Lowric I Istory
THE Lowric I istory AS ACTED IN PART BY Henry Berry I i O . LOWRIE. o A. W. McLEAN, R. D. CALDWELL, President. Vice-Prest. C. B. TOWNSEND, A. E.WHITE, Active Vice-Prest. Vice-Prest. A. W. PEACE, A. T. McLEAN, Cashier. Asst. Cashier. The Bank of Lumberton CAPITAL $100,000.00 Assets and Responsibility Over One-half Million Dollars .... LUMBERTON, N. CAROLINA. ORGANIZED 1897 ^mmm mf tn If you want your money with a Bank that has stood the test of time—that deals promptly, squarely and liberally with its patrons; that pays the highest possible rate of interest, within conservative bounds, for your idle money; in fact, if you are seeking the services of an ex- perienced, safely managed Bank, call on us or write for information. We invite small accounts as well as the large ones ......... Yours for service, A. W. PEACE, Cashier. Four per cent, interest paid on Savings Deposits, Com- pounded Every Three Months THE LOWRIE HISTORY AS ACTED IN PART BY Henry Berry Lowrie, THE Great North Carolina Bandit, WITH BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF HIS ASSOCIATES. ILLUSTRATED. Band in the Being a Complete History of the Modern Robber County of Robeson and State of North Carolina. WITH AN APPENDIX. PUBLISHED BY Lumbee Publishing Company, lumberton, n. c. COPYWRIGHTED BY E. E. PAGE, 1909. \ \P_" INTRODUCTORY s® <IN In re-publishing this book which records the events of a period of Robeson county's history in the years of 1 864-' 74, the publishers have thought it fitting and proper, in justice to the race of people, (some of whose representatives figure in and are the leading characters of the facts recorded), that a supplement should be added, showing the growth and steady improvement of the Indians of Robeson County, and to accomplish this desired end we do not know of anything better than to copy, in part, an article written by Col.
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