India. Census Ethnography, 1901-1931
INDIA. CENSUS ETHNOGRAPHY, 1901-1931 by Prof. T. C. HODSQN, M.A., William Wyse Professor o( Social Anthropology, CGmbridge" Fellow, St. Catharine's College. PUBUSIUD BY TID! M.u!AGD OF PUllUCATlONS, DJ:LHI. P.lUN'lED By TIm MANAGER" GOVDNMIIlNT OF INDIA PRESS, NEW DI!LJIl. 1937. LiSt ot Agents 111 liUlia !rop! whom Government ofIn diS. Publications are available. (II) hovmow GOV'BBJlHBI'lT BOOK DBPO!8 • .' )t4DA~8 ~-lIupednteDden', GO'f'erDDlent l'ress, lIlonnt :Road, lIladra•. lIolllJl.lT :-SupednteDdent, GO~DlDent PrintIng and Stationery; Queen', RUIId, Bombay. S[Rn :-Ha.nager, Sind Government Book Depot and Record OlBae, Xalaelil (8adal). URITBD PBOlmORS :-SuperlnteDdent, Government Preu, AIlI.haba~. i'IIRJAB :-Superlntendent, Goverlllll,Jlnt Printing, PuDjab, Lah0!'8' Oar.rIlAL PBOVlROBB :-Superlntendent, Government PrInting, Central Provinces, :laspur. AIW.lI :-SnperloteDdent, A8B&m Secretariat l're88, ShlJlODg BllUB :-Superintendent, Government Prlntlnll, p, o. Ga1sarbagh, Patoa. NOIl~H' WBST 1IBORTIIIlI PBO:VIl!lOB :-lIlalllller, Govenunent Prlntlnll aDd Stationery, Peahawar. OllI8SA :-preaa Ollloer, Secreteda.t, Out.taok. (I» l'IIlVAD ]lOOB.·BBUlIlIII. Adun! ]lrothen, P. O. ]lOll: 100,OaWDpore, )laUk & ilQ.III, Slalkot,Clt". Aero StoreB,Xarachl.· Meean. U. P. Malhotra II Co., Post:Box No.9', Lahore. Baotblya &0; cO' Ltd., Statlon Road, Ajmer. JOnerva. ]look Shop, Anarkell street, Labore. BellQaI FlyfDILCub, 1 Dom Dum Caott.· Modern Hook Depot, Bazar Road. 81alkot (laott. Bhatla Book Depa_!, !!addar Bazar, :Ra.nlkhBt. lIloderq Book D~potl.Napler Road, lullundur Cantt. Bbawnan! & Sona,l'Iew Deihl. Mohaulal DOBSablial tlbah, .RaJkot. Book OomP-B!1Y' OBlootta. NaDdklsbore &; Bros., Chowk, Benaro. Cit,. Booklo,er 8 Reaortt,TaIkad.
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