LOOK for the STARS... * * * Reagan Plans More Aid for Contra Rebels

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LOOK for the STARS... * * * Reagan Plans More Aid for Contra Rebels to — MANCHESTER HERALD. Tuesday. Feb. 18. 19B6 LOOK FOR THE STARS... * * * U .S./W O RLD SPORTS Look for the CLASSIFIED ADS with STARS; stars help you get Shuttle probers Whalers break Computer counts better results. Put a star on your ad and see what a face the Senate winless streak calorles.at MMH 'k difference it makes. Telephone 643-2711, Monday-Friday, ... p a g e 7 .. page 9 ... page 15 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. KIT ‘N’ CARLYLE ®by Larry Wright I HOMES iqrlBUSINESS FOR SALE I * I PROPERTY Thinking of Selling or 17 Arvlne Place, Manches­ Leasing yaur property? iw ? P m m - iNsnNCR.i&jL ter — Custom designed We specialize In commer­ jlanrhratrr HrralJi center chimney Cape la- cial, Industrial, Invest­ t j e i o HuMT, $b 1 tx>. BUT UBenTHey Manchester — A City ol Village Charm cated on one of Manches­ ment properties. Warren ”^M C(;0«KTTo tx> (/XTh WHAT I ter's loveliest tree-lined E. Howland Inc. Realtors. HUMT. ( 5AV “NolAlAyi’ roads near the country 643-1108. club... 3 spacious bed­ 0<l«l I rooms Including a first Home Wednesday, Feb. 19, 1986 25 Cents floor master with Jacuzzi H. m tub. Formal dinig room, Cash In A Flash!!! Brick matm. sitting room with fire­ front commercial build­ place. The family room ing In high traffic area of Hgwkes^ has a huge "walk-ln" fire­ yvilllmantic. FIrsf floor Suckat f Well trouble place, picture window and presently occupied by a Stump I Reagan plans random wlftth oak floors! bar and there Is also a 3 Umotts. Cherry raised paneled ca­ room apartment and 9 ottonfo^ Who wants binets surround the kit­ single rooms. Excellent dlcopp«ILIf « you hove to makes Bolton chen and breakfast area Income. Offered at ' wont od And ' . p i S ". Nome voor bwn overlooking the rear $180,000. Jackson & Jack-* H a n d v ip ^ ’ for you! yard. The other two bed­ son Real Estate, 647-8400 Folher omfi Netkin's Tok home remtlMFl , dapandobfi LOW rotas/ etrlctl' more aid for or 646-8646.D rooms, along with a full Ing, nedi. “ donfied. Over 1 shut 2 schools bath and large unfinished •Polhtino. Pc quotas. jMoi 4, Removal, cott exporidnee. M«^l! room are on the second owner. i A i l l floor. Laundry facilities OlarratoMi : 1 ‘. i iYOu.#velAii(»e* By George Loyno are located on the main Rentals Herald Reporter floor. Exterior of this Concerned Servic Get a 1. Grlio^■:Conyfnlen«ip INVITATION TO BID Contra rebels home Is a maintenance elonottli TdtfCm^Mfdtion Sealed bids will be received BOLTON — A second test of the water at Bolton free combination of brick, tn« kf(t!irdi» {MISCELLANEOUS In fhe General Services' of­ Andersen thermopane ROOMS Cngland’s reosd Center and Elementary schools conducted this pinking priced *ln iteme‘’ :l {automotive fice, 41 Center St., Manches­ windows, narrow vinyl FOR RENT ter, CT until 11:00o.m. on the morning by state health officials confirmed results of lethal aid. Reagan alluded to what garden fpx service. A tak| dote shown below for the fo l­ By Norman D. Sandler clapboards and timber- mower 2 Snow Tires on Plymouth a test Tuesday that showed unsafe levels of a bacteria the White House described as “ a Manchester — Com­ Will coll on you lowing: United Press International 9 8 line shingles. For your in the schools' water supply, School Superintendent ploin bk Rim s P235. 7.75-15. E xce l­ pletely furnished Includ­ convenience wtv,, FEB. 28, 1986- massive influx” of Soviet weap­ comfort the heating sys­ otheiT. lent tread. $60 for both, FURNISH 8, INSTALL AIR Richard Packman said today. tem Is gas fired hot air ing stove, refrigerator cai(646<4ai9(ftom*i WASHINGTON - Armed with onry in Nicaragua and declared, <MM0S8< SStStofNeeK K-J 649-1302.D CONDITIONING IN NEW Packman Tuesday ordered fhe two schools, which “ You can’t fight attack helicopters with central air condition­ and linens. $50 weekly COMMUNICATIONS ROOM have 464 students, to close today until the second test secret intelligence reports and plus 2 weeks security. Call AT POLICE DEPARTMENT warnings of "a new Cuba” in the piloted by Cubans with Band-Aids ing. There Is an oversized Not all the news Is on the was performed. He said classes will resume Thursday between 5-9pm, 646-9832. Will Rol Iftcome Taxes MARCH S, 1986 - Americas, President Reagan is and mosquito nets.” 2 car garage with auto­ front page! There's lotsot after bottled drinking water is provided. matic opener... This Is a d im . Of yetif^pwii horn RECREATION DEPT. newsy Informotlon In the ATHLETIC SUPPLIES embarked on a new high-stakes His comments, like those of special home that de­ Ladles Only — Nice, quiet 648-0718,14 for:TiCRonliH#| The schools’ water can still be used for washing and lOOtTmerdprn, Classified section. 643- The Town of Manchester Is flushing toilets, Packman said. He said the system drive to topple the Nicaraguan supportive GOP congressional serves your Inspection. room for senior citizen or on equal opportunity em ­ government. working girl. Located on Sewing ^ m fiddm dH eiiaiw eM 2711. will be flushed with chlorine in order to kill the leaders, appeared to place in­ $174,900...."We Guarantee :rled«e^|!| ployer, and requires on affir­ Our Homes!". Blanchard bus line. References and mative action policy for oil of bacteria, known as coliform, which is associated with After weeks of news leaks and creased emphasis on pressure not security. Call after ............. its Contractors and Vendors only to push the Sandinistas & Rossetto Real Estate, ofidr LEGAL NOTICE sewage. However, the superintendent said bottled speculation. Reagan tipped his 5:30pm, 644-0383. os o condition of doing busi­ toward political reform, but jeo­ 646- 2482.0 '6<^«^0|lf^w5«^ra NOTICE Is hereby given that ness with the Town, os per water will continued to be used until the source of the hand to congressional leaders PARAGON FINANCIAL, Federal Order 11246. problem is discovered. Tuesday and outlined a plan to pardize the regime altogether. Manchester/East Hart­ LTD., (a Connecticut Corpo­ Looking tor privacy with iThO Ho ration) filed o Certificate of Bid Forms, plans and specifi­ State officials worked today to isolate the provide $100 million in aid to rebels In the next two weeks, Reagan ford Line — Large Room, Dissolution with the Secre­ cations ore available at the contamination. Water samples are being taken from a view? Try this spacious Raised Ranch, kitchen denttoll General Services' office. battling the leftist Sandinista will send Congress his most tory of State ot Connecticut different parts of the system, which also provides seven room expanded privileges. 568-5079. estobit on the 12th day to September, TOWN OF government. ambitious request since the CIA Cape In desirable Man­ fully bo water to the fire station on Notch Road. in order to find 19BS. The town ot which fhe MANCHESTER, CT. His propo.<;al for about $30 began funneling secret aid to the chester neighborhood. dveraml registered office Is located Is ROBERT B. WEISS, the source of the bacteria. million in non-lethal humanitarian Contras early in his firstterm. And Three bedrooms, 2'/2 rriAPARTMENTS 'O vetoo^ Hartford. GENERAL MANAGER Packman said state Health Department engineers aid and the rest in covert military as the size of his request has baths, fireplace, full base­ | 4ZJ for rent 029-02 036-02 told him the coliform probably did not originate in the assistance — the first since the fall escalated, so too has the rhetoric. ment, two car garage. system’s two wells, but more likely leaked into the NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION of 1984 — set the stage for a tough Elegantly styled country Manchester — One bed­ water from another source. “ Our objective is to stop a kitchen with oak cabinets AND new test in Congress of the room apartment, stove, NOTICE TO CREDITORS Coliform is often used as ah indicator of fecal communist foothold on the main­ and trim Includes all new "Reagan Doctrine.” refrigerator, references GOLF CAR RENTAL SERVICE. INC. contamination of water supplies and Bolton's land of the Americas.” White appliances. Split plan required. $290 monthly, House spokesman Larry Speakes Director of Health, Dr. C. Wendell Wickersham. said The $27 million in humanitarian with spacious master su­ 646-2311. Notice Is hereby given pursuant to Section 33-379ot the Ge­ said, echoing the argument Rea­ ite and Large walk-ln neral Statutes of the State of Connecticut that Golf Cor Ren­ this morning that it can cause illness. He said a assistance Reagan accepted last tal Service, Inc., o Connecticut corporation with on office In variety of symptoms could develop, but any sickness gan will use in the weeks to come. closet on lower level and FIND A CASH buyer for year to avert a major foreign the Town of Bolton, Connecticut, has been dissolved effec­ would most likely involve intestinal problems. F F two oversized bedrooms, policy defeat runs out March 31. “ We clearly have an cfiportuoity those golf clubs you never tive January 24,1986 by virture of o resolution of dissolution one with walk-ln closet, on usel Advertise them for adopted bv the Board ot Directors and the Shoreholders. Wickersham said he has not been aware of any Today, Reagan arranged to for a repetition of a new Cuba in the upper level. $154,000. Call APARTMENTS (store and 1^ HOUSEHOLD I RECREATIONAL sole In clossifled.________ FOR RENT OFFICE SPACE I H lI GOODS ITEMS A Certificate of Dissolution has been tiled with the office of unusual incidents of intestinal problems among lobby House members on the eve of Western Hemisphere and ail of the 647- 9764 for appointment.
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