Places of Worship in Georgian and Regency Brighton and Hove’, the Georgian Group Journal, Vol
Sue Berry, ‘Places of worship in Georgian and Regency Brighton and Hove’, The Georgian Group Journal, Vol. XIX, 2011, pp. 157–172 TEXT © THE AUTHORS 2011 PLACES OF WORSHIP IN GEORGIAN AND REGENCY BRIGHTON AND HOVE C . – SUE BERRY Between and , the number of places of whereas Lewes had , residents and six parish worship in the flourishing resort of Brighton and churches and Chichester , residents, eight Hove increased from four to about forty, most of which parish churches and a cathedral. The writer believed were built after . The provision for Anglican that Brighton needed at least four more Anglican worshippers before was limited to two old parish churches, calculating that one church would serve churches and a seasonally open chapel of ease. By , people. He claimed that, because of the lack of the total number of buildings and sittings offered by provision by the Church of England, dissenting Nonconformist places of worship had outnumbered groups would flourish, and he drew attention to the those for Anglicans. Their simple buildings were closure of the St James’s Street Chapel (see below), located on cheaper land behind streets or along minor an Anglican free chapel opened by some local streets. But from Anglicans and Nonconformists gentlemen in because neither the Vicar of started building larger places of worship on major Brighton nor the Bishop of Chichester would streets, and some of these striking buildings still survive. support it. Though there were already some fifteen nonconformist places of worship, most of which had rom around the small town of Brighton was free seats, the outburst did not result in any Fsaved from a long period of decline by the immediate change, and in this respect Brighton was development of seaside tourism, attracting increasing typical of other fast-growing towns in which the numbers of wealthy visitors and residents and many Church of England did little to attract worshippers people who provided the wide range of services that until the s.
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