IHSA.ca What you do matters Invest in safety. Make IHSA your to the health and safety first step. Manual and Rigging Safety Hoisting of your employees IHSA serves the following industries: • construction EDUCATE • electrical • utilities Educate yourself and your employees. • transportation • Take advantage of IHSA’s free training programs for members. • aggregates • Access hundreds of free products and • natural gas downloadable resources. • ready-mix concrete • Learn about your rights and responsibilities under the Occupational Health and Safety Act. You are automatically a ENGAGE member of IHSA if your Engage your workers in health company pays Ontario and safety. • Give five-minute safety talks each morning. WSIB premiums for one ihsa.ca/resources/safetytalks.aspx of the rate groups in the Hoisting and Rigging • Conduct regular health and safety meetings. • Keep a record of what happens on the industries served by IHSA. worksite. Safety Manual EVALUATE Find out what we can do for you at ihsa.ca Evaluate your current health & safety program. • Find legislative requirements and best practices based on your firm size. ihsa.ca/smallbusiness.aspx • Conduct hazard assessments and workplace inspections. 21 Voyager Court South • Help workers understand the importance of reporting gaps in M035 your health & safety system. Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5M7 Canada Tel: 1-800-263-5024
[email protected] M035 Hoisting and Rigging Safety Manual Infrastructure Health & Safety Association 21 Voyager Court South Etobicoke, Ontario M9W 5M7 Canada 1-800-263-5024
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