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oCitfColleçre lssue 24, XXXI Volume FRESNO, CALIFORNIA April21, 1977 Ser rcJes ote no longel hongup in coreer decision3 Will you encounter sexism in Marvin Nunes, instructor in Ann Marie Raterman, your a chosen career? , said "I student in \[ilson's class said, "I "Absolutely not," said Dorothy is any majored in biolory Marsh, placement supervisor. a good I am learning "Employers want persons who in this because it's a job are dependable and knowledge- field, especially in designing time, and later on able." homes, and in real estate." this work with a home and Pauline Fuller, counselor. said "Drafting pays well," he family." "Today, students are crossing continued, "I have six girls in my, over into fields formerly domi- class learning archite'cture anä Manuel Alvarez, îV instructor nated by the opposite sex. Boys three in engineering and me- said, "We have had gi¡ls in this are signing up for domestic chanical drawing. The girls do class, but the sets are a little science with a view to becoming exceptionally fine work." heavy to lift. It takes a big girl to nutritionists, and girls are Vern Wilson, instructor in handle this type of work." learning welding." radiography, (x-ray technician), Leo Takeuchi, dean of techni- Fuller added, "We don't try to said "My students are divided cal industrial division said, "I iniluence a student, but we do equally between men and don't think there is sex discrimi- point a girl women. In the east, there are nation in any career.'l might lifting more men in this profession, but "In fact," he said, "It'sjust the heavy eepin[ here in the west, there are manv opposite.
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