
Selenite Selenite Metaphysical Meaning and Healing Properties

Size average 1" Selenite -Spiritual Activation, Communion with Higher Self, Spirit Guides and angels. Cleanses all stones and charges them as well. Selenite does not need charging or cleansing. Selenite shields a person or space from outside influences

Sign Taurus Vibration 8

Healing backache bones, spine, muscular and skeletal, PMS, overall health and well-being, strengthens bones, aids with tumors, and ulcers, cleanses aura, detaches and releases unwanted entities, also dispels negativity, aids dreams, life past life recall, psychic abilities, raises your vibration, works with angels.

Rock Type- Sulfate mineral

Chemical Chemical Composition CaSO4 2(H2O) Structure Monoclinic Hardness 2

Selenite Cubes : occurs in nature as flattened and often twinned , and transparent, cleavable masses called selenite. Selenite contains no significant ; rather, both substances were named for the ancient Greek word for the .

Selenite may also occur in a silky, fibrous form, in which case it is commonly called "satin spar". Finally, it may also be granular or quite compact. In hand-sized samples, it can be anywhere from transparent to opaque. A very fine-grained white or lightly tinted variety of gypsum, called , is prized for ornamental work of various sorts. In arid areas, gypsum can occur in a flower-like form, typically opaque, with embedded grains called . It also forms some of the largest crystals found in nature, up to 12 metres (39 ft) long, in the form of selenite.wiki