To Parents and Guardians. PATRIOTIC FUND GEf^INEFRENCH MERINOES, C2?"5 and 6 GEORGE'S-STREET, WATERFORD. »£3 NOwVlCH and other FANCY DKESSES. WANTED, Two Respectable Youths, of good To the Deputy-Lieutenants, Magistrates, and other* J. P E N D E R address, as APPRENTICES. Apply to the Gentry and Inhabitants of the County of Water- JOHN C. WALSHE , [ol 3-3t] JOHN C. WALSHE, 74 Quay. ford. MILLINERY MANTLES, &c direct the attention of the Ladies of Watcrforrl to his NEW PURCHASES, just completed, the arrival of a choice and WOULD Mr LOBDS AND GENTLEMEN : BEGS to announce and will be ready for inspection on MONDAY , - October 30, elegant assortment of the above Goods, at TO GROCERS. one of the Commissioners in Aid, appointed by YOUNG MAN , of considerable experience in the AS prices far below last year's. MILLINERY , BONNETS , AND CAPS ; RIBBONS AND FLOWERS ; the Queen, to organise local Committees in this A above business, wishes an Engagement in a res - County, for obtaining voluntary Contributions to th« [olS-3t] E35"Hall of Commerce, 74 Quay. SILKS FOR DRESSES, PLAIN, BROCADED AND FLAWED ; pectable establishment. Satisfactory references can be VARIETY. " Patriotic Fund," which it is proposed should be ROBERTSON & LEDLIE SHAWLS AND MAN TLES ; FANCY DRESSES IN GREAT given. raised, in accordance with Her Majesty's most gra- Address AM at th»office of this Paper. [s22-tf] Atlas Assurance Company, The Straw Bonnet department , cious intentions, for the Relief of those who may 02 CHEAl'SIDE, LO.VDO.V. Is well worth attention, as it contains many Novelties. .'' BOAT TRADE sland in need of assistance, in consequence of the HAVE loss of their Husbands and Parents in Battle, or by , nml Empowered bv Act of select Establ ished in 1808 Parlic J. P. having now completed the Alterations in his Premises, lias added to his former Stock a very Death or active Service in the present War, I have went 54. Gt-n. lit.. Cap. 79. IftubCin lo A from Watorford: assortment of CALLING AT ROSS AND GllAIGUE. to request the favour of your uttendaace nt the DIIlKCrOKS : BROAD CLOTHS, TROUSERINGS, AND VESTINGS, John Oliver Httusnn, F.sq , Chairman. JUST RECEIVED jtcjiN. rf^HE Public nre respectfully informec COURT HOUSE AT DUNGARVAN, n all the New Styles for the present Season. Gentlemen about to purchase will find it their interest to AT 10 O ' Wm. George 1' retcott , Esq., Drpiity CliHirmiin. "m && \ that the Boats of the BARROlr CLOCK P.M., Sir Win . Bnuies, Hart Capt. A. L. Monijomery. inspect hi.i Stock before purchasing elsewhere. •£$¦¦$£»? NAVI GATION COMPANY On THURSDAY, the 2nd of NOVEMBER next , Arthur R. Campbell , Esq., R. N. THEIR Wanted, a Young Man who has a perfect knowledge of the Cloth Trade. One Vacancy for an In-Door Suil regularly each week to a id from the above men- With a view to the adoption of such measures as may , O Tlios nnipman, Esq. F.U.S. Jiunes Win. )i\t , F.«q. Apprentice to Millinery and Dress Making. tioned towns, say on the mornings of M ONDAY and appear best calculated to promote the object of the Jn«e h dmtf , lisq. Arlliur A. liinuh. Ksq. ¦ &§ ¦ STREET. [o29-tf] , • - •- _ No. 5 $ 6 GEORGES T HURSDAY , at Three o'clock, making TWO deliveries Royal Commission. Siiniuel K. Magxii , Esq. Joseph Pulley, Ejq. weekl each end. I have the honor to be Lords and Gentlemen, Mnnitta , Esq. y at , my Moses ACTUIIIV PATTERNS. having selected men of the best Your most obedient humble Servant, AuDITOltS — Heiij'iinin Buck Green , Esq., and The Company John G:vrge Mncteiin, I-«q-. characters as masters of their boats, they engage the STUART DE DECIES, AcrliAitY—Cliiirlus A'iscll , JCsq. . I'.Jl..S. JOHN CAREY , safe delivery of all Goods forwarded, and hope by Lieutenant County Waterford. OLICITOR moderate charges and despatch to give satisfaction. Dromana, 21st Oct., 1854. [o2Mt.] S —Thomas Urnwiiiua. Usq. QUA Y WATERFORD. AUTUMN WOOLLENS S CKVEYOR — Tiinina* M*.[>|ic.r, INq . ©F 53 , 6 BROAD STREET, G OODS rou E NGLAND AND SCOTLAND to he for- IX THE LIKE HHAN C1I. warded by these boats, should be directed to the AUCTION OF SUGARS Tlie tMeiitial qualifications of assm-iuict*, ronibiniiiij REQUEST"! Purchasers to inspect his stock of primo Agents of the Cmnpany. Black aud Medley CLoriw Pilots Napiers, .Mel- perfect futurity anil rite highly favoured bonus system , , Goods can be forwarded by careful carriers to the TO BE SOLI) BY AUCTION, »re imitril , th-ri'hy (riving in>m<*ili;ite hem fit to Hie policy tons, Witney s, Trouserings, Vostings, Blankets, Flan- «& Lccilie following towns, viz. : *' On TUESDA Y, the 31st of OCTOBER instant, hnlilcrs , m (¦xcmp liflrd in the resu.tof a practice tho- [aly-tf] Robertson nels, Fronch and British Cashmeres, Huts, Caps, &c FROM FROM , FROM Watcrfora AT MR. ARDAGH'S BONDING STORES, roughly <;cvr l\ a liinilid number OP LONDON —Established in 180:3. 6 BROA D STREET, WA TEUFORD. To Ross Carrick-onSuir, A more or less damaged, ex Westphalia, O UNEN of vi'urlv |m I.'ITIIS, a III *: I !» of fissuniiicu which oiiy inn- CAPITAL—ONE MILLION STERLING, The Arrival of their Purchases Borris, Clonmel, .fi. Jmiisliogue, To Dungarvun, HAND, Master, from Amsterdam. teJ with I li Id Company in Ifl' milE WHOLE PAID UP AXD INVESTED , thereby IX T1IK nitE HKANCH . [oO-l j] Thomastown. Dunmore, Purchasers to pay Auction Fees. Terms at sal* A affording perfect security to parties assured. TOR THE Hour of Sule Twelve 0' Clock, Sharp. Ttiiy ra 'os f'*r e irr v il- ^iri plion of nssnrancc will lit Water ford Agent : Enniscorlhy, Ba llyhack, f nur.d lo .-.ssiniilali: !o tli '>*<* ol tlie rnnM respcctiilile an.l TO BE LET, SAMUEL FITZIIENltY, Auctioneer PKIRSK KEfiLY. 'i'l.ittle George's street , Solicitor. DEPARTMENT , Wexford. Tramore. b»st riiii'Iu- tcil iiltirrs , willi tlid periodical division ol j-lrpiIE HOUSE No. 3 BROAD STREE l WOOL LEN For further particulars, apply to the Company 's and Valuator, Watorfonl. 1 F!ir|ili)j |ircmiicras unl other advantages highly favour- GKNHRAL PRINTING, PfJIiMSIIINO , UOOK- El. - - A pply to Consisting of Agents, Mr. JOHN KELLY , Waterford , October 21st, 1854. [It.] able to llit- a«*iir< .1. III.\ DING , and MA0U I.X K RULING , executed THOMAS F. CARROLL , Town Hall. Grand (Jnnal Harbour, Dublin ; H ENI:\V AI .S follm? n:i|i!io:i!ii»i by li-lter. the County of Kilkenny, MARBLE and STATUARY CIIIMXE Y PIECE half miles of the Bridge of Wnterford. WHITNEYS, Esq., Castle-street , Dublin. [s6-tf] H KN'KV WKSIiniiorCI! , Secretary . MANUFACTORY , TOWN-HALL, WATERFORD ClicaptHc*, f.onci p. Si ptrmb.-r , 1604. Far further particulars apply to Br.iicsrotU) STREKT , WATF.RronD. IRISH AND ENGLISH FRIEZES, CORK Icir VIHI I III BENJAMIN COLLINS, Agent ^ ' 'I — bogs to inform his friends THE GREAT NATIONAL MELODIST, iir. JOHN l-'AHUKLL King street, TTENRY KENNEDY 2 Henrietta-st., Waterford ; or , -*¦¦*- gcnrroll that ho has a large PACKETS [nf!-4t] . and No. Id Hrid jrr-Btrret. and the public y, MR. THOMAS KELLY, BEAVERS, PILOTS, &c AUSTRALIAN LINE OF DR. WHITE , stotk of read y made CHIMNEY PI ECES in the | Charlestown. For JI «* fro time «& Geclong. On THURSDA Y EVENING, Nov. i)th , 1854, Witm-ooms ; Statuary and Stone MONUMENTS ; npO Sail the First Week in OCTOBEK , PROMOTER LIFE ASSURANCE Waterford, February 14th , 1854. [fl7-tf] TROUSERINGS. -—£ APPEAR in his celebrated Entertain C'JMI'ASV, '.) f' HATW. V M I' LACK , I.llNDON. Head niul '1'oinb Stones, and Cut Stone for building ¦"- carrying a Catholic Chaplain , the WILL ; ^B. tlH'tlt, IN''.vl in l- iii. ^ii'.iM-ril.crl f»pitul , £-JM,U::0. at the shortest notice. EXTENSIVE BACON CONCERNS. Bordered and Plitin Doeskins, Tweeds; &<•., SJOQIsL. A 1 Clipper Armed Ship TT'lilS So'.-icly cSl't-eis i-vrry ilus-riplion of Life Assur- H3£" I5est of Workmanship, M^oderate Charrrcs, ¦£~ "HERO ," THE SONGS OF NATIONS! S-*ik> OVAL RU ODEAX YUF G RAXD I'IANO FORTS JL unet- on liMjt luviKs lile terms, both HI the lioi>n» and and Punctuality. [m28-ly] in all the G30 Tons, J OHN X EWIIOLM , Commander. With R T - L ., - l.tju- I I .TIIK inailr fnr policy stnuip-*. nnd other accompaniments. s\>lrnin. No cli.iim * Bacon TOConcerns BE, situated LET ,in Patrick-street, This (nearly new) fine Ship has just arrived on Wiitcifurd .irjent - l'i:i itsi: Ki'.i.l.V , 2 I.lnle f;i!«r»e\ WALSil'S SOUTHERN HOTEL, TWO New Colourings and Mixtures. of Front Seats 2s. Gd. ; Second do. Is. 6d. ; Gallery Is, (latel in the possession of Messrs. SMYTunaa her Second Voyage fro m the Colonies, both stri-i -i S.-.:Li;or. f(3-lv] STREET DUULIX y Tickets, only to he had at Mr. H OWARD 'S Music 20 &2I SOUTH ANNE , , and Co., of London), in perfect Working Order, on which were accomplished with great satisfaction to ( Within three of Dawson street ,) VESTINGS. Ware-house, Quay. duai* which several hundred pounds have been judiciousl y ihe Passengers. MR. FREEMAN, WILLIAM WALSH , I'roi.rielor. —W. \V. bejj leave Her accommodations are of a very superior kind , HST For particulars see small Hills. (j I' expended. A long term of both enn he giwn. It Mantilla OUUGKOX-DKNTIST, may be consulted nt his to inform Comuieii:i;il 'enllemen, i.uiilie*, wr.'J Embroidered, Thibet, Moire Antique, , §c both for Cabin and Intermediate Passengers. Tourista t they will find every comfort , combined wiili is optional with the purchaser to become a Tenant ol VATEKF8BD IXDI7STKI .U ASS0UAT10?f residence, 8 liuir.sroKu STKLKT , Daily, from Early application is necessary to •10^ to •!. moderate ch;ir£ei , al the above-named Hotel. KaDiiHe* one or both concerns, or a yearly Tenant of either. A great variety of can be ni'iMiiuinodii ted with (trivale Sitting' Huoint , fitted They are 150xG0 yards, nnd command a good sup- PATRICK MURPHY & SON-, EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. X.iJ .—Attends Proffssionally 2854. Pope's Qwty, Cork. up in H s'.perior sivle , on in ode rale terir.3. [ul8-l y ly of Water, and are highly valued for their 21st August, IN" CLONMKL KVCRV FIUDW. [o20 am p All Wool Plaids, Tweeds, $c, for Cloakimjs. Rev. M. Flynn. P.P., M. Slaney, Aid., _Iyr situation , bc:ng within .1 few yards of the Bally- 8W To bo followed by Clipper Ship Fire Fly, just * 1'IIIST CLASS launched. [au'25-tf] Rev. W. M'Cance, Henry Denny, T.C., ROBERTSON AND LEDLIE bricken markets, where n large and constant supply James C. Ledlie, John Lalor, T.C., HOTEL ACCOMMODATION, of best Bacon Pigs can be procured every week ; and always on hand a Large Assortment of &3- 53 Qii a.v, Waterford 5CF" In c .nscquence of urgent demands on the part of William S. Hill, John A. Blake, T.C., HAVK AT VKUY MOUEUATI -: CIIAIIG I-^. within a few minutes' walk of the Quay. Ready Made Government for Screw Si earners, for the trans' rt of Rev. J. Crotty, C.C., Cornelius Redmond, Application to be made to troops, horses, nnd siores to the East, this Company has LIES AM) fOMMK .'ICHf. GKXTL lvMliN James Cavet, M.D., John Hudson, WSiife a:s*3 Colored S3iir<« , AM I MR. MICHAEL GAUL, Patrick-street. lie-. reluctantl y obl i ged to withdraw the stoamer adver- 1? DL'HM.V n.e nsp.-illullv inlormed lliiil thf 'n John Elliott, M.D., A. P. Maher, . »i-i!i..ii March 20 1853. [d23-eo\vtf| [sP »f] tised to be dispatched on the 2otli inst.. but have char- Shirts made to order—a fit engaged. [sS9-Iy.] •• u the best sie of the Waterford JL eniiluiiis nM-r 1,000 Yol«. »f i"«lrct Works i .V.MMKf.ciAi. llnn:t. \>. tl.u uitv. " Industrial Association held in the Committee- 1 CANADIAN STEAM NAVIGATION , Ciita!»ir:iKj in-iy b« Iiaddrmis nt liie Lilirurr. Siib-crip- All-lie 8ern>n ' § me |rjid by the proprietor. A Night PltlMlSG AM) SI I F,RIOU \T11ITI>l Stock of Patent Violet Writing Fluid, Spirit S'oreo , No. -Jl Uanover-streel (near the I'osl Government of Ca nada .) COAlV , Ils 4d, I(H, 2 if. — Itmitiy mmh ]] Castle-st. The Treasurer submitted his accounts which weie PILOT TUB COI.OCU AND O DOUH OP TUB FLOWER, Offl.e, Walerfonl.) Company 's Offices —No. Orange Court, WOOLLKVS VEGETABLE ANTIBILIOUS thp is now ready for examined and found correct, showing a balance on v AND FAMILY Al'KltlKNT PILLS. Clothing, suituble to season, FOR LAIM ISS' USE. W M . R UDD , Secretary. * of inspection nt the celebrated Tailoring Eatablislimont o? colour nml his hands barely sufficient to pay off liabilities, viz. : NM' II Muml tlie test marly lialf a rpn- fPUIlS beautiful ICxUa t 't , from its exquisite SPORTING GUNPOWDER. Tli>-se I'ills I ^ to MOFFA lT & Ci» ., i.'» i 2r. )jtiint-ntIv before the public, Coats unusually loio. [s8-10t] Vig ilant. C:<\> . Eliii . from Londo i , his suppl y MONTREAL, BOSTON , NEW YORK , &c. The object having been accomplished for which that they only rfii'iire lo lie ttieil to prove llieir very freely—doi' i nit corroc '.e metallic puns — HIM I U well of Hall' n (ilii-s (Jiinp'iwiler. fnr the pensou. lie hart yot il Ijoltk-s ri'llli Company ' first cla-s powerfu l screw Steam- the Embroidery School was established, it was una- Rrrm eupr-riority H .-< U family medicine over the majority Hilapie 'l for the quill. Prepared in nual Glass , new desi'iiptiou ol' Cinuis'er Pmviler , nnide speeinllv f. r * cver Failing Et t»:inensiiieu , u liii li eaiiurir In* equal'ed , hu'h in quuli'y aa^C"! , , O LROPATRA , yaaa 1'"'" H. Salt , t''0i- liMnKutj z coinpliiinis , viz. , iniliif.H- rT O L I. O \V A Y ' S Ul N T M Ii X T. Manufiu'turcd only hy KnwARD M'D UHMOTT & Co. , imd utie'igth , in ¦^teuii (-iiui.i!> ' eri:. ^p- np i Esq., T.C., seconded by James C. Ledlie, Esq., () |ier»tive ( lieiliisis I'erfniiiera f'liAiiiTY , ~ w-P"lon . tinn , l***i^>^(lXTAIU 0,(new)] complaints f,tit;i wfiKievLT oa'i?f , c:iia'»*oui» eruptions and AS AST0MSI1I.NO CIJHK OF AN Ol.n LADY ttK VIS NTY .M'Di:ii\i0rrs OKUIXAIIY HI .ACK INK . ' who enabled the commtttee • carry out their views." 'I JfTIXIC and Spirit Store is fonsliinllv supplied wit h S A UAII SA .NDS (elmriered), Cupt . \V . Ilsley, guiernll y. Kor corrrntinir llie BVJ»- Yli.V ltM OF AUK OP A BAD l.l.C. Tliis Ink is fluid—good colour, nml durable—and nill iinptiri 'y of tlie Id-.O'l in W Old Hurt , Sherry , und othur W UMM , nf superior The uii'.lrrnnteil or uther Vessel is intended to lie de- SOPPLEMENTARr LIST OF DOXORS. tou fn-ply tin; Nxuri'-s of the :aMe Copy of a Letter from llfesir.-- . Walker f c Co , Chem ists, lie ftiimil mi excvllenl Ink for all ordinary purposes. (In tcin af'pr ii.Jnl yin^ rpialiiics ; Hum. Brandy, II .|!nnd« , Old Tom, Alea, spatched us follows, fn>m Cobwg Dnch, LIVERPOOL : Tho Most Noble the Marchioness of Waterford £0 0 0 !)/py nnh) Ki>i) > surri'ssful , •ml VVI II .TK tli« linth. ra'-ks iiru 1 j .usnfHll sizes;.} ixUl he f owtil ' I'or'er, Ci ler. Uewlcy Sc ICninsV Mii-eral \V»ter«. tic. Vi)R P I JUTLAND , Mrs. Robert Keating ...... 3 0 0 are very To rROFI'.ii-Oit IIot.l.uUAY , APDKUMurr.S Ifl'XilriTR.ATIOiVOFFICE INK. tyir;:i is siilfiitiii -j from pxcebs of any kind liiny Oliv e und Siores, 41, Ilanou-f siraot , Wnlerfurrl. CANADIAN Monday Gth November. Nicholas M. Power. Eso., M.P...... 10 0 0 I'llii'iifiiris. I'nAf. Slit,—Among ibu numerous cures effected by Tliia I:ik is the best lor Uecnrds, Book-keeping |iur- IIAT KS OF PASSACK , Messrs K. Lindsay & Co., Belfast ... ..500 Ata^rhrTj ) J' senii:i'H of Dublin ..300 '- I I'.ir \ Secret Worili Knowing Including Fare by Radwag' or Steamboat from Portland. Messrs Guinness, Son & Co., !-\ V IMS! * lire in-IiiionnMl KKd to lif one of lli« most valu- iv« in iv nieniioil ol an old lady living in i/ia Village io i .'Inli i'lMn emineiit ilujirpe. C'uiefnllv prt-jiarf Mesivs M.-jIcolmson Brothers, ...... 3 0 0 .oiu five mi!i-> from iliU Cin. Sh'j had ulcu- li.iiik IMK I Hrh'o us". (In riisks imd jars »f all *izes ) l-'irst Cabin, ticcimd Cubiii:Thinl Class ii !.-lif ?t(. j -'u-i rverinro <-ii . '1'h- ir elf. ct is sure of I'le-iO'i . a' ' 1 Messrs Peek, Brothers, and Winch Liver, ol.. 2 2 0 \e:i r !> and laileriv ihrv )IT'.S HUILl.tvXT .Mi l OH ltiCH l'.OTAN'ICAL REMEDY FOR INDIGESTION To Po iiTiAx n SO Giiinciis. l-l Guineas 8 Ouineas . Ui.1 s i y.'i' l1* tliiii p-r-ona ol I IK- most ilt-lira'e coi:siilu:iot, ru 'ed wound* in herlrjf for nniuy , M-lJi:n.M'. Robert Keating, Esq., M.P...... 2 0 0 lo ni any time. Tlit-y conlMin iueru:i>ed to iiu'h mi uluiniiu'. ex tent u* to ilcly "il Ihc IH.ACK JAi'A.V i:.K . FREE OF CHARGE! „ MoxTi tRhL lil do I.) do 9 do liny li:ive r^conr-.f tliein ' Thomas Mcnghcr, Esq., M.P...... 1 0 C IIVII .I I reim-iiii her liealil' r<.|»i.ll y (ji»i ..(r way under I .'K Tliis besiitifn l Ii./. i.< i 1 v.i-nliar in.ike -a-l'ipt-.i l ->r fill lr»m Iii'li^i sii.-it imd in trHln of kindred ,, BOSTON -21 do 15 do 9 do lij lu-rcury, antimony, <.r any drloluii'in* iniiipnil nt '*; ¦• SUFFHUIUtS Henry Denny, E>q...... 1 0 C «ndiiiv.|. In thia dist ressing condiiion >h,i Otiirtinentul Wilii.. -;—perfectly f luid - • ¦ '< v>\- .w Y ORK ... 21 do 15 do 9 do (!r»?ti- jriijj'aiivu , but lire i"uu:i i!¦* kinds of nf '¦nin|.l.,iiiis , nre invited ir>s-:i'l tln-ir aililre- !o your Oiilni.-ni mid Pi.'ls, y (u-iiiin^ (ivlici. ) a ylo?.o-i- ri-t«»-y of lli» Xiiilinuhiim Moili*"««-(-)¦>!»ni<*HI Soeiely, to*-?" liii* h »e-3i:l riliries ii >ur^eon. Messrs A. Wood & Co., Dublin .. ... t 0 0 to wi 1 . .bli;d to perseter< in lln"ii eitrriiise liy !i»er , livriri tlit-m troin tliK \;nibU* disur.leid icli Fifimicr ol hrr tvicn- ' , w;n eii and jars uf nil -iZ'fi.) wlm wili f.ii w iiiil liy return of pn-it . an invaliiHlilt* I.' erhal ItArits OF F KBIOIIT , inrludiu -^ railway Michael Dobbyn, Esq., J.P...... TOO ^ peil' .Mire . Wi: have onu.-kes M'liliRMOTI 'S COVYI.Wi I\K. , or they aro s:ilij cet . U.V, tinlil s-he received u n" reei pe riinununicateil by tint ciniueut llolmiis', Professor nr sleKin-r from Porilaud :—To Montienl , Huston William Ronayne, Esq...... 10 0 lor Olli> e use in Ihc 'l'lirie |.iii» are no' n-cotnmeuileil OS » universal rriuerf v lieeu (rieally B.t toiii.-lied at the rile. I upon so ol>J :i prrson , This Jet Fluid is iiiaiiufnclured , Webster, of I'hilidel phia , U.* . New Yoik , S0< . per Ton Mensurempnt and 5 per cenl. Nicholas Fortune, Esq...... 0 10 0 but nimply f.r Mirb di-ordersas aruenyondrici! in ilie >y>- si p liei.i!» above 7-! years of »L'e. We ahull be happy In Popyinsr of I.etiurs. &i-. (In jarsof all i>izes ) 'I'lttr ^ll(•iKty cheerfull y heir ihe costs of of tlie.ii! 3n- prima 1/**. Coni-e 0*mils per »-;reement. J. P. Graves, Esq 0 10 0 ' FLUI DS tcm lliroii(. !>j ij. _-ii-]ji—» oi a di-cnl- red stale ol I tie; sto- ¦a>i-h to any enquiries as the autlii!iili«'iiy of thi« really M'l)i:ilMOIT\S LIGHT 4: DARK lll.UE iin niicciiiL -iil -,' iinil ile-Oies it lo he iii-'inrllv nn l.rstnnd. The Company 's Steamer* sxil in coiijniiction with tlie Jamci Diivi'lson Esq...... 068 'b bounty of colour and . , mach an I bow il« ; a»it is a fuel w.-ll known t-< all medical ivi.-ii-leifu l a*-, eiiln r |irr">niilly or by letter. The»i< I'lui'ln siniid unrivalled l"r that they will not umler any rirriim-daiioei wlmlever railway s from Pm-tl-ind to Cunula nn.l tlie Stnies . The A Friend, Rev. J. Crotty, Jbsoph Fisher. Edward Wall , l-'orce. also bin hern per- jars nf nil *s.) ^ * mm, tli»t a 'iMj- .l-p-l sii.m.n-h is the muse . f ihe in»jo - A )iri\nle in the D H II I IVlii-e , Fluidity (In t'Hsks an'l *iz. iiiTept iinv fee or ur Ini'v '"f f't* reci pe, the olnfi j eet nf UtiilwHV (^ »rs run nl"iiirlupteu I'oi ruling ul LVin of the |ivi>r ami al'.-r nil vj i.'ifr nii-.un Ind I Dumlile an , j .iI liociny over ever\ other MMein , and only desire tlmt and iniTcliamlizK iiiluieilintely on n rrival. and Laurence Dohbyn. Esqrs., 03. onch. y ami (.peaks loudh b iwel^ , which ilireetly or indiructl y influ-nn-s tin; whole entirely liy the u*e of your l^int.neu!, i a»ks ami j in. & *. April IJlli , Ift. ji. ( A Superi'-r uni^ , ami thus uiil then) wiih fic's in accelerating ihe. [au25-lf] 21 WRter street , Liverpool . CKUTCHKd AKTKU , Gross , Half ttross, Hnd Cimsn It ii isr«lli ->j lo ilwrll on tli« manil'nll nn!iitii>a fres ACUIPPLK SKrS ASIDE HIS the best Ink—in Quarler |iresent motemi-nt in f.ivourof Meilionl Kc'iirtn. Direet MORNING POST, which i|jp |ii'ud> of l":i!iiliei «rcure by iHissi'.ss'.njr a m di- 'I'li.V YKARS' ^UFIMJIIINO. pai'kiiue-*, «itli direi'timm . SAMUEL H USIIWOUTH , Uolunical In .-tiiuie , 17 , Curlton EMIGRATION NEWSPAPER ThuinpsoH , Chemist, Live) ' 'S ISDKLtni.B BLACK MARKIN G ISK. *i27-12i .] LONDON DAILY cine cf fii-h known I-IK CHCV ; one that may b.: resorted to t."o;;y of a Letter from Mr. ' M D UUMOTI Street , Notiinirlniiii. [ FHOM LIVEUPOOL TO THE UNITED STATES -20th 1852. iii'epsiMiiio n , in lloitlea 0 I. nml Is e.ieli , TVI tli i • c in tnnpoiary illnessri , miob as me ron - pool , dnted Amjust Wiiliou i AND BKmeW AMICRIC A. In coiiseqwciici? of the conliilt' KVKRY DlCoCUl IM'IO.V. 8i y «& Co. Hi»iiiiy ocruniiiL' all families, and which if mil i horUi-d To PrtOHKSSOR HoLI.OWAY , HRINrlN 'J INKS OF Mrssrs. Thomas «'il . -zrzL . rou Ni:\v YOHK WEEKLY, AL OF THK ADVERTISEMENT DUTY, i" furuUh you with a most Coloured — Golil and Silver Inks. . REPE hi toi oit. i: j iiovf VITV serious in rrif-ir result* ))KAlt Sin —I am enabled lo Bluck mid Invite an inspection of thsir stock of VY TItE . llie M O RSINO PO ST charges will be on the fol- your invnluuhle Uintnient riUNTK it 's.VAIlNIsiI. /5-»~Sx3>s* Kvcry (iiieshould binca box ol' these valuablej iills ulway? EXtrxor-liimry cure cli'ected by BACON MIDDLES , HAMS , PitfME MESS WS^SITW "WASHINGTON ' and " BLUE BALL' lowing redured uii'l reasonable seale : 3. d. ustonidbe il eve*y |iero»n acquainted 1 CIIAN (iKAnLK Ottl lBN IU.ACK FI.UID. at lmnd . Hint l'ills, whiul, has M ' D BRMOTT * PORK aud BXEF, which they will dispose of 2 LINES OF PAC1CET8, Tradesmen' s Advertisements, 5 lines and under, 2 6 Ahoul lOj'eftM atfo, .Mr. W . (.ilinmind , 1'iiirt U'litin-/ Fluid , invented l>y «*, will , we lia»e i.n $gggSff. To Emigrants to all parts of tin world , but more par- wit!, tii:- sulferer. for cash on moderate terms. And othor First Clasi American Ships. Even/ additional line . . . .06 S'.ltney-bHeet , in ibis town , w..» thrown from his doubt , mi|iei*eilu, in the estimation of the pul>li<.', »!••<«( of ticularly it leaving a moderate or cold Him .le for a hot of O PFICE—Sargent' s Lane, George 's street. Ships. T°"s ' ra Sail Servants' Advertisements, 4 lines . .10 where .y he receuod v.-ry (.erious injuries; he In.d the Inks now in use. It writrg of greenish blue colour, 13i)0 one. (which will almost imaiHld y be found In afib i'l tlie , ' Wnterford, .lu:io !.'> . I«ft4. UsDBiiwniTBR. Shipley 27th Oct. A corresponding redaction is made in all other claiae* IHS advi -e nt the liuie . Hud Was nllerwaid.<< which clmnjj es to a permanently intense l.-lnek. As it biliou K tvstetn) tlieae pills :ire iin-Hlmble. ^11 about- f•¦ thi * I I mr lica l HKsnv ( LAY , Caulklns 18011.... 31H Oct. of Advertinements. ditfrrent infum..lies, yet be urewtv>ir-.e , und will ui'Intaud the Ar'ion of nil clleiiiical Htents heller WH0I.ESALK ot41) King street , \6i)).... 7lh Nov. undertake H sen VOVB )I« will find them the I' L-91 prev«nii»f an iuiin.te of STATIONERY BY , f.ADV (•"BAXKL tv , Thompson.... For a aeries of Advertisements for the Year, Half- leiiulli n luniiu'iiiiiit riiimiitL f ulcer getiled in his hi p, tii iiri mi) other wriiiu^ Ink , nnd his the peculiar U'I VHII - 18O >.... I01I1 Nov. to sea ?ickin'K'i ; nml , if t«ken Hi-cioilinf; lo •¦ho. directions , lit Waterford. KMPIIIB STATE . Hrijit ?* Year, or Quarter , contracts may be made on a moderate cii ^pled him, tlmt be could not move l»Ke of being equally well H'lnpieil for ihe quill nml uteel Wove and Cream Lii.l Note Pixpcr at they at tin1 KIIIIC time prepare llie .»y»iej i< to itsist any in- which Ko t'oniidetely Superfine Blua S II. AS (Jit i'.i'.NjiAN. Mnirna 000 — reduetion of tlie »rale price. ot II) years ; recently lie liegmi hein^ snfH.-ieiiil j fliii-l t'.ir llie latter , we run with Li'tieM'sip-TS ; juiiom effrcls iiu'ideiit on clian^c climate. without cru' .rhes f"f n.:ui"ly pen , 4s and 4s GJ piT rftim . Bank and other MlDD T.E-EX , P-iroiiilee .1800.... — As a Mediumfor Advertisements, 11-e ^1 ORNJNQ POST the mid I'ilU which have now hen led i-onn-lence s;iy. Unit il is the best fur all Bank ami Orfke 40 '.. Tlie lollowiu'^ are seleeiel from iitn'iu(r«t many lo use your Oin'in"i.t , KooUcap, I'ost , Pott. Imperial , &e. TOKNADO (new), Miinfopl 2|ilO.... — offers the created advantages for the speedy and reten- »Tensj ihei:f>d hiiii Gout FUtiilency, Indigestion, Ner- AOE Brown 1500, " Wonllev 'i Aiitiliiliiiim l'ilis,' for "ome time , »nd linind S , , FRANCH P. S , brace* the most influential C1U »HS of society—thu Politi- Letter from Mr. Hird, Draper, of Jieatlj/, COMIHNI .NO TIIL' ADVASTAI ; H OP IIOBAI .T SMALT . |) (.- OMPOUXII Cillcbre.HlUDO. tlii-rn lobe >ery beneKcitl In my libr.ltli mid useful in my Copy of a voiisneas. IJeliility, i:, .— r. Dli Koos' n.L.filf.f.CHRE8r( new), cal , tlie Aristocratic, and tlie Commercial. Gnimbro ' dated March )tt, iSo '2. AND ULTHAMAIIINP. ULUHS . the Kidneys) in- family. Your» renpecilully, M ILS. WYI.KS. near , ReSAl. Pll.I.s , HS their naiiift Reiml (or W A » HINOTON , P«(ce l80?' A consistent advocate of Conservative Progrets and BIIPRSSOK Hoi.r.owAY, For the use of Laundresses, &c. y fur tin- 15HU. lUKPRISISO CURB OP lin.lOC5Nf.SS AND MCK IIKA D- To I' iliuiites . are a most eafe and effieiicious remed I.IVERPOOIi , Kearne; , C'uiiiitutional Liberty—whilst it maintain! strong ly Es- K time iince, one of my children was" aflliirtf d Thi« d«siriihle «-oupo»ilion will , on trial , iiipernrdi! the l .V)O. ACHKAPTKnVAHIOt 'SOTHKH MKDI CINKS IIA l> PAILBt Si Some uhovcdnnfiiT-iiji eoinplninis , ilisehirgeB of any kind , re- COHNBLIUS GniNNRLt., Flelchcr, tablished Principles in Church and Slain, it constantly 'ul crup'ion.s owr tb« body Hiid limbs, 1 ob- cliimsv and dirty prepmations now In use, sold »s Slute, (if kidney» , Idadiler , «01'»- Copy of a Utter from Mr. Robert West of Liquorpono with dreudl teiilion of urine, mid iliseiise« llie of .SE NATOR seeks out error and promotes its reformation. advice of 9ever»l eminent Surgeon* and Pliv- QueeiiV HII -I Hiitton Hlue. Il will hu found inmlimalile Fur depression , St reet dated June 5th, 1804. tained Ihe , nml uii'iiiry or^itiiA i;cner,illy. Hpiril n I SAAC W KBB '""O- 11 contains Hie FULLEST ami LATEST Intelligence of , Boston , Lincolnshire , wlmm tlie cu»e was considered hopeletk 'cs*ioiiHl Luundresnes ng well as b» all Hou*ekeep- fora long time beer ticiant , by nil of by |irol excitement , hliishinif, dislike of soeie'y, incapii'-it) foi O. L- SAMPSON '00J- ption , whether Political , Commercial, Cle- To Mr. Sanders, -ftr,—.|Uvin|l and l'ill«, and without nriidiiciui; without noil or Main , llie required tint «verv descri At length I tried jour Oinuoenl ers bi)-iness , losa of memory , eoiifusion , giddi-ie-i-s, W M . R ATHBOSB, Pratt 1103. • taffi-rer from a disordered slom/ich »wltich I supposed few drop* will etudy or rical, Legal, or Fashionable, with all New* relating to ' exaggeration, the effect wa« miraenlftug. for by psrsever^- on the fiue.t fabric*. 1)1 RUCTIONS.— A the head , drowsiness, uleep wiihout refrenfinient, RuSHell to proceed troin bile), topether witli dieadlul sick head- o( clear water— blood to I'KINUETON , ^°- A rts, Sciences, and Literature. without inif in tlieir o«e , all the erus.lionsquickl y di.appeured , he generally found sufficient for a gallon (;roundle?s fear, indecision , wreicheduM« , nervousness , I.STAR1O 8)00. r 'yjvBtid having Hied various oilier !tmedie8 Experience lias shown that the M ORNING POST poi- siicl the child was rtMlorrd to perfect health. humility itself, when nrii >iufr from or .combined ARSLET 0 1 dd§ Vf *i,y r-ljpf, I Was persuaded bj a friend to H' ve CO., 33 und even ROBERT C ••• 'L . sesees by far the must reliable information on every Im- 1 I previou'ly lo«l a child from a similar complaint , and ""pivpared only by E. M'DEUMOTT & d' they are unequalled. """" FOR PHILADKLPHIA , WottSfc-S PILI J a trial. I followed his (my friend .) •Allh urin HTV ueHBes, 1 portant political subject of the day. In its Foreign In* - believe, bHd 1 in her cn»e adopted your medicines, Arran-quHy, Dublin. [flO-IyJ ' mnny thoustnil cures by the " Black Diamond' •dWce jTW eay, after using three small I firmly The fidloirini; are a few nf the O.I the HI of every Month, telli gence especially, it has been distinguished by re- atu happy to Unve Iwen »aved also. I shall be happy t« PuckelB. holes, I fer, quite well mid free from what I suffered, and ihe would yearly etfeclcd by ihU excellent ineilieine : Line of markable rapidity and by the accuracy of it* information, lestif y the truth of this loany enquirer. MOATE'S Newport Mayo .—'- I frm HILADELPHIA Fuulke 150>.... 1-t Nov. now fnjoy wv usual health , and have the pleasure of ^^ ^^ ^ Fiom \V. ClinnriibS, Ksq, , P , jerived I mm I I IK best sources. ' (Signed ; J HIRD , Draper. »iirniir a» I Imve imt Mi lu0l)**"'/ ^'"P, *»I»r s-d s.T v , UOBERT WKST. VEGETABLE APERIENT PILLS mch'a decree of energy and llinmiNiA , l'oolc, m e „ Combining with its Political feature*, A LL THE NlWB Pills should be u»ed conjointly with tlie Ointment I got out of HU-1 1500.... To follow f tln-se pills, as Tlie I I IKKO twoyeurs. It is astonishing how NEV MBir OP THR AY down to the leiest hour of going to pnu Au^ffON. —Tlie present proprietor "f i lie following cases : — ITH ihe weak, the sickly, and the sedentary, the ; j D , ¦ ¦ (knownig that Borne in most of ¦ufferini;, but 1 owe it iilloRetlier lo the use of your Pills.' circulation «nd rtpa- »'ciuity to 111.: public ng :insi fraud Chiego-fnot Fiilnla8 W pre ventive art of Medicino must be an object SEASON. cadi morning, it has long enjoyed a Ul of Foiling Bad Legs Thomas Webster , Eiq, Smlfonl , Melton , Mcwliray :— ^rN 'oR&y ivikKLV iSoVH^ '|'riiiei[.Ud vrndo » hive been in the Imbit Oout worthy of purticular attention. Moato's Vegetable Apo- E^ 2000.... 4th Nov. tution essentially European. 's Sore-tliroiit Had Hreants Your valuable Renal PilU have done good to every F RAKKLIN K ING , Borland , 186*. [»8-3m] "'fir own ;.:rparatiuiis •.vbcii a-iked for Woolley Chapped hands riunt I'ilU are a most certain preserver of Health ; a " 15"0 — Wellington atteet , North, Strand uttaulied Skin-diseases Burns gave them to." J OHN H AKCOCK , Carnty '¦»-.-•) h:ta iM»y i;i J r. fiir-«iini!.- of Jii< name to he Bunions mild, yutspeC'ly, safe, uud elftsutual uid in cases f Indi- one I 1500.... to GlHtidularSwel'.inga Scurvy Vurphy. 70 Upper Stprl n ulreet, Dublin :—" I H RITANNIA (new), Torrey .:• THE WATERFORD NEWS llie nripprr ro I em-N box , wit hout wliich none is and all Sioinadi t .'omplaints, and, as a natural John . 0 ~ ' Corn* (Soft) Lumbago Sore-head* gestion, met the like of them before. They are really a M EREDIAN , M»n«ou I*}? ",^ n,r J'wiiiie, an:] to imit-ii- which U felony. , a Piirifio; of the Blood, and a Sweetener of never BRUNSWICK , FOR ADVERTISING. Bile of Miu.'li'toosCHi.cerR I'/Ies Wiiscfjiie nco medicine. FUR ST. JOHN, NEW TERMS I'repare.i onl y "jy llie. pr..|iriel.;r. Jonn than John San sys'eru. These Pills are rccoinmendcl ai the surprising " y the St. John and To; Business Men , we offer our Paper for ' nnd Saim-I'lie* Tumour* Cuntrnr.teil and thn whole , at Mr Hiilchins', baker, Kinjr- On the Oth and 20ih of each Month , b 83T ^'f »i 8t |ii« I.'ibor i'oiy, Mni.Ut'.ne, Kent ; and Bold in in those states of ill hcuith which do uot .Mr TliomiH Williams ' which will enti- nhunialism Ulffrs Stiff-Joints best remedy was peisunded to try your most Li-.erpnnl Line of lVkels. .£2 10s. a .year for a single copy, koxeint 1« . Hd.,2*. I; I ., nii>N«. (id. each, hy nil ' liemiuii ns3idtauce and especially lor their Mreet . Clielseu :—" I 5th Nov. .Coco-Hay Scalds reqniro professional , ' to inform you tlmt I Imve DAVID G. F LEMING , Nichols 1423 •• tle each person so subscribing to publish an 1r e- a"il Meilitiiie" Vi-trlor-: ihrouKbout ihc United Kingdom , lie.-i iit il ul Pills , and am happy .20ih Nov. Woiihdn Sore Ni pple* \ -ws Anti-liilious propertios. than from any ot Ihe J OHN IU HIIOUK , Mnr-.hi.ll 997... jjnil imiio piinri pil citieii Ibrnug bont ihe world. The -19 King Rtrect. in receiveil more benefit from them Dec. nouncement of his own business, if not more than 'ious fnr the frnidHiici ' of pniienls in everj Sold nt The Wnterford News office , Jons BA .SNERMAN , llohenson....O-27.... Oh 2'- ftl. boxes e.»:,t«in the quanii') or three small boxes, yU Diiec I j 'is Od inediciil men of London ." (liT-order atKxed lo each Hot. boxes (containing full directions for use; at \\ , IOY a deposit ot £1 for eacti Six LINEB, in every publication for One Year. boxts. Full dircc- are equal Price \*. ljd.. 'is. (hi , 4-" Od , list , and 33s per I , »l Berlin secured by remit'inn »"d tb3se Ht 4i (j,|. that of six small OLLOWA , (id each, or a package coutiinin^ four - CORTIS twelve Sold at the E- Seta office , boxes marked No. 3 (U \\d each).— the ntnnunt in .postage W«tettort. office. '• ,h«« becuestHhlished at TheWaterford llie Civilued World, in Potf , at Is. ljd., 'it »d., 4i. 6d. erful I'ills arc in rjy21-0ml MICHAEL DOWNKV , <9 Klh OOI.I.BY I 344 Strand, London. Pluci Louaon, g-nreet, where also may be had W . Us., 228 , and 33s. each. Moat e'sastabli«buient) PBCTORAI. CASDT. Uy'-t-28 V s4:%^l§ppS: :¦; ™ ¦ GENERAL¦¦„¦;¦- ¦;. - - "!<-CADVERTISER.- ¦ '^ff "- :.* *¦ i ' ' ¦ THE WATERFORD NESKSf &M Kyyt-.^ft- t 4 {. ; c5^STr " ' t-V-: S. \&y iX --f. ' : \ ' iheir ' But tKl iCoTFOrtKiatWB* Tower «ard . |Uid t I^TTER^RQl^iraE XRIMEA. ¦ DUBLIN STOCK EXCHANGE | Y BSTERDAT. tinued^M|1he, land inde. As a Russian report thii ¦\V -K lateR eight inches thick, and their exterior with 100 in the other ward , were not there:- , Not Sfv p GOVERNMENT FUNDSPONDS.. is nt leajf uflow the truth." i confrere!i * . The &1lo|jirig copy of a letter, for which w» are V \ - iifarefon Jletos plates four inches thick, rendering them perfectly ' ' one of them. At the bidding of the Quay-lane six of 3 per Cent. Couwls ....• 93il THE BALTIC, i indebted ton gentleman in this city, received bomb and ball proof. These vessels will carry Stock...... 9BJJ oracle they »tayed away. This waa to vex and pu- from « le. Ten New a per Cent. . A letter,, dated the 17th , off Revel, states, oTi the constabularyofficer it presentattached SIEGE OP SEBASTOPOL. the long range n 03 |i nish the people as it were ; but the people did not to thotrm d conia-.u? " three mortars of Ditto for Account 10th Sir C Napier made the signal to the fleet to " ¦ V IENNA , M ONDAY NIOHT.—The Lloy :o :ib easels to cavry from two to MISCELLANEOUS. require them—they had: not room for them. But in the East, will no doubt be' of interest to maav of the Crimea , . ' >c< " , and 20 gun-boats hoist at tho main the English and French ensigns 's votes perfectly reliable intelligence from lie most powerful description Hibernian B*nk 3'J when these corporatorsshall want the people , our readers¦ : ' we.v v:...un 51) side by side and fl y the Turkish ensign at the fore, ¦ " ¦ ' October 13th. On the 9th the trenches Jrawing about four feet water—th e entire being Provincial Bank • •••••••• . never fear they will endeavor to find the people. v . . Crimes, Aim*, September 21, leu. and it yrs ex- " and to fire a salute of twenty-one guns in honour of Mr DUI FITHIR—HOW I have felt at the seven hundred metres of Sebastopol, tpecialW intended fcr service in the river Neva. >falion. l Dank 26J In Limerick, a short while before Dr. Cahill came IUJWDK and n wcu! '¦ 17 the battle of Alma. The writer states that the Baltic happineit yon mint have aafiered on my acconnt " perted that the regular bombardment "f Minin g Company of Ireland J here, he delivered some lectures, and who presided , »Dd the im were re:wl :\ > . ' THE MEDICAL APPLIANCES. PS 8} fleet will winter at Portsmouth, Plymouth, Sheerness, postibility or my relieving your mind about on the 15th. - The English batteries . Dublin Consumers' G on the occasion ?—the esteemed proprietpr of one my iifety ln,J «• 3cie:il An officer of the 20lh regiment, writing from the Company (£103) 67c and, probably, Queenstown. health. No donbt the papers will exaggerate Btill unmasked, as the French were no: ; City of Dublin Steam ofthemostrespectableConservative papers inlreland, greatly; but v bJsk h.e, lie'-;.its above Sebastopol," October 1, says :— R AILfflTATH. there baa been great mortality and iuffenng here. advanced. The Russians maintained a " K IEL, OCT. 24.—H.M.S. St. Jean D'Acre, 101 Alderman Watson, J.P. the present mayor. Why Thiak Gnrf • • •:. r. — Yl:e French beat us hollow in all th? inU'ior OrerU Sou'liein uml Westan*. (for cash) 45 I «m not of the number. I have been in the but with so little effect that it was not .- - "-. " guns, has arrived as the precursor of Sir Charles not attend on a neutral stage to hear a bett health !t were economy of their army. You see quanlitiesof mule> Waterfoid -mil Limerick (forcash) — should he •piriu lince I came ou(. It is lucky my having The garrison ntttempted several sallies, \vhtdi Napier's squadron. The St. Jean D'Acre has been who never breathes an expression before a been attach d horsas fitted up with panniers for the sick. • aterlbr 1 iin-l lY.nnnre. (for oosh) 3f man to the comminariat—otherwise , I should probably always speedily repulsed. and ashore ut the Island of Fehemern, but is not damaged. would he calculated to offend bare h comfortable arm cha ' r, or can bfle! Wnterfonl nn>l Kilkenny (for cash) *i mixed audience that .' knocked op," the entire army having bean obli correspondent of the Time* says :— Eacl' is either a Sir C. If apier is expected here to-morrow. comes ged to .l"" The Pari* < the most thin-skinned. The ! learned doctor out, and almost starving owing to tht considered -,o :svi.ih, (l.vvr f_ a f-.i'.l.-length bed. Our men may get on a. want of conveyance fo " The foil of Sebastopol is before a Wexfotd audience, in the theatre of that ' two go- v.-e'l they can, or at the best be put on an araba — To Correspondents. the carriage of provisions. We have always had eooogh not only by the public at large but by tha -3 ciimiuiiaiuuUonsahiiuldbesentinchedaylietorepublica HINTS TO THE BURGESSES OF THE next. The mayor Aid. Greene, will, , and - so. t of bullock cart, which is quite sufficient lo C3= All town on Monday , tent to cover us. ... veriinipnts, that the question as to their futrve -\cn- . linn ('y). CITY—VOTES AND ACTS OF THE COR- be at his post—so will the corporation ; :.r; out what remaining life he may have. Thr we ate sure, On the 15th we landed about ten miles mm i Hijf iffljX ih duct with the Russians has been discussed, cr ir.l jo lt r>- Ailvrrl scment« sent to thi.i office without «nccifio . neutral ground, in the Fannihg's Institute ? Have about six men lost. On the following day, (the gove-nment .re porter, preserves, potatoes, ten, and oih-r l-i;n«- teering some advice and iving sl hints not to turn 20th) at eight existed on this point. The English , g y we not often heard other lecturers, though differing o'clock p.m., we recommenced our march up the destric- which tne people of England imagined their suldl-.-iv , , and at two p.n, c- represented as desirous of following out any of the worthy corporators who, in a short from them on many points ? •rrlving st a village calledAlma, we found the Russians forts or fortified we: a to huve. Or.3 cf t!ie most monsJroi's things strongly lion of Sebastopol by that of all the time will again have to.stand before the burgesses For the present we shall conclude our remarks on encamped, having large lu.-ights on their side of the -ii.t gi'cen coffee, imagining that men , villa™ en." belonging to Russia on th? c^ast.— is serving corporate trenched, and a river between them and us. places, if any, ' with their l'ltle a'.l on theiv backs for judgment. Some of those who are at this work these various points touching our body , They served th " dot's not come up to the vlssva of iha marc'.vng all dry artillery beautifully, and did fearful damage '' This, it is said, or g.-.'nding this hoping, however, to resume them at no distant day. , which our men and '.ie CT. M I OIJ hav^< ;:nv me.'.us of either roasting rEAR will not, we are sure, have much weight with the French government, who think that t - - - " BE JUIT, A^D ROT." (See extract from Liverpool Mercury in another the French, although completely exposed, stood like rocks . -..-' .ts wlrn they get it at night. A little tea would be a for of the Crimea should at once follow the cr electors, because their antecedents were bad, and column.) an hour at leant. We then marched up the hill and across .;." fur- thor.aand'times belter. Of course, those who rule tht principal stronghold, and be made the 1.. . their river, in the face of tl-e t.-rrible fire, and throughly routed ¦¦ ' never knew th/ Magnetic Telegraph.) years ago—that, in fact, they have been metamor- Ssbostopol. I rath-.r think the Bussians ° calibre continued to be larf.ed f.'um ir.e of the city, Henry Denny, Esq., are actively engag- will not let us off so of large Ang'.o French f my is directed against Sebastopol BOMBARDMENT OF SEBASTOPOL. phosed into Liberals ! But the tree must be known easilv. batteries. ed in the good work : 'Ihe latter, in comp'.'.ance with ships for the ¦ ¦ prcper on tlic southern side of the bay. The enemy PARIS, THURSDAY. by its fruit, as men should be judged by their acts. Le) I need not slop to describe ihe spectacle ora On the Cth a battalion of the lOi'n IT-' • '- cft.-.e a communication from Sir John Young, has sum- battlefield closer* \v:!l not ]; ..-r -iljahl y abandon everything but that part The Monueur' of this morning contains a despatch no one tell us, therefore, . v.sion y lath he hoped to have 66 guns tii e following the beat health killed by a cannon ball. A strong »- the doubtful part of the affair. public work—they the depth of their patriotism ; and on and as strong as a horse. The weather is 1 '>¦?¦ them. Then comes the 10th a sharp cannonade had been sustained they set themselves up to do beautiful, and mr was perceived on the 7th at three leas.:-';' ¦• • "• ~e day, in compliance with the requisition of Lo:;l work by no means too heavy. Under It is possible, military men say, for the Russians tc asrainst the allies, but without success. must be prepared to stand the test of public criti- ; the circumstance!, we sr» Stuart de Decies, a meet ng for the same object wlli not trying to keep accounts ' from the allies. abandon Sebastopol by bcin? ferried across the bay, ^ The works of the English army advanced steadily cism. So it is in the affairs of the state—so it is in , which simplifies my duty greatlv O CT. 8.—This rr.-.r ,,', 1 be held in the Court-house, Dungarvan, where we ( BEFORE SEBASTOPOL, and then either to defend Fort Constantine and give with those of the French. The weather, which for a every public body, great or small. God bless you all ! IVheiiL-ver get a chance I shall wrj^ jj icket of the 'lth Draj c . -i Ci vrJs, expect the attendance will be large, and the contri- but a I nc. Always your fond son ¦ ' regret to say, a p the allies the labour of another siege, or to quit the short lime was very severe, was again fine. For a long time now we have been narrowly , was surprised by a party of Russian cavj -.i -y. ~>-' butions generous. In Dublin the Irish coiU'.ibuiion P.S.—This is written out in the air. I have left , -\ works altogether and nfe'ch into the interior of the To-day's Monilenr contains a letter from the Em- watching the conduct of the Conservative or Tory all m t^w h the body and catrf :l of:', u.i:; Mr. Woods and Mr. ex-Al- on lwnrJ tlio. "HaW)iii er." I have nothing man was run throug _ ccintry to join reinforcements', if any such have ' St. Arnaud awarding her a sum of party in the Council, and we find that they are list has been opened by S with me but th« It ;s s;\-.d i : .- r. peror to Madame y of clothes I two others were made prisoners. r.rrivc ., or retreat towards Perekop if unable to hold little b little every day, and that whenever derman Drummond, with donations respectivel into an -..'•: ... ' 20,000 fvancs as a national recompense. gaining y exceeds £10 were watering their horses, iind fell .- :- c.-.ition within the peninsula. These may be given sources state th:it havo the power they invariably exercise it for £100 and £200. The fund now ,000 ; tho rrj!;.-. " '.. - ¦ Accounts derived from Russian they in al- INTOLERANCE IN THE UNITED STATES The horses broke loose and rejoined ..3 the surmises C;.irtnt a'liong those who speculate rem-Aed on the their own party and their own friends. In the old but the extent to which such a sum would go chiefl y ct . on the 18th the bombardment was battle of Alma We this week received a lotter, dated New Later in the day a mass of cavalry, or! (lie future, but what we have sern of the Russians corporation they did it, and why should they not leviating the distress caused by the Orlean hills ncar i'r.s . '; land side, but not from the sea. harvest death will Sept. 25 written b of Dragoons, appeared on the - ~:v2s little fear of such an exhibition of energy. do it in the new, if they get the power ? But some alone, not to speculate on the , y a very old friend, formerly of cci-.:t»;: 1 .. -:. . • CONSTANTIN OPLE , Oct. 15. we may state Tramore from which we serai road. They could not have '. may probably fi ght fairly for a short time, ns persons may tell us that they have not the power, reap before the capture of Sebastopol, , extract the following f»nr 3 000 sabres. Our entire cavalry ir.s'v.'.i • _ ::. IK : : We have intelligence from the Crimea up tc the that the losses iti the Fusilier Guards has caused wi- ful picture of life in the United States , '¦ : >-> >.' ~ .\ at Alma, and then surrender; that the for the Liberals have yet a clear majority. Granted , : supported by Cf; :-: 'n " ::.: i 13th . The trenches were opened on the 10th , and hans to the number of seventy-five. I ask you ns a hvnr, lor God' out. to meet the foe, -r TITI'.S ii.".v- the skill and presence of mind to form that the Liberals have a majority ; but we say that dows aud orp a sake, and lor the cauae or On witnessM' .; •. "• were vigorously continued. The fire of 200 pieces, Iiuman-ty o.; sulIWin; troop of horse artillery. lan is what their antecedents Irishmen , to ur^e emiR nuion :•••. Dxicutc any during p opened on the 16th. It it is but a nominal majori'y. Like a wall of brass - R to some parations, the enemy wheeled nnd disaf re" '*•:'. of heavy calibre, was lo be SYMPATHY wtTii THE SOLDII . —The young men ntner c.iin :-y beaulcs ilropot'c, savn«e, and infidel : ro reason to suppose. days and then to the Tory-side stand to each other; but scattered and Robertso- America three prisoners taken b the Russians t!. ; ::. :. i< 5 was intended to keep it up four , in the employment of Messrs. Hawkins, .i , T;ie conduct of the native-burn Americans exceeds in y 1 " The probability of a winter campaign after the broken are the Liberal side. On some sham, ot despoliam into their II .M ?: .-. carry the place by storm. The spirits of the allied & Ledlie, Bank Buildings, Belfast, have each sub- nny penp lu in the Iiabitalile world, paniculcrl are the fiist that have fallen fall of Sebastopol, or even of a struggle in the ensuing shabby pretext or other, or both , a few pseitdn- y towards onr poor o ; stcr:ii:t armies were excellent. scribed one day's salary towards the fund now about L-oan:ryinMn—thH labouring Klass wl,,, are I saw yesterday a captain of a Uav* spring, is not great. But supposing that the enemy Liberals are always panting to have a vote and a . , 1 need not tell you . the ta Yd,-., a snip '.' The Porte will raise the effective Turkish force in to be raised for the aid of the wounded soldiers, and men who have made tli^a country from being a who had returned from a cruise venture upon even the feint of continuing the struggle voice with their respectable friends, the Conserva- wilderness. I C; .. v in- the Crimea to 30,000, starting in successive convoys also the widows and orphans of those who have teg o,' you toencuurage enii gnitiniit.i Borne oilit-r quarter town on the south-east coast of the it will Income the duty not only of military com- tives. To obtain a nod of condescension, or a shake even to formant visited Martanda and Chareis, the v? Heavy rains renfier the march of Russian reinforce- we trust that their example will be followed by the or. he globe, and where an IrMiman 'i nationality or relifioa displayed in these palaces, stroyed , like Bomarsund." like jaded donkeys ! Look at them on the brewery- had beer, j/.i-ji: ::!, ments difficult. other respectable houses in a manner no less libe- will not be a crime—:in Ihe contrary, will be respected. Canada the wildest manner. Not an ariicle lease and mayoralty questions ' where Conservatives mer?v of ilia - The Russians are keeping Ibrail and Matschin on , ral.—Belfast Mercury. is by far a better country at present than ar.v part or the Unilsd and everything remained at the AMERICA. personal interests at stake ? Wh wine ::•.:: I -.. the ri ht of tho Lower Danube, and have reinforoed had direct and y -¦Jutes , except this .Mate B IOT - . O ¦!>• think of this Know-nothing ders. The cellars were filled with , li i i- iupooi., OCT. 23.—The Royal mail steamer g with public interests 1 We understand that the young men in the em- ' : This, however, proves how illusory should such men be entrusted movement ; their lawless persecution of Irish Catholics wts gardens and hothouses displayed most sc.t.. . .. J ...... V :' j i' C.'ptaiil Lang, arrived in the Mersey last these garrisons. loyment of Messrs. Robertson Sr Ledlie, Quay, have t made b No blame to the Conservatives. They are peopk p never exceeded in a:iy civilised o.un ry since the time or successful horticulture. Seniinels had bee.; '" . ":.•:« " ">t f-om Boston and Halifax, with 97 passengers was the promise of complete evacuation y Uoody :. ; who take care of their own business remarkably been the first to commence the movement in Water- Bess ; they s'ab :i-nl *l u.nt i n t'.IC ,|ark of night, and ihluk it over these deserted mans'ons by the capla-:i J / .. .-..." - 8 J.1) dollars on iVe ght. She brings intelli- Russia to Austria. no '37, ' well ; but we blame, and we have often blamed, the ' cri mi-, n-.d o;:r ReouUlican law will not protect the poor IbreiRn- man-of-war 'vhich accompanied the cruise, f.ic! i.:a - • : . ' cm Hew York to the 10th Boston 11th, and V IENNA , Wednesday. ford. They, too, have set apart one day s wages Tor , burgesses for electing illiberal citizens, or pusilla- ' er. Ailvocale, advise your cou .rvymen rather He ot home of property was thus secured from being plundered. - •••;. Advices from Constantinople state that there is no the very laudable and humane purposes meiu oned * .: ' a .\e 12ih instant. nimous, pliant, weak-minded tools from their starvation su.ler n more cruel death in this bloody land On the departure of this ship the sentiics \ve-j, oi " truth in the report that Eupatoria had been retaken by our cotemporary. We are sure the other respec- , T.. R news c i'le loss of the Artiie was received in own ranks. now nearly paved with Irish bones. It is sndindied. lam and the crews of some French ves- by the Russians. table houses in this city will follow the good example 1 course, recalled , i> fv York on the 11th. Thirty-six additional lives At the last municipal election in the West ward inadequate to pie ..:re iiulf t!:B misery of the poor Irish in thii harvest in r.Junder. A rumour prevailed in the camp on the 1 lth, that , so promptly set them by the employes of Robertson sels less particular, reaped a rich hrvo been saved, having been picked up by ihc Huron for instance we found that whilst very many Libe- mis called "bml »r freedom." Shoull Alnvghty God apore ma fresh fac ¦= , one : irn the Simferopol army would attack it, and that the , & Ledlie. At Baiaklava, besides meeting boor.-; ."JV Quebec. Tlie names of those saved by the rals voted for Mr. Newportand Mr. Denny (mayor), «. .._ n rew more, 1 will return to my sweet island burae, and botl'.e , .'Irn - or Greek* in Baiaklava would, at the same time, set fire ' a chance of picking up a strong I.' ii 'j " are as follows :—Henry Judkins, ^c'lly le Conservative voted for Mr. Kiel t :en lay my bones with my anc- stors. Though bad the laws are ' e :¦ :.: . c\; to the town. All the Greeks were, therefore, forced not one sing y, CONSTABVLAH Y INTELLIGENCE. stout, which amply repays the waik or .. .' ? :.' : ; James Thompson., New Orleans ; Captain But the Conservatives—knowing fellows—having the there they nre by Tar more prereiable to the dastardly, infernous of the '. •¦i:"iiv : i; : s to quit Baiaklava. A sortie was made by the Rus- the divisions. Tho stewards Pa'.'". G aham, New York ; George Henvy Bevihs, power in this ward—which we hope, is even now ACT? '.V, (70V- lawsoi tins " hell upon ejvlli." a goca p£..;._ . .:: J : sians on the 11th , but they were repulsed. , PROVIDESriAL ESCAPK OF \'< in the harbour have turned many ' l ir ;:J»!')?iia—passerine's. Creiv—James Adney, no more—they wielded it against a Liberal ot spot- STABLE OF CONSTABULARY F.IO I SiiJlS-i' and their suppli-s - 3 ro-v ?;;- The Times discredits the statement that the Rus- the last few days, ¦ ?:\:' i cook. Seamen—Luke Caffety, John Con- " less character, and for a brother Conservative. SliOT BY A COMRADE. DISASTERS TO SHIPPING hansted. The shop which has recen'.'.y V-en c: .' >. Thomas Conny, James sians had crossed the Pruth . into the Dobrudsc;ia , .- r.:., Richard Macken , This is as it always was, and ever will be. On Wednesday evening last a csnsUbl e o? the Portlaw The screw stei'mer Emerald, from Limerick (or Liverpool, rung an equall good chance of clos:. hi :. . ¦:.-' iv Ci:?- - James Walsh Christopher and remarks that as Omer Pash a was at Galatz and y '^ ..v, John Dowry, , But as to giving employment, who gives it for the with aseneri5 was satisfactory, and the health of the troops rx- the detonating cap exploded on the nipple of the cubiiie. Thc brisBantom, Capt. Bulck from Akyab in Araisji shirt, but r.t half-past eight o'clock he W3S the onl y one Well, then, let us go to the Tower ward—the Tory , , , with drying on a hush. Notwithstanding the c::d at- alive. Among the last seen on deck were Capt.;!n cellent. The nan was at once secured, and on the following morn- rice for Liverpool, put into Passage on the 19th, with three of stronghold—the Sevastopol of Waterford. What e3Cjrt tention bestowed on the uniforms, tb?s« .iavs fallen Mrs. E. K. Collins and Master C. ing wa3 conveyed , under police , by Sub-ln?ppc 'or be.- crew sick with scurvy, of which one man had died on the Luce and sou , The Times st.ites that M. Soule, the Minister of the do we find here ? We find that the Tories rejected Redmond into Waterford , victims to damp bivouacs and dusLy ••v.ftv.- 'i-'1?. and where he was this diiy fully voyage home. Those sick on board were brought up to the Collins. United States at Madrid , who made himsel f notorious Mr. Johu Maher, though he resided in ?'•• •» ward, committed for trial at the next assizes. appeai'ance, v.^icli lisa Leper Hospital, where they are recovering, and the fessel pro- have now a particular seedy The protracted trial of Dr. Graham , for homicide some ti:ue ago by a quarrel wilh M. Tuvjj ot , the and wh ? Because he was too Liberal, too assidu- certainl does rot n-