N°49914 updated: 05/28/2020 Domaine National du Palais Royal -Bury fountain


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Credits: www.l'artnouveau.com Credits: Commission du Film d'Ile-de-France Caption: Caption: Credits: Commission du Film d'Ile-de-France Credits: Commission du Film d'Ile-de-France Caption: Caption:

Credits: Commission du Film d'Ile-de-France Caption:





LOCATION CONDITION TYPE Well maintained LOCATION HISTORY After the wall Charles V had built around Paris was torn down, Cardinal de Richelieu asked Jacques Lemercier to construct a monumental palace with a large garden near the (1634). For a long time, the palace was called the Palais Cardinal, before becoming what it is today: the Palais Royal. The prelate gave the house to the crown in 1636, and it was the residence of the Orléans family from 1661 and even became a center of power during the Regency. The main wing, which faces the Louvre, was finished and remodeled by Contant d’Ivry in the 18th century, then by Fontaine in the 19th century. The theater, today the seat of the Théâtre français, burned down on several occasions and was rebuilt in 1791. At the end of the 18th century, Louis-Philippe d’Orléans (the future Philippe-Egalité) needed money and launched a major real estate development project in 1780. He commissioned Victor Louis to build apartment buildings with identical facades around the three sides of the garden. The arcades on the ground floor housed shops, as they do today. The Palais Royal rapidly gained in popularity as a social gathering place before becoming a hotbed of revolutionary propaganda. The gallery d’Orléans, which cut the garden off from the palace, was demolished and replaced by series of columns, echoed more recently by the columns of Buren. CONSTRUCTION PERIOD XIXth Century, XVIIth Century DOMINANT STYLE Louis XIII SPECIFIC STYLES Open - Outdoor Related locations

Domaine National du Palais Royal - Buren Domaine National du Palais Royal -Garden columns