F.J Mindtree Global Village, RVCE Post, Mysore Road, a Larsen & Toubro Group Company Bengaluru-560059, L(Arnataka, India
.,.-:.�---� Registered OfficeAddress: Mindtree Ltd. f.J Mindtree Global Village, RVCE Post, Mysore Road, A Larsen & Toubro Group Company Bengaluru-560059, l(arnataka, India. Corporate IdentityNumber (CIN): L72200KA1999PLC025564 E-mail: info@mindtree.com Ref: MT/STAT/CS/19-20/230 March 3, 2020 BSE Limited National Stock Exchange of India Limited Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers, Exchange Plaza, Sandra Kurla Complex, Dalal Street, Mumbai 400 001 Sandra East, Mumbai 400 051 BSE : fax : 022 2272 3121/2041/ 61 NSE : fax: 022 2659 8237 / 38 Phone:022-22721233/4 Phone: (022) 26598235 / 36 email: corp.rplatiorc�@b�Pindia.com email : cmlist@nse.co.in Dear Sirs, Sub: Submission of Shareholders' Notice published in connection with Transfer of Equityshares to IEPF Suspense Account This is to inform that the Company has published a notice in the newspapers in connection with the shares and dividend liable to be transferred to IEPF in accordance with Section 124(6) of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Investor Education and Protection Fund Authority (Accounting, Audit, Transfer and Refund) Rules, amended upto date. Please find enclosed the copies of notice published in Business Standard and Kannada Prabha. This is for your information and records. Thanking you. Sincerely, For Mindtree Limited VedavalliS Company Secretary Encl : as above. Mindtree Ltd Global Village T +9180 6706 4000 RVCE Post, Mysore Road F +9180 6706 4100 Bengaluru - 560059 W www.mindtree.com Welcome to possible MUMBAI | TUESDAY, 3 MARCH 2020 BRAND WORLD 17 . < Sensodyne drops the white coat, unmasks a new image The toothpaste brand from GSK Consumer ditches the old prescriptive advertising routine, as it looks to widen its appeal among young users T E NARASIMHAN Chennai, 2 March or close to a decade, Sensodyne has been F pitched as a special toothpaste for sensitive teeth.
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