-1-74 rates of dissolution South West Africa 74/7 8-1-74 Improvements relating to South Africa 73/1213 21-2-74 the controlling of processes The production of ferrochromium alloys South Africa 72/6389 19-3-74 The separation of platinum group metals South Africa 74/5109 23-7-75 and gold Bophuthatswana 74/5I09BW 23-7-75 Transkei TR74/5109 23-7-75 U.S.A. 3,985.552 19-7-77 Great Britain 1,490,815 28-7-75 Belgium 832.216 7-8-75 France 75 24681 7-8-75 Norway 752779 8-8-75 Treatment of platinum group metals South Africa 75/0593 21-1-76 and gold Bophuthatswana 75/0593BW 21-1-76 Transkei TR75/0593 21-1-76 France 76.02279 28-1-76 Belgium 838.029 29-1-76 Great Britain 1,481.295 29-1-76


Title of patent Country Patent no. Date The determination of mineral South Africa 75/6387 6-10-76 concentrations in slurries thereof Stainless steel production South Africa 75/7930 18-11-76 Rhodesia 285/76 13-12-76 •Purification of platinum Belgium 855,936 21-6-77 and palladium Great Britain 1,533.542 21-6-77 U.S.A. 4,105,742 8-8-78 •Purification of ruthenium Belgium 855,934 21-6-77 Great Britain 1,533,541 21-6-77 USA. 4,105,442 8-8-78 •Purification of iridium Belgium 855,935 21-6-77 Great Britain 1,533,373 21-6-77 U.S.A. 4,130,625 19-12-78 •Improvements relating to briquettes South Africa 76/5287 30-9-77 Bophuthatswana 76/5287BW 30-9-77 •Control of electrical South Africa 77/3923 9-6-78 arc furnaces Rhodesia 133/78 12-6-78 Iran 19754 13-6-78 Transkei 78,3096 13-6-78 Belgium 868,582 29-6-78 •Selective ion exchange South Africa 77/5398 5-9-78 media Bophuthatswana 77/5398BW 5-9-78 South West Africa 78/0106 5-9-78 Belgium 870,289 7-9-78 •Recovery and purification South Africa 77/5358 4-8-78 of rhodium Bophuthatswana 77/5358BW 4-8-78 Belgium 870 256 6-9-78 U.S.A. 4,155,750 22-5-79 •Silver recovery or refining South Africa 77/5210 17-8-78 •Selective extractant for metal values South Africa 78/1905 19-3-79 •Relating to nagnetic separators South Africa 78/1467 1-8-79 •Arc furnace electrode South Africa 78/4025 7-11-79 slip monitoring device U.S.A. 53,553 To be announced. MM Pl'BLK ATIONS


The following technical publications are available free of charge from the National Institute for Metallurgy, Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125 South Africa.

Notebook of experiments in extractive metallurgy for high schools. 1975. 42 pp.

Continuous ion exchange in hydrometallurgy. Technical Bulletin no. 1. 1976. 16 pp. [Superseded by Technical Bulletin no. 2.]

The NIMCIX contactor. Continuous ion exchange in hydrometallurgy. Technical Bulletin no. 2. Aug. 1978. 10 pp.

Handbook of the interference effects encountered in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry at the National Institute for Metallurgy. 28th Feb., 1978. 137 pp.



The publications are listed under each topic in the following order: reports, papers, patents, other technical publications. Because the topics are very closely allied, many publications could have been listed under more than one topic. A reader in search of publications on a particular subject is therefore advised to consult all the topics relevant to his subject. Copies of most of the reports and other technical publications are obtainable from the National Institute for Metallurgy, Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125 South Africa. For those reports that are out of print, photocopies can be supplied at a nominal charge. The papers and patents are not available from NIM: the papers can be consulted in the journals or books in which they were published, and the patents are obtainable from the Patent Office, 25 Southampton Buildings, London WC2A 1AY, England. The publications that have been included since the last issue of this list (Report 2013) are marked •.


Ferro-alloys — Fundamental Studies

Fundamental metallurgical studies of ferro-alloy processes and the application of results to operating plants

I. Reports

No. Title Year

429 The determination of chromium in chromite 1968

511 The determination of silica in chrome ores and chrome refractories 1969

853 The determination of silicon in ferrochrome alloys 1970

952 The analysis of ferrochrome slag 1970

1020 Phase relationships involving iron, chromium, silicon, and carbon, with special reference to high-carbon ferrochromium and ferrochromium-silicide alloys. A literature survey 1970

1343 The Pyrometallurgical Research Group's current research programme on ferTO-alloys 1971

1365 Studies of incipient fusion in the system chromite-MgO-Al20:l-SiC)..!-C 1972

1366 Liquidus temperatures, viscosities, and electrical conductivities of lime-containing slags produced during the smelting of high-carbon ferrochromium and ferrochromium-silicide alloys 1971

1394 The determination of ferrous iron in chromites and chromium ores 1972

1423 The effects of chromium oxide, iron oxide, and calcium oxide on the liquidus temperatures, viscosities, and electrical conductivities of slags in the system

MgO-AI2Or-Si02 1972

1457 Phase equilibria in the Cr-Fe-Si-C system in the composition range representative of high-carbon ferrochromium alloys produced in South Africa 1972

1458 Liquidus temperatures in the Cr-Fe-Si system in the composition range representative of ferrochromium-silicide alloys produced in South Africa 1972

1463 Liquidus temperatures and activities of manganesc(ll) oxide in slags associated with the production of high-carbon ferromanganese alloys 1972

1482 Reactions occurring during the smelting of high-carbon ferrochromium from Transvaal chromite ores 1973

1547 Physicochemical and thermodynamic properties of slags in the system

MgO-A10,.s-Si02 1973

1548 Physicochemical properties of slags in the system MgO-AljO.r-SiO* and their application to the technology of ferro-alloy smelting 1973

1549 Thermodynamic and related physicochemical factors pertaining to the production of ferromanganese. A literature survey 1973


1606 The electrical-resistance characteristics of the charge in the electric reduction

furnace 1974

1622 The electric conductivity of the charge in a ferrosilicon furnace 1974

1681 The determination of sulphur and phosphorus in chromite 1975

1687 The viscosities and electrical conductivities of slags associated with the production of

high-carbon ferromanganese alloys 1975

1698 Measurement of the electrical resistance of feirochromium furnace charges 1975

1707 The work of the Pyrometallurgy Research Group at the University of the Witwatersrand 1975 1770 The spectrophotometric determination of vanadium in chromium-bearing materials 1975 1790 The rapid determination of manganese, vanadium, and aluminium by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1976

1791 A motivation for a pyrometallurgical pilot plant 1976

1833 Effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of chromite ores 1976

1868 The reduction of fluxed and non-fluxed manganese ores by ferromanganese silicide 1977

1879 Alkalis in the iron blast furnace 1977

1913 The mechanism and rate of reduction of Mamatwan manganese-ore fines by carbon 1977

1931 The equilibrium between the slag and the metal in the production of low-carbon ferromanganese 1977

1934 The spectrometric analysis of chromium-bearing materials with particular reference to ferrochromium slags and chromite ores 1977

•1941 The recovery of chromite and platinum from the UG-2 Upper Chromitite Layer of the Bushveld Complex at Pandora Mine 1978

1950 Factors affecting the carbon contents of alloys formed during the prereduction of chromite ores 1978

1957 Solid-state reduction, by graphite and carbon monoxide, of chromite from the Bushveld Complex 1978

1959 The slag-metal equilibrium and the activities of slag and metal components in the production of high-carbon ferromanganese 1978

1967 The movement of the burden in submerged-arc furnaces for the production of high-carbon ferromanganese 1978

2005 The spectrometric analysis of manganese-bearing materials, with particular reference to ferromanganese slags and metals 1979 2. Papers

•BARCZA, N.A. Slag-metal equilibrium in the production of low-carbon ferromanganese.y. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 79, no. 10. May 1979. pp. 269-280.


BARCZA, N.A.. JOCHENS. PR., and HOW AT, D.D. The mechanism and kinetics of reduction of Transvaal chromite ores. 29TH ELECTRIC FURNACE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Metallurgical Society ofAIME. New York. AIME. 1972. vol. 29. pp. 88-93.

•BARKER. I.J. Arcing in the electrical circuit of a submerged-arc furnace. Elektrowárme Int., vol. 38. no. Bl. Feb. 1980. pp. B28-B32.

•BARKER, I.J., and STEWART, A.B. Inductive reactance, and the operation of large submerged-arc furnaces/ S.Afr. Inst. Min. Me tall., vol. 80, no. 3. Mar. 1980. pp. 123-128.

CHANNON, W.P., and SEE, J.B. The reduction of fluxed and non-fluxed manganese ores by ferromanganese silicide. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall, vol. 77, no. 8.

COALE, R.D., WOLHUTER, C.W., JOCHENS, ?.R., and HOWAT, D.D. Cementitious properties of metallurgical slags. Chem. Conor. Res., vol. 3, no. 1. 1973. pp. 81-92.

DE VILLIERS, J.P.R. The crystal structure of braunite with reference to its solid-solution behaviour. Amer. Mineralogist, vol. 60. 1975. pp. 1098-1104.

•GLEN, H.W. (ed.). INFACON 74. Johannesburg, South African institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1975.320 pp.

GRIMSLEY, W.D., SEE, J.B., and KING, R.P. The mechanism and rate of reduction of Mamatwan manganese-ore fines by carbon. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 78. no. 3 Oct. 1977. pp. 51-62.

JOHNSTON, G.H., JOCHENS, PR., and HOWAT, D.D. Physicochemical properties of slags in the

system MgO-Al20.,-Si02 and their application to the technology of ferro-alloy smelting. INFACON 74. Glen, H. (ed.). Johannesburg, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1975. pp. 217-225.

OSSIN, D.I., HOWAT, D.D., and JOCHENS, PR. Liquidus temperatures, viscosities and electrical conductivities of lime-containing slags produced during the smelting of high-carbon ferrochromium and ferrochromium-silicide alloys. 29TH ELECTRIC FURNACE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Metallurgical Society ofAIME. New York, AIME, 1972. vol. 29. pp. 94-100.

RANKIN, W.J. Silica solubility and the activity of MnO in MnO-Si02 slags. Metall. Trans., vol. 9B. 1978. pp. 726-728.

RANKIN, W.J., and BISWAS, A.K. The oxidation states of chromium in slag and chromium distribution in slag-metal systems at 1600°C. Trans. Instn Min. Metall., vol. C87. Mar. 1978. pp. C60-C70.

RANKIN, W.J., and SEE, J.B. The alkali problem in the blast furnace. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 9. no. 2. Apr. 1977. pp. 68-82.

RENNIE, M.S., HOWAT, D.D., and JOCHENS, P.R. The effect of chromium oxide, iron oxide and calcium oxide on the liquidus temperatures, viscosities, and electrical conductivities of slags in the system

MgO-AI2O^Si02. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 73, no. 1. Aug. 1972. pp. 1-9.

SEE, J.B. The development of fundamental and applied research in the sphere of ferro-alloys in South Africa. FERROALEACONES: TECHNOLOGIA Y DISPONIBILIDAD. Instituto Latinoamerkano del Fierroy el Acero. Santiago, Instituto, 1975. pp. T1-T19. (In Spanish.)

UROUHART, R.C. The production of high-carbon ferrochromium in a submerged-arc furnace. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 4, no. 4. Oct. 1972. pp. 48-65.

UROUHART. R.C., JOCHENS. PR., and HOWAT, D.D. A laboratory investigat.on of the smelting mechanisms associated with the production of high-carbon ferrochromium. INF A CON 74. Glen, H. (ed.). Johannesburg, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 1975. pp. 195-205.


WARREN. G.F.. JOC HENS. PR., and HOWAT. D.D. Liquidus temperatures and the activities of manganesedi) oxide in slags associated with the production of high-carbon ferromanganese alloys. INFACON 74. Glen, H. {«/.). Johannesburg. South African institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1975. pp. 175-185.

WETHMAR. J.C.M.. HOW AT. D.D., and JOCHENS. PR. Phase equilibria in the Cr-Fe-Si-C system in the composition range representative of high-carbon ferrochromium alloys produced in South Africa. J. Metall. ScL vol. 9. 1975. pp. 291-296.

WETHMAR. J.CM.. HOWAT. D.D.. JOCHENS. PR., and STRYDOM. O.A.W. Liquidus temperatures in the Cr-Fe-Si system in the composition range representative of ferrochromium-silicide produced in South Africa. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 73, no. 6. Jan. 1973. pp. 181-183.

WOOLLACOTT. L.C.. HOWAT. D.D.. and JOCHENS. PR. The viscosities and electrical conductivities of slags associated with the production of high-carbon ferromanganese alloys. INFACON 74. Glen, H. (ed.). Johannesburg. South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1975. pp. 227-232.

YOUNG. M.L.. and SEE. J.B. Effective thermal conductivities of packed beds of chromite ores. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 77. no. 5. Dec. 1976. pp. 103-113. Ferro-alloys — Processes

Development of new and improved processes for the major ferro-alloys (ferrochromium, ferromanganese, ferrosilicon)

I. Reports

No. Title Year

378 A literature survey on the manufacture of ferrochrome 1968

447 Chemical beneficiation and agglomeration of low-grade chromite ores — a literature survey 1969

1247 The pclletizing of chromite fines. A preliminary nvestigation of the preparation of cold-bonded pellets 1971

1398 The pelletization of chromite fines. Preparation of pellets bonded v.ith bentonite and

indurated by heat treatment 1971

1489 The breakage of Soderberg electrodes 1972

1499 The production of medium-carbon ferrochromium 1972

1513 The upgrading of chromite ore from Morcesburg 1973

1544 The recovery of salable ferrochromium from material discarded by Fcrrometals

Limited 1973

1650 The production of medium-carbon ferrochromium alloys by solid-state reduction 1974

1724 The preparation and reduction of chromite pellets containing a reducing agent 1975

1895 A review of applications of plasma technology with particular reference to ferro-alloy production 1977 I960 The recovery of fcrrochromium furnace slags and related products 1976


2. Papers

HAMBLYN, S.M.L. Plasma technology and its application to extractive metallurgy. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 9, no. 3. Jul. 1977. pp. 151-176.

McRAE, L.B., and SELMER-OLSEN, S.S. An investigation into the pelletizing and prereduction of Transvaal chromites. AGGLOMERATION 77. Sastry, K.V.S. (ed.). New York, AIME, 1977. vol. 1. pp. 356-377.

3. Patents

The production of ferrochromium alloys. S.Afr. Pat. 72/6389. 19th Mar., 1974.

•Improvements relating to briquettes. S.Afr. Pat. 76/5287. 30th Sep., 1977.

Ferro-alloys — Instrumentation and Control

Instrumentation, optimization, and control of ferro-alloy processes

No. Title Year

1818 A microprocessor-based system to control the feed to a ferro-alloy furnace 1976

2007 The instrumentation and computerization of a 25 MV'A submerged-arc furnace 1977

•2032 The Cancer Project: a summary of the computer-aided operation of a 48MV-A ferrochromium furnace 1979

2. Papers

RODD, M.G., and POTGIETER, J.H A microprocessor based weighing and feed control system. AUTOMATION IN MINING, MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.H. (ed.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation, 1977. pp. 381-388.

RODD, M.G., and RABEY, C.C. A computer based system for the evaluation of electric fields in a model submerged arc furnace. AUTOMATION IN MINING, MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.H. (ed.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation, 1977. pp. 371-379.

STEWART, A.B., and MARTIN, P.D. The implementation of data logging and raw-material feed control on a submerged-arc furnace. AUTOMATION IN MINING, MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.H. (ed.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation, 1977. pp. 583-588.

3. Patents

•Control of electrical arc furnaces. S.Afr. Pat. 77/3923, 9th Jun., 1978. (Also: Belg. Pat. 868,582, 29th Jun., 1978;Iran. Pat. 19754, 13th Jun., 1978;Rhod. Pat. 133/78,12th Jun., 1978; Transkei Pal. 78/0096, 13th Jun., 1978.)

•Arc furnace electrode slip monitoring device. S.Afr. Pat. 78/4025, 7th Nov., 1979. (Also: U.S. Pat. 53,553, date to be announced.)


Stainless Steel

Research and development of stainless-steel processes

1. Report

No. Title Year

1899 The production of stainless steel in South Africa 1977

2. Papers

OSSIN, D. The production of stainless steel in South Africa. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 10, no. 2. Apr. 1978. pp. 101-129.

•OSSIN, D.l. Prospects of the expansion of stainless-steel production in South Africa. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 11, no. 3. Jul. 1979. pp. 177-187.

3. Patent

Stainless steel production. S.Afr. Pat. 75/7930, 18th Nov., 1976. (Also: Rhod. Pat. 285/76, 13th Dec, 1976.)

Iron and Steel

Research associated with conventional processes for the production of iron and steel

I. Report

No. Title Year

1425 The effect of the reactivity of lime on desulphurization efficiency in the basic oxygen furnace 1972

2. Papers

HEJJA, A.A., HOWAT, D.D., and JOCHENS, P.R. The effect of the reactivity of lime on desulphurization efficiency in the basic oxygen furnace. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 73, no. 8. Mar. 1973. pp. 249-257.

McNALLAN, M.J., SEE, J.B., OBERTEUFFER, J.A., and RUSSELL, K.C. Treatment of steelplant effluents by high gradient magnetic separation. Iron Steel Engr, vol. 53, no. 1. 1976. pp. 40-44.

Minor Ferro-alloys

Research and development of processes for minor ferro-alloys

I. Report

No. Title Year

Mil Ferro-alloys in Brazil 1976



Properties of carbonaceous reducing agents with special reference to ferro-alloy processes

1. Reports

No. Title Year

1566 Comparative tests on coke, char, and anthracite 1973

1708 An examination of the suitability of various reducing agents for the production of ferrochromium 197S 1968 The influence of carbonaceous reducing agents on the rate of reduction of representative manganese and chromium ores 1978

1969 The interaction of silicon monoxide gas with carbonaceous reducing agents 1978

1975 Reactions in the production of high-carbon ferromanganese from Mamatwan ore 1978

1982 The resistivity of mixtures of Mamatwan manganese ore and reducing agents 1978

1997 A laboratory investigation of reducing agents for use in the electric-smelting industry 1979

2. Papers

KOURSARIS, A., and SEE. J.B. Reactions in the production of high-carbon ferromanganese from Mamatwan ore. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 79, no. 6. Jan. 1979. pp. 149-158.

PAULL, J.M.. and SEE, J.B. The interaction of silicon monoxide gas with carbonaceous reducinc agents. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 79, no. 2. Sep. 1978. pp. 35-41.

STANKO. J.S.. and JOCHENS. P.R. Ferro-alloy industry looks to big coal supply. Coal. Gold bast- Miner., vol. 23. no. 4. Jul. 1975. pp. 51. 55, 57. 58. 63. 64.

Manganese Metal

Development of processes for the production of manganese metal

I. Report

No. Title Year

1859 Increased current efficiency during electrodeposition «if manganese from sulphate electrolytes 1976

Base Metals — Ore-dressing

Development of processes for the concentration of base metals, especially copper, zinc, lead, and nickel, by ore-dressing techniques with special reference to mixed sulphides I, Reports

No. Title Year

159 A radioactive-tracer technique for the study of the flotation of valleriitc 1967

7ft •MM !"» Kl I* A 11« '"V»

\<>. Tide Year

218 F.xploratory comminution and flotation tests to indicate MHtu- characteristics oi

valleriite I***»?

1268 A two-stage pn>cess for the recover} of fli>tation concentrates from copper-zinc ores ! 471

I3~4 Rotation tests on copper-zinc ore from the Letaha district 1 **71

13X4 Flotation tests on samples 4>f Canadian copper-zinc ores I 471

13XK Flotation tests on samples of copper-zinc ores from Finland I **71

15X7 A preliminary investigation of the flotation of copper-activated sphalerite without

the use of collectors 1473

1547 The role of sulphur in the flotation of sulphide minerals 1474

1613 The deactivation of copper-activated sphalerite with cyanide !974

1721 A preliminar} investigation into the mechanism of depression in the flotation of

sulphide minerals 1475

1785 Some thermodynamic aspects of systems relevant to the flotation of sphalerite 1976

1871 Batch and pilot-plant flotation tests on copper-nickel ore from the I ilkomst

ore-body I 476

i°53 A fundamental investigation into the depression of copper-activated sphalerite 1478

• 1471 The effect of open- and closed-circuit operation in the copper-cleaning flotation circuit of a complex sulphide ore 1978 2. Papers ALLISON. S.A.. HARRIS. P.J.. and MARSICANO. F. Depression and deactivation of sphalerite J. S.Afr. Inst. Mm Metull.. vol 7b. spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 123-124. BUSHLLL. L.A.. and VFITCH. ML. The influence of chemical environment during milling on the flotation of zinc from complex sulphide ores. /. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metal!., vol. 76. spec, issue. (Xt. 1475. pp. 143-145. FINKFLSTF.IN. N.P.. and ALLISON. S.A. The chemistry of activation, deactivation and depression in the flotation of zinc sulphide: a review FLOTATION A.M. GALOIS MEMORIAL VOLUME. Fuerstenau. MX', led.), vol. I. New York. American Institute of Mining. Metallurgical and Petroleum engineers. Inc.. 1976. pp. 414-157. Base Metals — Hydrometallurgy

Development of hydrometailurgical processes for base metals, especially copper, nickel, and cobalt, including non-sulphidic raw materials

I. Reports

So Title Year

28 F.xploratory tests on the dissolution of manganese dioxide by reaction with sulphuric acid and a metallic sulphide 1966


No. Title Year

81 The solvent extraction of copper cyanide 1966

84 Leaching tests on tne copper sulphide mineral valleriite from Palabora Mining Company — a preliminary report 1966

154 The leaching of various copper minerals with dilute sodium cyanide and dilute solutions containing sulphuric acid and ferric ions 1967

155 The quantitative estimation of valleriite in the presence of other copper minerals 1967

157 Results of tests to obtain pure valleriite 1967

172 The solvent extraction of copper cyanide 1967

175 Copper extraction by leaching magnetites from Palabora Mining Company 1967

435 The liquid-liquid extraction of ferric thiocyanate complexes with Versatic 911 1968

847 The liquid-liquid extraction of ferric thiocyanate complexes with carboxylic acids 1969

938 Life test on IRA 400 resin during the recovery of zinc chloride 1970

964 The recovery of copper from sulphate leach liquors by liquid ion exchange with LIX-64N 1970

1078 The complexometric determination of zinc in ores and concentrates, with ion-exchange resin 1970

1085 The optimization of the design of a countercurrent liquid-liquid-extraction plant using LIX-64N 1970

1158 The production of ferric sulphate and sulphuric acid by the autoxidation process using the Fring's aerator 1970

1222 The liquid-liquid extraction of zinc from zinc chloride solutions by the use of

di-2-ethyl hexyl phosphoric acid 1971

1575 The recovery of zinc from pickle liquors by ion exchange 1973

1630 An electrochemical investigation of the dissolution of copper, nickel, and copper-nickel alloys in ammonium carbonate solutions 1974 1685 The METSEP Process for the separation and recovery of zinc, iron, and hydrochloric acid from spent pickle liquors 1974

1693 Research at the National Institute for Metallurgy on the engineering aspects of

copper electrowinning 1975

1711 The oxidation of aqueous solutions of ferrous sulphate in a bubble column 1975

1720 The initial development of processes for the direct leaching of iron-nickcl-copper mattes containing platinum-group metals and for the production of lerronickel 1975 1769 An evaluation of the low-pressure ammonia-ammonium sulphate system for the leaching of local base-metal sulphides 1976


No. Title Year

1772 A study of copper recovery by the lime-roast leach process 1975

1776 The extraction of copper from copper-nickel catholyte by ion exchange 1975

1793 The kinetics of mechanism of solvent extraction of copper by LIX 64N and KELEX 100 1976

1796 The mechanism of the electrodeposition and dissolution of nickel from chloride

media 1976

1799 An electrochemical investigation of copper cementation on iron 1976

1804 The electrodeposition of nickel from ammoniacal solutions 1976

1820 The thermodynamics of the formation of chlorocomplexes of iron(lll). cobalt(ll), manganese(H), and copper(Il) in perchlorate medium 1976 1858 The kinetics and mechanism of the non-oxidative dissolution of some iron sulphides in aqueous acidic solutions 1976

1878 The electrochemical dissolution of galena in aqueous solutions 1977

2. Papers

COLBORN, R.P., and NICOL. M.J. An investigation into the kinetics and mechanism of the oxidation of iron(ll) by oxygen in aqueous chloride solutions. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali, vol. 73. no. 9. Apr. 1975. pp. 281-289.

FLEMING, C.A., and MONHEMIUS, A.J. On the extraction of various base metal chlorides from polar organic solvents into cation and anion exchange resins. Hydrometall, vol. 4, no. 2. Mar. 1979. pp. 159-167.

HAINES, A.K., TUNLEY, T.H., TE RIELE, W.A.M., CLOETE, F.L.D., and SAMPSON, T.D. The recovery of zinc from pickle liquors by ion exchange. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali., vol. 74, no. 4. Nov. 1973. pp. 149-157.

NICOL, M.J. An electrochemical investigation of the dissolution of copper, nickel, and copper-nickel alloys in ammonium carbonate solutioi•-.. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 75. no. 11. Jun. 1975. pp. 291-302.

NICOL. M J. Mechanism of aqueous reduction of chalcopyrite by copper, iron and lead. Trans. Instn Min. Metall., vol. 84. 1975. pp. C206-C209.

NICOL, M.J.. PAUL, R.L., and DIGGLE, J.W. The electrochemical behaviour of galena (lead sulphide) — II. Cathodic reduction. Electrochim. Acta, vol. 23. 1978. pp. 635-639.

PAUL. R.L., NICOL, M.J.. DIGGLE, J.W., and SAUNDERS, A.P. The electrochemical behaviour of galena (lead sulphide) — I. Anodic dissolution. Electrochim. Acta, vol. 23. 1978. pp. 625-633.

PAYNTER, J.C. A review of copper hydrometallurgy. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 74, no. 4, Nov. 1973. pp. 158-170.

PHILIP, H.I., and NICOL. M.J. Underpotcntial deposition and its relation to the anomalous deposition of metals in alloys. J. electroanalyt. Chem,, vol. 70. 1976. pp. 233-237.

79 MM Pllll.KAllONS

PHILIP. H.I.. and NICOL, M.J. The kinetics and mechanism of the deposition of nickel from chloride solutions. INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON CHLORIDE HYDROMETALLURGY, PROCEEDINGS. Brussels. Benelux Metallurgie. 1977. pp. 250-269.

•PRATT. J.M., and TILLEY, R.I. The reaction of Cu(ll) with LIX 65N in homogeneous solution. Hydrometall., vol. 5. 1979. pp. 29-45.

TUNLEY, T.H.. KOHLER. P.. and SAMPSON, T.D. The METSEP Process for the separation and recovery of zinc, iron, and hydrochloric acid from spent pickle liquors. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali, vol. 76. no. 10. May 1976. pp. 423^27.

WARSHAWSKY. A. The liquid-liquid extraction of nickel: a review. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 5. no. 1. Jan. 1973. pp. 36-52.

WARSHAWSKY, A. Solvent-impregnated resins in hydrometallurgical applications. Trans. Instn Min. Mvtali, vol. 83, no. 811. Jun. 1974. pp. C101-C104.

3. Patents

Extraction of copper. S.Afr. Pat. 67/2097, 3rd Apr.. 1968. (Also: Can. Pat. 858.472, 8th Apr.. 1968: Chile Pat. 25.464.30th Apr.. 1968; Congo Rep. Pat. 833/A. 16th Apr.. 1968; Rhodes. Pat. 133/68/58.5th Apr.. 1968; S.W. Afr. Pat. P.68/041, 5th Apr.. 1968; Zamb. Pat. Z.31/68. 5th Apr.. 1968.)

Equipment for contacting liquids and solids. S.Afr. Pat. 72/4328. 20th Jun.. 1973. (Also: S.W. Afr. Pat. 73/064. 20th Jun.. 1973.)

4. Other technical publications

Continuous ion exchange in hydrometallurgy. Technical Bulletin no. 1. 1976. 16 pp. [Superseded by Technical Bulletin no. 2.]

The NIMCIX contactor. Continuous ion exchange in hydrometaliurgy. Technical Bulletin no. 2. Aug. 1978. 10 pp.

Copper and Nickel — Pyrometallurgy

Pyrometallurgical processes for the smelting and refining of copper and nickel

1. Reports

No. Title Year

1484 Cost estimates for the production of copper wirebars from sulphide ores 1972

1491 Technology and economics of the Claus kiln under South African conditions 1972

1527 The physicochemical properties of slags associated with the smelting of nickel

sulphide concentrates 1973

1628 The recovery of non-ferrous metals from a secondary blast-furnace slag 1974

1664 The smelting of copper-nickel concentrates in an electric furnace 1974

1888 The Imperial Smelting Process and its application to the smelting of complex zinc-lead-copper ores 1977 1952 The effect of slag composition on copper losses to silica-saturated iron silicate slags I 978


2. Papers

UROUH ART. R.C.. RENNIE. M.S.. and RABEY. C.C. The smelting of copper-nickel concentrates in an electric furnace. THE EXTRA CTIVE MET A L L URG Y OF COPPER. Yannopouhs. Y.. and Agarwal. J. feds.). New York, AIME. 1976. vol. 1. pp. 274-295.

ELLIOT. B.J.. SEE. J.B.. and RANKIN. W.J. Effect of slag composition on copper losses to silica-saturated iron silicate slags. Trans. Instn Min. Metal!., vol. 87. Sep. 1978. pp. C204-C211.

Zinc — Hydrometallurgy

Development of hydrometallurgical processes for the recovery of zinc

1. Reports

No. Title Year

1782 The application of air-sparging techniques to industrial electrodeposition of zinc from acidic zinc sulphate solutions 1976

1949 The kinetics of the leaching of zinc sulphide concentrates in acidic solutions containing ferric sulphate 1978

3. Patent

Recovery of zinc. S.Afr. Pat. 71/0048, 28th Dec. 1971.

Nickel-bearing Serpentinites

Processing of nickel-bearing serpentinites with special reference to their occurrence in South Africa

I. Reports

No. Title Year

86 The investigation of six samples of serpentinite from the Barherton area 1966

H8 Quantitative electron-microprobe investigation of the distribution of nickel in serpentinites and associated minerals and rocks from the Barberton area 1966 179 The nickel distribution in weathered serpentinites from Volspruit, Potgietersrus 1967

180 The distribution of nickel in a rock sample from the Louis Moore Mine, northern Transvaal 1967

291 Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa. I. Ferroan trevoritc 1968

344 Nickel minerals from Barbcrton: II. Nimite. a nickelian chlorite 1968

352 Nickel minerals from Barberton: III. Willemscite. a nickelian talc 1968

428 Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa: IV. Reevesite. a member of the hydrotalcite group 1968


No. Tide Year

508 The distribution of nickel in serpentinite samples of borehole cores from the Msauli

Mine. Barberton 1969

512 The distribution of nickel in two surface samples of serpentinite 1969

536 The distribution of nickel in limonite-bearing birbirite and gossan from Vlakfontein and Groenfontein in the western Transvaal 1969 845 An electron-microprobe study of the nickel distribution in a serpentinite from

Volspruit, Potgietersrus 1969

848 The distribution of nickel in serpentinite from Lusinzi. north-eastern Transvaal 1969

8°7 Nickel in South Africa with special reference to low-grade nickeliferous ores 1971)

1319 Nickel minerals from Barberton. V. Trevorite 1971

1356 Nickel in samples of serpentinite from Kaapsehoop. Barberton 1971

1732 A mineralogical examination of eight nickel-bearing rocks from the Grasvally Chromite Mine 1975 2. Papers

DE WAAL. S.A. On the origin of hydrogrossularite and other calcium silicates in serpentinites. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 72, pt I. Jan.-Mar. 1969. pp. 23-27.

DE WAAL. S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa: I. Ferroan trevorite. Am. Mineralogist. vol. 54, no. 7/8. Jul.-Aug. 1969. pp. 1204-1208.

DE WAAL. S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton. Souih Africa: II. Nimite. a nickel-rich chlorite, ,4m. Mineralogist, vol. 55. no. 1/2. Jan.-Feb. 1970. pp. 18-30.

DEWAAL.S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa: III. Willemseite, a nickel-rich talc. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 55. no. 1/2. Jan.-Feb. 1970. pp. 31-42.

DE WAAL. S.A. South African nickeliferous serpentinites. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 3. no. 2. Apr. 1971. pp. 32-15.

DE WAAL. S.A. Nickel minerals from Barberton, South Africa: V. Trevorite redescribed. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 57, no. 9/10. Sep.-Oct. 1972. pp. 1524-1527.

DE WAAL. S.A. The nickel deposit at Bon Accord. Barberton. South Africa — a proposed paleometeorite. Mineralisation in mclamorphie terranes. Johannesburg. Geological Society of South Africa, spec. pub. 4. KÍ78. pp. 87-98.

DE WAAL. S.A. Nickel minerals from Barbcrton. South Africa: VIII. The spinels cochromiic and nichromite and their significance to the Bon Accord nickel deposit. Bull. B.R.Ci.M., SectionIl.no. 3. 197K. pp. 225-230.

DE WAAL. S.A., and CALK. L.C. Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa: VI. Ltcbcnbergitc. a nickel olivine. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 58. no. 7/8. Jul.-Aug. 1973. pp. 733-735.

DE WAAL. S.A., and VIL.IOEN. I .A. Nickel minerals fr«>m Barberton. South Africa: IV. Reevesite. a member of the hydrolalcile group. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 56.no. 5/6. May-.lun. I'>7I. pp. 1077 1081.


DE WAAL. S.A.. VILJOEN. E.A.. and CALK. L.C. Nickel minerals from Barberton. South Africa. VII. Bonaccordite. the nickel analogue of ludwigite. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr.. vol. 77. pt 3. Sep.-Dec. 1974. p. 375. Base-metal Sulphides — Analysis

Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of base-metal sulphide ores, concentrates, metals, and byproducts

I. Reports

No. Title Year

29 The determination of selenium and tellurium in silver chloride 1966

244 The determination of selenium and tellurium in silver chloride and uranium

compounds 1967

491 The determination of nickel, copper, and cobalt in a nickel alloy matte 1969

857 The volumetric determination of bismuth in metallurgical ores and concentrates 1969

1230 The determination of copper and zinc in borehole cores with the Ekco Mineral Analyser 1971 1430 The use of the Ekco Mineral Analyser for the determination of copper and zinc in the presence of iron 1972

1435 The determination of chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, and nickel by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry using the nitrous oxide-acetylene flame 1972

16X8 The analysis of nickel-refining solutions: separation of tr-"e elements by liquid-liquid extraction followed by atomic-absorption measurement 1974

1689 The determination by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry of arsenic, selenium. tellurium, antimony, and bismuth on ion-exchange resins 1974

1718 The determination of silver in lead, copper, and zinc concentrates by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1975

1736 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry and liquid-liquid extraction, of antimony (parts per million) in ores and concentrates 1975

1746 The determination of minor elements in zinc. lead, and copper sulphide concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1975

1783 The spectrographs determination of minor and trace elements in copper, lead, and zinc concentrates 1976

1787 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of trace elements in sulphide concentrates 1976

1792 The determination, by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, of some trace elements in sulphide ores and concentrates 1976

1794 The application of three-phase liquid-liquid extraction to the analysis of bismuth and tellurium in sulphide concentrates 1976


No. Title Year

1747 A rapid atomic-absorption method for the determination of silver in sulphide ores and concentrates 1976

1798 Interferences in the determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of copper, lead, and zinc in sulphide concentrates 1976

1815 The commissioning of an induction-coupled plasma system and its application to the analysis of copper, lead, and zinc concentrates 1976

1836 The analysis of pilot-plant products for copper, zinc, and lead with the Telsec Lab-X-250 Analyser 1977

1838 An investigation of the atomic -absorption spectroph«.!ometric measurement of the elements that form gaseous hydrides and their determination in metal sulphide concentrates 1976

1857 The determination of some tra..e elements in sulphide concentrates by

spectrophotometry 1977

I86l The separation and determination of trace elements in iron ore 1977

1872 The determination of mercury by cold-vapour atomic-absorption spectrometry 1977

1883 The determination of iron, chromium, titanium, and tungsten in ores and other materials, by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1977 1911 Methods for the analysis of zinc-bearing materials, electrolytes, and process

solutions 1977

1926 The analysis of anode sludges by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1978

1932 A basic computer programme for the evaluation of intensity data from the Telsec Lab-X-250 Analyser 1978 1963 An evaluation of the methods used at the National Institute for Metallurgy for the

analysis of base-metal sulphide concentrates 1978

•2022 The determination of thallium and indium in sulphide concentrates 1979

•2036 The determination of thallium in ores, concentrates, and metals 1980

2. Paper BIBBY. DM., and SLLLSCHOP. J.P.F. Determination of copper, zinc. iron, and silicon in copper/zinc ore flotation products by fast neutrons. Radiochem. radioanalyt. Lett., vol. 1 2. no. 4-5. 1972. pp. 245-257.

Base-metal Sulphides — Mineralogy

Mmeralogical studies of base-metal sulphides I. Reports

No. Title Year

1962 Supcrgenc alteration of sulphide ores. I. Literature survey, measurement, and effect on floatabilitv and teachability I *>7S


.Vo. Title Year

•2018 Supergene alteration of sulphide ores. 11. The effect on the floatability of

chaleopyrite. galena, and sphalerite 1979

•2030 Chemical unhomogeneity of sphalerite in a base-metal sulphide deposit 1979

•2051 The supergene alteration of sulphide ores. III. The influence of the chemistry of sphalerite on its floatability 1980

Gold — Ore-dressing

Development of improved ore-dressing processes for the recovery of gold and pyrite from Witwatersrand and O.F.S. gold mines

I. Reports

IVo. Title Year

140 A preliminary mineralogical investigation of pyrite from the Kimberiey and the Main Reefs. Vogelstruisbult Gold Mine 1967

219 A review of some of the mineralogieal factors influencing the flotation of pyrite 1967

316 The flotation of pyrite from siliceous gangue by cationic collectors. A literature survev 196«

430 A mineralonical investigation of pvrite from the Loraine Gold Mine. Orange Free

State " 196«

1747 Magnetohydrostatic separation of gold from gravity concentrates 1975

1823 The recovery of gold and pyrite from a residue dump at Crown Mines 1976

1845 The composition and mode of occurrence of gold in Witwatersrand ores and leach residues 1976 2. Papers

CORRANS. I.J., and LEVIN. J. Wet high-intensity magnetic separation for the concentration of Witwatersrand gold-uranium ores and residues../. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metal!., vol. 79. no. 8. Mar. 1979. pp. 210-228.

GUF.ST. R.N. The recovery of pyrite from Witwatersrand gold ores. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 76. spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 103-105.

LFVIN. J., and VKITC'H. M.L. I .-boratory tests on the flotation of pyrite from Witwatcrsrand gold ores by cationic collectors. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 70. no. 6. pt 2. Jan. 1970. pp. 259-275.

l.OUW. G.D.. and LAXFiN. PA. The beneficialion of residue at Blyvooruit/icht Gold Mine. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 76. spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 136-139.

UKFN. F-A.. WATTfRSON. .I.W.. KNIGMI. A., and SFFFF.F. I.W. The application of neutron activation analysis to sorting Witwatersrand gold-bearing ores. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 67. no. 3. Oct. 1966. pp. 99-1 14.


Gold — Hydrometallurgy

Development of improved hydrometallurgical extraction processes for goid from Witwatersrand and O.F.S. gold mines I. Reports No. Title Year

2 The dissolution of gold in cyanide solutions containing copper in a

carbonate/bicarbonate medium. Preliminary results 1966

11 Gravimetric determination of carbon dioxide in cyanide solutions 1966

14 A comparison of the effects of additions of carbonate/bicarbonate as opposed to additions of lime in the leaching of a Biyvooruitzicht gold ore 1966 20 The determination of small amounts of gold in barren cyanide solution by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1966

24 Determination of gold in barren cyanide solution by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1966

27 Spectrophotometric determination of goid in cyanide solutions after solvent

extraction as the bromo-aurate complex 1966

35 The determination of gold in ores and solutions by neutron-ac:ivation analysis 1966

133 Gold recovery by cyanidation from mill products obtained after pyrite flotation.

Progress made up to 1st July. 1967 1M67

139 A preliminary survey of gold-recovery problems arising in the production of pyrite 1967

165 Gold recovery from pyrite flotation mill products by cyanidation. Progress made up to 1st May. 1967 " 1967 241 Investigation of the effects of sulphydryl flotation reagents on the cyanidation of

native gold 1967

277 The determination of small quantities of xanthate in cyanide solution 1968

278 Gold recovery by cyanidation from mill products obtained after pyrite flotation 1968

281 The determination of xanthate in cyanide solutions 1968

306 The effect of preaeration on two samples of thickener underflow from the

Venterspost Gold Mine 1968

308 A mincralogical study of gold particles in pulp residues from the Bracken Gold Mine 1968

3i 7 Results of tests carried out at the Loraine Gold Mine during the period 5th to 7th

Feb.. 1968 1968

32 I Aeration of ore from the l.oraine Gold Mine before the addition of cyanide 1968

323 The colorimctric determination of cyanide in solution from plants 1968 348 The determination of gold and silver in pyrite and banket by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1968 Mh SIM PI Bl K AI lO\S

360 The determination of the alkali carbonates and hydroxides or carbonates and

bicarbonates in the presence of permanganate ions 1968

377 Examination of pulp samples, treated with cyanide, for coated gold 1968

379 The inhibition of the rate of cyanidation of native gold by Aeromine 3037 1968

385 The dcteimination of the nature of coatings on gold particles 1968

513 Gold recovery by cyanidation from mill products obtained after pyritc flotation 1969

515 The influence of sulphydryl and cationic flotation reagents on the cyanidation of

native gold 1969

• 1364 Thiourea union-exchange resins for the recovery of platinum-group metals and gold 1971

1545 A mineralogical investigation of leach residues from the Blyv ooruitzicht Gold Mine 1973

1768 Some developments in gold extraction from Witwatcrsrand ore 1975

1845 The composition and mode of occurrence of gold in Witwatersrand ores and leach residues 1976 2. Papers ASKURST.K.G.andFINKELSTEIN.N.P. The influence of sulphydryl and cationic flotation reagents on the cyanidation of native gold. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 70. no. 6. pt 2. Jan. 1970. pp. 248-256.

•CLARKE. P.J. Carhon and the recovery of gold — some developments by the National Institute for Metallurgy. Metall. vol. 34. no. 2. Feb. 1980. pp. 128-131.

FINKELSTFIN. N.P. The chemistry of the extraction of gold from its ores. GOLD METALLURGY IN SOUTH AFRICA. Adamson. R.J. fed). Johannesburg. Chamber of Mines of South Africa. 1972. pp. 284-351.

FINKFLSTEIN. N.P . and HANCOCK. R.D A new approach to the chemistry of gold. Gold Bull.. vol. 7. no. 3. Jul. 1974. pp. 72-77.

HAINFS. A.K.. EDWARDS. R.I.. and TF. RIFLE. W A.M. The separation of gold from acidic leach liquors with Amb.rlite XAD-7. THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OE l(>\ EXCHANGE (AN INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE HELD AT CHURCHILL COLLEGE. UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE 25TH-30TH JULY. I97f>.) Streat. M fed.). London. Society of Chemical Industry. 1976. pp. 40.1-40.12.

•I.AXF.N. P.A.. BECKER. G.S.M.. and RCBIN. R. Developments in the application of carbon- in-pulp to the recovery of gold from South African ores. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Mctall.. vol. 79. no. 1 I. Jun. 1979. pp. 315-3:6.

MA I.LETT. R.< . A review ol'techniques for the determination of gold ;.nd silver by atomic absorption spectroscopy Miner. Sri. /-.'//#«#. vi I. 2. no 3. Jul. I°70. pp. 28-37.

MRM'SIC. P.G.. SCIARONF. M.. and SIMONSI N. H.I Gold recovery h> cyanuialioi from mill products obtained alter pvrite flotation. ./. S.Afr. Inst Min. Mclall.. vol. 70. no. h. pt 2. Jan 1970. pp 236-247

IK!S. I \.. WAÏTFRSON. .I.I.W.. KNIGHT. A.. and SI I I.SCHOP. J.P.F. I he determination ol cold in ores and solutions by activation analysis with .1 neutron generator. Int. J

|>) |'»(,o pp f,| s (,2.V


.?. Patents

Recovery and separation of platinum group metals and gold. S.Afr. Pat. 71/4981. 21st Jul.. 1972. (Also: Bophuthatswana Pat. 71/4981BW. 21st Jul.. 1972: Transkei Pat. TR7I/498I. 21st Jul.. 1972.)

Separation and purification of platinum group metals and gold. S.Afr Pat 72/0308. 27th Dec. 1972. (Also: Bophuthatswana Pat. 72/0308B\v". 27th Dec. !972:Bm. Pat. 1.4 18.391. 2nd Jan.. 1973: Fr Put. 73.01418.16th Jan.. 1973: Ital. Pat. 976.937.18th Jan.. 1973:Rhodes. Pat. 52 1/72.27th Dec. 1972;.S\W. Afr. Pat. 73/084. 20th Aug.. 1973.)

The separation of platinum group metals and gold.S.Afr. Pat. 74/5109. 23rd Jul.. 1975. (Also: Belg. Pat. 832.216. 7th Aug.. 1975: Bophuthatswana Pat. 74/5109BW. 23rd Jul.. 1975: Brit. Pat. 1.490.815. 28th Jul.. 1975: Fr. Pat. 75.24681. 7fh Aug.. 1975: Sorw. Pat. 752779. 8th Aug.. 1975: Transkei Pat. TR74/5109. 23rd Jul.. 1975: U.S. Pat. 3.985.552. 19th Jul.. 1977.)

Treatment of platinum group metals and gold. S.Afr. Pat. 75/0593. 21st Jan.. 1976. (Also: Belg. Pat. 838.029. 29th Jan.. 1976; Bophuthatswana Pat. 75/0593BW.2 1st Jan.. Wlb;Fr.Pat. 76.02279. 28th Jan.. 1976: Transkei Pa;. TR75/0593. 21 si Jan.. 1976.)

Gold — Instrumentation and Control

Instrumentation, optimization, and control of processes for the recovery of gold

I. Reports

So. Title Year

1209 The economies of instrumentation for the cyanidation of gold 1971

1647 The industrial application of KFGOI.D electrodes 1974

2. Paper

HJ T( MIR. G.W Process control. COLD Ml.TAI.l.URCY IS SOUTH AFRICA Adamson. R.I. ted.). Johannesburg. Chamber of Mines of South Africa. I'»72. pp. 256 283.

Gold — Mineralogy

Mineralogies/ and geochemical studies of gold ores

I. Repwls

So. Title Year

101 JTectron-microprobc identification of opauuc minerals in gold ore from the Basal Reef, tree Slate (icduld Mine I'"^

269 A literature survey of the vertical distribution of gold and uranium in various auriferous reefs 1968

837 F'hc association of gold and uranium with other minerals in dillercnt W itwatersrand reefs ' I "69


No. Title Year

1361 An electron-microprobe analysis of gold in the Witwatersrand banket and in ores from the Barberton Mountain Land 1971

1845 The composition and mode of occurrence of gold in Witwatersrand ores and leach residues 1976

1924 The composition of chromite grains from various Witwatersrand reefs 1977

2. Papers

DE WAAL. S. A., and HERZBERG. W. Uranium and gold mineralization of the Black Reef Series in the Kaapse Hoop area. Nelspruit District, eastern Transvaal. Annals Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 7. 1968-69. p;. 111-124.

LIEBENBERG. W.R. Mineralogical features of gold ores in South Africa. GOLD METALLURGY IN SOUTH AFRICA. Adamson, R.J. (ed). Johannesburg. Chamber of Mines of South Africa. 1972. pp. 352-446.

MIHÁLIK. P.. and SAAGER. R. Chromite grains showing altered borders from the Basal Reef. Witwatersrand System. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 53. no. 9/10. Sep.-Oct. 1968. pp. 1543-1550.

MINNITT, R.C.A.. BUTTON. A., and KABLE. E.J.D. The gold content v\ pre-Malmani argillaceous sediments in the Transvaal Supergroup, north-eastern Transvaal. University of the Witwatersrand. Economic Geology Research Unit. Information Circular no. 82. Jul. 1973.

SAAGER. R-. and MIHÁLIK. P. Notes on two varieties of pyrite from the Basal Reef of e Witwatersrand System. Leon. Geol., vol. 62. 1967. pp. 719-731.

VON RAHDEN. H.V.R. Apparent fineness values of gold from two Witwatersrand gold mines. Leon. Geol., vol. 60. 1965. pp. 980-997.

Gold from Refractory Ores

Recovery of gold from refractory ores

I. Reports

No. Title Year

8 Mineralogy and chemical behaviour of some refractory gold «ires from the Barberton

Mountain Land 1966

38 Chemical treatment of refractory gold ores. Literature survey 1966

76 The elcctron-microprobc investigation of a gold concentrate from the Louis Moore Mine " 1966 79 Investigation into the improvement of gold recovery in the cyanidation circuit of the

Louis Moore gold mine 1966

85 The roasting of refractory gold ores and concentrates. Literature survey 1966

90 Mineraiogical examination of schist sample from the Giant Reefs Mine 1966


No. Title Year

107 Investigations on the treatment of refractory gold ores from the Giant Reefs Mine 1966

127 Comments on the size of gold particles observed in polished sections of ore from the Giant Reefs Mine 1967

148 The recovery of gold from the Fairview dump after pretreatment with sulphurous acid 1967

2 1 1 Refractory gold ores. Report on investigations into roasting of gold concentrates in the Edwards roaster of the Fairview and New Consort reduction plants 1967

333 The hot-water leaching process for refining arsenious oxide in flue dusts from the Fairview Mine 1968

343 A mineralogica! investigation of gold-bearing sulphidic «ire from the

Florence-Devonian Mine. Barberton 1968

380 Preparation of gold ore before cyanidation 1968

Ml 1 The recovery of gold from sulphidic and arsenical ores mainly from the Barberton area 1970 Gold and Silver — Refining

Refining processes for gold and silver

1. Report

No. Title Year

1880 The electrochemical reduction of silver chloride and its application to the refining of silver IM7-

2. Papers

ASHl'RST. KG., and NLA1.L. RAN. The porosity of gold electrodeposits. Trans. Inst. Metal Finishing, vol. 45. no. 2. 1967. pp. 75-82.

ATMORI.R B.HOWAT.D D.andKM HI NS.P.U The effect of slag and gold bullion composition on the removal of copper from mine bullion by oxygen injection. J.S.Afr. Inst. Min. Me tall., vol. 72.no 1 1971. pp. 5-11.

•PARKIR. A.J.. ( LARL. B.W.. and SMITH. R.P. Solvation of ions Some applications. IV A novel process for the recoverv of pure silver from impure silver chloride. Ilvilmmelall.. vol 4. I 979. pp. 233-245.

SCHALCH. I •'.. NIC OI.. ML and CHARLTON. B.D. An electrochemical study of some problems related to the eleclrorefinmg of gold in chloride solutions. ISTI RNATION.M. SYMI'OSIl M ON

Clll.ORini HYDROMITAI.l.lRdY. l'R(H I IDINd.S. Brussels. Benelux Metallurgy. 1977 PP 336 356.

SCIIAI.CH. Y.. and NICOL. M.I. A study of certain problems associated with the electrolytic refining of gold, (iold Bull., vol. II. no. 4. Oct. 1978. pp. 117 123 NIM PUBLICATIONS

3. Patent

•Silver recovery or refining. S.Afr. Pat. 77/5210. 17th Aug.. 1978.

PGM — Refining

Research and development of new processes for the recovery of platinum-group metals

1. Reports

No. Title Year

• 1364 Thiourea anion-exchange resins for the recovery of platinum-group metals and gold 1971

1744 The refining of the platinum-group metals 1975

1800 An electrochemical investigation of the dissolution and passivation of platinum in

acid solutions 1976

1822 Stability constants and linear free-energy relations for the platinum-group metrls 1976

1864 The preparation of primary standard solutions for each of the noble metal' 1977

1996 The extraction of gold from chloride solutions 1978

2. Papers

LLOYD. P.J. The extraction of the neutral and anionic nitrato complexes of nitrosylruthenium by long-chain alkyl amines. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 20, no. 2. Jun. 1967. pp. 174-185.

WARSHAWSKY, A. Polystyrenes impregnated with B-diphenylglyoxime. a selective agent for palladium. Talanta, vol. 21, no. 6. 1974. pp. 624-626.

.?. Patents

Recovery and separation of platinum group metals and gold. S.Afr. Pat. 71/4981, 21st Jul.. 1972. (Also: Bophuthatswana Pat. 7I/4981BW, 21st Jul., 1972; Transkei Pat. TR71/498J. 21st Jul.. 1972.)

Separation and purification of platinum group metals and gold. S.Afr. Pat. 72/0308, 27th Dec, 1972. (Aiso: Bophuthatswana Pat. 72/0308BW, 27th Dec, 1972; Brit. Pat. 1.418.391,2nd Jan.. 1973; Fr. Pat. 73.01418. 16th Jan., 1973; hat. Pat. 976.937. 18th Jan.. 1973; Rhodes. Pat. 521/72. 27th Dec, 1972; S.W. Afr. Pat. 73/084, 20th Aug., 1973.)

•Purification of platinum and palladium. Brit. Pat. 1.533,542. 21st Jun.. 1977. (Also: B»lg. Pat. 855.936, 21st Jun., 1977; U.S. Pat. 4,105,742, 8th Aug., 1978.)

•Purification of ruth-mum. Brit. Pat. 1.533,541. 21st Jun.. 1977. (Also: Belg. Pat. 855.934. 21st Jun.. 1977; U.S. Pat. 4.105.442, 8th Aug.. 1978.)

•Purification of iridium. Brit. Pat. 1,533.373. 2! st Jun.. 1977. (Also: Belg. Pat. 855,035. 21st Jun.. 1977; U.S. Pat. 4.130,625, 19th Dec. 1978.)

•Recovery and purifiration ol rhodium..S.Afr. Pat. 77/5358.4th Aug.. 1978. (Also: Bophuthatswana Pat. 77/5358BW.4lh Aug.. \97H;Belg, Pat. 870.256,6thSep.. 1978,U.S. Pat. 4.'.55.750.22ndMay, 1979.)


Anode Sludges

Research and development of new processes for the treatment of anode sludges from copper refineries

/. Reports

No. Title Year

1761 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of minor elements in anode sludges and residues 1975

1771 The determination of silver, selenium, tellurium, antimony, tin, lead, and arsenic in anode sludges 1975

1784 A single-standard calibration method for use in analysis by X ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1976

1795 The determination of minor and trace elements in the leach liquors from anode sludges 1976

1809 The analysis, by flameless atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of pure selenium and tellurium 1976

2. Paper

•DIXON, K., RUSSELL, G.M., WALL. G., and EDDY, B. The analysis of anode slimes, especially copper slimes, by instrumental techniques. Talanta, vol. 26, no. 9. Sep. 1979. pp. 833-839.

3. Patents

The separation of platinum group metals and gold. S.Afr Pat. 74/5109,23rd Jul., 1975. (Also: Belg. Pat. 832.216, 7th Aug., 1975; Bophuthatswana Pat. 74/5109BW, 23rd Jul., 1975; Brit. Pat. 1,490,815, 28th Jul., 1975; Fr. Pat. 75 24681, 7th Aug., 1975; Norw. Pat. 752779, 8th Aug., 1975; Transkei Pal. TR74/5109, 23rd Jul., 1975; U.S. Pat. 3,985,552, 19th Jul., 1977.)

Treatment of platinum group metals and gold. S.Afr. Pat. 75/0593, 21st Jan., 1976. (Also: Belg. Pat. 838.029, 29th Jan., 1976; Bophuthatswana Pat. 75/0593BW, 21st Jan., ) 976; Fr. Pat. 76.02279, 28th Jan., 1976; Transkei Pat. TR75/0593, 21st Jan., 1976.)

•Purification ofplatinum and palladium. Brit. Pat. 1,533,542, ~>. 1st Jun., 1977. (Also: Belg. Pat. 855,936, 21st Jun., 1977; U.S. Pat. 4,105,742, 8th Aug., 1978.)

•Purification of ruthenium. Brit. Pat. 1,533,541, 21st Jun., 1977. (Also: Belg. Pat. 855,934, 21st Jun., 1977; U.S. Pat. 4,105,442, 8th Aug., 1978.)

•Purification of iridium. Brit. Pat. 1,533,373, 21st Jun., 1977. (Also: Belg. Pat. 855,935, 21st Jun., 1977; U.S. Pat. 4,130,625, 19th Dec, 1978.)

•Recovery and purification of rhodium. S.Afr. Pat. 77/5358,4th Aug..' 978. (Also: Bophuthatswana Pat. 77/5358 BW,4th Aug., 1978; Belg. Pat. 870,256,6th Sep., 1978; U.S. Pat. 4,155,750,22 nd May, 1979.)

•Silver recovery or refining. S.Afr. Fat. 77/5210, 17th Aug., 1978.


PGM — Ore-dressing and Smelting

Research and development of improved ore-dressing and smelting processes for the recovery of platinum-group metals and chromite from ores, including ores of the Merensky and Chromitite Reefs

1. Reports

No. Title Year

1206 A review of the South African platinum-mining industry 1971

1898 Batch and pilot-plant tests on Merensky Reef ore from the Western Platinum Mine 1977

• 1941 The recovery of chromite and platinum from the UG-2 Upper Chromitite Layer of the Bushveld Complex at the Pandora Mine 1978

1942 The accuracy of assays for platinum-group metals and gold on flotation tailings of platinum ores from the Merensky Reef 1977

• 1966 A mineralogical investigation of ores from the Merensky Reef and their flotation products 1978

2. Paper

UROUH ART, R.C., RENNIE, M.S., and RABEY. C.C. The smelting of copper-nickel concentrates in an electric furnace. THE EXTRACTIVE METALLURGY OF COPPER. Yannopoulos, Y.,andAgarwal, J. (eds.). New York. AIME. 1976. pp. 274-295. PGM and Gold — Analysis

Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of platinum-group metals and gold in ores, concentrates, mattes, and pure metals

I. Reports

No. Title Year

349 The separation of platinum from solution after fusion with potassium bifluoride 1968

526 The determination of the platinum-group metals and gold in ore samples 1969

890 The determination of the platinum-group metals and gold in ore samples — Part II 1969

961 The preparation of standard solutions for the platinum-group metals and gold 1970

970 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of platinum, palladium, rhodium, ruthenium, gold, silver, and lead, in prills 1970

971 The determination of gold by atomic absorption, and of platinum, palladium, rhodium, and iridium by spectrophotometry, in solutions 1970

976 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of gold in prills and in platinum-metal concentrates 1^70

977 The collection and rapid determination of noble metals in ores and concentrates by the fusion technique using lead as a collector 1970

9.1 MM PI'Bl.K A1 IONS

No. Title Year

994 The separation and determination of noble metals by reversed-phase extraction chromatography '^71

1003 The chromatography separation and determination of platinum, palladium.

rhodium, and iridium 1970

1017 The spectrophotometric determination of rhodium 1970

1037 The determination of gold in concentrates of the platinum-group metals after extraction with dibutyl Carbitol* 1970 1048 The determination, by neutron-activation and tracer techniques, of the losses of iridium during the fire-assay procedure for the platinum-group metals 1970

1086 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectroscopy, of platinum, palladium. rhodium, ruthenium, and gold in the presence of base metals 1970

1108 Interferences relating to the determination of the noble metals by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1970

1137 The determination of the platinum-group metals ;»nd gold in ore samples—Part III 1971

1179 The spectrophotometric determination of iridium 197!

1185 The recovery of noble metals for analysis. A radio-tracer investigation of hisses 1971

1218 The acid-extraction of noble metals from low-grade concentrates and tires, and the subsequent determination of platinum, palladium, rhodium, and gold 1971

1219 Spectrograph^ analysis for the noble metals present in solutions 1971

1232 The determination of osmium 1971

1245 The separation of non-volatile noble metals by reversed-phase extraction chromatography 1971

1260 Interference by base metals in the spectrophotometric determination of platinum metals 1971

1273 The coprccipitation of noble metals from tellurium. I. Platinum, palladium, rhodium. and gold 1971

1318 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of osmium and

iridium in solution 1971

1324 The separation of base metals from nobic metals by cation exchange 1971

1371 Concentration of the noble metals by a fire-assay technique using nickel sulphide as the collector 1971 1401 The pressure dissolution of platiniferous materials by the sealed-tube technique [superseded by Report 1«52| 1972

1432 The determination of ruthenium and osmium in the residues resulting from the leaching of mattes 1972 MM PIBLK ATIOSS

No. Tide Year

15(H) The chromatographic separation and determination of noble metals in matte-leach residues 1973

1534 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of noble metals in the presence of sodium, barium, or sulphate ions. A comparison of uranium and lanthanum as releasing agents 1973

1555 The analysis, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of matte-leach residues 1973

1569 The use of DDTU as an analytical reagent for the noble metals 1973

1574 The chromatographic separation and gravimetric determination of noble metals in

matte-leach residues 1973

15P0 The determination of silver in ores, concentrates, and mattes 1973

1590 The separation of osmium from ruthenium in hydrochloric acid solutions 1974

1598 The use of carbon-rod devices in the determination of noble metals by

atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1974

1654 The determination of osmium in platiniferous media 1974

1669 An assessment of the carbon-rod atomizer for the determination of silver 1974

1679 The detection of noble-metal impurities in refined noble-metal solutions by thin-layer chromatography 1974 1684 The application of three-phase liquid-liquid extraction to the separation and concentration of noble metals 1974 1705 The effects of various matrix elements on the efficiency of the fire-assay procedure using nickel sulphide as the collector 1975

1714 The efficiency of the fire-assay procedure, using nickel sulphide as a collector, for platinum, silver, gold, and iridium, and of the subsequent parting procedure 1975

1717 The use of isothioronium compounds as liquid-liquid cxtractants for the noble metals

and silver 1975

1739 The determination of trace amounts of noble metals in sulphate media 1975

!82f> Dithiocarhamate as a releasing agent in the atomic-absorption determination of noble metals in organic media 1976 I837 The rapid and precise determination >f noble metals in matte-leach residues by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1976

185? A revised method for the pressure dissolution of plafinifcrous materials by the sealed-tube technique [supersedes Report 1401) 1976

1864 The preparation of primary standard solutions for each of the noble metals 1977

1865 A sensitive method for the measurement of osmium by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1977


No. Title Year

1881 n-octylaniline. a new treatment for noble metals 1977

1905 An examination of fire-assay techniques as applied to chromite-beanng materials 1977

1912 The determination, by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry, of noble and base metal? in matte-leach residues 1977

1919 The determination, by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry, of gold in activated charcoal 1977

1940 The extraction of the noble metals with n-octylaniline. and its application to the analysis of platinum-bearing materials 1978

Í948 The measurement of trace amounts of gold in solution by atomic-absorption

spectrophotometry and carbon-rod atomization 1978

1953 The separation, by anion exchange, of noble metals on substituted cellulose 1978

«2011 The analysis of anode sludges, and their process solutions and beneficiation products 1979

2. Papers

JONES. E.A., WARSHAWSK Y. A., DIXON. K.. and NICOLAS. D.J. The group extraction of noble metals with 5-(decyl)-A/,A/'-diphenyI isothiouronium bromide and their determination in the organic extract by atomic-absorption spectrometry. Analyt. chim. Acta, vol. 94. 1977. pp. 257-_68.

MALLETT, R.C.. PEARTON. D.C.G., RING, E.J.. and STEELE. T.W. Interferences and their elimination in the determination of the noble metals by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Talanta, vol. 19. no. 2. 1972. pp. 181-19^.

MALLETT, R.C.. PEARTON, D.C.G., RING, E.J.. and STEELE. T.W. Interferences encountered in the determination of the noble metals by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 25. no. 3. 1972. pp. 219-229.

•MALLETT, R.C., ROYAL. S.J., and STEELE, T.W. A sensitive method for the measurement of osmium by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry. Analyt. Chem., vol. 51. 1979. pp. 1617-1620.

PALMER. I., PALMER, R., and STEELE, T.W. The separation of platinum, palladium, rhodium and gold from ores and concentrates by aqua regia extraction and by high-temperature chlorination followed by acid leaching. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 25, no. 3. 1972. pp. 190-197.

PEARTON, D.C.G., BRECKENRIDGE, R.L., DUBOIS. M., and STEELE, T.W. The pressure dissolution of platiniferous materials by the sealed-tube technique and the analysis of the resulting solutions. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 25, no. 3. 1972. pp. 244-253.

POHLANDT, C. The extraction of noble metals with w-octylaniline. Talanta, vol. 26. no. 3. Mar. 1979. pp. 199-206.

POHLANDT, C, ROBERT, R., VALLÉE, A.M., and STEELE, T.W. The separation of non-volatile noble metals on cellulose, and the application of the technique to the analysis of maltc-lcach residues. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 25. no. 3. 1972. pp. 198-213.

POHLANDT. C, and STEELE, T.W. Separation of the non-volatile noble metals by rcversed-phasc extraction chromatography. Talanta, vol. 19. no. 7. 1972. pp. 839-850.

yft MM PI Bl l( \ I IONS

POHL ANDT. C. and STEELE. T. W. Chromatographic separation and determination of noble metals in matte-leach residues. Talunta. vol. 21. 1974. pp. 919-925.

ROBERT. R.V.D.. VAN WYK. E.. PALMER. R.. and STEELE. T.W. The development of a fire-assay procedure using nickel sulphide as the collector for the noble metals. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 25. no. 3. 1972. pp. 179-1X9.

RUSSELL. B.G . EDDY. B.T.. BECKMANN. G.. and STEELE. T.W. The application of X-ray-fluorescence techniques to the determination of the noble metals. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 25. no. 3. 1972. pp. 297-310. PGM — Mineralogy

Mineralogical studies of platinum-group metals and chromite-containing reefs in the Bushveld Complex 1. Repitrts

No. Title Year

325 Investigation for nickel and precious metals in samples from Malelane 1968

1203 The chromite of the Bushveld Igneous Complex. An assessment of published information 1971

1415 The interrelation of the chemical, physical, and certain metallurgical properties of chrome spinels from the Bushveld Igneous Complex 1972

1709 The mineralogy, chemistry, and certain aspects of reactivity of chromitite from the Bushveld Igneous Complex 1975

1726 Mertieite and an unnamed compound of palladium with arsenic and tin in a mineral intergrowth from the Atok Mine 1975

1730 The chromitite from the Marico occurrence, western Transvaal, its alteration, and possible reasons for its refractory nature 1975

• 1966 A mineralogical investigation of ores from the Merensky Reef and their flotation products 1978

2. Papers

BRYNARD, H.J., DE VILLIERS. J.P.R., and VILJOEN, E.A. A mineralogical investigation of the Merensky Reef at the Western Platinum Mine, near Marikana, South Africa. Econ. Geol., vol. 71, no. 7. 1976. pp. 1299-1307.

GASPARRINI. E.. and HIEMS1RA. S.A. Paolovite (Pd,Sn)from the Atok Mine in the Merensky Reef. Trans. Geol. Sm. S.Afr., vol. 78. 1975. pp. 167-169.

MIHÁLIK. P., HIEMSTRA. S.A., and DE VILLIERS, J.P.R. Rustenburgite and atokite, two new platinum-group metals from the Merensky Reef. Bushvcld Igneous Complex. Can. Mineralogist, vol. 13. no. 2. 1975. pp. 146-150.

MIMÁLIK, P., JACOBSEN. J.B.E.. and HIEMSTRA, S.A. Platinum-group minerals from a hydr.ithermal environment. Econ. Geol., vol. 69, no. 2. Mar.-Apr. 1974. pp. 257-262.

SCHWELLNUS. J.S.I.. HIEMSTRA. S.A.. and GASPARRINI, E. The Merensky Reef at the Atok Platinum Mine and its environs. Econ. Geol., vol. 71. 1976. pp. 249-260.


Phosphates and Phosphorus

Development of improved processes for the recovery of phosphates and phosphorus chemicals

1. Reports

No. Title Year

120 Exploratory tests on the recovery of apatite and magnetite from the farm Schiel 1967

302 Mineralogical examination of phosphate in pyroxenite from St. Agnesfontein. north-western Transvaal 1968

950 A mineralogical study of eight samples of phosphate ore from Steenkampskraal. Van

Rhynsdorp. Cape Province 1970

1028 Exploratory heavy-liquid separation tests on a low-grade apatite concentrate 1970

1204 The flotation of phoscorite ores. Possil'.; correlations between chemical variables in solution and metallurgical performance 1971

2. Paper

LOVELL. V.M. Froth characteristics in phosphate flotation. FLOTATION. A.M. GAUDIN MEMORIAL VOLUME. Fuerstenau, M.C. (ed.). vol. 1. New York. American Institute of Mining. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers. Inc.. 1976. pp. 597-621.


Development of improved processes for the recovery of fluorspar

I. Reports

No. Title Year

77 Concentration of fluorspar from the farm Strydfontein. Marico district. Preliminary

investigation 1966

208 Determination of fluorine in fluorspar ores by neutron-activation analysis 1967

1424 A review of the World's fluorspar industry, with particular reference to South Africa 1972

1438 A mineralogical examination of fluorspar ores from the Ottoshoop area 1972

I486 Review of the fluorochemical industry of the World 1972

1577 Quantitative analysis of fluoritc ores by X-ray diffraction 1973

1595 Preliminary tests on low-grade brecciated fluorspar ore from the Ottoshoop district 1973

1612 Flotation tests on sulphide-bearing high-grade brecciated and wad ores 1974

1615 Fluorspar pellets. A survey of the World market and an assessment of future South African production 1974


No. Title Year

1643 Further tests on low-grade brecciated fluorspar ore from the Ottoshoop district 1974

1646 Examination of the method of analysis for calcium fluoride in fluorspar 1974

1660 An economic assessment of the production of high-grade fluorspar pellets '974

1668 An updated summary of the World's fluorspar industry 1974

1715 Flotation tests on various types of ore from the Ottoshoop district 1975

1725 The determination of silica in fluorspar by 14MeV neutron-activation analysis 1975

1814 An updated summary of the World's fluorspar industry. 1975 1976

2. Papers

GÓSSLING. H.H.. and McCULLOCH. H.W. Fluorspar — the use of a non-metallic mineral. Miner. Sri. Engng. vol. 6. no. 4. Oct. 1974. pp. 206-222.

SEE. J.B. Fluorspar and fluorine compounds in high-temperature smelting and refining of metals. Miner. Sri. Engng, vol. 8. no. 4. Oct. 1976. pp. 217-241.


Investigation ol processes for the production of alumina and aluminium from local raw materials

I. Reports

N(}. Title Year

26 Economic evaluations of the possible production of alumina from Sasol ashes by the ammonium sulphate baking process and the ammonium fluoride and sulphuric acid leaching process 1967

3<> The extraction of alumina from Sasol coal ash 1966

51 Exploratory tests on the recovery of diaspore from a ferruginous shale from the 1966 Ciamagararand 1966 69 Preliminary examination of ijolitc from Spitzkop 1966 89 Mineralogical examination of ijolitc from Spitzkop

143 A review of the investigations into the possibility of producing alumina and 1967 aluminium from South African ores 149 The extraction of alumina, potash, and soda from a ncphclinc concentrate 1967


Aluminous Refractories

Investigation of processes for the production of aluminous refractories, with special reference to sillimanite and andalusite

1. Rrptnis

No. Title Year

48 The investigation of a suspected sillimanite-bearing sample 1966

307 Preliminary examination of kyanite-bearing material from Granville. Leydsdorp 1968

347 Concentration tests on "rich blue nobby' kyanite-bearing ore from Nkandhla. Zululand 1968 493 Concentration of andalusite from alluvial sands from the farm Goedgelegen. Groot Marico district 1969

1281 The heavy-medium cyclone concentration plant for the treatment of andalusite sands

on the farm Wonderfontein". Groot Marico district 1971

1445 Cost assessment for the production of andalusite concentrates 1972

1478 An examination of two andalusite-bearing samples from Magostad No. 6. Marico district, western Transvaal 1972 1505 The production of the refractory aluminium silicates, with special reference to South Africa ' 1973

1779 A summary of work done on the concentration of andalusite from deposits in the western Transvaal 1976


Processes for the production of magnesite and magnesium oxide

I. Report

No. Title Year

1706 Concentration of magnesite from Apicsbomen, Burgersfort district 1975

Sodium Chemicals

Processes for the production of sodium chemicals (e.g., salt, soda ash)

I. Report

No. 'Title Year

IS43 The treatment of Athlonc Sewerage-plant effluent by the 1)1 SAL process 1976


Potassium Chemicals

Processes for the production of potassium chemicals

I. Report

No. Title Year

298 The recovery of potassium from phlogopite 1468


Processing of pegmatites for the recovery of niobium, tantalum, spodumene, mica, beryl, etc.

I. Reports

No. Title Year

2 I The use of heavy-medium separation for the recovery of spodumene 1966

96 The mode of occurrence of beryl in grey gneiss along the contact with the Ciesie

pegmatite 1 966

102 Micas of the Noumas pegmatite 1966

142 Micas from the Namaqualand pegmatite area 1966

190 Micas from the NÓ.naqualand pegmatite area I9f>7 "»">S Test to recover tantalite-columbitc from a bulk sample of tailing from the Noumas pegmatite by pneumatic tabling 1967

233 A chemical and mineralogical study of microlite from Noumas pegmatite [available only on loan from NIM Library] 1967

2?8 Exploratory concentration tests by Warren Spring Laboratory on the use of the fluidized-bed concentrator for the recovery of spodumene 1967

262 Preliminary gravity concentration tests for the recovery of scheelite. wolframite, and cassiterite from the tailing dump at Boksputs in the Gordonia district 1967

266 Concentration tests for the recovery of lepidolite from tailing dumps at Helicon and Rubicon Mines by electrostatic separation and flotation 1968

473 Mineralogical examination of tanialite-bcaring samples from the Warmbad district.

South West Africa 1968

482 Review of work on the treatment <\ p'gmatites 1969

483 Summary of the mineralogical investigation of pegmatites 1969

494 A preliminary study of beryllium distribution of phyllosilicatcs from the I tiro pegmatite. Karibib. South West Africa 1966 496 A preliminary siudy of beryllium distribution in i|iiat t/cs from the I tiro pegmatite. Karibib. South West Africa 1969


No. Title Ye»

1308 Heavy-medium tests for the treatment of pegmatite ores and dump material in Namaqualand I **7 I

1443 Gravity concentration tests on itwr samples from Tantalite ValL.. S.W.A. 19.T7 1

1508 The selection of economically mineralized pegmatites according to their border-zone

characteristics 1^73

1583 Preliminary tests on winnowing for the recovery of mica 1973

1733 A mineraiogical investigation of weathered carbonatile from Salpeterkop 1975

1813 The economic potential of some pegmatites from the Kenhardt area in relation to the trace-element content of their border zones 1976 1829 An investigation of weathered carbonatile from Salpeterkop 1976

Hmenite, Rutile, Zircon

Recovery of ilmenite, rutile, zircon, and other minerals from beach-sand and similar deposits

/. Reports

No. Title Year

1:17 investigation of beach sands from Bantu Area No. 4. Nhlabane. /ululand 1971

1541 Further tests on beach sands from Bantu Area No. 4. Nhlahane. /.ululand 1973

If.19 Reduction of the chromium in ilmenite concentrates 1974

lf>32 A mineraiogical examination of beach-sand concentrates from a pilot plant at Richards Bay 1974

1830 The determination of iron in zircon beach sands and its teachability 1977


Recovery of tungsten concentrates from ores, ana the development of processes for the refining of tungsten

I. Reports

No. Title Year

1710 The recovery of schcelite from Shongona. north-western Transvaal 1 *>75

1817 The rapid determination by X -ray-fluon sec nee spectrometry of tungsten in tungsten ores and concentrates l*'7o

1875 The determination of tungsten and iron in fcrrotungslcn alloys by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry I *>77



Processes for the upgrading of manganese ores and for the production of manganese dioxide and manganese chemicals

1. Reports

No. Title Year

63 X-ray and spectrograph^ analyses of seven samples of manganese ores 1966

65 Samples of manganese dioxide for battery tests by the CSIR 1966

78 X-ray investigation of four samples of manganese ore 1966

83 Qualitative X-ray examination of two samples of MnO-j ore 1966

97 X-ray diffraction analysis of six samples of manganese ore from Graskop, eastern Transvaal 1966

98 Qualitative X-ray analysis of manganese dioxide ore from Graskop 1966

108 An X-ray-diffraction method for the quantitative determination of nsutite (•y-MnO.,) and cryptomelane (a-MnO..) in ores from the Gopani Mine, Transvaal 1966

111 The X-ray investigation of a sample of upgraded material from the Graskop wad

deposit 1966

288 Ramsdellite (MnO.) from Hotazel Mine, northern Cape Province 1968

1920 A mineralo^ical investigation of Mamatwan and Wessels manganese ores 1977

2. Papers

DE VILLIERS, .I.P.R. The crystal structure of braunite with reference to its solid-solution behaviour. Amet. Mineralogist, vol. 60. 1975. pp. 1098-1104.

DE WAAL, S.A. Ramsdellite from the Hotazel Mine, northern Cape Province. South Africa. Econ. Geol, vol. 64. no. 2. 1969. pp. 221-222.

RUSSELL, B.C. Flame-photometric determination of sodium and potassium in manganese ores. Analyst, Land., vol. 91, no 1085. Aug. 1966. pp. 511-519.

Zirconium (Non-nuclear)

Research and development for the production and use of zirconium and its alloys in non-nuclear fields

I. Reports

No. Title Year

1808 Spectrophotometry determination (with pyrocatechol violet as chromogenic agent) of aluminium in zirconium metals and in the residues from anode sludges 1976

10.1 MM Pl'Bl.K'ATIONS

No. Title Year

1861 The determination of some impurities in zirconium meial by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1 976

1902 The determination of boron in aluminium of high purity 1977

Iron, Titanium, Vanadium

Recovery of iron, titanium dioxide, and vanadium from iron ores containing titanium and vanadium

I. Reports

No. Title Year

54 Electron-microprobe investigation of magnetite from the Bushveld Igneous Complex 1966

161 The quantitative electron-microprobe determination of the magnesium con nt of magnetite from Phalaborwa 1967

"*28 A mineralogical examination of iron ore from Nooitgedacht, near Airlie Station,

eastern Transvaal 1 968

1488 Extraction of rutile from Highveld smelter slags 1972

1515 A mineralogical investigation of titaniferous magnetite from the Mambula Intrusion, Natal 1973 1522 An electron-microprobe investigation of an exsolvcd minera1 'n a sample of

magnetite 1973

1546 Pilot-plant smelting campaign on iron ores from Tete 1973

1557 Cost estimates for the production of pig iron in the Tcte district of Mocambique 1973

1565 A mineralogical investigation of the vanadium-rich titaniferous iron ore from Tete.

and the slag produced from it i 973

1600 Dilute-acid leaching of slag from Tete ore 1973

1602 The roasting of Tete slag for the extraction >f vanadium 1973

1614 The extraction of rutile from smelter slags 1974

1620 The recovery of tiiunnim dioxide from Tete slag by the sulphate route 1974

1635 Magnetic tests on Tete slag and ore 1974

1671 Pyrometallur*',ical rctreatment of a slag for the recovery of vanadium 1974

•2017 Vanadium-bearing titaniferous iron ores from the Rooiwater. Usushwana, Mambula, Kaffirskraal. and Trompsburg Igneous Complexes 1979


2. Papers

JOCHLNS, PR., SOMMER, G., and HOWAT. D.D. Preliminary equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase studies of titaniferous slags. J. Iron Steel Inst., vol. 207, no. 2. Feb. 1969. pp. 187-192.

LYCETT, R.A.H., JOCHENS, PR., and HOWAT, D.D. The crystallization of rutile from titaniferous slags. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metal!., vol. 76, no. 2. Sep. 1975. pp. 20-24.


Recovery of tin concentrates from ores, and refining of tin

1. Reports

So. Title Year

12 Exploratory tests on the concentration of tin ore from Kuils River, C.P. 1966

128 Exploratory concentration test for the recovery of cassiterite from Sandspruit No. 51, Bronkhorstspruit district 1967 350 Concentration of cassiteriie from two samples from Enkeldoorn, Bronkhorstspruit district 1968

1589 Preliminary investigations into the flotation of tin dioxide, cassiterite, and some related gangue minerals 1973

2. Papers

DE WAAL, S.A. The Bushveld granites in the Zaaiplaats area. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 75, pt 2. May-Aug. 1972. pp. 135-147.

McIVER, JR.. and MIHÁLIK, P. Stannian andradite from 'Davib Ost', South West Africa. Can. Mineralogist, vol. 13, no. 3. Aug. 1975. pp. 217-221.

Niobium and Tantalum

Processes for the production and refining of niobium and tantalum metal and their alloys

I. Reports

No. Ti'le Year

1010 The leaching, with hydrofluoric acid, of materials containing tantalum and niobium 1970

1154 The extraction and separation of niobium and tantalum by liquid-liquid extraction

using tri-n-butyl phosphate 1970

1178 Further leaching tests, with hydrofluoric acid, on a tantalite concentrate 1970

1282 The determination of free hydrofluoric acid in the leach liquors from tantalum-niobium ores 1971


Silicate Analysis

Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of silicate-containing ores and concentrates

1. Reports

No. Title Year

5 The spectrophotometry determination of trace amounts of tin 1966

10 The determination of phosphate in silicate samples 1966

37 The determination of aluminium in silicate samples by complexometric titration 1966

40 The spectrophotometry determination of tin in silicate materials 1966

82 The spectrophotometric determination of cobalt with 2-nitro-l-naphthol 1966

136 Determination of aluminium in silicate materials by solvent extraction and atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1967

137 Determination of aluminiun by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with the nitrous oxide and acetylene flame 1966

138 The determination of beryilium by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1967

151 The spectrophotometric determination of minor amounts of antimony 1967

160 The determination of copper in rocks and ores by atomic-absorption

spectrophotometry 1967

173 The determination of beryllium by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1967

193 An investigation into the use of platinum ware for silicate analysis 1967

200 The spectrochemical analysis of silicate material by a plasma-jet source 1967

216 The determination of minor quantities of manganese in silicate materials 1967

265 The spectrophotometric determination of minor quantities of chromium in silicate materials 1967 276 The determination of vanadium in silicate materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1968 289 The determination of lead in silicate materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1968

358 The determination of mercury at concentrations of parts per thousand million in geological samples 1968

359 The separation and determination of calcium and magnesium in silicate material 1968

361 The spectrophotometric determination of small amounts of calcium and magnesium in glass sands and allied materials 1968


No. Title Year

362 The determination of cobalt in geological samples by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1968

392 The spectrophotometric determination of small amounts of calcium and magnesium in glass sands and allied materials 1968

456 Method for the determination of vanadium in silicate materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1969

457 The determination of rubidium and caesium in silicate materials by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1969

459 Determination of tantalum in rocks and minerals by paper-partition chromatography 1969

466 The volumetric determination of aluminium in silicate materials 1969

486 Determination of strontium in ores by atomic-absorption and emission spectrophotometry 1969

487 The spectrophotometric determination of minor quantities of vanadium in silicate •naterials 1969

499 The determination of molybdenum by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1969

524 The determination of minor amounts of molybdenum in soil samples 1969

537 Flame-photometric determination of lithium with .He Techtron AA4

spectrophotometer 1969

894 The determination of thorium in silicate rocks 1969

991 The determination of thorium in solid samples and in solutions resulting from the leaching of ores 1970 998 The determination of macroscopic amounts of total rare-earth oxides and tru .lum oxide 1970

1076 The direct determination of acid-soluble uranium in silicate ores and in the solutions resulting from leaching these ores 1970

1077 The determination of acid-soluble, acid-insoluble, and total uranium in silicate ores 1970

1088 The determination of ferrous iron in refractory minerals 1970

1096 The spectrophotometric determination of titanium in ores, rocks, and minerals, with diantipyrylmethane 1970

1113 The determination of uranium in ores and solutions by X-ray fluorescence 1970

1427 The pressed-fused disc — a technique for the preparation of ore samples to be analysed by X-ray fluorescence 1972

1428 The separation and determination of trace and minor amounts of individual rare earths in silicates 1972


No. Title Yew

1503 Fast-neutron-activation analysis for the determination of oxygen in rock samples 1973

1514 The determination by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry of minor amounts of niobium and tantalum in geological materials 1973

1571 The commissioning of a direct-reading spectrometer for the analysis of silicate rocks

by the use of the graphite-pellet technique 1973

1579 The determination of tin in geochemical-survey samples 1973

1599 The analysis of silicate rocks and metallurgical slags by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1974 1611 The X-ray-fluorescence determination of percentage concentrations of niobium and tantalum in ores and minerals 1974

1656 The analysis of geological samples for trace elements by direct-reading emission spectrometry 1974

1665 The determination of minor amounts of antimony in ores and concentrates by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1974

1742 The determination of tin in ores, residues, and concentrates by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1975

1834 Tie analysis of slag and silicate samples with a fully automatic sequential X-ray spectrometer 1976

1840 The spectrophotometric determination of total uranium in silicate ores and leach

liquors by use of bromo-PADAP 1976

1841 The determination of acid-soluble uranium in silicate ores and solutions 1976

1886 A rapid method for the determination of fluoride in geological samples 1977

1904 Separation of rare earths from solutions of phosphoric acid 1977

1943 A review of the literature on the separation and determination of rare-earth elements 1978 1956 An improved ion-exchange separation of rare-earth elements for spectrographic analysis 1978

2. Papers

PEARTON, D.C.G., and TAYLOR, J.D. The determination of copper in rocks and ores by atomic absorption spectroscopy. Bull. S.Afr. Inst. Assayers Analysts, no. 4. Jul. 1969.

PEARTON, D.C.G., TAYLOR, J.D., FAURE, P.K., and STEELE, T.W. The determination of vanadium in silicate materials by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Analyt. chim. Acta, vol. 44,1966. pp. 353-359.

RUSSELL, B.G., SPANGENBERG, J.D., and STEELE, T.W. An investigation into the use of platinum ware for silicate analysis. Talanta, vol. 16, no. 4. 1969. pp. 487-496.


Flotation and Flocctilation — Physicochemtcal

General physicochemical study of flotation and ftocculation, and the development of reagents for these processes

I. Reports

No. Title Year

42 The redox potential of solutions of potassium ethyl xanthate 1966

43 The effect of oxygen on the stability of solutions of potassium ethyl xanthate 1966

45 An apparatus used in the study of interactions between sulphide minerals, sulphydryl reagents and oxygen 1966 300 The mixed-collector system xanthate plus quaternary ammonium halide. A literature survey 1968

312 An investigation of the influence of alkyl trimethyl ammonium halides on the stability of potassium ethyl xanthate in aqueous solution 1968

340 The detection of the formation of a bulk adduct between potassium ethyl xanthate and dodecyl trimethyl ammonium bromide in aqueous solution 1968

371 A preliminary investigation of cyanide-sylphydryl mixed-ligand complexes of mercuric ion 1968

437 The bathochiomic shift of the 381 nm absorption peak in aqueous solutions of potassium ethyl xanthate containing dodecyltrimethy! ammonium bromide 1968

442 n Ondersoek na die gebruik van die Hallimondbuis vir die kwantitatiewe bestudering van flottasieverskynsels met besonderc verwysing na die kondisionering van apatiet en kalsiet 1968

443 The determination of anionic surface-active agents in dilute aqueous solution 1968

449 The determination of cationic surface-active agents in dilute aqueous solution 1968

464 The saturation pressure of nitrogen in determinations of surface area 1969

498 An infrared investigation of the potassium alkyl xanthate and alkyl trimethyl ammonium bromide mixed-collector system 1969 504 The influence of preadsorbed oleate ions on the adsorption of water vapour by insoluble ionic crystals 1969

527 Quantitative aspects of the interaction between galena, xanthate, and oxygen at a pH value of 10 1969

533 Determination of the stoichiometry and stability constants of mercury(li)-cyanide-xanthate complexes. I. Low-concentration region 1969

870 Determination of the stoichiometry and stability constants of mercury(ll)-cyanide-xanthate complexes. II. High-concentration region 1970

1026 Small-scale flotation techniques 1970


No. Tide Year

1114 A study of the products of reaction between galena and aqueous xanthate solutions 1970

1125 Studies of the stability of xanthates and dixanthogen in aqueous solution, and the

chemistry of iron xanthates and cobalt xanthates 1971

1296 A review of reactions in the flotation system galena-xanthate-oxygen 1971

1340 The cadmium-cyanide-xanthate system 1971

1372 The electrical double-layer properties of kimberlite suspensions 1971

1402 A study of mineral-surface properties by the use of gas-adsorption measurements 1972

1403 The coagulation and flocculation of suspensions of kimberlite 1972

1414 The use of a closed recirculation apparatus in the study of the

galena-oxygen-xanthate system 1972

1439 The reaction of sulphide minerals with thiol compounds 1972

1447 A preliminary electrochemical investigation of the galena-xanthate-oxygen system in aqueous solution 1972 1479 Infrared studies of the adsorption of oleate species on mineral surfaces, with special

reference to fluorite 1972

1490 The adsorption of krypton, nitrogen, and water vapour on sodium oleate 1972

1495 A method for the determination of elemental sulphur on the surface of sulphide

minerals 1972

1785 Some thermodynamic aspects of systems relevant to the flotation of sphalerite 1976

1854 The interaction of pyrite, oxygen, and xanthate 1977

1896 The interaction of pyrite, oxygen, and xanthates 1977

1988 The effect of particles on the stability of flotation froths 1978 2. Papers ALLISON, S.A., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. A study of the products of reaction between galena and aqueous xanthate solutions. Trans, lnstn Min. Metali, vol. 80, no. 781. Dec. 1971. pp. C235-C239.

ALLISON, S.A., GOOLD, LA., NICOL, M.J., and GRANVILLE. A. The products of reaction between sulphide minerals and aqueous xanthate solutions, and a correlation of the products with electrode rest potentials. Metall. Trans., vol. 3. no. 10. Oct. 1972. pp. 2613-2618.

ASHURST, K.G., FINKELSTEIN, N.P.. and RICE, N.M. Studies of cyanide-xanthate mixed ligand complexes of mercury(N). J. chem. Sot: (A), 1970. pp. 2303-2307.

FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Kinetic and thermodynamic aspects of the interaction between potassium ethyl xanthate and oxygen in aqueous solution. Trans. Insln Min. Metall., vol. 76. no. 724. Mar. 1967. pp. C51-C59.


F1NKELSTEIN. N.P. The influence of alkyltrimethyi ammonium halides on the stability of potassium ethyl xanthate in aqueous solution. J. appl. Ckem., vol. 19. Mar. 1969. pp. 73-76.

FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Quantitative aspects of the role of oxygen in the interaction between xanthate and galena. Sepn Sci., vol. 5, no. 3. Jun. 1970. pp. 227-256.

FINKELSTEIN. N.P. The rate of decomposition of alkaline xanthate solutions. Colloid Polymer Sci., vol. :«5. 1977. pp. 168-160.

FINKELSTEIN, N.P., and ALLISON, S.A. The chemistry of activation, deactivation and depression in the flotation of zinc sulphide: a review. FLOTATION. A.M. GAUDIN MEMORIAL VOLUME. Fuerstenau, M.C. (ed.). vol. 1. New York, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., 1976. pp. 414-457.

FINKELSTEIN, N.P., ALLISON, S.A., LOVELL, V.M., and STEWART, B.V. Natural and induced hydrophobicity in sulphide mineral systems. ADVANCES IN INTERFACIAL PHENOMENA OF PAR1ICULATEISOLVTIONIGAS SYSTEMS; APPLICATION TO FLOTATION RESEARCH. Somasundaran, P., and Grieves, R.B. (eds.). New York, AIChE, Chemical Engineering Progress Symposium Series no. 13, 1975.

FINKELSTEIN, N.P., and LOVELL, V.M. Fundamental studies of the flotation process: the work of the National Institute for Metallurgy. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall, vol. 72, no. 12. Jul. 1972. pp. 328-341.

FINKELSTEIN, N.P., and POLING, G. W. The role of dithiolates in the flotation of sulphide minerals. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 9, no. 4. Oct. 1977. pp. 177-197.

GAUDIN, A.M., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Interactions in the system galena-potassium ethyl xanthate-oxygen. Nature, Lond., vol. 207, no. 4995. Jul. 1965. pp. 389-391.

GRANVILLE, A., FINKELSTEIN. N.P., and ALLISON, S.A. Review of reactions in the flotation system galena-xanthate-oxygen. Trans. Instn Min. Metall., vol. 81, no. 784. 1972. pp. C1-C30.

HALL, P.O., LOVELL, V.M., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Adsorption of water vapour on ionic solids containing preadsorbed sodium oleate. Part I. Calcium fluoride. Trans. Farad. Soc, vol. 66, no. 570, pt 6. Jun. 1970. pp. 1520-1529.

HALL, P.G., LOVELL, V.M., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Adsorption of water vapour on ionic solids containing preadsorbed sodium oleate. Part 2. Calcium carbonate. Trans. Farad. Soc, vol. 66, no. 574, pt 10. Oct. 1970. pp. 2629-2635.

HARRIS, P.J., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Interactions between sulphide minerals and xanthates. I. The formation of monothiocarbonate at galena and pyrite surfaces. Int. J. Miner. Proc, vol. 2, no. 1. 1975. pp. 77-100.

HARRIS, P.J., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. The formation of monothiocarbonates during the reaction between xanthates and sulphide minerals in flotation systems. PROCEEDINGS ELEVENTH MINERAL PROCESSING CONGRESS. Ente Minerario Sardo. Cagliari, Instituto di Arte Mineraria. Special volume, r/75. pp. 35-57.

LOVELL, V.M. The determination of the surface area of minerals by the B.E.T. method: some associated problems. Powder Technoi, vol. 12. 1975. pp. 71-76.

LOVELL, V.M. Froth characteristics in phosphate flotation. FLOTATION. A.M. GAUDJN MEMORIAL VOLUME. Fuerstenau, M.C. (ed.). vol. 1. New York, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers, Inc., 1976. pp. 597-621.

LOVELL, V.M., GOOLD, LA, and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. Infrared studies of the adsorption of oleate species on calcium fluoride. Int. J. Miner. Process., vol. 1, no. 1. Jan. 1974. pp. 183-192.


LUSHER, J.A. The association of calcium ion with nickeliferous pyrrhotite. Surface Sci., vol. 5. 1966. pp.252-254.

MACKENZIE, J.M.W. Zeta-potential studies in mineral processing: measurement techniques and applications. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. ?, no. 3. Jul. 1971. pp. 25-43.

POHLANDT, C, COOK, E.B.T., and STEELE, T.W. Determination of small quantities of xanthate. Talanta, vol. 16. no. 8. 1969. pp. 1129-1135. Hydrometallurgy — Physicochemical

General physicochemical study of hydrometallurgy

I. Reports

No. Title Year

1012 The coordination numbers of cyanide complexes of zinc, cadmium, and mercury in aqueous solution 1970

1093 The calculation of th; equilibrium distribution of metal-ion complexes in multicomponent aqueous systems 1970

1153 E„/E0 diagrams. Their use in the estimation of unknown standard reduction

potentials, with particular reference to the d'n electronic-configuration ions 1970

1582 The construction and testing of a precision calorimeter 1973

1617 An electronic differential precision thermometer 1974

1626 Formation constants of zinc chlorocomplexes in perchlorate medium 1974

1629 The thermodynamics of the formation of complexes of silver with some substituted pyridines 1974 1712 The thermodynamics of the formation of chlorocomplexes of nickel and copper in perchlorate medium 1975

1764 Correlations of the free-energy and enthalpy changes of the dl0 metal ions Ag', Hg-^,

and Cd2t with a variety of monodentate ligands 1975

1785 Some thermodynamic aspects of systems relevant to the flotation of sphalerite 1976

1799 An electrochemical investigation of copper cementation on iron 1976

1820 The thermodynamics of the formation of chlorocomplexes of iron(lli), cobait(ii),

iron(ii), manganese(ll), and copper(il) in perchlorate medium 1976

1822 Stability constants and linear free-energy relations for the platinum-group metals 1976

1828 y-picoline adducts of the nickel, copper, and zinc chelates of

2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone 1976

1839 A valence-bond study of dialkalis and alkali hydrides 1977

1889 Entropy relations in the formation of complexes of silvcr(l), mcrcury(ll), and cadmium(ii) with monodentate ligands 1977 112 SIM PI Bl K AllONS

No. Title Year

1414 The thermodynamics of the formation of sulphate complexes of iron(lll). cobalt(ll). manganese)li). and copper(ll) in perchlorate medium 1977

1951 Potentialities and limitations of tour-parameter equations for the correlation of formation constants of metal-ion complexes in aqueous solution 1978

2. Papers

ASHURST. KG.. FINKELSTEIN. N.P.. and GOOLD. LA. The coordination numbers of cyanide complexes of zinc, cadmium, and mercury in aqueous solution. J. Chem.Soc. (A), 1971.pp. 1899-1902.

ASHURST. K.G.. and HANCOCK. R.D. Characterization of inner- and outer-sphere complexes by thermodynamics and absorption spectra. Part I. Sulphato-complexes of the first-row transition elements. J. Chem. Sot., Dalton Trans., 1977. pp. 1701-1707.

BOEYENS. J.C.A. Electrostatic calculation of bond energy. J. S.Afr. Chem. Inst., vol. 26. no 3. 1973. pp. 94-105.

BOEYENS. J.C.A.. McDOUGALL. G.J.. and SMIT. J.V.R. Crystallographic study of the ammonium-potassium 12-molybdophosphate ion-exchange system. J. Solid State Chem., vol. 18. 1976. pp. 191-199.

DE VILLIERS. J.P.R.. and BOEYENS. J.C.A. Crystal structure of a calcium sulphate-urea complex. J. Cryst. Mol. Struct., vol. 5. 1975. pp. 215-226.

ERASMUS. C.S.. and BOEYENS. I.C.A. Crystal structure of the praseodymium 0-diketonate of

2,2,6.6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedione. Pr,(thd)B. Acta Crystallographica, vol. B26. Pt 11. Nov. 1970. pp. 1843-1854.

ERASMUS, C.S., and BOEYENS. J.C.A. Crystal and molecular structure of tris (2.2.6,6-tetramethyl-3,5-heptanedionato)aquodysprosium(lll), Dy(thd),H.;0. J. Cryst. Mol. Struct., vol. 1. 1971. pp. 83-91.

•HANCOCK, R.D. Formation constants of silver(l)-ammonia complexes, and of the ammonium ion, at high free-ammonia concentrations. S.Afr. J. Chem., vol. 32. no. 2. 1979. pp. 49-51.

•HANCOCK, R.D. Polar and steric effects on the stability of complexes of primary amines. J. Chem. Soc, Dalton Trans., no. 3. 1980. pp. 416-418.

HANCOCK. R.D., and EVERS. A. Formation constant of Pd(CH); . Inorg. Chem., vol. 15.1976. pp. 995-996.

HANCOCK. R.D.. and FINKELSTEIN, N.P n and ^--bonding in the stabilities of

HANCOCK, R.D.. FINKELSTEIN. N.P., and EVERS. A. Stabilities of the cyanide complexes of the monovalent group IB metal ions in aqueous solution. J. inorg. nucl. Chem., vol. 34.1972. pp. 3474-3751.

FANCOCK, R.D.. FINKELSTEIN. N.P.. and EVFRS. A. Ligand-ficld theory and metal-ligand force constants. Inorg. nucl. Chem. Lett., vol. 35. 1973. pp. 2558-2561.

HANCOCK. R.D.. FINKELSTEIN. N.P.. and EVERS. A. Linear free energy relationship in iiqueous complex-formation reactions of the d'" metal ions. J. inorg. nucl. Chem., vol.36. 1974. pp. 2539-2543.


HANCOCK. R.D., FINKELSTEIN. N.P., and EVERS. A. Some observations on a recent determination of the stability of the dicyanocuprate(i) ion. J. inorg. nucl. Chem., vol. 38. 1976. pp. 343-344

eHANCOCK, R.D., JACKSON, G., and EVERS. A. The affinity of lanthanoid(lll) ions for nitrogen-donor ligands in aqueous solution.7. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., pt 9. Sep. 1979. pp. 1384-1387.

HANCOCK, R.D., and MARSICANO, F. The chelate effect: a simple quantitative approach. J. Ch<-n. Soc., Dalton Trans., no. 12. 1976. pp. 1096-1098.

HANCOCK, R.D., and MARSICANO, F. The linear free-energy relation in the thermodynamics of complex formation. Part 1. Correlations involving enthalpy changes on complex formation of silver(i) and mercury(li) with 'soft' donor ligands. /. Chem. Soc, Dalton Trans., 1976. pp. 1832-1837.

HANCOCK, R.D., and MARSICANO, F. Parametric correlation of formation constants in aqueous solution. Part I. Ligands with small donor-atoms. Inorg. Chem., vol. 17, no. 3. 1978. pp. 560-564.

HANCOCK, R.D., and McDOUGALL. G.J. The role of electronic derealization over the chelate ring in stabilizing complexes of 2,2'-bipyridyI. J. Chem. Soc, Dalton Trans., 1977. pp. 67-70.

HANCOCK, R.D., and McDOUGALL, G.J. The affinity of lead(ii) for nitrogen-donor ligands. /. Coord. Chem., vol. 6. 1977. pp. 163-166.

•HANCOCK, R.D., McDOUGALL. G.J., MARSICANO, F., and BOEYENS. J.C.A. Empirical force-field calculations of strain-energy contributions to the thermodynamics of complex formation. Part III. The chelate effect in complexes of polyamines./«org. Chem., vol. 18, no. 10. 1979. pp. 2847-2852.

MARSICANO, F., and HANCOCK, R.D. A potentiometric and calorimetric study of the thermodynamics of formation of some of the complexes of the d'" metal ions silver(l), mercury(ll), and cadmium(ll) with thiodiglycol, thiourea, and the sulphite ion. J. Coord. Chem., vol. 6. 1976. pp. 21-29.

MARSICANO, F., and HANCOCK, R.D. The linear free-energy relation in the thermodynamics of complex formation. Part 2. Analysis of the formation constants of complexes of the large metal ions silver(l), mercury(ll), and cadmium(!l> with ligands having 'soft' and nitrogen-donor atoms. J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., no. 3. 1978. pp. 228-234.

McDOUGALL, G.J., HANCOCK, R.D., and BOEYENS, J.C.A. Empirical force-field calculations of strain-energy contributions to the thermodynamics of complex formation. Part 1: The difference in stability between complexes with five- and six-membered rings. J. Cheni. Soc, Dalton Trans., no. 11. 1978. p.1438.

MOODLEY, K.G.. and NICOL, M.J. Kinetics of the reduction of platinum(IV) by tin(ll) and copper(I) in aqueous chloride solutions. J. Chem. Soc, Dalton Trans., no. 3. Mar. 1977. pp. 239-243.

POPE, L.E., and BOEYENS, J.C.A. Crystal structures of S-benzylisothiouronium hexachloroplatinate(iV) and tetrachloroaurate(lil). J. Cryst. Mol. Struct., vol. 5, no. 1. 1975. pp. 47-58.

SCOTT, P.D.. GLASSER, D„ and NICOL, M.J. Thermal determination of the kinetics of the iron(UIHin(Il) redox reaction in chloride solution. J. Chem. Soc, Farad. Trans. I, vol. 71, no. 7. 1975. pp. 1413-1421.

SCOTT, P.D., and NICOL, M.J. Kinetics of the non-oxidative dissolution of galena in acidic chloride solutions. Trans. Instn Min. Metali, vol. 85. Mar. 1976. pp. C40-C44.

SCOTT, P.D., WILLIAMS, D.F., and GLASSER, D. The thermal determination of liquid phase kinetics. S.Afr. J. Sci., vol. 70, no. 1. 1974. pp. 10-12.


SMITH. R.P., and WOODBURN. E.T. Prediction of multicomponent ion exchange equilibria for the

ternary system SOj -NO:i-G from data of binary systems. AlChE J., vol. 24. no. 4. Jul. 1978. pp. 577-588.


Research and development of equipment for ore-dreising processes, and new concepts in ore-dressing (excluding flotation and comminution)

I. Report

No. Title Year

518 The prediction of gravity or inertial separation efficiencies from heavy-liquid tests and Tromp-type efficiency curves. An improved me*hod 1969

2. Papers

•CORRANS. I.J. A development in the application of w.-t high-intensity magnetic separation. FINE PARTICLES PROCESSING. Somasundaran, P. vol. ?.. New York. American Institute of Mining. Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers Inc.. 1980. pp. 1294-1309.

GOOLD. LA., LIN. I.J., LOVELL, V.M.. and FINKELSTEIN. P. Oil-levitation extraction: a variation of flotation. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metal!., vol. 76, spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 132-134.

Kl.LEGHAN, W. Some potential applications of wet high-intensity magnetic separation. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. MetalL vol. 76, spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 108-110.

KELEGHAN, W.T.H. WHIMS for low-grade uranium. Nucl. Active, no. 16. Jan. 1977. pp. 3-5.

LEVIN, J. Mixing and sampling procedures used at the National Institute for Metallurgy. South Africa. SAMPLING IN THE MINERAL AND METALLURGICAL PROCESSING INDUSTRIES. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy. London, the Institution. 1973. pp. 28-37.

LIN. I.J., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. The application of magnctohydrostatic separation to metallurgical processes. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali, vol. 76, spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 11 I-l 12.

LOVEDAY, B.K. The prediction of gravity or inertial separation efficiencies from heavy-liquid tests and Tromp-type efficiency curves. An improved method. Trans. Instn Min. Metall., vol. 79. no. 763. Jun. 1970. pp. CI37-C140.

OVERBEEK, P.W. An assessment of the efficiency of the Dryflo concentrator by the use of specific gravity markers. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 76, spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 120-122.

3. Patent

•Relating to magnetic separators. S.Afr. Pal. 78/1467. 1st Aug.. 1979.


Simulation and Control Fundamental ffn-estigatnns of the stmutaSon. opomzaaon. and control of processes and computation techniques

1. Reports

No. Tide Year

327 Information theory and the design of experiments 1968

1025 An introduction to stochastic differential equations. Abbreviated lecture notes 1971

1454 A dynamic model for the extraction bank of Purlcx plants 1972

1477 The control of Purlex plants 1972

•2009 A review of the activities of the NIM Measurement and Control Engineering Research Group 1979

2. Papers

•BRAAE. M.. and RUTHERFORD. D.A. Fuzzy relations in a control setting. Kyhernetes. vol. 7. 1978. pp. 185-188.

•BRAAE. M.. and RUTHERFORD. D.A. Selection of parameters for a fuzzy logk controller. Fuzzy Sets and y.stems. vol. 2. 1979. pp. I85-I9y.

•BRAAE. M.. and RUTHERFORD. D.A. Theoretical and linguistic aspects of the fuzzy logic controller. Auiomatica, vol. 15. no. 5. Sep. 1979. pp. 553-577.

KING. R.P. Some problems in chemical reactor analysis with stochastic features. / «1 EC Fundamentals, vol. 9. no. I. Feb. 1970. pp. 190-191.

KING. R.P. Continuous flow system with stochastic transfer functions. II. Solution by the ass^nriatcd Kolmogorov equation Chem. Engng Sci.. vol. 26. no. 5. May 1971. pp. 729-737.

KING. R.P. Continuous flow systems with stochastic transfer functions. III. Stationary operation with chemical reaction. PROCEEDINGS AND INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM OS CHEMICAL REACTION ENGINEERING. Amsterdam. Elsevier Publishing Co.. 1972. pp B4-35-B4-46

KING. R.P. Applications of stochastic differential equations to chemical engineering problems — an introductory review. Chem. Engng Commun.. vol. I. no. 4. Nov. 1974. pp. 221-237.

KING. R.P.. GLASSER. D.. and STONE. S.L. The optimal catalyst-concentration profile for bifunctional catalysts. Journal of Optimization Theory and Application, vol. 10. no. 2. Aug. 1972. pp. 94-108.

KING. R.P.. WOODBURN. EX. COLBORN. R.P.. EDWARDS. R.. and SMITH. W.I:. Dynamic testing of mineral processing equipment using radioisotopes. NUCLEAR TECHNIQUES AND MINERAL RESOURCES. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, the Agency. 1969. pp. 117-127.

PAYNTER. J.C.. LOVEDAY. B.K.. and ROBINSON. C.G. Optimization sludit.. on the design of a processing plant for a large mining venture. APPLICATION OF COMPUTER METHODS IN THE MINERAL INDUSTRY. Salomon. M.D.G., and Lancaster, F.G. (eds). Johannesburg. Sou»h African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1973. pp. 171-176.


Analytical Techniques

Research and development of analytical techniques and methods 1. Reports

So. Title Year

158 Aerosol formation with a high-speed spinning surface 1967

264 A new detector unit for the Techtron model AA3 atomic-absorption

spectrophotometer 1967

439 The determination of free acid in the presence of hydrolysable cations 1968

465 The determination of aminoid nitrogen in organic compounds by the Kjeldahl

method 1969

497 The determination of ferric iron using Titron 1969

502 The volumetric determination of chloride and bromide using met curous peTchlorate 1969

r 55 The spectrophotometry determination of phosphate in leach residues and solutions 1970

1049 Exchange visit to the Institut fiir Spektrochemie und Angewandte Spektroskopie in

Dortmund. West Germany 1970

1106 Computerization of atomic-absorption data with the Olivetti Programma 101 1970

1163 Trie computer programming of atomic-absorption measurements on the Olivetti

Programma 101 1970

1172 A visit to Outokumpu Oy Research Laboratory in Finland 1970

1257 Aspects of the Seventh X-ray Analytical Conference, Durham. S tember 1970 1971

1305 The determination of total sulphur in the dust from nylon thread 1971

1467 The spectral analysis of solutions. 1. The analysis oí rare-earth minerals 1972

1556 The spectral analy^ of solutions. 2. The analysis of leach liquors, concentrates, slags, and residues 1973 1581 The computer calculation, from fundamental parameters, of influence coefficients for X-ray spectrometry 1974 1592 The determination of line intensities in the presence of interfering spectra in dispersive X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1974

1607 The analysis of ion-exchange resins by X-ray fluorescence 1974

1621 Correction of matrix r'fects in th • analysis of solutions by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1974 1784 A single-standard calibration method for use in analysis by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1976 1788 A computer programme for cmission-spcctrographic calculations 1976


No. Title Year

1825 The full automation of a Philips 1220 X-ray spectrometer 1976

1873 The rapid reduction of gamma-ray spectra with a desk-top calculator 1977

1907 The application of the mduction-coupied plasrr^ system io spectral analysis 1977

1933 The determination of trace-elements by thin-film X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry, and its application to zirconium 1977

1936 The analysis of mineralogical and metallurgical materials. A guide to the analytical techniques and instrumentation available at the National Institute for Metallurgy 1978

1984 The commissioning of the AEI MS702 mass spectrometer 1978

1991 The determination, by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of europium in phosphoric acid and in rare-earth oxides 1978

1992 The use of optical emission spectrometry for the determination of impurities in metals 1978

2002 The spectrochemical determination of phosphorus, magnesium, and iron in phosphate rocks and sulphuric acid leach liquors 1979

2006 An examination of procedures for the analysis of powders by atomic-absorption spectrophotometry 1979

•2014 The determination, by spark-source spectrometry, of chlorine and phosphorus in high-purity tungsten oxide 1979

•2023 Atomic-absorption spectrophotometry with hydride generation: an improved technique 1979

•2029 The commissioning of a 5 kW inductively coupled plasma unit for use with a 3,4 m

Ebert spectrograph 1979

•2039 The determination of free acid in the presence of hydrolysablo cations 1980

•2040 A solid-state constant-current power jnit for the magnetic analyser of the MS702R

mass spectrometer 1980

•2044 The separation and determination of anions by ion chromatography 1980

•2053 A study of the measurement, by electrothermal atomization and atomic-absorption spectrophotometry, of hydride-forming elements 1980

2. Papers

AUSTEN, C.E., and STEELE, T.W. The computer calculation, from fundamental parameters, of influence coefficients for X-ray spectrometry. ADVANCES IN X-RAY ANALYSIS. Pickles, W.L., Barrett, C.S., Newkirk, J.B., andRund, CO. (eds.). London, Plenum Press, 1 975. vol. 18. pp. 362-371.

•POHLANDT, C, and FRITZ, J.S. Extraction of metal ions from chloride solution with N,N-dioctylacetamide. Talanta, vol. 26. 1979. pp. 395-399.


•POHLANDT. C. and FRITZ. J.S. Separation of metal ions on a new amide resin. J. Chromat., no. 176. 1979. pp. 189-197.

STEELE, T. W., and GUERIN, B.D. A new graphite rod for flameless atomic-absorption spectroscopy. Analyst, vol. 97, no. 1150. Jan. 1972. p. 77.

3. Other technical publication

Handbook of interference effects encountered in atomic-absorption spectrophotometry at the National Institute for Metallurgy. 1978. 137 pp. Reference Materials

Preparation of international and secondary reference materials

I. Reports

No. Title Year

331 A literature survey of the preparation of standard rock samples 1968

332 Collection and preparation of standard rock samples 1968

1322 The preparation and analysis of minerals for use as reference material 1971

1351 Preliminary report on the analysis of the six NIMROC geochemical standard samples 1972

1552 The preparation and analysis of minerals for use as reference material. Progress

report no. 2 1973

1609 An interlaboratory analysis of two ferrochromium slags 1974

1649 The establishment of preferred values for a series of fluorspar samples 1974

1696 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of a precious metal ore 1975

1719 An evaluation of the \-ray-fluorescence analysis of rocks and silicates under routine conditions 1975 1762 The determination, by instrumental neutron-activation analysis, of some elements in the NIMROC standard reference materials 1975 1803 The preparation and analysis of minerals for use as reference material. Progress report no. 3 1976

1807 The establishment of preferred values for a series of rare-earth samples 1976

1945 Analyses of the NIMROC reference samples for minor and trace elements 1978

1965 Analyses, by several laboratories, of three ferromanganese slags 1978

1972 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of high-carbon

ferrochromium 1978

1976 The preparation and certification of two samples of chromium ore 1978

1977 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of hematite ore 1978


No. Title Year

1978 The preparation and certification of a reference sample of magnetite ore 1978

•2016 Analysis of the NIMROC reference samples for major elements 1979

•204? The preparation and analysis of minerals for use as reference material. Progress report no. 4 1980

2. Papers

ELLIS, P.J.. COPELOWITZ, I., and STEELE, T.W. The estimation of the mode by the dominant cluster method. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 1, no. 2. Oct. 1977. pp. 123-130.

•STEELE, T.W., and HANSEN. R.G. Major element data (1966-1978) for the six NIMROC reference samples. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 3. no. 2. Oct. 1979. pp. 135-172.

STEELE, T.W., WILSON. A., GOUDVIS, R.. ELLIS, P.J., and RADFORD. A.J. Trace element data (1966-1977) for the six NIMROC reference samples. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 2, no. 1. Apr. 1978. pp. 71-106.

•STOCH. H., STEELE, T.W., and RANKIN, R.S. The preparation and certification of two samples of chromium ore. Geostandards Newsletter, vol. 3, no. 1. Apr. 1979. pp. 25-45.

Mineralogical Techniques

Development of mineralogical techniques and methods

1. Reports

No. Title Year

103 Techniques for the examination of inorganic compounds on an infrared spectrograph 1966

105 Report on overseas visit 1966

268 A power-failure safety device and operational aid for the electron microprobe 1968

2. Papers

GASPARRINI, E. Electron-microprobe quantitative analysis by energy-dispersive spectrometry. PROCEEDINGS, ELECTRON MICROSCOPY SOCIETY OF SOUTHERN AFRICA, PRETORIA CONFERENCE. Durban, the Society, 1975. vol. 5. pp. 121-122.

GASPARRINI. E. The energy-dispersive spectrometer: a new tool of investigation for the earth scientist. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 8, no. 1. Jan. 1976. pp. 3-22.

HIEMSTRA, S.A. Photomicrography. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. I. no. 2. Jul. 1969. pp. 34-50.

LIEBENBERG. W.R. Mineralogy and the metallurgist. Miner. Sci. Flngng. vol. 2. no. 4. Oct. 1970. pp. 3-23.

MIHÁL1K, P. The electron microprobe X-ray analysis. S.Afr. chem. Process., vol. 2. no. 2. Apr.-May 1967. pp. 37-42.


MIHÁLIK, P. An aid for the alignment, positioning, and checking of the beam in the electron microprobe. Lab. Practice, vol. 19. no. 3. Mar. 1970. p. 288.

MIHÁLIK, P., and HIEMSTRA, S.A. Apparatus permitting visual observation during the vacuum-deposition of thin films. Lab. Practice, vol. 21, no. 4. Jan. 1972. pp. 29-30.

VON RAHDEN, V.V.R. A modified halide-disc holder for infrared spectrometry. J. scient. Instrum., vol.44. 1967. p. 168.

Neutron-activation Analysis

Development of nuclear-activation techniques as methods for the analysis of minerals and metals

1. Reports

No. Title Year

41 Table of the isomeric states of stable nuclides 1966

80 The resolution of photopeaks obtained from the products of stable nuclides

irradiated by neutrons 1966

152 The determination of beryllium by irradiation with gamma rays 1967

162 The growth of radioactivity in uranium after separation from its daughter products 1967

177 Compensating for flux variation in neutron-activation analysis 1967

236 The determination of some of the major constituents of ores and minerals by

fast-neutron activation analysis 1967

445 The use of californium-252 fission neutron sources 1969

474 Ti-e LAEA Conference on the Use of Nuclear Techniques in the Prospecting and Development of Mineral Resources 1969 530 The measurement of 14 MeV neutron fluxes from a neutron generator 1969 889 The simultaneous determination, by instrumental thermal-neutron activation analysis, of some selected trace elements likely to be present in lunar material 1969

891 Calibration of the 'Universal Voltronics' power supply for the neutron generator

manufactured by Accelerators Incorporated 1969

967 Automatic timing of the neutron-generator counting station 1970

987 Rhythmic-activation analysis 1970

1005 Modifications to the Intcrtcchnique 4000-channel analyser 1970

1013 The instrumental neutron-activation analysis of samples taken at different levels of

the E.R.P.M. Mine 1970

1476 A magnetic-tape-oriented system for data reduction in neutron-activation analysis 1972

1563 Neutron-activation analysis of samples from the Kimbcrlcy Reef conglomerate 1973


No. Title Year

1625 The determination of uranium and thorium by the use of delayed neutrons 1974

1636 Trace elements in diamonds from the Premier, Finsch, and Jagersfontein Mines, and their petrogenetic significance 1975

1638 The determination of trace elements in natural diamonds by instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1975

1639 The determination, by 14MeV neutron-activation analysis, of small amounts of oxygen and silicon in diamonds 1974

1652 The identification of diamonds from Premier, Finsch, and Jagersfontein Mines, by

statistical analysis of data obtained from instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1975

1670 Neutron-activation analysis of routine mineral-processing samples 1974

1703 The geochemistry of some selected South African kimberlites and associated heavy minerals 1976 1749 Epithermal-neutron-activation analysis for uranium in Barberton and Bushveld granites 1975

1873 The rapid reduction of gamma-ray spectra with a desk-top calculator 1977

1874 Activation analysis and classif;cation to source of samples from the Kimberley Reef conglomerates 1977

1917 The instrumental neutron-activatirn analysis of granites from the Bushveld Complex 1978

1928 A liquid-nitrogen monitor for lithium-drifted germanium detectors 1977

•2015 The preparation of synthetic standards for instrumental neutron-activation analysis 1979

2. Papers

•ANDEWEG, A.H. A large capacity sample changer for fully automated gamma ray spectroscopy. IEEE Trans, nucl. Sri., vol. NS-27, no. 1. Feb. 1980. pp. 728-732.

BIBBY, D.M., and RASMUSSEN, S. Reactor neutron flux monitoring with iron foils. Radiochem. radioanalyt. Lett., vol. 9, no. 1. 1972. pp. 1-8.

BIBBY, D.M., and RASMUSSEN, S. Performance of a counting head for an automatic sample changer. Radiochem. radioanalyt. Lett., vol. 14, no. 1. 1973. pp. 9-15.

BIBBY, D.M., and SELLSCHOP, J.P.F. The determination of oxygen and silicon in diamonds by 14MeV activation analysis. J. radioanalyt. Chem., vol. 22. 1974. pp. 103-111.

ERASMUS, C.S., FESO, H.W., KABLE, E.J.D., RASMUSSEN, S.E., and SELLSCHOP, J.P.F. The NIMROC samples as reference materials for neutron activation analysis. /. radioanalyt. Chem., vol. 39. 1977. pp. 323-334.


ERASMUS, C.S.. NOVAK. E.. and SELLSCHOP. J.P.F. The determination of copper in native gold by radiochemical separation and neutron-activation analysis. ABSTRACTS, 5TH SYMPOSIUM ON RECENT DEVELOPMENTS IN ACTIVATION ANALYSIS, 17TH-21ST JULY 1978, ST. CATHERINE'S COLLEGE, OXFORD. Geel (Belgium). Central Bureau of Nuclear Measurements, Joint Research Centre of the European Communities, pp. 126 (a, b. c, d).

ERASMUS, C.S.. SARGEANT, J., SELLSCHOP, J.P.F.. and WATTERSON. J.I.W. Multielement analysis of air and water pollutants in gold mines by thermal and epithermal neutraon activation. METHODS AND STANDARDS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL MEASUREMENT, PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH I MR SYMPOSIUM HELD SEPTEMBER 20TH-24TH 1976, GAITHERSBURG, MD. Kirchoff, W.H. (ed.). Washington, National Bureau of Standards Special Publication 464. pp. 129-136.

ERASMUS, C.S., SELLSCHOP, J.P.F., BIBBY, DM., FESQ. H.W., KABLE, E.J.D.. KEDDY, R.J., HAWKIi\S, DM, MïNGAY, D.W., RASMUSSEN, S.E.. RENAN, M.J., and WATTERSON, J.I.W. Natural diamonds — major, minor and trace impurities in relation to source and physical properties. J. radioanulyt. Chem., vol. 38. 1977. pp. 133-146.

FESO, H.W., BIBBY. DM.. SELLSCHOP. J.P.F., and WATTERSON, J.I.W. The determination of trace-element impurities in natural diamonds by instrumental neutron-activation analysis. J. radioanalyt. Chem., vol. 17. 1973. pp. 195-216.

FESO, H.W., KABLE, E.J.D., and GURNEY, J.J. Aspects of the geochemistry of kimberlites from the Premier Mine and other selected South African occurrences with particular reference to the rare earth elements. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH, Ahrens, L.H., Dawson, J.B.. Duncan, A.R., and Erlank, A.J. (eds.). Oxford, Pergamon, 1975. vol. 9. pp. 687-707.

GURNEY, J.J., FESO. H.W.. and KABLE. E.J.D. Clinopyroxene-ilmenite xenolitesfrom kimberlites. LESOTHO KIMBERLITES. Nixon, P.H. (ed.). Maseru, Lesotho N* iional Development Corporation, 1973. pp. 238-254.

HAWKINS, DM., and RASMUSSEN, S.E. Use of discriminant analysis for the classification of strata in sedimentary successions. Math. Geo!., vol. 5, no. 2. 1972. pp. 163-177.

KABLE, E.J.D., FESO, H.W., and GURNEY, J.J. The significance of interelement relationships of some elements in South African kimberlites. PHYSICS AND CHEMISTRY OF THE EARTH. Ahrens, L.H., Dawson, J.B., Duncan, A.R., and Erlank, A.J. (eds.). Oxford, Pergamon, 1975. vol. 9. pp. 709-734.

KNIGHT. A. Neutron activation analysis. S.Afr. Engr, vol. 58, no. 585. Feb. 1967. pp. 37. 39, 41.

RASMUSSEN, S.E., SELLSCHOP, J.P.F., FESO, H.W., and HAWKINS, DM. Characterization of sedimentary strata using trace element patterns. PROCEEDINGS TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS IN THE MINERALS INDUSTRY. Johnson, T.B., and Gentry, T.W. feds.). Colorado, Colorado School of Mines, 1974. pp. D41-D56.

SELLSCHOP, J.P.F., BIBBY, DM, ERASMUS, C.S.. and MINGAY. D.W. Determination of impurities in diamond by nuclear methods. DIAMOND RESEARCH 1974. London, Industrial Diamond Information Bureau, 1974. pp. 43-50.

UKEN, E-A. Neutron-activation analysis. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 2, no. 2. Apr. 1970. pp. 24-34.

UKEN. E-A., and WILLIAMSON, J.E. Radioactivity build-up of freshly separated radium from the uranium, actinium and thorium series. Radiochim. Acta, vol. 8, no. 1. 1967. pp. 60-63.

WATTERSON, J.I.W. Optimization of irradiation and decay times in nuclear activation analysis. J. radioanalyt. Chem., vol. 26. 1975. pp. 135-150.


•WATTERSON, J.I.W., MALKIN, J.T., MNGADI, XT., RAMJEE, B., and SELLSCHOP. J.P.F. A computer-based system for absolute neutron activation analysis. COMPUTERS IN ACTIVATION ANALYSIS AND GAMMA-RAY SPECTROSCOPY. Carpenter, B.S., D'Agostino, M.D., and Yule, HP. (eds.). Springfield (U.S.A.), National Technical Information Service, 1979. pp. 238-252.

WATTERSON, J.I.W., and HAWKINS, D.M. Multivariate techniques for the classification of granites. PROCEEDINGS TWELFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON THE APPLICATION OF COMPUTERS AND MATHEMATICS IN THE MINERALS INDUSTRY. Johnson, T.B., and Gentry, D.W. (eds.). Colorado, Colorado School of Mines, 1974. pp. D57-D76.

ZANDERS, J. A. J., BIBBY, DM., and RASMUSSEN, S.E. A simple automatic sample changer for the gamma-ray counting of reactor-irradiated samples. J. Phys. E: scient. Instrum., vol. 6.1973. pp. 973-975.

Hydrometallurgy and Electrometallurgy — Equipment

Research and development of equipment for hydrometallurgical and electrometallurgies processes

1. Reports

No. Title Year

367 Felix Project: imperfect mixing in continuous leaching at Buffelsfontein uranium

plant 1968

510 The performance of a clarifier subject to a low-intensity turbulence 1969

517 Radiotracer tests on the pachucas on the uranium plant at Western Reefs Mine 1969

898 The development of a computer programme for countercurrent operations involving liquid-solid separations 1970 1693 Research at the National Institute for Metallurgy on the engineering aspects of copper electrowinning 1975

1754 A new three-dimensional anodic electrode for reduced power consumption during the electrowinning of metals 1975

1782 The application of air-sparging techniques to industrial electrodeposition of zinc from acidic zinc sulphate solutions 1976

2. Papers

•COPELOWITZ, I., and LOVEDAY, B.K. An analysis of continuous resin contacting. Hydrometali, vol.4. 1979. pp. 259-268.

•FROST, F., and GLASSER, D. An apparatus forfractional ion-exchange separation. PROCEEDINGS CONFERENCE ON ION EXCHANGE IN THE PROCESS INDUSTRIES, LONDON, JULY 1969. London, Society for the Chemical Industry, 1970. pp. 188-194.

KING, R.P., WOODBURN, E.T., and TE RIELE, W.A.M. The dispersion of material in slowly moving fluids. Can. J. chem. Engng, vol. 50, no. 1. Feb. 1972. pp. 3-8.

LOVEDAY, B.K. A model for the leaching of nun-porous particles/ S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali, vol. 76, no. 2. Sep. 1975. pp. 16-19.


ORMROD, G.T.W. The control of aqueous ammonia concentrations by a thermal method. J. CHEMSA, Dec. 1975. pp. 284-286.

3. Patents

Improvements in and relating to the contacting of hquids and particulate solids. S.Afr. Pat. 69/5623, 28th Aug., 1970. (Also: S.W. Afr. Pat. 70/0100, 28th Aug., 1970.)

Contacting liquids and solids. S.W. Afr. Pat. 72/052, 5th May, 1972. (Also: Austral. Pat. 472,709, 10th May, 1972; Belg. Pat. 783.407,12th May, 1972; Can. Pat. 978,722, 12th May, 1972; Fr. Pat. 72/17146, 12th May, 1972;/fa/. Pat. 955.497,31st May, 1972;Luxembourg Pat. 65.371,16th May, 1972; U.S. Pat. 3,957,635, 8th May, 1972; W. Ger. Pat. P22 23 627.7, 12th May, 1972.)

Solid/fluid contacting. S.Afr. Pat. 71/3139, 5th May, 1972. (Also: Bophuthatswana Pat. 71/3139BW, 5th May, 1972; Transkei Pat. TR71/3139, 5th May, 197? S.Afr. Pat. 71/3140, 5th May, 1972; Bophuthatswana Pat. 71/3140BW, 5th May, 1972; Transkei Pat. TR71/3140, 5th May, 1972.)

Equipment for contacting liquids and solids. S.Afr. Pat. 72/4328, 20th Jun., 1973. (Also: S.W. Afr. Pal. 73/064, 20th Jun., 1973.)

Improved method of measuring rates of dissolution. S.Afr. Pat. 72/8807,8th Jan., 1974. (Also: S.W. Afr. Pat. 74/7, 8th Jan., 1974.)

The determination of mineral concentrations in slurries thereof. S.Afr. Pat. 75/6387, 6th Oct., 1976.

4. Other technical publications

Continuous ion exchange in hydrometallurgy. Technical Bulletin no. 1. 1976. ' 6 pp. [Superseded by Technical Bulletin no. 2.]

The NIMCIX contactor. Continuous ion exchange in hydrometallurgy. Technical Bulletin no. 2. Aug. 1978. 10 pp. Pyrometallurgy — Equipment

Research and development of equipment for pyrometallurgical processes

1. Report

No. Title Year

1521 The dissipation of electrical power in the burden of a submerged-arc furnace 1973

2. Papers

CHANNON, W.P., UROUHART, R.C., and HOWAT, D.D. The mode of current transfer between electrode and slag in the submerged-arc furnace. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Me tall. vol. 75, no. 1. Aug. 1974. pp. 4-7.

HAINES, A.K., KING, R.P., and WOODBURN. E.T. The interrelationship between bubble motion and solids mixing in a gas-fluidized bed. AlChE, vol. 18, no. 3. May 1972. pp. 591-599.

URQUHART, R.c, JOCHENS, PR., and HOWAT. D.D. The dissipation of electrical power in the burden of a submerged-arc furnace. 31ST ELECTRIC FURNACE CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS. Metallurgical Society of AIME. New York. AIME, 1973. vol. 31. pp. 29-48.


Measurement and Control — Equipment

Research and development of instruments and associated equipment for measurement and control

1. Reports

No. Title Year

67 The application of silicon controlled rectifiers to instruments using half-cycle heating 1966

91 Half-cycle heating applied to an X-ray powder camera 1966

477 Balanced-temperature analysers 1969

489 Thermal analysis. Overseas visit 1969

1267 The development of an electrodeless conductivity meter 1971

1526 Heat of solution as a control of aqueous-ammonia concentration 1973

1533 Fields of application for dispersive and non-dispersive X-ray-fluorescence

instruments 1973

1591 The inductive measurement of conductivity in slags 1974

1640 A semi-automatic titrimeter for cyanide analysis 1974

1778 An apparatus for the automatic measurement of current efficiencies during the

electrodeposition of nickel in chloride media 1976

1818 A microprocessor-based system to control the feed to a ferro-alloy furnace 1976

1876 The determination, by ultrasonic measurement, of the mud level in a thickener and

the resin level in an ion-exchange column 1977

1884 The use of capacitance probes for the determination of interfaces 1977

1885 A data-logging system for a submerged-arc ferro-alloy furnace 1977

1939 An industrial microprocessor system 1978

1998 Electrode response to the addition of zinc during the cementation of gold 1979

•2001 An assessment of vibrating viscometers on slurries 1979

2003 An electrodelesj conductivity meter of improved sensitivity and reliability i 979 2. Papers

GRAY, G.T., and POTGIETER, J.H. Experience with the introduction of microprocessor systems into industry. Pulse, Jan. 1979. pp. 18-20.

GRAY, G.T., and RODD, M.G. The development of an extended macro-assembler for the production of microprocessor software. Trans. S.Afr. Inst. Elec. Engnrs, vol. 69, no. 7. Jul. 1978. pp. 201-205.


•LEITNER, J.R., and NAUDÉ, D.E.H. Slurry flow-rate measurement using correlation. Pulse, Sep. 1979 pp. 25-28.

ORMROD. G.W.T. The control of aqueous ammonia concentrations by a thermal method. Electron. Instrumn, vol. 6. no. 8. Aug. 1975. pp. 73, 77, 79.

ORMROD, G.T.W. The control of aqueous ammonia concentrations by a thermal method. J. CHEMSA, Dec. 1975. pp. 284-286.

•ORMROD, G.T.W. Electrodeless conductivity meters in the measurement and control of the amount of lime in alkaline slurries. Pulse, Apr. 1979. pp. 16-18.

ORMROD, G.T.W., and SOMMER, G. Analytical instrumentation for control of the leaching process. AUTOMATION IN MINING, MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.H. (ed.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation, 1977. pp. 521-530.

SOMMER, G. Temperature measurement with thermocouples. Electron. Instrumn, vol. 2, no. 1. Apr. 1971. pp. 2-5.

SOMMER, G., and JOCHENS, P.R. Techniques of micro-thermal analysis based on a thermocouple as heating source and specimen holder. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 3, no. 1. Jan. 1971. pp. 3-16.

SOMMER, G., JOCHENS, PR., and HOWAT, D.D. Solid state circuitry for a microdifferential thermal analyser. J. Pnys. E: scient. Instrum., vol. 1. 1968. pp. 1116-1118.

SOMMER, G., and MILLER, R.P. A hot stage microscope incorporating a differential thermal analysis unit. J. scient. Instrum., vol. 43, no. 5. May 1966. pp. 293-297.

SOMMER, G., and SANDER, H.W. Balanced temperature analysers. 2ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCEON THERMAL ANALYSIS, 1968. Schwenker, R.F., andGarn, P.D. (eds.). New York, Academic Press, 1969. vol. 1. pp. 163-175.

ZANDERS, J.A.J. Single-ended differential instrumentation amplifier. Electron. Instrumn, vol. 4, no. 11. Mar. 1974. pp. 2-3.

ZANDERS, J.A.J. An electronic differential precision thermometer. Electron Instrumn, vol. 4, no. 12. Apr. 1974. pp. 24-25, 28.

3. Patents

Improved method of measuring rates of dissolution. S.Afr. Pat. 72/8807,8th Jan., 1974. (Also: S.W. Afr. Pat. 74/7, 8th Jan., 1974.)

Improvements relating to the controlling of processes. S.Afr. Pat. 73/1213, 21st Feb., 1974.


General studies of electrochemistry I. Reports No. Title Year

16 The rotating-disc system and its applications in the dissolution of gold 1966

1509 The instrumentation developed for electrochemical studies of the leaching of uranium dioxide 1973


No. Title Year

1778 An apparatus for the automatic measurement of current efficiencies during the electrodeposition of nickel in chloride media 1976

1796 The mechanism of the electrodeposition and dissolution of nickel from chloride

media 1976

1799 An electrochemical investigation of copper cementation on iron 1976

1800 An electrochemical investigation of the dissolution and passivation of platinum in

acid solutions 1976

1804 The electrodeposition of nickel from ammoniacal solutions 1976

1858 The kinetics and mechanism of the non-oxidative dissolution of some iron sulphides in aqueous acidic solutions 1976 1859 Increased current efficiency during electrodeposition of manganese from sulphate electrolytes 1976 1880 The electrochemical reduction of silver chloride and its application to the refining of silver 1977

1906 An automated instrument for measuring the effects of impurities on cathodic-current efficiency during the electrowinning of zinc 1977

2. Papers

NICOL, M.J. The new electrochemistry and its part in a new technology. Probe! 1-2. 1972. pp. 23-26.

NICOL, M.J. Mechanism of aqueous reduction of chalcopyrite by copper, iron and lead. Trans, lnstn Min. Metali, vol. 84. 1975. pp. C206-C209.

NICOL, M.J., SCHALCH, E., BALESTRA, P., and HEGEDUS, H. A modern study of the kinetics and mechanism of the cementation of gold. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali., vol. 79, no. 7. Feb. 1979. pp. 191-198.

•NICOL, M. J., and SCOTT, P.D. The kinetics and mechanism for the non-oxidative dissolution of some iron sulphides in aqueous acidic solutions. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali., vol. 79. no. 10. May 1979. pp. 298-305.

PAUL, R.L. A circuit design for a motor-speed controller of high precision. Electrochim. Acta, vol. 23, no. 10. Oct. 1978. pp. 991-994.

PHILIP, H.I., and NICOL, M.J. Underpotcntial deposition and its relation to the anomalous deposition of metals in alloys. J. Electroanalyt. Chem., vol. 70. 1976. pp. 233-237.

•POWER, G.P. An electrochemical method for the recycling of tungsten carbide and other hard metal carbides using a rotating drum anode. Chemistry in Australia, vol. 46, no. 7. 1979. pp. 303-307.

SAUNDERS. A.P., PHILIP, I., and MARTIN..I.P. An automated instrument for the determination of the effects of impurities on the cathodic current efficiency during the electrowinning of zinc. AUTOMATION IN MINING, MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.G. led.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation. 1977. pp. 531-542.


SCH ALCH. E.. and NICOL. M.J. Electrochemical investigation of copper cementation on iron. Trans. Instn Min. MetalL, vol. 87. Mar. 1978. pp. C16-C22.

SCOTT. P.D., and NICOL, M.J. The kinetics and mechanisms of the non-oxidative dissolution of metal sulphides. TRENDS IN ELECTROCHEMISTRY. Bockris, J.O.M.. Rand, D.A.J.. and Welch. B.J (eds.). New York. Plenum Press. 1977. pp. 303-316.

3. Patent

Improved method of measuring rates of dissolution. S.Afr. Pat. 72/8807. 8th Jan.. 1974. (Also: S.W. Afr. Pat. 74/7, 8th Jan.. 1974.)

Flotation — Modelling and Control

Engineering studies of the flotation process and equipment, including modelling, scale-up, optimization, and control

1. Reports

No. Title Year

996 An improved distributed-parameter model for the kinetics of mineral flotation 1970

1436 A computer programme for the simulation of the performance of a flotation plant.

Revised report 1973

1517 Computer-controlled flotation plants in Canada and Finland 1973

1553 Characterization of the flotation properties of fluorspar from small-scale batch and

pilot-plant tests 1973

1562 Application of a flotation model to an industrial plant 1973

1567 Estimation of the parameters in the distributed-constant flotation model 1974

1568 A computer programme for the estimation of parameters in flotation 1973

1573 A pilot-plant investigation of a flotation model 1974

1753 Full-scale flotation-plant data for modelling purposes 1975

1847 A pilot-plant investigation of a kinetic model for flotation 1976

•203 7 The removal of contaminants from recycled water in a mineral-flotation plant 1980

2. Papers ENGELBRECHT. J.A., and WOODBURN, E.T. The effects of froth height, aeration rate, and gas precipitation on flotation. /. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 76. spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 125-132. KINO. R.P. Flotation research work of the NIM Research Group, and the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Natal. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 72. no. 9. Apr. 1972. pp. 235-345.

KING. R.P. Model for the design and control of flotation plants. APPLICATION OF COMPUTER METHODS IN THE MINERAL INDUSTRY. Salomon, M.D.G., and Lancaster. EH. feds). Johannesburg. South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1973. pp. 341-350.

129 MM PI Kill \[|(INS

KING. R.P. On-line digital computer control ofslurry conditioning in mineral flotation. Auiomaiuu. vol Mi. no. I. Jan. 1974. pp. 5-Ï4.

KING. R.P. Simulation of flotation piantv Trans. .W. .Win. EitgnAIME. vol. 25.X. no. 4. Dec. I9"\>. pp. 2X6-293.

KING. R.P. A pilot-plant investigation of a kinetic model for flotation J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 7X. no. 12. Jul. I97X. pp. 325-33X.

KING. R.P.. H ATTON. T. A., and Hl'LBERT. D.G Bubble loading during flotation Trans. Instn Mm Metall.. Sect. C. vol. X3. no. XII. Jun. 1974. pp. CI 12-CI15.

LOVEDAY. B.K. Analysis of froth flotation kinetics. Trans. Instn Min. Metall.. v>l. 75. Sec. C. Sep. 1966. pp. 219-225.

LOVEDAY. B.K.. and MARCHANT. G.R. Simulation of muiticomponent flotation plants. APPLKATIOS OF COMPUTER METHODS IS THE MISERAl. ISDLSTRY. Salamon. M.D.G.. and Lancaster. F.H. (eds.\. Johannesbure. South African Institute of Mininp and Metallurgy. 1973. pp. 325-330.

WOODBURN. E.T.. KING. R.P.. BUCHALTER. EM., and PIPER. S.E. Integrated grinding and flotation control-computational problems in an optimum decision making model. A Dbx Ai)E OF DIGITAL COMPUTISG IS THE MISERAL ISDVSTRY. Weiss. A. led». Sc«v York. AIME. 196M. pp 695-728.

WOODBURN. E.T.. KING. R.P.. and COLBORN. R.P. The effect of particle size distribution on the performance of a phosphate flotation process. Metell. Trans., vol. 2. no. I I. Nov. 1971. pp. 3163-3174.

Hydrometallurgy — Reagents

Development of solvent-extraction, ion-exchange, and other reagents for hydrometalkirgy

I. Reports

Sn. Titb' Year

1793 The kinetics of mechanism of solvent extraction of copper by I.IX 64N and KEI.EX 100 1976 1X2X y-picolinc adducts of the nickel, copper, and zinc chelates of

2-thenoyltrifluoroacetone 1976

IS53 C'hloromethylation of polystyrene resins 1977

1X56 A study of model systems in anion exchange 1977

1X97 A study of aggregation in the organic phase of solvent extraction systems and its

influence on the extraction process 1977

1935 The construction and testing of a small mixer-settler for use in the laboratory 1977

1947 The cation- and anion-exchange behaviour of various base-metal chlorides in polar organic solvents 197X


2. Papers •BOEYENS. J.C.A.. and HAEGELE, R. Oxygen as a di-/x-peroxo bridge; synthesis and structure of berzyltrimethylammonium-di-/it-peroxohexachlorodiuranyl(VI)./Morg. chim. Acta, vol. 20. 1976. p. L7.

BOEYENS, J.C.A. McDOUGALL. G.J.. and SMIT. J.V.R. Crystaliographic study of the ammonium-potassium 12-molybdophosphate ion-exchange system. J. solid State Chem., vol. 18. 1976. pp. 191-199.

•FLEMING. C.A. Origin of selectivity of oxines and oximcs for copper(ll) over iron(lll). Trans. Instn Min. Metatl., vol. 85. Dec. 1976. pp. C211-C212.

•FLEMING. C.A. Origin of selectivity of oxines and oximes for copper(li) over iron(lll). Trans. Instn Min. Metali, vol. 88. Dec. 1979. pp. C253-C255.

•FLEMING, C.A.. and HANCOCK, R.D. The mechanism in the poisoning of anion-exchange resins by cobalt cyanide. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metali., vol. 79, no. 11. Jun. 1979. pp. 334-341.

•FLEMING, C.A., HANCOCK. R.D.. NICOL, M.J.. and FINKELSTEIN. N.P. The kinetics of the extraction of copper by LIX64N and .1X63. Discussion of the rate law. INTERNATIONAL SOLVENT EXTRACTION CONFERENCE, TORONTO, SEPTEMBER 1977. Lucas, B.H., etal. (eels.). Montreal. Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 1979. pp. 193-197.

•FLEMING, C.A., and NICOL. M.J. A comparative study of kinetic models for the extraction of uranium by strong-base anion-exchange resins./. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall, vol. 80. no. 2. Feb. 1980. pp. 89-99.

FLEMING. C.A.. NICOL. M.J., HANCOCK, R.D.. and FINKELSTEIN. N.P. The kinetics of the extraction of copper by L1X65N and the catalytic role of LIX63 in this reaction. J. appl. Chem. Biotechnoi, vol. 28. 1978. pp. 443-452.

• HAEGELE. R., and BOEYENS, J.C.A. Crystal structure of bcnzyltrimethylammonium /^;;-peroxo-bis[trichlorodioxoiiranate(Vl)], a binuclear uranium complex containing dioxygen in a ^..-peroxo linkage./. Chem. Soc, Dalton Trans., 1977. pp. 648-650.

MARSICANO, F.. and HANCOCK. R.D. A potentiometric and calorimetric study of the thermodynamics of formation of some of the complexes of the r/"' metal ions silvcr(l). mercury(ll), and cadmium(ll) with thiodiglycol, thiourea, and the sulphide ion. /. Coord. Chem., vol.6. 1976. pp. 21-29.

3. Patents

•Selective ion exchange media. S.Afr. Pat. 77/5398, 5th Sep.. 1978. (Also: Belg. Pat. 870.289. 7th Sep . 1978; Bophuthatswana Pat. 77/5398BW. 5th Sep.. 1978; S.W. Afr. Pat. 78/0106. 5th Sep.. 1978.)

•Selective extractant for metal values. S.Afr. Pat. 78/1905. 19th Mar. 19/9.

Comminution and Classification

Engineering studies of comminution and of associated classification processes and equipment, including modelling scale-up, optimization, and control I. Reports

No. Title Year

232 A err, parison of open-circuit and closed-circuit grinding for the control of slime formation 1967


No. Title Year

416 Comminution kinetics: batch tests in small mills, and model development 1968

996 An impioved distributed-parameter model for the kinetics of mineral flotation 1970

1436 A computer programme for the simulation of the performance of a flotation plant.

Revised report 1973

1517 Computer-controlled flotation plants in Canada and Finland 1973

1553 Characterization of the flotation properties of fluorspar from small-scale batch and

pilot-plant tests 1973

1562 Application of a flotation model to an industrial plant 1973

1567 Estimation of the parameters in the distributed-constant flotation model 1974

1568 A computer programme for the estimation of parameters in flotation 1973

1573 A pilot-plant investigation of a flotation model 1974

1753 Full-scale flotation-plant data for modelling purposes 1975

2. Papers BARKER, I.J., and KING, R.P. A real-time recursive filter applied to a milling circuit to estimate particle-size distributions. AUTOMATION IN MINING. MINERAL AND METAL PROCESSING. Lancaster, F.H. (ed.). Pretoria, South African Council for Automation and Computation, 1977. pp. 263-275. GUEST, R.N. A laboratory investigation of the importance of the circulating load in the control of particle-size distribution. J. S.Afr. Mech. Engr, vol. 22, no. 2. Feb. 1972. pp. 46-51.

KING. R.P. An analytical solution to the batch-comminution equation. J. S.Afr. Instn Min. Metall.. vol. 73, no. 4. Nov. 1972. pp. 127-131.

LIN, I.J., NADIV. S.. and GRODZIAN. D.J.M. Changes in the state of solids and mcchano-chemical reactions in prolonged comminution processes. Miner. Sci. Engng, vol. 7. no. 4. Oct. 1975. pp. 314-336.

LOVEDAY, B.K. An analysis of comminution kinetics in terms of size-distribution parameters. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 68. no. 3. Oct. 1967. pp. 1 11-131.

LOVEDAY. B.K. Pilot-plant testing and scale-up of autogenous milling. GRINDING — THEORY AND PRACTICE. Johannesburg, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, Vacation School 8th-12th Aug., 1977. pp. 88-97.

LOVEDAY, B.K. Control of milling circuits — definition of aims. GRINDING - THEORY AND PRACTICE. Johannesburg, South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Vacation School 8th-12th Aug.. 1977. pp. 111-122.

LOVEDAY, B.K., andTOLMAY, A.T. The developmert of a mathematical model for large-scale mills. CHEMECA 70. Australian Institute of Chemical Engineer. Sydney, the Institute. 1971. pp. 141-151.

•MOYS, M.H., and LOVEDAY, B.K. Autogenous-milling research at the South African National Institute for Metallurgy. PROCEEDINGS OF THE AUTOGENOUS GRINDING SEMINAR, TRONDHEIM, NORWAY. Digne, M. (ed.). Trondheim, Jan. 1980. pp. F2:l-17.


STANLEY, G.G. Mechanisms in the autogenous mill and their mathematical representation. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 75, no. 4. Nov. W74. pp. 77-98.

STANLEY. G.G. Considerations in the application of autogenous milling. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 76, spec, issue. Oct. 1975. pp. 53-55.

Selection of Materials

Selection of maferia/s and optimization

1. Reports

No. Title Year

1860 A preliminary investigation of materials of construction for ore hoppers 1976

1908 An analysis of the replies to a questionnaire on materials of construction for ore hoppers 1977

2. Paper

•HOWAT, D.D., and ENRIGHT, DP. The performance, wear characteristics, and failures of austenitic manganese-steel castings used in crushing and rod milling. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 80. no. 2. Feb. 1980. pp. 63-81.

Costs and Commodities

Miscellaneous economic, cost, and commodity studies

I. Reports

No. Title Year

109 The possibility of establishing a local cost index for the estimation of metallurgical

and chemical plant 1967

884 Review of information on the mineral industry of Mocambique 1970

1310 South African costs of industrial equipment for the metallurgical industry 1971

1529 South African costs of equipment for the metallurgical industry (1972) 1973

1559 A cost assessment of the production of elemental sulphur by chlorination roasting 1973

1644 Prospects for the recovery of minerals from the sea 1974

1741 South African costs of equipment for the metallurgical industry (1975) 1975

1750 A review of the present and future development of sulphur production in South Africa 1975

13.1 MM VI Hi K AllONS

2. Papers

GRANVILLE, A. The recovery of deep-sea minerals: problems and prospects. Miner. Set. Engng, vol. 7. no. 3. Jul. 1^75. pp. 170-188.

ROBINSON. RE. The utilization and conservation of mineral resources. S.Afr. J. ScL. vol. 68. no. 4. Apr. 1972. i>p. 105-110.

VAN RENSBURG, W.C.J. Changing patterns in the Worlds supply of minerals. Miner. Set. Engng, vol. 6. no. 3. Jul. 1974. pp. 142-153.

4. Other Technical Publications

•GLEN, H.W. (ed.). South Africa's strategic minerals — pieces on a continental chess board, by W.C. J. van Rensburg and D.A. Pretorius. Johannesburg. Valiant Publishers, 1977. 172 pp.


Minerals manpower, training, and recruitment

1. Report

No. Title Year

1483 The South African manpower requirements in extractive metallurgy 1972

2. Paper

ROBINSON, R.E. Would you encourage your son to undertake a mining career? Coal. Gold base Miner., vol. 19, no. 3. May 1971. pp. 19-27.


Miscellaneous unallocatable topics

1. Reports

No. Title Year

18 The 8th Commonwealth Mining and Metallurgical Congress — Australasia — 27th February to 15th April. 1965. Visits to various places in Australia and Tasmania 1966

25 Quantitative mineralogical examination of six samples of pulverized mine ores submitted by the Chemical Engineering Group. CSIR 1966

34 Qualitative electron-microprobe investigation of cobalt-gadolinium intermetallic compounds 1966

53 Differential thermal investigation of Moore-filter residues for the Anglo American Research Laboratory 1966

66 The study of propagation modes effective in around-the-World radio-wave propagation in the 15-Mc/s to 30-Mc/s band 1966

104 The infrared examination of microlitc. muscovitc. apatite in the presence of carbonate, asbestos, paragonite. and various uranium salts 1967

1.14 MM I'lBIIC AllONS

No. Title Year

113 The identification, by means of the electron microprobe. of an opaque mineral from the Artonvilla Mine. Messina \9bb

132 Mineralogical and spectrographs investigation of a mineral concentrate from Koster. western Transvaal 1967

260 The electron-microprobe investigation of two samples of magnetite catalyst from Sasol 1967

286 A mineralogical and petrographic study of the pre-Transvaal rocks in borehole K. 1.

Koster district, western Transvaal 1968

287 A preliminary examination of kieselghur from Witdraai. south of Postmasburg 1968

313 The qualitative investigation of inclusions in free-cutting steel with the electron

microprobe 1968

943 An electron-microprobe investigation of chiastolite crystals 1970

1697 A petrographic and mineralogical investigation of silica samples from the farm Elandskraal 470 JO. Rustenburg district 1975 1812 List of unrestricted NIM reports and papers published during the first decade of

NIM's existence (1966 to 1975) [superseded by Report 1894] 1976

1867 NIM decennial review (1966 to 1976) 1977

1894 List of unrestricted NIM publications issued from 1966 to 1977 [superseded by Report 1970J 1977 1970 List of unrestricted NIM publications issued from 1966 to 1978 (superseded by Report 2013] " 1978 •2013 List of unrestricted NIM publications issued from 1966 to 1979 [superseded by Report 2067| 1979

2. Papers

BATRA.K..SEE. J.B.. andKING.T.B. Flow behaviour of liquid metals on solid substrates. MetalSei., vol. I I. no. 5. May 1977. pp. 145-151.

BROOKS. H.C.. and PAUL. R.L. Densities and excess volumes of fused halides. Z. Naturforsch.. vol. 30a. 1975. pp 64-68.

CLARKE. P.J. The National Institute for Metallurgy. South Africa. Stahl und liisen, vol.97.no. 18.8th Sep.. 1977. pp. 895-899.

CLARKE. P.J. A new centre for metallurgical research — the National Institute for Metallurgy in Randburg. Afrika-Post, vol. 24, no. I 1. Nov. 1977. pp. 337-340. (In German.)

CLARKE. P.J. Recent progress of the National Institute for Metallurgy. Metall, vol. 32. no. 3. Mar. 19-,8. pp. 288-289. (In German.)

•CLARKE. P.J. South Africa's National Institute for Metallurgy. Int. J. Miner. Processing, vol. 6. no. 4. Feb. 1980. pp. 341-347.


CZAMANSKE, G.K.. and MIHÁLIK, P. Oxidation during magnetic differentiation. Jinmoskia Complex. Oslo area. Norway: Part 1. The opaque oxides. J. Petrol., vol. 13, no. 3. 1972. pp. 493-509.

DE WAAL, S.A. Interference-folding of Bushveld Igneous Complex age in the Transvaal System north of Marble Hall. Transvaal. Johannesburg. Geological Society of South Africa, spec. pub. 1. 1970. pp. 283-298.

DE WAAL. S.A. The ferromanganese deposit at Lisbon Falls, near Graskop. Transvaal, and its similarity to ferromanganese nodules of the ocean floor. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr.. vol. 80. pt 2. 1977. pp. 131-136.

DC WAAL. S.A. The alteration and possible reasons for the refractory nature of chromitite from the Marico occurrence, western Transvaal. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr.. vol. 80. pt 3. 1977. pp. 235-239.

DE WAAL, S.A. Carbon dioxide and water from metamorphic reactions as agents for sulphide and spinel precipitation of mafic magmas. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr.. vol. 80. pt. 3. 1977. pp. 193-196.

DE WAAL, S.A.. and CALK. L.C. The sulphides in the garnet pyroxenite xenoliths from Salt Lake Crater. Ohio. J. Petrol., vol. 16, no. 1. Feb. 1975. pp. 134-153.

•GLEN, H.W. (ed.). Proceedings of Asbestos Symposium, Johannesburg, 3rd - 7th October, 1977. Johannesburg, Department of Mines, 1978. 156 pp.

•GLEN, H.W. Technical English — a dead' language. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 79, no. 13. Aug. 1979. pp. 382-385.

JOCHENS, P.R. Technology transfer between a State-sponsored research institute and industry. PROCEEDINGS OF THE SYMPOSIUM ON TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER. South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research. Pretoria, CSI R. 1974. pp. 38-52.

KNIGHT, A. Nuclear power reactors in Britain. S.Afr. Engr, v>\ 57. no. 582. Nov. 1966. pp. 57-61.

LASCHINGER, J.E. Focus on vital role of the National Institute for Metallurgy. S.Afr. Engr. vol. 59. no. 602. Jul. 1968. pp. 24-29.

LASCHINGER, J.E. The National Institute for Metallurgy. S.Afr. Min. Engng. J., vol. 81. 24th Mar.. 1969. pp. 279-287.

PAUL, R.L., and BROOKS, H.C. Energies of mixing of molten silver bromide-alkali bromide system. Inorg. nucl. Chem. Lett., vol. 8, no. 7. 1972. pp. 629-631.

PAUL, R.L., and BROOKS, H.C. Binary silver bromide-alkali bromide melts. Calculated and measured energies of mixing. Inorg. Chem., vol. 13. no. 3. 1974. pp. 683-690.

•PLUMMER. V Computerized information systems and services. AN INTRODUCTORY COURSE FOR INFORMATION WORKERS. Pretoria, CSIR, 1979. pp. 91-108.

ROBINSON, R.E. The fifth James Moir memorial lecture. S.Afr. chem. Process., Jun.-Jul. 1967. pp. CP72-CP84.

ROBINSON, R.E. The case for national research in mineral processing. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall.. vol. 76. no. 3. Oct. 1975. pp. 196-213.

ROBINSON, R.E. Metallurgical problems in the utilization of South Africa's resources. RESOURCES OF SOUTHERN AFRICA TODAY AND TOMORROW. Baker. G. (ed.). Johannesburg. Associated Scientific and Technical Societies of Southern Africa. 1976. pp. 308-318.


VON RAHDEN. H.V.R., and DICKS, L.W.R. Descloizite, mottramite. and vanadinite from South West Africa — an infrared and X-ray study. Am. Mineralogist, vol. 52. Jul.-Aug. 1967. pp. 1067-1076.

4. Other technical publication

Notebook of experiments in extractive metallurgy for high schools. 1975. 42 pp. Research on Uranium Involving NIM Staff Uranium — Beneficiation

Beneficiation of ores for the recovery of uranium

2. Papers

CORRANS, I.J., and LEVIN, J. Wet high-intensity magnetic separation for the concentration of Witwatersrand gold-uranium ores and residues. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 79, no. 8. Mar. 1979. pp. 210-228.

KELEGHAN. W.T.H. WHIMS for low-grade uranium. Nucl. Active, no. 16. Jan. 1977. pp. 3-5.

Uranium — Hydrometallurgy

Fundamental studies on the hydrometallurgy of uranium ores

1. Reports

No. Title Year

44 The i&xo point of charge of uranium dioxide and uraninite 1966

1031 The dissolution of U02 as an electron- transfer reaction 1970

1144 Three-dimensional predominant-area and solubility diagrams for the uranyl carbonate and uranyl sulphate system at 25 °C 1971 1205 The adsorption of uranyl species on pyrophyllite, quartz, and acid-treated South African uranium ores. A preliminary investigation 1971

1380 An electrochemical model for the leaching of uranium dioxide 1972

1448 A potentiostatic study of the anodic dissolution of uranium dioxide in aqueous solutions 1972

1550 A fundamental study of the dissolution in acid solutions of uranium minerals from South African ores 1973

2. Papers

•FLEMING. C.A., and NICOL, M.J. A comparative study of kinetic models for the extraction of uranium by strong-base anion-exchange resins. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min Metall., vol. 80. no. 2. Feb. 1980. pp. 89-99.

LAXEN. PA. A kinetic study of the dissolution of uraninites in sulphuric acid. RESEARCH IN CHEMICAL AND EXTRACTION METALLURGY. Australasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. Sydney, the Institute. 1967. pp. 181-192.


LAXEN. PA. The dissolution of UO, as an electron-transfer reaction. THE RECOVERY OF URANIUM. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, the Agency, 1971. pp. 321-330.

NEEDES. C.R.S., NICOL, M.J., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. An electrochemical model for the leaching of uranium dioxide. II. Alkaline carbonate media. LEACHING AND REDUCTION IN HYDROMETALLURGY. Burkin. A.R. (ed.). London. Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1975. pp. 12-19.

NICOL, M.J., and NEEDES, C.R.S. The anodic dissolution of uranium dioxide. I. In perchlorate solutions. Electrochim. Acta, vol. 20, no. 8. Aug. 1975. pp. 585-589.

NICOL, M.J., and NEEDES, C.R.S. The anodic dissolution of uranium dioxide. II. In carbonate solutions. Electrochim. Acta, vol. 22. 1977. pp. 1381-1384.

NICOL, M.J., NEEDES, C.R.S., and FINKELSTEIN, N.P. An electrochemical model for the leaching of uranium dioxide. I. Acid media. LEACHING AND REDUCTION IN HYDROMETALLURGY. Burkin, A.R. (ed.). London, Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, 1975. pp. 1-11.

SCOTT, P.D., GLASSER, D., and NICOL, M.J. Kinetics of dissolution of /3-uranium trioxide in acid and carbonate solutions. /. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans., 1977. pp. 1939-1946.

Uranium — Instrumentation

Instrumentation lor uranium plants

I. Reports

No. Title Year

341 An experimental on-stream colorimetric uranium monitor and solvent-addition controller for the Purlex process 1968 1530 AUREOL — an X-ray-absorption analyser for the determination of the uranium on loaded resin in ion-exchange plants 1973

2. Papers

NEEDES, C.R.S., NICOL, M.J., FINKELSTEIN, N.P., and ORMROD, G.T.W. The industrial application of a uranium dioxide electrode. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 76, no. 4. Nov. 1975. pp. 238-246.

SOMMER, G. Less hands in uranium extraction. Nucl. Active, Jul. 1973. pp. 16-19.

SOMMER, G., ORMROD, G.T.W., and CHAIX, R.P. Automation of uranium processing plants. Electron. Instrumn, vol. 3, no. 10. Jan. 1973. pp. 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21.

SOMMER, G., ORMROD, G.T.W., and CHAIX, R.P. Recent developments in the instrumentation and automation of uranium-processing plants. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 73, no 12. Jul. 1973. pp. 413^20.


Uranium — Associated Materials

Methods for *

I. Reports

No. Title Year

39 The determination of small amounts of silica in zirconium ores and concentrates 1966

49 The spectrophotometry determination of silica in zirconium oxide 1966

131 The spectrographic determination of titanium oxide, ferric oxide, and silica, in baddeieyite 1967

207 The analysis of baddeleyite by X-ray-fluorescence spectroscopy 1967

272 The determination of iron, titanium, and zirconium, in baddeleyite by X-ray-fluorescence spectroscopy 1968 363 The determination of thorium in solid samples of baddeleyitc and carbonatite ores and in the solutions resulting from leaching these ores 1968

451 The determination of thorium in baddeleyite and carbonatite ores and in the solutions resulting from leaching of these ores 1968

1691 The determination of zirconium and aluminium by I4MeV neutron-activation analysis 1975

1723 The determination of zirconium and aluminium in zirconium-aluminium alloys 1975

1985 The determination of boron in high-purity aluminium metal by spark-source mass spectrometry 1978

Uranium — Determination of Trace Impurities

Methods for the determination of trace impurities in uranium compounds

I. Reports

No. Title Year

64 The determination of the hafnium/zirconium ratio in ammonium diuranate produced

by the Bufflex Process 1966

99 Determination of molybdenum in uranium compounds 1966

129 The poiarographic determination of total hexavalcnt uranium as uranyl fluoride in

uranous fluoride 1967

153 The spectrographic determination of zirconium in uranium oxide 1967

167 The determination of thiocyanate in uranium solutions 1967


No. Title Year

174 Determination of chloride in uranium solutions 1967

256 The determination of carbon in uranium tetrafluoride 1967

354 The determination of trace amounts of arsenic in uranium tetrafluoride 1968

417 Determination of molybdenum in uranium compounds 1968

433 The spectrophotometry determination of microgram quantities of vanadium in

UA, UO„ and UF4 1968

434 The determination of titanium in uranium compounds 1968

440 Separation of hafnium and zirconium oxides from uranium preliminary to the spectrographic determination of hafnium 1968 450 The spectrographic determination of alkali metals and alkaline earths in uranium

oxide i 968

485 Gravimetric determination, using nitron, of nitrates in uranium compounds 1969

951 Colorimetric determination of minor quantities of nitrate in uranium compounds 1970

1043 The determination of ruthenium in uranyl fluoride 1970

1044 The determination of ruthenium in uranyl fluoride 1970

1089 The rapid volumetric determination of calcium in pregnant solutions in uranium plants 1970 1408 The determination of molybdenum in the solids and solutions resulting from the processing of Witwatersrand uranium ores 1972

1722 The determination of small amounts of fluoride in uranium compounds by use of an ion-selective electrode 1975

2. Paper

RUSSELL, B.G., WILSON, A., LUBBE, M.V., JONES, E., TAYLOR, J.D., and STEELE. T.W. The determination of selenium and tellurium in silver chloride and uranium oxide. Talanta, vol. 14, no. 8. Aug. 1967. pp. 957-966.

Uranium and Thorium — Determination

Methods for the determination of uranium and thorium

1. Reports

No. Title Year

156 Preliminary observations on the automation of the TBP method for determining uranium 1967


No. Title Year

163 The fluorimetric determination of uranium 1967

257 The determination of uranium by the TBP method 1967

455 Determination of uranium by the TBP method after extraction with ethyl acetate 1968

460 A rapid method for the determination of minor amounts of thorium in aqueous solutions of uianyl nitra e or chloride 1969 470 Rapid estimation of uranium in raffinate solutions containing thorium by the pyridylazo-naphthol method 1969

503 Rapid estimation, by the ammonium thiocyanate method, of uranium in raffinate solutions containing thorium, lead, and copper 1969

529 The determination of uranium in the organic solvent from the Purlex Process 1969

1075 The preparation of PADAP — 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethyIaminophenol (zinc complex) 1970 1145 The use of 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethyIaminophenol as a spectrophotometric reagent for the determinat on of uranium 1971

•2025 The determination oi uranium in solids and solutions by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry and a background-ratio method with a derived exponent 1979

•2026 The determination of uranium in pyrite samples 1979

•2034 A rapid method for the determination of uranium in ores and carbonaceous materials by X-ray-fluorescence spectrometry 1980

2. Papers

COOK, E.B.T., and GEREGHTY, A. The spectrophotometric determination of uranium by use of 2-(2-pyridylazo)-5-diethylaminophenol (PADAP). Bull. S.Afr. Inst. Assayers Analysts, no. 12. Jul. 1971. pp. 1-10.

RUSSELL, B.G., and DOMEL, G. The analysis of uranium by X ;ay-fluorescence techniques. Bull. S.Afr. Inst. Assayers Analysts, no. 6. Jan. 1970.

Uranium — Mineralogy

Mineralogical studies of uranium minerals

/. Reports

No. Title Year

237 The mineralogy of uranium in Western Areas ores 1967

414 The geochemistry of some uranium minerals in the Dominion Reef and Witwatersrand Systems 1968


No. Title Year

415 Uranium compounds in the Dominion Reefs, and their association with phosphorus compounds 1968

2. Papers

BERNING, J., COOKE, R., HIEMSTRA, S.A., and HOFFMAN, U. The Rossing uranium deposit. South West Africa. Econ. Geoi, vol. 71. 1976. pp. 351-368.

HIEMSTRA, S.A. The mineralogy and petrology of the uraniferous conglomerate of the Dominion Reefs Mine, Klerksdorp area. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 71, no. 1. 1968. pp. 1-65.

HIEMSTRA, S.A. The geochemistry of the uraniferous conglomerate of the Dominion Reefs Mine, Klerksdorp area. Trans. Geol. Soc. S.Afr., vol. 71, no. 1. 1968. pp. 67-100.

Uranium — Recovery Processes

Processes for the recovery of uranium

1. Reports

No. Title Year

452 The Purlex Process — a description of the pilot plant leading to the use of the process

in South Africa Í969

1454 A dynamic model for the extraction bank of Purlex plants 1972

1477 The control of Purlex plants 1972

2. Papers

•BOYDELL, D.W.. LAXEN, PA., BOSCH, D.W., and CRAIG. W.M. New uranium-recovery circuit at Blyvooruitzicht. CfM Bull., vol. 72, no. 805. May 1979. pp. 127-134.

CRAIG, W.M.. HAINES. A.K., NICOL. D.I., OLËN, CM., DOUGLAS, M.E.E., and LOUW, G.D. The design and operation of a continuous ion-exchange demonstration plant for the recovery of uranium. 7. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 78. no. 12. Jul. 1978. pp. 316-324.

FAURE, A., and TUNLEY, T.H. Uranium recovery by liquid-liquid extraction in South Africa. THE RECOVERY OF URANIUM. International Atomic Energy Agency. Vienna, the Agency. 1971. pp. 241-251.

HAINES. A.K. The development of continuous fluidized-bed ion exchange in South Africa, and its use- in the recovery of uranium. J. S.Afr. Inst. Min. Metall., vol. 78, no. 2. Jul. 1978. pp. 303-315.

HAINES. A.K.. CRAIG, W.M., FAURE. A.. HENDRIKSZ, A.R., WILLS. W.J.. NICOL. D.I. The use of weak-base resins in the recovery of uranium from unclarified leach liquors. ELEVENTH INTERNATIONAL MINERAL PROCESSING CONGRESS 1975. Instituto di Arte Mineraria. Rome, Aziende Tipografiche Bardi, 1976. Paper 32, pp. 1-28.



NIM publishes the following two periodicals:

(1) Minerals Science and Engineering. A review journal devoted to the origin, occurrences, winning, properties, and uses of minerals; published quarterly; annual subscription R10 (postage free, airmail postage extra).

(2) NIM Research Digest. Summaries of some of the work being done and of the recently issued unrestricted reports; published approximately every two months; available free of charge.

Requests for the above should be addressed to the National Institute for Metallurgy, Private Bag X3015, Randburg, 2125 South Africa.



These pubfecations. which are of an ephemeral nature, are not issued once they have lost their relevance. The pubtcatons listed here are available at preserit. Those that have been included since the last issue of this list (Report 1970) are marked •.


A. Annual Report

• 1. National Institute for Metallurgy. Annual report 1979 (84 pp.)

•2. Nasionale Instituut vir Metallurgie. Jaarverslag 1979. (84 pp.) [Afrikaans version of 1 above]

B. Careers Brochure

1. Prospects at the National Institute for Metallurgy/Vooruitsigte by die Nasionale Instituut vir Metallurgie (44 pp.)

2. NIM bursaries/NIM beurse (8 pp.)

C. Leaflets

l National I istitute for Metallurgy (4 pp.)

2. Nasionale Instituut vir Metallurgie (4 pp.) [Afrikaans version of 1 above]

3. Control in the production of ferrochromium (2 pp.)

4. Beheer by die produksie van ferrochroom (2 pp.) [Afrikaans version of 3 above]

5. Determination of the platinum-group metals (2 pp.)

6. Bepaling van die platinum-groepmetale (2 pp.) [Afrikaans version of 5 above]

7. Flotation of mixed sulphides (2 pp.)

8. Flottasie van gemengde sulfiede (2 pp.) [Afrikaans version of 7 above]

9. NIM continuous ion exchange (2 pp.)

" NIM deurlopende ioonuitruiling (2 pp.) [Afrikaans version of 9 above]

'• i. Research progress in ferro-alloys (2 pp.)

12. Vordering met ferrolegering-navorsing (2 pp.) [Afrikaans version of 11 above]
