Cao Wenxuan Becomes First Chinese Writer to Receive Andersen Award 中国作家首获国际安徒生奖 为什么是曹文轩?

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Cao Wenxuan Becomes First Chinese Writer to Receive Andersen Award 中国作家首获国际安徒生奖 为什么是曹文轩? FRANKFURT HINA SPECIAL CHINA PUBLISHING & MEDIA JOURNAL TUESDAY OCT 11/2016 ●FRANKFURT SPECIAL 曹文轩 Cao Wenxuan Cao Wenxuan becomes first Chinese writer to receive Andersen award 中国作家首获国际安徒生奖 为什么是曹文轩? ao Wenxuan, one of China's most have a great future ahead. copyrights of CaoWenxuan'sworks. popular authors of children's fic- “Chinese picture books are graphically Ljiljana Marinkovic, General Manager of Ctions, received the Hans Christian very exciting,”Salisbury said. It will be Kreativni Centar, the largest Serbian pub- Andersen Award in April, 2016, which is interesting to see what happens with the lisher of children's books and the publish- awarded by the International Board on Chinese graphic traditions enriched by er of the Serbian version of Straw Hut, one Books for Young People (IBBY) and is new forms of visual authorship, he said. of Cao's most famous novels, said her considered as the highest international The world of picture books, he added, publishing house has being trying as recognition in the field of children's litera- opens up new collaboration opportunities much as possible to encourage different ture. Cao becomes the first Chinese writer also on the education side for Britain and programs and introduce Serbian readers for the most distinguished international China to learn from each other. to other cultures. honor for children's literature. Every year China features several thou- “We are not only publishers, we are really “Cao Wenxuan's books don't lie about the sands of children's books, and many of trying to make the public aware of the im- human condition,”PatriciaAldana, presi- them exert huge influence, said Li Yan, portance of children's literature for our dent of the Hans Christian Andersen Vice President of China Publishing country's culture,”Marinkovic said. Award jury told the audience,“They ac- Group, whose Chinese Story Seeds & She noted that readers in Serbia are al- knowledge that life can often be tragic World's Illustration Flowers series has ready familiar with traditional Chinese and that children can suffer.” published Cao's works. literature for children, but they do not Except for Cao, other shortlisted compet- “A few years ago we launched the project know much about contemporary Chinese ing writers are from Denmark, Germany, of the Chinese Story Seeds & World's Il- children's books. the Netherlands and the United States. He lustration Flowers. We hoped that using Li Xueqian, the president of China Chil- has won all the hearts of 10 jurors and was illustrated books with this approach, we dren's Press & Publication Group(CCP- voted unanimously the winner of this could better connect China's storytellers PG), said when introducing Cao's works year's prize. “Cao writes beautifully and illustrations from other countries so to the global readers, they invited many about the complex life of children facing to promote the interchange and collabora- famous international illustrators to coop- challenges. He's a deeply committed writ- tion between Chinese publishing groups erate with Cao. For example, the Straw er whose own child life has been deeply and other major publishing groups Hut (picture books version) was illustrat- influential on his writing,”Patricia Al- abroad,”he said. ed by German illustrator Sonia Dar- dana said. Daylight Publishing House (DPH), a ju- novsky, and the book Bronze Sunflower is Martin Salisbury, a professor of Cam- venile and children's books publishing illustrated by Spanish artist Alfonso Lua- bridge School of Art, and also an illustra- house under the leadership of China Pub- no. When Cao's stories integrate with tor and author, said Chinese picture lishing Group Corporation (CPGC), es- these beautiful illustrations, they attract books - books whose pictures are very tablished Cao Wenxuan Literature & Art increasing reader's eyes. well integrated together to tell the story - Centre in 2014, in order to operate the (Xin Hua,LiuYa) ■The Department of Superintendence: China Publishing Group ■Publishing: China Publishing & Media Journal ■Address: Room 2404, FLTRP Building, No.19 Xisanhuan Beilu, Beijing, P.R.China ■Post Code: 100089 ■Tel: +86(0)10 88817687 ■Fax: +86(0)10 88817657 ■Web: ■Marketing and Sales Department: +86(0)10 88810715 ■Executive Director: MENG Ye ■Editor: Liu Ya ■Arts: Yao Zhiying Editor:Qu Jingfan 法兰克福专刊 Email:[email protected] CHINA PUBLISHING & MEDIA JOURNAL Typesetter:Hu Bin F2 CPG provided books for the facility at the University of Oxford “中国出版集团汉学资源”阅览间在牛津大学设立 ■BY Xinhua (China Daily Africa) reading room named after Chi- CPG President Tan Yue and Richard closely with leading publishers from na Publishing Group Corp was Ovenden, the Bodleian's librarian, un- across the globe, and he believed that Aestablished on April 13,2016 at veiled a new exhibition named Cele- CPG would be a good partner. the Bodleian K.B. Chen China Center brating Tang Xianzu and Shakespeare David Helliwell, curator of Chinese Library at the University of Oxford. on the 400th Anniversary of their collections at the Bodleian Library, A delegation from the company visited Deaths: Book Exhibition on April 13 showed several hundred-years-old Chi- the university that day as part of the at Weston Library, one of the 40 nese manuscripts and rare books and events commemorating this month's Bodleian libraries at the University the restoration of old rare Chinese 400th anniversary of the deaths of of Oxford. books at Weston Library to the Chi- playwrights William Shakespeare and Books displayed include The Peony nese delegation. Tang Xianzu, as well as marking the Pavilion by Tang Xianzu, The Handan Tan says the exhibition was a great op- London Book Fair. Dream and Complete Works by Shake- portunity to work with the University CPG is one of China's largest publish- speare. of Oxford in promoting cultural ex- ing groups, publishing 15,000 books a Mr. Tan Yue(tight) and Richard Ovenden Ovenden says Bodleian has been col- changes, adding that CPG and the uni- year.CPG provided books published present at the launch ceremony of CPG lecting books published in China and versity would find common ground by its subsidiaries for the reading Reading Room at the Bodleian K.B. books written in the Chinese language and achieve concrete cultural projects. room, which includes the Twenty-four Chen China Center Library. for over 400 years. The center has CPG and Bodleian Library then signed Histories, History Retold as a Mirror more than 50,000 books on China, in- an agreement on publishing and build- for Rulers, Encyclopedia of China, and Serial Works by Chinese Contem- cluding 20,000 rare Chinese books. ing a long-term communication mecha- Complete Works on Chinese Fine Art porary Composers. He says Bodleian has collaborated nism. Mobile Internet increasingly transforms publishing&media industry 2016中国创意工业创新奖暨报告发布:移动互联网加速出版传媒业转型 ■BY Liu Zhiwei, Chen Yin, CPMJ n 25th, August, the third China In the past two years, many Chinese Creative Industry Innovative publishing companies have employed OAward Ceremony was held at big data technology into their digital the China International Exhibition products. And Mobile education, de- Centre, Beijing, co-hosted by the Chi- pending on its personalized learning na Publishing and Media Journal, context, advantages in mobile touch Frankfurt Book Fair, and Frankfurt and speech output, has become the Academy. mainstream in online education. The Awards of this year concentrate on Secondly, Community economy the fields of publishing and media, set- opens up the innovation in busi- ting up 6 categories for more than 70 ness models, and Wechat become enterprises from publishing, media, as the key platform for marketing. distribution and new media industry, As Wechat and microblog have be- besides the categories covering new come the main platforms in internet Thomas Minkus, vice president of FBF issues award certificate to a winner at third China marketing models, new business mod- communication, China's publishing en- Creative Industry Innovative Award Ceremony this August els, new tech, new management mode terprises have established related com- and new talents, new products are also munity market system, to explore new will become the driving force for eco- tional authors, for example, China Pub- involved for the award. business models for sales. nomic development. China's TOP3 in- lishing Group built the Cao Wenxuan The report released at this year's cere- Because of the powerful position of ternet giants BAT(Baidu, Alibaba, Ten- Literature & Arts Center, which aims mony demonstrates that it is an inevita- Wechat in China's mobile internet, cent) compete in commercial distribu- not only at licensing the copyrights of ble trend that media industry must de- more and more companies attach mar- tion with each other, extensively invest Mr. Cao Wenxuan, the winner of velop under the combination of tradi- keting importance to it. In 2015, there to and cooperate with different cultural Hans Christian Andersen Award 2016, tional and emerging ways. New tech- are a lot of Wechat shops targeting at companies. Meanwhile,entertaining but also setting up a Bronze Sunflower nologies drive an explosion in publish- specific groups emerging at Wechat and game companies are engaging in Children's Fiction Prize, with the high- ing and media industry, with a series platform, among which there are two making strategic plan of cross-media est bonus for the first prize in China's of creative products, marketing modes, shops whose sales amounting to over entertainment, which poses greater children literature, and the film&TV business and managing models sprung one hundred million RMB, they are challenge for start-ups in this industry. rights exploitation for some prize-win- up, which shows 4 trends in China cre- Davdian, helping young mothers open In earlier 2015, Tencent integrated Chi- ning works. ative industry. shopping, learning, communicating, na's two big literary websites Tencent Fourthly, capital propels cross-bor- Firstly, publishing and technolo- and starting their individual business, Literature and Cloudary together, estab- der business, listed publishing and gies integrate deeply which pro- and Luojisiwei, established by Dr.
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