
Amphibia-Reptilia 30 (2009): 533-544

Food habits of Brazilian boid : overview and new data, with special reference to hortulanus

Lígia Pizzatto1,2,4, Otavio A.V. Marques2, Kátia Facure3

Abstract. This study examines the diet of eight boid snakes: Boa c. constrictor, Boa c. amarali, Corallus caninus, C. hortulanus, Epicrates cenchria, E. crassus, E. assisi and Eunectes murinus mainly by analyzing the gut contents of preserved museum specimens, and includes a literature review to present an overview of the diet of Brazilian boids. Mammals constitute the primary prey consumed by the majority of the . Birds are also frequently consumed by C. hortulanus and Boa contrictor, and are the most important prey for B. c. amarali. Ectotherms (mostly lizards) were only consumed by immature snakes. Such prey is rarely consumed by B. c. amarali and not recorded for Epicrates and Eunectes species in our dissections. C. caninus is likely a mammal specialist and Epicrates prey on birds more opportunistically. The niche overlap index varied from 0.27-0.52 for species occurring in the same bioma and geographic range but it is possible this overlap is lower as most sympatric species explore different macrohabitat. C. hortulanus exhibited a significant relationship between prey size and predator head size; this relationship did not differ among mature and immature snakes. In comparison to immature individuals heavier adult snakes fed on heavier prey items however, the ratio between prey/predator mass decreased with increase in predator mass (or size). Most boids exploit diurnal and nocturnal preys, probably using both sit-and-wait and active tactics. They feed on the ground but boas and C. hortulanus and possibly E. cenchria also exploit arboreal prey.

Keywords: , diet, dietary niche, foraging strategies, prey items, prey size.

Introduction Burghardt, 1978; Greene, 1983a). While some species are specialists (e.g., the colubrid Tan- Food habits have attracted the attention of many tilla melanocephala feeds only on centipedes; herpetologists over the years. The diet and food Marques and Puorto, 1998), the diet can vary habits of snakes usually reflect singular adap- broadly in many others and ontogenetic varia- tations in the morphology and anatomy tion is a common trait among snakes (Mushin- (Mushinsky, 1987; Greene 1997). Most of sky, 1987; Greene, 1997; Glaudas et al., 2008). these adaptations are evident in the skull, Foraging strategies of are generally jaws and teeth (Savitzky, 1981, 1983; God- recorded as being active search or sit-and-wait ley, McDiarmid and Rojas, 1984; Mushinsky, (ambush) (Schoener, 1971). The first is char- 1987), but also include vertebrae (Gans, 1952, acteristic of slender and fast-moving colubrids 1961) and behavior (Franz, 1977; Geene and and elapids while the ambush behavior usu- ally occurs in most heavy-bodied viperids, boids 1 - Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, Depto de Zoologia, Uni- and pythonids (Greene, 1997). However, some versidade Estadual de Campinas, CP 6109, 13083-130, snakes can use both strategies and can also vary Campinas, SP, which strategy they adopt based on body size Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected] due to ontogenetic switch in prey types (Greene, 2 - Laboratório Especial de Ecologia e Evolução, Instituto 1997). Butantan, Av. Dr. Vital Brasil 1500, 05503-900, São Understanding the relationships between Paulo, SP, Brazil e-mail: [email protected] prey size and predator size is the first step in 3 - Rua Marcolino Ribeiro, 181, Jardim Karaíba, 38411- evaluating the application of optimal foraging 382, Uberlândia, MG, Brazil theories to snakes (Mushinsky, 1987). Usually e-mail: [email protected] larger snakes tend to exploit larger prey items 4 - Present address: School of Biological Sciences, Heydon-Laurence Building A08, The University of (see Mushinsky, 1987; Arnold, 1993; Greene, Sydney, NSW, 2006, Australia 1997), but there are some large snakes that ac-

© Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2009. Also available online - www.brill.nl/amre 534 L. Pizzatto, O.A.V. Marques, K. Facure tively search for very small prey (Shine et al., The relationship between prey mass and predator mass 2004). was analyzed using linear regression. To verify if both variables increased at the same rate (i.e., if small snakes In this study we review the food habits of eat proportionally the same size prey as large snakes), we Brazilian boines and present new data on prey compared if the slope of regression differed from one, using items, relationships between prey size and snake t-test where t = (1 − observed slope)/standard error of size among adult males, females and young the slope (Stearns, 1992). The same analysis was performed using prey length and snake HL, and snake HL vs. snake individuals, inferring about hunting tactics and SVL. Sexual divergence in prey size was investigated using behavior. We compare our findings and trends ANCOVA, with prey SVL as the dependent variable, sex with published data for other boines, and the as the factor and snake SVL as the covariate (Zar, 1999). The same analysis was performed using predator and prey close related erycinaes and pythonids. masses. In all these cases variables were log-transformed to meet assumptions of parametric test. Dietary niche overlap was calculated for pairs of sym- patric species using the MacArthur-Levins index modified Material and methods by Pianka and by expressing the prey item overlap in terms of percentage (see Krebs, 1998 for both procedures). We Gut contents of Boa c. constrictor (38 adult females, 76 did not include E. murinus in the niche overlap analysis be- males and 308 immature), 201 B. c. amarali (47 females, cause our results on stomach contents clearly do not reflect 70 males and 84 immature), Corallus caninus (25 fe- the range of prey items explored by this species. males, 11 males and 51 immature), C. hortulanus (109 fe- Published data are presented for giving a more complete males, 132 males and 234 immature), Epicrates cenchria overview on the diet of the species occurring in Brazil and (35 female, 48 males and 155 immature), E. assisi (18 fe- to evince trends within major groups. males, 25 males and 86 immature), E. crassus (28 females, 35 males and 64 immature) and Eunectes murinus (4 fe- males, 35 males and 375 immature) were analyzed. These specimens, originally collected in many different areas in Results Brazil, are housed in the collections of Instituto Butantan (IB), Museu de História Natural da Universidade Estad- General trends from original data ual de Campinas (ZUEC), Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi (MPEG), Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo All species examined fed exclusively on ver- (MZUSP), Universidade de Brasília (CHUNB) and Comis- são Executiva do Plano da Lavoura Cacaueira (CEPLAC). tebrates including mammals, birds, lizards and Additionally, we obtained faeces from live specimens col- frogs. Variation within the composition of ver- lected by other researchers in the areas where several of tebrate prey that comprised the diet of differ- the museum specimens originated. We considered the three ent species was evident. Overall, the dominant Epicrates as different species, according to Passos and Fer- nandez (2008), instead of E. cenchria subspecies, as orig- prey item consumed were mammals followed inally known. Because the two Boa constrictor subspecies by birds (table 1, fig. 1). The diet of the majority occur in different biomas in Brazil (B. c. constrictor in the of species contained only these two prey types. rainforests of the Amazon and Atlantic Forest in north and northeast while B. c. amarali occurs in the cerrado [savan- nah] of central and southwest Brazil) we opted for not pool- Boa constrictor ing the subspecies together, so information for each one can be easily accessed in future works. Our data show that Boa c. constrictor and Boa For each snake we measured snout-vent length (SVL, c. amarali fed on lizards, birds and mammals mm) using a flexible measuring tape, head length (from the (table 1) but diet composition differed between quadratum to the snout: HL, mm) with vernier calipers and body mass with Pesola® scales (g) after drainage of the mature and immature specimens (fig. 1a, b). Ec- excess preservative liquid. Snakes were recorded as imma- tothermic preys were consumed only by imma- ture or mature. Females were considered mature if they had ture individuals, though still only made up a oviductal embryo or ovarian follicles larger than 10 mm and males were mature if they had turgid testes and deferent duct small proportion of the diet, and birds were the convoluted (see Pizzatto and Marques, 2007). Prey species most common item for immature B. c. amarali were identified to the lowest taxonomic level by compari- (fig. 1a, b). Our limited data suggests that im- son of whole specimens, fur, skull, paws, teeth, feathers and mature snakes do not reject large prey (fig. 2a- beak to reference individuals in scientific collections (cf. Lobert et al., 2001); intact prey were weighed and measure d), but there are also reports of young B. con- in length (SVL or snout-anus). strictor feeding on small prey (16% of preda- Food habits of boids 535

Table 1. Prey items identified from gut in Brazilian boid snakes.

PREY Boa c. Boa c. Corallus Corallus Epicrates Epicrates Epicrates Eunectes amarali constrictor caninus hortulanus assisi cenchria crassus murinus

Amphibia unidentified Hylidae 1 Reptilia Ameiva ameiva 14 1 Tropidurus sp. 1 unidentified 2 Gymnophtalmidae unidentified lizard 1 unidentified 1 (scales) Aves Cacicus haemorrhous 1 Gallus gallus 1 Thraupis sayaca 2 Zonotrichia capensis 1 unidentified Psittacidae 3 unidentified Passeriformes 2 1 1 1 1 unidentified 7 2 24 2 Mammalia Rodentia Caviidae Cavia sp. 1 Cricetidae unidentified 1 Sigmodontinae Echimyidae Clyomys laticeps 1 unidentified 1 1 3 Cricetidae 1 2 1 3 13 Akodon cursor 1 Necromys lasirus 1 Nectomys squamipes 1 Oligoryzomys nigripes 1 Rhipidomys mastacalis 3 Thaptomys nigrita 1 unidentified rodent 3 1 6 3 1 Muridae Rattus rattus 3 Marsupialia Didelphis marsupialis 11 Didelphis albiventris 1 1∗ Gracilinanus microtarsus 1 Marmosa murina 3 Micoureus demerarae 11 Monodelphis sp. 1 Philander frenatus 1 Chiroptera 5 Phyllostomidae Artibeus obscurus 1 unidentified 2 Molossidae 1 unidentified mammal 1 4 3 15 3 6 1 3 Total 17 20 6 80 4 18 20 6

∗ specimen from flood rescue. 536 L. Pizzatto, O.A.V. Marques, K. Facure

Figure 1. Percentage of consumed prey in adult and immature boid snakes. tor mass: Boback et al. 2000; see also fig. 2a- (ntotal = 13). Bakkegard and Timm (2001) also d). One mature male B. c. amarali had two ro- reported multiple prey ingested by B. c. con- dents in the stomach and another mature male strictor. Published data show that some popu- had bird and mammal remains. One immature lations of Boa constrictor prey extensively on male B. c. constrictor had ingested a lizard and birds (Boback, 2005; Quick et al., 2005) while a newborn mouse. Thus, multiple prey items in others, mammals are the main prey item con- was ingested by 5.9% of B. c. constrictor spec- sumed (Sironi et al., 2000). For mainland popu- imens (ntotal = 17) and 15.4% of B. c. amarali lations of this species lizards represent only a Food habits of boids 537

Figure 2. Relationship between prey and predator size in boid snakes. Black circles: adult snakes, white circles: immature snakes. 538 L. Pizzatto, O.A.V. Marques, K. Facure small proportion of the diet (Sironi et al., 2000) may permit this snake to forage on the ground whereas for island populations they represent a as well (see Martins and Oliveira, 1999). highly important component of dietary intake (Quick et al., 2005). In Belize, Boa constric- Corallus cropanii tor largely displays arboreal foraging habits pri- There are only four specimens of this snake in marily preying on birds (Boback, pers. com.). collections. The unique known prey item of C. Opossums, semi-arboreal rats, rodent nestlings, cropanii is a terrestrial marsupial Metachirus lizards, and birds are reported as prey of B. nudicaudatus constrictor in (Boback et al., 2000; (Marques and Cavalheiro, 1998, Bakkegard and Timm, 2001). Our data reinforce see Emmons, 1990 for reference on the mar- that, despite their stout body, which does not fa- supial habit). Together with C. caninus,this cilitate arboreal habits, B. constrictor ssp. have species have stouter bodies and larger heads the ability to utilize both terrestrial and arbo- than C. hortulanus (Pizzatto, Marques and Mar- real habitat to access prey. Martins and Oliveira tins, 2007). These traits, when analyzed with (1999) compiled published data for the dietary closely related species that present the same habits of this species and the records include habit (in this case all Corallus are arboreal), monkeys, rodents, marsupials, bats, armadillos seem to be related to a diet based on mam- and birds. Thus, in general B. constrictor is gen- mals (Martins et al., 2001; Pizzatto, Marques eralist in diet, and present high trophic plastic- and Martins, 2007). Thus C. cropanii may for- ity. This plasticity may be related to prey avail- age on the ground and sleep on the vegetation. ability and differences in the habitat occupied by each subspecies. Corallus hortulanus This species is very euriphagic, exhibiting a Corallus caninus high diverse diet composition. In addition to Only six specimens presented prey (or vestiges) mammals (including bats) and birds, immature in their guts and they were all mammals (please snakes also preyed on frogs and lizards and one note that two of these individuals may have been young specimen was collected with numerous already analyzed by Cunha and Nascimento, porcupine (Erethizontidae) spines along the out- 1978). Other authors also suggest that this side of the body (table 1). Multiple prey items species is a dietary specialist, feeding almost were recorded to 8.7% of the snakes. One im- exclusively on mammals (Henderson, 1993 and mature female C. hortulanus ingested two bats, pers. com.; Martins and Oliveira, 1999; this two adult males ingested three birds each, and work). Only one record has been reported of a three adult females ingested three Psittacidae juvenile snake (380 mm SVL) preying upon a nestlings, two bats and two rodents, respec- gekkonid lizard (likely Thecadactylus; Hender- tively. Published data also reinforce the gen- son, 1993) and despite popular believes (pers. eralist food habits of this species (Henderson, obs.) there are no records of bids as prey for 1993, 2002; Martins and Oliveira, 1999 and ref- this species. All prey items we identified in the erences within). Due to our larger sample sizes gut of C. caninus (the marsupials Micoureus de- on prey items for this species we were able to merarae and Didelphis marsupialis)aswellas analyze predator-prey relationships. Prey body those ones identified by Henderson (1993) (one length increased with predator head length (lin- gecko and the rat Oecomys bicolor) are primar- ear regression: r2 = 0.26,P = 0.002, fig. 2e) ily arboreal (see Emmons, 1990; Eisenberg and but the slope of the relationship did not differ Redford, 1999) suggesting that this snake for- from one (t-Student: t31 = 1.19,P = 0.243), age on the vegetation. However its stouter body, i.e. both variables increase at the same rate. when compared to other species in the , More than 50% of the individuals fed on prey Food habits of boids 539 weighing up to 20% of their own body mass Epicrates cenchria and about 20% preyed on weighing from 40-95% of their masses. In terms of ab- Most specimens had ingested mammals, mainly solute mass, adult snakes exploited heavier prey rodents, and one immature had ingested a (r2 = 0.48,P < 0.0001; fig. 2f) and the slope bird (table 1, fig. 1f). Despite the small sam- of this relationship (a = 0.49, SE = 0.093) was ple size, most immature snakes ingested large prey, weighing roughly the same as themselves significantly smaller than one (t31 = 5.48,P < 0.001). Thus, small snakes tended to eat rel- (fig. 2g, h). Other prey items recorded for this atively larger prey than large snakes. Accord- species in the Amazon forest range include do- ingly, snake head length increased with SVL mestic chicken and other birds, bird eggs, ro- (r2 = 0.73,P < 0.0001) but smaller snakes dents, bats, frogs and lizards (see Martins and had relatively larger head (a = 0.73, SE = Oliveira 1999 and their references). 0.009,t496 = 29.7,P < 0.0001). Geograph- ical differences in diet could not be analyzed Epicrates crassus even because most specimens containing gut Only one specimen had ingested a bird, all oth- contents were collected in the same area. There ers fed on mammals (table 1, fig. 1g). Based on was no sexual differences in the relationship the prey items and the stout body (see Pizzatto et of predator and prey lengths or masses in C. al. 2007) this is probably the most terrestrial of hortulanus (ANCOVA, size: slopes: F = (1,29) the three Epicrates species we studied and they 0.12,P = 0.728; intercept: F = 0.36,P = (1,30) may forage mainly on the ground. 0.551; mass: slopes: F(1,29) = 0.04,P = 0.843, intercept: F = 0.18,P = 0.734). How- (1,30) Eunectes murinus ever, the largest prey, the marsupial Philander frenatus 307 mm SVL and 405 g was consumed Our data on the diet of the anacondas are very by an adult female (SVL = 1760 mm, HL = poor, reflecting the difficulty in finding entire 59 mm, M = 1300 g) while the largest prey large snakes preserved in collections. We have consumed by an adult male (SVL = 1590 mm, recorded only mammals and birds in the gut of = = HL 49 mm, M 820 g) was a water rat Nec- Eunectes murinus (table 1, fig. 1h). However, tomys squamipes 245 mm SVL and 260 g. The this species is reported to feed on several aquatic identification of prey items suggest that C. hor- and terrestrial vertebrates: fishes, frogs, , tulanus prey on either on the ground or more of- birds, and mammals (cf. Strimple, 1993; Já- ten above it. The relative slender body of C. hor- como and Silveira, 1998; Elvey and Newlon, tulanus (as well as other morphological features 1998; Martins and Oliveira, 1999; Rivas, 1999; in this genus – see Lillywhite and Henderson, Valderrama and Thorbjanarson, 2001), though 1993) probably allows this snake to more effec- the main prey items were birds, at least in tively explore the vertical stratum of the forest, the Venezuelan Llanos (Rivas, 1999). Appar- thus providing a wider dietary niche. ently, E. murinus is an opportunistic preda- tor which also exploits dead animals and con- Epicrates assisi specifics, usually inside the water or around it The only prey recorded for this species were (O’Shea, 1994; Rivas, 1999; Rivas and Owens, mammals (table 1), for both mature and im- 2000; Valderrama and Thorbjanarson, 2001). mature individuals (fig. 1e). However, Vitt and This species is reported to feed on large prey Vangilder (1983) recorded mammals, bird eggs items, usually ranging from 14% to 50% of the and lizards for this species (note that in this snake mass (Jácomo and Silveira, 1988; Rivas, reference the authors refer to the species as E. 1999, but see also Valderrama and Thorbjanar- cenchria). son, 2001) but were also observed hunting for 540 L. Pizzatto, O.A.V. Marques, K. Facure prey of similar body masses than their own (Ri- nae; Rodrígues-Robles, Bell and Greene, 1999). vas, 1999). Birds have also been reported as an impor- tant component in the diet of other boids (see Eunectes notaeus Henderson, 1993; Tolson and Henderson, 1993; Rodrígues-Robles, Bell and Greene, 1998; Wi- This species is known to feed mostly on ley, 2003). birds and mammals (Strüssmann, 1992; Waller, The presence of domestic fowl and black rats Buongermini and Micuci, 2001) though also in- (Rattus rattus)aspreyofBoa constrictor and cludes large lizards (Tupinambis sp.), turtles, Epicrates cenchria indicates that these snakes caimans and bird eggs (Cintra, 1989; Strüss- dwell in anthropogenic habitats and it is not un- mann and Sazima, 1991; Strüssmann, 1992), usual to find boas in this kind of habitat (L. Piz- and probably feeds on carrion (Strüssmann, zatto, pers. obs.). Other authors have also found 1992). As Eunectes murinus, this species is boines and pythonids living in association with known to forage in the water or around it humans and feeding on domestic or commen- (Strüssmann, 1992). sal animals (e.g., Boa constrictor occidentalis – Sironi et al., 2000; Corallus grenadensis – Hen- Dietary niche overlap derson and Winstel, 1995; Epicrates cenchria – B. c. amarali and E. crassus occur in the Brazil- Martins and Oliveira, 1999; E. angulifer –Tol- ian savannah and shared 29.28% of prey types, son and Henderson, 1993; E. inornatus –Wi- presenting a index of niche overlap of 0.321. B. ley, 2003; Morelia spilota – Shine and Fitzger- c. constrictor and E. cenchria shared 35.53% of ald, 1996; Fearn et al. 2001; Pyhton reticulates prey in the Brazilian rainforests, with an index – Shine et al., 1999; Python regius – Luiselli and of 0.45. B. c. constrictor and C. hortulanus pre- Angelici, 1998). sented the highest index value, 0.52, represent- We found one Corallus hortulanus with nu- ing 51.7% of prey in common. B. c. constrictor merous porcupine spines throughout the body. and C. caninus had an index of 0.27 (30.26% Although the snake was captured alive it was of prey types in common), and the congeneric evidently severely injured and may have even- C. hortulanus and C. caninus shared 41.54% of tually died. Naive snakes perhaps try to catch prey items (index 0.46). unusual and dangerous items, a behavior that can prove costly to the snake. Attempts at pre- dation on very spiky prey are usually unsuc- Discussion cessful, and can result in severe injury and even death. Records on other snakes preying on por- General trends in prey items cupines include species of large vipers and col- Despite the generalist diet of most species, ubrids, but most are boid snakes (see Duarte, mammals represent the dominant prey for the 2003). Other mechanically defended prey that majority of Brazilian boine snakes. These find- can cause severe injuries are catfish, recorded as prey for anacondas (Beebe, 1966; Rivas, 1999) ing are consistent with previous studies on and filesnakes (Shine, 1986). Neotropical boine snakes (Henderson et al., 1987; Henderson, 1993; Tolson and Hender- Ontogenetic shifts in diet son, 1993; Rivas, 1999; Bakkegard and Timm, 2001; Wiley, 2003; Quick et al., 2005), pythons Changing from exploring ectothermic to en- (Henderson, 1993; Shine and Madsen, 1997; dothermic prey as the snakes grow is common Shine et al., 1999; Luiselli and Angelici, 1998; in many species and has been already re- Luiselli et al., 2002; Pearson, Shine and How, corded in many boines, including Boa constric- 2002), sand boas, and rubber boas (Eryci- tor (Sironi et al., 2000; Boback, 2005; Quick Food habits of boids 541 et al., 2005), Corallus spp. (Henderson, 1993, Boa c. constrictor and three newborn Psittaci- 2002), (Harlow and Shine, 1992), Ep- dae in an adult C. hortulanus support these field icrates (Reagan, 1984; Henderson et al., 1987). observations. Nestling rodents were already re- Ontogenetic shift in prey type also occurs in corded as prey of other populations of B. con- Eunectes murinus from . However, strictor (Bakkegard and Timm, 2001). Preying in this case, juveniles feed mostly on birds on nestlings (either mammals or birds) sug- and include more mammals in their diet as gests that active search for food also occurs in they grow (Rivas, 1999). Similar trends are both Ercycinae and , in addition to observed among the Erycinae and Pythonidae. ambush foraging (Shine and Fitzgerald, 1996; Young bottae feed on lizards and Luiselli and Angelici, 1998; Rodrígues-Robles, Squamata eggs but switch to birds and mam- Bell and Greene, 1999). mals when large (Rodrígues-Robles, Bell and Greene, 1999). Carpet pythons feed on lizards Relationship in predator-prey sizes when small and then switch to mammals and birds: from mice to rats and small to large birds Relative head length decreases with increas- as they grow (Fearn et al., 2001). The African ing body size in C. hortulanus, allowing small royal pythons (Python regius) present both sex- snakes to explore relatively larger prey than ual and ontogenetic diet divergence: adult males adult snakes. The same trends are found in Great prey mostly on birds while females feed mainly Basin rattlesnakes, Crotalus lutosus (X. Glau- on mammals and young snakes hunt for little das, pers. comm.) and other authors have al- birds (Luiselli and Angelici, 1998). ready reported that young snakes tend to feed on relatively large prey (Godley, 1980; Sazima and Foraging strategies Martins, 1990; Marques and Puorto, 1994), but will not refuse small items (see results). Boids Endothermic animals are the main food of and pythonids are well known for feeding on boid snakes. They use infra-red sensors, usu- large prey but data on predator-prey size rela- ally located in the labial pits, to detect these tionships are scarce for most species. Pythonids prey (Gamow and Harris, 1973; Grace et al., are probably better studied in this matter. Car- 2001; Campbell et al., 2002). Chemical and pet pythons (Morelia s. spilota) in suburban ar- visual cues may also have an important role eas in Australia present complex prey-predator in prey detection (Gehlbach, Watkinson and size relationships: small snakes feed on rela- Krool, 1971; Grace et al., 2001; Mullin et al., tively large prey, medium size animals explore 2004), especially ectothermic animals. Heavy- both large and small prey and large snakes prey bodied snakes are assumed to be ambush only on large items (Fearn et al., 2001). Sim- predators (e.g. Pianka, 1974) but many boine ilarly, large diamond pythons (Morelia s. var- snakes exhibit sit-and-wait tactics (e.g. Coral- iegata) feed mostly on large prey and are very lus grenadensis – Henderson, 1993; C. can- efficient on doing so (Shine, 1991). inus – Martins and Oliveira, 1999; Eunectes murinus – Strimple, 1993; Rivas, 1999; Valder- Dietary niche overlap rama and Thorbjanarson, 2001). Field obser- vations suggests that C. hortulanus (Martins The niche overlap index varied from 0.27 to and Oliveira, 1999), Boa constrictor (Greene, 0.52, which means that 29.3 to 51.7% of prey 1983b; S. Boback, pers. comm.), Epicrates items were explored by a pair of species. cenchria (Martins and Oliveira, 1999) and Eu- However, differences in macrohabitat, hunting nectes murinus (Strüssmann, 1992) utilize both strategies and prey sizes may contribute for de- ambush and active search strategies. A newborn creasing competition, especially because none mouse found in the stomach of an immature of the studied boines seem to occur in high den- 542 L. Pizzatto, O.A.V. Marques, K. Facure sities in Brazil. For example, B. c. constrictor Acknowledgements. We thank Ivan Sazima, Paulo Roberto and C. hortulanus presented the highest over- Manzani and Fatima M. de Souza (ZUEC), Hussam Za- her and Carolina Mello (MZUSP), Francisco Luís Franco lap but the boa is a large size semi-arboreal and Valdir Germano (IB), Marli Penteado (CEPLAC), Ana snake while the common tree boa is slender, Lúcia Prudente (MPEG), Guarino Colli, Mariana Zatz, relatively small arboreal species. Niche parti- Verônica Novaes e Silva (CHUMB), for access to the col- lections and laboratory help; Luís Fabio Silveira (USP) for tioning and competition in snakes’ communi- identifying some of the birds; André L. Fonseca, Juarez Pez- ties have attracted more attention of ecologists zuti, Talita Fontoura, Cristina Espanã and Instituto Butan- in the recent year (see Luiselli, 2006). In the tan for logistical support; Ricardo Sawaya and Alexandro Tozetti for providing some field data; Robert Henderson, tropical , for example 90% of the stud- and Scott Boback for information and discussion on the ies showed a non-random pattern of resource diet of emerald boas and boa constrictor, Matt Greenless, partitioning (including diet) in assem- Samantha Price-Rees, Xavier Glaudas, Lucca Luiselli and two anonymous referees for review and suggestions. This blages in contrast to only 41.7% in non-tropical work was supported by Fapesp (PhD grant to LP) and CNPq Africa (Luiselli, 2007). This finding supports (OAVM). the hypothesis that tropical reptiles are more prone to competition and partition of the avail- able resources, and in snakes communities food References is the main resource being partitioned (Luiselli, Arnold, S. (1993): Foraging theory and prey-size-predator- 2006, 2007). Based in the data presented by size relations in snakes. In: Snakes: Ecology and Be- Henderson (2002), Luiselli (2006) already have havior, p. 87-115. Seigel R., Collins J., Eds, New York, McGraw-Hill Inc. suggested that food partitioning may be impor- Bakkegard, K.A., Timm, R.M. (2001): Boa constrictor. tant for reducing competition among Neotropi- Diet. Herp. Rev. 32: 261-262. cal boids. Beebe, W. (1946): Field notes on the snakes of Kartabo, British Guiana, and Caripito, Venezuela. Zoologica 31: 11-52. Final considerations Boback, S.M. (2005): Natural history and conservation of island boas (Boa constrictor) in Belize. Copeia 2005: There is still much more to be done regarding 880-885. Boback, S.M., Burroughs, E., Ugarte, C., Watling, J. (2000): the food habits of the Brazilian boines. Even Boa constrictor. Diet. Herp. Rev. 31: 244-245. species for which we gathered more informa- Campbell, A.L., Naik, R.R., Sowards, L., Stone, M.O. tion, such as Corallus hortulanus, the data avail- (2002): Biological infrared imaging and sensing. Micron 33: 211-225. able is still insufficient to investigate if there is Cintra, R. (1989): Maternal care and daily pattern of behav- any geographic variation or sexual divergence in ior in a family of caimans, Cayman yacare in the Brazil- the diet of this species. For some other species ian Pantanal. J. Herpetol. 23: 320-322. Cunha, O.R., Nascimento, F.P. (1978): Ofídios da Amazo- such as Eunectes deschauenseei and Epicrates nia. X. Ofídios da região leste do Pará. Publ. Avuls. Mus. maurus there are no records of prey items. Boid Paraense E. 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