By Karzen Wgnn Foostad
Tbe Atlas by Karzen Wgnn Foostad Sample file TSR, Inc. PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION'" —TD daughter Kristi— May she grow in the wisdom, courage, and love of the heroines of the Forgotten Realms Acknowledgments While the accuracy (or inaccuracy) of the product gled with me as time became all too short. Special thanks within these pages rests entirely with the author, the are due to J. Eric Severson, who has been a very pleasant work could not have been completed without the encour- and patient editor; Mary Kirchoff, who kept me on track; agement, assistance, and endurance of many people: Dave "Diesel" LaForce and Steve Beck, for their city over- My husband, Tbdd, associate professor of geography, lays and expert cartographic assistance; Dee Barnett, for who has grown increasingly familiar and helpful with the her graphic help; and Angelika Lokotz and Tracey numerous questions of how the workings of our real Zamagne, for every typeset word. world may be applied to those of an imaginary world. My The many authors and illustrators of the FORGOTTEN son, Mark, and daughter, Kristi, who helped with the in- REALMS™ books and related products; all have been de- dex as well as the housework. Mark also designed the map lightful people with whom to deal, but those who put up on which the Ivy Mansion was based. My sister, Marsa with the most questions were Doug Niles, Bob Salvatore, Crissup, for typing the index, and Lisa Richardson, for let- Ed Greenwood, David "Zeb" Cook, Jim Lowder, Troy tering the many maps. Denning, and "traffic cop" Jeff Grubb.
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