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REPORT NATIONAL INSTITUTE for METALLURGY REPORT No. 2067 LIST OF UNRESTRICTED NIM PUBLICATIONS ISSUED FROM 1966 TO 1980 by H.W. Glen NATIONAL INSTITUTE for METALLURGY 200 Hans Strijdom Hoad RANDBURG SOUth Africa 29th August, 1980 JÊ NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR METALLURGY LIAISON AND INFORMATION DIVISION REPORT No. 2067 LIST OF UNRESTRICTED NIM PUBLICATIONS ISSUED FROM 1966 TO 1980 Investigator H.W. Glen Head of Division L.F. Haughton 29th August, 1980 All correspondence to the National Institute for Metallurgy, Private Bag X30I5. Ranuburg. 2125 South Afric ISBN 0 K69W 516 2 SYNOPSIS This publication lists the 742 unrestricted reports, 337 papers, 26 patents, and 4 other technical publications that were issued as publications of the National Institute for Metallurgy (NIM) from 1966 (the year of its inception) to 1st April, 1980. For ease of reference, these publications are also classified under research topics. Also included are details of the 2 periodicals issued by NIM and a list of the current miscellaneous publications of the Institute, which include the annual report, and brochures and leaflets of various kinds. SAMEVATTING Hierdie publikasie lys die 742 onbeperkte verslae, 337 referate, 26 patente en 4 ander tegniese publikasies wat sedert 1966 — die stigtingsjaar van die Nasionale Instituut vir Metallurgie (NIM) — tot 1 April 1980 as publikasies van NIM uitgegee is. Hierdie publikasies word vir maklike verwysing ook onder navorsingsonderwerpe, geklassifiseer Daar word ook besonderhede verstrek van die 2 blaaie wat NIM uitgee en n lys van diverse publikasies van die Instituut soos die jaarverslag en verslvillende soorte brosjures en pamflette, ingesluit. PREFACE This report, which supersedes Report 2013. is a compilation of all the publications of the National Institute for Metallurgy (NIM) having an unrestricted distribution list. It includes all the unrestricted reports and the patents issued and registered by NIM from 1966 to 1 st April. 1980. the confidential reports that were declassified during that period, all the papers published during that period where one of the authors was, or is, a member of NIM staff, and the other technical publications that do not fall into the categories already mentioned. The total number of unrestricted reports included is 742, the patents amount to 26. the number of papers published is 337, and the other technical p. blications amount to 4. For ease of reference, all the reports, papers, patents, and ether technical publications listed here have been classified as far as possible into variou research topics. A list of these topics is given in Section 1. together with the numbers of the pages on which the publications are classified according to iopic. This report also gives details of the 2 periodicals issued by NIM and concludes with a list of NIM miscellaneous publications, which are additional to those mentioned above. These include the current annual report, together with brochures and leaflets of various kinds. CONTENTS PREFACE 1. COMPREHENSIVE LIST OF RESEARCH TOPICS 1 A. NIM Research Topics 2 B. Research on Uranium Involving NIM Staff 6 2. LIST OF UNRESTRICTED NIM REPORTS 8 3. PAPERS BY NIM STAFF 43 4. NIM PATENTS 65 5. OTHER TECHNICAL PUBLICATIONS 68 6. CLASSIFICATION OF PUBLICATIONS ACCORDING TO RESEARCH TOPIC 69 7. PERIODICAL PUBLICATIONS 143 8. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS 144 1. COMPREHENSIVE UST OF RESEARCH TOPICS The page numbers on which the publications are arranged according to topic are given on the right-hand side of the following Hst. Where no page number is given for a topic, it means that no publications have been issued under that topic. l NIM PUBLICATIONS A. NIM RESEARCH TOPICS No. of page Ferro-alloys, stainless steels, iron and steel, and related fields Ferro-alloys Fundamental metallurgical studies of ferro-alloy processes and the application of results to operating plants 70 Development of new and improved processes for the major ferro-alloys (ferrochromium, ferromanganese. ferrosilicon) 73 Instrumentation, optimization, and control of ferro-alloy processes 74 Stainless steel Research and development of stainless-steel processes 75 Iron and steel Research associated with conventional processes for the production of iron and steel ... 75 Minor ferro-alloys Research and development of processes for minor ferro-alloys 75 Reduction Direct reduction processes for iron ores Properties of carbonaceous reducing agents with special reference to ferro-alloy processes 76 Chromium metal and chemicals Development of processes for the production of chromium metal and chemicals Manganese metal Development of processes for the production of manganese metal 76 Silicon metal Development of processes for the production of silicon metal Base metals (copper, nickel, zinc, lead, cobalt, cadmium) Ore-dressing Development of processes for the concentration of base metals, especially copper, zinc, lead, and nickel, by ore-dressing techniques with special reference to mixed sulphides 76 Hydrometallurgy Development of hydrometallurgical processes for base metals, especially copper, nickel, and cobalt, including non-sulphidic raw materials 77 Lead and zinc — refining Pyrometallurgical processes for the production and refining of lead and zinc Copper and nickel — pyrometallurgy Pyrometallurgical processes for the smelting and refining of copper and nickel 80 Recovery processes Instrumentation, optimization, and control of processes for the recovery of base metals 2 NIM PUBLICATIONS No. of page Zinc — hydrometallurgy Development of hydrometallurgical processes for the recovery of zinc 81 Nickel-bearing serpentinites Processing of nickel-bearing serpentinites with special reference to their occurrence in South Africa 81 Analysis of base-metal sulphides Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of base-metal sulphide ores, concentrates, metals, and byproducts 83 Mineralog» of base-metal sulphides Mineralogical studies of base-metal sulphides 84 Gold and silver Gold — ore-dressing Development of improved ore-dressing processes for the recovery of gold and pyrite from Witwatersrand and O.F.S. gold mines 85 Gold — hydrometallurgy Development of improved hydrometallurgical extraction processes for gold from Witwatersrand ard O.F.S. gold mines 86 Gold — instrumentation and control Instrumentation, optimization, and control of processes for the recovery of gold 88 Gold — mineralogy Mineralogical and geochemical studies of gold ores 88 Gold from refractory ores Recovery of gold from refractory ores 89 Gold and silver — refining Refining processes for gold and silver 90 Platinum-group metals and other associated metals PGM — refining Research and development of new processes for the recovery of platinum-group metals . 91 Anode sludges Research and development of new processes for the treatment of anode sludges from copper refineries 92 PGM — ore-dressing and smelting Research and development of improved ore-dressing and smelting processes for the recovery of platinum-group metals and chromite from ores, including ores of the Merensky and Chromitite Reefs 93 PGM and gold — analysis Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of platinum-group metals and gold in ores, concentrates, mattes, and pure metals 93 3 NIM PUBLICATIONS No. of page PGM — mineralogy Mineralogical studies of platinum-group metals and chromite-containing reefs in the Bushveld Complex 97 Base minerals Phosphates and phosphorus Development of improved processes for the recovery of phosphates and phosphorus chemicals 98 Fluorspar Development of improved processes for the recovery of fluorspar 98 Aluminium Investigation of processes for the production of alumina and aluminium from local raw materials 99 Aluminous refractories Investigation of processes for the production of aluminous refractories, with special reference to sillimanite and andalusite 100 Magnesite Processes for the production of magnesitc and magnesium oxide 100 Lime Processes for the production of limestone and lime Sodium chemicals Processes for the production of sodium chemicals (e.g., salt, soda ash) 100 Potassium chemicals Processes for the production of potassium chemicals 101 Asbestos Recovery «nd processing of asbestos Miscellaneous minerals and metals Pegmatite Processing of pegmatites for the recovery of niobium, tantalum, spodumene, mica, beryl, etc. 101 llmenite, rutile, zircon Recovery of ilmenite, rutile, zircon, and other minerals from beach-sand and similar deposits 102 Tungsten Recovery of tungsten concentrates from ores, and the development of processes for the refining of tungsten 102 Manganese Processes for the upgrading of manganese ores and for the production of manganese dioxide ard manganese chemicals 103 Magnesium Production and refining of magnesium metal and magnesium-metal alloys 4 NIM PUBLICATIONS No. of page Zirconium (non-nuclear) Research and development for the production and use of zirconium and its alloys in non-nuclear fields 103 Iron, titanium, vanadium Recovery of iron, titanium dioxide, and vanadium from iron ores containing titanium arJ vanadium 104 Production and refining of titanium metal and its alloys Tin Recovery of tin concentrates from ores, and refining of tin 105 Niobium and tantalum Processes for the production and refining of niobium and tantalum metal and their alloys . 105 Rare earths Recovery and refining of the rare-earth minerals and metals Antimony Recovery and refining of antimony Silicate analysis Development of new and improved methods for the analysis of silicate-containing ores and concentrates 106 Research and development
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