Société Internationale de Droit Militaire International Society for Military Law et de Droit de la Guerre a.i.s.b.l. and the Law of War a.i.s.b.l. IXth Seminar for Legal Advisors of the Armed Forces Münster, Germany, 9 - 13 April 2013 Hosted by the 1 (German/Netherlands) Corps DRAFT PROGRAM (Ref. ISMLLW 662 N E 1) “Contemporary Challenges for Legal Advisers in International Military Operations” TUESDAY 9 APRIL 2013 Arrival of the Participants 14.00h-16.30h Registration at the Factory hotel 17.30h-19.00h Official Opening + Reception, Von Steinsahl, HQ 1 (GE/NL) Corps hosted by Major General M. van der Laan, Deputy Commander 1 (GE/NL) Corps WEDNESDAY 10 APRIL 2013 Session 1 & 2 : 09.30h-10.00h Keynote Speech by Lieutenant-General A.J.H. van Loon, Commander 1 (GE/NL) Corps. “Military Cooperation with National and International Actors: Conditions for Success”. 10.00h-10.30h The International Society for Military Law and the Law of War and its Research Project International Law in Peace Operations – Presentation and Update on the Progress. Presenter: Mr. Alfons Vanheusden, General Counsel, Office of the Minister of Defence, Belgium & Assistant Secretary General of the International Society for Military Law and the Law of War. 10.30h-11.00h Coffee break International Society for Military Law and the Law of War – Société internationale de Droit Militaire et de Droit de la Guerre Avenue de la Renaissance 30 – 1000 Bruxelles/Brussels – Belgium/Belgique Point of contact / point de contact : Mr H. Vranken – Mr L. De Coninck Tel/Fax: 0032 2 742 6178 - E-mail:
[email protected] - Website: Opening hours of the General Secretariat: Every working day from 08.30 hrs until 16.00 hrs Heures d’ouvertures du Secrétariat général: Jours ouvrables de 08.30 h à 16.00 h Banque la Poste: IBAN BE29 0000 0330 4464 - Banque ING: IBAN BE92 3100 3058 7523 Société Internationale de Droit Militaire International Society for Military Law et de Droit de la Guerre a.i.s.b.l.