¢500 www.ticotimes.net Friday, October 20, 2006 – San José, Celebrating 50 Years

RESTORED TO FORMER GLORY NEWS Photo by Ronald Reyes Martin Luther King III Advances Father’s Legacy

Martin Luther King III, son of the legendary U.S. civil rights leader whose name he bears, visited last week and spoke with The Tico Times. Page 2


New Exchange Rate System Takes Effect

The colón gained value against the U.S. dollar this week after the Central Bank’s new “crawling band” exchange rate system took effect Tuesday. Page 11


Sámara a Great Base for Surfers

Halfway down the Nicoya Peninsula’s Pacific coastline, Sámara provides an excellent jumping- off point for still-unknown surf spots. Page W8

Preserved for Future Generations: After four years of painstaking work, the renovation of La Church in San José stands nearly completed. Earthquake damage has been repaired and less than a year of renovation remains. The church has continued as a functioning parish throughout the renovation. Page W1 Should Mayors Have More Power?

By Katherine Stanley Costa Rica is the most centralized nation who served as head of state from 1835-1842. Tico Times Staff in Latin America, but has booming invest- “Everything was concentrated in San José… ment, population growth and a flourishing that model worked until 20 years ago.” Who will win the municipal elections tourism industry outside the Central Valley. Leaders from around Central America Dec. 3? Because of this, the country desperately needs who gathered at another recent conference Does anyone care? to give municipalities more funding and on decentralization, this one at the Hotel What reforms are needed to give mayors more responsibility, as well as funds for polit- Ramada Herradura Oct. 5, said decentral- THE NICA TIMES the tools they now lack to make a difference ical parties for municipal campaigns, partici- ization should be a regional goal. According in their communities? pants said – though support and training for to Rokael Cardona, executive director of the Former Enemies These and other questions brought ana- municipal leaders are also essential. Guatemala-based Central American Ins- Unite, Reconcile lysts and politicians to the table at the “Costa Rica has been centralized since titute for Local Development (IDELCA), a Supreme Elections Tribunal (TSE) in San José Braulio Carrillo,”said panelist Fabio Molina, highly centralized state is a threat to the A group of former Contras this week to discuss what one called the “per- president of the Institute for Municipal democracy, perpetuating inequalities and appears to be backing the manent crisis” local governments here face. Development (IFAM), referring to the man Page 3 unlikeliest of presidential candidates: Sandinista lea- der Daniel Ortega. President Launches Telecom Reform Labor Unions Plan EVERY WEEK By Blake Schmidt controversial Central American Free-Trade Anti-CAFTA Fight Tico Times Staff Agreement with the United States (CAFTA). Editorial 21 Business & Real Meanwhile, the Legislative Assembly is By Blake Schmidt and Katherine Stanley Letters 22 Estate 11 With the stroke of a pen, President Oscar taking up two pieces of legislation to open Tico Times Staff Arias stripped the state-run telecommunica- Costa Rica’s $1.5 billion telecom sector to Cartoon 22 Crossword 27 tions and electricity monopoly of some of its private competition and create a watchdog As union leaders played hardball politics Classifieds 23 Weather 27 bureaucratic shackles yesterday. to guard the industry. and brushed off a planned meeting with Weekend Arias signed a decree that will empower The two highly anticipated proposals lay President Oscar Arias this week, the Arias 52 PAGES the enormous Costa Rican Electricity out regulations for the constantly evolving, administration expressed concern over next Horoscope W4 Institute (ICE) by giving it more flexibility, a rapidly innovative sector in Costa Rica, which week’s planned protests against the Central Explorimg CR W8 reform ICE heads say is long overdue. It is has become the last remaining Latin Ameri- American Free-Trade Agreement with the Fishing Report W12 expected to help the institute in the increas- can country to make such telecommunications United States (CAFTA). Movies W13 ingly likely scenario in which it will have to reform. The bills would also further strengthen Still, the question remains: can Arias’ critics compete with private companies under the Page 20 Page 16 Calendar W14 2 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 Martin Luther King III Advances Dad’s Legacy By Katherine Stanley come to a head in many communities. Tico Times Staff Hurricane Katrina last year showed us the face of poverty, but there are Katrina sit- Martin Luther King III, son of the leg- uations all over America in pockets. endary U.S. civil rights leader whose name he bears, visited Costa Rica last week as a In your speech, you spoke of the poten- guest of the Arias Foundation for Peace and tial of the Internet in nonviolent protests Human Progress. In a speech at the founda- against multinational companies, among tion’s Good Governance Conference, a visit other uses. That’s obviously a point of to the Ombudsman’s Office and an interview interest here, with or without CAFTA. with The Tico Times, he presented his take Well, technology plays a role in everything on a wide range of issues, from the state of that we do. In the old days, if someone want- democracy in the United States and the ed to write the President, you’d write, then future of the Internet in nonviolent protests mobilize and get others to write. Now you can to his opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq. send thousands of e-mails just by touching a King, 48, the second child of Martin mouse. If you have Costa Ricans communi- Luther King, Jr. and Coretta Scott King, has cating with other Latin Americans, all work- devoted his life to protecting and advancing ing collaboratively together, you have the abil- his father’s legacy as well as that of his moth- ity to create the change you want. er, who died in January. The problem is… I don’t think commu- Only 10 when his father was assassinated nities are using technology enough. in Memphis, Tennessee, King’s adult career as a civil rights leader includes four years as pres- Mónica Quesada | Tico Times You mentioned Katrina a few minutes ident of the Southern Christian Leadership ago, and the war in Iraq during your speech. Conference, which his father founded. Promoting Peaceful Resolutions: Martin Luther King III, son of U.S. civil Based on your work in communities, do you In 2003 he became CEO of the King rights activist Martin Luther King Jr., shared his thoughts on learning “how to think either of these has created serious Center, founded by his mother to advance disagree without being disagreeable” during a recent visit to Costa Rica for a impetus for change in the United States? her late husband’s message. Earlier this year, No, there’s apathy, always. But people are he founded Realize the Dream, a nonprofit conference on improving governance. frustrated and want change. They want to see organization that seeks to “get America to us stop spending so much money that’s simply focus on poverty and how we can reduce it” west of San José, following his speech. Ex- should the two sides keep in mind? going into a black hole, and they want our through conflict resolution, leadership train- cerpts: Sometimes we have to learn how to dis- troops to come home. They do not support us ing and community economic development agree without being disagreeable. Never being in Iraq; they feel that that was a grave programs, he told human rights workers at TT: What aspects of Costa Rica or the reduce yourself to physical confrontation. mistake; and they also feel that issues of human the Ombudsman’s Office Oct. 12. Arias Foundation caused you to accept the Boycotting, letter-writing, e-mailing, those concern are not being addressed because we During his speech the previous day at the invitation to speak here? kind of things can always be used… and are so preoccupied with Iraq and terrorism. Arias Foundation’s conference (see separate MLK: I knew of several things the police, in my judgment, all over the world, And quite frankly, that’s the truth. The article), King said the United States has had a President (Oscar Arias) has done, such as need human relations, sensitivity and diver- resources that could be dedicated for human genuine democracy for just over 40 years – ensuring that young people in schools are sity training, because you can’t use a stick or uplift are not available. since 1965, when the Voting Rights Act was exposed to conflict resolution and nonvio- a club all the time. There’s gotta be a more (Regarding Katrina), in my judgment… passed – a definition that makes it younger lence (training). Young people need that reasonable method to address people. it’s really a leadership issue. than Costa Rica’s democracy. He pointed to kind of example. I believe my father and his I don’t know enough to say for sure When leadership exists and shares its fear on the part of mainstream media and team, and others, have shown us that nonvi- whether CAFTA is going to work, but I can vision, things get done. Nothing has been “devious tricks” to suppress black votes in olence is the way. say that in America, NAFTA (the North done in New Orleans because of a lack of the 2000 and 2004 elections as problems American Free-Trade Agreement, ratified in visionary leadership. Some resources have continuing to plague the U.S. government, as Your visit comes on the heels of rising 1993) didn’t work as well as many would been dedicated, but you still have no water, well as trends also present in Costa Rica, tension between police forces and protes- like. You take billions of dollars and invest it no lights, no power, and nothing has been such as growing voter apathy and a widening tors who oppose the Central American externally, and yet you haven’t invested done, not just in New Orleans, but in Biloxi, gap between rich and poor. Free-Trade Agreement with the United enough in communities (within the United Gulfport – you look left and right, it’s just The soft-spoken leader sat down to talk States (CAFTA), with both groups accusing States). Most people don’t believe that pover- devastation. You look, there used to be busi- with The Tico Times at the Hotel Herradura, the other of violent acts (TT, Oct. 6). What ty is real in America, but it is, and it’s even nesses there, nothing is back. Leaders Share Strategies at Governance Conference By Katherine Stanley of non-governmental organizations (NGOs), democracies form, then cling to, the basic in Panama and Honduras. Studies show Tico Times Staff politicians and government officials, to institutions of their new form of govern- these measures are effective, with Costa exchange the results of their studies and ment – toward “maximized democracy,” Rica and Honduras leading the way in Academics, politicians and analysts share opinions,” Arias Foundation Director with broad-based citizen participation. In terms of the number of women in the from places as near as the Legislative Luis Alberto Cordero told The Tico Times in many Latin American nations, support for national legislature (38.6% and 24.2%, Assembly in San José and as far as Dublin an e-mail this week from Bolivia. He added democracy wavers depending on the per- respectively, with Panama fourth behind City University in Ireland met here last that as a result of the event, the Inter- formance of the leaders in office at that Nicaragua). week to talk about ways to improve democ- American Development Bank, which pre- moment, Sánchez said. Training for women to help them break racy, citizen participation and inclusion of sented its profiles of governability in According to Quixtan, the Guatemalan into this male-dominated field is crucial, minority groups at a conference hosted by Guatemala and El Salvador during the con- Peace Secretary, part of this process requires Morales said. the Arias Foundation for Peace and Human ference, has agreed to work with the founda- educating citizens about their right to partic- The Development Bank, the nonprofit Progress last week. tion to complete similar profiles of Costa ipate, something Guatemala, left “without Carolina Foundation, which promotes The two-day symposium, entitled “Hacia Rica and Nicaragua in 2007. intellectuals, without leaders” by its lengthy cooperation between Spain and Latin el Buen Gobierno: tareas aún pendientes” The event also included the official pres- civil war, is still struggling to do. Still, recent America, and the European-Latin American (“Toward Good Governance: Tasks Yet to be entation of the Dr. Oscar Arias Sánchez improvements have been “points of depar- Governability Network also sponsored the Done”), featured speakers such as human- Institute for Social Science Studies, a new ture after such a long night,” she said. conference. Participants met at the Hotel rights activist Martin Luther King III (see and permanent program of the foundation, Carla Morales, the foundation’s Techni- Ramada Plaza Herradura, west of San José. separate story) and Norma Quixtan, Cordero said. The institute will promote cal Director, spoke about the role of For more information on the Arias Guatemala’s Indigenous Women’s Ombuds- training and studies in the social sciences. women in the region’s democracies. Costa Foundation, which President Oscar Arias woman and Peace Secretary. Costa Rican legislator Fernando Sán- Rica, Panama and Honduras are the three founded with the money from the 1987 “I’m very satisfied with the event because chez, during his presentation, called for countries in Central America that have set Nobel Peace Prize he received during his first we achieved the main objective: producing a Latin American countries to move from quotas for the participation of women on term as President (1986-1990), visit www. real exchange by academics, representatives “minimalist democracy” – in which fledgling party tickets – 40% in Costa Rica, and 30% arias.or.cr.

Apdo. 4632-1000 | San José, Costa Rica | Tel.: (506) 258-1558 | Fax. (506) 233-6378 U.S. Residents send mail to: The Tico Times SJO 717 | P.O. Box 025331 Contact Us Miami, Fl. 33102-5331 | E-mail: [email protected] Advertising: [email protected] | [email protected] | Subscriptions: [email protected] THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | NEWS | 3 Mayors Hindered by Lack of Power, Funding

Page 1 has a majority from his party on the council. for six months by a San José criminal court attend the recent events but spoke to The The Social Christian Unity Party (PUSC) while he is investigated for an allegedly shady Tico Times yesterday by phone, said decen- reducing faith in the political system at the won 42 of the 81 mayoral seats in the 2002 concessions deal, according to the daily La tralization reforms are already taking place local level – which is “the closest authority to elections, but in 12 of those regions, there Nación. He says this won’t stop his ongoing on a local level. Authorities in her region are the citizenry.” were no PUSC council members; in 30, there re-election campaign.) working to give district councils within the “The 40 million Central Americans are was only one. Still, Vargas agreed that Costa Rica municipality power to manage their own demanding a new type of statehood,” “How can a mayor, under those condi- must work toward “a vertical government resources, since the long distances and rural Cardona said. tions, generate consensus? S/he can’t,”Alfaro (power structure) that successful countries roads of the area make it crucial for town said, adding that because of the collapse of have” in which high levels of government leaders to have greater freedom. She said Stuck in the Middle the bipartisan system, and particularly don’t complete tasks a lower level could similar efforts are taking place in rural areas PUSC, since 2002, that could be an even accomplish. of the Cartago province and Nicoya In their presentations Wednesday, more severe problem during the next four- Peninsula. Molina, TSE magistrate Eugenia Zamora and year terms. So What? For the Elections Tribunal, the immedi- State of the Nation analyst Ronald Alfaro Lack of funding is another problem. ate concern is the Dec. 3 elections. In the made it clear that improving and strengthen- Molina cited a 1997 study that shows only What does all this mean for average citi- first-ever election of mayors in 2002, only ing local governments would be no easy task. 2.3% of Costa Rica’s public spending going zens? So far, not much. Plans for changes 21% of the 2.3 million registered Costa Both portrayed Costa Rica’s 81 municipali- to municipalities, the lowest in Latin mentioned at the two conferences – such cre- Rican voters cast valid votes (TT, Dec. 6, ties as plagued by a host of problems, from America (Argentina was the most decen- ating a standard municipal development 2002). TSE president Oscar Fonseca told La lack of funds to mayors’ inability to form tralized, with 49.9% of spending occurring plan that could be modified for each region, Nación this week he doesn’t expect much consensus on their municipal councils. at the local level). Today, it’s even more increasing the power of mayors and provid- better this time around. The absence of a reliable cadastre, or extreme, with only 1.7% of spending taking ing municipal authorities with technological The State of the Nation’s Alfaro said he property mapping system, makes it very dif- place at the municipal level. training – are still in the distance. hopes abstention will decrease, but said the ficult for municipalities to collect municipal This translates to a “digital gap,”in which Three-time PUSC legislator Jorge reduced approval rating for political parties taxes in an effective manner; the resulting 89% of access to Internet is the Central Eduardo Sánchez, who spoke at the TSE, told don’t bode well. high rates of evasion mean authorities don’t Valley; a lack of resources in coastal munici- The Tico Times yesterday that the current Increasing a state contribution to may- have the funds to executive their other palities, where the booming tourism indus- legislature, which took office in May, seems oral campaigns to support local parties and responsibilities, Zamora said. try is held back by municipal incompetence; more open than previous assemblies to raise citizen awareness is one of the most Molina, a former mayor of Alajuela who and a general lack of public services at the decentralization proposals. But the urgent steps, Zamora said. spent part of his speech defending municipal local level, said participants at the Oct. 5 Municipal Affairs Commission, on which he “You can’t make chocolate without leaders, said that while the press reports that conference. This week, Molina said strong serves, is just “listening to all the national cacao,” she said. mayors don’t spend all the funds they’re local governments are quicker and provide sectors” at this point, getting feedback before If reforms to draw more attention to given, this is often because their hands are tied taxpayers with more bang for their buck, moving ahead with reforms. municipal campaigns and improve local by regulations. For example, municipalities since fewer funds get lost in a large bureau- A constitutional reform that would allow governments can get off the ground, the are supposed to have their budgets completed cracy. municipalities to set their own taxes is far- change could reduce voter apathy to politics by September, the end of the fiscal year, but Some participants, however, had some ther along, having already reached the as a whole, shown to be on the rise in Costa sometimes they don’t receive the gas-tax words of warning. Juan Antonio Vargas of Legislative Assembly floor, though he said Rica in recent years, according to Sánchez. funds they’re due from the National Roadway the National Confederation of Development he’s reluctant to speculate when it might Residents of places with effective munici- Council (CONAVI) until October, so the Associations (CONADECO) said he’s leery reach a vote. palities “feel that it’s there where their prob- funds go to waste that year, he said. of calls to “transfer powers” to municipali- However, Aida Soto, mayor of the small lems get decided,” he said. “It’s not in some Mayors’ lack of power is another prob- ties, since some don’t do well with the ones Southern Zone city of Golfito, who did not abstract place in the Central Valley.” lem, according to Alfaro. Costa Rica is the they’ve got. only Latin American country where munici- He said a certain municipality north of pal leaders are elected at two different times: San José with trash collection problems – municipal councils are elected along with the presumably Tibás, where garbage filled the President and Legislative Assembly during streets for months because of a municipal the national elections, while mayors and dis- snafu – is an example of how the central gov- trict leaders are elected 10 months later. ernment has sometimes had to intervene 100% (Before 2002, the country had not mayors because of municipalities failing to follow but rather “municipal executives” chosen by through with their existing duties. (Another municipality got bad press this week when REMODELED the municipal council.) Stay Downtown in the Heart of San José - Not 10 Miles Away! This creates a lack of cohesion, as does Pastor Gómez, mayor of the northern Pacific municipality of Santa Cruz, was suspended the lack of municipalities where the mayor We offer: 200 rooms beautifully decorated, each of them has A/C, cable TV, hair dryer, mini- bar, coffeemaker, iron, safe box, work desk, alarm clock, dataport on phone, voice mail. We also have 8 large suites, 3 junior suites and a Presidential suite. Executive Floor, continental breakfast and 24-hour high-speed wireless Internet, included. Convention facilities that accommodate up to 5 simultaneous meetings and a maximum of 400 people. Sauna, health spa, jacuzzi and gymnasium. Indoor pool with adjacent snack bar. El Mirador Restaurant, 17th floor with magnificent view of San José, Executive Lunch ¢3,500 p/p, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. +tax Tropicana Coffee Shop, with the very $75GLE special promotion on lunch, only ¢3,000, SIN uffet taxes included, 11:30 a.m.-2:30 p.m. BreakfastIncl. 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Tel. (506) 523-1000 Fax (506) 255-1171 e-mail: [email protected] 5708 42720 4 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006

Teens around Country Escazú, which Fournier called “the best in HELPING HANDS the country.” Photo by Ronald Reyes Trained in Recycling “This is just the first step, not the end. This is a process we’d like to get under Approximately 40 teenagers from seven way,” Fournier said. She explained that the communities outside Costa Rica’s Central program already has a waiting list of peo- Valley recently received training and sup- ple from other communities who would port to launch a nationwide recycling net- like to participate in the next workshop, work called Red 4Rs. scheduled for March of next year. The youth will run recycling centers – –Leland Baxter-Neal some of which have already been started – in their communities and will be connected to other, similar programs in Costa Rica Bulgarian Arrested through the Internet. For Alleged Money Laundering According to coordinator Alexis Fournier – originally from Canada, now liv- A Bulgarian citizen identified by the last ing in Sabana Norte in western San José – name Hristosov, 42, accused of laundering the project looks to capitalize on the youth’s more than $500,000, was arrested last week existing knowledge and give them the moti- in his home in the western San José suburb vation and tools to make recycling a part of of Escazú, according to a statement from the Costa Rican culture. Judicial Branch. Fourteen employees from the U.S.-based Hristosov allegedly used at least eight computer chip manufacturer Intel – two for fake passports of different nationalities to each community – will be “e-mentors” for carry out 642 transactions in banks and the teens as they launch and manage their money transfer agencies between September recycling projects, Fournier explained. 2005 and September 2006, the statement Each program will also have a Web site said. Police suspect he received money from where they will post information about several U.S. cities and European countries. Creating a Greener City: Children help plant trees in the court dis- their projects. Software, hosting and tech- The money-laundering unit of the trict in downtown San José as part of the Calle 15 Festival Saturday organ- nical assistance is provided by the Costa Judicial Investigation Police (OIJ), together ized by the Centro de Amigos de la Paz. Rican foundation Trigona. All the sites will with the Costa Rican Drug Control be linked through the program’s central Institute, had been investigating Hristosov Web site www.4rs.or.cr, where visitors can for several months, the statement said. go to learn more about the different proj- Police raided his Escazú home and ects. seized hundreds of fake passports, stamps From Sept. 29-Oct. 1, the teen partici- used to falsify passports, falsified legal and pants met each other in Escazú – south- financial documents and a “luxury vehicle,” west of San José – to exchange experiences, the statement said. receive training and participate in work- Hristosov is accused of money launder- shops given by the environmental organi- ing, false representation and using falsified zation Fundación Neotrópica. The stu- documents. dents also visited the recycling center in –Tico Times

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Only One Eyelash Extension Adhesive Has Passed The Standards For U.S. Pharmaceutical (USP) Grade YOU CAN FIND IT IN SANDRA MAGDALENO CENTRO DE ESTETICA INTEGRAL Tel. 289-5514 AFTER Centro Comercial Plaza del Valle, San Rafael de Escazú, local No. 2 detrás de la Pops. 8056 7946 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | NEWS | 5 Prison Officials’ Errors Facilitated Escape By María Gabriela Díaz prison officials should take during emer- their Panamanian and Nicaraguan counter- unlocked as they ran for their lives. The Tico Times Staff gency situations such as prisoner escape parts. He explained this is a common proce- convicts escaped through these gates. The attempts, such as immediately alerting the dure after prison escapes in the region. inmates took four guards hostage and used While eight convicts who escaped from National Police (TT, Oct. 13). In San José, six police officers have been them as human shields so other guards Costa Rica’s largest prison last week remain at The commission, which is expected to permanently assigned to this case. Police would not shoot at them on their way out. large, authorities have denounced the actions convene anywhere from six to eight weeks, is departments throughout the country have Despite a floodlight and the sound of shots of prison security guards as error-ridden and headed by Gerardo Castaing, a former agent performed searches and will continue to do being fired, the guards at La Reforma’s the situation as clearly preventable. of the Judicial Investigation Police (OIJ). so if they receive tips that the fugitives are in main entrance did not put on their bullet- Three unlocked gates, sleeping security Representatives from the Public Security their vicinity, Rojas said. proof vests and when threatened by the chiefs, prison guards who were unarmed Ministry and the National Intelligence and He explained that the OIJ is studying prisoners, gave up their weapons, a 9-mm and unprotected by bulletproof vests and Security Administration (DIS) will assist how the prisoners obtained firearms and pistol and an automatic HK machine gun, overall slow responsiveness are among the him, according to Chinchilla. tools to make their escape, and exactly how Segura said. errors that may have resulted in the loss of In a two-part investigation, OIJ is also they broke out of La Reforma. At the entrance, the convicts fatally shot a guard’s life and facilitated the flight of studying the reasons why the escapees have The fugitives, who were serving sen- prison guard Marco Tulio Prada. eight prisoners before dawn Oct. 9 from La not been captured. tences that stretched between four and 45 Once outside, the inmates rushed into a Reforma Penitentiary, in the province of “There are two lines to this investigation: years for murder, rape, kidnapping and rob- 4x4 vehicle, where they ordered their hos- Alajuela, according to Justice Minister Laura why it was not possible to stop the escape bery, among other crimes, were armed with a tages to lie down. Six of the inmates sat on Chinchilla. and the capture of the escaped prisoners,” .38-caliber handgun during their escape (TT, top of them, and two fled by foot. The “What one finds in analyzing the case is a OIJ Director Jorge Rojas told The Tico Oct. 13). hostages were released a few kilometers away common denominator of overconfidence Times. They used pieces of saw blade to cut with minor injuries. (by prison security), as if the people being Although the OIJ has received notice of through the bars on their cell window and According to Chinchilla, prison security guarded there were schoolchildren,” possible sightings of the fugitives in different climb out, according to Emilia Segura, a should have immediately alerted National Chinchilla told The Tico Times. parts of the country, including San José, the Justice Ministry spokeswoman. Police and ordered roads and highways The Justice Minister has created a com- Atlantic and Pacific coasts and the Northern Although at least one security chief closed off. Instead, for reasons not entirely mission of experts to analyze the recent Zone, none of them have led to the escapees, should be on guard at all times, they were clear, police were not alerted until 50 min- escape and evaluate a new crisis protocol according to Rojas. all sleeping at the time of the escape, utes after the escape (TT, Oct. 13). that Chinchilla had planned to present last The OIJ head said that because some of Chinchilla said. Anyone with information on the fugi- Friday but postponed in light of last week’s the escaped prisoners may have fled the When the prisoners shot at guards dur- tives can call 911 or contact the nearest events. The document prescribes actions country, Costa Rican authorities have alerted ing their escape, the guards left three gates police station.

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COSMETIC St. 28, Ave. 2, 125 mts South Pizza Hut, Paseo Colón 5711 5714 6 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 Tica Struggles to Recover from Rare Staph By Leland Baxter-Neal author, Dr. Patrick Schlievert. her on IVIG (intravenous immune globu- Tico Times Staff “For the first few years, everybody who lin). I think she has a greater chance of heal- got it died,” Dr. Schlievert, a professor of ing faster if she is on that,” Dr. Schlievert Paulette Barrantes, 17, faces every day microbiology at the University of said.“Sometimes physicians don’t like to give with patience, lying in bed, waiting. Minnesota, in the United States, told The it because it’s $2,000 per administration. But A random victim of a rare bacterial illness, Tico Times in a phone interview Oct. 12. “It some people will never heal if that is not she is lucky to be alive. Following a sudden wasn’t until we started developing other given along with the treatment.” fever, a rash immediately appeared on her strategies that people started to survive.” The Tico Times inquired with the Costa chest, arms and legs, and swelled into purple, Dr. Schlievert explained the disease Rican office for the pharmaceutical manu- fluid-filled boils. Nearly two years later, in her Paulette is suffering from comes from a com- facturer Bayer – a manufacturer of IVIG, room in her mother’s small and humble home mon bacterium called Staphylococcal aureus. according to Dr. Schlievert – but was told the in Guadalupe, in northeastern San José, “About 50% of us have it in the nose. But company does not have the drug here. Paulette recalls how the boils on her arms, and we don’t all have the same strain,” he said. Paulette’s doctor was not available for then later on her legs, burst and ran with “When we get a respiratory virus or get real- comment on her treatment because he was blood and the skin slowly turned black, dying. ly run down, it can get into the lungs, make out of town this week. Now, scars stretch from her wrists to her its toxins and send them out into the blood shoulders – a textured map of the painful stream. Then, they massively attack the Paulette’s Story history. On her left hand, only her thumb immune system.” remains intact, as her other four fingers have In some people, the result is the more Paulette became sick Dec. 27, 2004 – “a been amputated at the middle knuckle. commonly known toxic shock syndrome, day like any other,” she says – with what Under the blankets that she keeps pulled characterized by a high fever and a sudden seemed like a cold, or flu. Her mother, up to her stomach, her legs and feet are drop in blood pressure. Dr. Schlievert, who Jocelyn Villafranca, 35, took her to a nearby bandaged – no scarring there, despite how says he was one of the researchers who first clinic in Guadalupe, where she says doctors much she wishes there were. No scarring, no identified toxic shock syndrome, estimated put her under observation, baffled. After skin. Just bloody tissue, muscle and bone. that 35,000 people die from the syndrome Ronald Reyes | Tico Times eight hours, a frustrated Villafranca whisked After the rash burst, the skin on her legs every year in the United States following an Tower of Strength: Paulette Barran- Paulette off to the Calderón Guardia never healed. All 10 of her toes have been onset of the flu. in downtown San José. There, doctors diag- amputated, and both her Achilles tendons While some people get toxic shock syn- tes has fought an almost two-year bat- nosed the disease, put Paulette into the have been removed. Her heel bones protrude drome, others, according to Dr. Schlievert, tle against staphylococcal purpura Intensive Care Unit, attached her to machines – dry – from the backs of both feet. get staphylococcal purpura fulminans be- fulminans. that would keep her heart, lungs and kidneys cause of a genetic predisposition. When the functioning, and told Villafranca her daugh- A Common Bacterium bacteria attack, they cause blood vessels to ter probably had 72 hours to live. break down and leak into surrounding tis- destroyed,” Dr. Schlievert said. “Fulminans Paulette wasn’t told about the grim fore- Staphylococcal purpura fulminans, as the sue, he explained. People who are predis- means it takes a highly aggressive, fulmi- cast, but “a nurse asked me if I was prepared illness she is now recovering from is called, posed to blood clotting problems experience nating course.” to go be with God. That scared me,” she told began appearing in the United States just a severe clotting and leakage – which is what In Paulette’s specific case, Dr. Schlievert The Tico Times. few years ago, leaving few living victims. The forms the purple, blood-filled rashes associ- said it sounds like the bacteria was not fully Paulette beat those odds, and spent the first paper on the disease was published in ated with purpura fulminans. removed from her wounds, and is keeping next nine months in the hospital. While April 2005 in the journal Clinical Infectious “Purpura means purple blood, and that the skin from growing back. expensive patches given to her as a trial offer Diseases, according to the paper’s lead is because the blood vessels have been “I would encourage her doctors to put allowed the skin on Paulette’s arms to heal,

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Taiwan Donates $2 Million concrete actions,”Wu said. How to Help Foreign Minister Bruno Stagno presided Infection To Public Security Ministry over the ceremony, and CABEI Costa Rican Personal Note: As a reporter, I live to write the representative Alfredo Ortuño received the close and scar, the patches ran out and the In what Public Security Minister check from Berrocal. The bank will have stories that can make a difference. This, I hope, is one regular gauze used on Paulette’s legs did not Fernando Berrocal called a symbol of complete control over purchasing the vehi- do the same. Her wounds wouldn’t heal, and of those. friendship and solidarity, he received a $2 cles and managing the funds, a measure the skin wouldn’t grow back. Her doctor at Meeting Paulette, I was struck by her strength million check from Taiwanese Ambassador implemented to ensure “complete trans- the Calderón Guardia public hospital in and a combination of acceptance and the will to fight. Tzu Dan Wu Tuesday during a ceremony at parency in the management of public the Foreign Ministry. funds” and prevent corruption that has downtown San José said he saw no other She refused to end the constant pain and suffering that option but to amputate both Paulette’s legs. The funds will be managed by the occurred in the past, Berrocal said. Paulette and her mother refused, and at keeps her in bed by allowing doctors to amputate her Central American Bank for Economic –Amanda Roberson the public Hospital México, on the other side legs. She continues to study, and dream about the Integration (CABEI) and spent on vehicles of the city, a reconstructive surgeon success- future. including cars to transport detainees, pick- Court Orders School to up trucks, 4x4s and motorcycles, according fully grafted skin onto Paulette’s feet by “In the case that I don’t walk again, I wouldn’t be sewing her feet to her buttocks. Paulette laid to a statement from the ministry. Accept Disabled Student on her stomach for two months with her legs the first person or last person in a wheelchair,” These vehicles will be used in “critical bent and her feet attached to her rear end Paulette told me. areas” with extreme crime, including the Under a court order issued last week, a before the skin was cut from her buttocks Since Paulette got sick, her mother Jocelyn San José metropolitan area, the Caribbean kindergartner with Down’s syndrome will and her legs straightened again. Villafranca, a single parent of two daughters, has port city of Limón, the southern Caribbean be able to attend the private Lincoln School region, and the beaches of the northwestern in , east of San José, according to a In September 2005, Paulette was finally fought for Paulette’s recovery. Their resources are few, taken home. The treatment ever since has Guanacaste province and the central Pacific. statement from the Judicial Branch. consisted of regular checkups at the and their allies scarce. They need help. Berrocal said acquiring these vehicles The Constitutional Chamber of the Calderón Guardia Hospital and home visits Zolangie Zúñiga, a distant relative to Villafranca, would be impossible without the donation, Supreme Court (Sala IV) ruled against from a nurse– now three times a week – to has taken up the cause the best she can since February which he said supplements efforts by the Lincoln and the Public Education Ministry Public Security Ministry to comply with for denying the student enrollment. replace the bandages wrapped around her 2005. Tomorrow, Zúñiga is holding a benefit fashion legs. As of six months ago, Paulette is using President Oscar Arias’ campaign promise to Lincoln argued it did not have the “ideal the same patches that worked for her arms show, titled “Wishes of Venus,’’ and featuring the put 1,000 additional police officers on the conditions” to educate the child, according on her legs, thanks to a donation from the swimwear designs of Desiree Morffe, at the Doce streets next year. to the statement. U.S.-based manufacturer Ferris and the Lunas hotel in Jacó, on the central Pacific coast. For 2007, the ministry’s budget is 35% The court ordered Lincoln to allow the more than this year’s budget, allowing for student to attend and establish a curriculum Costa Rican distributor Tri DM. Entrance costs ¢3,000 ($5.75) and the money raised Lying in her room, her reddish hair an additional 800 officers to work under the to fit his needs. will be used to buy a special $7,000 bed to help pulled back tight into a short braid, Paulette Public Security Ministry and 200 officers It also ordered the Public Education is surrounded by a mix of reminders of her Paulette’s circulation and – doctors hope – help her under the Justice Ministry, he said. Ministry to establish rules to guarantee stu- past and present. On the wall she faces every legs to heal. “We’re advancing strongly with our own dents with disabilities access to education at day hangs a large photo taken at her 15th Paulette has been making jewelry and small efforts, but we have also asked for help from all public and private schools in Costa Rica. good friends who support us,” Berrocal said. The boy’s mother, Dr. Natalia Quesada, birthday party, several months before she got shoulder bags to sell. If you are interested in helping sick. She beams at the camera from a dance Ambassador Wu explained that the told the daily La Nación that the court’s floor, glowing. Shoved under her computer Paulette, or buying some of her handicrafts, contact donation is the fruit of conversations order gives these children the opportunity desk are boxes of surgical gloves, syringes, Zúñiga at 643-2510. The family has also set up a bank between Taiwanese President Chen Shui-bian to integrate into society. and vitamins. account at Banco de Costa Rica under the name of and Arias during Shui-bian’s visit here in She said five different schools denied May for Arias’ inauguration (TT, May 12). admittance to her 6-year-old son Emmanuel By the side of her bed are her schoolbooks, Jocelyn Villafranca, number 1416014. and she looks to test past the ninth grade this “Taiwan is committed to helping Costa before the Pan-American School accepted month, thanks to a study-at-home program –Leland Baxter-Neal Rica fight crime and drugs and improve him last February. through the Public Education Ministry. social order, and we show this support with –Tico Times Before getting sick, she dreamed of a career in hotel administration. Now, because of the experiences and people she has met during the past two years, she says she wants Quality Hotel to be an anesthesiologist or a reconstructive $ Monte Campana NEW surgeon. 37 Hotel Sgl + taxes The pale and serious teen says she has been able to deal with past two years thanks ROOM SPECIAL to patience and her belief in God, though she Dunn Inn says she sometimes feel like he is watching her from very far away. Friends • Food • Drink

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Ministers, President Tighten tions for business permits from the Public pace to protest the government’s plan to using other liquids, including mayonnaise, Health Ministry. An annex that categorizes privatize the ports. whiskey, shampoo and cans of heart of Arms Control Amid Scandal commercial activities according to risk Police officers “keep substituting work- palm, to hide drugs, said Public Security contains a section on the manufacture of ers,” said Leroy Pérez, spokesman for the Ministry spokesman Jesús Ureña. In an attempt by the Arias administra- artillery, despite the fact that Costa Rica’s Caribbean Port Workers Union (SINTRA- –Amanda Roberson tion to put its foot down and reiterate its Arms Law prohibits the manufacture, pos- JAP), referring to the police policy of asking opposition to arms proliferation amid a session, import or sale of these weapons workers who are working too slowly to leave New from Nicaragua: highly politicized weapons scandal in Costa (TT, Sept. 22). The 1995 law does allow or be escorted from the port. Rica, administration heads signed decrees the manufacture of “permitted weapons” Presidency Minister Rodrigo Arias said An 8-Page Nica Times! tightening arms controls Wednesday. including handguns, rifles and hunting Wednesday that the Labor Minister has President Oscar Arias appeared at the guns. been talking with public worker representa- The publication of the first-ever eight- Casa Presidencial with members of his Arias’ signing of the decree drew fire tives, but that the government refuses to page edition of The Nica Times, like the Cabinet to publicly sign three different from his opponents, and was politicized by enter into negotiations while workers con- 2004 World Series victory by the Boston decrees: one prohibiting arms manufactur- opponents of the U.S.-Central American tinue the protests. Red Sox, is a highly anticipated event – not ing in the nation’s free zones, another that Free-Trade Agreement (CAFTA), who have “As long as there is still a state of tor- quite 86 years in the making, but neverthe- created a committee dedicated to pushing said the inclusion of arms manufacturers in tuguismo, we can’t sit down at the table to less a long-awaited culmination of years of further arms controls, and an addition to a the decree is a bow to CAFTA. Debate over negotiate,” Arias told The Tico Times. effort by Nica Times Editor and Sox fan controversial Health Ministry decree that whether CAFTA would allow other coun- –Blake Schmidt Tim Rogers with the help of a growing requires all arms manufacturers to seek per- tries to import illegal weapons to Costa staff. mits through the arms and explosives Rica erupted in June (TT, June 16) Spaniard Allegedly The newspaper, which started as the department of the Public Security Ministry Last week, Health Minister María Avila Nicaragua News Page of The Tico Times before they can set up shop. was grilled by the Legislative Assembly for Hid Cocaine in Wine and became its own four-page publication Vice-President Laura Chinchilla also having drafted the decree (TT, Oct. 13). in 2004, will now include more news as well laid out a proposal to reform the country’s National Liberation Party (PLN) general A Spanish woman headed to Madrid as features such as Exploring Nicaragua Arms Law to prohibit the manufacturing of secretary and legislator Oscar Núñez has was arrested at Juan Santamaría travel pieces and Letters to the Editor. New all arms, munitions and components in said he plans to submit a proposal to amend International Airport in Alajuela, northwest Nica Times reporter Eric Sabo recently Costa Rica, make it illegal for minors to use the Constitution to prohibit arms manufac- of San José, Saturday accused of carrying joined Rogers in the Granada office. arms, limit the number of weapons each turing in Costa Rica. Núñez told The Tico plastic bags filled with a solution of wine Readers are encouraged to send photos, let- person can possess, and toughen penalties Times that the constitutional reform is and cocaine in her luggage, according to a ters, Community Connection contributions for crimes in which weapons were used. needed in case CAFTA is ratified, because in statement released Monday by the Public and Exploring destinations to Sabo at “It’s not credible to the rest of the world Costa Rica international agreements super- Security Ministry. [email protected]. that Costa Rica, a country without a mili- sede national laws, but not the Costa Rican Police observed the woman, identified To place an advertisement, e-mail tary, promotes the manufacture of weapons, Constitution. by the last name García, behaving nervous- Carlos Solis in Nicaragua at csolis@tico- and especially this government, which is –Blake Schmidt ly, and, upon inspecting her luggage, they times.net in Nicaragua or Ivonne Morua in presenting … an international treaty to pro- found several bags of wine. After perform- Costa Rica at [email protected]. hibit arms sales and a constitutional reform Stalemate Continues ing a simple lab test, they discovered that The Nica Times is on sale at more than that prohibits the manufacturing of arms in one of the bags contained about 5 kilo- 30 points of sale in Managua, San Juan del the country,” Arias said. At Caribbean Ports grams of diluted cocaine and another con- Sur, León and Granada. Arias was referring to a scandal that tained about 4 kilograms of the drug. We hope that when The Nica Times broke last month after a decree that Arias A police presence persisted at the This was the first recorded incidence of reaches its 50th birthday, as The Tico Times signed was published in La Gaceta, the nation’s two biggest ports on the Caribbean someone allegedly using wine to traffic did this year, it will reach or surpass the official government newspaper, which coast this week, with port workers continu- drugs from Costa Rica, although there have Tico’s current size! updated and simplified existing regula- ing their tortuguismo, working at a slow been many cases of alleged drug traffickers –Katherine Stanley 6204 100337 T HE T ICO T IMES – coe 0 06| 2006 October 20, NEWS | 9 10 | NEWS | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 6211 8062

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Business Real Estate New Money Exchange Rate System Takes Effect

By Blake Schmidt the floor was expected to be at ¢514.96 and click on the box that says “Tipo de cambio aren’t necessarily restricted by the currency Tico Times Staff the ceiling at ¢530.64 anunciado en ventanilla.” band, and can be outside it. The Central Bank announced that for Central Bank economist Carlos Prado explained that aside from the When Bob Nahrgang went to the Banco the time being, the price ceiling and floor said the bank’s Web site is being clogged with exchange rates at the window – which de Costa Rica in Escazú Wednesday to will increase at fixed rates. Each day, the floor traffic, which is why some visitors like banks offer to the public, there is also a ref- exchange his greenbacks for Costa Rican will increase 6 céntimos (one hundredth of a Nahrgang have had problems. erence exchange rate, which will be used to colónes, like he has done for years, things colón) and the ceiling will increase 14 cénti- “Sometimes the page is saturated, so it pay Customs taxes, the exit tax and con- were suddenly different. mos, Central Bank economist Eduardo goes down, because there has been a massive tracts that are settled in court. For the first time in decades, the colón Prado told The Tico Times. number of visitors … We’re working to solve The reference exchange rate is an average had appreciated. The new system is intended to liberalize those problems,” he told The Tico Times of the public buying or selling exchange rates “Yesterday the exchange rate was ¢520 Costa Rica’s devaluating currency, in turn Wednesday. that banks and other financial agencies used (for U.S.$1) and today it was ¢515. It sur- giving the Central Bank the ability to control Prado explained that when banks make the day before. The reference exchange rate prised me that it went down,” said the U.S. Costa Rica’s high inflation rate with its mon- changes to the exchange rate they offer dur- started Tuesday at ¢516.56 for buying and expatriate who is now a Costa Rican citizen. etary policy (TT, Oct. 13). ing the day, they have 10 minutes to inform ¢523.15 for selling. Yesterday, it was ¢515.05 What’s more, other banks offered better It is the first time in 22 years that the the Central Bank, which is supposed to post and ¢521.82, respectively. prices for his dollars. country’s exchange rate system has taken the new exchange rate on its Web site imme- Mora said it is too early to read into When Nahrgang went to the Internet to such a step towards liberalization. Since diately. exchange rate fluctuations. check the Central Bank’s new online system 1984, the country has been using a mini- Gutiérrez explained that the Central “These first days are a time of transition. in which it posts the exchange rates that dif- devaluations system in which the Central Bank’s interventions, if necessary, will People have to learn to work with a new ferent banks offer, he was confused. He Bank devaluated the colón in predictable, increase or decrease the supply of colónes, exchange rate regime. These first weeks will couldn’t find what he was looking for. daily increments of a few céntimos. putting upward or downward pressure on the be a learning phase,” he said. “I tried to pull up information from the This week, the colón’s price was opened to price of the currency at the banks. Nahrgang agreed. banks. It’s just not there; it’s not clear,” he the volatile market of supply and demand. Officials plan to replace the current sys- “Of course there’s frustration because told The Tico Times. However, under the band system, the Central tem that the Central Bank and other finan- (exchange rates) aren’t uniform,” he said. Nahrgang is one of millions of Costa Bank will intervene in the market if the colón cial agencies use to exchange currencies, Though he was surprised that the colón appre- Rican residents trying to get a grip on the creeps above the price ceiling or below the called MONED, managed by the National ciated, he said it’s too early to see a pattern. new exchange rate system the Central Bank price floor that the Central Bank has set. Stock Exchange. The new system, called “Let’s not evaluate the colón just yet,” put into effect this week. Central Bank president Francisco de MONEX, would modernize the electronic he said. The “crawling band” system, in which Paula Gutiérrez has said the new system is a exchange system and be managed by the Economy Vice-Minister Jorge Wood- Costa Rica’s colón is allowed to fluctuate phase in a larger attempt to liberalize the Central Bank. bridge said Wednesday it is “unjust” that the between a ceiling and a floor, was set into colón completely, and have it one day fluctu- The currency band is applied only to the buying price of the dollar dropped more motion Tuesday. ate freely against the U.S. dollar. wholesale market of currency, where public than the selling price from Tuesday to Before the new system went info effect, The exchange rates that banks offer to and private banks, the Central Bank, finan- Wednesday. That means consumers get less the buy rate was ¢521.22 and the sell rate was the public are all now published at one place ciers, exchange rate booths and other finan- bang for their bucks. ¢522.91. Tuesday, the price floor started at – online at the Central Bank’s Web page cial agencies exchange currencies, according “All that does is benefit the banks,” he ¢514.78 and the ceiling at ¢530.22. Today, www.bccr.fi.cr. Scroll down the page and to Prado. The rates banks offer to the public said in a statement.

GET EXPERT ADVICE TO INVEST Economic Indicators OR RETIRE IN COSTA RICA RESTAURANT / Week Oct. 12-18 | Current Values and Percentage Change TURNKEY U.S. DOLLAR EXCHANGE RATE* BNV STOCK EXCHANGE BUY: ¢515.05 -1.01% ALL PRICES IN MILLIONS (¢ and U.S.$) SELL: ¢521.82 -0.23% VOLUME ¢293,017 -47.41% *Thursday’s reference rate. BY CURRENCY: Seven years in Operation, See www.ticotimes.net for daily updates. COLONES ¢149,314.60 -62.75% Excellent Location, US$ $143,662.78 -8.09% Our mission is to deliver first-class, professional, INFLATION BY ISSUER: reliable relocation and business development Escazú - Main Road LAST MONTH PAST 12 MONTHS ACCRUED ‘06 GOV’T ¢258,876.51 -50.01 services that protect the interest of our respectable Exclusive Clients PRIVATE ¢34,140.48 -13.15 clients, so that they may succeed in Costa Rica 0.88% 11.62% 7.22% without encountering any major inconveniences. and many more assets DEVALUATION •Residency Status Offices in: MOST ACTIVE STOCKS •Relocation Services SERIOUS BUYERS ONLY!! Stock Volume (Millions) Last Price Change •Company Formation LAST MONTH PAST 12 MONTHS ACCRUED ‘06 •MLS Style Real Estate Escazú E-mail: 0.51% 7.14% 4.84% Durman Esquivel, S.A. (common) ¢0.61 ¢201.00 34.00% •GLC Business Network San José Atlas Eléctrica, S.A. ¢1.60 ¢32.00 1.59% [email protected] •Legal Advice - Real Estate Law Guanacaste •Tittle Search & Property Transfer SOURCE: Sc Consulting Group 7584 7622 James Brohl, C.P.A. & M.B.A. NOTICE TO U.S. RETIREES INCOME & INVESTORS We have projects developing in the Central Pacific Zone (Tárcoles, Herradura, Jacó) TAX and in Alajuela Province U.S. GAAP Accounting We invite you to become a part of these & Business Consulting high-profit investments. Providing U.S. Tax return preparation (including back reporting or other Lic. Alvaro Ríos Sanabria filing issues), Accounting Services ARS Consultores & Asociados S.A. and Business Consulting Tel. (506) 260-1413, phone: 305-3149 celular (506) 380-5617 256-8620 E-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] 7845 Web-site: www.arsyasociados.com 5333 7598 12 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | 13

Report Shows Growth fy the Central American Free-Trade New Mall Touts Itself as tronic game center and a movie theater. Agreement with the United States (CAFTA) It will also feature fast-food restau- In Foreign Investment threatens the growth of foreign investment. ‘Entertainment Center’ rants, a supermarket, a sporting goods The agreement would open up a profitable store, a bank, a gym and a bar, according Costa Rica last year attracted $861 mil- export market with the United States, he said. A new mall advertised as an “entertain- to spokeswoman Andrea González. lion in foreign direct investment, an 8.4% Costa Rica’s Legislative Assembly is still ment center” is expected to open in Grecia, The mall will be located at the Grecia increase over the $793 million invested in studying CAFTA. a coffee town northwest of San José, in exit off the Bernardo Soto section of the 2004, according to the results of the World –ACAN-EFE November. Inter-American Highway. Investment Report published by the U.N. The Fábrica Centro de Entretenimiento Development Programme (UNDP). will have two indoor soccer fields, an elec- –Tico Times According to the recent report, Costa Daily La Nación Rica ranks third among Latin American countries in terms of foreign investment per Celebrates 60 Years capita. Chile and Panama hold the first and Costa Rica’s most prestigious daily second spots. WORLDWIDE QUALITY HEALTHCARE newspaper, La Nación, celebrated its 60th The Costa Rican Investment Promotion anniversary with a special 128-page supple- Agency (CINDE) estimates that 70% of Reasonable Health Is seeking highly motivated ment last week that gave its readers a chance Costa Rica’s foreign direct investment in individuals with a special sales talent to glance back 60 years in Costa Rican his- Plans by International 2005 came from the United States, 5% from tory. FOR REAL ESTATE PHONE SALES Europe, 2.8% from Central America and the Medical Group. Highlights include La Nación’s first rest from other parts of the world. front page printed Oct. 12, 1946, chock full Of the total $861 million foreign direct ¥ Coverage without national Company offers: of headlines in a now-antique font and two investment, 41% was generated by business- boundaries for individuals, 4-Year history in San José black-and-white photos. Highest Quality “REAL ESTATE” es in free-trade zones, 26% from the real The rest of the supplement follows the families and groups in 150 Projects estate sector, 21% from other foreign busi- paper’s evolution to a modern, colorful lay- countries. Salary +Top Industry Commissions nesses, 6.2% from tourism and 4.8% from Internet, Newspaper, TV Inquiries out and is sprinkled with headlines like financial institutions. Only “Total Blockade Against Cuba” Oct. 23, ¥ Network of Worldwide recog- Despite this growth, CINDE president Full Time Only 1962, and “Two Men Yesterday Walked on Alberto Trejos recently expressed concern nized medical centers in Paid Training the Moon” July 21, 1969. All essentials for success that “in the past few years, Costa Rica has Costa Rica, Latin America, In an introductory letter, director decreased its potential to attract investment.” United States, Canada, Alejandro Urbina said the pages are “vital You offer: According to Trejos, the main problems history, a mix of chains of events and fortu- Europe and rest of the world. Professional attitude- sales foreign companies face when setting up itous events, collected and noted by many Background shop here are a lack of infrastructure, an journalists and a plethora of all types of ¥ World class health benefits. Burning Desire To Succeed out-of-date telecommunications system and workers who are in the service of communi- & Earn $$$$’s a shortage of qualified workers. He pointed Highly Motivated Self Starter. cation and freedom.” to a lack of training opportunities in ¥ Superior costumer service to Willing to Work Long Hours. In addition, the newspaper’s Sunday English and technology skills. the International Community Sales Experience Preferred magazine, Proa, this week was dedicated to In terms of infrastructure, the country the history of La Nación and snapshots of lacks adequate highways, ports and airports, 100 % PERFECT ENGLISH ONLY Costa Rica yesterday and today. ¥ No residency requirements and companies that wish to operate here ALL OTHERS NEED NOT APPLY La Nación estimates the paper is read by must go through numerous unnecessary 491,892 people every day, according to its Telephone (506) 291-4383 For confidential interview, bureaucratic processes, Trejos said. call 231-4020 or send your resume to Web site. Contact us: [email protected] [email protected]

He added that Costa Rica’s failure to rati- 8061 –Tico Times 7514

At the service of the investor WARNING TO THE PUBLIC

We have received numerous reports and complaints about companies that offer securities in or from Costa Rica without being regis- tered with SUGEVAL and, therefore, lack authorization to make the afore mentioned offers. Their mode of operation includes offer- ing high profits and overseas accounts through stock exchanges abroad as well as operations under one or a variety of business names, use of Internet sites, among other methods.

Caution is recommended to the investing public, including consulting SUGEVAL about registration of such companies and their serv- ice offerings, checking how they achieve the profits they claim, seeking proof that they are authorized by some recognized authority, who is behind their operations, and any other relevant data needed to verify the veracity of their claims.

SUGEVAL has activated a new section on its Web site that indicates which companies have been the subjects of complaints. We rec- ommend consulting it. Likewise, we urge the public to inform SUGEVAL regarding similar cases, in order to warn other people.

Before investing, consult the Registro Nacional de Valores e Intermediarios and the INVESTOR ALERTS on the Web site www.sugeval.fi.cr

¥Tel. (506) 243-4700 ¥ Fax (506) 243-4646 ¥ Edificio Torre EQUUS, San Pedro de ¥ [email protected] 7230 14 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006


ART | CULTURE | ENTERTAINMENT | OCTOBER 20, 2006 La Merced Restoration Nearly Complete

By Jeffrey Van Fleet Special to The Tico Times

ur grandparents constructed it,” read the small, unobtrusive “Oacrylic plaques affixed to the 111 pews at San José’s La Merced Church. “We restored it,” the wording continues. “Future generations will preserve it.” Less than a year remains until the com- pletion of the restoration of one of the cap- ital’s landmark city-center churches, and four years into the project – La Merced has remained open continually as a functioning parish church during all this time – decades of damage and neglect are being swept, scraped, cleaned and brushed away. Though the project began in earnest four years ago, La Merced (Calle 12, between Avenidas 2 and 4), fronting the east side of the pleasant, block-square park of the same name, suffered significant structural impairment in the 1991 earthquake that also damaged the National Theater and Metropolitan Cathedral a few blocks away. Engineering studies began in 1993 to design interior support columns to reinforce the building’s structure. That more functional task accomplished, interior and exterior design were next on the wish list. That project has been tackled by Nelson Araya and a team of seven from the San José firm Restauraciones Vasari. The work is nearly complete, and Araya’s stated goal to “conserve the maximum that is possible” seems well on its way to being accomplished. The earthquake took its toll, but for Araya, the biggest enemy was the paint. “They painted everything,” he says, recounting the painstaking removal of three coats of white oil-based paint from the inte- rior walls. Glossy paint was all the rage for much of the 20th century, Araya says, with coat after coat likely being the cheapest method of maintaining a building’s appearance. It still is, he adds. The building’s exterior suffered the same fate, covered by slick tan paint with the cedar doors colored fire-engine red. “Children’s colors,” Araya says, shaking his head. So, paint, be gone. A lime-marble-sand stucco was applied, giving the entire build- ing a soft ivory color, and a faux gold-leaf finish accents the interior. The original wood finish once again highlights the carved Sprucing Up La Merced: At top, the facade of La Merced Church sports patches of test colors. Bottom left, restorer Nelson detail of the doors. A technique known as Araya applies the Venetian stucco technique to a wall, which gives the appearance of marble. Bottom right, bells dating Page W3 from about 1900 have been motorized and no longer need to be rung manually. Photos by Mónica Quesada | Tico Times

INSIDE Santa Lucia Attracts Lo Spago Serves Up Sámara a Great CAFTA Exhibit Now Butterflies, Prosperity Italian in Santa Ana Base for Surfers In Barrio Amón

Page W4 Page W7 Page W8 Page W16 W2 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 COMMUNITY CONNECTION

($9.60). The party is for the benefit of the ionship this year. group’s library project. There will be games, Sponsored by Tamarindo’s Moh’s, Secret prizes for various costume categories and Spot Surf Shop and Costa Rican surfboard food included for the donation, but the company Banzaii, Nataly moved to this drinks will cost extra. area only about a year ago from Puerto –Alex Murray Viejo, on the southern Caribbean coast. [email protected] Her father Marco taught her to surf at Playa Cocles when she was 6. Her skills Manuel Antonio/ improved in the Caribbean town as she shared waves with the likes of former Quepos Tidings national champion Nino Myrie and his expert crew. Now, she surfs Tamarindo, and Evelyn and David Gallardo threw a birth- trained regularly at the more challenging day/housewarming bash at their new discov- Avellanas and southern breaks beyond for ery house at the beach, celebrating both this important competition. their birthdays with live music by Kazira and “The water is very cold, but it had no Fuerza Azul, and guest drummer Richard, effect on my surfing,” she said during prac- formerly of Grand Funk Railroad. Their tice in Huntington before the WSG began. ultra-luxurious home, which is perfect for “I have no strategy, and I’m not nervous. I weddings, will be available for rent. Check it hope that being new, I will help the team out at www.costaricadiscoveryhouse.com, Photo courtesy of Women’s Club of Costa Rica do well.” or call 777-5276 for information. Last week, Hacienda Pinilla Beach Resort Women’s Club 2007 Board: From left, Sacgen Chan, Anne Kreupeling, Anne For all of you who want to get in shape and Residential Community threw a three- Sobel, Joan Hankins, Elena Austermuhle, Isabel Unamuno and Joyce Venegas and feel sexy at the same time, Sandra day Caribbean Fusion Festival, featuring Specht will be giving dance lessons by (not shown: Pat MacKinnon, Mary Jo Miller and Rebecca Wheeler). dancing, dinner and music. One of the appointment. She teaches belly dancing, highlights was a concert by 91.1 La Radio’s ballet, yoga dance and Latin dance (salsa, Sasha Campbell, who played a lovely mix of Women’s Club Showcases their great grandpa. He also traveled to merengue). She is multilingual (English, R&B originals and covers. In case you Scholarship Program Colorado, Arkansas and the Ozarks, Spanish, French) and was a part of the weren’t aware, Sasha has her own album Virginia and Tampa, Florida, where his son Costa Rican National Dance Company and out, “Soulmate.” lives. He also attended his 40th high school the Martha Graham Dance Company in Tamarindo’s chapter of the Surfrider The October Annual Scholarship Meeting reunion. Gary will be having a visit from his New York. Call her at 880-7040 for lessons. of the Women’s Club of Costa Rica was held Foundation, which used the $3,000 from mother soon, and will be preparing his –Jennifer Rice the recent Century 21 Charity Surf Classic at the residence of Dutch Ambassador famous Kailua Hawaiian Pig Roast – a [email protected] Susan Blankhart and her husband, author for water testing kits, has been monitoring young pig is wrapped in banana leaves and & Anita Myketuk the ocean in front of Hotel Tamarindo Diria Yke Berkouwer. This was also the general cooked for 10 hours by red-hot rocks [email protected] meeting for election of the 2007 board of and the Barceló in Langosta. So far, so good. buried in the ground. If you ever want to The next group meeting is set for Oct. 30 at directors. throw a great party, contact Gary at 654- A video was shown featuring students Tamarindo Talk the new Surf Club in Langosta. 5061 for more details. Your party will be a Child education group CEPIA needs vol- from Liceo de Poás, who, in addition to big hit. being outstanding academic students, are Tamarindo’s own surfing star, 13-year-old unteer teachers for its English, sports and –Babe Hopkins & Jo Mega Nataly Bernold, is in Huntington Beach, art classes, as well as for other activities. developing their musical talent. It was a [email protected] good opportunity for members and invited California, with the rest of the much more During the hiatus through Nov. 13, please veteran National Surf Team competing at e-mail Caroline Lemaire or Beth Breiten- guests to see and hear about the success of Arenal Report the Women’s Club scholarship program and the 2006 International Surfing Association bach at [email protected] or to learn how they can participate. (ISA) World Surfing Games (WSG). The [email protected] if Progress at Lake Arenal in reining in ram- tournament features 33 other countries, and you are interested and qualified. For more information, call 268-6130 or pant development may remind one these 282-6801, or visit www.wccr.org. is considered the Olympics of surfing. Our Happy anniversary to artist Susan Adams days of the Longfellow aphorism, “The local gal Nataly was able to make the trip and songster Jesse Bishop on Oct. 18. wheels of justice grind exceeding slow, but thanks to her powerhouse work this year, And finally, those birthdays: Stella Flamingo/Potrero News they grind exceeding fine,” or something like not only in Costa Rica (second in this past Bressan Simonelli, Alejandro Berkowitz, that. Maybe it’s “small” instead of “fine.” year’s National Surf Circuit Junior Women’s Martina Mignemi and my girl, Zoraida Flamingo resident Jo Mega is helping out For example, Fuentes Verdes Ecological Championship and fourth in the Women’s Díaz. with coverage while I am away in the Association has learned that the Municipali- category), but also because she took second –Ellen Zoe Golden United States attending a family member’s ty of Tilarán is likely to do little about place in the Central American Surf Champ- [email protected] wedding in Atlanta. Thanks, Jo, for your checking the legality of building projects in assistance during my absence. the area until after the election Dec. 3. Jo’s grandson Robin, who lives in the On the other hand, Fuentes Verdes Presi- southern part of the Nicoya Peninsula, is dent Ed Yurica at the time of this writing visiting for a period of time without his was anticipating a meeting between the parents. He thoroughly enjoys visiting his Tilarán Environmental Commission (TEC) grandma, because he can walk on the beach and representatives of the Technical Secre- with the dog he gave her for her birthday, tariat of the Environment Ministry (SETE- play with his old friends from the neighbor- NA) to begin a collaborative effort to help hood, eat grandma’s special cooking and SETENA gain control of local development. watch some movies. This is a special treat Ed is a permanent member of the TEC. for him. Have a great time, you two! SETENA is the organization that is supposed For all of you who are looking for some to consider the possible environmental new home furnishings and accessories, J&G impact of projects and permit them or not. Furniture and Souvenir store in Huacas has With all the development going on in Costa just recently received a shipment of beauti- Rica, SETENA so far has been unable to cur- ful furniture from Bali. Several other artists, tail a lot of overly ambitious development. furniture makers and local artisans sell their But the wheels will be grinding before long. crafts and handmade furniture there as well. The Ladies of the Lake (Las Damas del For more info, contact Jaime or Grettel at Lago) have come up with a scheme to 653-8519. Jaime speaks English now. encourage costume creativity for their Welcome home to Gary Leed, who is Halloween fundraiser Oct. 28, starting at 4 Photo by Luis Castrillo back from a one-month vacation on which p.m. at Christina Glass’ house. Those wear- he took his three granddaughters to the ing costumes will be asked for ¢2,500 Going to California: Costa Rica’s National Surf Team, now in Huntington Laguna reservation in New Mexico to meet ($4.80), those without costumes ¢5,000 Beach at the World Surfing Games.

Community Connection welcomes reports from readers about happenings in their area of Costa Rica. Those interested in submitting reports can contact Weekend Editor Meg Yamamoto at [email protected]. We are also accepting photos of events or local happenings from readers. Please e-mail inquiries. THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | WEEKEND | W3 Scrape Away the Paint; Restore the Splendor Page W1

Venetian stucco has been used on the church’s entryway, giving the appearance (and cold-to-the-touch feel) of marble. Old photographs and a lot of good old- fashioned scraping revealed the Arabesque- style stenciling designs on the interior walls, of the type popular in churches in Florence, Italy. (Araya studied restoration in Florence upon completing his degree at the Universi- ty of Costa Rica.) “A lot of patience is involved,” Araya says. “You can’t just run with this type of work.” The earthquake damaged several of the stained-glass windows, each containing 15 panels, which were removed one at a time, inspected and replaced when necessary. Ten windows once again gleam in the area behind the Italian marble altar, depicting eight saints along with the legend of the encounter of King James I of Aragon with the Virgin of La Merced. Restoring the church to its century-old glory was the goal, but a few concessions to modernity were implemented. The still-functioning clock required little more than cleaning, but a motor has been installed to eliminate the need to climb the tower once a week for winding. The same goes for the six French bells, dating from about 1900, which will no longer need to be rung manually by cord from the tower. Termites have taken their toll on the wooden pipes of the 1920s Spanish organ. The resulting escape of air has wreaked havoc with the sound. That repair will be assigned to an expert from Spain, Araya says. Yet to be completed are the reinstallation of the 14 Stations of the Cross and outfitting of the church with a new electrical and illu- mination system. Landscaping will be undertaken by the Municipality of San José. The structure, built between 1894 and 1907, is San José’s second church to bear the name “La Merced.” The first, which dated from 1819, stood on Avenida Central where the present-day Central Bank now stands and defined the capital’s Merced district, one of the historic divisions of the 19th-century city. An earthquake destroyed the first La Mer- ced in 1888. The present church at its relo- cated site technically lies outside the Merced neighborhood in the more utilitarian- named Hospital district.

You Can Help, Too Donors large and small are welcome to contribute to the ¢400 million ($770,000 at current exchange rates) restoration of La Merced Church, which is scheduled for completion in July 2007. The parish- affiliated Amigos de la Merced (Friends of La Merced) has positioned donation boxes in the church sanctu- ary. Call 222-3586 for more information. Funding has been accomplished largely through Costa Rica’s Law of Authorization of Donation to the Restoration of the Metropolitan Cathedral and Other Catholic Churches, says Jeffrey Porras, administrative assistant for the project. Law 7266, to use the legis- lation’s more frequently used shorthand, in effect Restoration: At top, stained-glass since 1991, permits a corporation to make a tax- deductible donation one time (and one time only) windows gleam behind the main altar. during its lifespan to the renovation of a Costa Rican Center left, restored column. Center Catholic church. (Personal donations are not tax- right, view of the interior from the deductible.) The brewery Cervecería Costa Rica and Atlas Electric are two of the project’s largest donors, organ balcony. Left, the termite-dam- thanks to the law, and Porras says the La Merced aged 1920s organ will be repaired by restoration would not exist were it not for 7266. A bill an expert from Spain. Above, before to rescind the law is presently in committee in the Legislative Assembly. and after window detailing. –Jeffrey Van Fleet Photos by Mónica Quesada | Tico Times W4 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 Seven Day Santa Lucía a Tradition in Costa Rica Star Forecast ildflower HOME GARDENING fans love col- By Licda. Ana Luisa Monge Naranjo Wlecting Santa This is an intense time for Scorpios. The sun Lucía (Ageratum spp.) and Mars enter this sign Oct. 23, along with for the home and gar- the moon, Mercury and Jupiter. Impulsiveness den, while visitors to and aggression are indicated, but so are enthu- Costa Rica also delight siasm and new beginnings. It’s up to you how you use your high energy level – in a con- in their pastel-blue structive or a destructive way. Be responsible. flowers, which carpet many pastures around ARIES the country. (March 21 to April 20) You might be Costa Ricans are carrying too many responsibilities on your Ed Bernhardt fond of Santa Lucía shoulders, which can undermine your capaci- ty to have fun. Set aside some time to relax. flowers, too, and have an interesting tradition of bestowing bou- TAURUS quets of these flowers to friends during the (April 21 to May 21) You may face a New Year to ensure prosperity. Another ver- hot discussion with a partner about issues that sion goes like this: when you receive a bou- have been bothering you both for a long time. quet, place a sprig of dried flowers in your Straighten out your relationship. wallet or purse, and you will always have a GEMINI steady supply of cash on hand. By the way, (May 22 to June 21) Make an extra you have to receive Santa Lucía flowers for Ed Bernhardt | Tico Times effort to be organized both at home and work. this to work; you just can’t go out and pick You’ll be amazed at the results you can get by them yourself. You may be grinning with Real Appeal: Santa Lucía attracts butterflies to the home garden. exercising discipline with the use of your time and resources. disbelief, but all I can say is that it sure has worked for me! opposite and ovate with dentate edges. These plants do well in average soil in full CANCER Santa Lucía is easy to identify by its flow- Ageratum flowers are found throughout sun or partial shade. No special care is need- (June 22 to July 23) Think “first ers, which are actually a composite of many the neotropics and are abundant in the ed, since they are hardy to insects and dis- things first” when facing difficulties regarding flowers bunched together – a characteristic coastal, intermediate and highland regions of eases. Santa Lucía is an annual plant that shared resources, especially those that are of the aster family. If you look very closely, Costa Rica. If you would like to introduce will reseed itself in your garden year after inherited. Don’t use denial to pretend every- thing is all right. the “petals” are actually little flowers, while some of these flowers into your own garden, year. It also does a good job of attracting the center consists of another type of flower. you can collect flowers, dry them for a day on butterflies and makes nice flower arrange- LEO Daisies, sunflowers and marigolds also have a cookie sheet in the sun, and then sow them ments for the home. (July 24 to August 23) The desire to this type of flower structure. The flowers on a square-meter plot of ground in the Try your luck with Santa Lucía this year. leave a big footprint is understandable, but have a pubescent or hairy appearance that flower garden. Mulch the area lightly and Who knows? You might even win the lottery. don’t just focus on how big it should be; wait a month or two for them to emerge from think about how meaningful it can be, what- makes them look sort of fuzzy. There are ever its size. about half a dozen species ranging from pas- the soil. Another method is to transplant For more info on gardening in the tropics, tel blue and lavender to pink. The leaves are young plants from the field into your garden. e-mail [email protected]. VIRGO (August 24 to September 22) You may be noticed by bosses and important people.

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For more information call us now: Card Locks throughout Hotel! ico [email protected] Though it’s hard for you to stay still, make an o Tel. 258-0021, fax 258-4900, www.hotelpicoblanco.com Tel: (506) 228-1507-228-9072 Fax: 289-5192 P effort to pause and reflect upon how you want Webpage: http://www.mariaalexandra.com E-mail: [email protected] to finish the year. There is still some hope to E-mail: [email protected] http://www.hotelamistad.com lanco • nco 5249 Pico B Pico Bla 7964 rectify misguided actions. 5717 CAPRICORN (December 22 to January 20) You may be thinking a lot about your cash flow. You can improve your work scene by being more generous with subordinates and more Dr. Carlos A. Meza B. assertive with bosses. University of Costa Rica AQUARIUS Specialist in Periodontics (January 21 to February 18) This (Gum treatment) might be a confusing time. You can find some and Implant Dentistry. guidance by strictly adhering to your dearest values. Numbing yourself with a lot of work University of Illinois at Chicago won’t help in the lung run. Sabana Oeste: PISCES 1 Block East from Cemaco, (February 19 to March 20) Focusing Diana Building, 2nd floor. on family matters will bring significant •Tel: 231-1838 / 371-6308 changes in your home atmosphere. Recent •Fax: 231-1800 tensions can be cleared up by sincerely making amends with loved ones. : In front of BAC San José Bank, Ana Luisa Monge is an astrologer member of the Domus Plaza Building 2nd floor International Society for Astrological Research. For appointments, call 203-3439 or e-mail Tel: 234-1717 7959 [email protected]. 7117 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | WEEKEND | W5 INS Offers Bonuses, Surcharges, Discounts nsurance is seldom semesters without a claim being paid by INS, equipped with a certain type of alarm. Only INS Medical, which is in dollars. INSURANCE IN COSTA RICA a bargain, but you you will get a 5% discount on the fifth one type of alarm qualifies (the most expen- Plan 16 individual policies (not groups) Ishould know that semester, 10% on the sixth semester, and so sive one on the market, of course) and the get a family discount, which means that if the National Insurance on, up to the maximum 40%. If a person has discount is 30% off the part of the premium two people (spouses, presumably) are Institute (INS), the more than one policy, the same bonus corresponding to the sub-coverage for auto insured on the same policy, there is a 5% local insurance mono- applies to all. Also, if you cancel your auto theft – in other words, not very many dollars discount off the premium; if more than two poly, has a program of insurance and then, after a year or so, apply and cents! Also, the type of alarm that quali- are insured (spouses, plus at least one discounts that can for a new policy, you will get the same bonus fies is expensive not only to purchase but dependent offspring under 24), the discount reduce the cost of as you had before you cancelled. also to install and maintain. And every year is 7.5%. The INS Medical plans offer no dis- some policies to bar- If you have a claim charged to your policy, you have to provide INS with a certification counts. But both types carry the threat of gain levels, and this is the no-claims bonus can that the alarm is still surcharges – if a person’s weight-to-height the subject for today’s be reduced or lost, or – fully operational, or the ratio exceeds certain parameters, or if a per- David Garrett article. But, dear read- in the case of a large A security discount is discount is lost. The son upgrades his or her insurance and wants er, before you start claim or a succession of alarm in question seems pre-existing medical conditions to be cov- jumping up and down and throwing your smaller ones – you will offered if the car is to be foolproof and bur- ered by the new plan, INS, at its discretion, hat in the air, please be informed that INS lose the discount and get glarproof, so my feeling may apply a surcharge. also has a program of surcharges. a dangerous-driver sur- equipped with a cer- is that if I had that type charge on your auto pre- tain type of alarm. of alarm, I wouldn’t pay Other Types of Policies Automobile Insurance mium. The wisdom to additional money to be derived from this is Only one type of alarm have auto theft insur- A few other types of policies have the pos- Brand-new passenger vehicles (cars, SUVs that if you have several ance, however well dis- sibility of discounts and surcharges. For and station wagons, but not pickups, cars and one of the driv- qualifies (the most counted. example, the home theft policy allows a dis- minibuses, trucks, ATVs or motorcycles) of ers in your family is There is a discount count if the home has a certain sort of burglar the current model year, when insured at the more accident-prone, expensive one on the for motorcycles, which alarm or is close to a police station, but a sur- dealer’s showroom, get a new-car discount register (and insure) in market, of course)… applies to those of 600 charge if it is in a remote location; the elec- of 30% off the premium for the first insured his or her name the car cc or more, less than 10 tronic equipment policy is discounted if there period, usually six months. To get the dis- that person drives, so years old. This discount is a lightning conductor, etc. But as these count, in addition to the usual formalities that if the discount is lost or a surcharge is applies only to the cost of the collision and policies are seldom sold and interest few peo- (signed application, payment of premium), applied, it affects only the policy in the name theft part of the premium, not to the liabil- ple, I will not provide further details. the insurance agent must deliver to INS a of the accident-prone driver. ity part. copy of the invoice (factura) of the new vehi- The new-car discount and the no-claims Policies covering cars with diplomatic or The writer’s purpose is to give you a better cle, and it must not be stale-dated more than bonus are not cumulative. For example, if MI registration get a 20% discount off the understanding of insurance in Costa Rica. The three days. you have a 35% no-claims bonus and you entire premium. opinions and viewpoints are his, and do not Also, there is a no-claims bonus whereby purchase a new car in the showroom, you necessarily represent the official position of the if a person goes two years without a claim, at mustn’t expect the 30% new-car discount to Medical Insurance National Insurance Institute (INS). For more the start of the fifth semester, bonuses start be added to the 35%; you will get only the information, call 233-2455, visit www.insur- to accrue in increments of 5% every six larger of the two discounts. INS offers two general types of medical ancecostarica.com or e-mail david@insur- months. In other words, if you go four A security discount is offered if the car is insurance: Plan 16, which is in colones, and ancecostarica.com. ALL ABOARD BENEFITS INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL TRAVEL INSURANCE Kidnap + Ransom Coverage “Don’t leave home without it” www.allaboardbenefits.com On-line Quotes *Individuals *Groups 7463 7422 7571 W6 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 I Left a Little of Myself at Hogar de Vida in Atenas ast November, I the country is something I now strongly rec- read in The ommend. It would be hard to say which was LTimes of Lon- Clowning my favorite place – I loved the way the rain don about a market- Around: forest meets the beach in Manuel Antonio ing executive who on the central Pacific coast, and the sunsets had taken time out of Children at in Tamarindo, farther north, were some of her busy life in the Hogar de Vida the best I have ever seen. I also loved the live- United Kingdom to ly atmosphere in the southern Caribbean Joan Braune work on a communi- in Atenas enjoy beach town of Puerto Viejo, and the excite- ty project in Latin ment of waking up in Arenal, in north-cen- America with the help of i-to-i, a company the antics of a tral Costa Rica, to see the volcano. that offers volunteer and other meaningful clown at a When I left Hogar de Vida and Costa Rica travel opportunities. The idea interested me after seven weeks to return to the United very much. farewell party Kingdom, I had a sick feeling in the pit of my I am a trustee and volunteer for a chil- thrown by stomach – I left a little bit of me there with dren’s charity with special needs in London’s those vulnerable children and their wonderful Richmond Park. I had always Joan Braune. sparkling, expressive eyes, their welcoming wanted to spend time abroad and to visit smiles and their waves and cries of “hola” Central America, so I decided to take two and “adiós.” And I knew I would miss the Photo courtesy of Joan Braune months out of my normal life and volun- beauty of the country. teered to work at Hogar de Vida, a children’s They were charming and helpful, and really ter were separated from their parents, per- I felt I wanted to do something for those shelter in the coffee town of Atenas, north- made me feel at home and part of their fam- haps because of neglect, abuse or abandon- children. I decided that a swimming pool, west of San José. It turned out to be one of ily. I immediately explored Atenas and liked ment, and some had been through traumas incorporating a paddling pool for the tod- the best ideas I have ever had. it; the layout of the town makes it easy to about which I could only begin to guess. I dlers, would make a real difference to their Three months after reading the article, I find one’s way around and the green square thought it might be difficult to break the ice, lives, so I am starting to raise funds to build was on a plane to San José, with a certain in the center of town (I later realized this is a but it wasn’t. one for them. amount of anxiety and doubt about what I characteristic of most towns in Costa Rica) It was a really exciting time for me – arriv- Not only would a swimming pool enhance was doing. I was used to traveling alone, but made it very attractive. ing in a country about which I knew little their lives considerably, it would also help had never been to this part of the world; I I was also immediately drawn into the and where I knew no one. My Spanish and them acquire an important life skill and be wasn’t sure how good my Spanish really was, family life at Hogar de Vida. When I walked my knowledge of the country improved dra- therapeutic in helping them overcome their and I wondered how I would cope living onto the grounds on my first day – with matically, as I set off most weekends to ordeals. I am now raising funds in the United with an unknown family – obviously with some trepidation, I must admit – I was explore a different area, ranging from cloud Kingdom for this project, and I hope a local customs different from my own. Also, would greeted by shouts and waves from about six forests and volcanoes to beautiful beaches, school in Atenas can use it. I find it difficult working with children who little children playing outside one of the not to mention learning about wildlife total- I hope also that Tico Times readers might had been abandoned or badly treated in one houses. I could not believe my eyes at how ly unknown to me before. like to contribute to the project; if so, please way or another? beautiful they were, but, more than that, I realized that Costa Rica is a great holiday contact Tim Stromstad at Hogar de Vida in My first hurdle was over as soon as I met how welcome they immediately made me destination, and the combination of under- Atenas at 446-6212, or send me an e-mail at the young family with whom I would stay. feel. I knew that the 25 children in the shel- taking a volunteering activity and exploring [email protected].

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The Gardel Clon Angel Rico: In Ni-Fu Ni-Fa BIG SHOW Wednesday Steak House October 18th, 2006 2 1/2 km West of Multiplaza, Escazú Dinner Show Tel. 203-7667 / 203-7665 Open every day noon to 10:30 pm 7583 7436 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | WEEKEND | W7 Italian Restaurateur Opens Place in Santa Ana verything you see I “Eowe to spa- ghetti,” Italian screen legend Sophia Loren once said in an inter- view. Should you also like to enjoy the Gaby Kyriss richness and variety of Italian food, Lo Spago (the short form for spaghetti in Italian) restaurant and pizzeria is a brand- new option. Inaugurated in August, the trendy place in the queen. Pizza Margherita not only Santa Ana, southwest of San José, is easily became her favorite, it also became a culi- recognized by its logo: a plate with appetiz- nary tradition that has since spread through- ing-looking seafood spaghetti picked up by a out the world. fork. This eye-catching motif is seen every- At Lo Spago, pizza comes in three differ- where, from the business sign to the paper ent sizes: two round and a third rectangular table sets and the extensive food and bever- pizza called “medio metro” (half-meter). De age list of the eatery. Nando especially recommends luna rossa Bamboo and cacti line the entrance, where (red moon) topped with tomato, Gorgon- contemporary-style chairs and tables invite zola, Italian sausage and radicchio (from visitors under a sheltering roof. Lemon and ¢3,100/$6). Also offered are pizza varieties wine hues dominate the interior, while com- such as calzone (turnover pizza), fagottino fortable wicker chairs, wooden tables and A Taste of Italy: Above, Lo Spago serves Italian cuisine in a relaxed, family-ori- (hot pockets) and stuffed pizza bread. potted plants provide a relaxed, family-ori- ented atmosphere. Right, Salmón a la Siciliana, a juicy salmon fillet prepared Meat, lobster, shrimp and fish are pre- ented atmosphere. with tomatoes, capers and sliced almonds. Below, owner Marco de Nando pared with the same carefulness and imagi- Pizza production can be observed through nation. My favorite is the juicy salmon fillet Photos by Gaby Kyriss | Tico Times a pane, and the walls are decorated with serves pizza. with honey and mustard (¢6,100/$11.70), mouthwatering photographs depicting high- accompanied by a glass of cool, dry house lights of Italian cuisine. With an emphasis on region of Veneto, not only owns and operates ette baresi are made with anchovies and white wine (¢1,200/$2.30). Prices are com- pasta and pizza, the menu features a palette Lo Spago, but has also been successfully run- broccoli, a recipe de Nando brought from mensurate with the quality, and service and of cold and hot starters, meat, fish and ning the refined and romantic Da Marco Bari, a seaport in southeast Italy. tax are included. seafood dishes, as well as one of the largest restaurant for two-and-a-half years; the Also available are rich pasta dishes with “We want to provide our clients with dessert lists (21 items) around. restaurant is located at the entrance to the jumbo shrimp, mushrooms and bacon in a authentic products of good quality, available “I wanted to put the pizza the customers Italian-run Canal Grande Hotel in nearby pink sauce (¢8,600/$ 16.50). Those who do in a nice but informal setting,” explains de of my restaurant had asked for Piedades de Santa Ana. De Nando’s first culi- not have enough room for a starter and a Nando, who runs Lo Spago with partner back on the menu,” says restaurateur Marco nary enterprise in the Central Valley was Café main course can opt for one of the platters, Riccardo Rossi. de Nando, 47. Mediterraneo in the western San José’s neigh- which come with salad or pasta, plus fish or Sophia Loren’s famous quote doesn’t De Nando, a native of the northern Italian borhood of Rohrmoser (TT, Sept. 6, 2002). meat combined. reveal whether she loves desserts, but we cer- The dishes de Nando offers at his restau- Pizza is another traditional staple of the tainly do. If you still have room, pamper rants grow out of his creative spirit and ded- boot-shaped country’s cuisine. In 1889, yourself with homemade ice cream, panna ication to the simplicity and naturalness of Neapolitan chef Rafaele Esposito prepared cotta (Italian custard) with amaretto, crepes the traditional cuisine of his native Italy. At the first pizza of modern times for Italian with Nutella or irresistible tiramisu. Lo Spago, the menu lists 20 cold and hot Queen Margherita and her husband, Located in the Terraflash mini-mall, 100 appetizers, of which the salad with pears, Umberto I. To represent the national colors meters north of the Red Cross in Santa Ana, almonds and pecorino cheese and the polen- of Italy, red, white and green, Esposito Lo Spago is open every day except Tuesday, ta with Gorgonzola (¢2,200/$4.20) are espe- topped the pizza with tomatoes, mozzarella from noon to 3 p.m. and from 6 to 11 p.m. cially worth mentioning, as is the mussel cheese and fresh basil, much to the delight of For information, call 582-2121. soup (¢3,950/$7.60). The extensive selection of pasta dishes reads like an introduction to the comforting world of Italian noodles: garganelli, linguine and spaghetti are prepared in a variety of ways, ranging from the classic to the sophis- ticated. Homemade pasta includes lasagna with pesto (¢3,000/$5.80) and truffle-stuffed ravioli prepared with butter and sage (¢3,600/$6.90). Savory, ear-shaped orecchi-

DODO YYOUOOUU NNEEDEED SSTSTORAGE?TORAORAGE?GE? Call: BODEGAS AMERICA MODERN SELF-STORAGE CONCEPT Six sizes of units Full-time guard Access seven days a week Best prices in San José Ask ourabout Two convenient locations, in Santa Ana, next to Forum specials and San Joaquín de Flores, Heredia, near the airport Tel. (506) 392-1921 Santa Ana (506) 282-1579 San Joaquín (506) 265-0445 3981 5212 5615 W8 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | WEEKEND | W9 EXPLORING COSTA RICA Nicoya Peninsula Beach Town of Sámara Makes a Great Base for Surfers By Marlise Elizabeth Kast Special to The Tico Times

or the average tourist, Costa Rica trig- gers images of slithering iguanas, sway- Fing hammocks, smoldering volcanoes and waves that curl like the peel of an apple. Ever since the film “Endless Summer” put Costa Rica on the surfing map in 1966, surfers have flocked to travel-book destina- tions such as Tamarindo, Playa Hermosa and Jacó along the Pacific coast. These once deserted spots have become the McDonald’s of surfing, leaving remnants of plastic boards, drive-thru sessions and processed tourism. The previously un- claimed waters have gained popularity through marketing geared toward those will- ing to pay for a chance to dance on water. With so much exploitation, is it possible that secret surf spots still exist here? That question can be answered on the Nicoya Peninsula, in the northwest part of the country, where unlimited surfing hide- the waves are best at high tide, when they horseback riding to waterfalls. aways await. Surfers can easily access several average six feet and break off to the left. Sámara offers a wide choice of accommo- world-class spots on the peninsula by using Nearly 30 kilometers from Sámara is the dations, including hilltop hotels, rustic cabi- Sámara as a base. This laidback village half- desolate Playa San Miguel. This long stretch nas, luxury villas and beachfront bungalows. way down the peninsula’s Pacific coastline of uncrowded beach break offers a punchy Located just 100 meters from the beach is the offers a refreshing alternative to crowded wave, peaking at eight feet during a swell. newly opened Tico Adventure Lodge (656- beach towns. Playa San Miguel can be located by looking 0628, www.ticoadventurelodge.com). Nes- Sámara can be reached via the paved road for the endless rows of trees lining the shore. tled in a lush garden, this tropical oasis offers from Nicoya or by taking one of the daily North of Sámara is the left reef break, a private grilling area, complimentary break- buses from San José. There are also flights to Izquierda. Accessible only by boat, the peak- fast, a swimming pool and treetop bunga- ing wave can be spotted by heading 40 min- lows starting at $15 a night. and from Carrillo’s small airstrip, eight kilo- Guests are invited to lounge and dine while decent barrels for the experienced surfer utes along the coast from Sámara. This pow- For $75 a night, the Treehouse Inn (656- Surfing Sámara meters south of Sámara. enjoying the view of tangerine sunsets and with the added bonus of a beach break for erful reef break has a reputation for injury. 0733) has oceanfront apartments built on Travel books label this tiny dot on the silhouetted surfers. For the after-hours those who like to stay close to shore. The few surfers who brave the left break claim tree-trunk stilts overlooking a pool and gar- map as “a sleepy fishing village.” Those who crowd, Sámara’s Las Brisas dance club offers Farther south is the secluded Playa the unpredictable, wild wave is worth the hit. den. A popular backpackers choice is Las have surfed nearby consider it to be paradise an assortment of cocktails and a local DJ who Camaronal, accessible by four-wheel drive. Twenty minutes north of Sámara are the Olas Resort (656-0187), where travelers are in its rawest form. On the streets of Sámara, spins music until the early morning. Here, epic waves can be reached only during secluded waves of Buena Vista. After driving treated to spacious bungalows and a beach residents still outnumber tourists and For the adventurous surfer, Sámara’s the dry season by crossing the River Ora. along a dirt road, one must paddle across a bar for $25 a night. For the budget traveler,

To Nicoya Sámara English is seldom heard. Known as one of greatest appeal is the town’s proximity to Once past the river, one must follow the dirt river to reach the pink sandy shores. Ideal for apartments and communal kitchens are Islita the safest and most appealing beaches in the secret spots accessible only by four-wheel road to a cow pasture overlooking the water. beginners or advanced surfers, the wave available at Apartamentos Karmen (656- Bejuco Playa country, Sámara Half Moon Bay is dotted drive or boat. The village itself offers several Building up the biggest and most consistent breaks in three staggered levels, one right after 0490), and right on the beach is Camping Buena Vista Playa with coconut palms and welcoming faces. small beach breaks that are ideal for begin- waves in the area, Camaronal peels from the other. Here one must be alert for the croc- Cocos (656-0496), where travelers can sleep Carrillo Playa Punta Camaronal Islita Protected by a coral reef, the wide beaches ners. Outside reefs, such as Isla Chora at the both sides and can peak up to 20 feet during odiles and monkeys that frequent the area. under the stars for just $3 a night. Playa and shallow waters make it an ideal play- south end of the bay, provide some of the the season. Seldom crowded, these clean Sámara’s C & C Surf School (656-0628, Newcomers are often surprised by the San Miguel ground for children. best waves in the area. This scenic island in lines hold their shape and never close out, no [email protected]) offers guided tours to warm hospitality on Playa Sámara. Pad- San José The village’s main drag leads directly down the bay is also popular with swimmers and matter how big the wave. these areas, as well as board rentals, daily dling out on the first day, they might be to the beach, where vendors offer fruit-filled windsurfers and can be reached by boat. South of Camaronal is Punta Islita, where tours, bilingual instructors and lessons for all greeted with a friendly “hola”or “buenos Surfing Sámara: Clockwise from left, view of Izquierda, a left reef break with a Pacific platters and chilled milk poured from freshly Just south of Sámara is Playa Carrillo. In smaller waves break to the right just inside a levels. For those less inclined to surf, Sámara días.” By sunset, they may find themselves Ocean Pacific reputation for injury; surfer girls call it a day at Sámara; C & C Surf School Ocean cracked coconuts. Bars and restaurants fea- the mouth of the bay lies a reef that pitches cove. The best time to surf Punta Islita is dur- has a coral reef that is ideal for snorkeling. invited for drinks and the promise of a tour ture sandy floors and authentic dishes such as seven to eight foot waves during a good ing a south swell when the rights are peeling Other sports possible in the area include to Sámara’s best-kept-secret spot… which instructor “Choco” takes a break from work at Playa Camaronal; “rush-hour locally caught seafood with rice and beans. swell. These fast and snappy rights line up off the reef. During September and October, windsurfing, sportfishing, kayaking and remains a secret. traffic” near Camaronal. Photos by Marlise Elizabeth Kast | Tico Times Roy Arguedas Arias | Tico Times

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8107 7174 5709 C$16 www.nicatimes.net Friday, October 20, 2006 – Granada, Nicaragua An 8-Page Publication of The Tico Times

NEWS IN BRIEF NICARAGUA TOASTS ITS NEW NATIONAL DRINK Photo by Eric Sabo Bolaños Proposes $1.5 Billion Budget

MANAGUA – Outgoing President Enrique Bolaños this week presented the legislative National Assembly with his pro- posed 2007-budget plan for $1.5 billion in government spending, which would more than double the annual budget from five years ago, when Bolaños took office. The areas of public health and educa- tion will again top the budget list. The Ministry of Health’s budget is set at $212 million, up from $167 million in 2006, and the Ministry of Education’s budget is slated at $195 million, up from $167 million. “We are increasing the salaries of teach- ers and health workers to an average of nearly $167 a month,” Bolaños said. “There are also substantial increases for police and soldiers.” Meanwhile, thousands of teachers marched on the capital Sept. 13 to demand adequate pay raises in next year’s budget, though union leaders did not specify an amount. Bolaños is urging the National Salud! Weekend visitors relax at a lakeside bar in Granada, home to the Macuá, the country’s first national Assembly not to exceed his budget, which is Page 5 in line with spending restrictions imposed drink. Will this rum-and-guava cocktail become the next margarita? by the International Monetary Fund (IMF). A total of $450 million in international donations and loans are at stake if Nicaragua goes over budget, the President warned. Sandinistas, Contras Reconcile –Nica Times By Tim Rogers toric – and controversial – peace accord port for Montealegre in exchange for polit- 2 Candidates Hospitalized Nica Times Staff signed between the two former enemies last ical representation in his government and month. compliance with the peace and demobiliza- for Kidney Stones MANAGUA – Claiming frustration from The accord, signed Sept. 15, promises tion accords of 1990 (NT, May 5). a decade of broken promises and abused that there will never again be war, obligato- Talavera, as reward for promising MANAGUA – Edén “Comandante Cero” trust by right-wing “Liberal” governments, ry military service, confiscations, or ratio- Montealegre the Contra vote, was named Pastora, presidential candidate for the many former combatants of the Contra ning cards in Nicaragua. the ALN’s number-three legislative candi- Alternative for Change (AC), and Carlos movement appear to realigning their politi- While Talavera and Ortega say the date – a premium ballot ranking that all but Mejía Godoy, famed revolutionary cal support behind the unlikeliest of presi- accord is about peace and reconciliation, assures him a job as lawmaker in next year’s singer/songwriter and vice-presidential dential candidates: historic enemy Daniel critics claim it is more about an underhand- National Assembly. candidate for the Sandinista Renovation Ortega, of the left-wing Sandinista National ed political alliance aimed at sabotaging the But since being named candidate, Movement (MRS), were both hospitalized Liberation Front (FSLN). presidential aspirations of U.S.-backed can- Talavera’s support for Montealegre appears in Managua last weekend for kidney stones, Led by former Contra leader Salvador didate Eduardo Montealegre, of the less than enthusiastic. according to party sources. Talavera, president of the Nicaraguan Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance (ALN). “Eduardo is a great person, a great can- Both men were reportedly in stable Resistance Party (PRN), several hundred Officially, the PRN has signed an elec- didate. But Eduardo is not for the Nicaragua condition and expected to return to the Contras gathered Sunday in Managua for a toral alliance with Montealegre and the of today,” Talavera told The Nica Times campaign trail this week, after fully recov- rally with Ortega’s FSLN to support the his- ALN. That alliance pledges the PRN’s sup- Page 2 ering. Pastora, 69, is a famed revolutionary hero who is making his first bid at the presidency. He is polling a distant fifth. Mejía, 63, was named vice-presidential Youth Vote Viewed as ‘Wild Card’ candidate for the MRS in July to replace Edmundo Jarquín, who was promoted to the position of presidential candidate after By Eric Sabo she says. potential voters in this year’s elections are the death of former front man Herty Nica Times Staff Yet despite her anti-Ortega disposition, between 16 and 30, according to Ni- Lewites. Duarte, like many other citizens her age, is a caragua’s Supreme Electoral Council Mejía has never held, nor run for, public MANAGUA – Juana Duarte, an 18-year- potential no-show at the polls on Nov. 5. (CSE). The legal age to vote in Nicaragua office before. old university student from the northern “I don’t think I will vote,” she admits is 16. –Nica Times city of Estelí, has strong opinions about the with a shrug. “None of them are going to With little previous electoral experi- upcoming presidential elections. make a difference to me.” ence, and few opinion polls tracking the She worries that a victory by Daniel After three national elections since voting opinions of younger citizens, the Ortega, presidential candidate for the emerging from a decade-long counterrevo- youth vote is perhaps the biggest wild card Sandinista National Liberation Front lutionary war, Nicaragua’s young democra- in this year’s tightly contested elections. CENTRAL AMERICAÕS LEADING ENGLISH-LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER (FSLN), the revolutionary movement that cy is now facing a new challenge: an increas- Plus, in a vote that is expected to be ruled Nicaragua before she was born, could ingly hard-to-predict and tough-to-mobi- decided by a couple of percentage points, mean the same type of hardships that her lize group of young voters. even a small surge in youth turnout could Inside parents remember bitterly from the 1980s. More than 70% of Nicaraguans are tip the scales in favor of one of the leading “Anyone has got to be better than him,” under age 30, and at least a quarter of the Page 3 2 | NEWS | THE NICA TIMES – October 20, 2006 Sandinista-Contra Peace Accord Questioned Page 1

during a recent interview at PRN national headquarters. He added: “Eduardo is a typi- cal candidate for a country like Costa Rica,” Talavera says he is not renouncing his electoral alliance with Montealegre, nor sur- rendering his coveted spot on the party’s bal- lot, despite calls from the ALN to do so. Legally the party cannot remove the polemic candidate from its ballot, which already has been submitted to the Supreme Electoral Commission (CSE) for the Nov. 5 elections. “I have won this (candidacy) with lots of sacrifice and blood, and I don’t owe it to any- one except my people,”Talavera said defiantly. Talavera says former Contras will vote in force for the ALN’s legislative candidates, but hesitates to make the same promise for the party’s presidential candidate. “I am not interested in what happens within the ALN, I am only interested in my Mixed Signals: Salvador Talavera embraces Sandinista candidate Daniel Ortega (above) during last Sunday’s rally, rais- own party,” he said. ing questions about his electoral alliance with Eduardo Montealegre (right). Who’s Using Whom? Photos by Tim Rogers | Nica Times

Talavera says that anti-Sandinista politi- Chamorro in 1990, Arnoldo Alemán in 1996 Peace or Politics? Critics of the accord allege that Talavera cians traditionally have used the Contras as a and Enrique Bolaños in 2001 – all of whom is in cahoots with Ortega, and perhaps has “shock force” in the elections to scare people went on to win the presidency. Talavera says the Sept. 15 peace accords been for some time. into thinking that a war would resume if In this election, the Contras are being between he and Ortega aim to eliminate the Several former Contra commandants lo- Ortega were re-elected. courted by candidates Montealegre, José fear rhetoric from the campaign and reposi- yal to Montealegre have called Talavera a But the Contras, he insists, are tired of Rizo, of the Liberal Constitutional Party tion the Contra movement as a political “traitor,” and the Liberal Constitutional playing the roll of election-year goons for (PLC), and – apparently – even Ortega. force that stands for something, not only Party (PLC) has capitalized on the signing of wealthy candidates seeking power. New FSLN campaign caps seen on the against the Sandinistas, as their name and the peace accord by claiming it is evidence “This position reduces the Nicaraguan heads of Managua street vendors read: history suggests. the Sandinistas have infiltrated the ranks of Resistance to having only an electoral value, “PRN, Contra la pobreza – Daniel 2006” The preamble of the peace accords states the ALN. then five more years go by and where are all the (PRN: Against poverty – Daniel 2006). as its objective: “To contribute to the consol- “A vote for the ALN is a vote for the benefits that we were promised and for which Montealegre, a former banker, is also idation of peace and to achieve economic Sandinistas,” said PLC vice-presidential can- we have fought so hard?” Talavera insisted. going after the Contra vote. During a rally of development, in a framework of equality didate José Antonio Alvarado. Instead of being “treated like heroes of Contra support last April, Montealegre pro- and solidarity, with the most impoverished But Talavera, who lost five brothers in democracy,” the Contras are some of the claimed that he is “a Contra at heart,” and sectors of our country.” the war, says that anyone who criticizes a poorest of the poor, without access to pros- assured the former counterrevolutionary Most importantly, Talavera says, the peace accord “doesn’t know the pain of thetics, medicines, housing, credit, land or combatants: “The blood of all the brave men accord promises peace, regardless of who burying a family member during war.” jobs, Talavera said. and women who died in the mountains was wins the elections. He dismisses his critics among the for- “Many former Contras do not even have not in vain.” “We promise that never again will the mer Contras as “commandos who are still the minimal conditions to even be consid- Talavera says he too wants to ensure the Nicaraguan family resort to violent methods focused on the past, and who were never ered Nicaraguan citizens,” he said. “Sixteen Contras’ sacrifice during the 1980s was not in to resolve our differences, assuring that there leaders in the party.” years after the war and many of my people vain, and he’s going to make sure of it himself will never again be war, obligatory military The peace accord, Talavera insists, is still live in homes made out of plastic.” by getting elected to National Assembly. service, confiscations, or rationing cards, and about starting a new chapter in Nicaragua. Still, the Contra vote is a potentially “What we are saying to the Nicaraguan that never again will we be subjected to any “There has never been any real process of important electoral bloc, both in terms of people is: hold on a minute, we are not just foreign influence that leads us to armed con- reconciliation between these two segments ballots and symbolism. here to do your dirty work, we are going to frontation among Nicaraguan brothers,” of the population,” Talavera said, borrowing The vote was courted by Violeta look to put forth our own agenda,” he said. reads Article 1 of the peace accord. Ortega’s campaign buzzword. New Alliance Formed to Promote Sustainable Tourism MANAGUA – The U.S. Agency for Rainforest Alliance hopes to train some INTUR’s Ian Coronel. “We can’t continue to International Development (USAID) and 200 small and medium-sized tourism busi- rely only on traditional tourism. Sun and regional conservation group Rainforest nesses over the next three years, with the beach is interesting, but we have to see Alliance have announced a new three-year, intention of creating conditions for them to where our country can best compete, while $3.6 million cooperation agreement aimed be independently certified at a later date. protecting our natural and cultural rich- at promoting and strengthening conserva- The program also aims to develop a net- ness.” tion efforts in Nicaragua in the areas of work of certified-tourism businesses in Since initiating their Latin American agriculture, forestry management and Central America. alliance in April 2004, Rainforest Alliance tourism. Tourism certification, although still an and USAID have promoted $347 million in The accord, announced Oct. 12, will emerging trend, is gaining popularity in a sales of certified coffee, bananas and wood expand the national certification process for conscientious consumer-driven market, in Central America and Mexico. bananas, coffee and wood. It will also, for according to Damaris Chaves, Rainforest A total of 1.6 million hectares have been the first time, start a new process of sustain- Alliance’s sustainable tourism director in certified in the region, including 1.5 million able-tourism training. Costa Rica. hectares of virgin tropical forest, according The USAID-funded tourism training Chaves says there are some European to Rainforest Alliance. will focus mostly on small- and medium- tour operators that only work with tourism Throughout the seven countries in the sized tourism providers to help them providers that have been certified sustain- region, a total of 68,700 permanent and become more sustainable in terms of envi- able. temporary workers are directly or indirectly ronmental stewardship, human relations, The concept already has the support of involved in one of Rainforest Alliance’s cer- cultural preservation, business competitive- the Nicaraguan Tourism Institute (INTUR). tification programs, the company claims. Tim Rogers | Nica Times ness and economic viability. “This is a magnificent opportunity,” said –Tim Rogers Cultural Tours: Granada buggy ride.

Publisher Dery Dyer Published Every Friday by THE TICO TIMES S.A. Advertising Carlos Solís | [email protected] General Manager Abby Daniell Apdo. 4632-1000, San José, Costa Rica Circulation Nicaragua Ivette Sánchez Editor Tim Rogers Phone (506) 258-1558 | Fax (506) 233-6378 [email protected] Tel. (505) 250-1100 Contact Us Reporter Eric Sabo Nicaragua address Apdo. 73 Granada Costa Rica Subscriptions [email protected] www.nicatimes.net Circulation Ivette Sánchez Phone (505) 841-1643 Vol. II Nº 91 Production Mayra Sojo E-mail [email protected] Copyright Convention: unauthorized reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. THE NICA TIMES – October 20, 2006 | NEWS | 3 U.S. Republicans Fund Youth Vote Movement

Page 1 candidates, some experts claim. “Young people have the power to decide this election,” said Nehemías López of Central America Fes, a political foundation that supports youth causes. Youth Abstention

Young people also have a reputation for not making it to the ballot box. A recent study by the University of Central America (UCA) in Managua found that 44% of Nicaraguans under the age of 25 did not vote in the 2004 municipal elections, compared to a 30% abstention rate for voters 25 and older. But as the heated presidential campaign evokes memories of past conflicts, college- age activists are taking their own approach to getting their issues heard. Photo Courtesy of “Break the Silence” Among the most prominent mobiliza- tion campaigns – and certainly the loudest – Democracy Rocks: Nicaraguan group Perrozompopo performs at a get-out-the vote concert in León. is “Break the Silence,” Nicaragua’s answer to MTV’s famous “Rock the Vote” campaign, blican Institute (IRI), a venerable organiza- us what do.” Eduardo Montealegre, presidential hopeful which has encouraged young voters in the tion affiliated with the U.S. Republican Party The ultimate goal, he says, is to build for the Nicaraguan Liberal Alliance (ALN), United States to participate in recent presi- and headed by conservative luminaries such greater youth interest in democracy. as the best option for attracting foreign dential elections. as Jeanne Kirkpatrick. In the 1980s, “We tell young Nicaraguans to get investment and higher-paying jobs. Gustav Montiel, who heads the group Kirkpatrick squared off against Ortega and informed, ask questions and vote,” he says. José Antonio Alvarado, vice-presidential “Nicaraguan Democratic Youth,” is spear- the Sandinistas when she was the U.S. candidate for the PLC, contends that young heading the campaign with a series of rock Ambassador to the United Nations. She is The Final Poll voters have also expressed a lot of support concerts and flashy public-service ads to try now an IRI board member. for his party’s election bid, and suggests that to get young people interested in the The IRI, which has drawn criticism for All five political parties competing for support could be even greater if the PLC November elections, and politics beyond. its electoral activities in Nicaragua, is not shy the presidency have made their pitch to spread its message better. “Any candidate in these elections, about promoting some political parties over younger voters, with varying degrees of suc- “Young men and women come up and whether it’s for legislature or the presidency, others. The group states on its Web site that cess. tell me that the PLC has the best proposals, is going to face a lot of young people,” it has partnered with “Break the Silence” as a Pundits claim that, traditionally, the but they always ask: ‘How come we haven’t Montiel said. “They have to have plans (for way of “exposing the corruption of Pacto FLSN has had the best organization for heard of them?’” Alvarado said. youth) if they want to win our support.” forces,” an allusion to the notorious power- attracting a cadre of young, idealistic sup- The real test of support will come in the sharing accord between former Presidents porters. next few weeks. At a recent Break the Silence ‘Reggaetón’ the Vote Ortega and Arnoldo Alemán, party boss of But a number of former Sandinista concert in Granada, Victor Arias, 23, said the Liberal Constitutional Party (PLC). youth leaders have recently defected to the that he was still unsure of who he planned to Montiel’s group has organized a total of The Web site claims that each organiza- Sandinista Renovatation Movement (MRS), vote for in November. six outdoor concerts, most recently in the tion the IRI backs in Nicaragua,“has endeav- a breakaway party that includes popular “I don’t know,”he said. “There’s not real- northern town of Matagalpa. ored to counter the Pacto forces of the FSLN vice-presidential candidate Carlos Mejía ly any good choices.” Popular Nicaraguan bands perform and the PLC in the run up to the November Godoy, the famed revolutionary singer Between bands, a young announcer took against a backdrop of television screens that elections.” whose music is in every Nicaraguan’s CD the stage and implored thousands of young look borrowed from Irish rock group U2, Montiel, however, insists that Break the collection. people at the concert to make their voices with “Break the Silence and Vote” messages Silence only promotes greater voter partici- Pro-business candidates also appear to heard at the ballot box. The next rock group flashing behind the stage. pation, not any specific party. be picking up some youth support, especial- started to play and the crowd errupted. Arias The youth-oriented campaign is “We give every candidate a fair chance,” ly in tourist-oriented areas such as Granada seemed to be enjoying the show. financed by the U.S. International Repu- he said, adding that the IRI has “never told and San Juan del Sur, where many see “This is pretty cool,” he said.

‘Open Letter’ Blasts tions, recommended that Trivelli and Shop the Internet “other U.S. diplomats from the Bush And get tax-free, U.S. Meddling administration keep quiet about the In the heart of the old city Nicaraguan elections, and let the Hassle-free Delivery The U.S. Embassy in Managua this Nicaraguan citizens vote freely according WE HAVE A POOL!! week reacted defensively to a paid adver- to their conscience.” ¥ Bar & Restaurant tisement by two-dozen U.S. activist The U.S. Embassy responded in a International groups blasting U.S. Ambassador Paul written statement claiming that the Cuisine Trivelli for what they called “foreign questioned U.S. funds provided to the ¥ Warm Hospitality interference” in Nicaragua’s electoral Nicaraguan government and to non- ¥ Each Room has a process. governmental organizations were to unique decor The paid spot, published Oct. 13 in support the electoral process, and have ¥ Private bath, hot showers, A/C the two leading national dailies as a full- been used for non-partisan activities, page ‘open letter’ to the ambassador, ¥ Credit cards such as voter registration, civic educa- accepted accused Trivelli of “repeatedly violating tion, electoral observation and technical norms of international conduct,” and ¥ Internet access training for the Supreme Electoral ¥ Reasonable rates “recommending publicly that Nicaraguan Council (CSE). ¥ Complimentary continental or typical P.O. Box citizens vote according to the advice and “This program represents the strong breakfast interests of the United States.” commitment that our government has ¥ Cable TV “It would be unacceptable and illegal assumed with the desire of the ¥ HAPPY HOUR 5-7 P.M. in the United States if foreign diplomats Nicaraguan people to have free, trans- ¥ Tour & transportation arrangements tried to influence our elections,” read the parent and inclusive elections,” the CONVENTO DE SAN FRANCISCO www.jetbox.com/nicaragua letter, signed by more than 1,000 U.S. citi- embassy statement reads, adding that Ever seen an item on the Internet that you zens. “The United States cannot pretend the United States is not backing any par- wanted but doubted you could get? 207 Calle Corrales to support elections that are fair and just Jet Box can not only get it to you fast but also ticular candidate in the Nov. 5 election. Granada, Nicaragua tax-free on purchases of up to $500 (U.S.) when they try to control and manipulate “And we are not going to ask for- Tel: (505) 552-8235 or less in CIF value. the vote in the Nicaragua.” giveness for our efforts to help and Cel: 867-6727 Get your P.O. Box in Miami: The letter, which also questioned the develop Nicaraguan democracy,” the let- 2011 N.W. 79th Avenue Miami FL 33122 spending of $13 million in U.S. govern- ter concluded. Nicaragua in Managua ment funding on the Nicaraguan elec- –Nica Times www.csf-hotel-granada.com (505) 266-9585 (505) 250-1100, 250-3524, [email protected] in Granada (505) 552-6439 7657 4 | CENTRAL AMERICA NEWS | THE NICA TIMES – October 20, 2006

Central America Update

Panamanian Campesinos Urge ANTI-COLUMBUS DAY ‘No’ Vote on Canal Expansion Photo by Ulises Rodríguez

PANAMA CITY – An organization of they’ll invent” to eventually build the dams. Panamanian campesinos this week reiterat- Another reason to vote against the ed a call for their countrymen to vote expansion proposal is that “we know that against the proposed expansion of the the money that’s going to enter Panama as a Panama Canal in next week’s historic Oct. result of the (expanded) canal won’t to go 22 plebiscite. campesinos,” she said. “We’re calling on our people to vote The CCCE says it represents some ‘no,’” said María Muñoz, a representative for 100,000 small farmers in the provinces of urban sectors of the Campesino Panama, Colón and Cocle, located in the Coordinator against the Dams (CCCE). canal’s western basin. The group alleges that canal expansion Panamanians will be asked in the would require the government to build new plebiscite to vote on an estimated $5.25 bil- dams, which would flood the nearby land lion plan to expand the canal so it can farmed by the campesinos. accommodate what are known as post- Dozens of protesters staged two sit-ins Panamax vessels, whose carrying capacity is in downtown Panama City plazas and held twice that of ships in the Panamax class – a public forum to reassert their position currently the largest capable of using the and warn the population that the “threat” of waterway. dams being built to feed the canal has not –EFE disappeared. Panama’s unicameral Legislative Assembly voted on June 12 to repeal a 1999 law that established the limits of the Panama Canal basin and authorized con- struction of dams for the eventual expan- sion of the inter-oceanic waterway. Indigenous Rights: Maya priest offers homage Oct. 12 at the base of Gran Muñoz said the campesinos think the Read Us Online: Jaguar Temple, in Tikal, as part of “Day of Indigenous Resistance Day” – a repeal of the law is a “trick” because “if the sort of anti-Columbus Day. Indians make up 41% of Guatemala’s 12 million ‘yes vote’ wins, (authorities) will likely re- www.nicatimes.net population. approve the legislation or who knows what 7950 THE NICA TIMES – October 20, 2006 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | 5

Business Real Estate New ‘National Drink’ is Toast of the Town By Tim Rogers The doctor admits that there was some Nica Times Staff stiff competition in the drink contest, and thinks guava gave him an advantage in the The sudden shortage of guayaba – or end. He even claims that some of the cock- guava – juice on the shelves of grocery tails tasted better than his. stores and pulperias throughout Granada But some, like a drink made with Pithaya acts as a silent tribute to this city’s newest (a sweet cactus fruit available only in this inventor, Dr. Edmundo Miranda, a 66-year- region) were too hard to market abroad, old podiatrist who moonlights as a bar- while others, made with sugarcane, were too tender in the privacy of his family. similar to drinks that already existed. Miranda is the father of the “Macuá,” a Still other aspiring national drinks tasty combination of white rum and citrus never made it off the drawing board, such juices that was recently named Nicaragua’s as Johnny Walker mixed with Flor de Caña official national cocktail. and Tabasco sauce (Walker’s Revenge); The Macuá – a mixture of 1.5 parts Flor Sambuca and 7-year Flor de Caña (The de Caña Extra Lite (white rum), 1 part Sam-7); and Rojita soda with black label guava juice, 1 part orange juice, lime and rum (“Rojinegro” – a reference to the sugar – bested 95 other aspiring national- Sandinistas). drink potions that were sampled by an international panel of judges last month. Dealing with Kudos The idea of the Macuá, named after a tropical bird native to Central America, is to Winning the national-drink contest has do for Nicaragua what the margarita has been a bittersweet experience for Miranda. done for Mexico, and the mojito for Cuba, Though he’s entertained by all the con- according to contest organizers Flor de gratulatory hollers he gets on the streets of Caña rum and the Nicaraguan Tourism Granada, as well as all the attention from Institute (INTUR). Tim Rogers | Nica Times national and international journalists, Plus, Miranda says with a good-natured Taste of Success: Dr. Edmundo Miranda, the inventor of the Macuá, enjoys his Miranda wonders why all the hubbub for a smile, as a doctor he can attest to the drink’s cocktail. ...err…ah ...“health benefits.” famous drink, a combination of rum and citrus juices. “In 1984 I attended a Central American “It’s got a lot of vitamin C, and guava is podiatry congress in Guatemala. Of the 50 a natural anti-parasitic, which will be good “This is a refreshing drink for the heat Gotta be Guava doctors who submitted their research, my for tourists,” Miranda said. and humidity of Nicaragua,” Miranda said. research, which represented 14 years of Asked just how many Macuás the doc- “Any hour is a good time for this drink. When Miranda saw the contest rules for hard study and sacrifice, was named the tor recommends per day, to “stay extra Even breakfast.” creating a national drink (original, unique- best in Central America,” the doctor said. healthy,” Miranda’s smile gives way to a To ensure its feminine appeal, Miranda ly Nicaraguan, pleasing to the taste buds, “That was the best achievement of my life, belly laugh: “Six ought to do it,” he said, used as a test market the four women in his and internationally marketable) he imme- but no newspapers carried the story, and no adding that – as a secondary benefit – the life: his wife, two daughters and grand- diately thought guava had to be a key mixer one said anything congratulatory to me. drink also helps foreign tourists speak daughter – four women, he says, who are ingredient. When I told my mother about it, she said: Spanish. non-drinkers. Not only does guava – which Miranda ‘good, keep studying.” Starting with a combination of Flor de describes as a “tropical Nicaraguan pear” – But now, by mixing guava and rum, the Refreshingly Feminine Caña Extra Dry, Miranda mixed, stirred and have a pleasing taste and aroma, but it also doctor has become a local celebrity of sorts. passionately tinkered with his concoction grows wild all over the country. Plus, it “Now people yell to me on the street: Like tourism boosters who are reinvent- until he settled on Extra Lite and had all reminds the doctor of his childhood. awesome drink!” Miranda said with a laugh. ing Nicaragua’s image as a softer and more- four women nodding in unison. “When we were in primary school, As part of the award package for invent- inclusive place, Miranada wanted to help do Though Miranda says he often uses sometimes my friends and I would play ing the Macuá, Miranda won $1,000 and a his share with the Macuá, which he canned or boxed juices “for the sake of con- hooky and run off down to the lake and trip to a five-star hotel in Miami, where he describes as an “anti-macho” and “com- venience” (Jumex guava juice, Parmalat pick guava off the trees by the shore,” will be taking his wife next month for their pletely feminine” drink. orange juice and bottled lime juice), he has Miranda said, sipping his nostalgic cocktail. “second honeymoon,” to commemorate 45 “I wanted a drink that appeals to also made the drink from all natural ingre- “But don’t get the wrong idea, we were seri- years of marriage. women, too,” Miranda told The Nica Times dients, making it a truly 100% home-grown ous students otherwise.” However, Miranda says, the hotel might one day recently, as he poured two Macuás Nicaraguan cocktail. Miranda notes that because guava is be at risk of losing a star –at least in his over ice into cocktail glasses sitting on his One of his favorite ways to serve the sold as a canned juice, it can be bought by book – if the lobby bar doesn’t serve his desk, at 12:04 p.m. (technically afternoon, drink is frozen, with a slice of orange and a bars, restaurants and distributors anywhere famous potion. and therefore not an inappropriate hour for green cherry, “to represent Nicaragua’s outside of the country, making it an inter- “It can’t be a five-star hotel if they don’t a cocktail). nature.” nationally marketable drink. have Macuás,” he said with a laugh.

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INVEST IN NICARAGUA: Property Sales Granada, Lake and Beach ❖Land (505) 552-0313 Office(505) 679-2574 Agent ❖House ❖Rural ❖Lake, lagoon ❖Island ❖Beach For Further information: ¥Room Service ❖ Tels: (505) 552-2974, 552-2178 ¥Games Room Farm Fax: (505) 552-4128 [email protected] ¥Internet WI-FI Free Affordable prices [email protected] ¥Conference Salon from owners www.hotelgranadanicaragua.com ¥Bar & Restaurants Final de Calle La Calzada, ¥International Calls frente a Iglesia De nuestra Señora Guadalupe. ¥Laundry Service We are ready to help. Apartado #55 Granada, Nicaragua 7655 7656 6 | COMMUNITY | THE Nica TIMES – October 20, 2006 COMMUNITY CONNECTION Those interested in contributing reports or photos to Community Connection are welcome to e-mail Eric Sabo at [email protected]. Around San Juan: killed?” Granada has seen an increase in vaca- Bar Replacements tion rentals due to the upcoming elections Nov. 5. A number of Italian and U.S. elec- Ricardo’s Bar, voted “Best Beach Bar in tion observers are already in Granada, Central America” by Lonely Planet, closed with more expected in the coming week. its gates forever earlier this summer, with a They are a bit too early to enjoy the gala event and sale of memorabilia to bene- amenities of the new Tip Top Restaurant fit the San Juan del Sur Fire Department. due to open Nov. 5, with a generator the One addition to the social scene for the size of a small car for those periodic elec- expatriate community is the Wednesday tric outages, a play area for children, and Happy Hour from 5 to 8 p.m. at La Cascada air-conditioning. Bar and Restaurant at Piedras Y Olas, also known as “Pelican Eyes.” –Janice Gallagher Drinks are two-for-one and a variety of appetizers are on the menu. The crowd [email protected] often swells to 50-60 people as friends gather and business is casually discussed. Managua Movement: The sunset views are spectacular and there New Bookstore are canopies in case of rain. For informa- tion, call 568-2110 There is a welcome addition to The first annual Oktoberfest was held Managua – An English-language boostore. at Big Wave Dave’s on Saturday, Oct. 14. It’s named Frontera Books (270-2345, The $10 cost included dinner, beer mug [email protected]). They have a read- and a T-shirt. Proceeds benefited the ing room, books in English for all ages. Eric Sabo | Nica Times Fundación A. Jean Brugger. The proceeds It’s located near the main office of the of the raffle will benefit their Natural First in Line: School kids line up to see the remodeled wing of the Convento San IBW. Museum Project and the new Stones and Francisco in Granada. The historic exhibits are now open to everyone. The Galería CODICE is having an exhi- Waves Veterinary Clinic. Grand prize was bition of works of five female painters, a Delta Airlines ticket to anywhere Delta cussing photography as a career and hobby. Gillian Lythgoe left their Granada home to opening Oct. 18. The show and sale will run flies in the Continental United States. The Project Alas is a creation of Donna Tabor,a visit their ranch in Rising Star, Texas. This into November. Galeria CODICE is on the newest business of note is the DHL in 10-year resident of Granada. In Donna’s couple went down the Río San Juan to the Carretera Masaya side of town, in Los Rivas, which provides fast mail service words, the Project is an “out-of-the-box” Caribbean in an aluminum canoe outfitted Robles, tel: 267-2635. regionally. 563-5104. program for enterprising but disadvantaged with a two horsepower motor, running The Foundation Hugo Palma-Ibarra Granada students that encourages new and three sets of rapids, two of them success- promotes the arts and culture. It is hosting –Jane Mirandette constructive ways of thinking about the fully. the presentation of a new book on carica- [email protected] future. Their itinerary back home was equally tures “Nicanor Sandino,” along with the Other guests speakers have been archi- harrowing: a bus, followed by a train and graphic arts of “Lezamón”. Granada Gossip: tect Carlos García, children’s book illustra- then a ferry to La Paz, Baja California. The date is Nov. 10 at 7 p.m. The Electoral Observers tor Luís Garay, Salvadoran newspaper From there they climbed aboard a bus and foundation is on the Carretera Sur, at sports journalist Gustavo Flores, Isa Nieves, made their way to Rising Star. “How was about km 6 1/2. For information, call 265-0524. Antonio Diez, photographer and a social psychologist, and Frank Gallo,a it?,” the Gallos asked. “Uneventful” was –Carla Fjeld Granada resident, was the latest speaker to pilot who spoke on aviation careers. Gillian’s reply by e-mail. To which Vanita talk to nine Project Alas young people, dis- Adventurers Joe Brown and wife said, “Does that mean they didn’t get [email protected] CALENDAR *First time in Calendar. Listings are in chronological order. E-mail Calendar submissions to [email protected] by 11 a.m. Monday, five days prior to date of publication.

30, 8 a.m-5 p.m. weekdays, 9 a.m. to 4 *Live Music: The group Casa Trova p.m. weekends, National Museum in plays popular salsa and danceable Latin Managua the National Palace of Culture. American music, Oct. 20-21, Café Nuit. *Musical: The musical, Tejiendo *Art Opening: A retrospective look at *Karaoke: Sundays and Wednesdays, Amaneceres, directed by the Central artist Orlando Sobalvarro, shown at the 7 p.m.-10 p.m., El Quijote, 552-8386. American College, with classical, folk National Palace of Culture. *Live Music: U.S. expats play soft rock and modern dance, Oct. 20, 7 p.m. *Latin American Music: Cuban inter- classics at Jimmy “Three Fingers,” most Rubén Diarío Theater, 266-3630. preter Vivián López and Nicaraguan Thursdays, 8 p.m., 552-8115. *Folk Music: The 89th anniversary of musician Luis Pérez play trova and other *Caballo Bayo: Every Friday 6-9 p.m. at the Colegio Bautista, speeches and pres- Latin American music, Oct. 22, 2 p.m., the Santa Lucía Social Club on Santa Photo courtesy of Paramount Pictures entation, along with a night of folk restaurant Intermezzo del Bosque, Lucía street. Miami Vice hits the streets of Managua. music by classical guitarist Julio 883-0071. Vázquez and various violinists from the National Conservative, Oct. 22, 7 p.m., *Movie: The film Match Point, Oct. Leon Rubén Diarío Theater, 266-3630. 24, Justo Rufino Garay Theater, Cinemas 266-3714. *Performance by Tsurgaru Shamisen: *Lecture: A talk on “What Patriotism *Alhambra Bello Horizonte: Miami Vice, Classical guitarist plays traditional Means,” organized by the Friends of Just My Luck, Open Season, Road to Glory, Japanese folk music, pioneered by Granada José de la Cruz Mena Theater and the The Break Up, Saw II, Click, Matador. Yujiro Takahashi, including songs and Institute of Culture, Oct. 20, José de la *Cinemark: Miami Vice, Just My Luck, Open narration, Oct. 24, 7 p.m, Rubén Diarío *Movie: The Cuban film “Yes, My Cruz Mena Muncipal Theater, 311-1827. Season, Road to Glory, The Break Up, Saw Theatre, 266-3630. Friends,” directed by Rolando Díaz, *Music Concert: Visiting American II, Click, Monster House. *Japanese Art: A collection of 70 tradi- explores the views for leaving the island, group plays various styles of music, *Cinemas Galeria: Miami Vice, Just My tional Japanese dolls, made from wood, Oct. 24, 7 p.m., Tres Mundos, Oct. 21, 7 p.m., José de la Cruz Mena Luck, Open Season, Road to Glory, The ceramics, and porcelain, through Oct. 552-4176. Municipal Theater, 311-1827 Break Up, Saw II, Click. THE NICA TIMES – October 20, 2006 | OPINION | 7

Editorial Dear Readers: Welcome to the Expanded Nica Times e are happy to present our first eight-page publication of The Nica Now we’ve outgrown our baby shoes, so we’re going up a size to take big- Times, featuring expanded coverage of Nicaragua plus new com- ger and more confident steps into the future. Wmunity pages to keep you abreast of what’s going on in this grow- In addition to expanded coverage of business, real estate, tourism and ing and lively country. And we’re doing so just as all eyes turn to Nicaragua “Exploring Nicaragua” stories, the expanded Nica Times will feature a for the upcoming Nov. 5 elections. new “Community Connection” page each week for Calendar events, pho- Since our modest beginnings back in March 2004 as a one-page “Nicaragua tos and news from readers throughout Nicaragua. We also are including a News” page in The Tico Times, we have strived to inform readers about impor- page for letters, Perspective articles and – eventually – feature columns. tant events and issues in this complex We invite all readers to start send- and fascinating part of the world. ing us your letters now; let us know In January 2005, The Nica Times Our decision to increase is a sign of The Nica Times’ what your thoughts are on the officially launched as a four-page commitment to Nicaragua, and our confidence elections, investment climate, cur- weekly supplement to The Tico rent events or Nicaragua life in Times, and in doing so announced in its future. general. And tell us about upcom- that we plan to be here for the long ing events so we can include them haul. Since then, we have become the leading source of in-depth, English-lan- on the Calendar page. guage news coverage on Nicaragua for the informed reader here and abroad. The community pages will be as good as its contributions; so please help Our exclusive interviews with top political, business and tourism leaders us to make it great. of Nicaragua, plus special reports from across the country, have filled our lit- Our decision to increase is a sign of The Nica Times’ commitment to tle publication with insider information not found in any other English-lan- Nicaragua, and our confidence in its future. guage news source. The Nica Times would like to thank our readers, advertisers and others Our international readership and in-country newsstand sales have grown who have supported us thus far. We look forward to continuing to be a part consistently and substantially since we began. of the community!

Send your Letters by e-mail ([email protected]), regular mail or fax (see Page 2). Please don’t forget to sign your name and Letters include your return address and phone number. Thank you.

Youth Vote Crucial to English-Speaking Deciding Elections Teachers Needed

Dear Nica Times: Dear Nica Times: Nicaragua is at yet another crossroads Ninety-nine percent of the teachers of Read Us Online: in its tormented history, with the national English classes in public and private schools elections approaching and new political throughout Nicaragua don’t speak English. coalitions being formed to overcome old If you can speak English, you can get a failures and fears, and to present a new much better paying job than teaching. This www.nicatimes.net image and message to older disgruntled means that English is taught like Latin – all voters who have lost faith in the broken rules and no talking. promises of traditional political parties Of course it doesn’t work. and their leadership. Dr. Roberto Ferrey, who started the Now, a new generation of young University of Santo Tomás, a university Nicaraguans must choose for the first time developed for working-class kids, knows the who to believe in, trust and follow into an value of English-speaking English teachers uncertain future in their homeland, and begs for assistance in this area. or to migrate elsewhere in search of socio- I and another Gringo both teach economic improvement. English classes at Santo Tomás. What happens during the next few The pay is just enough so that you know months will be decisive. you are donating your time, but the good I look forward to reading the expand- news is that the university only has classes ed version of The Nica Times to discover on Saturday, so a commitment would be for what the future holds for Nicaragua. two hours (per class – more if you elect to Having worked in Nicaragua off and teach more than one class) each Saturday. on since 1974 as a technical advisor, Dr. Ferrey is crying for more help. researcher, educator and journalist, I Perhaps someone among our fellow appreciate your efforts to better inform Gringos would like to help these kids add readers of what is happening there. English to their resume and give them better opportunities when they finish their studies. Clifton L. Holland Dr. Ferrey’s office number is 552-2545. San José, Costa Rica Mickey Dodson Granada RULES FOR PERSPECTIVE The Nica Times welcomes opinion articles on any topic of public interest for the Perspective column. Here are the rules: 1. Material must be original (We don’t reprint letters or articles written for other publications.) 2. Articles must be typed, double-spaced, and should not exceed 800 words. 3. Articles must be accompanied by a one-sentence biographical description of the author, return address and phone number. 4. We can’t print more than one article by the same author per month.

5. We can’t return unused articles. 7855 8 | BUSINESS | THE NICA TIMES – October 20, 2006 5258

CLASSIFIEDS WHERE YOU CAN Buying and selling is easy and effective with a classified ad in The Tico Times. Faxing it to (country code 506) 233-6378, by mail to The Tico Times, Apdo. 4632-1000, San José, Costa Rica (U.S. residents send orders to SJO 717, P.O. Box 025216, Miami, FL 33102-5216) or by phone to (country code 506) 258-1558. FIND THE NICA TIMES! Visit us online www.ticotimes.net and fill out the classified order form or send an e-mail to [email protected]. Rates for the print-edition classifieds are as follows: Minimum 2 lines for 2 weeks. US $2.50 per line including letters, punctuation and spaces. For symbols (star, arrow, check mark) or graphics, contact the Classified Department. MANAGUA • Hospital Metropolitano For yellow shading add an additional 40% charge. Finally, add 13% advertising tax to the total of the ad. • La Colonia Supermercado Hiper • Casa de Las Revistas Airport Minimum 2 publications. Santo Domingo We accept VISA, MASTERCARD and AMEX or make checks payable to The Tico Times. Payment must be made in U.S. dollars. Do not send cash. • La Colonia Supermercado Plaza GRANADA España • Maverick Reading Room • Hotel Las Mercedes • Lacayo Supermercado 851 Managua 852 Granada 853 San Juan del Sur • Hotel Camino Real • El Club SPECIAL BEACHFFRONT – BAR-RESTAURANT – for • Kathy’s Waffles Nicaragua, $129,000. Nice, sale in Granada Center, fully • Hotel Crowne Plaza newly remodeled house. equipped, excellent monthly • Hotel Alhambra OFFER Deeded property. income. For sale due to per- • Hotel Inter-Metrocentro US (731) 986-9837 sonal reasons. Read us • Hotel Hilton Princess NIC (505) 612-9000 Call: 505-552-2039, LEON www.bestchoicenicaragua. Cel: 505-843-8335 • Hotel Holiday Inn FREE • Hotel El Convento com Online • INTUR Online Ad People read MAIL Boxes Etc. Franchise • Casa del Café Airport, Altamira, SAN JUAN DEL SUR with opportunities in Managua classified www. Metrocentro & Santo Domingo and Granada areas. ads. . . • Distribuidora Calderón Classified www.mbe.com • Ola Verde • Bar Y Restaurant El Timón [email protected] If you didn’t, you nicatimes. Ad wouldn’t be • Stop & Go Santo Domingo & • Hotel Pozo del Sur 200+ ACRES with reading this. Carretera Sur • Escuela Integral de La Cultura Purchase approved plans 260 lots, net hotel, bar restaurant, lagoon To place e-mail: and 600 meters of pristine beachfront property. your ad For more information about distribution contact Nicaragua “Playa Diamante” classified@ 10 year tax exemption. 5.5 e-mail: Ivette Sánchez in Managua at 250-1100 or by million. Contact classified@ ticotimes.net Bill@ 505-806-0556 or e-mail: [email protected] [email protected] ticotimes.net LISTA DE PUESTOS NICA W10 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 Piano Students Face Off iano students from eight Latin Ameri- can countries will take to the keys of a PYamaha C7 the last week in October, competing for cash and a chance to play in a gala concert Oct. 28. This, the fourth María Clara Cullell Inter- national Piano Competition, is “an obliga- tory date for Costa Rican piano lovers,” according to event promoters. Those who miss it must wait two years for the next round. Thirty-five competitors, ages 12-25, from Photo courtesy of María Clara Vargas Mexico, Cuba, Honduras, Nicaragua, Pana- ma, Venezuela, Colombia and Costa Rica Past Participants: Chilean composer will play a Costa Rican piece in the elimina- and pianist Alfonso Montecino, a tion round, Oct. 23 and 24, followed by one 3965 of Bach’s works and then a piece by another judge for the first María Clara Cullell classical composer. competition in 2000, with that year’s The playoffs start each morning at 9 in winners, Costa Ricans Harold Orozco Room 107 at the University of Costa Rica (UCR) School of Music. Finals are Oct. 25 and Fiorella Araya. (ages 12-18) and 26 (ages 19-25). The latter group will play Granados, Chopin, Beet- world. Jordan, Reber and Salanki now teach Oct. 26 & 27, Nov. 23 & 24 hoven and a composer of the competitor’s in U.S. universities in Texas, Kansas and choice. Florida. The public is welcome to all events, but is Four of the judges will give three-hour especially encouraged to cheer on the win- recital-conferences at the UCR School of ners Oct. 28, in a free, 7 p.m. concert at the Music Oct. 25 and 26 at 3 p.m., and Oct. 27 National Auditorium in San José’s Child- at 9 a.m. ren’s Museum. This might be the only student-level inter- The competition has a tradition of high- national piano competition in Central caliber international judges; this year’s hail America, said UCR’s María Clara Vargas, from Brazil (Lilian Barreto), Spain (Agustín organizer of the event. Vargas is the daughter Cullell), Bulgaria (Krassimira Jordan), the of María Clara Cullell, in whose honor the United States (Richard Reber) and Hungary competition is held. Cullell was a Spanish (Hedi Salanki). A trail of musical awards pianist who performed and taught for many follows each of the five, who’ve performed years in Costa Rica. or taught just about everywhere in the –Paul Brohaugh 5049

4X4 Porsche Cayenne Turbo 04 Cadllac Escalade 05-04 Fall Festival Toyota Prado Turbo Diesel 05-04 This is an event for our children, youth, BMW X5 Turbo Diesel y 4.4 02-01 and community to come and have fun Nissan X-trail Turbo diesel 02 and invite their fiends. www.autocarcr.com Hummer H-2 06-05-03 There will be food, games, booths, Sports Cars Autos candy and so much more! Porsche 911 Aero Kit 00 Mercedes Benz C-240 C-320 03-01 Audi A-4 Turbo Diesel 06 Infiniti G-35 06 We invite you to wear a costume, but Audi A-4 Cabriolet 05 BMW 525i 05 Dodge Viper GTS ACR/10 01 VW Beetle 2.0 06 please NO witches, ghosts, Mini Cooper Techo Panoram 02 goblins or scary characters. Phone: 395-9653 Pickups SATURDAY, OCTOBER 28 Toyota Hi-lux Turbo Diesel 06-03-02 10 a.m. - 12 noon [email protected] Ford F-250 Turbo Diesel 06-01 INTERNATIONAL BAPTIST Meeting at International Dodge Ram Crew Cab 02 CHURCH Baptist Church. Ford F-150 Crew Cab 04 Guachipelín de Escazú, west of Multiplaza on the North side of Santa Just west of Multiplaza on LUXURY CARS FOR SALE the Santa Ana Highway. Escazú, in front of Más X Menos Ana Highway. Tels: 288-0624 • 289-6814 CHURCH OFFICE: 215-2117 SUNDAY WORSHIP 5 P.M. 7961 PASTOR PAUL'S CELL: 365-1005 7570 7526 Tired of manufactured furniture? MORA BOOKS Best Prices Paid for Books also CDs ($3-5) & DVDs ($6-9) Largest used ENGLISH BOOK inventory in Central America. Modern Handmade Furniture 11 a.m.-7 p.m. Since 1972 By Jay Morrison Omni Building, Av. 1, Calles 3-5 SHOP/SHOWROOM IN PIEDADES DE SANTA ANA Tel/fax: 255-4136 Tel: (506) 282-6697¥Fax: (506) 282-2628 383-8385

e-mail: [email protected] e-mail: [email protected] 5910 7317 Safe car park across the street 7219 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | WEEKEND | W11 Pilates Builds Strength, Not Bulk In Brief… By Rebecca Hollender reducing stress and joint pain, focusing the Special to The Tico Times mind, promoting confidence, increasing body awareness, improving the functions of Costa Rican Spas ilates Fitness Studio in the western the respiratory, lymphatic and circulatory Receive Top Marks suburb of Escazú offers a unique systems, easing migraines and relieving mus- Papproach to exercise that is guaranteed culoskeletal problems. Idavoy emphasizes Costa Rica boasts the best Central to leave you feeling different from when you that the method provides a complete work- American spa and one of the world’s out, including cardiovascular exercise, work- walked in. The bright and immaculate stu- best mineral water spas, according to dio, equipped with expert-trained instruc- ing your body from the inside out. And one Luxury SpaFinder Magazine’s 2006 tors and specialized Pilates machines thing is for sure: “You will sweat!” encourages “anybody who wants to feel Pilates Fitness Studio offers classes for reader’s choice awards. good,” to come and try the age-old exercise prenatal, postnatal, physical rehabilitation, SpaFinder’s overall reader’s choice for that is quickly gaining popularity, from athletes, dancers, elderly, teens, children Central America was the Four Seasons Hollywood to Costa Rica. and, coming this month, Pilates for Babies. Resort Costa Rica at Peninsula Papa- The Pilates method has its origins in the Sain says that by teaching Pilates at an early gayo, in the country’s northern Pacific work of the late Joseph Pilates, a German age, children develop correct posture, which region. At the top of the mineral water who developed the fitness program in the can prevent injuries or pain that develops division was Tabacón Grand Spa and early 1900s to improve his own body image, over a lifetime of carrying the body in the Thermal Resort, in north-central Costa health and physique. In the 1920s, Pilates’ wrong way. Rica, near Arenal Volcano. studio in New York City attracted actors, Classes are appropriate for individuals at With this year’s award, Tabacón has dancers and athletes who found the exercis- all levels of fitness. The techniques that are twice received SpaFinder’s recognition, es effective for building strength without taught can also be done outside of the studio. and will be featured in SpaFinder’s 2007 adding bulk, balancing strength with flexi- Ronald Reyes | Tico Times “Whether you are in line at the grocery or World Directory. bility and achieving harmony among mind, at the office, these exercises can help you be The resort opened with 42 four-star body and spirit, according to Ali Sain, owner Strengthen and Tone: Joanne Clinaz aware of your body and conscious of its rooms in 1997, and has steadily expand- of Pilates Fitness Studio. alignment,” Sain says. (front) and Dani Lanz (back) work ed to consider itself a five-star spa with Sain feels very strongly about the healing All Pilates Fitness Studio instructors are power of Pilates. When years ago she was out at Pilates Fitness Studio. internationally certified with years of experi- more than 100 rooms, 13 spa treatment diagnosed with fibromyalgia and lupus, two ence, including training with some of the rooms, a wave pool, a thermal pool and chronic, debilitating diseases, her doctors in cise around eight basic principles: relax- biggest names known in the method: Mich- a conference center, according to Argentina recommended that she try Pilates. ation, coordination, alignment, stamina, ael Miller, Michael King and Brady Wedman. Tabacón’s Web site, www.tabacon.com. Before beginning Pilates, Sain suffered concentration, centering, breathing and In addition to regular class options, the –Tico Times from chronic fatigue, joint pain, arthritis, flowing movements. Exercises are based on a studio offers training workshops for teachers decreased physical mobility and other combination of mat work and the use of or interested individuals. The next work- Outdoor Art Offered painful and incapacitating symptoms, but specialized Pilates machines, such as the shop, “Pranassage, Thai Massage and Shi- with the help of Pilates, her physical pain Reformer, Cadillac and Gyrotonic. atsu,”with Richard Jordan, will be held every Saturdays in San José went away. According to Pilates instructor Christi Friday to Sunday from Oct. 27 to Nov. 19. “I attribute my healing to Pilates, proper Idavoy, Pilates machines are designed to According to Joseph Pilates, “Physical fit- For Saturday morning live painting nutrition and faith that through these prac- teach users how to do the exercises properly. ness is the first requisite of happiness. In and a chance to mix with Costa Rican tices I could heal myself,” she says. They create resistance and hold the body in order to achieve happiness, it is imperative artists, head for the red hoops across Once she witnessed the change in her position, guiding users to be conscious of to gain mastery of your body. If at the age of body, Sain vowed to continue doing Pilates their body alignment and aware of what 30 you are stiff and out of shape, you are old. for life. When she moved to Costa Rica and body parts should be working with each If at 60 you are supple and strong, then you found that no Pilates instruction was exercise, so when the exercises are duplicated are young.” offered, she decided to invest in her own stu- on the mat they are done correctly. The stu- Pilates Fitness Studio is in Plaza Acuari- dio so that she could pass on to others the dio offers Pilates machines for sale for those um, 500 meters south of Multiplaza mall in beneficial healing techniques that changed who wish to have them at home. Escazú. Hours are Monday to Friday, 6 a.m. her life. The benefits of Pilates are many: improv- to 8 p.m., and Saturday, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. For Central to the Pilates method is body ing and correcting posture, improving flexi- more information, call 201-9038 or visit awareness, achieved by focusing each exer- bility, increasing strength and muscle tone, www.pilatesfitnesstudio.com.

Photo courtesy of Municipality of San José Arts Plaza: Artists are displaying LEARN their wares every Saturday through November at Plaza de las SPANISH Artes in downtown San José. APARTOTEL from Iglesia La Soledad in downtown San José. FOR LESS! LA SABANA The recently formed Plaza de las Quality teaching at reasonable rates! Artes group will be drawing, painting Make us your first stop. Rooms and apartments and potentially hawking their creations Why Pay More! fully furnished with daily in the plaza from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. every maid service in a quiet Saturday through November. The first 3 day mini-survival crash course two mornings averaged 11.5 artists, ages 2 - 3 & 4 week Group courses residential area. 19 to 55, said Estephanie Jara of the Economical Global Package Only minutes away Municipality of San José’s Cultural Inquire about our from airport and Section. Others are welcome to join the Free Trial homestay program with downtown. Lessons a Costa Rican family. group, which is seeking more venues to 37 CALL US NOW promote its members’ art. Besides Special weekly socializing, buying paintings or joining UNIVERSAL and monthly rates the group, art fans can sign up for spe- DE IDIOMAS Tel: (506) 220-2422 cialized workshops. Ph. (506) 257-0441 Fax: (506) 231-7386 The municipality is sponsoring the Fax (506) 223-9917 www.apartotel-lasabana.com events, which include live music. Plaza P.O. Box 751-2150 Moravia, San José, Costa Rica de las Artes is at Paseo de los Estudi- http://www.universal-edu.com Sabana Norte, San José antes and Avenida 4, near the Tica Bus E-mail: [email protected] Burger King, 50 m. west, terminal. Just three blocks east from the National Theater, 150 m. north 2nd Ave., 9th Street (corner) 2nd floor –Tico Times 5704 7848 6072 W12 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 CONTACT LENSES Monster Snook Caught from Shore arpon action by Jacó, on the central Pacific coast. •Aspherics •Torics •Color continues hot Gibson said the big snook hit a Laser Eye Tand heavy on lure he was throwing on 20-pound line the Caribbean coast, with a 40-pound test leader in three feet of but no reports from water, and he had it to the beach after only any skippers, mari- a 15-minute battle. ALL nas or lodge opera- That is a monster Pacific snook, and par- SIZES tors on the Pacific ticularly noteworthy having been caught Jerry Ruhlow coast this week; we from the beach and in so short a time. The Cheaper than U.S. prices have to assume that all-tackle record for the species is 57 pounds, fishing there has been mighty slow, and 12 ounces, caught trolling the breaker line Immediate delivery your best bet for scraping up something on off the Río Naranjo by George Beck on a We ship worldwide the west coast might be fishing from the boat out of Quepos in August 1991. 800-266-3678 Costa Rica beach. Other Pacific snook records from Costa +1 (336) 510-5615 USA Case in point is the 45-pound snook Rican waters in the record book are 31 [email protected] caught fishing from shore at Playa Hermosa pounds, 10 ounces, on six-pound line at the 7572 last week by Dan Gibson, who lives in near- Bongo River by Alberto Gutiérrez, May 1, 2005; 55 pounds, 8 ounces, on 12-pound Photo courtesy of Dan Gibson line at Río Parrita by José Brenes, May 23, Snook for the Record Book: Jacó resi- 1992; and 49 pounds, 13 ounces, on 16- pound line at Río Tulín by Gerardo dent Dan Gibson with a 45-pound

CENTRAL AMERICAÕS LEADING ENGLISH-LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER Céspedes, May 20, 1990. snook he caught fishing from shore at Pacific snook run larger than the more Playa Hermosa using a Laser Eye lure. abundant Atlantic variety, but the Atlantic DISCOVERED SOMETHING? snook taken on the northern Caribbean coast are apparently far more abundant few more entries for the species. since we have a much greater number of Gibson is trying to contact the manufac- On the way to the Irazú Volcano A new hotel, a great restaurant, a fun anglers coming down for snook who fish turers of the Laser Eye lure to tell them about Best Costa Rican and International food. that area out of the lodges at Parismina and it, but has had no luck, and I tried an e-mail Try our great fresh sea bass!! and enjoy our tour, a secret scenic spot? Call or write: chef’s specialties. We have 100 photos and Barra Colorado. search and came up with zip. If anyone info about the earthquake of Cartago. Meg Yamamoto, Weekend Editor Keep in mind that fat snook, a much knows how to contact them, e-mail George Sundays buffet service smaller variety of the species, will begin at [email protected]. Reservations 536-6063 The Tico Times their annual run on our Caribbean coast [email protected] [email protected] within the next few weeks. They offer a rare For information on fishing or assistance plan- 300 mts. north from the white statue of Christ, on opportunity to get your name in the record ning a trip to Costa Rica, call Jerry at 282- the road to the Irazú Volcano. Tel. 258-1558, Fax 233-6378 Open every day from 10 a.m. till 9 p.m. book, as the only world mark for that 6743 or e-mail [email protected]. Skip- Fri.-Sat 10 a.m. 11 p.m. SHOWS!! Apdo. 4632-1000 - San José, Costa Rica species is the all-tackle record and the line- pers, lodge operators and anglers are invited to www.restaurante1910.com test records will be included when the contact Jerry with fishing reports by noon 7135 International Game Fish Association gets a Monday of each week.

WE ARE SPINE EXPERTS CENTRO Lebanese Cuisine NEUROLOGICO Hommus, Falafel, and a great Lamb. 2nd Floor, Enjoy the best Lebanese Medical Tower food in Costa Rica. CIMA San José Hospital After eating visit our bar. Paseo Colón in front of If you have Mercedes-Benz. experienced Tel: 257-6071 neck pain, sciatic Thursdays: Belly Dance 9 pm. 5001 7617

or back pain, 7791 Call us for a (FREE) courtesy consultation with our Spine Therapist

Mon-Fri 9 AM-7 PM Specializing in Middle East and International Call us: Cuisine (506) 208-1211 ¥ Houmos, Baba Ghanooj Tabule, Chawarma, Falafel, Lamb chops, (506) 208-1363 The best baked lamb in town. or e-mail us to: Real TexMex food What others do Well [email protected] We do it with Excellence Pool table 22 elegant hotel rooms, starting at $49 Open Tuesday to Saturday from Dr. EDUARDO HUERTAS 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. Spinal Neurosurgeon Attractive and service-oriented staff Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. In Sabana Norte, from Rosti Pollos, 200 mts. North in front of Casa España.

www.NeuroEspinal.com Tel: 296-9622 • 384-2710 6008 7344 7948 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | WEEKEND | W13 THIS WEEK’S MOVIES *New this week. Because movie times change frequently, we publish only movie names, descriptions and theaters. Please call theaters (see box at right) for schedule information. Please note: Theaters that fail to send us their schedules by deadline are not listed. We apologize for the inconvenience.

An Inconvenient Truth (Una Verdad Incómo- The Devil Wears Prada (El Diablo Se Viste a da): A documentary on former U.S. Vice-President la Moda): A naive young woman trying to become Al Gore’s campaign to make the issue of global a journalist scores as the assistant to one of the Cinemas warming a recognized problem worldwide. Directed city’s biggest magazine editors, the ruthless and by Davis Guggenheim. San Pedro. cynical Miranda Priestly. Starring Meryl Streep, ALLIANCE FRANÇAISE | Barrio Amón, Curious George (Jorge el Curioso): The Anne Hathaway. Directed by David Frankel. Av. 7, Ca. 5, 222-2283 Cinemark Escazú. beloved children’s book character comes to the big AMERICAN MALL | San Pedro, 234-8868, screen. Featuring the voices of Will Ferrell, Drew *The Guardian (Guardianes de Altamar): A 283-2146 Barrymore. Directed by Matthew O’Callaghan. Cine- troubled young man enlists in the Coast Guard, CARIARI 1-6 | Plaza Real Cariari, mark del Este, Cinemark Escazú, Flores, Interna- where he’s taken in by a renowned rescue swimmer Barreal de Heredia, 293-3300 cional, San Pedro. hardened by the loss of his team in an accident CENTRO DE CINE | Barrio Otoya, Av. 9, Ca. 11, 223-2127, 223-0610 Dreamer (Persiguiendo un Sueño): A phobic years ago. Starring Kevin Costner, Ashton Kutcher. Directed by Andrew Davis. Cariari, Cinemark del CINEMARK DEL ESTE | Multiplaza del man’s dreams begin to come true. Starring Ky Este, Curridabat, 280-0490 Evans, Scott Satenspiel, Yanni Walker. Cinemark del Este, Cinemark Escazú, Flores, Internacional, Ma- galy, Plaza Mayor, San Pedro. CINEMARK ESCAZÚ | Multiplaza, Escazú, Este, Cinemark Escazú. 201-5050, www.cinemarkca.com Lady in the Water (La Dama en el Agua): An The Merchant of Venice (El Mercader de CINE UNIVERSITARIO | Law School apartment building superintendent rescues what he Venecia): An adaptation of the Shakespearean Auditorium, University of Costa Rica, 207-4717 thinks is a young woman from the pool he main- play. In 16th-century Venice, when a merchant must default on a large loan from an abused Jew- CINÉPOLIS 1-15 | Terramall, Tres Ríos, tains, but discovers that she is actually a character 278-3631, 518-0002 (reservations from a bedtime story trying to make the journey ish moneylender for a friend with romantic ambi- available) back to her home. Starring Paul Giamatti, Bryce tions, the bitterly vengeful creditor demands a COLONIAL 1-2 | Plaza Colonial, Escazú, Dallas Howard. Directed by M. Night Shyamalan. gruesome payment instead. Starring Al Pacino, 289-9000 San Carlos, San Pedro. Jeremy Irons, Joseph Fiennes. Directed by Mich- ael Radford. Sala Garbo. EL OBSERVATORIO | Ca. 23, Av. Ctrl./1, Little Man (Chiquito pero Peligroso): A 223-0725 wannabe dad mistakes a vertically challenged crim- *Undertow (Legado de Violencia): The Munn FLORES 1-5 | Paseo de las Flores Mall, Heredia, 237-6263 inal on the lam as his newly adopted son. Starring Photo courtesy of Holding Pictures Distribution Co. family’s life together in the woods of rural Georgia is Marlon and Shawn Wayans. Directed by Keenen forever changed with the arrival of an uncle and an INTERNACIONAL 1-4 | Mall Internacional, Ivory Wayans. Cariari, Cinemark del Este (English), Top Gun in the Water? Ashton ensuing tragedy. Starring Jamie Bell, Josh Lucas, Alajuela, 442-6100 Cinemark Escazú (English), Pérez Zeledón, San Dermot Mulroney. Directed by David Gordon Green. LAURENCE OLIVIER | Av. 2, Ca. 28, Kutcher plays a cocky rookie rescue 222-1034 Pedro, San Ramón. Cinemark del Este, Cinemark Escazú. diver in “The Guardian.” LIBERIA 1-4 | Plaza Liberia, entrance Monster House (Monster House: La Casa de Volver: In Spanish. When a woman’s ghost returns to Liberia, 665-1515 los Sustos): Animated film about three teens who to her hometown to fix things she couldn’t resolve MAGALY | Ca. 23, Av. Ctrl./1, discover that their neighbor’s house is really a liv- ish), Cinemark Escazú, Flores, Internacional, Pérez during her life, she becomes a comfort to her 905-246-3722 (for schedules in ing, breathing, scary monster. Directed by Gil Zeledón, San Pedro, San Ramón. daughters and grandchild. Starring Penélope Cruz. CCM), 223-0085, 221-6272 Kenan. San Carlos, San Pedro. Directed by Pedro Almodóvar. Cinemark del Este, PARAÍSO 1-3 | Mall Paraíso, Paraíso, Step Up (Bailando por una Pasión): A privi- Cartago, 592-3133 My Super Ex-Girlfriend (Mi Super Ex Novia): leged ballet dancer and a street dancer from the Cinemark Escazú, San Pedro. PÉREZ ZELEDÓN | Monte General When a regular guy dumps a superhero because of wrong side of the tracks team up, and sparks fly World Trade Center (Torres Gemelas): Two Shopping Center, 772-6780 both on and off stage. Starring Channing Tatum, Port Authority officers become trapped under the her neediness, she uses her powers to make his life PLAZA MAYOR 1-2 | Rohrmoser, a living hell. Starring Uma Thurman, Luke Wilson. Jenna Dewan. Directed by Anne Fletcher. Cariari, rubble of the World Trade Center in the aftermath of 232-0621 (reservations available) Directed by Ivan Reitman. Cariari, Cinemark del Cinemark del Este, Cinemark Escazú, Flores, San 9/11. Starring Nicholas Cage. Directed by Oliver SALA GARBO | Av. 2, Ca. 28, 222-1034, Este, Cinemark Escazú, Flores, San Pedro. Pedro. Stone. Cariari, Cinemark del Este, Cinemark Escazú, 223-1960 Open Season (Amigos Salvajes): A happily The Ant Bully (Las Aventuras de Lucas): After Flores, Internacional, Plaza Mayor, San Pedro. SAN CARLOS 1-3 | Ciudad Quesada, domesticated grizzly bear finds himself stranded in Lucas Nickle floods an ant colony with his water You, Me and Dupree (Tres Son Multitud): A 460-6202 the woods three days before open season. Featuring gun, he is magically shrunken down to insect size best man stays on as a houseguest with the newly- SAN PEDRO 1-10 | Mall San Pedro, 283-5716, 280-9585 the voices of Martin Lawrence, Ashton Kutcher, Jon and sentenced to hard labor in the ruins. Featuring weds, much to the couple’s annoyance. Starring Favreau. Directed by Roger Allers, Jill Culton, the voices of Julia Roberts, Nicolas Cage, Meryl Owen Wilson, Kate Hudson, Matt Dillon. Directed by SAN RAMÓN 1-3 | Alajuela, 447-7120 Anthony Stacchi. Cariari, Cinemark del Este (Span- Streep. Directed by John A. Davis. San Ramón. Anthony and Joe Russo. Pérez Zeledón, San Carlos. VARIEDADES | Ca. 5, Av. Ctrl./1, 222-6108


❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ High Technology CRLA Multinational COSTA RICAN requires: Antonio LANGUAGE ACADEMY BILINGUAL PEOPLE Ristorante Italiano Schedule: & Cigar Room • Intensive Spanish courses Monday through Friday Featuring Italian Classic Cuisine Beachwear and Gifts • Individual instruction or classes in 3:30 pm to 10:25 pm Former owner of Tutto Bene Restaurant in small groups (3-6) New York, and Antonio’s Marco Island, Florida, Antonio business and cuisine are • Info Center • Instructors with Univerisity the perfect combination. • Souvenirs degrees in Spanish language • New and Used Books • Costa Rican owned and operated. Friendly atmosphere REQUIREMENTS: • International Newspapers • Typing skills •Homestay-Have a unique experience • University Student and Magazines living with a Tico family • Must type minimum of 20 words per minute in a numerical keyboard • Vacation Rentals • Open and flexible schedule, start • Must type a minimum of 30 digits anytime year-round per minute in numerical Keyboard • Immediate availability • Free Internet access • Over 18 years old Manuel Antonio between • Full command of English • Excursions, tour discounts Karahé & Piscis WE OFFER Our CIGAR ROOM offers a refined area Tel. 777-1002, Fax: 777-1946 • ALL INCLUDED: Afternoon Latin Attractive salary • Social security • where demanding guests can enjoy after a Dance classes, Costa Rican cooking, Labor stability • Associación Solidarista • meal class cigar brands and excellent Conversation Hour and cultural activities Growth Opportunities • Transportation liqueurs. Phone: (506) 280-5834 / 280-1685 If interested or 280-1739 Fax: (506) 280-2548 CALL Live Music From the Mall San Pedro north side, 200 by Piano mts. west in Barrio Dent For reservations please In U.S.A. call toll free 1-866-230-6361 293-9527 call: 293-0622 or 239-1613 or 293-9528 ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ [email protected] ❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖❖ 18979 www.spanishandmore.com 5287 7527 7793 W14 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 CALENDAR *First time in Calendar. Listings are in chronological order. E-mail Calendar submissions to [email protected] by 11 a.m. Monday, five days prior to date of publication.

Mario Cañas Ruiz Park. Newcomers Club for Women Meeting: With What to Do This Weekend presentation by author and speaker Rosemary Rein, Nov. 7, 9:30 a.m., Posada El Quijote, Escazú, 416-6165, 302-5620, newcomerscr@ TODAY for Children, by Sila Chanto, Oct. 21, 9 a.m., yahoo.com. LIMÓN CARNIVAL Costa Rican Art Museum. *French Film Showing: “La belle noiseuse” “Memoirs of a Geisha: From the Book to the (1991), by Jacques Rivette, Oct. 20, 6 p.m., *Escats in Concert and Singing Contest Final: Movie”: Program presented by renowned film Alliance Française, free entrance. Oct. 21, 5 p.m., San Lorenzo High School, San critic Mario Giacomelli Rizzato (Canal 7 and La *Chilean Electro-Acoustic Concert: Oct. 20, 7 Pedro, 1.5 km east of Universidad Latina. República), Nov. 8, 9:30 a.m., Cinépolis, Terra- p.m., Spanish Cultural Center. Laus Deo Choir Concert: Oct. 21, 5 and 8 mall, Tres Ríos, 268-6130, 282-6801. “Noah’s Ark” Musical: Show created by p.m., National Auditorium, Children’s Museum, *“Rediscovering the Inner Child”: Workshop, Marcos Vidal and performed by Ballet 238-1183. Nov. 10-12, Samasati, Puerto Viejo, Limón. Magnificat, Oct. 20, 27, 7 p.m.; Oct. 21-22, 28- *Charity Fashion Show: 20 professional mod- *Costa Rican Museums Conference: Nov. 15- 29, 2 and 5 p.m., La Aduana, Ca. 23. els, fiesta afterwards, Oct. 21, 7 p.m., Hotel 17, National Museum, 257-6983. Alejandro Filio in Concert: Oct. 20, 8 p.m., Doce Lunas, Jacó, Puntarenas, 643-2211, Women’s Club Annual Bazaar: Featuring the National Auditorium, Children’s Museum, tick- www.docelunas.com. largest used book sale in country, great value ets at Vértigo stores. *Los Flying Borracho Brothers in Concert: for already loved clothes, children’s activities, Benefit Rock Concert: By Club de Tripas Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Tex-Mex Restaurant, 50 m mini international food court, baked goods, Tico Llenas, to benefit the Los Guidos soup kitchen, north of the church in Santa Ana, 282-6342. specialties, vendors offering crafts, plants and Oct. 20, 8 p.m., El Yos, 100 m west of *National Youth Symphony Orchestra edibles, Nov. 18, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., Country Day School, Escazú, 265-5085, 203-1385. AutoMercado, Los Yoses, 354-0305, 270-4994. Concert: Oct. 21, 8 p.m., National Theater, 221- “Flamenco Times” Dance Show: Oct. 20, 8 5341. p.m., National Theater. Tango Show: Featuring 10 dancers, Oct. 21-22, Kim Russel Presents an Evening of Entertain- 8 p.m., Cine Variedades. Art ment: Germany’s number-one drag artist, Oct. *Bamaselo in Concert: Reggae, Oct. 21, 9:30 20, 8 p.m., Joanna’s, Escazú, 372-8925, 203- p.m., Aca Bar, Centro Comercial Cocorí, San Collective Exhibit: Paintings, sculptures, Gale- 3652. Pedro. ría Plaza de las Artes, in front of Iglesia de la Maisie Crow | Tico Times Soledad, 258-4023. 2nd National Theater Symposium: Plays – *Editus in Concert: New age, jazz, pop, Oct. Gian Carlo Sandoval: Jewelry, Taller del Artista, “Mueca,” Oct. 20, 8 p.m., Melico Salazar Oct. 20: Cumbia concert, 8 p.m., Parque Var- 21, 10 p.m., Jazz Café, San Pedro, 253-8933. Tres Ríos, Cartago, 278-3594. Theater; “Clavo d’Olor,” Oct. 21, 8 p.m., Teatro gas, main stage. Oct. 21: Carnival grand parade, 10 a.m., downtown; making of “the Three Sculptors, Three Decades: Sculptures by 1887; “1969,” Oct. 22, 5 p.m., Melico Salazar SUNDAY Theater. Workshop – “Organizing Theater largest rice and beans dish in Costa Rica,” Aquiles Jiménez, Domingo Ramos, Manuel Var- Alliances,” Oct. 21, 2-5 p.m., La Aduana noon, downtown, in front of Banco Nacional; Hiking: Bajo de la Hondura-Paso de la Palma gas, through Oct. 27, National Gallery, Child- Theater. international concert, 8 p.m., Parque Vargas; (Braulio Carrillo National Park, 18 km), Oct. 22, ren’s Museum. fireworks, 9 p.m., Parque Vargas. Oct. 22: 7 a.m. departure; Tapantí-El Humo de Pejibaye *Beatriz Olano and Luis Roldán: Drawings, *Malpaís in Concert: Trova, Oct. 20, 10 p.m., Children’s clown show, 2 p.m., Parque Vargas. (15 km), 7 a.m. departure; organized by Jazz Café, San Pedro, 253-8933. through Oct. 28, Contemporary Art and Design Caminatas Ecológicas Educativas Shkuk, 223- Museum. 3186. SATURDAY Critiquing Stanley Kubrick Films: With Mario *Faustino Desinach: Paintings, through Oct. Giacomelli, “Barry Lyndon,” Oct. 21; “Eyes *Patricio Torres in Concert: Trova, Oct. 22, 28, Alliance Française. 16th Carrera Solidarista: 10-km race, Oct. 21, Wide Shut,” Oct. 28; 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Cinépolis, 9:30 p.m., Jazz Café, San Pedro, 253-8933. “Africa with Hands of Hope”: Paintings and 9 a.m., start and finish at office of Al Día news- Terramall, 225-0735, 253-1659. Son de Tikizia in Concert: Oct. 21, 10 p.m., El paper, Llorente, Tibás. handicrafts from various African nations, Homage to Rembrandt: Engraving workshop Observatorio, 223-0725. through Oct. 29, Our Lady of Ujarrás Religious Historical Museum, Paraíso, Cartago. los Amorosos,” choreographed by Rogelio Française, free entrance. Dinorah Carballo: Paintings, through Oct. 29, National Gallery, Children’s Museum. López, Oct. 24-25, 8 p.m., National Theater. Literature Nights: Book presentation, “Tiempo Specials Connecting Adoptive Families’ First Meeting: de Lobos,” by Tomás Saravi, Oct. 27, 8 p.m.; Eddy Castro: Acrylics, through Oct. 29, National Open to anyone with adopted kids or interested storybook presentation, “El Jabalí de la Media Gallery, Children’s Museum. *Oktoberfest: Featuring a variety of German in learning more about raising adopted kids, Luna,” by Adriano Corrales, Nov. 8, 8 p.m.; all “Migration and Urban Development”: Multi- dishes and beer, through October, Los Sueños Oct. 25, 7 p.m., Escazú, RSVP to Jacqui Brant at Casa Amón, Technology Institute, Barrio media exhibit, through Oct. 29, National Marriott, Playa Herradura, Puntarenas, 298- at [email protected] for directions. Amón, 250 m north of Holiday Inn. Museum. 0844. Book Presentation, “Cultura y Política en *Expo-Fitness 2006: Oct. 28-30, Plaza Real Nelson Díaz: Various techniques, through Oct. Book Presentation, “Floraciones y Desflora- Costa Rica”: By Rafael Cuevas, Oct. 26, 6:30 Cariari, Barreal, Heredia, 842-0244 , 203-2230. 29, National Gallery, Children’s Museum. ciones”: By Rodrigo Soto, Oct. 24, 6:30 p.m., p.m., Librería Lehmann, Av. Ctrl. *Democrats Abroad of Costa Rica Meeting: Otto Apuy: Acrylics on canvas, through Oct. 29, Librería Internacional, Barrio Dent. Free Film Showing: “Sicario,” in Spanish, Oct. Last chance to vote in the U.S. elections; pro- National Gallery, Children’s Museum. *Film Showings: “Matador” (Spain, 1986) by 26, 7 p.m., Centro de Cine. gram, “Pre-election race watching: Can the Pierre-León Tétreault: Oils, acrylics, installa- Pedro Almodóvar, Oct. 24; “Profundo Carmesí” Democrats win the Senate and the House?”, Homage to Rembrandt: “Matter in the Spirit,” tion, through Oct. 29, Calderón Guardia (Mexico, France, Spain, 1996) by Arturo Rip- Oct. 28, 9:30 a.m.-noon, Aurola Holiday Inn, Museum. stein, Oct. 31; “La Noche” (Italy, France, 1961) conference led by former Culture Minister third floor, 203-8193. by Michelangelo Antonioni, Nov. 7; “El último Carlos Echeverría, Oct. 26-27, 7 p.m., Costa Ana Broennimann: Acrylics, collage, through Rican Art Museum. *Spinning Master Class: Oct. 28, 2 p.m., Best Oct. 30, Mexico Institute. Tango en París” (Italy, France, 1972) by Bernar- Western Jacó Beach Hotel, 643-1000, 232- do Bertolucci, Nov. 9; “Natural Born Killers” 26th Orchid Exhibit: Organized by the Alajuela 4811. Art Show and Sale: By Joshua Wilson, modern (U.S., 1994) by Oliver Stone, Nov. 14; “Aman- Orchidology Association, Oct. 27-29, 8 a.m.-6 metafractal designs, acrylics and photography, tes” (Spain, 1991) by Vicente Aranda, Nov. 21, p.m., Alajuela Institute gymnasium, Alajuela, Halloween Party: Special dinner menu, drink through Oct. 30, Nakamichi Sound Gallery, specials, music, costumes optional, Oct. 29, 6- all at 6:30 p.m., Contemporary Art and Design 441-6413. Plaza Itskatzú, 288-2164. Museum. 10 p.m., Xandari by the Pacific Resort, Este- *French Film Showing: “Immortel (ad vitam)” rillos Este, 778-7070. Valoarte 2006: Exhibit featuring artists such as *Danza Universitario Show: “Amorosamente, (2004) by Enki Bilal, Oct. 27, 6 p.m., Alliance Manuel Vargas, Aquiles Jiménez, Domingo Book Presentation, “Totem Suburbano”: Poet- Ramos, Olger Villegas, through Oct. 30, ry, Oct. 31, Taller de Artista, Tres Ríos, Cartago. National Gallery, Children’s Museum. Newcomers Annual Show and Sell Bazaar: Art, Venue Information handicrafts, specialty services, books and Anabelle Núñez: Oils, through Oct. 31, Señor refreshments for sale, Oct. 31, 9:30 a.m.-3:30 de Sipán restaurant and gallery, 300 m west of Alliance Française, Av. 7, Ca. 5, 222-2283. 261-4485. p.m., Casa España, La Sabana, 293-6430, new- the cemetery, Tres Ríos, 278-2978. Calderón Guardia Museum, Ca. 25, Av.11/13, Barrio José Figueres Ferrer Cultural Center, San Ramón, [email protected]. Eduardo Libby: Photography, through Oct. 31, Escalante, 222-6392. Alajuela, 447-2178. National Mascarada Day Celebration: Guided El Marañón Hotel, Restaurant and Gallery, CENAC or FANAL, Av. 3/5, Ca. 11/15, 221-2154. Juan Santamaría Museum, Alajuela, 447-2178. Barrio La Trinidad, old road between Piedades Centro de Cine, Barrio Amón, 223-2127, 223-0610. Melico Salazar Theater, Av. 2, Ca. Ctrl./2, 257-6005. visit and mask workshop, Oct. 31, 11 a.m., José Figueres Ferrer Cultural Center. de Santa Ana and , 249-1271, Children’s Museum, end Ca. 4, 258-4929. Mexico Institute, Ca. 41, Av. 10, 283-2333. 249-0687. Contemporary Art and Design Museum, Av. 3, Ca. Museum of Forms, Spaces and Sounds, Av. 3, Ca. *2nd Guanacaste Culture Conference: Talks, Nov. 3-4, 8:30 a.m., former Guanacaste govern- Fernando Carballo: Lithography, through Oct. 15/17, 257-9370. 21, 222-9462. 31, Pueblarte Gallery, 50 m south of the basili- Costa Rican Art Museum, east side of La Sabana National Museum, Ca. 17, Av. Ctrl./2., 257-1433. ment building; food, handicrafts, music, books, Nov. 3-4, 10 a.m., Mario Cañas Ruiz Park, ca, Cartago, 552-1276. Park, 222-7932. National Theater, Av. 2, Ca. 3/5, 221-9417. Costa Rican-North American Cultural Center, Barrio Liberia; concerts, dance, poetry recitals, story- “How They Drew Uncle Rabbit”: Exhibit of Spanish Cultural Center, Plaza del Farolito, Barrio telling, Nov. 3-4, 6 p.m., Liberia municipal gym- illustrations from Lyra’s stories, Dent, 207-7554. Escalante, 257-2919. Heredia Casa de la Cultura, across from El Fortín, nasium; traditional dancing, Nov. 5, 7 p.m., through Oct. 31, Alliance Française. THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | WEEKEND | W15 CALENDAR

*Paola Murillo: Photography, through Oct. 31, “Soledad, ¿Quién te Acompaña?”: Drama, Calderón Guardia Museum. Thurs.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 6 p.m., Teatro Vargas Pepe Figueres Retrospective: 40 photographs Music Calvo, behind National Theater, 257-1612. of the former President, through Oct. 31, “Vengan Soplaos que les Tengo un Muerto”: National Museum. National Band Concerts: Cartago, 10 a.m., Sun- Comedy, Thurs.-Sun., 8 p.m., Lucho Barahona “The Mirror’s Double Face: Homage to Rem- days, Plaza Mayor, 260-3092; Alajuela, 10 a.m., Theater, Ca. 11, Av. 6/8, 223-5972. brandt”: Engravings, photography, drawings, Sundays, Parque Central, 256-5580; Punta- “El Efímero Secreto de las Estrellas”: Drama, sculpture, serigraphy and paintings, through renas, Sundays, Plaza de las Artesanías, 661- Fri.-Sat., 8 p.m., Teatro San José, Av. 8, Ca. 13, Oct. 31, Costa Rican Art Museum. 2654; Guanacaste, 7 p.m., Fridays, Sundays, 256-5752. Parque Central, 666-4297; Limón, 3 p.m., Sun- Gilberto Ramírez: Cartoon exhibit, through Nov. days, Boulevard, 758-5125. “Mamá Ama a Osama”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 1, Omar Salazar Museum, Turrialba, 558-3717. p.m., Calle 15 Theater, Av. 2, Ca. 15, in front of 4th María Clara Cullell International Piano Plaza de la Democracia, 390-1780. “CAFTA: Implications and Images”: Through Competition: 35 competitors from all over Latin Nov. 2, José Figueres Ferrer Library, Technology America, panel of international judges, Oct. 23- “Oleanna”: Play about sexual harrasment, Fri.- Photo courtesy of Danza Universitario Institute, Cartago; through Nov. 13, Casa Cultu- 28, UCR School of Music, San Pedro, Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 5:30 p.m., Laurence Olivier Danza Universitario dance company ral Amón, San José; forum, Nov. 7, Casa Cultu- www.concursopianocullell.co.cr. Theater, Av. 2, Ca. 28, 222-1034. presents “Amorosamente, los Amor- ral Amón, San José, 550-2343. El Consorcio in Concert: Oct. 23, 8 p.m., “Parejas Desesperadas”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 osos,” Oct. 24-25 at the National *Mauricio Vieto: Paintings, through Nov. 2, Melico Salazar Theater, www.mundoticket.com. p.m., La Máscara Theater, Av. 2/4, Ca. 13, 222- Theater in San José. Teatro 1887 Gallery, CENAC. 4574, 365-5368. *National Symphony Orchestra Concert: With *“Expressions from the Mountain”: Paintings pianist Jacques Sagot, the National Symphony “Sexolorrisas”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m., 10-12; “100 Años de Beckett,” “Cenizas,” by by children from Alta Talamanca, through Nov. Choir and Café Chorale Choir, performing works Teatro Chaplin, 100 m south, 125 m east of Abya-Yala group, Nov. 17-19, all at 8 p.m., 3, Museum of Forms, Spaces and Sounds. by Mendelssohn and Verdi, Oct. 27, 8 p.m.; Oct. AyA, Paseo de los Estudiantes, 221-0812, 832- Teatro 1887, CENAC. 29, 10:30 a.m., National Theater, 221-5341. 2516. *Collective Exhibit: By Honduran artists, Little Theatre Group Halloween Happening: through Nov. 11, Contemporary Art and Design *Rock en el Farolito: Nova in concert, heavy, “Suegras Bárbaras”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 Myths of Costa Rica with a twist, “Bananasaur” Museum. melodic rock, Oct. 27, 8 p.m., Spanish Cultural p.m., La Comedia Theater, Av. Ctrl., Ca. 13/15, Halloween movie in English, potluck, Oct. 28, 7 *“Sal a la Sopa – Pejibaye pal Vigorón”: Center, free entrance. 233-2170. p.m., Blanche Brown Theatre, Escazú, 355- Installations, photographs, by artists from Encore Choir and Big Band in Concert: Per- “Teta que Mano No Cubre No Es Teta, Es 1623, www.littletheatregroup.org. Spain, Nicaragua and Costa Rica, through Nov. forming music by Glenn Miller and Ray Conniff, Ubre”: Comedy, Fri.-Sun., 8 p.m., La Esquina Little Theatre Group Open House: Double audi- 11, Contemporary Art and Design Museum. Oct. 28-29, 8 p.m., Club Unión, downtown San Theater, Av. 1, Ca., 21, 257-0223. tions for Christmas Show and Strawberries in Photo Septiembre ’06: Collective contemporary José. Plays at Teatro 1887: “Mueca,” Cero group, January, Nov. 6, 7-9 p.m., Blanche Brown photography exhibit, through Nov. 22, Jacob Wood Percussion and Brass Choir: Musical Oct. 27-28; “Las Prestaciones,” Yicrá group, Theatre, Bello Horizonte, Escazú, 355-1623, Karpio Gallery, San José, 257-7963. presentation, Oct. 29, 5 p.m., National Audi- Nov. 3-5; “William Tell,” Contraluz group, Nov. www.littletheatregroup.org. *Fabio Herrera: Acrylics, through Nov. 30, torium, Children’s Museum, 222-7647. Galería Alternativa, , Condominio Indus- *National Youth Symphony Orchestra Concert: trial, store #21, 232-8500. Oct. 31, 8 p.m., National Theater, 221-5341. CLUBS AND ORGANIZATIONS *Luisa de Sáenz: Paintings, through Dec. 12, *Bamaselo in Concert: Reggae, Oct. 31, 10 The following groups meet regularly and welcome visitors: National Theater Hall. p.m., Surf Camp, Malpaís, Nicoya Peninsula. Alcoholics Anonymous, groups meet daily through- [email protected]. Artisans and Stones: Pre-Columbian stone *“Don Pasquale”: Opera production by the out the country; times and places change frequently, The International Gay and Lesbian Assocation, Rick, sculpture, through Jan. 2007, Gold Museum. Asociación Pro Lírica, Nov 1, 3 and 4 at 7:30 call for up-to-date information. In San José, 222- 280-3548. p.m., Nov. 5 at 5 p.m., Melico Salazar Theater, 1880 (Anchor Club, also serves Narcotics Anony- Juan José Pucci: “Flores” photography exhibit, mous), Av. 6, Ca. 1, 2nd floor, Maryland Building; La Leche League (for nursing moms), Nancy, 228- vernissage Nov. 9, National Gallery, Children’s tickets at 207-2025, www.mundoticket.com, Heredia, Laura, 267-7466; Atenas, Tom, 373-3629, 0941. Museum. Servimás, Häagen-Dazs and Bansbach stores. 446-3383; Puerto Viejo, Limón, 750-0080; Zancudo, Little Theatre Group, 355-1623, www.littletheatre- *Costa Rock: Featuring 33 bands, Nov. 4, 776-0012; Tamarindo, 653-0897; Flamingo, Don, group.org. Picacho’s Bar, Paraíso, Cartago, 520-0282. 654-4902; Playa Hermosa, Gte., John, 672-1163, or Michigan State University Alumni International Leslie, 672-1157; Manuel Antonio, Jennifer, 777- Costa Rica Chapter, Michael Forbes, 289-6087, Kids *Farolito Rocks: Concert featuring Trival, 1548; Jacó, Nancy, 637-8824; Zoo Group, Escazú, [email protected]. Poper, Sensor Trifulcador, Exnobia, Draconian 293-4322, Victor, 840-9312, info, 249-2886, Monika, Narcotics Anonymous, 256-8140, 248-0545. 831-7305. “Arte Infantil de la Independencia”: Children’s Incubus, Los Acetatos, Nov. 4, 5:30 p.m., Network of Spiritual Progressives, 446-5768 drawings about Costa Rican independence and Laurence Olivier Theater, 383-8385, 255-4136, Al-Anon Meetings, Sabana Vigilance Club, Sandy, (Atenas). tickets at Mora Books, Legacy Music. 288-4836, or Martha, 483-1275. patriotism, through Oct. 31, National Gallery, Newcomers Club (for women), 416-6165, 302-5620, Children’s Museum. Joaquín Sabina in Concert: Trova, Nov. 8, 8:30 American Legion Post 10, Escazú, 228-6014. [email protected]. p.m., Palacio de los Deportes, Heredia, tickets American Legion Post 16, 889-0545, 591-1695, 259- Overeaters Anonymous, Roger, 232-0001, ext. 3001, “El Carretón de la Fantasía”: Play involving 8928. teamwork, games and fun, Saturdays and at www.mundoticket.com. Cinthia 254-9001, [email protected]. Association for Animal Protection, 255-3757, Diana, Quilt Guild of Costa Rica, meets first Tuesday of Sundays, in front of the Church in Pueblo *Pópera Lyrical Company in Concert: Perform- 228-2397, 267-7158. Antiguo, Parque de Diversiones, 242-9200. ing a mix of pop and opera, Nov. 15-17, 8 p.m., month, 6:30 p.m., Catholic Church, San Pedro, National Theater, tickets at www.teatronacion- Association of Residents of Costa Rica, 233-8068, Montes de Oca, 225-9534. Basic Portrait Workshop for Children: Ages 7- [email protected]. Readers Theater Club, 207-7578. 11, Oct. 21, 9 a.m.-noon, Costa Rican Art al.go.cr. Badminton Association, 381-8284, 250-6537. Readers Theater (script reading), Wednesday after- Museum. El Parque Group Rock Concert: Dec. 8-10, Birding Club, [email protected]. noons, [email protected]. “The Magic Box”: Play in Spanish, Saturdays, Laurence Olivier Theater, 860-1700. Bridge, John A. MacGregor, president, Club Tres Sin Republicans Abroad Costa Rica, Frances Radics, 1 and 3 p.m., Sundays, 1 p.m., Teatro Torres, Ricardo Montaner in Concert: Ballads, Dec. 10, Triunfo, 231-1097, [email protected]. 203-6131, 820-1231. 256-4295. Pedregal Exhibit Hall, San Antonio de Belén, Bridge Clubs, San José Bridge Club, Mondays, 1:30 Rotary Clubs, 255-1001 (English). “El Papá Mago”: Free interpretation of the chil- www.mundoticket.com. p.m., Amalia Meltzer, 296-7569; Quepos Bridge Club, Single Volunteers of Costa Rica, 265-3149, Don Hanks, 777-5002; Club Los Fiebres, Sidney [email protected]. dren’s story by Gabriela Keselman, through Ferencz, 288-0698; Club Holandés, Ria Houtkooper, Nov. 12, Sun., 11 a.m. and 2 p.m., Teatro Gira- 228-8579. Tambor Gringos and Important Friends, Ann Leo- tablas, Barrio La California. nard Coyle, [email protected], 683-0686. Theater Canadian Club, 282-1146, www.canadianclubcr.com. Tibetan-Costa Rican Cultural Association, 258-0254, Center of the Enlighted Mind Circle of Meditation fax 255-2783. (All plays in Spanish unless otherwise noted.) and Movement, Alajuela, 443-6460. Truth Behind the News Discussion Club, Mondays, Central Valley Golf Association, plays every Tuesday, 10 a.m., Lofa Plaza, 2nd floor, Don Getzman, 241- “Chingos o Nada”: Comedy, Thurs.-Sun., 8 David, 254-0140, 392-8595, www.TheCVGA.com. p.m., Molière Theater, Av. 2, Ca. 13, 255-2694. 3493. Coffee-Pickin’ Squares Dance Club, 249-1208. Ultimate Frisbee, 373-3529, 391-6980, 825-8967. “La Tierra Insomne”: Play about the 1973 Computer Club, Bill Lawrence, 228-0190. coup d’etat in Chile, performed by the National Union Church Women’s Fellowship, 235-6709. Democrats Abroad, meets the last Saturday of every Unity Center, 203-4411, Piedades, Santa Ana. Theater Company, through Dec. 2, Thu.-Sat., 8 month, Ruth Dixon, 494-6260. p.m.; Sun., 5 p.m., Teatro de La Aduana, 257- University of Tennessee Association, 446-5403. Emergency Help for People Robbed in Costa Rica, 8305. 289-7486 (24 hours). V.F.W. Post 11207, San José, 255-2806, 231-2948. “Límite de Velocidad”: Performed by UCR’s Feed Single Mothers Mission, 374-8849, Wine Club, meets for lunch the last Sunday of every Teatro Universitario, Thu.-Sat., 8 p.m.; Sun., 5 www.feedsinglemothers.org. month, 1 p.m., 279-8927. p.m., through Oct. 29, Teatro de Bellas Artes, Flag Football, Thursdays, 10 a.m., La Sabana Park, Women’s Aglow Fellowship, 231-2350. Photo courtesy of Danza Universitario UCR, San Pedro. 373-8720, www.flagmag.com. Women’s Auxiliary of the Salvation Army, 221-8266. One of 40 images included in “Una *“Los Ciegos”: By Maurice Maeterlink, per- Friends of Ansche Chesed (NY) and Beyt Tikkun Women’s Club of Costa Rica, 268-6130, 282-6801, Región, la Misma Visión” (“One Re- formed by Universidad Nacional students, (CA), Atenas, 446-5768. www.wccr.org. gion, the Same Vision”), an exhibit of Thurs.-Sat., 7:30 p.m., through Nov. 4, Teatro Full Gospel Businessmen’s Fellowship Internation- Women’s International League for Peace and photos taken in Nicaragua, Panama Atahualpa del Cioppo, 277-3386, 399-3690. al, 245-4592. Freedom, English/Spanish, Heredia, 433-7078. and Costa Rica by Paola Murillo, on Health Club, Dianne Rowley, 266-0123, d@dear- Young Life Youth Club, 232-2350. “Luna de Hiel y Deudores”: Comedy, Thurs.- display at the Calderón Guardia betty.com, Escazú. Young Expats of Costa Rica (for expatriates under Museum through Oct. 29. Sun., 8 p.m., Teatro San José, 50 m west, 25 m 40), www.youngexpatsofcostarica.org. south of Clínica Santa Rita, 256-5752. Herbalife and Weight Control Support Group, W16 | WEEKEND | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 SPOTLIGHT ON THE ARTS

UNTITLED #7 By Faustino Desinach CAFTA Art Leans Anti

n the confluence of art, “TLC Implicaciones e politics, economics and Imágenes” features works by ICosta Rica’s most heat- about 40 artists from sever- ed national debate, the al countries, as well as pro- Technology Institute of CAFTA pamphlets pro- Costa Rica (ITEC) is show- duced by the Foreign Trade ing hundreds of posters Ministry. According to and art related to the Cen- Chía, the exhibit invited tral American Free-Trade everyone to share his or her Agreement with the United best for- or against-CAFTA States (CAFTA) in three propaganda, but those galleries in San José and opposed to the trade agree- Cartago, east of the capital. ment flooded the galleries. The not-quite-neutral A small sample shows a exhibits, entitled “TLC Costa Rican map become a Implicaciones e Imágenes” star on the U.S. flag; a (“CAFTA Implications and painting of an indigenous Images”), try to show Latin American poised with CAFTA-related art generat- Green Giant: “Gigante a giant arrow to the heart of ed by popular sentiment, the Jolly Green Giant; and a said curator Marco Chía. Verde” by Mexican-born young man staring blankly “Popular imagery, though artist Joaquín R. del Paso. as he holds reams of paper, Mixing Mediums: A series of untitled works of photos on canvas obviously varied in proposal a two-foot copy of the sel- and attitude toward CAFTA, dom-read agreement. painted with acrylics and oils make up “Las Estaciones” (“The has ‘communal character’ as a common fac- Chía split the 200-some works of art tor,” states the exhibit’s catalogue. “Official between Cartago’s Casa de la Cultura (exhib- Seasons”), the latest exhibit of Costa Rican artist, photographer discourse… exalts the citizen’s ‘individualistic it ended yesterday), the Technology Insti- and poet Faustino Desinach. The vivid works are on display character’ whose utopia is individual eco- tute’s José Figueres Ferrer Library (through nomic success,” the catalogue continues. Nov. 2) and the Casa Cultural Amón, on the through Oct. 28 at Alliance Française in San José’s Barrio Amón, The Technology Institute, a public univer- north side of San José (through Nov. 13). 100 meters north of Morazán Park. Desinach’s work may be sity based in Cartago, was recently slighted The latter, two and a half blocks north of by President Oscar Arias, who lamented that the Aurola Holiday Inn, will host a public viewed online at http://choicefd.tripod.com. the institute’s rector, Eugenio Trejos, is forum Nov. 7 at 7 p.m. opposed to CAFTA. –Paul Brohaugh

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Aire acondicionado y refrigeración 16 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 Unions Plan CAFTA Protests Monday, Tuesday

Page 1 cause a great harm to the citizenry,”Minister UNDECA, said the entire public health sys- to offer basic services such as electricity, Arias said, adding public workers who strike tem will close down for protests Monday and telecommunications, potable water, health pull off the nationwide show of opposition will not be paid. Tuesday, though emergency rooms will stay and Internet during the protests. they say is coming next week? open to tend to those in need of medical Rodrigo Arias estimated that two days of “The people are very, very motivated, very Appointment Cancelled attention. He said the unions have encour- strikes will leave 89,000 patients in need of ready for anything,” Jesús Vásquez, who as aged emergency rooms to prepare them- appointments unattended, 1,160 surgeries president of the Association of Secondary Albino Vargas, secretary general of the selves with extra personnel, and advised peo- postponed, 307,000 prescriptions unfilled Teachers (APSE) which leads 17,000 high- National Association of Public and Private ple to cancel non-emergency medical and 900,000 youths without teachers. school teachers, told The Tico Times Wednes- Employees (ANEP) and the most visible appointments Monday and Tuesday. Vásquez said schools will indeed close day. “They’re ready to struggle or fight.” union leader, drew additional attention to “All protests have a cost,” he said. down because of teachers’ absences. The protests planned for Monday and the upcoming protests when he cancelled a The Ombudsman’s Office Wednesday What should students do? Tuesday, which leaders say will include meeting with President Arias he had sched- called for all public institutions to continue “Join the struggle!” he said. strategic blockades and massive public uled the week before. worker strikes closing down public services He told The Tico Times a “bilateral” and schools, are the latest installment in a meeting with the President no longer The Country’s Leading Unions long line of anti-CAFTA protests stretching seemed appropriate, given the number of back to 2003, when the pact was signed. groups opposed to CAFTA and calling for National Association of Public and Private calls from The Tico Times. Recent attempts to rally anti-CAFTA sen- alternatives to Arias’ agenda. Employees (ANEP) timent have been lackluster, but the move- “It was a few days before the (protest) – Leader: Albino Vargas Association of Costa Rican Electricity and ment appears to be gathering steam. The pact it wouldn’t be prudent to enter in dialogue, Membership: 15,000 Telecom Institute Employees (ASDEICE) is getting closer to the legislative floor for a because it could be interpreted that (Arias) Annual Budget: Vargas wouldn’t disclose the figure. Leader: Fabio Chávez vote – scheduled hearings on the controver- was trying to mitigate our protests,” said “In this country, talking is something that’s always Membership: 2,600 sial trade pact in the Foreign Affairs Fabio Chávez, who leads one of the worker important,” Vargas says. “(But with Arias) there’s not Annual Budget: $115,000 unions of the Costa Rican Electricity Committee ended last week (TT, Oct. 13) – much room for talking.” Opposes CAFTA because it mandates the gradual open- Institute (ICE) and who was also scheduled and small protests last month got big press ing of the institute’s telecom monopoly (see separate when Arias’ increased security detail drew to meet with Vargas and Arias Tuesday. Association of Secondary School Teachers The President’s initial response was meas- story), a reform Chávez says will mean higher costs for criticism and some activists alleged police (APSE) consumers. Chávez said he takes pride in ASDEICE as ured – he wrote an open letter to the union Leader: Jesús Vásquez brutality (TT, Oct. 6). “the most belligerent” union in Costa Rica. The upcoming protests have been adver- leaders saying he regrets their decision, looks Membership: 17,000 tised heavily on the Internet, including an forward to future dialogue and shares many of Annual Budget: $1.6 million APSE posting telling participants to wear their positions on social issues, with the clear Opposes CAFTA because, according to Vásquez, it would Union of Social Security System (Caja) Workers comfortable shoes – “no heels” – and to exception of CAFTA – but he took off his increase poverty and allow multinational corporations (UNDECA) respond as necessary to any police attempts gloves the next day, telling the daily Al Día to have a negative impact on the school system. Leader: Luis Chavarría to repress the protest. Vargas allowed union members to “twist his Membership: 10,000 Presidency Minister Rodrigo Arias said ears” and get him to cancel the meeting. The National Association of Educators (ANDE) Annual Budget: $161,000 the number of police the government will Vargas declined to comment on this alle- Leader: José Antonio Barquera Says CAFTA would boost costs for the Caja and clients deploy “will depend on the seriousness of gation, but Chávez told The Tico Times that Membership: 52,000 by extending international patents that could inhibit the situation,” though he added police will “nobody twists my ear. I have very small ears. Annual Budget: $3.8 million production of cheaper generic drugs, and threaten the not be armed to control protests. We can talk to whomever we want.” The country’s leading teachers’ union is holding its socialized health-care system by opening the insur- “Strikes are unjust. They are disloyal to Luis Chavarría, secretary general of the national congress this week and did not return phone ance sector to private insurers. Costa Rica, interrupt basic services and largest Social Security System (Caja) union, American-European Real Estate Group www.AEcostarica.com 13 Offices Serving You Coast to Coast ❒ ABC Real Estate ABCcostarica.com ❒ Tucán Realty TucanRealty.com “Our Strength is Tamarindo – Jürgen “Jogi’’ Gerner Panamá Ð Kjersten Van Horn Our Commitment” 653-0402 [email protected] (507) 614-0214 [email protected] Sámara – Peter Marte Heredia Ð Dana & Terry Gribble 656-0737 [email protected] 266-0624 [email protected] ❒ Caribe Sur Real Estate San Ramón, farms, Nationwide–Dale Johnson CaribeSur-RealEstate.com Puerto Viejo Ð 269-7856 [email protected] ❒ Manuel and Emmanuel Pinto 759-9138, Costa Rican Real Estate Group 826-3998 [email protected] www.TheRealEstate.Net ❒ Go Dutch Realty GoDutchRealty.com East Side San José and Cartago 272-4349 [email protected] Escazú & Santa Ana Ð Ivo Henfling ❒ 289-5125, 834-4515 [email protected] Coronado Realty Escazú, Santa Ana, Cariari Atenas Ð Howard & Isabelle Jones: 446-4204, Barry Ashworth 391-2080 or 223-4618 838-4683 [email protected] [email protected] Cariari Ð Shell Johanson 870-8877, 293-8250 [email protected] See 650+ Listings at AEcostarica.com ! ❒ Pacific Coast Realty CostaRicaRealtor.com Read relevant articles, search by specific features and Flamingo Beach Ð Larry Albright save your favorites for later viewing. 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Courtesy of Paradise Properties under construction. Nearby Polo club, golf course and equestrian riding club. An architectural masterpiece! a one bedroom apartment, bodega-tool shed and kennel. Located in 13026 Residencial El Castillo. Price: $695,000 H-1031-H

7967 Price: $1,450,000. H-4001-H THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | 17

Agricultural Exports America, its production lags in the region because of fungal diseases that have caused Increase 16% destruction and serious losses. The Ivory Coast is at the lead of cacao production MEDTECH EXPANDS: Costa Rican agricultural exports gener- worldwide, followed by other West African ated $1.2 billion during the first eight countries, according to a CATIE statement. President Oscar Arias months of this year, showing a 16% However, research organizations are (second from left) tours increase over the $1 billion this industry working to combat these diseases and help MedTech’s newly Mesoamerican countries reactivate their grossed during the same period in 2005, inaugurated plant in according to the Foreign Trade Promotion production, CATIE general director Pedro Office (PROCOMER). Ferreira said during the conference’s open- Barreal de Heredia The main agricultural products export- ing ceremony, Oct. 9. Tuesday. The U.S.-based ed were bananas, pineapple, coffee, melons According to Sona Ebai, COPAL secre- medical device and ornamental plants. tary general, families that produce cacao Banana has been the strongest agricul- must be helped to produce a better quality manufacturer began tural export so far this year ($398 million), product in phases. its Costa Rica showing a 28% increase over the first eight “This way, producers can plant other operations in 2005. months of last year. products on their farms, diversifying their Costa Rica is the second largest exporter income and production,” he said. Representatives from 30 countries of bananas in the world behind Ecuador, Photo courtesy of Casa Presidencial whose annual sales reach about $500 million. attended the conference. The second strongest Costa Rican agri- –María Gabriela Díaz cultural export so far this year has been pineapple, whose sales reached $284 mil- lion, a 31% increase over last year. Exports of coffee, however, have seen a 3.4% decrease during the first eight months of the year over the same period last year, when the product generated $203 million. After bananas, pineapple and coffee, melon has earned the most in exports ($84 million), followed by ornamental plants BETWEEN HEAVEN AND EARTH ($54 million). During the first eight months of the year, Costa Rica’s total exports reached $5.4 SANTA ANA’S billion, 18% more than the $4.5 billion sold TRULY ECOLOGICAL AND EXCLUSIVE during this period in 2005. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT –ACAN-EFE In a Bird Mar a Lago, Isla Palo Seco. Sanctuary Conference Focuses 11 houses + 4 boat - docks, starting at $375,000. On Cacao Industry Financing 75% available More than 300 national and interna- Breathtaking vieviews,ws, gracious (Banex Bank). tional representatives from the cacao indus- living close to nature, try visited Costa Rica last week for the 15th large individual lots, Visit model house: International Cacao Research Conference, outstanding architecture, Parrita (between Quepos and organized by the Tropical Agronomy Jacó), to Isla Palo Seco Research Center (CATIE) and the Cocoa absolute privacy and security, Producers’ Alliance (COPAL). all utilities underground. The conference aimed to increase pro- Tel. (506) 887-3983, 350-4946 duction of cacao in the region to meet the Visit our Web site: montanadelsol.com increasing worldwide demand for this Phone (506) 282-7696 or 282-7575, Fax (506) 248-9798 Fax 282-7438 Web: www.palosecoparadise.com product, according to CATIE spokeswoman E-mail: [email protected] Alexandra Cortés. E-mail: [email protected] 7433 5976 Although cacao originated in Latin 7438 CondosCondos ManáManá InIn AlajuelaAlajuela Enjoy life in the Central Valley Project Description: • 40 units of 2 or 3 bedrooms • Near Juan Santamaría Airport • Covered carports • Ample green areas and playgrounds • 24-hr. Security • Access to all utilities • First class kitchen furnishings • New construction-ready for immediate occupancy From $60,000 to $80,000 200 mts. North and 200 west of the court (Tribunales de Justicia) in Alajuela FINANCING AVAILABLE U.S.A. Phone (317) 513-4016 Costa Rica • Heredia Tel. (506) 260-1413 or 380-5617 E-mail: [email protected] www.costaricarealestatedreams.com Visit us . . .and reserve yours now 7596 9199 18 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 Women Key in Region’s Battle against Poverty By María Gabriela Díaz Tico Times Staff

Could establishing public day-care cen- ters and encouraging more men to con- tribute to domestic duties help reduce poverty in Costa Rica? Experts at two international conferences held recently in San José to examine the topic of women and poverty believe the answer is yes. Poverty in Latin America has a female face that should no longer be ignored, they said. The entry of women into the labor market and their resulting financial contri- bution to low-income households is funda- mental to reducing poverty, according to Luis Mora, regional advisor on gender and masculinity for the United Nations Population Fund. However, caretaking responsibilities tend to hinder women’s capacity for produc- tive work outside the home, Mora explained at a conference focusing on co-responsibility in the care of dependants held at Hotel Radisson Sept. 14. Day Care Needed: Participants in two recent international conferences in San José, including Jeanette Carrillo, exec- The participation of women in the work utive president of Costa Rica’s National Women’s Institute (right), called for reforms to combat poverty among women. force in Latin America is affected by factors Among the proposals are more public day-care centers. Above, children play in a center run by a nonprofit organiza- such as number of dependants, including tion in San José. Photos by Mónica Quesada | Tico Times sick or elderly family members, and their roles as wives, he said. Poverty in Costa Rica and its neighbor- past decade’s worth of government contri- mal sector, men outnumber women nearly 2 be older than 64. ing countries has shown no sign of dimin- butions to women living in poverty with the to 1. Mora warned that if there is no social ishing. Regional government leaders agree aim of suggesting reforms, said Carrillo, who Women throughout Latin America also investment during the period of this demo- on the need for public policy to help enable is also president of the Central American experience serious inequalities in terms of graphic bonus, by the time it ends it will be women to rise out of poverty. A focus on Council. salaries. On average, Latin American men necessary to invest much more. gender in anti-poverty politics and specific The evaluation, coordinated jointly by tend to earn 30% more than women, For example, in the future, women who strategies to reduce poverty among female INAMU and representatives from ministries according to Victoria Montero, coordinator did not work because they had to take care of inhabitants are crucial, agreed Jeannette and institutions such as the Mixed Institute of the secretariat of INAMU’s board of family members will not have pensions and Carrillo, executive president of Costa for Social Aid (IMAS) and the National directors. become immersed in poverty. Rica’s National Women’s Institute Institute for Housing and Urban Deve- Women in Latin America do work in a Mora recommends pension reforms (INAMU). lopment (INVU), began in May and is context that is very different from 30 years aimed at recognizing unpaid care-taking During the 13th meeting of the Council expected to conclude at the end of this year ago, when they experienced less permanence services. of Central American Women’s Ministers with specific reform proposals. in the workplace and tended to quit after He also recommends lengthening school (COMMCA), held Sept. 27-28 at Hotel Carrillo told The Tico Times it is evident having their first child. Still, such inequalities days at elementary and high schools and Bougainvillea, in Santo Domingo de that during the past decade, government are deterrents to from working outside the broadening availability of services for taking Heredia, north of San José, representatives policy has not been effective in eliminating home, especially when children are involved, care of dependants so that women can work drafted a statement calling for regional gov- poverty among Ticas. Mora said. outside the home. ernments to urgently adopt policies to com- He highlighted the need for public poli- At the COMMCA gathering, Carrillo bat female poverty. Poverty’s Female Face cy to better integrate women to the work- also stressed the need to change the myth COMMCA aims to incorporate the force. that women are responsible for domestic, statement into the next meeting of heads of In 2001, 58% of the population in “Public policy is not producing results,” reproductive and care taking duties. state and the Central American Integration Central America was identified as living in he said. She told The Tico Times the topic of day System (SICA) scheduled for Dec. 15 in poverty. Of these approximately 21 million According to Mora, Latin America is care is fundamental. San José. people, 51.1% are women, Carrillo said at now experiencing a period known as a “We are reviewing the topic to see what Carrillo said she plans to present the the conference. “demographic bonus,” when the active pop- the state and the private sector’s responsibil- document to SICA Secretary General Anibal Poor people in the region work mainly in ulation (between 15 and 64 years) is much ity is in this, and communities, families, Quiñónez. the informal and agricultural sectors. Female larger than the dependant population equally, there is a shared responsibility. We She said INAMU has already begun the workers are predominant in the informal (younger than 15 or older than 64). are reviewing existing legislation on day policy reform process. The institute is cur- sector – 2.9 million informal workers are This stage is expected to end by the year care,”she said, adding that Costa Rica has no rently leading an initiative to evaluate the female, versus 2.4 million male. In the for- 2020, when a greater number of people will state-run day-care program. 7918 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | 19

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LOTS STARTING AT $75,000 WITH $25,000 DOWN 7324 7743 20 | BUSINESS & REAL ESTATE | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 Bills Pave the Way for Open Telecom Market

Page 1 When previous President Miguel Angel a year to open up 917 new jobs for the pub- Rodríguez (1998-2002) tried to pass simi- lic institution, which has nearly 13,000 ICE and prepare the half-century-old bureau- lar legislation, the country broke out in employees. Quirós said those jobs would cracy to compete in a free market. several weeks of violent protests and block- allow ICE to provide better services to cus- Attempts to reform Costa Rica’s telecom ades that eventually forced the government tomers amid a growing demand for Internet sector have a turbulent history in Costa Rica, to withdraw the bill (TT, March 24, 2000). and cellular services. He said most of the and have been cause for massive protests and Union leaders are now promising similar jobs would be in customer service. high-emotion clashes between politicians and protests (see separate article). Quirós has said ICE is not ready to com- public workers. The current proposals are the But the Arias administration has said it is pete in a free market. result United States’ demand that Costa Rica moving forward with the reform despite break up its state-run service monopolies threats of protests and violence. Monopoly Watchdog –telecom, electricity and insurance – to be New ICE executive president Pablo included in the U.S. free-trade pact with the Quirós says the legislation is more “sub- If the bills are approved, the restructuring United States (TT, Oct. 3, 2003). stantive” than the “ICE Combo,” a reform would make the Ministry of Environment and The reform has staunch opposition proposed in 2000 that would have restruc- Energy (MINAE) manager of the entire sector, from academics and union leaders alike, tured the electricity and telecommunica- adding yet another duty and a letter to its who say the reform will be costly to con- tions sector and was controversial in part acronym, making it MINAET (Ministry of sumers by selling a long-time public service because it would have allowed companies Environment, Energy and Telecommun- to multinational interests at the demand of to develop hydroelectric and geothermal ications). MINAET would formulate and reg- the United States. projects in national parks. Massive protests ulate telecommunications policies and create a caused Rodríguez to suspend the bill, national telecom development plan and a “By law, ICE doesn’t have profits. (In a Ronald Reyes | Tico Times competitive market) someone will have to which was later taken out of consideration national plan of electrical frequencies. invest, pay taxes, and then make profits. completely when the Constitutional Chamber Ready for Change: ICE executive Under the new system, SUTEL would intervene in the telecommunications market That will automatically increase costs to of the Supreme Court (Sala IV) ruled that the president Pablo Quirós supports the at its own discretion. Nelly Vargas, an aide consumers,” said ICE union leader Fabio assembly had violated its own procedures in telecommunication reforms. for the Minister of Foreign Trade, explained Chávez, a vocal CAFTA opponent. handling the project. that SUTEL would step in if it determines In fact, Costa Rica resisted opening its The new reform will restructure and The new agency would be responsible not there is no effective competition in the mar- services sectors at the beginning of CAFTA likely expand the massive bureaucracy only for making sure a market with monop- ket. It would do so by setting a price ceiling negotiations, but the administration of former involved in managing the sector, although olistic tendencies remains competitive, but and floor for services until effective competi- President Abel Pacheco (2002-2006) finally Quirós said the idea of the new plan isn’t to would also be responsible for redistributing tion can be reestablished and other compa- caved in to pressure from the northern trade expand the bureaucracy. a tax on telecommunications services to pro- nies enter the market. behemoth (TT, Oct. 31, 2003). Costa Rica “To the contrary, the plan is to profes- vide rural, low-income areas with service. SUTEL would also be responsible for ceded to a “partial opening” of its telecom sec- sionalize the (telecommunications) work- That tax would be decreased from the cur- managing the Telecommunications Fund tor – specifically high-speed Internet, cellular force,” he told The Tico Times. rent 9% to between 3-6%. (FUNATEL), which redistributes taxes on phone and data-network services as part of The reform would create a new regula- Internet and cellular services to provide CAFTA, even though the United States has tory agency, the Superintendence of Tele- ICE Gears Up for Change landlines and public telephone access in long resisted the demand of Costa Rica and communications (SUTEL). Currently a poorer areas. SUTEL would also create a the rest of the developing world to quit filling small branch of the Public Services Regu- Quirós said the new decree, which gives national telecom registry to give the industry the pockets of its farmers with billions of dol- latory Agency (ARESEP), SUTEL would see ICE more flexibility to go into debt, reinvest transparency and would be in charge of lars in agricultural subsidies. a major expansion as part of the reforms. its earnings and contract personnel and inspections and protecting consumer rights. equipment, is necessary whether or not the To carry out its functions, Vargas said two bills are passed. “quite a few jobs” would have to be created in The bills would further strengthen ICE SUTEL, though neither she nor Quirós in the face of competitors by giving the insti- could say exactly how many jobs would be Where friends have fun! tution tax breaks and more administrative created if the reform goes through. flexibility. The two laws, the General Telecom- Quirós wants ICE to be able to go into munications Law and the Strengthening and “Let’s go to Club Colonial tonight!” almost twice as much debt as it currently is Modernization of Public Agencies in the (from $370 million annually to $700 million). Telecommunications Sector were presented •Elegant atmosphere •FREE secure parking Quirós said he wants ICE to be able to to Congress last month, but have not yet •Open 24/7 take on more debt, so as to be able to mod- been opened for discussion in commissions. ernize the land-based telephone network, “In Costa Rica, a general telecommuni- and substitute the old technology with wire- cations law was never created. But now it NL Texas Hold’em Tournaments less systems. has been presented and it is in the hands of ICE, which currently has a grip on Costa the legislators,” ICE spokesman Giovanni every Friday Night at 8 p.m. Rica’s telecom market, provides cellular serv- Bonilla said. ices to 1.5 million Costa Ricans, land phone lines to 900,000 and Internet services to •Fine food 45,000, in addition to the services provided $170 Million Approved for by Radiográfica Costarricense S.A., the state- Inter-American Highway owned Internet provider and an ICE sub- sidiary. RACSA provides 105,000 individual Public Works and Transport Minister and 7,000 corporate accounts in addition to Karla González on Wednesday signed a other services (TT, Sept. 15). contract that will allow the National RACSA spokesman Mario Zaragoza said Roadway Council (CONAVI) to use a RACSA and ICE have plans to set up 400 $170 million loan to refurbish and main- wireless Internet (WiFi) hotspots – which tain the northern stretch of the Inter- provide wireless Internet access in commer- American Highway, according to a state- cial and office centers and public areas such ment from the Public Works and Tute Jackpot: as downtown San José – by the end of 2007. Transport Ministry (MOPT). This road Millions of The service will be free to users whose connects San José with the northwestern Colones computers can receive WiFi service. province of Guanacaste and Nicaragua. Zaragoza said RACSA has already set up 10 The $170 million loan, which came pilot WiFi hotspots in commercial centers from the Central American Economic and universities, and plans to set up 50 by Integration Bank (BCIE), will also be used the end of this year. to carry out other road repair projects. The company has also begun providing The contract must now be sent to the WiMax – wireless Internet connections that Comptroller General’s Office for reach up to 10 kilometers – in places like approval. Escazú and Santa Ana. The hotspots are part “This project has two stages: design of ICE’s plans to expand Internet access with and construction, which will take three wireless services. to four years, which is why the funds “Wireless technology is the technology of should be freed up by the end of this the future,” Quirós said in a recent conference year,” González said. Phone 258-2807 1st Ave., 9-11th Streets, San José with reporters to explain the new reforms. –Tico Times

5914 The decree would also allot $9.5 million THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | OPINION | 21

Editorial Decentralization Should Start with Baby Steps osta Rica is changing, and it needs a government to match. year, where trash piled up on the streets and rats, along with dengue-carrying mos- C quitoes, had a field day. A criminal finance court just suspended the mayor of the That’s the message mayors, analysts, legislators and others have brought to northern Pacific Municipality of Santa Cruz as he’s investigated for an allegedly the table in two recent discussions on the need for decentralization. As the most shady concession deal. Tales of corrupt mayors are legion. centralized country in Latin America – that is, the country where local govern- Who’s to blame for these problems? Is it mayors and council members, or the ments receive the smallest proportion of public spending (1.7%) – Costa Rica central government for not providing support? There’s no simple answer. has left its municipalities outside the Central Valley ill-equipped to meet the What’s clear, though, is that existing problems must be addressed before growing demands upon them. long-term changes begin. Basic steps are needed, such as getting municipalities Strong local governments, as the closest and the funds they’re due in a timely manner; most accessible level of authority for most citi- decreasing tax evasion; and providing training zens, have enormous potential to improve quali- Strong local governments, as the closest and and technological support to mayors, particular- ty of life. ly in rural regions. In poor, rural regions, local leaders should be most accessible level of authority for most Only then can the country take steps to keep able to mobilize funds where they’re needed, citizens, have enormous potential to up with its changing demographics by moving instead of waiting for years as the central gov- power outside of the Central Valley. ernment grinds forward. improve quality of life. The most important first step in all of this lies In areas with booming tourist development, in the hands of the public. Eligible voters must training and empowerment for mayors is desper- take a few minutes to visit the ballot box during ately needed so they can facilitate investments that are good for their communities the municipal elections Dec. 3. From fixing roads to attacking corruption to real- and control those that are not – especially as the proposed free-trade pact with the izing long-term dreams of local empowerment, citizen participation is the key. United States promises to bring in still more foreign businesses. It’s understandable that, given the current municipal scene, citizens are less than Everywhere, structural reform is needed to end the gridlock between mayors thrilled about Election Day – but if only 21% of the population casts valid votes this and municipal councils, analysts say. time around, as in 2002, authorities will know their apathetic communities will give These proposals sound great. But today’s municipalities are far from ready to them plenty of room to do what they will with their towns. shoulder increased responsibility or funding. In many communities across the We hope all citizens will let their leaders know they care, and that for the next country, municipal incompetence reigns supreme. Existing duties, such as trash col- four years, they’ll be watching municipalities’ progress in improving local gover- lection and road maintenance, often go undone, as in Tibás, north of San José, last nance.

Perspective Rodrigo Madrigal: A Pioneer in Founded in 1956 by Elisabeth Dyer Costa Rican Industrial Development Publisher 1972-1996 Richard Dyer

1981 IAPA - Pedro G. Beltrán Award for distinguished By Jack Harris financing the burgeoning industrial sector service to the community and the expansion of the economy gave rise 1985 Special Citation Maria Moors Cabot Awards The death of Rodrigo Madrigal Nieto to more than a dozen private banks and a 1990 National Conservation Prize last week brought an outpouring of eulo- legion of finance companies. COFISA main- 1995 IAPA Grand Prize for Press Freedom gies. Costa Rica lost one of its great citi- tained its position as the largest private 1998 Salvation Army Others Award zens, a distinguished statesman, diplomat, bank, with ample lines of credit from major National Tourism Chamber Media Award journalist and an effective peacemaker as banks in the United States and Europe. Foreign Minister in Oscar Arias’ first presi- (With the advent of strong regional and In memoriam - Linda Frazier (1945-1984) dency during the era of Central American international banks and the inevitable con- Vol. L N.1892 turbulence. solidation of the banking industry in Costa The Tico Times joined in these well- Rica during the past 10 years, COFISA Publisher Dery Dyer Advertising deserved tributes (TT, Oct. 13) but, as with merged with and became part of the Banco Editor Auriana Koutnik Ivonne Morúa (Manager), Rod other media, it omitted any reference to Cuscatlán in 1999.) General Manager Abby Daniell Hughes, Jeannette Campos, Marta Madrigal’s important – indeed pivotal – role I write this to keep the record straight so Weekend Editor Meg Yamamoto Gamboa, Silvia Hernández, Mary in the industrialization of Costa Rica. In the that Rodrigo Madrigal’s important contri- Online Editor Amanda Roberson Rohaman, Ricardo Rojas, Alexandra bution to the industrial development of his Vanegas, Carolina Vanegas, Cindy late 1950s he served four terms as president Staff & Contributors Vargas of the Chamber of Industries, and led the country will not be overlooked in the life of Ann Antkiw, Leland Baxter-Neal, Chamber’s fight for legislation to promote this many-faceted and illustrious Costa Ed Bernhardt, Paul Brohaugh, Circulation industrial development in a predominantly Rican. Sonia Cordero (Calendar), María Diego Herrera (Manager), Gerardo agrarian economy. Finally in September, Gabriela Díaz, Arcadio Esquivel, Arias (Reaching Out), Alonso 1959, Congress passed the Industrial Pro- Kate Galante, David Garrett, Ellen Bustos, Cesar García, Andrey León, Jack Harris became closely associated with Zoe Golden, Susan Hall Liang Clara León, Lincon Pastenes tection and Development Law (Ley de (Exploring Costa Rica Guide), Protección y Fomento Industrial) which Rodrigo Madrigal shortly after his arrival to Gaby Kyriss, Shawn Larkin, Vicky Finance extended tax benefits and customs protec- Costa Rica in 1954. Like Madrigal, he also Longland, Dorothy MacKinnon, Olman Chacón, Ana Arguedas, tion to new industries. was a pioneer in the industrial development Ana Luisa Monge, Jack O’Brien, Rigoberto León As a consequence, the 1960s and 1970s sector. There was one small private bank in of the country and with Madrigal, Edmund Tim Rogers (The Nica Times), Woodbridge and Mario Urbina founded and brought a rush of new industries: cement, the country (Banco Lyon) with limited cred- Jerry Ruhlow, Blake Schmidt, Production directed several corporations. Harris was Katherine Stanley, Mitzi Stark, plastics, electrical appliances, construction Mayra Sojo (Manager), Roy it resources and principally involved with president of Ricalit, Industria Nacional de Tim Sullivan, Jeffrey Van Fleet Arguedas, Verny Quesada materials, pharmaceuticals, food processing, commercial paper. Papel, Cibsa Finance ( jointly with the Bank chemicals, etc. Madrigal participated in the The U.S. Agency for International of Boston), and COFISA, as well as a founder Photography Customer Service establishment of some of the new corpora- Development (AID), concerned about this Mónica Quesada, Ronald Reyes and director of such diverse enterprises as Ana Lucía Espinoza, Annette tions and served as officer or director until Benavides, Bernardino Madrigal, situation, invited proposals to establish a Super Servicio, American Mushroom Com- Systems Flory Poveda, Luis Morales he resigned from them in the late 1970s, finance corporation to extend credit to pany and the Industria Nacional de Edwin Cárdenas when he became a member and then presi- fledgling industries. Cemento. His first business in Costa Rica was dent of Congress. Among the industries he Madrigal and his group were selected and to organize and operate a taxi fleet of little helped found were the Industria Nacional de provided with an initial soft AID loan of $10 black and yellow Renault 4CVs (Taxi Vargas) The Tico Times (USPS 002-579) is published every Friday Cemento S.A. (today Holcim); Industria million in 1963 to start operations. With during the late 1950s and early 1960s. The for $61 per year by The Tico Times S.A., Nacional de Papel S.A.; Ricalit S.A. (today Madrigal as president, the Corporación fleet grew to more than 100 taxis and, as Avenida 8, Calle 15, Apartado 4632-1000, San José, Costa Rica. Amanco); Cervecería Tropical (later merged Costarricense de Financiamiento Industrial Harris recalls, with a population at that time Periodicals postage paid at The Olathe Daily News, with Florida Ice and Farm). (COFISA) quickly became the significant 514 South Kansas Avenue, P.O. Box 130, Olathe, KS 66061. of around one million people in the entire Postmaster – Send address changes to: During the 1960s credit facilities for supplier of industrial credit in Costa Rica and country, San José had more taxis per capita The Tico Times-SJO 717, industry were meager and narrow. The state nurtured several nascent enterprises that have than the city of New York. Now in his 95th P.O. Box 025331, Miami FL 33102-5331. banks had little experience and little inclina- grown to become major corporations. year, Harris resides in Escazú. Copyright Convention: unauthorized reproduction in whole or in part is strictly prohibited. tion to undertake the risks to finance this The need in the 1970s and 1980s for Letters, Page 22 22 | OPINION | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006

Send your Letters by e-mail ([email protected]), regular mail or fax (see Page 2). Please don’t forget to sign your name and ARCADIO Letters include your return address and phone number.Thank you.

Trade-Pact Protesters High-Rises and Robberies Lack Understanding of Issue Detract from Jacó Image

Dear Tico Times: Dear Tico Times:

I read Lew Hayes’ letter (TT, Oct. 13) The article “Jacó Businesses Combat Sex with great interest and agreement. It does Tourism” (TT, Sept. 29), discusses the large appear that there are interests here that prostitution problem in Jacó. I tip my hat intend to veto any project that would to the businesses that are helping to fight advance the country. And those interests sex tourism. I know the manager of a hotel are the very same time and time again... the who was the first to take action and others public sector – the “pride” of Costa Rica, have followed. the Costa Rican Electricity Institute (ICE), There are two bigger problems, though, the Social Security System (Caja), and the than prostitution: robberies and drugs. pioneers of free thinking, the University of Neither are controlled or caused primarily Costa Rica (UCR). by prostitution here in Jacó. Why are Costa Ricans so proud of their I don’t condone prostitution, but we government monopoly services? All I ever locals are not affected by it the way we are hear from them is how inefficient and cor- with the robberies that occur. Most of the rupt they are, yet in the end they will join people I know who live in Jacó have had them in strikes in the streets and have no experiences of being robbed on the street or idea what they are striking about. All con- of having their house broken into. I would sumers have a right to choose among com- prefer seeing the mayor address these issues petitive suppliers for a service... that way you first. are ensured better services at fairer prices. Yes, sex tourism is not what the majori- What incentive does ICE have now to work ty want in Jacó, nor do I, but there are more hard and maintain your service at a high important problems to address first. Already, with land prices skyrocketing level? ICE workers have nobody to challenge Mayor Villalobos would like to recover Tax Policies Discourage in Guanacaste, Atlantans are beginning to them, so they do pretty much as they please. the image of Jacó. It won’t be recovered invest in Nicaragua and Panama. The Costa Rica Social Security System with what is happening in Jacó. Last year at U.S. Investment (Caja) Workers’ Union (UNDECA) plans a community action meeting, he was asked In the Oct. 11 editorial page of The Wall Street Journal is an editorial entitled to strike Oct. 23 and 24 to protest the why three large high-rises were allowed to Dear Tico Times: Central American Free-Trade Agreement start construction on the beach of Jacó. “To Grow or Not To Grow.” It speaks to with the United States (CAFTA). They gave Everything before that was no taller your government’s apparent rejection of a bunch of great sounding reasons why than the Coconut Palms. His answer I am one of many folks in Atlanta, the idea of a flat tax, promoted to your (TT, Oct. 13), but in the end they just want was that at the time, the regulation was Georgia, who have fallen in love with government recently by former Estonian to continue to have the luxury of doing as somewhat of a gray area and developers Costa Rica. Atlantan Pat Patillo bought Prime Minister Mart Laar who explained little as possible and getting paid for it. were able to get permits before the law pro- 3,000 acres in the northwestern province of how such a tax policy has sparked a free- Caja officials have already shown that hibited it. He then said only those three Guanacaste in 1974, now known as the market revolution all over Eastern Europe they cannot be trusted with their own would go in because the law had changed resort Hacienda Pinilla. He, along with (TT, Sept. 22). budgets and planning. Public employees and he would enforce it. Well, it turns out The Four Seasons at Peninsula Papagayo, Despite the growth that is coming to are notorious all over the world for being that several more high-rises are going in. convinced Delta Airlines to begin three Costa Rica by major resort developers, lazy and aloof. Why would this country be Mr. Mayor, there is no recovering the days of air service from Atlanta to Liberia if your government doesn’t grow out of the any different? image of Jacó. When the town has been in late 2002 (TT, Dec. 6, 2002). The rest, as welfare state that has practically bankrupted Privatization of public services is long sold out to big money you can’t go back. they say, is history. your country before, I’m afraid your people overdue here, but these groups are trying Many living in Jacó are just fed up with the The explosion of major developers will never benefit from the incredible everything possible to deter it. CAFTA way things are going. Hopefully, things will announcing plans for resorts in the north- increase in prosperity that could come their will help bring competitive services to this improve after we have the mayoral election ern Pacific area of Guanacaste is widely way with a free-market-oriented tax policy. country. In your recent Get Action col- this year. known. What most people don’t know is This could be a point in Costa Rica’s umn (TT, Oct. 13), Julia González wrote Maybe the new mayor will represent the that the current tax policies in Costa Rica history that could make or break your econ- in because her power keeps going out and people living in Jacó and not special interest are clearly detrimental to U.S. investors. As omy for generations to come. nobody at ICE seems to care. How many groups. a certified public accountant, I’m helping people can claim similar experiences? some Atlanta developers in Costa Rica, and So now they threaten to strike yet again, Henry Kantrowitz the combined Costa Rican and U.S. tax Charlie Jones because that is all they know how to do. Quebrada Ganado rates yield an effective tax rate close to 60%. Atlanta, Georgia, USA Heck, striking is fun! And university stu- dents, what are you striking for? Ninety- nine percent of you have absolutely no idea what you are striking about. It’s just anoth- GET ACTION er excuse to skip class, get drunk and start some trouble. Learn to think for yourselves. cept they understand. Can you help? By spokeswoman Carolina Mora called “ICE’s Do you even understand the pros and How Can I Get a the way, I’m not the only one here with mother.” ARESEP looks into complaints cons of CAFTA? Do you realize the short- Phone Installed? this problem. Thanks. against ICE and other public service institu- term and long-term effects on you from Harley Toberman tions reported to not be doing their jobs. The it? Striking is only one way to voice your Dominical institution can be reached at 220-0102. Have opinion in this country... don’t overuse it. On Sept. 13, 2005, I ordered a phone a copy of your original complaint handy. People will not respect you for simply line for my house in Dominical. On July 4, According to ICE spokeswoman ARESEP also receives complaints, in En- blocking traffic and causing them to be late 2006, I paid the required $60 deposit to Vanessa Valladares, those who want a glish and Spanish, at atencionusuario@are- for work. Public employees must accept the Costa Rican Electricity Institute phone connection should call the San sep.go.cr. Complaint forms can be downloa- that times are changing and if they are such (ICE). It is now September 2006. A year Isidro de El General ICE branch at 771- ded at www.aresep. go.cr. The fax number is good workers then they have nothing to has gone by with no phone line installed. 0166. Those who want to complain about 290-2010. fear. If these strikes put a hold on traffic I have waited in line for many days and bad service or delays can address their (Note: Since contacting The Tico and commerce, I pray that the government many hours in San Isidro for help. ICE complaints to San Isidro Office Manager Times, this reader’s phone line has been will squash them right away, unlike a few officials make appointments but nobody Luis Barbosa at 771-5111. It’s also advisable installed.) years ago when blockades against vehicle ever shows up ... I am told that only one to contact Jorge Sánchez in the inspection company Riteve caused losses in person installs phones in a 50-mile Telecommunications Customer Service As a service to Tico Times readers, “Get the millions of dollars because former radius. If ICE workers are worried about Office at 234-7007. Always file complaints Action” will answer questions, solve prob- President Abel Pacheco waited days to take the Central American Free-Trade Agree- in writing. lems, bridge language gaps and just general- action. Let’s hope that those times are ment with the United States (CAFTA) and If you have no luck getting a response ly help wherever it can. Please send your finally coming to an end and CAFTA passes outside companies taking away their from ICE within 10 days of filing your queries to “Get Action” at The Tico Times by with flying colors. business, they certainly should be. complaint, contact the Public Services mail, fax or e-mail. We can’t promise mira- Apparently customer service is not a con- Regulatory Authority (ARESEP), which cles, but we’ll do the best we can. Shawn Clybourne Puntarenas THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | CLASSIFIEDS | 23


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100 Animals ONLINE Casino seeks expe- HYPERBARIC OXYGEN. 200 Employment 100 ANIMALS Sun Sat TV 200 EMPLOYMENT GREAT rienced graphic/web- design- 202 Jobs Wanted $25/hr. John 235-6052 201 Jobs Offered 101 Animals US Sat. TV, 201 Jobs Offered er and marketing staff. We Dra. Andrea 829-7694 202 Jobs Wanted OPPORTUNITY are only looking for the best! 300 Health Services 120 + Channels IN COCO! Extensive experience in the AHPPA’s animal shelter has $1,000 Sign-on Bonus for STOP! 400 Investments love on 4 legs waiting for NBC, ABC, CBS, experienced phone closers. gaming industry is a must. INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL Fast-growing realty com- We are also in need of appli- MEDICAL INSURANCE 401 Business For Sale you. For any donation they FOX, SPORTS Perfect English required. pany in Coco. Must have please 402 Financing can be yours adult/puppy, Only the best need apply. strong verbal/ writing cation and database develop- Individuals - Groups. 403 Miscellaneous cat/kittens. If you already Reiny 506-249-0506 Call Fran Monroe at skills in English and ers. Must have extensive Kidnap & Ransom Coverage 404 Business Opport. have your pet, than help us Cathy 506-282-9097 296-8306 Spanish. knowledge in the following no more www.allaboardbenefits.com 405 Business Services with our sterilization pro- • Salespersons: laguages: c++, java, php, grams, send your donation to “We service what Experienced in real mssql or pl/sql. In addition orders 600 Lost and Found AHPPA, Apartado 73-3000 CLOSERS needed to go 700 Miscellaneous we sell’’ estate sales. Top we are looking for a freelance JENNIFER massage. Stress, Heredia, Costa Rica or front to back, make 5K to commission paid. 701 Collectors deposit in Banco Nacional de [email protected] 10K + in commissions a copywriter that can work in for Nov. therapeut. Non sexual. Home • Secretary/ our office for at least 3 & hotel service. 385-2925 702 Furniture/Housewares C.R. acc. AHPPA, No. www.sunsattv.com month selling Oil & Gas. Receptionist: 703 Miscellaneous 040-431-9. Tel. 267-7158, Investments to investors in Experienced with months. Must write 100% our San Rafael de Heredia. You the USA. Call Ron 864-9643 perfect English. Send resume 704 Memberships FEMALE mixed Husky- computers, word 800 Music can help us save lives! www. processing, and to [email protected] MASSAGE Therapist. Hotel animalsheltercostarica.com Samoyed, 2 yrs, neutered, NEW 3 m. 801 Music vacc. and dewormed. COOK Great opportunity in office procedures. & house calls. Non-sexual. 900 Personal 232-6733 / 232-8641. new business. Exp. in pizza • Top pay and benefits. Elizabeth 290-2063, making necessary. 898-1215 Call to schedule RECEPTIONIST needed. SAT TV 383-1033 901 Men Seeking Women EXOTIC Birds for exchange. an interview. 902 Women Seeking Men Cackatoos, gray African Mon- Fri: 8 am- 4 pm. HUSKY SIBERIAN, Female. Call: 670-1401 Call 391-0601 for interviews 903 Personal macaws. Tel: 856-6465 CUSTOMER Service & sales dish 1.5 yr, vaccinated, neutered E-mail resume: PROFESSIONAL Massage 1000 Real Estate & dewormed. Tel: 232-8641 person. English speaking, [email protected] Therapist, deep tissue mas- For Rent WHAT MORE COULD 267-6733. answer tel, must be able to and SAT 1001 Apartments you ask for, only the best? use computer & Internet. TEACH AT the Beach! Home sage, manicure, pedi. Home 1002 Comm. Property Call DOGGI DIVINO. Call Gary 291-5926 HOSTESS wanted for luxury school tutor wanted in internet & hotel service 7 am to 8 MALE BOXER neutered and Nosara for three American pm. 868-5880 Iris 1003 Condominiums Pet Grooming Salon charter sail boat in Jaco area. by Appt. 289-2162 vacc. Must have fenced yard. boys (ages 11, 9, 8). A great 1004 Exchange 249-5544/ 293-8845. Salary plus tips. English nec- is MANAGER essary. Reply job, good pay, fantastic living 1005 Houses [email protected] or arrangement, gorgeous loca- 1006 Rooms Nato sez: 400 INVESTMENTS MALE KITTEN, 3 mo, Jaco (506) 643-1072 tion. Curriculum provided. SOLD 1007 Timeshares adopt an orphan neutered. Bag of food and Candidate must be organ- 401 Business For 1100 Real Estate dog or cat Shampoo. 225-2843 ¥ New furniture ized, creative and self-disci- OUT Sale For Sale evenings after 8:00 p.m. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, Sundays in store some English necessary. Call plined. Must have experience 1101 Apartments la Sabana Parque ¥ Builder’s supply after 6 pm. 288-6175 with kids, command of Dr Dish 4 YR OLD established Co. 1102 Beach Property info. 267-6011 NICE YELLOW kitty. ¥ Experience English, teaching experience. for sale. Imp/ Exp wine & 1103 Comm. Property spayed/neutered & Dewormed and trained. ¥ Fluent English Contact Maggie at LOOKING for young bilin- stardish1@yahoo. other merchandise. We are 1104 Condominiums dewormed & Tel: 224-7125/ Spanish. ¥ Salary + profit [email protected] vaccinated & loved gual person to work in Real suppliers to largest super- 1105 Exchange sharing Estate Office. 228-5590 com markets in CR. Owner retir- 1106 Farms Amigos de los TWO DALMATIAN young in ing. (506) 305-4090 1107 Houses Animales Asís TUCAN Hotel in Uvita is a “no kill” Costa Rica exc. health condition. 637-8686 [email protected] 1108 Lots-Property [email protected] NATURALIST wanted for seeking operator/ cook. pubic benefit animal luxury charter sail boat in 300 HEALTH 1109 Timeshare Lease/ contract req. Must charity Jaco area. Salary plus tips. SERVICES 1110 Rent For Sale donations save lives! FREE English necessary. Reply have exp, a great attitude and ATENAS Recreational Center 1111 Quintas EFL TEACHING Assistant. 301 Health CLASSIFIEDS [email protected] creative cooking ideas. for hotel or business. 1200 Services Native speakers only. or (506) 643-1072 Should be dependable and Resumes to [email protected] Services Springs. 250-6456 1201 Accounting FOUND a wallet? able to run thier own busi- www.caprede.com 1202 Autos-Mechanic 102 Free ness. 743-8140 Need a home for NOW HIRING Exciting A PHYSICAL THERAPIST, 1203 Construction your kittens? Lost ENGLISH speaking female tourism position in Alajuela. Home service. Profes. servic- 1204 Computers 1 LAB KIND/mix 2.5 yr BAR/REST/DISCOTEC female. Great guard dog. & Found items massage Therapists. Needed Own transportation and cel- es in neuromuscular & bone 1205 Languages and giveaways for new Spa extremely high lular required. Must be fluent U.S. REAL Estate dvlpmnt. rehabilitation. Therapeutic Bo. La California. Capacity 225-3379. co. looking for 2 experienced 1206 Miscellaneous can be advertised pay. Send resume 735-5633 in both Spanish & English. massages. for 400 pers. Licenses. 1207 Public Notice Send resume and cover letter agents for our office in El J. Huete 296-0552 380-7912. Spanish. 1 LARGE mix female. 1 yr. FREE in Tico to: Coco, Guanacaste. Must 1208 Religious Spayed, all shots & deworm. Times Classifieds. 1209 Repair [email protected] or have exc. English skills & 225-3379. Just call us with call 339-3337 Competitive 1210 Storage ESL TEACHER own car. CRV info@ ACUPUNTURE BEACH FRONT Restaurant, your message be- salary. All pain, injuries and stress 1211 Legal Services 1stwaverealty.com or call Puntarenas, lot 371M2, 550 1 MEDIUM size mix male 1 fore Tuesday WANTED Most medical conditions 1212 Telecommunications yr, neutered, all shots & (506) 381-0458 Escazu. U.S. Lic. 352-0661 M2 const. $300K 382-3907 noon. SALES/ Marketing of busi- 1300 Tourism dewormed 225-3379 Contact us at 291-4327 or 1301 Accommodations ness services. Full/ part time. Another send us an e-mail at Several areas in C.R. Good 1302 Airfare ALAJUELA natural healing, HUGE Rustic Open- air bar 1 SMALL mix male 6mo, community [email protected] commissions. More info People read 1303 Camping neutered, all shots & www.timedirect.com stress control, rent rooms by rest, 15 cabinas, 7+ acres, 1304 Cruises dewormed. 225-3379. service from classified hours, days or weeks, gorgeous mountain views. panoramic view, vegetarian 1305 Fishing FEMALE FRONT DESK (506) 535-0709 THE TICO TIMES food, steam, massage. 1306 Guides RECEPTIONIST One person’s ads. . . [email protected] 1307 Tourism Info -English as a primary lan- Iridology. Also home service. TOGETHER junk is another’s If you didn’t, Tel. 440-0328 1308 Tours We can save animal lives 103 For Sale guage or accent-free English, treasure. 1400 Transportation fluent in Spanish. you wouldn’t be OPPORTUNITY Soda, 1401 Airplane ANPA asks for help: Each -Capable of multitasking Call 258-1558 Cal-Lic’d Psychotherapy BELGIAN Malinois 27 Individual Couple Family restaurant on main road in 1402 Boats ¢5,000 you donate will -Professional in all aspects to place your ad reading this. spay/neuter and deworm a months. Excellent protection 35 yrs Exp. Flexible Fees. Puerto Viejo, Limon, in front 1500 Vehicles stray dog/cat, companion dog. AKC $1400. 861-3230 related to office roles and or e-mail: Call 258-1558 281-0421 Ext 107 aft 11am 1501 Autos animal from a poor family. responsibilities. classified@ of Salsa Brava Surf. Point. 1502 4x4’s 233-0779 -Experienced in corporate to place your ad full equipped. 750-0632 Your ad will be environments. ticotimes.net 1503 Miscellaneous [email protected] or and don’t forget HAIR 1504 Motorcycles deposit your donation seen -Good personal appearance. or, e-mail: 1505 Rentals #904095700 -Experience required. our on-line classifield@ PIECES RESTAURANT/Sabana Sur, 1600 Wanted Banco de San José. ‘round Please call Olga 290-8916 or edition on turnkey operation with great Please give us the chance Repairs, tapes, maintenance, daily sales. $25,000 firm. 1601 Wanted to work for the welfare of send your CV to olga@ ticotimes.net the world! the Internet natural or synthetic hair. 758-0360 1602 Help Wanted animals. silverarrowmarketing.com Call Maria 256-4347 24 | CLASSIFIEDS | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006

40+ MALE from U.S. very FEM. 21 bilingual, honest, QUEPOS-APT, 1 bdr, w/AC, SMALL furn apt. , 1 or 2 CARIARI, 15 min from air- 701 Collectors fit, attractive, fun, energetic, resourceful, can help you w/ kitchen, LR, bath. All new persons. Nice area. port, big 3 bdr, 3.5 bath, wealthy. Looking to meet everything incl. finding a furniture. By the week or $250 mo. 382-4949 furn, jacuzzi, tel, nice view, Antiques pretty Tica/Latina 22-32 year nice girlfriend, photos, per- month. 777-1302 or very secure. $775. old for intimate dating, girl- sonal intros. 362-4501 APARTMENTS 861-7923 239-1645, 832-0288 BORUCA Indian Masks. friend and for long term rela- [email protected] SUDAMER STA. ANA 1.3 km West of Original Indigenous Artworks tionship. With moving to the Forum, 2 pers, 2 bdr, furn, at Co- op Gallery. Each is U.S. I will be traveling to Downtown comple- ROHRMOSER 1- 2 pers, pool, cable, Internet. $750 CHARMING 3-4 bdr home “one of a kind”. By Appt only. Costa Rica in Nov. I would OPEN-MINDED couple tely furnished apart- small, green areas, laundry T. 282-4126 on golf, lge terrace/gardens. 816-7143/ 441-3734 like to get to know you would like to meet male 35- ments, safe, secure, area, secure $250 397-0497 Residential Los Reyes. 24 h. through e-mail, phone calls 60 for fun, fanatasy & friend- telephone, cable TV, 1003 Condominiums sec. $1600/ mo. 282-8415, ship. 863-2846 396-5563 and exchanging photos. Wi-Fi Internet. ROHRMOSER Great Rates, 702 Furniture Please, must speak some Calle 7, Ave. 14 new, fully furn, 1/2 bdr, ph, CARIARI Furn, 3 bdr, 2 Housewares English or learn. Please e- WANTED: YOUR Weekly from $160 cable, hot water, gar, $350- CIUDAD Colon. 3 bdrm, 2 mail me a picture & note to bath. Near Club Cariari. 24 COMMENTS Monthly from $525 mo. 290-1614, hr sec. $1,500 T: 239-0436 bath, big front, & backyard. to [email protected] www.VoiceExpatCR.org 380-5690 $700 Tel: 416-8344. Attn. John $450 to $650 $ A-1 $ SPEAK UP- BE HEARD! Phone: 221-0247 CONDOS FOR rent in Playa 381-3183 ROHRMOSER large mod- ESCAZU 12,600ft property, Buy & sell 43 YR OLD Bombero/ surfer del Coco: 2 condos for rent, 1000 REAL ESTATE Fax: 222-2195 ern, 3 bdr, 2 bath apt, view, AC, furnished, pool, parking, house, apart. & warehouse CASH PAID & CONSIGN from San Diego, California. carlosedmena@ secure, tel, $695 mo. with office. Secluded, safe, My name is Brendan. I’m FOR RENT yahoo.com security. One w/ ocean view, Your home / office items. 231-2261, 843-9094 phone and high speed private. Owner. 560-1445 Fast, secure, easy. Call us. marriage minded, looking 1001 Apartments [email protected] for bonita Tica 21-28. I will Internet. Open Wed-Sun. 293-2700/ ESCAZU 1-2 bdr. furn apts, www.villadelsol.com/ 293-8654 be in Jaco Dec 12- Jan 12 clean, safe, quiet, pvt, fresh ROHRMOSER, furn 1bdr Email ALAJUELA 5 min. from air- moonbay. air, great view. Close to bus apt. secure, h/w, ph, cable, htm $1000/month. The other ESCAZU homes, condos, [email protected] port, 3 apts, furn, secure, 1/2 $400- $450/mo. 296-7396 apts furn/unfn, all prices. 703 Miscellaneous pers, all serv. incl. $325 mo. $200-$495 mo. 288-2992, condo is $600/month. For send photos. Call: 836-4310 288-1326. 702-524-1686 385-4197 information 371-6317 SABANA Sur. small, quiet CALLAWAY Golf Sets com- ESCAZU apt/homes, condos incl. services, comfortable. ESCAZU beautiful lux. furn ESCAZU mountain “Chalet” plete. New X16 & Big Bertha. 47 YEAR old male from the ALAJUELA Brand new, 2 $270. Span. 290-5836 2 car gar, 2 bdr, view to capi- Sell all or part. 438-4298/ bdr, 2 bath, $300 furn/unfn, all prices. 190 M2, pool, tennis, gar- USA is seeking an attractive 288-1326. tal. $1,000 T: 361-7439 [email protected] and slim Tica, for relation- Tel: 399-7187 or 443-1025 den, secure. 288-1326 ship/more. Speak some SABANILLA, furn 1 bdr English, coming to SJ/CR in ESCAZU fully furn, 3 bdr, 2 apts. Secure, tel, washer, lots ESCAZU rent or sale furn/ ESCAZU private 3+bdr, exc COMPLETE equip. to start APARTAMENTOS FERSO: of gardens, quiet. nghbrhd! Garden, security & rest or soda, including November 2006 and spend- bath, gar, $600. 232-9585 unfurn, view, garden. ing the Christmas holidays Furn. apartments downtown $325/mo (506)285-3509 much-more $1000 2284191 tables, chairs, stove w/grill, from $10. St. 2, Ave. 6-8. 376-4740, 289-3303. stainless hood, deep fryers, there and possibly more time. I would like to get to 398-1264, 221-7404, ESCAZU fully furn, ph, gar, warmers, and all related sup- 221-4167 SAN PEDRO condo near ESCAZU. Great 4 bdr, 4.5 plies. $1000. 206-2852 or know you in advance. Please 2 bdr, 1 bath. $380/mo. ESCAZU, condo 3 bdrm, send me pictures of you. 232-9585, universities, malls, furn, 2 tennis, pool, security, $1100. bath, tastefully furn, terrace [email protected] bdrm, kitchen supplies, laun- & pool. $3200. 392-5661 Write or email me at: star- APT. VAN FOSSEN. Yoses, [email protected] 885-3287 [email protected] or write dry, garage, US$500 mo. Tel. Fully furn., 2 bdr, 2 bath. 869-9312, 665-2602, FOR SALE: Cameras. to: Joe Little, 210 Eagle Dr. $395, cable avail, ph, washer. ESCAZU, 1 bdrm, 1 bath, 869-9260 ESCAZU, penthouse, great ESCAZU/ San Raf, luxury Mamiya 645AFD medium Kill Devil Hills, NC 27948 234-8405, 824-7190 English fully furn, gated com, 4 bdr, format camera w/ film 120 parking, security. 90 M2, view, private, more than 600 view, $525 (506) 289-5482 M2. $2100. (506) 289-5482, 3.5 bath, 4 car gar, maid rm, back. Mamiya AF lens 105- SAN PEDRO near Mas X 24/7 sec, beaut. garden, ter- 210 Mamiya lens 80mm 56 AMERICAN gentleman, www.balconesdeescazu.com www.balconesdeescazu.com RN & Fireman. Would like to Menos, new, furn, 1 bdr, tel. race. $1,500 includes: water Package $2,000 ESCAZU washer, cable, Internet. $300. & cable. Tel: 443-2811 contact Tica 40 to 50. Must speak English. APARTHOTEL ESCAZU, apts short & long 228-2049 ESCAZU, Trejos, condo 2 Tel: 810-9155/ 820-3995 [email protected] term, new, great furniture, story, 3 bdrm, 195 M2, secu- CASA REFLEJOS close to Cima Hospital. BIRDS! TREES! rity. $1250. 286-2197 Completely furnished GRECIA 250M2, 4 bdr, 2 506-841-1475 An oasis of green in HANDSOME Gringo needs roxana@ticonetworkalliance. bath, DSL, views, garage, 1, 2 & 3 bedroom apts Sabanilla, only 10 min. a girlfriend now. If you are com FURNISHED 3 bdr, 2.5 $750/mo. 494-5884 young and pretty and want Gym, Sauna & Jacuzzi from UCR. Completely bath, condo in park-like set- loganwhereareyou@yahoo. SOLAR furnished one-bedroom ting next to Hotel com Dr. Dish satellite info. Dr. someone who will be nice to Heated pool you and make you happy ESCAZU, Bello Horizonte. apartments in an en- Bougainvillea, Heredia. Pool,

www.perfectodish.com Hot Water for Hotels, pools, BBQ Area call: 253-8708 Efficiency apt, very secure in closed, safe compound. tennis, 24 hr. sec, avail. long homes & photovoltaics. Fast Internet beautiful garden compound. Direct phone, laundry, or short term. Contact F. HEREDIA, Barva, new, 3 www.SolarCostaRica.com bdr, 1.5 bath, Internet and Tropical gardens $250 228-0628 parking, gardens. Exce- Painter, US (703) 241-8332, RETIRED man in the U.S. llent bus service. Cable E-mail cable ready, garage, sep. din- Great city view ing, garden, spacious laun- 402 Financing LAPTOPS- Dell, HP, Cmpq: seeking Tica age 45 to 58. TV available. US owned [email protected] Must have visa. Contact me ESCAZU, loft, contemporary dry, beautiful and quiet P3, P4 & Pm, from $300, Close proximity to all & operated. neighborhood, security, close at [email protected] , furn, unique in this style, $325/$425/$450/mo. LOOKING for mortgage. Sanyo TV 27” $250, Samsng shopping & services incredible view, walking dis- to bilingual schools and 24 TV 27” $200. Server Mcsoft attach photo. 273-3173 Houses 1st grade only. Ph. 288-3630 ext. 400 tance to Paco. 885-3287 JACO hour taxis. $500 plus dep. In Hipobel 826-6930 2000. Off. table $45, off. 273-3837 US call Estela tel (305) 687- desks $80. Sofas $500. 902 Women Seeking Cel. 388-2873 381-8971 Condos 1 & 2 bdr town 9368, cel. (305) 303-0726 in 838-8181 www.casareflejoscr.com ESCAZU, near old road to house. Furn, behind Beatle CR 238-3344 for showing. 404 Business Men Sta Ana, 2 bdr, 2 bath, 1 car- Bar, a/c, hot showers, pool, Email [email protected] SAN PEDRO Outlet Mall Opportunity port, elec. gate, h/w, ph, nice, 24 hr sec, 1 block to beach. PERSIAN palace carpet in priv. entrance, unfurn furn, 2 bdr, 2 bath $500 (506)643-2098 or hand woven 50 years old, APTS FULL Furn, sauna & $500. 289-9826, 367-0164. 385-7222/ 258-7626 342-0153 LA , Res. El Solar, 3 never used (brand new) 1 ON 1 gym, utilities incl $375/ mo, bdr, 3 baths + maid’s rm, 2 BARGAIN: Paseo Colon, beautiful design Kashmir w/ $125 wkly. 399-8904. MEET quality CR women. car gar & common guards San Jose, leaving the counry certificate of origin 10 X 14. [email protected] ESCAZU, Split level SAN PEDRO, UCR/malls, SABANA Luxurious new for resid. area. sell or exchange established Must see. Tel: 288-1539, Since 1992 oldest & most www.vistalindaapartments. Penthouse, 2 bdr, 2 bath, 1bdr, quiet, furn, Internet, successfull service. apt/ condo. Furn or unfurn. (506) 268-8262 restaurant. 380 M2, licenses, 338-0000 com spectacular panoramic views $375 302-1499 Pool $650- $850. 397-4665 Ed: 506-391-1617 www.villalakshmi.com excellent commercial area. of entire San Jose Valley. [email protected] [email protected] Professionally decorated, ph, PLAZA DEL Sol, Los Tel. (506) 879-1451, REFRI side by side, St., 25 AVALON Penthouse near Faroles, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, cable TV, Internet. All ameni- SAN PEDRO/Los Yoses, 1 E-mail [email protected] cu/f $1280, TV 20 $145, TV Multiplaza & Forum, 2 bdr, ties totally furnished, secure, $600 mo. 223-0033 ext. 0 29 flat tube $300, digital pool, gym, A/C, huge bal- bdr, cable, tel, Internet, 1005 Houses A Foreign quiet, gated $995. Also large secure, $325. Tel. 223-0033 washer $340. All new in box cony, views, elevator, 24 hr. 1 bdr $650. 289-4579. 3 bdrm, 2.5 DEVELOPER’S dream 50 w/warranty 228-6889/ Affair sec, $750 mo. 827-1314, 4 MODERN 2 story homes ROHRMOSER 361-0408. 382-0970 avail. in private guarded dev. bath, 2 car gar, alarm. Close lots ready elect/tel, water, ESCAZU, Trejos, 3 bdrm, SANTA ANA - , the Come join us and meet www.orbitcostarica.com 3 or 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2 car to US Embassy. Call 8 am to paved roads, no down, owner 2.5 bath, maid’s qtrs, upscale best climate in CR, 1 bdr, 5 pm. for more info 800 MUSIC beautiful & sincere women 2 story condo. Fully furn, small for one person, tel, gar. Furn/unfurn $700 to finance 8%. Flat, lake 700’ $1000/mo. Mountain view 270-5284 (Ana) falls paradise. Nov 24th & 25th socials. BO. MEXICO Nuevo Mexico only need your suitcase. cable TV, pool, green area, 801 Music secure, furn $300, unfurn. homes. 269-5180/357-4647. Telfax 574-4407 Tour Nov 23th to 29th. Residential, 2 bdr, bath w/ $1200. 376-3958, 231-7970 Personal introductions. Free jacuzzi, gar, new kitchen fur- 382-2717, 282-5875 SAN ANTONIO, Escazu. ROCK- Blues Jam session, catalog & video niture, serv. rm, secure, 2 HOTEL-STUDIO apts APTS/CONDOS & homes Spectacular view. 4 bdr, 4.5 every last Sunday of the costa-rica-women.com flrs. $225 Yalile Escazu $10-$20-$30/night. very nice, for rent or sale in bath, service rm, 24 hr sec HOTEL/HOME sell total month at Motopsychos Bar, SANTA ANA APARTMENTS Call: 256-2715 CR / Tel: 240-9156 or 381-3258 $200/300/ 400mo. h/w, For rent 1, 2, 3 bdr Starting exclusive neighborhoods 4,000 m2, garden. $2,300 $180,000 or partners Santa Ana. Bass player- cable. 289-7486, 307-0164 such as Rohrmoser, Escazu, Tel: 289-6655 or 371-5060 singer wanted for house 602-553-8178 USA at $550. Furn or unfurn, 24 $50,000 down. 2 homes, L, hr. sec, wireless Internet Cariari. Bob 236-1028, band. 896-0466/ 843-2550 costa-rica-women.com BOSQUE de la Hoja, San 390-2988 K, DR, BR, B + 5 BR/5 B + 2 Rafael Heredia, 2 bdr, fridge, cable, 3 min to Forum, 15 LOS YOSES Furn, 3 bdr, , PZ. 2 bdr, apts. 700’ falls, lake w/1.5A. tel, washer/dryer, stove. min to Intl. Aiport, SAN ISIDRO SUZUKI Piano ages 3-90, security, parking, $1,200 furn, private, garden, river, Paradise, 31 people. $350+dep. Tel. 267-6260, Call (506) 282-1010 all levels. “Everyone has MIDDLE Age Tica, seeks Tel. 289-5249 BELEN very secure, modern Direct TV, tel. $650/mo. 374-8407 Telfax 574-4407 ability” Free Demo 232- Christian & respectable gen- 1- story home, spacious & 770-1920, 820-8002 3999. tleman s/relationship LUXURY APARTMENTS SANTA ANA fully furn, tel, bright, upscale, quiet neigh- Spanish 254-7507/ FROM $250 WK, $650 MONTH. TV, pool. $400 mo. borhood, partly furn, 3 bdr, 2 CARIARI on Golf course, 1 One bedroom. Completely & attrac- 282-6811, 818-5631, Swiss NEED INVESTORS or part- 900 PERSONAL 397-1048. tively furnished with full kitchen, full baths, office/ library, den, SAN JOSE de la Montaña, ners, Lindo Mexico Rest. bdr and 2 bdr furnished, Heredia, furn, nice view, 901 Men Seeking maid service. 239-1003 microwave, cable TV, Tel, Internet maid¥s quarters, internal Chicago, IL. opening in San access, 24-hr. security. SANTA ANA nice, 2 bdr, garden, big 2 car gar, big jacuzzi, 2 tel lines, $575. Tel. Rafael Escazu. 897-1783 or Women GUEST WELCOME 237-0141, 881-2482, TICA looking man, serious CENTRALLY LOCATED fully furn, pool, green area. back yard, fine wood floors & [email protected] relationship. 373-6036 $750. 203-0076, 203-6069 ceilings, elect gate, 2 tel. joaquin_arguedas@ CIUDAD COLON Furnished COMPLETELY PRIVATE costarricense.cr MOVING TO C.R. soon [email protected] studio apts. Utilities incl. www.hotels.co.cr/scotland.html lines, Sat. TV, $1,450 want female companion for Tel.(506) 223-0033, 223-0833 249-4736, 896-5510 SANTA ANA, Parque 870-8877 SARAPIQUI River Estate/ short or long term. Must Fax: 257-5317 www.costaricanapts.com [email protected] Montaña del Sol. Furnished, SAN PEDRO, 3 bdr, 2.5 Corp. Business Development speak English, be intelligent 903 Personal and attractive. Age 28 to 38. APARTMENTS unfurnished, 24 hr. security, CARIARI Furn, 3 bdr, gar- bath, near ULatina, full Tropical Lifestyle total privacy, telephone, den, $1,300. Escazu, 3 bdr, furn/equipped, w/d, 2 tel, www.feslick.com/melhome. I am a nice man and am to ESCAZU 1 bdr, furn, cable, SCOTLAND other. Children OK. Contact COMPLETE HAIRCARE garden, park. $300. Dog OK direct TV, washer/dryer. All $700. Rohrmoser, 3bdr $700 cable TV, garage, large yard, Ave 1 & Calle 27 included. $975/mo. Cel. htm Dale at durwardmahon@ Expert Massage. Across US safe area 884-1752 Behind Cine Magaly Tel: 239-0436 secure. $750/ month [email protected] hotmail.com Embassy. 291-3126 885-7934 or 228-1930 100 mts. east B. Escalante 827-6787, tel. 282-9489 www.bestchoicerealestate.net Tel: 225-5247 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | CLASSIFIEDS | 25

Colon. Large 7536 San Rafael. 1,659 SANTA ANA nice, full JACO BEACH, 125 acres, CIUDAD Colon, 25 min. Escazu. Lux, CUIDAD HEREDIA, equipped, 2 story, 3 bdrm, 2 ocean view. Highway 1106 Farms 1107 Houses from Multiplaza, new, 300 SAN ANTONIO m2 lot, in a gated communi- m2. Exc. view. $88,000. new w/ view. 2,750 m2 lot; Tel: 260-5429. baths, washer-dryer, green frontage. $5/ m2. Private M2 const, 2000 M2 lot. 600 m2 const. 4 bdr, 4.5 ty, has incredible views and areas. $775. Tel. 302-7459 sale. 880-8581/ 260-1423 2300 ACRES = 958 HA. $195K. 416-2007, 889-6129 sunsets. Existing 100 m2 *SEE 600+ properties* bath, service rm. [email protected] Distress sale! Great profit $680K 289-6655/371-5060 small house and permits to potential! Isolated but beauti- nationwide with pictures, build new const. Priced for MANUEL Antonio. Small, SANTA ANA Piedades. 2 search by area, price or type CURRIDABAT Near BMW. exclusive, gated community ful Highland Farm South of 140 m2 const, 2 floors, 3 quick sale $340,000 bdr. Duplex apt, furn, Direct 1103 Commercial San Isidro, lots of timber, www.AEcostarica.com 302-6099 with 5,000m2 lots located on t.v, HSP Internet on large bdr, sauna, jacuzzi $60,000 SAN RAFAEL, Heredia. peak of Manuel Antonio. rivers and springs. Good Tel: 301-0225 600m2 land, 240 m2 const. [email protected] wooded finca. $500/mo. Property access from Panamericana Gorgeous views, waterfalls, 282-2628 APTS/CONDOS & homes 2 flrs. $145K T. 372-2672 water, and elect. included. (20 Km) 83 yr. old owner very nice, for rent or sale in ESCAZU Bello Horizonte. ESCAZU, 3 bdrm, garden returning to Europe needs ESCAZU near Multiplaza. Starting at $169K. 302-6099 exclusive neighborhoods Condo. Villas del Bello SAN RAMON, Alajuela, [email protected] SANTO DOMINGO, Hdia, 3 exc. for dogs, 1 floor, walk- cash. Appraises at $1.2 mil- such as Rohrmoser, Escazu, Horizonte. 188 m2, maids rm chalet style, 800 mts lot, 146 Exc loc. Lot 147 M2, bdr, 2 bath, private, $350 ing distance to shopping lion, will sacrifice at Cariari. Bob 236-1028, w/ bath, 2 bdr, fully equip, M2 const, 3 bdrm, 2 bath, $72,000 OBO. Tel 835-3373 mo. Tel. 898-1215 centers. 885-3287 $900.000 = $391.30 @ acre! 390-2988 pool, ranch, tennis court, 2 fireplace, private road. ROSARIO, Naranjo, 1200 or less than $.10 cents @ car gar, 24 hr sec. Sale: $167K Tel. 253-5527, 387-5105 M2 and up. 820-3501, M2. 50% down. 50% 5 years Rent: $1,500 295-6929 ESCAZU, nice lot. Exc. 447-4162, 407-948-4190 STA. ANA, Los Jardines JACO 2.5 acres prime ocean at bank rate. Don’t miss this SANTA ANA Opportunity, location & neightborhood. view lot, titled & 100% Resort. 1,506 ft2 executive one. Call 383-5493, or Thecostarica ESCAZU, beautiful new 4 residence for manager or a T.561-582-7622 home. Lux, 2 bdr, 2 bath, buildable, power, water, 239-3372 leave message. business. 5 bdr, 7 bath, SABANILLA opportunity, $780K. Tel. 831-1621 bdr, 3 bath, great views. new furn. & built in wall realty.com $269,000. Tel. 870-4327 jacuzzi, pool. 282-9138 exc. location, 800M2, 32M2 units, buffet & desk BEAUTIFUL 10.4 acres, [email protected] PRIME front, $69 M2. 883-0486 Rentals & Sales ranchero. Beautiful landscape LIBERIA Airport, 2 has, Pocora- Guapiles, 20 min 2 pools Avail Nov. 1st. from “The Earth”, house w/ 3 228-6863 ESCAZU, mountain retreat 4 REAL ESTATE 500ft from Control tower, SANTA ANA Rio Oro. Nice SANTA ANA 6,000 m2. 5 $1,500 Call: (224)588-6291 well. 560-1445, 874-3333 bdr, 2 bath, kit, terrace & apt. bdr, 3 bath, incredible view, or [email protected] w/ 1 bdr, 1 bath, kit & fruit pool, hot tub, fireplace & home 120 m2, 3 bdr, 2 Country View blocks from new Forum. 45 trees, also 3 pools to raise Atenas Realty more $285K. Owner financ- baths, dining/ living room Parcel units hotel or condos. Price SAN JOSE CENTER, excel- Tilapia. $105.000 ing available. Tel. 288-5394, combo, large lot 1,938 m2. Lovely 4-acre home site in $450K (866)724-8348 VILLA Real, amazing view, a small, peaceful & pic- or (407) 729-6784 lent building for sale, 2 story, Tel: 866-4775 www.atenasrealty.com 831-1621 Owner motivated to sell, will to the West, 1250 M2. 500 M2 const. Very good [email protected] consider any offers above turesque village near 829-9812, 392-5661 condition, tels, with offices, $130K Gated entrance ; just 1 hr. to San 6 car park. ATENAS Sta. Eutalia, 850 ESCAZU, three story, city , please see our Web site at José; mature trees; creek; 1110 Rent or Sale FARMS, Homes, condomini- views 3.5 bath, 2 car gar, www.americanrealtycr.com or birds; great VIEWS; pri- VILLA, fully furn, 1-2-3 bdr, Tels. 379-3463 m2 lot , 500 m2 const. [email protected] ums, business opportunities, $250,000 Tel: 372-2672 jacuzzi, studio low maint. call 338-2307 vacy; all utilities; nice cli- Res. El Castillo, Sn Raf/Hdia, undeveloped land in the 300 M2. Mike 289-0812 mate; home package CIUDAD Colon. New Internet, fireplace, Satellite mountain & at the beach. All available. detached single- family dish, fully sec, tel, quiet. 1104 Condominiums sizes & prices. See: ATENAS, Properties in the SANTA ANA-Villa Melida, $75,000. homes for rent. 3bdr, 2.5 267-7821, 304-3737, www.angiesanchezhomes.co best climate. 506-446-6619 GRECIA, only $52,000. 5 Large home in exclusive, baths, $500/ per month. 4 howardsingar@montrati. m or call 843-7053 CR www.atenas.co.cr bdrm, furnished chalet style gated comm. 4 bdr, 4.5 bath. Mountain Top bdr, 3.5 bath, $750/ per co.cr CONDO Azur apt. 2 on the corner of Calle 11 & Ave. 11. home in beautiful safe peace- 2 din areas, 2 offices, fmly Secluded 4-acre parcel; month, or for sale. USA ful area. Hot water, garage, rm & liv rm, patio/garden eco-compound behind La (714) 200-7630 Built like a rock. 24 hr sec. BIG OCEAN view from the Walk downtown SJ. By GORGEOUS 318-acre farm more. Fenced/walled. For overlooking green areas Paz Waterfall Gardens; CR 382-8122 1006 Rooms on the Rio San Carlos. By mtns. Waterfall, fruit trees on info call 433-2995 or w/pool, jacuzzi, BBQ area & great VIEWS; lush rain [email protected] owner. $275,000 2 ac. Totally remodeled Tel: 268-5570 owner, asking 385K. Details 352-7675 or email: work out rm w/sauna. Perfect forest: pristine river; plen- http://www.geocites.com www.fincalilly.com secluded 1300 sqft house [email protected] for a family. Photos avail. Lot ty of birds & wildlife; pri- /kedge SABANILLA Montes de Oca with wood cabinets, laundry 172000/CostaRicaHomeRent. 2bdrs or house to share w/ or email to [email protected] 3,405m2, house 750m2, vacy & peace; all infra- rm, vaulted ceilings, new tile $1.1 million. 302-6099, structure; 1 hr to San html couple or students. All serv, & carpet. 150K HEREDIA, San Francisco. gar near FidÈlitas. 273-6662 COCO BEACH [email protected] José; log home package PEREZ ZELEDON, 322 [email protected] New, 4 bdr, 3 bath, 2 car gar available. CONDO hect, waterfalls, suitable for w/ view to the Central Valley. $85,000. ESCAZU 3 bdr, 2.5 baths, Magnificent mountain lodge. $150K 848-0280 877-5273 STA. ANA 847 m2 lot, 430 maids rm. w/ full bath, lvg/ 1100 REAL ESTATE 506-843-1228, 771-4037 BO. CORDOBA San Jose, m2 const. Utilities incl. View Ranch dng rm. w/ balcony mountain views. House w/ 2 apt, & 3 car gar. $350K tel: 372-9718 family rm, kit. & breakfast FOR SALE JIMENEZ de Pococi, Limon, Gorgeous 17-acre ranch • 2 bedrooms, 400 m2 const. $135K in a picturesque village of nook, laundry rm, marble 1101 Apartments 1 bathroom PEREZ Zeledon. Awesome 360-4415 Opportunity buy! Fenced, electric gate, 3 bdr, 2 flrs, central a/c, BBQ, 2 car bath, office, warehouse, cor- homes by hotel Puriscal; nice rolling hills • Near completion 360º, panor. view, 29 acres, TWO NEW with large terraces; good parking, storage rm, 24 hr • Owner must sell. $275,000. 371-0783 owner ner lot. Info: 450-3719. Cariari, private area, 4 bdrm, sec. 165 m2 (1,772 ft2) Spanish 3 bath each, family room VIEWS; excellent climate; SANTA ANA, 1st floor, Only US$58,000 BRAND New! Heredia, Sto. good soil; forest; wildlife; $225K Tel: 289-2710 quiet, covered terrace, pool, plus. $125,000 & $135,000. Call now! 670-1401 SAMARA 20 ha. 5 min to Domingo. 3 bdr, 3 bath, 2 paved road; all utilities; gardens, 2/2 furnished, cable Call 371-9238, 290-4946, cozy owner's house; 1 hr Int. $98,000. Bargain, financ- 305-8454 beach. Good ocean view. floors, furn kit. w/ solid wood LA GARITA great opportuni- 350-9046 ESCAZU, contemporary 4 [email protected] & granite. Private residential, ty 9392 M2 land, 3 bdr to San José. ing, owner. 391-2080 CR Properties $230,000. bdrm, guest house, pool, Realty, S.A., Coco 24hr sec, 2 car gar, elect house, w/ac, 4 bath, 2 pools, jacuzzi, incredible view, for gate, h/w, ceramic flrs, inter- service house. $320,000. VILLA Real, amazing view 1102 Beach Property SAN VITO mountain view, 3 Rain Forest Jewel sale or rent. 885-3287 miles to town, 2 bdrm, 2.5 com, wroucht iron. $125,000 (506) 822-9107, home, 4 bdrm, 4 bth, open 244-4025 (506) 883-2617 areas, 829-9812, 392-5661 185 acres of lush rain for- ESCAZU secure 237 M2 bath, cathedral ceiling, car- est; behind La Paz COMMERCIAL lot for sale condo, great patio, fine fin- port, large wk shop on 2.5 GOD’S Blessing for you. Waterfall Gardens, next Custom luxury home moun- with liquor license. Great ishes, 3 bdr, 2.5 bath & large acres, $120K. Wilson BY OWNER 3 km from San to Poas Volcano Park; location at the entrance of living area. Gated complex of 506-773-3619, cel 847-4960 1108 Lots/Property tain view. 4 bdrm, 3 bath, Isidro de Heredia, newly pristine river, waterfalls, $260,000. $1000 rent. Playa Palo Seco. 666 M2 16 units w/pool & 24hr sec. remodeled colonial house, 4 superior wildlife; VIEWS; ready to build. $148,000. $220,000. Contact 302-6099 Tel. 266-1061, 289-5687 SOUTH ZONE, River front bdrm, 3 bath, front porch and ALAJUELA 5,070 m2. 5 good road & utilities; Call 778-8408 or email [email protected] deck. Spanish tile roof. Large ideal for Nature Retreat. [email protected] parcels. Beautiful tracts from min from Int’l Airport. In front lot. Clean river runs in the of highway to Puntarenas. 1 hr. to San José. ROHRMOSER bldng 1 to 10 acres with easily $475,000 ESCAZU: breathtaking view! accessible roads, incredible back of the property. House: 248 m2, warehouse: , $200,000. OBO Phone: 4 floors, 615 M2, close to LAST Townhouse on secluded cul- mountain views, river 120m2. $65/m2 Mansion with de-sac, 4 bdrm, 3.5 baths, 350-3544, 869-9868. New Homes All incl, beautiful gardens w/ US Embassy, ideal for offices frontage, and walking dis- Views or 2 apts. 371-9238, OPPORTUNITY jacuzzi, wood floors, solid tance to local airport with fruit & teak trees. 228-1229 Quality Craftsmanship Exclusive Mediterranean 350-9046, 290-4946 walls - not sheetrock, sky daily flights to and from San [email protected] style 10,000 sqft home; in lights, impeccable detailed Jose on multiple carriers. CARIARI 2 townhouses. 340 Located on Beach Road 1km from Playa Barco Escazú gated hilltop; 3+ finishings. $350,000. Truly one of a kind location m2 Executive town acres of tropical gardens; ROHRMOSER large 5 bdr, 4 Quebrado, 10 km South Tel. 289-4704 nestled between Palmar houses in a quiet, upscale ALTOS DE Cariari, very breath-taking VIEWS; bath home. All w/walk in of Nosara, Starting from Norte and Palmar Sur, ideal residential area. Great secure area, lots from 700 covered terrace for 100+ closets. Gorgeous wood pan- income potential, across Low 200’s. CHRISTMAS BUSINESS for vacation and retirement M2 to 1400 M2, 2100 M2. people; Helipad; 15 min. eled office, sep. living & din- FOR SALE homes sites. Many lots have from Cariari C.C. Asking Panoramic view. to San José. Privacy & ing, atrium, alrm & a/c. Properties between driveways and pad sites $489K 239-3295/385-0759 835-1708 Tel. 394-1865 with Erika Security, Huge kit, lovely wood finish- Samara, Mal País, Punta Reduced price ready for build, electricity $1,600,000. es, 2 car prkng and storage. Islita, Coyote and Bejuco and water. This land is not far www.costacoastdc.com $500 m2. $435,000 areas. Lots, farm, water Low interest loan, financing from the proposed future CARIARI Furn, 3 bdr, gar- ARENAL View to lake. 41 Info on these & others Rent: $3,500. Finance avail. front and ocean view. available. Beautiful furn, 2 international airport, and has den, $110K. Escazu, 3 bdr, ha. $20,000 each. 302-6099 bdr, 2 bath, 150 mtrs from great potential. Prices start at garden. From $115K OSA PENINSULA, Puerto Tel: 384-4042 or 388-1281 288-1414 [email protected] 655-9055 • 881-1389 beach in Playas del Coco. Tel: 239-0436 Jimenez. 3 blocks from 859-6648 $49,000. Title and survey RUFIQ38REALTY@ available for closing with www.bestchoicerealestate.net Ocean, 2,800 ft2, house w/ 822-1414 YAHOO.COM buyer’s attorney or through all amenities. 3bdr, 2 baths, ATENAS. 25 acres. Great [email protected] 1111 Quintas Stewart Title Company. tiled throughout, vaulted ceil- panoramic view. 13.5 acres ings, modern kit w/ all appli- www.primecostarica.com Para la venta Please email us for more info CHARMING country living flat with fruit growing trees. located in Marcella near Rio ances. Baths w/ granite Mountain and clean river. FOR SALE 7 a/c cabinas and pictures. PEACEFUL PROPERTY precio bajo Cuarto Venecia 2 bdrm, 2 counter tops, jacuzzi tub, $20M2. 446-5067/446-6868 and restaurant with owners [email protected] patio, 2 car gar w/ elect. door ESCAZU, prestigious lots 20 MIN. TO SAN JOSE Costa Rica 506-819-6609 bth, immaculate ready to apartment 300 mts to Playa Prestamo a bajo interes, move into. $79,900. www. opener, Direct t.v, a/c, tel. in from 1000 M2. 5000 M2 in Negra lot 1,500M2, phone, financiamiento disponible. *Ask for Marcos USA 832- all rms. Landscaped lot size www.balconesdeescazu.com feslick.com/coxhome.htm BEACH AND Estuary front Mountains. Plenty of sat TV, high speed Internet, Condo, bonito, amueblado, 2 7943034 Ask for Al. 705 m2. Close to attractions, [email protected] investment opportunity in birds, nature and pri- complete workshop. dormitorios, 2 baños, 150 asking price $169,500 Fully Damas Island, Quepos, Costa vacy with house 3 $335,000 greatly reduced. mts de la playa en Playas del titled. [email protected] FOR SALE. La Garita near Fincas! Rica. 14.82 acres. Excellent Paul Cowan Coco. 859-6648 735-5491 or 347-3860 INCAE, property with 79 lots, bdrm., 2 bath, big liv- property with all the facilities 658-8158, cel 389-5268 Fincas! Ciudad Colon 170,000 m2 with 10,000 m2 ing room & corre- PURISCAL San Antonio and utilities. Tel: 767-8080. dors, panoramic view [email protected] PENTHOUSE Barrio Amon, Fincas! A Buyers Dream! commercial highway Abajo, 2 story, 4 bdr, 3 bath, [email protected] frontage, ready to urbanize to mountains & val- San Jose, elegantly fur- laundry, garage, fruit trees. nished, great view, 24-hr ¥ Playa Grande Because of health reasons, $6,500,000. Bargain, Villa in ley. $75,000. GUANACASTE, Portegolpe/ 71 hect. $8 sq/mt owner is selling his beautiful 1017 M2 lot, 232 M2 const. Los Reyes, before $580,000, security, air cond. $350,000 ¢25,000,000 417-0139 COUNTRY VIEW lots 15 Tel. 418-8303, Tempate. 2hect rural setting Tel. 392-6746 or 829-3198 estate on 2.5 acres with 4000 now $380,000. Alajuela ¥ Venado Spanish min. from Tamarindo, Costa 200 mts river frontage. 300 Financing Available sf. house, guest house, pri- near, International Airport, 391-0445 400 hect. $4 sq/mt. Rica 1.25 - 2.5 acres, roads, mts public road. Great view vate pool, high quality furni- Hotel & Condo. Villa Dolce, ¥ Playa Negra elec., water, gated. Beautiful near restaurants, gas station ture, appliances and a car! REAL ESTATE EXPERT 3,700 m2 with 19 rooms, Need some cash? 2 hect. $22 sq/mt building sites from $65,000. 20 min to beaches Take advantage of this moti- Farms, lots, housing, pool tropical garden, secure For a few $ more, Rancho Cartagena. Douglas Tamarindo/ Flamingo Sell it fast; ¥ Many More! vated seller. Asking $399,000 warehouses. parking area $1,450,000 - open to reasonable offers. Evans you can each $165,000. Tel: 379-0168 Lic. Jorge A Peralta B www.villadolce.com for more with the TT (506) 653 0267 Call Faith at 344-2513, (506) 653-8512 Email: thousands of Eng. 358-9412 Spanish. Cel 306-5426, 221-1702 information call Classifieds www.nativecostarica.com 203-7831 Fax 223-6780 [email protected] (506) 433-8932/ 433-4350. Internet readers 26 | CLASSIFIEDS | THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006

REGISTERED Surveyor for LADY’S CAR 2000 KIA 95 TOYOTA turbo, diesel, COMMERCIAL Honda gen- CARS RENT A CAR. 4X4 $225 1200 SERVICES Topography. Analysis, Level 1309 Tours Delta, 65,000 Km, auto, win- Landcruiser, autom, seats 8, erator EB5000. Has 100 p/w, compact cars, $150 p/w Contours, etc. 867-9984. dows, new tires, $3900. See full xts, impeccable, low hours $2000. Tel. 861-3230 $125 wk, $300 deposit. with insurance, CD, A/C. 1201 Accounting in Cariari. Call 383-5493 or miles, $26,900. 244-0484 Multilock system. www.CostaRica 15 PASS, tourist Van 239-3372 Ask for offers 256-0101 LandSurverys. com licensed, insured, fluent Also COSTA RICAN & U.S Tax English, Sea to Sea border to 1504 Motorcycles and Accounting. Costa Rican Tel: 267-7521. 97’ CHEV Cavalier: $1800 border. $125 daily. MITSUBISHI Montero Sport, aqua, 4 dr, a/c, Minnesota 15 pass. Van $250wk, $600 TUCAN RENT A CAR Legal Services. English spo- 289-8010, cell 394-3934 ken. 288-2201 2002, 1 owner, blue, turbo- title. You pay import tax. deposit. 228-5827/302-1242 Trooper, Mitsubishi Montero, 1209 Repair diesel, likenew, lux. rims, [email protected] 2004 HARLEY Davidson 825-9694 low rate, rental Insurance, sunroof. $22,000. 382-2717, Fatboy Custom, over $30K [email protected] low deposit. CLOUD Forest Tours (simi- 282-5875 invested, black, 8K miles, tucanrentacar.com 1203 Construction COMPUTER troubles? lar to Monteverde). 99 LAND Rover Freelander Call the P.C. Guy. Your place drag bars, forward controls, 441-0859/441-7744/ Birdwatching, horses, fishing low miles, good cond, 5CD 2 seats, detachable backrest, 840-8501 or ours. Call Pat at 289-8638 & more. luisready@ SUBARU Forester 2000. player, sunroof, new tires, tons of chrome. $20,000 A1 MASTER builder, elec- or 384-5636 costarricense.cr One owner, like new. 24K mi. $13,500. 289-4579 tric, plumbing, cement- block $12,900 394-4578 OBO. Tel. 778-7236 WE WILL beat anybody’s stucco , Am. owned. COMPUTER troubles? rates. Rent a car with us, best 289-7486 /3070164 Call the P.C. Guy. Your place HOTEL JEEP GRAND Cherokee rates, service & quality on or ours. Call Pat at 289-8638 ONLY ONE in Costa Rica. Laredo, 2001, 4700 cc, V8, 2006 YAMAHA YZF 450 Sedan & 4X4. 430-4647 AMERICAN builder with or 384-5636 EL CAFETAL Nissan Armada brand new w/ 45,000 miles, light blue, ATV, white, bought new 3 American standards of quali- SUNDAY BRUNCH 4 Armour doors, 4x4, auto- autom, full extras. $19,000 months ago, used only 10 ty & service. Available for matic. TV/ DVD/ BOSE OBO. Tel. 308-8173 times. Cost over $10,000 4X4 CAR RENTAL has quality 1211 Legal Services Xenon- Camera laser- 1600 WANTED home improvements, remod- Our Bar Restaurant new, $7500 firm. 778-7236 autos with air, CD players, els & new construction. Satellite computer. English starting at $35 per day, 1601 Wanted Office in Sabana East. ATTORNEY USA -CR Lic. Rincón Llanero is leather. $18,000 in extras. US JEEP Liberty 2002, low including full coverage Interesting conversation is Gregory Kearney Lawson, open Tue.-Sun. $70,000. All taxes paid and miles, exc. condition, 4x4 insur. & unlimited mileage. registered. One diplomat ACREAGE. Looking to buy always free. 861-3230 Immigration, invest, Real 8 a.m.-9 p.m. AC, Tico Plates. $17,000. 1505 Rentals 358-7676 costaricabuilders@mmail. Estate sales 841-0007 owner. Tel: 430-6350. www.4x4rentacar.com 1 to 1000 ocean view acres! com Tel. 288-1996, 856-0001 Email: St. Eulalia of Atenas ****CHEAP rates, Sedan [email protected] ARCHITECTURE & NEED INVESTMENT and SUZUKI Gran Vitara 4x4, $20, 4X4 $30, Vans, trucks. MERCEDES Benz Turbo Construction. Top quality Legal Advise? Residences, 446-5785 model 2000, V6, 2500 cc, Free miles, Alajuela, Liberia Diesel. 3 day min, starting projects. 231-2755, E-mail: VISA, Real Estate, www.cafetal.com 1502 4X4’S 45,000 km. $14K Home: airp. Also Vans 15 pass with $30/day. Great long terms. [email protected] Corporations, Bank Loans. 232-8641 Office: 220-2808 driver $125 day. Special for 822-0706, 350-7579, 282- Need a car? www.intropicarchitects.com Call (506)-884-7232 long terms. 380-3432 3564 [email protected] * wheelsCR.com * 1503 Miscellaneous Don’t look far; See 150 imported vehicles at 443-3333 www.crtropicalrentacar.com KEEP your builder honest. VILLALOBOS Investors 1400 Tico prices from local RENT A CAR 4X4, new find it in the TT models, from $30/day. Updates on your project from Call (506) 296-1936 TRANSPORTATION dealers. Car, trucks, SUV’s ELECTRIC Wheelchairs. Classifieds an unbiased source. One brand new Deluxe Special p/week. 811-9620 Experienced & professional. 1402 Boats Invacare top of the line 22” 03 GALLOPER turbo diesel, *CARS English speaking in leather, charger & 2 batteries, Guanacaste. 898-5106 like new. 2 dr, a/c, p/s, low AQUA Dutch ( inflatable miles. $14,000 head rest digital. New cost $125-$195 a week boat) 10 ft. used. 560-1445 or 874-3333 $10,642, our price $5,500. Call Andy 282-7013 1204 Computers Another electric chair spe- With over 15 years $1,100 Tel: 438-3629 serving the cially made for travel fits in a 05 FORD XLT Supercab, 4 car trunk w/ charger and 2 15 PASS Van w/driver. International CANOE, lake & river. 14 ft WD Diesel, 5 sp, loaded CENTRAL AMERICAÕS LEADING ENGLISH-LANGUAGE NEWSPAPER AAA Community batteries, perfect condition. Scooter, ATV, Mortorcycle & with adaptor for outboard. only. 12K mi. Asking $50K $1,250 Tel: 228-1539 or $600 Home: 232-6641 Horse rentals. 269-8724 COMPUTER Our Fully Bilingual OBO Tel: 253-3501 338-0000 costaricayourway.com Staff Offers Legal Office: 220-2808 All Work Guaranteed or your Services in: 05’ MITSUBISHI Montero Read Us Online: Money Back! Mike 302-5558 Purchasing and Selling COSTA Boat, 13 ft. fiber- APEX A-19 used, Evinrude 4x4 TROOPER for Rent, all Real Estate Sport, like new, all extras. 115 hp. Trailer 2 axles. $17K glass. $1,297 438-3629 Exc. value. $27,500 with a/c & exc cond. Luis / More info 438-3629 ONSITE Computer Service / ¥ Purchase and Sales www.acinautico.com 239-3295 or 385-0759 Tony 832-5656 www.ticotimes.net Repair. Happy Gringo Agreements wwww.acinautico.com [email protected] Computer for all your hard- ¥ Corporations FIBERGLASS Pontoon¥s. ware/software needs. Escazu- ¥ Property Title 1980 TOYOTA Fj-40, diesel, Any length up to 53¥. Boat Landcruiser, restored, AC, Santa Ana area. Kevin Huey. Studies & Warranty kits you assemble. Custom 879-1188 PS, luggage rack, snorkel, Immigration Affairs boats. U.S 1-352-542-7152 seats 6. $12,900. 244-0484 Caymans 345-916-6178 1205 Languages Vargas & Associates San Jose: 2000 CHEVY S-10 pick up, (506) 234-2410 WWW.RICABOATS.COM DOCUMENT Translations 4 dr, 4X4, turbo diesel, full Guanacaste: Boats for Sale over 40 sail xts, great cond. $15,900. English- Spanish- German (506) 682-0374 & powerboats, view photos The best rates. E- mail Tel. 244-0484 FOCUSED SALES U.S. Direct line 1 (323) of the boats online. [email protected] 230-9680 Tel 827-2362, 654-4063 www.mvrealestatelaw.com 2001 DODGE Ram 2500 LEARN SPANISH in Escazu. [email protected] Magnum, red with tinted EXECUTIVES Tel: 384-2465, 289-4396, 1500 VEHICLES windows and roll bar, only www.ilerispanishschool.com 9500 miles Quad cab, stan- 1501 Autos dard, 5.4 liter V8, over OTOYA Educational Institute 1300 TOURISM $50,000 replacement cost, Requirements: Spanish as a second lan- 1301 Accommodations 1996 MAZDA Miata MX5 $25,000 firm. 778-7236 guage. The best methodology 60,000 miles. $9,000 Please and prices. Hostel Otoya. call Fernando 840-9819 San Jose, CR. Reservations PELICAN Beachfront Hotel, 2001 DODGE Ram turbo, Dynamic (506) 258-2435 358-7871. midway diesel, 4 dr, pick-up, 4X4, Jaco/Quepos/Manuel 2000 SUZUKI Gran Vitara, Quad cab, $32,900, like new, auto, black, AC, all power, Money Hungry SPANISH lessons, for every Antonio. (506)778-8105 low miles. 244-0484 www.pelicanhotelcr.com V4, 67K mi, excellent condi- travel situation, ¢1,900 Hr. tion, $9,500. 203-7364, Escazu. Tel. 386-0128. Can do Attitude RAINFOREST LODGE for 381-1641 2002 Nissan Patrol SUV rent, only $95day 830-0833 seats 7, LP gas super econo- Native ENGLISH Speakers TRANSLATION English, 445-9530. www.Los- 2004 FIAT Doblo, 7 pass, my, 4X4, leather, dual air, French, Spanish. Competitive Alpes.de exc. cond, 67,700 km, new multi-cd, sunroof, like new! rates, professional service. tires, $11,000. 778-8152 $26,900. 244-0484 For HIGH Earnings Tel: 273-4124 VACATION Rental, dly/wk/ mo, new 1bd (604)8731985 [email protected] Tele/Sales Background useful but not TRANSLATIONS fast & and 91’ MITSUBISHI 3,000 2006 DODGE Ram 1500 professional. Spanish/ GT $13000. 1993 Corvette Sport HEMI 4X4, grey, 3 English. Call 506-857-8484 1306 Fishing $28,000. 1997 Mustang months old, 4500 miles, essential Conv. $15,000. 1997 Quad cab Sport package, full leather, 5.7 liter HEMI, over TARPEN & Snook fishing at Mitsubishi Montero Sport TRANSLATIONS San 4X2, $11,000. 1997 Jeep $2000 in other accessories. Jeronimo. English-Spanish, Barra Colarado. Looking fo Full Training Will Be Given. fishing buddies. Baot, guide, Grand Cherokee Limited 4X4 Cost over $52,000 new, English-French. 241-5221. $48,000 OBO. Tel. 778-7236 equip, rm & board. $17000. Call 446-2207 or Immediate Start for the Right Persons. $200day 249-0890/ [email protected] 1206 Miscellaneous 828-1878 91 MITSUBISHI Montero 4 Four places only. door, 4X4, full xts, automatic! “WE CAN HELP” 95’TOYOTA Corolla White, 1307 Guides 4 dr, auto, exc. cond. $5,500 Real nice, $6900. With whatever legal matters; Tel. 244-0484 involving const. projects or 855-0162 property issues, plan regu- MANAGEMENT ROLE ALSO AVALABLE ladores, permisos de uso, PRIVATE UNIQUE M. Benz 600 SL property surveys, topo plans, 91’ MITSUBISHI Montero, TOUR AMG tops, red. Palomino gas, 4 dr, a/c, CD, great titles, building permits, leather, impeccable, taxes CLOSE DATE: 30/10/2006 const. drawings, project cond, all records. $6,200 NEW 12-PASSENGER VAN paid. One diplomat owner. Tel: 885-6144 management, hard woods, Experienced English-speak- $32,000 Tel: 288-1539 or importing materials/ vehi- ing Guide. Anywhere, 338-0000 cles, whatever. 15 yrs in CALL NOW @ 344-8940 Anytime $25. 95 JEEP Wrangler, 4X4, low Costa Rica helping people Call Jim 249-2701, problem solve. FORD FOCUS 2001 like miles, automatic, ac, ps, pb, cell 395-2407 new. Only 46,000 km. SE, perfect cond. $13,500. [email protected] [email protected] 735-5491/ 347-3860 4D. $10,000. Tel 397-6580. Tel. 244-0484 7975 THE TICO TIMES – October 20, 2006 | CROSSWORD & WEATHER REPORT | 27


ACROSS 65 Tavern orders 37 Terminated 1 Dutch portraitist Hals 66 Self-confident words 39 Milk source 6 Pleased 67 Ho-hum feeling 40 Barrel slat 10 Crack and redden 68 Once, once 43 Sincere 14 That’s an order! 69 “Cat on __ Tin Roof” 47 Nearsightedness 15 Assess 70 Part of a stairway 49 Rankle 16 Time of day DOWN 50 Adriatic seaport 17 Reach in amount 1 Sack 51 Game played with 18 Screen symbol 2 Drubbing deck of 40 cards 19 German car 3 Diarist in hiding 52 Wash abrasively 20 Everlasting 4 Kind of acid 53 Salon orders 22 Treated badly 5 Candle holder 55 Regarding 24 Capricious 6 Interrogate 57 Singly 26 Tertiary Period part 7 Varnish ingredient 59 Unfeigned 27 “Moon River” lyricist 8 Tiny particle 60 “Age of Aquarius” 29 Judy of “Laugh-In” 9 Fineness measure musical 31 Gardner of Hollywood 10 Author of “The 63 Cambodian’s neighbor 32 Surprise cries Canterbury Tales” –Michael Curl 34 Pulitzer category 11 Monopoly purchase 38 Mil. rank 12 “The Age of Anxiety” 39 Set free poet SOLUTION #368 41 Careless 13 Inordinate self- 42 Signed esteem 44 Talent 21 City in Ohio 45 Tournament sit-out 23 High-altitude probe 46 Promo pro 25 Reverberant 48 Scared 27 Nativity visitors 51 Fish hawk 28 Uniform 54 Yielded 30 From 56 ‘83 and ‘84 33 First name in gym- Wimbledon winner nastics 58 Monkee Mike 35 Some Kosovo resi- 61 Use an auger dents 62 Drained 36 Request for permis- 64 Sparkling headwear sion Subscription Order

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