Telephone Calls (3)” of the Richard B

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Telephone Calls (3)” of the Richard B The original documents are located in Box 17, folder “President - Telephone Calls (3)” of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Copyright Notice The copyright law of the United States (Title 17, United States Code) governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material. Gerald Ford donated to the United States of America his copyrights in all of his unpublished writings in National Archives collections. Works prepared by U.S. Government employees as part of their official duties are in the public domain. The copyrights to materials written by other individuals or organizations are presumed to remain with them. If you think any of the information displayed in the PDF is subject to a valid copyright claim, please contact the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library. Digitized from Box 17 of the Richard B. Cheney Files at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library . '' ::· . rf . RECOMMENDED TELEPHONE CALLS TO: Congressman G. William Whitehurst Congressman M. Caldwell Butler Congres1man J. Kenneth Robinson DATEs Wednesday, June 2, 1976 RECOMMENDED BY: Dlck Cheney PURPOSE: To urge them to do everything they can at the Vi rglnla State Convention on June 4, 5 and 6th, and to ask them for their help and assistance in getting us a share of the at large delegates. BACKGROUND: It's going to be very tough because the Reagan people probably will select virtually all of the at large delegates, with the exception of Mills Godwin, who will be with us. ACTION: _______________________________________________ June 1, 1976 401/272-5410 (PFC Field Man, Bill Russo) TALKING POINTS FOR RHODE ISLAND PHONE CALL The call is to Mayor Buddy Cianci, PFC Chairman. 1. Buddy, I want to thank you and your fantastic organization for putting together such a magnificent effort in Rhode Island. It's great to hear that we've apparently shut our opponent out and that all 19 delega~s will be in our column in Kansas City. 2. I hope you'll express my personal appreciation to the hundreds of volunteers who made this victory possible and I'd like to especially thank Jim Tafj: and John Chafee for taking time from their busy campaigns to help you and the PFC organization out. ORIGINAL RETIRED TO SPECIAL DOCUMENTS FILl RECOMMENDED TELEPHONE GALL TO Barbara Gauntt, Chairman Wilshlre Boulevard Phone Genter, Los Angeles 213-482-5180 DATE Wednesday, June 2, 1976 6 p.m. Washington time (3 p.m. Los Angeles time) RECOMMENDED BY Rogers Morton, Stu Spencer PURPOSE To encourage the volunteers at this phone center. BACKGROUND With the California primary just a week away, this phone center is gearing up to full capacity. At the time of your call, a TV news crew is scheduled to be in the headquarters beaming a show to London via satellite. Your remarks will be heard through a loud speaker to the group assembled. PFG Go-Chairmen: Attorney Gen~ral Eyelle Younger State Senator Denny Garpe:r;ter Campaign Manager: David Lig~tt Finance Chairman: E<byard W. Carter TOPICS OF Your phone center operation is an integral part DISCUSSION of the California primary campaign. Through your calls you can reach hundreds of voters to encourage them to vote in the primary next Tuesday. I appreciate your support and thank you for the extra effort you are putting forth this week. Working together we can achieve victory not only in California, but in Kansas City and then again in November. June 1, 1976 THE WHITE HOUSE WASHINGTON June 4, 1976 REC liAS SEEN Mr. Cheney: The President asked that I give to you a copy of Miss Leonard's report regarding her telephone calls to California on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Dorothy \ [ E \1 0 R A-" D L\1 THE \\'HlTE IIOLSE WASIII:'\GTON June 1, 1976 Code 9 - Returned call >:vhich I had left at his office. He is returning home from Bar Harbor - called enroute. Said "Tell hlm Code 9 has the message and tvill implement to the best of hls ability. I am on my way back from Bar Harbor making telephone calls as I go. Tell him to tell Betty to wear the elephant dress for luck. Have to get on to the next telephone." Ambassador Feldman Called to let me know they are cancelling the party tvhich they had planned on June 21st at which they t·mnted Mrs. Ford. They tvere asked to cancel by Bob 0 'Dell who convinced them it was too close to the fund-raiser being given on June 17th and it would be better to comblne the ttvo efforts. They will have at least 20 to 25 at June 17th party \vho will give $1,000. Also said to tell you Sam Newhouse >vas placing editorials in Net.;rark and Clevdand papers based on material the Ambassador had furnished to him. (Bob Orben has been sending him your speeches) He is extremely pleased with photo you autographed. Lyle Nelson - By all means. Has been getting the >Vord around informally, but will now get busy with many specific telephone calls. Says he thinks we'll do all right in Bay Area but is concerned about Los Angeles and Southern part. Les Vice - Certainly will. Has many friends in area. Belongs to Silverado Country Club where he has been "brainwashing" his golfing buddies. Has been working for you and will continue to do so. Believes telephone calls is good approach and will be happy to do all he can that way. "He's been my friend for a long time and I really have confidence in his ability." (He now lives in Napa, CaHf.) Torn Cline - V.P. of Wickes Co • .John Hekman gave me his name and said there are many employees in the company. I called Hr. Cline -v1ho Has very graclous and said he certainly would call all his friends in LeHesa. Said his wife is \vorking at PFC Committee in LeMesa. He believes the sentiment in that area is on your side. Will do all he can to help. Hrs. Grace Bruinsma ~ John Hekman's sister. He gave me her number. She said she and her husband, Henry, >Vould be more than glad to generate all the interest they could, via telephone and otherwise. Said ho>Vever, that San Jose as nearly as they can tell is predominately pro-Reagan. Hr. Bruinsma is the head of the School of Humanities at San Jose College • .. \ IE\JOR:\~ DL.~1 THE WHITE IIOL'SE \L\Sl!lC\1GTON Stephen Schneider - 1-lasn' t there but talked with his wife who said she was sure Mr. Schneider \vould be more than glad to make calls to his friends. Has been mentioning it to some of his friends but will contact the ones he has not yet talked with. Mrs. Schneider said she knew her husband is one of your "devoted friends." \1 E \ l 0 R :\ :" D l.. :\1 THE \YliiTE IIOt:SE \L\Slll:'\CTO:'>I June 3, 1976 Hi.lliam Gore Very nice. Said he HAS been doing just that'. Has been making at le st ten calls a DAY and building a real pyramid among his friends, <icquaintences, and their friends etc. Very encouraged that six out of every ten called enthusiastically agree to support you. Hrs. Jack Hestland Hoops! Excuse the ring. She told me you had already called 'them on Sunday. Assured me they are working very hard. Tom Ehrlich My nephew in Los Angeles. Hill certainly call more than ten. He's very enthusiastic and pleased that I asked him, (As a recommendation--he can _§_ell me things I already own so I feel he'll do a good job.) JeAnne Leonard Another nephew's wife in San Diego area. She and Pat certainly will call all their friends etc. My nephew is employed in the construction of a big nuclear plant and will spread the Hord among his co-;.;rorkers. Better luck tomorrow!! Had some "no answers"today \!E\!OR.\:'\Dl.\1 TilE WIIITE HOL'SE June 3, 1976 Hr. President Bill Norrish Called from Oakland in response to your call to him of night before last regarding situation in Alameda and Contra Costa Counties. Said Northern Alameda was very good. The party organization was strong and it looked very encouraging. But there is concern in the southern part of the County. Said they felt Mrs. Ford's visit to Berkeley on Saturday would help tremendously. Contra Costa County looks much better. Your visit to Walnut Creek really put area in winning column, they believe. Said Reagan has announced he doesn't expect to have support of County. Media campaign is picking up on both sides. He seemed quite optimistic. Hary Ann Keeler (Called her on another problem) She said she and her husband are placing t~.,ro 1/2 page ads in LA Times to run on Sunday and Honday. Also placing three 1/2 page ads in Akron Journal for Sunday and Honday. She told me her brother is advertising mgr. for LA Times so the ads will be strategically placed! Dr. Alan Levey (I was talking to him re another matter) Asked him if he knew anybody in California. Said he had "gobs" of relatives. I suggested that he call them and he said he most certainly would. Ray Kaiser Will be in Chicago until Honday but will do his best w·hen he returns to get out a proper vote. Alex Dreier Was not home but spoke with Mrs. Dreier who told me that Hr. Dreier has done a TV tape in your behalf which is played several times a day in Palm Springs.
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