Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2004 No. 122 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Monday, October 4, 2004, at 12:30 p.m. Senate FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1, 2004 The Senate met at 9:30 a.m. and was SCHEDULE the course of the last week to comment called to order by the President pro Mr. FRIST. Mr. President, good on the progress being made on the bill. tempore (Mr. STEVENS.) morning to everyone. We will continue to monitor the Today, we once again will return to progress. The bill itself is being dis- PRAYER the intelligence reform legislation cussed after full hearings in August The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- sponsored by Senators COLLINS and and months and months of work, so the fered the following prayer: LIEBERMAN. This week, we have made objective of completing this bill in the Let us pray. steady progress. As we set out, we will near future, both the internal organiza- O, God, who sends showers to soften be completing this bill in the near fu- tion, reorganization, and external by the soil and cause plants to sprout, You ture, but we have a number of amend- the time we depart, is the goal we hope are the source of all life. You have ments. I thank both of the managers to accomplish. We need to continue challenged us to number our days, not for their patience and willingness to with the deliberative process, but we our weeks, months, or years. Give us work through a maze of amendments. do need to bring the bill to a conclu- wisdom to comprehend the brevity and We had all amendments submitted 2 sion; therefore, there is a sense of ur- uncertainty of our life’s journey. For- days ago and all the language for the gency to have Members come to the give us when we boast about tomorrow, amendments as of yesterday. The man- Chamber and discuss their amend- forgetting that our times are in Your agers and staff and Senators have been ments. hands. working hard over the course of the We had, as of 4 o’clock yesterday, 233 Today, bless our lawmakers and their night to look at the amendments, to filed amendments. The Senate has con- staffs. Remind them that they belong address them, and to establish an order sidered 34 amendments thus far, and 15 to You and that You will order their to which they can be addressed over have been adopted, 5 tabled, and 14 are steps. As they wrestle with complex today and Monday. still pending. issues, help them seek Your wisdom As announced last night, there will Having said that, cloture may be a and guidance. Empower them as stew- be no rollcall votes today. We will have necessary tool. Again, the Democrat ards of Your bounty, as You make a full day of debate with a number of leader and I have been in consultation. them faithful in the vocation to which people speaking on their individual We first mentioned cloture a couple You have called them. amendments. We will continue to move days ago. It is a tool we might use. I We pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. forward. A number of Senators have point out that amendments that have committed to being present today to been filed that are ready to be consid- f offer their amendments. I thank them ered right now and even after cloture PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in advance for their participation. I en- will remain, and we have 30 hours and The PRESIDENT pro tempore led the courage them to talk to the managers could consider, of course, at that point Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: as to roughly when we will be dis- all germane amendments. I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the cussing each of those amendments. I will be in consultation with the United States of America, and to the Repub- Monday, the plans are to stack the Democratic leader over the course of lic for which it stands, one nation under God, votes. We will have a series of votes, the day. We will have a full day today. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. probably beginning around 3 o’clock I appreciate everyone’s consideration. f Monday. There will be a series of roll- We are also—not on the Senate floor call votes beginning midafternoon. The but in a task force—considering the RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY specific time we will announce a little Senate’s oversight of intelligence and LEADER bit later today. homeland security. A number of people The PRESIDENT pro tempore. The The Democratic leader and I have are asking: What is the appropriate ve- majority leader is recognized. come to the Senate floor regularly over hicle? We are concentrating through ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S10195 . S10196 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE October 1, 2004 the Collins-Lieberman bill on the ex- Even after making modifications, the Relations Committee and declared that ternal relationships, but what about vote on the Security Council was 11 to the State Department’s studied judg- the internal relationships? The appro- 0, with Algeria, China, Pakistan, and ment is that genocide has indeed oc- priate vehicle and the vehicle that has Russia abstaining. curred. Last night, in the debates, we been set up by the Democratic leader The measure calls upon Secretary heard both Senator KERRY, from this and myself is through Senate resolu- General Kofi Annan to create an inter- floor, and the President of the United tion where specific changes to the Sen- national commission to determine if States call what is occurring in Darfur ate Select Committee on Intelligence the campaign by marauding Arab mili- genocide. It is now time for the inter- would be entertained and where we tias—that Jinjaweed—against the vil- national community to act. would deal with the changes in the lagers of Darfur in western Sudan has Multiple sources are reporting from Senate results, especially as it applies reached the level of genocide. the region that attacks by both the to committee jurisdictions. The resolution also reinforces the Jinjaweed and Government forces— It is my hope we can come to final role of the 53-member African Union in again, it is the Government forces who agreement on this package by next Fri- taking the lead in calming the situa- are, through direct and indirect aid, day. The Democratic leader and I await tion in Darfur and calls on other na- supporting this militia called the tions and the Government of Sudan to the specific recommendations from the Jinjaweed—are still occurring despite help it expand its presence there with task force we appointed about a month the U.N.’s passage of Resolution 1556 ago. thousands of additional troops. As the international community last month that, among other things, We have had a long week, a very pro- called for a halt to such actions. ductive week. We have accomplished a knows, the Congress made this deter- I am pleased by the passage of this great deal. The task before the Senate mination in late July. It was no secret latest U.N. resolution, but I am not op- is in reforming the intelligence com- then, nor is it now, that the Jinjaweed timistic. I am pleased but not opti- munity’s responsibility and oversight. are supported and directed by Khar- mistic. Khartoum did not live up to the It is a huge but an essential task. We toum; that is, by the Government of learned on 9/11 how our enemies are Sudan, which has a sovereign responsi- requirements set forth in the U.N.’s working day and night to visit terror bility to not do that but protect its July 30 resolution, so why do we be- on our soil. That is what we have people, not to kill them. lieve they will now? learned since September 11. They The Jinjaweed have killed or partici- Khartoum will not end its genocide dream of ever more catastrophic at- pated in the deaths of up to about until it has either completed it or until tacks. They plot and they plan in the 50,000 people in Darfur. They have en- it faces stiff international actions that false belief that they will elude cap- gaged in mass rape of women and girls compel it to stop. We need the inter- ture. They are absolutely wrong. and destroyed crops and polluted water national community to stand up. The The work we do this week and next supplies. They have forced over 1.2 mil- United States is standing up. We need week in the Senate will strengthen our lion people to leave their homes, leave the international community to stand defenses and it will improve our ability their villages, once pillaged. up. to gather data, to analyze data, and to Last month, as I mentioned on the This body has unanimously passed, defeat our enemies. It will help us find floor of the Senate, I had the oppor- since that time, a second resolution them and to stop them and bring them tunity to travel through a refugee urging the Secretary of State to take to justice. When we are done, America camp called Tulum, which is right on appropriate actions within the U.N.