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1929 The olC lege News, 1929-11-20, Vol. 16, No. 07 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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• College • ,- .. •

VOL. XV1{ I'!O. 7 PRICE. I 0 • CENTS

.. Vespers. Mrs. Fleming Tells' Episodes Presented Dr. Abou.t Collectivity By Angna Enters Bryn).fawr serv� Hornell Hart will lead the ic:e 011" .• 24, --. League vesper Russian Doctrine Achieved by 7:30 II i room Contrasting PerSonalities EfFec.4 ·und,ay �ovel�nber4 at h r American ,Financial in the l us c of Good· lively Harmonized i:o a t. Help. • Music . Second PI5yers Produc ion Successful NEW PLAN SUCCEEDS t , .. AUDIE CE RESPONSIVE • . N; • On IS, November H ...... --' "."' i Capo," by Thursday e\'ening, No\'ember Thursda}', Mrs. a I r lff in' l�lKI:':- 1��len;,) the chor�Jllimc, pre­ r a da Edna St. Vincent Ita Jackson Fleming. the well-known trav­ �ellled O alll of her Episodcs Millay, was presented in Goodhart \ e lb nr eler and lecturer, was guest at a in (:oodhartc IS.Iiall, Friday Hall under tht auspices of the Varsity C!\'ening, No­ the Music: Room. Mrs. r;leming. nuJ who Players. Continuing their practice of ' ll r f the . henefit of' the is allowing one week only for rehearsals, has traveled eXlcmsively in Russia • Regional ScholarshiJ) FundBr}'11 and under resul:!� tht' Players :Jl('\:n .proved what excep­ very conversant with conditions I A!lsoci�ti()f\ and .. Consequently th� 3U�I)ice!l of the Mawr tional Ihc)' Clll1 obtain by short there, Sl)Okc all that subject at Br)'11 of gaMenl ,"enn-' l :!o' WI� ss to Illosl of mdicncc. "It cOllcentrated effort. Although this Mawr lasL. year she was not s necessary for - syhallia:alld Dela .....are, AllRlla Enters lic. to p a le difficult to perform than familiar her crcales and intcrtlrs:ts "elli!lodes" vary­ ssi Ihe w "Ridl'rs to the Sea" and did there­ i an understanding of 1110- on illg ill character frOIl1 the symbo fore leave such a profound impre on present-day Runi.," began Mrs. (-'lem- hllrl4!$(tue: to (':ach. ill the fe of C. Dyer,.'JI, a self, IlteII It the audiel1ce, ne\'erthe1e55, under ing, "to realize that Russia, is working lIIelllS allottcd, she surrenders her en. e(jual fact t e It her exquisit� the dirtction it attained to""ard doctrine of absolute collec- tire being of daucer, an mo In success. in h lines tivity, and that thi, experiment would , artist and mimic. except other wa liuIIIl with black were much re distinf!:tly audible in have failed had "not Ford, Owen sel1!'e of irony and humor. ape i the production Thursd.ay night, partly Young and great American fin­ \,�·('tThe wide stage Drake, '31, i of of s because the players SPOke more slowly. anciers gone to the rescut. The dr r es, the �hade chanaing is btst by e if used M. n fhe role of Colum­ str�ngth the doctrine collectivity as dif(erent lights .....ere cast; the ac­ Russian boy bint. who'arH�lniliar-withgave perhaps the most finished illustrated th cue of the c�-;sori�$ were of the .....of u. her wti Cll--e h � hT.."W'iii;If.d.i;ii�;�� t e performance, as was t!xpected by those taken fro: i ' niit \, by lo it who educated hi". �r:7:-�� Betthoven acting. Itsrtif'r,lo i a look, 1}tQI)Ied and . I stage presellce made him happy the posstssion of a JUI'!, Her technique and pantomime are, un­ a cksm h, and space,. Music, frOIll a wrist watch and a radio. Th f(olll usually professional, her in H�ldtJitebuSIiY to Sousa nd came COlli- ke displayiitg ease and a spontaneily of e Rus- softly and continuously behind she twit(':hed her short tulle action. In a charmingly whimsical sian newspapers were filled with ";"1,,,1- t scenes, ceasing only occasionally . . and o ow the boy a lust for pos- ),,"l1 1 with Enters ' Iminner pliinu apinst thi, locksmith, to be effective throuRh iu absence; the .. '32, sessions against 1110vemen( o\'ertones vi.. skirt f ll ed the indifftrent Pier­ he had given • rh l was identified Angna Enters b t her e rot.. 'In Pierrot, P. Putnam was training him the cpl- and the the -The most of as. confronted with a part more difficult lective. ra ed with emotiollS; th harmon- however, sho)Ving I>ossibilities of great­ than other.. She catried it well, effective exprcssion th� DU es D'tSCUSSe s t . e . Double Meeting esu of the personality' she had er success training ex­ �nto clubs. All h R l tS ' was so doctrine is found in tlie factory where c': :����;:'�.:�for ::each.':'� COI11I)()sition, and the '31, in the minor merge he n . , Stock Ma�ket Crash in Sl:Indty L: ; ;,,; music with. more and units are organiud :;; ru, ; she had chosen, this oll vi ry n e In i o <.. . L perience, L. Thurston, factory workers t ir egos i � that the spoke for . . H. Thomas, '31, as Thyrsis, lea their J)ablts "I Kovcmber I "''''p'' i au part of Cothurnus, added a comical c ecti ty making the facto da c r. the ep s de, young in here his J"j, j !choolgirl, Parisian Ij.ocotte, note, and their home, v ng irrthe have 6een very.re1octan�to �t"""1come \VedllclidilY cvening. any characltr, Mediaeval These spea on Market lIoc al that though a little stage-conscious, in--other creche, and childr�n .ne kin- t morning," Dr. O-ulles Illeeling5 of the Undergraduate As- donn, The role of Corydon was temples of the new ' all heM ill them, respects pl ' e a satisfactory perform­ dergarten. fadories are like in king the Stock i ion and of Ihe Self-Governlllent and condenses the emotions' withint '30. In 1 'must say ';Rr-presided !a Ol. auc�. played religious doctrine Thursday's Chapel. "First of As�ialion were the auditorium character's scope - heighttiu part Co hu ll s audi­ to b lieve God or' will be- 10 be o Yj first intrels whole her rna- --l11O&t----etIectiytly 'by C. Sullivan, of collectiTity. Children are trained t".u,'..... V"'Ii',;; "g is of Goodhart. E. Perkins, mock them, or sounds .their h will forget," and in that and not have one is now in a position to were in one t r u says: "The not e in Ihey glo m secdfldly, btcau� over the meeting. Three items She a life. in moment as Corydon is dying, the. the proper c011«'4v't. wh t to the market; ence sorrow­ come soul-encumbered jU5t attended to. tiolls, sometimcs actual da;lcing, the u ien e (lid forget. :Uiss be no careeris" in tbeJe on e in e ful rev'er'ence for the a will happen The fint slIggellion wa that .the !'owih chang6 "of expfeuion in hu a groups ev ryo IliUst sllive to fOOlj. per- a d c Sullivan There must 'because '"What 'experience studtltts of the College buy a 1"&dio for eyes a.lId h r face, and th inte(- a be need Col· im tion contributed a sweetness and sadn.e!, for e ne been very dtarly bought. Goodhart Commons This has play of her l)erlOnality with' thoJe . 50 tltal were lm s · The .reasons hu to the litl}e tragedy which was truly merge himself in the ideal. "\Ve aU kn'ew that break long been fclt io a of Ihc sonalilies living in her agina CGth- f o s, but great difficulty was a vcry 1I10ving, 'we a o t dis­ The new doctrine worked very well comilfg s$lmt thne. lege, and it often l)Cell One t'1)isode is a moving tableau, an- his pf the IUd- turbed rather than amused when in the act rie Such collapse can be attribute4 wi.,. no conlilructi\'e !Jacking. The other a dance. anothu a humorous im- .. .. urnus slanllntd shut book. found in ttaching the peaAnt the value the general characteristic!! result of this lallt alllJcal was a personatiCln-411 are controlled by the wit such had to the ulHlcrgr.1.duatt's bre ess SUCCH- Thus after seeing "Aria da Capo" of such a system. He was a distinct few years, and ca� be divided into tiOIl IHade, seconded and passed, that latent artistry and sympathy 'Of En. interest to da 45 c lS, ien and "Riders to the Sea" we await h indi'iidual and as be fOllghi. main c1uses: fundamental rea!K>US and- each of ters herself.· The athl of h $150 increasing tlie next perform- Teachers went out ei'plain the col- occasional reasons, Of the fun c n in order that we might sion of compositions completely al articles in which gerated idea "Oueen of ance t e Players. lective notion, promising manufactured mental reasons the first is our exag- a Atwllter Kcnt Raitio. , in themt, the juxtaposition of "Cake us ond s the be ti u, o Fighting VarsitY retftrll for lhe grain of prosperity. The sec- The second decision made was Walk-1897" llI1d !-Inven,'.' which Play. but '0 smoot". R sia needed. The' peasants, i the too sudden increase in the tea dance this year give II, sweep, the audieJlce from hila o t ,..."u�rs .Qefeat. iled articles-did not o mer- elH. I�rfo�,;'h,-";� the might ever, having discovered _that the power meant that there before '.Varsity but belore ahnost ftarlul al>plause, wheat ,.lock harmoni- c k mu� witli Glee Club sequlWcc-tbat what seem --.'\'1\hOl'liIr �1f Philade1phta-dt-i'e.rtl! �" Way 0 I 1 l1FSymbo and continued in their old win.V,aUaued and 0.11 ..... Three to the contra::�-becc�e 7-1 01 i rp i n of precise "ac(luisltlve 1 liCin- 16, Pr e n, Varsity 1 Saturday, Novembtr then introduced the motion picture Libt,rJIls Hear" of do not plan to collaborate with te retat o the Madonna the !'Iayers tion of he the obscure; in the illlpersona- the score was closer than had been peasant communities as propaganda. inc to and, s(':condly, that the first Il1taning is this fall. Thomas was the .• peasants be-I Labor Problems is so ftartd, considering Vanity', record show American industrial and agricul- Varsity play will be a , and t Parisian adventuress heroine of the game, this t of � the n s Esther tural "Communities The hardly .ai>llrollriat� as a lea dance cli-I ",bll. significance hardly caulht, first appearance as with­ removed to but as wQPld 14, to her program being h r came interest.a in. tbis idea Amerka max. are cha ge of expression. steady bombardment from ..uic of G s c ten goal. She Russia, they On Thursday, Novembtr the The third decision was accelJl Ihe ngna f!"nters opened artiel" the gov m n Secretary of 10 she is stood the not Jive their wheat to pay for manu- Liberal Club held a discussion led by vtry kind offer of an alumna of to the m Strau.s' " e chi h to seek Qutside aid League IJY All Phi1adelphia's forwards w.ith re­ factured ern e t was Paui· Porter; Field the college subscribe ill the name of aus dem 'Viener \Vald"; a among best points Mc- Porter has tra... -markable success. and her stopping and forced in Iheir plan. for Industrial Democracy. Mr. BrYIi Mawr to a kind ollend,ing library Viellllese Fraulein little lit'il whiiS the Don l Company of wi h clearing were the Mr. Ford, :Mr. Young and Ihe 'eled extensively in of modern paintings. abandonlng herself to the. waltz and the of O. '30. Cerlnan co'ttlelrtt her of the game. The first hatr, a d Chicago ,ponsored China, Japan, Manchuria and Korea The Self.(jovernlllcllt mceting was to her putnerj her eye ...liine t far the best to he As a brought up her teams were still fresh, furnished by new system the Five-Year plan and studied labor movements very Ilresided �ver hy Stoke�, The exuberant and C lier ' of hockey, although the early lp the peasant realize the coUec- thorough!) '" represelltative of the first busine�s was an pink skirts swirl amt her and and th�ir places as h lf as for playi", was slow and mel5y. ol tive notion. When Mr. Ford's new �"'''''.'''Y Commitlte lor Strikers' alllCI'ldment to a rcsolution the As- Invisible cO'll1panion. Enters, the umple No/ioll: Thl! Nnu Leader e dCII12!!i Ullom filled a ­ tractor was failing in America he and correspondent soclatlon. It wu suggested that un- German Hirl swaying tQ the wahz. i. as his Prom cm e over Russia a b ill into a backs with great 'kill, and remained started factories in Ireland and all and h was a d crgraduat(':s w ho had rccd\'ed sllccial lrandormed "Feline" �rch were this America Tennessee to Varsity's mainstays throughout the with market close observer of the major textile Ilcrl11ission m r of her fingers become claws; her black . rel'olution o l jO s lY i wave be.hind her; her arms game. Th9 quick at overtaking for ,'ast output. So is strikes in and Noeth Board be allowcd dine and. skirlj muscular Among of spoke fiut i. .. to her sinuous 11I0\'emeIlU and almost unerring in their attack. helping to establish the and South Carolina.. at placet on the approved lis t.. in nu:nancinglY ' n y drop oft j n st Russians have a tem· the forwards, Totten dis­ a doctrine supprcssion of the in- �fr. Porter of the L. ul1til)t wa ti;lIe calcb the was largely on the Philadell)hia, tinguishe.d herself in' the fir hall, dividual, and an 'organi:tation consisting of the II.JS train. This 11I0tioll "tas strength. the .teahh and tht egotism was in back in boy. of w o . oi The !C o d when the play right. porary idea of liking us. This is amp;· 1500 collese students and) passed �ith a large lI1ajority. of the felil1� form become diabolic and 'i r lief w it passes. the Ichools by 7 ' of di�cus!Oion of t comie . ; She equally good tackling ing a country in which and out coRege h are ned ��;'��.:l c n bu illes's brought up hunian ""romenade" i 'o\elcame. very success­ they have who is of tht labor � � e the Pari .shop-girl a a s and in taking' and her dodging girls cannot enter advanced a desire for intelligent a continuation the la the ful. s tY s buying of made ' 1II0tion brown' hoc� her I!r..oll1enad� cOl1lpanionj the high wu perfe(':tly timed and if a parent engagtd ing situation. we�k. Miss �fa" in, in tht nal11� of B�«11 who caught is lIIan or tap Var i only goal waf made in in ana selling fQ� profit-what chapter tbt League in the Uoard. a to the cff�ct that illll)atiently carried it a child esir g education 22, in honor of permit the black the first half by Longacre, known as a Nep wOman. i. giving a dinner Friday evening. that studellti who had registered at ground, tll4 furbela", .. into must s ar t These Thomas, Ex.ecutive of be �I the para'«JI. fir bollnet with· ribbons bun�hed under the ball after Totten had up Such d in an Jember �(r. Norman Ihe Infirmary a certificate of in the Kew Economic Policy t. who o ust the chill d when coupled the jleld, and shot it beautifully the t renounce his p en s. DireCtor Ihe fr�m a doctor at home, "'ould ai- 1II..g':ll.ine, The first 3·1 j must "Has rOOI1l$. p r her (':I&e. J)COple have be- D .. ,,!ill"'sp�ak on the low�d t keep alcoholic be\'erage . fo,. with her impatience, her delphia broke help make t m '0. J and half ended All Phila­ come outcasts and the young Liberalism Collapsed?" medicinal purposc , in their e u al of her t score times. The ba(':ks COllll>OSe o fur all that goes on through in the second 'to he ben of the Bryn Mawr Liberal The administration of the nfirmary shrewd look-oul bt wcre is thai ,'e boy to �o ry about her. an fnpgin" half four Another feature of the new doctrine are extended an invitation to a!lend had apprOved of this idea. and arc plac- tha( of and forwards have a to to could played nobly, but they winded, e and girl il trained dinntr. ing it upon their. own book of rule comedy. atmo!Ollhere veloped their origin SOllie. u o gaiety oi a r�mQved from Paruian the All Philadeljlhia de­ world mind and be able The discussion eentered around After a good deal or di��u,.si()n farlhcr a the rs half� T m time the), member a ,probable...out me. passed i h. was eon- skill which was unhinted in teach ,these ideas to others-every re�ent strikes in the,fO South,I!! e. wordillg, nd quibbling t than that "Moyen Agc"; a madollna,...... such r� fi tc: ...... i .....e after ...... o.ateacher...... An..... ex,;I.D1ple TW4I of the and c-ua�r ... Wfl.t policy, the motiOn oWal w l a �fediae\'ala.. , .. " tremendous l1Iaj()tit y� . --�--�, ��� � ���. �-- , • , • • , •

.. an 10 was ex· hm"n. blaze;:, the -The Pilla', On-s.tu;day-rr- �� ovem�, at cro'l\'4,{d tQOvtTltions, lOOn forget �����f.I� Wt! ��5� l lery of 'lpoilll5." recount this i$ adrift, alone. second Varsity won its game against . � "of all t gd indicath'� our slight 01 Salt the Saturday5-3. Morning Club, the final "If he has no chance to get out, he a Beethoven. pf'Culiar Illotions I�ge that once wa, with all the magnifi. the masculine educa- whose chOl'Cn work Dr. Office of the Dean 'I r from Iht bridge lable attracted Ciuy's cent \'alues of th� great mod«n univ�r- lion, Thi� condition js deplorabJe. r Ifnt' I'f e • The SC\'en n �e ° o� ;��� � r� � . and sh� wilness�d the birth I. Th� approval of the D�an Dlust sity-col1�g�," Dr, Bell pointed..out, �volllen'so colleges ha\fe ��� �� : �:::c l ac w has the Silent Bid, Under th�se sooth· b� obtained in regard to th� num· St. louis ·Ufti\·er.aiIY. a Catbolic insti­ ullited in t!tcir appeals {or severnl Ii fc ; through • ber of hours of reh�arsals allowed. be circulllstances, ....she- gently closed tuti(nl, several units ill.. Missouri, he rear�pa"il. The New York Times, seen' the unity of • ' . of for 8n artistic• snooze. Office of th� Director of P.ublication said: Harvird is experiment. witoriil. 5.'\)'s this: "The call I . I _-"c...:i�n.,;a:n Lot' . After abov p m on Ob appeal whI ch t lese scven - n w Ih a p an h h ud __ taineil-the �� ::� ':'::�: �"; ':;;: �;�'��,- ��t rl; �.� Vi fe as )een lpoki ng O\ �r �; ��� "�'�:j:; ::��W�:k��t. has made is not for them- one realizes how ' 2, ; . , ,�'�"'!�"�-:- wnh the Director of Publicition lMliversity classroom a selve'_ but for the. wOlllanhood ..of rK!. flllailu!d from the cram books' and stumbled across fill� ' h2i!.r:.cLtQ. nd 0' '09JI A fo�m card with th� following ! �nl\5yl\'ania Unh'n-sity ha s, del�gat� America, \Vhat is done {or these thoughl combined with and ,,�;'���::::f I snappy little number of th� vin- a qu�st1ons must b� in at th� formul�le plans to titablish colleges will set a standard for all. ing modern thouKht. than frolll our lag� . sev: office of � ..That. these alone. I. Wlial did George Bernard Shaw th� Dlr�ctor of Publica· eral SJYlall and distinct collegts. ('oll('ges have ""' 'iix o'clock.) 11eo tu take themselves Adell)hi : Elmer Harri�' inter- Sacco and Van:u'lli is dramatized with prctation of the �'OIUlKertfOl'S genera- In whal connection did G�orge All arrangements for food must establishment of tllis oCproachillg ulti­ � _ :! I Garbo plays ConUnlied riom r"lIe Onll - I WI by'like. M:J.wr and ' the �i : � �� ' ' Itm�, )(.ndent colleges will1)10; txist, =--ttr ;lrytl . �� �r.i Y',II'�! ;� :i in , a French I cease and malUlll to England demanding do- No ;��� calise could f � I ' women's college!'. '. aml t lClr I' aces 11 ,.. lak en inSti· Illinion stalUS, Ihe model republic of lie no could more wort�y, and grouJ> ' r��t of il: ; in the mill towns arc not at all indl:':' tutlollS bandffl together tl;rough uuiver- Tajikstan has .bee)l formed with its I Boyd: Cary' Cooller. I�ichard 10 -appreciate this worth more mn l irgi"i"". sities. i for�.seen Dr. Bernard Iddings Arlen. alKI Mary Urian in Owen pimdl:':nt-thl:':)' call be, e\'ic:t�d from the by capilal at Stalinbad. This republic is ourselve I COlll lally,owlled hous!!:s for joining a Bd!. ward�n of St. Stephen's Collegc, going Illanufa�ture colton cloth for • Wister's This llicture l I . wa§f(ood taken in the real cattle CO\lIl­ union. thty ha"e liule r�ligious fTee� AtI 13l11blle-on·Hutlsoll. whose 1'IIi, Is CoIII'Y" ; • c'llough �id, lnunily. The cOIIII)ln)'.ow�ed houses made Imblie rKentt,-. that they may reach the Indians apd tht" column "Xcws from Other hi � . ' tallton : \.\1� ..j f\Il!.c.t,JJ1& in.-1928. M extract from are small. unpleasant.� and \'irtual fir:e; St. Stephen's becam� a ullit of the I>repare India for communism. leges," containli an we'd like it, -;'"sl);Scd J/uri'OrJ C,.imson which refers coadition� uni\:ttsity and Dr. Bell's report rot. Fleming then eXIJlained the Aldine:Dw'(JI'Ii, Goor)lc Arliss continues• ;11 Bryn 4l.'i �rc so unsJ1Ti{a ryfli":if t),IJlioid is Ilre\'· on the working out of the failure of tht ncw economic policy thc· �htwr girl renowncdly his suc('C!lsfulHd)t" film run' ill th� rlll�Min 60 type. . :al ent. �roreO\er the a",!raKC wage iii new practice which .gkes Ihe faculty of which is such disfavor IIOW. When of the athletic The oubiele ofRila. • ' Erlanl )lcr: of 1'111'Daniels CtJt't-E) in ,I'I/ a week for hours' labor,' and hi-i inJitilutiocl the opportunity of creal- Ihe I)toille had b�come accustom�d to world has lung associated this If' $5. Mawr (,rM. :o.'Ule of ihe unskilled wOlllcn workcrs ing,. "th� small college with the univer· the idea of collectivislll Ihe' bt�an }o thet with any and every 'B ryn F�x Maril\esSIIIIII.\' Sit/j' f{lt il Clr. arc Ilaid as �itlle as The::;e' long sity mind." complain to the' colleclive of the un· student until. indeed. hall IJecome · J)(III,!1rr hours also aCCI'II11t a' great tical of 'The new"liY!ltem, he addt:d, makes pos· fair profits of the i\.cpmen who were tradition. U11hchl hy the press, it r:OX-l.lIcust : I Stanley : I larllld 1.loy�1 cOlltlllU�S · ition which has UnCIIII)lo),lllent. Such cOllditioll� could !liblt the de\'eiollment of small colleges, in leagll, wilh capital. Many of Ihem ha a trad to Iflrlalllll' I I a \'t'ry hir, powcd hold upon only be alleviated by a strike, for which "each largdy stif-governing and living wer� arr�sted and Ihl:': Newer Economic takenht: slichcolllc a til fUllllY lalkie,a Ihe American Federation of Labor its own life, but all of thtm laught by Policy or Five-Year vlan was instituted the public mind tha-1. we fear. thi" Little: \'aleulino Illay! TIll' {or BalIk ill revivt,<1 adotjltation of lIished The faCI that Ihe strike scholars banded firmly to one another wilh oUlsid� help from America. By ' tribute. e�lahlishCfI us nt some 7''',· Pr;IIr;' 111111 Ihr _ haze of Pu�hkill'� 1I0\'e!, /Jllllmt'lll.v, leaders il\ Gastonia w�re COllllllunist! and to the rCfearch scholars ill the com- this plan rich peasanu and �eplllen "ague date in the an DIIIIU", Film Guilll; turned public: opinion against tht ilion life of the ulli\'crsity.'· JIlufl be OSlracized and done away with getic past, has assunu'"t.. l reality a Ilicture nude in ·Vi�lIla. one cause, and little w:as gained beyond the Explaih. Benefit to Tea"ben. and Ihe peasant lIlust be taught the us in the present. True, the ,·esl'· 1 The Orchelth. Sophomores F Zl. No­ right of pre elltillg grienllcC5 to the The drawback which Dr. Bell said do'ctrine of collecti\'ity in farllling. It men and chalk up II Friday afternoon. Nonntber 23, i t .....o ptriodft wttkly, hut rather and on Satunlay �ning, mill owners. Slrike activit)l< has died he believes It.'i11 cause the eventual aban· J hoped in Russia this will result in a \'�lIbcr the Philadelphia Or· down for Ih� preselll but will un· dOfllnent of the most firmly intrenched ' f-uropean �conolllit confederation to this practice encouraged hy oo",,.,ul-1 The than choice. Let us •ctiestra, Stokow!ld conducting. will ' doubtcdly be rentwed ill the sl)ring 5mall colleRH is the natural limitation replace th� preie.nt political c:onfedera· sion gi\'� the followin! program : also io those who and continu�d until th� industrial rev- of the \·iewpoinu of scholars compti,. tions. movem�nt which i§ being credit hv fcw Mouuorgsky- Tableaux d'ufIe on olutioll is well on the road to luccelS. carried I�ast ex­ their hockey tunics SailurdaJ d Exposition." (Fint GPhiladeillhia inl their teaching stalis. _Taking for on in the simplest. . morning and in so doing. inspire IlI.':rfOt'maoct;,and Orchutn.) The real tragedy of the situation lies example a teacher in biology, he described pensh'e way is already °a succcs . It \· o • .. Bach-Collc«lo in minor for tu Fox o i ne News But the I in the Southern lack of understanding the secluded condition as follow!: bears out the slatement that "to Rus­ M et Piano reads and of the conditions leading the strike. "Research opportunities are rar�ly of· sia belonp the end of the twentieth few do not repr�t the tlJ3ny. Ocbugy-Fantaiste for Piano )We encOuntered but Several days ago and On:hcstra. It il the Liberal Club memo feredboob, to him He his journals century." This was only accomplished D . 10 on the camptn a '5enior dressed in Gluck-Ballet Suite. be, . Ihrouahout the Soulh Yo'ho have his cold type. is no substitute with the aid of Americans who hue ial IOlye. a dark jacket. About ht"r Jtood Handc.1-OVfl1ureIOIoitt in minor. dorIe more. educat� it in understalld- for living contacts. Almost his whole financed th� entire proposition and are Deny. Wolie, Frmc:h pianist;;; 1U"d'- . a grouP. not """""- and anemptin, to ils own time is !pef1t in the company of inferior sending over many engineers to onr- blue all of whom were "'ill be the at thi, s-ir problem than anv!other ap.ncy. aud jmmalure student minds. The se� Rus ian labor: t �' , . --- , , • .. "

THE COLLEGE' NEWS • • • Pag. I ,

• • - . . MARKET CRASH w� are still at a 1011 (o" ' . .... EducationaLContacts t����; Lib 1 ;'''-:.?C!r CI •• qub. ,-..-..------.• we lYe -�hattered"-"I rG't ha ha"l ""�u•••, -_.' td --;- .:'�"'Ih;�':;"' �- �f� Cllfttl•• fro.. P. .. 0.. £a(.U'; s Red Cro.; Show , in Ihe lo t t ce t of The Liberal Club ,will meet in . ' I � o st'\'tnty pu n . Reserve is d summer the 1IIC'11 n the COf"monl Room, Goodhart, Significant The third ruson for such sue several warn- thdr buying power; i brokeNi e , Tlrel�dljc()latcra1. ' I �!:�;:;a��"�ainst spec ulation and in ngd . on Sunday evening, at eight. an tllli1ea.v.1 in the ;li r et is he fact I g , 'lOuses are reduced to hY"'t'ria, a t pari of August it raised its the me,chanica! thirty. The topic of discussion Addrt!ising an audience It Harvard . t(!UiPIllt'lIt of .W.U that thefe ha\'(' latel)':� en un- r l : In put r will be "Minor, Aspectt of S0- a e th e yea there Street· hJ be.�n hrok�n , , last su,'lImr,... an offic.ial of the Arneri- su�ol1�d buy�rs, If is ma.ny do\\ n, . l m is the case ."Very p a l ci • ' ueral failures, including tnat rob b m. a is , as sun in the Recent National d that y you want 10 Re Cross oblerved fi uncertain I the Elections." Miss Grace RhOads )'ou nd an elemefil in banking house in Englan'd the quuljon Ihat so man)' ha\'��sk beeD n multitudinous forces were will be. C air ah of the meeti g, rot '�SI importance: thirdly. there aslCing me: ill the lut IIIOlll h ; shan I c striving con- fina cia,l world whieiJ d l n of certain in�estment h m tinuously to penetrate t .u,,,,,u",d '''' n I a docs a ec i e ol The officers for the current' ; whell the u, ket is manipulated by h d on to my stock ? '·c . J. advise h J : i r fourthly, during do .� u'II!'!' drop what year ' were elected at the last walls of the countr),'s' educat onal SYI- capable hand Qf pro(essionals, the month to e ir )'011 . theo there was an unprecedented yOu ha\'c o b)'OU drOI) )'011),ollr o dings e ting H. Seligman, '30, tern, to impress it in some way, in- F urthly, a rtal wa\'C of gambling has n w h l new sccurities-an iI_lIo m oe n was o r t h y, ' of a bottomlu Il t. � there are h s to coutinue it} the posi. its utilize 5"'('pl vc c \,v.-untr Illak mg a con· c ftuence trtllds, or it other- action: and f1n�lIy there SI�k5i TIIOtoda" as good tion eof President; Vice·President divor ed buycrs, re as wcre un' few a dhionfrom whicht i absolutely C IIlllst b\' ba n � by is R. Shallcross, gra.d�ate stu· wise the r ities la ce , I strugglesof between the)'bonds were. The), The fact that the.e well IIprings of firth reasonal of -iseCOllomic the \' life.r r piAs hi h we know and !'a" illg. What dent. there e . a d w c s a _ and guarded makes vc t s o . of which it be 1I1 me OIC(OUc IlIS. etfuCation are o it de lopl1lcn the inve tment trult would � y we make '.Wh next few yea" • ... Amer esn- f a � be f I l i Pecijlly siltnil1cant that the ic which ncr aseod "o" of when the public will O '" i the ' 'ard swing time ' r oiit Food i e " h been 50 c p t l industrit'Ii,"pwn il1' l:yidual College Red Cros�,7 i. accepted at increasingly huying, but for unknown reUon as o e ely and w i h. seems t have 10 m r s m l Goverrunent, h c o nu e o� 'POintl of contact between tailed to supportsome the maJlket in its about services a of many anxieties, is now worried nd thOle educational plunge. L' nder.the invest. Itu food. I bod, ies t collcge dents' t is appalled and institutions twughout the lIIenl t us the puhlic f;;;��i�i��:���;�:;:�:=";'=� • " a r a hought b ndly, of nabon. ignor nt of h l doing. li at the thought what the new-found of w it was This a.ssociatiOIl Rrd "A to ttie occaliions of this col· Spend Your Holidays in frctdom may lead to in the of in- the with the nation's educational p ______way ,o.,,,,,I _.... •� __ du'genee. Life in 'campus eating ,' oints ' b"ear les sc b , PI' nehurst's Cheerful ' t t 00 years, WI": � "K LO\'ELtXE55 . i�:i ; 1 I E LOVELIER tl105t w in the highest institutions, apparently recognizes of rt· 1 1 ;; ,,, non'! L h Edythe's Beauty Salon tmosphere v n t ranges through a' variety of ...R ed stiilints e e the nurKry I EOl'TH[ E. RIGOI:"i'S A I. UI f. ,.... • . 11... against which Cross sen'icce of in'en, h Ptrm.nenl ·WI,"lns. ".cl.I, NlTeel W ln•. c... PI'•• .. ... n�u •• ebe , •. it'. i ch and u Ih,1I1 IInl , · is r l ing ( say sp n 8h.mpoo nt nnarr Wlvlns. M.nlcurln. I. III� .'.,"U . a in l . ,1�}l1 ..... Hln. l Today. Pbysical .:,; ,:� � .." ... ,.1 ...... , . , Ille Car.II" Hlld. PI... say .to h-II �:�� .' I" • r .. with it," the e orker s nll,hl .Ire Ih' N �.Y · partments of leading � N, C. FrinlltJ, •• , ...... "" ..hulo.... 8b...... f I"e 'n.n"l. lonll·lu.t,.. child is ,uppoud to ha\'e to repli� its AIIl�ri can Red Cross Couue in .1 .... J•• , Htt.I4. '.lee IIh Ill' ••• I • n lI.e _H ...... 1. '" ..lib '�I."e .n_ ""00 tried 10 it Yo. h'YIII . " d:f'4 t.. mother tempt with broc- ming'and life saving and aid ill 11�1•• t.. DeU�IIII•• ".t_ft"e I.m... D.n." ... first ReH 1.1f (.llh I What of older brothers and SOllie of these c urs s orig· "larJU II. Ullil t:f1Il-rI''nl_ coli. t_'�bH,--YIIII.n. .lId •• Id o e l"IUII_.. . IIhe, .... its \\:� du ted by R d : f. r�1I . dl 'hi , .. Ilnlle sisters, f con c . I.. •• le III ...... 1111, about a n� lllion o the hUl h altem... l.ea ra. .., .... h :.�ni�:::� l .W'.t ,. .III. w�., representatives and arc now Ihe btlll nl Ikrall" .t th. Plnehatn C ntr, CI.b. Bureau Economici of the De­ , l'I •• under experts Irained and qualified In Ihe uellllli thera I. brl're.-4."el'I, lb. IJIrller of Home .nd olher ....1.1 enltrl.ln.enu a partment of Agriculture inform us, I to ...... , ••• s leave l'xII,lo•• Q.raUn. "elfl and cording to Red Cross Tbe Nt.. noll, In. ... 11 . 'or .kltl Int., , home e\'er)' year to go to \Vomen's collcges 1I0t alone . ,. Writ. IIIUlr.,M b. .nd ..._ lI.n 10 GenHaI Plnthy.l. college or . Otfle•• • S. C. university ? They had been accustomed adopted the Red Cross Courses hygiene and care of the sick, to parental supervision. They did little Important Events for home l nutrition, bUI llla lY give credits for hemse v S' thinking or choosing t e . In , Holidays l 1'0"",,',, " including extension ''''.'''' 1 college all this is c;hangcd : ;0 , teachers who take these courses. Thtr� Irt mlny d�IIAhfful pouiblli- GOLF-Il"lllh t e ...enl. UHe ...,", \Vhen break comes and close "SUI)Cr- Summer cOlffses,'n I l'hanuSly,ng YlCation II tbe n : \'ision the young penon feels u ior Rcd Cross; �:::� � H!��.�:.

III,I/t /p, blH 'mlo"t.J pitlllrt mllp "",n 1/1 nq,lItJltJ ",pr,


(form.rl}· (:,IU'" r'odg.. l/"t\'l) \\:I,A;SHINGTON� D. C.

Delicious uSOLAY" Candy Ab." I,"I), "'pn-"�!,," �n("1r ,II ' 1 :M llde or Chocohltte lind -I�tull Wlthoul SUlfllr ,


SBWING highest quality�grea'test assortment-most desired Done by �RS, HOLTON Merion Hall Basement 9 A. M, to 5 P. M. Every Day fo r your Christma-s list

COTTAGE TEA ROOM lUOnltfOn,erT ATe.. Ur,. .. M ....r Luncheo" Dinner S�rial PIII,i" by A""'llItmtn, Guru Rooms Mawr )62 Phone,

rlm",it.'s Im'orite Br",. Mawr til a 11("'... ', guy, /('s­ Tb. SALMAGUND, ',;: (' "",u/'I'('r IIIUI ";I m('dlry ol ollOJ 11Ii" IS" ill '>1rrl('S JOllr ".II('rry ('horol"les /'il(l'('t/ ill (I rllflr",­ c.o-operat;ye Societ), [lIri.fl mus·' ill dr­ i,IY' IIIrlo/ .' II bo.r. And Ih;: "'1.1' /'"hl/"I RU}'. jim/s mIJn'\'/,'willl',,, /" (lIU (/I,d ttcV) l''' Ulld11Sl'S,s, SILK STOCKINGS MENDED tilr I'olllld , $1..50 Tb. SAMF��R Tb. PREST'GE , Type wr!!ers 10 Ren( The .,.;ni '/,ocku91' 1Il'l'r S TIll' 1,lfjmul(' ill (,(lIId)' yiltsl roo "" " "II"t41<111. F.orl,.."irc� /Jl.ItiJltl ;U ill d,'siYII-lIullii jll .. tht' /a; or· in Ih ,\ 'fU:rlt, if. bo.r-lirliriOlls In IIII' (' ', Iflld ' BOOKS : BOOKS : BOOKS (If thol/sallds, ) iu (I /o IlS losl(' ill ro"'l'Irls� hurT, pi('((' Snmriu ('I tn't/r, S!'"d U "sl'rriollJ' 1/,'si'III(,(/ lor /II� a smi'�, -oml ",ill Prrsligt"-dui"/irr 'ill .I;:.. u';/h /'1{l1I(', 1;('0, Ihru ulIIl /h'c infi"ite 4011// work (tllli 'IU" fOWl/dr, nOlls costlJ' ","/,'rl. /11 0"<. $1.30 III� found /1/;'0 ulld Illra /'Olm{Js.

• $Z III .. /IOklld


Br". Mawr Flo_r ,Shop Phont, B,yn M.. ",r "0 Tb. flORENTINE �23 Lancaster Avenue flrrt is t'll,.d" o/ l"t A drJiyht/ui gilt. And usr­ "'Osl '''selolU rlillS orl lllrlul I fill. fo(l, This bor. allli m.'s a"d t'ONl'd u"tfrS - "Crolltl/lli ill tolori'lg Gild Irolll all O:'t( Int tl'OriJ 1',.. duigll "w illt I., lumous College Inn and dosl'd II( 'fhi""I"'·S l,iollnOIU lit , SUllla ,1111'10} lull soil is chac% tts. sm.gltl ..,jlH 1M (ons/O"' IlJt. /" 0"1' D"d tu.'O /'OlIttJS. Tea Room ,'.50 di e' ('OIIIId

'WHITMAN'S FA'WOVS CANDlES ARE SOLD BY Caten elipecl.Uy tor you, 1 to ,

Oryn Colle,e lnll. Dry...... Power. Re)'ftOld.. Br, .'M r, P '7.30 week day. and SundaY" • to '1 �'a"'r . r. PL I: •• •• C(llkol� Tea Roo_. Bqa Mawr. PL B. B. w.n.ct. Sry. M.w,. P., Bf)n .)1. ...' Coafed.loneq. J, Carda_ODe, Sty. .. . f. Brya Mawr, PL N, . P., �footH Pharmuy, ...,. .awr, PL Klftdt'. �ae,. Bryn'M •• r . P• . Myff'. Dna. C'!__ ___ , BrnIlqr• .Pa..- .. B, C, Itlo.. _ .... Po. J.,. JIa� t'��=-::-�P.------'---, - , , ' � - • . •

-- I , • • • , • • • Pag" 4 Tl'IE- COLLEGE NEWS

ScienuSeosioo ENTERS istence is seen .in the changiU8 elll�' tions UPOIT her face. "C*e Walk- � �t t� Science CI�b lea Q1:I Thurtdlaoy � afternoon ProfUlOr Max Bodenstein. 1897:,"-b� trays illelt t�traw' The-Peti!l PU- • • ..ade 'Ilectacular runs up the field. who is the director of the Institute of old Germanic paintings, hatted, wasp-waisted figu're of iu day. Room and it is due to Est�er l'homaythat PhYlical Chentistry at the University Tea mo\'ts from set pose to �et pose by �nlers again tuntS lo�a symbolic in- Lanca.te.r Auntie )he score ""a 1101 far gr(at�r. She 01 B�rlin, spoke on Til. CIIII".jeol Act jon powedul jiweellS of her arms,; leq�ro.tation of the �Iadonna. but now W 0/ Light. 'Dr. Bodenstein is particularly she is the blue-mantled "Ouceu of aucceeded in Siollping a I�rge l>trcent- famous fl)r ha"ing pr� the Einstein heuy. red robe. the gold cir- Hc;,.\·c · the id�al of GothiC!\. chivalry, eae of the shots and sending the ban cling her �ad. and the strollg. delib- ,,· John J, McDevitt theory about light. He has always bttn' who lotks all the earth with compa!­ Phone. Br)'h ')'fn".(l.75 to the wing, Collier and Ullom COI1- interested in th� mechanisms of reactions craIe mo\'cmcnts of her form. imbue ,ioll and ministers to it through her "rOlrllDl . 11111 Hfldl tinu� to Illay jotood hockey. although and lately has been experimenting her figure with the stolid potency of child, the rcd rose in her hand.. En- • Tldell they ,lowed down toward the end. the effect of light on rc!actions. This il early Teutonic Chri.5tiariity. . lr'aetc" rushes' Ihe audienc.e bade inlO l,fller Hudl the first time. that Professor Bod�nstein tlf� jan; aSf; li )SliC;k. compact elll�rg Prin-"-ting llooilifti. ftc!. \' was definilely en de- l AlIlIl1UllctDltJlIJ ar�ity drh' to a bee Enlers shillS back to the (gm;e in ' L- has n in America. frolll and return into tn� purse or lh�r--,,ll:-:::--: .nca. ter Ave . Rosemoat. fensh'e game early in the second half, "Antique a la Francais'''; sh� touches i . with a light ridicul� the fashion for the "modeql girl"; she puffs a rapid fire • · aKd the pia)' clJangtd to the centel'. of ,strenuous IJUlls at her. fin!lol ciga- Golden Jd.ic b)'- e Harvard's ' Mean c fancied th lady of the Di- BRYN -UAW1U THRETRUST "'0 Bryn Mawr seldom had th� ball and The attraction . of Welleslq gi rl. for redoire. .. Piano Mm';c." is a S)'fllpa- reUe and dihh�s off.- The program ti . .rarely succeeded in gelling it to - clo.ed with another e )isod� of the CAPITAL, the H arvar d .men. l-( one IS to J-00 ge bY the thetic interpr�tation of the young girl's l $260,000_1>0 being ' "-,!ol" it is the spont'aneous • .triking circle, c01l\11Ietel1 out­ amou,pt 0( mall - wnn:h,,_ gOH out d'-I_1 1. spite for P! acticing, h(-r longing for ro- 1 ,,.,,,,;-· played by thtir opponent . The ques­ barefoot dance of a young ;;11. charm'- from the IIra ttl- e 50uare POIt O·1Ijce Ita- lIlance a. expressed ill sentimental . o· Doe. a ·General Bankin, Buainnl tion' of the second half was to hold ing ill her awkward self-expr�ssion. tio� is still ,hi greate.t in the colleges music, and the pathetic (perhaps too Allow. Interest on D.,.. All Phi)adeilihia as effec.tivdy as pos, and naive in h�r self-conse1ousl1ess. • - of the North. self-Ility, sh� succe�ds in JOur lible, for the chances of Bryn lfawr's No response '011 Ihe part of atl audi- '.. "elt ,,111141 It the A rectnt oount'takerf at the post office e\'�k;ng. "Pa\'ana" is another living ICOri;\tf. were few. The l1Iost inter­ _ _ u could ha,'c been more appreciative Bc-n Mawr CanfecliOllery th'rough which most Harvard mail goes panlllng, a portrait by Velu(l ez; th� . esting fealure of Ihe game was a pen­ • than the murmer!! of amusement, the (lr ..� to &.1'11'- Tbtlw SICk• (!II i s outwar

s;'arthmore � - Following the annual Havcrford­ Swarthmore soccer pme at Swarth­ •

more on Friday afternoon, November • 22. a tea dance will be. held in the Bond Memorial 'hall by the Liberal Club of Swarthmore ColJege, 'r.he eventl whieh will last from four to six o'cloc:k w�ltart almost imme· diately after the elate of the soccer game. MUlic will be. provided by Duke Terry and hi. Creole Boys, from Louisiana. The orchestra is famous • · (or its syncopation of "hot'''-ttrnes. As one of the 'Purposes of the dance is to raise mon�y, thus enabling the - Liberal Club to bring prominent speak­ -' rrs to Swarthmore, a charge of a dollar • and . half a couple will be made. ". RED CROSS

OQnt.laued Prom Pq:e TIlree in the atmosphere of a center of higher learning wal afforded illt the University of North Carolina, �'here Red Cross \ reprueJ1tativts !pve first aid in.truc- group, _ ;ron. firlt to- a police officers' , • which so Impressed the heads of the·

inltitution as to lead them to Lequest • • ,pecial lecturCi to a clUI of athl�tic • In a cigaret.te it's • c:oachel. c:ompoled of students from • ASTI; nine Stat�s. Thele university contactl of the Red "OLD BIRDS are Dot caught with Dew Dets.'· Crail are fitting cap-stones to founda­ ,"lhat smokers want is DOt novelly, but qUAlity; tion. laid in the primary grades, and Dot new taste, but gtJOJ taste. e.xtendingthrough hiah s(.hool and pre­ To millioDs of smokers. Chesterfield taste is the paralory years, modifications of it's ODe they Dever tire of! aforementioned R�d Cross courses aa old Itory- but being used. with credit, Kranted by a For wbat they want most is exactly what nunlw of sehoob for c:omplelion. Cbcst�eld puts �t: - • The cOhlbination of fusion of ideals � MtlD.,.• 1'Id yet of Itn,ice wilh practicar instruction�n' � abling the individual student to rertder M TA stE above eve'!lthing THEYSATISfY lueh lervice. in a material as well "I Ipiritual sente, makes the .app�al of the Red Cross. It leads, as th� Sludcnt matures. to a deeper intcrelt frequently , exe.mplified in community sen'ice ill laler life. Here, too. the Red Cross .tands ready, its _local Chapters the medium for such service. Ie Stre.nl1h of Red Cro.. activities is mem­ RNE TURKISHe'ste .... DOMESlIC...... ,.. . ,... """ BlENDEDQlOS$.8lENDED bot lDU.arccf by genrral Re.d '1:ross from No- , IIerabiP. enrolled annually " '?:O'. LIOGIrTT . ".,.... T-.cco Co. _II toll_ " . • j \ •