Rurweg 3 synopses of G6del's 1931 incomplete- a few; he also quickly found for him- D-41844 Wegberg ness theorems, the Erkenntnis piece of self a society of like-minded and, judg- Germany 1931 due to G6del himself, and the text ing from the photographs, high-living, e-mail:
[email protected] of a lecture delivered in Vienna in 1932 university friends, who, as was cus- by Karl Menger. And although the au- tomary then in Vienna, spent their days thors write in the introduction that the in a series of roving discussions in cafes, Kurt GOdel. Das book is meant as an "easily digestible some of which are pictured. Many of introduction" to G6del's life, work, and these friends were to go on to promi- the Viennese culture in which he lived nent positions in post-war academia: Album-The Album and flourished, it will undoubtedly be Herbert Feigl, for example, a student of Karl Sigmund, John Dawson, and of interest to readers on every level, Moritz Schlick and one of G6del's best Kurt Mfihlberger, with a Foreword by from newcomers to this area of the his- friends, was to become president of the Hans Magnus Enzensberger tory of mathematics to seasoned logi- American Philosophical Association-- cians and mathematicians. but he is seen here as a young man ca- WIESBADEN, VIEWEG, 2006, 225 PP., WITH 200 vorting at the beach with the Schlick PICTURES, (~29,90, ISBN 3-8348-0173-9 G6del's Life family. Other friends from this period "GOdel in a good mood and brilliant as who would later emigrate to the United REVIEWED BY JULIETrE KENNEDY usual ...