
Aromas &

Listed below are some examples of aromas and crystals for any mood. Aromas can be in the form of essential oils, or herbs in tea or cooking, in your bath or in candles. Or why not treat yourself to some fresh flowers? Try blending them and using the crystals in conjunction with each other.

Calming & Anxiety Relieving

Chamomile Clary Sage Angelite Hops Aquamarine Hyacinth Jasmine Black Lavender Blue Lace Lilly Tuberose Ylang Ylang White

Energising & Mood Lifting

Apple Bergamot Frankincense Geranium Clear Mint Dalmatian Peppermint Sweet Orange Tangerine


Courage & Confidence

Black Pepper Bloodstone Clove Calcite Fennel Citrine Ginger Lava Sweet Pea Pink Banded Agate Thyme Tiger Eye Yarrow Unakite

Abundance & Prosperity

Basil Cinnamon Citrine Ginger Honeysuckle Green Moss Agate Lemon Balm Nutmeg Patchouli Pine Sage Tiger’s Eye Vetiver

Focus & Grounding

Coffee Cypress Fossilised Wood Dandelion Saffron Sage Tourmaline



Black Pepper Apache Tears Chive Black Galangal Black Tourmaline Juniper Parsley Jet Pennyroyal Red Jasper Petitgrain Vetiver

Love & Passion

Apple Amber Caraway Carnelian Cardamom Cherry Quartz Coriander Emerald Daffodil Garnet Gardenia Green Aventurine Hyacinth Lemon Verbena Malachite Lilac Lily Magnolia Red Agate Neroli Palmarosa Rose Quartz Rose Rose Tourmaline Sandalwood Vanilla Sunstone Yarrow


Clarity & Insight

Basil Calcite Black Pepper Clear Quartz Cedarwood Labradorite Coffee Lapis Lazuli Costmary Moonstone Frankincense Rhodonite Selenite Rosemary Sandalwood Unakite


Cypress Aquamarine Eucalyptus Amazonite Frankincense Celestite Geranium Lapis Lazuli Lavender Sodalite Lemongrass Tiger Eye Peppermint Turquoise Sage Unakite


Calendula Amber Chamomile Amethyst Coriander Bloodstone Hops Citrine Lavender Clear Quartz Lemon Green Aventurine Myrrh Labradorite Palmarosa Opal Sandalwood Rose Quartz Thyme 41

Cleansing & Purification

Bay Amber Costmary Amethyst Dill Aquamarine Eucalyptus Bloodstone Juniper Blue Lemon Obsidian Neroli Orange Selenite Peppermint Smokey Quartz Pine Tiger’s Eye Tulip Tourmaline Woodruff White Howlite

Creativity & Spirituality

Basil Amethyst Bay Blue Lace Agate Cedarwood Carnelian Chamomile Citrine Frankincense Garnet Mugwort Lapis Lazuli Rosemary Malachite Star Anise Mookaite Vanilla Sunstone Yarrow Tiger’s Eye