METROPOLITAN KNOXVILLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY 1937 – 2012 McGhee Tyson Airport P.O. Box 15600 Knoxville, TN 37901 2012 865/342-3000 • Fax865/342-3050 COMPREHENSIVE Email:
[email protected] AnnuAl FinAnciAl REpoRt A component unit of the City of Knoxville, Tennessee for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 2012 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report A component unit of the City of Knoxville, Tennessee For the fiscal year ended June 30, 2012 PREPARED BY: Accounting and Finance Department of Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority 1 Introductory Section This section contains the following subsections: Table of Contents Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority Officials Letter of Transmittal and Exhibits Organizational Chart 3 METROPOLITAN KNOXVILLE AIRPORT AUTHORITY TABLE OF CONTENTS Introductory section Metropolitan Knoxville Airport Authority Officials 7 Letter of transmittal and exhibits 9 Organizational chart 19 Financial section Report of Independent Auditors 23 Management’s discussion and analysis 25 Financial statements: Statements of net position 33 Statements of revenues, expenses and changes in net position 35 Statements of cash flows 36 Notes to financial statements 37 Statistical section (unaudited) Schedule 1: Operating revenues and expenses—last ten years 56 Schedule 2: Debt service coverage—last ten years 58 Schedule 3: Ratio of debt service and outstanding debt—last ten years 60 Schedule 4: McGhee Tyson Airport annual terminal rents and landing fees—last ten years 62 Schedule 5: Airline arrivals