WFDF 2019 World Under-24 Championships

Players’ Briefing Book (PBB) WU24 2019 Heidelberg, Germany



Dear WU24 Players, Captains & Team Managers,

On the road to WU24 2019 in Germany, please read the following information carefully and ensure that all vital documents are reviewed, signed and returned to the Registration team at the event.

IMPORTANT: Should you not meet the requirements listed you will not be eligible to play.

We kindly request that you as Team Admin - pass this Players’ Briefing Book (PBB) on to all members of your team and ensure they read and understand it. It is of paramount importance that you follow these guidelines and make sure that all players and teams fulfil all eligibility criteria when registering and before starting at WU24 2019 in Heidelberg, Germany.

To ensure each team has received, read and distributed the PBB to all your team, I kindly ask the team administrator - One (1) person from your team, to click on the link below and inform me you have received the PBB before Friday 14th June 2019.

NOTE: There are action points throughout the book highlighted in red please pay particular attention to these.

For any questions relating to the information presented in this PBB, please contact WFDF via email or [email protected] for general event related topics (tickets, accommodation, transport, food etc) please email the TOC direct [email protected] or for more information about the event please visit the event website

When sending emails, please be sure to include in the subject line your country code, division and issue (E.g. “WU24 GER Registration”).

Thank you for your understanding and co-operation, wishing you all the best for the final few months of training and preparations and we are looking forward to seeing you all soon in Germany.

Kind Regards,

Patrick Fourcampré-Maye WFDF Event Co-ordinator [email protected]



To take part in the WFDF 2019 World Under-24 Ultimate Championships, your team consisting of players and non-players MUST be accredited. Accreditation will not be supplied to anyone not meeting all registration requirements. Accreditation is valid for all team members that registered and paid their fees.

Accreditation is a simple process and can be done at Event Registration in Germany prior to WU24 2019.

Step 1 READ THIS DOCUMENT COMPLETELY! Teams not meeting all eligibility requirements will forfeit their first game and each game there-after until you comply. READ the information, and if you have a questions please ASK!

To ensure each team has received, read and distributed the PBB to all your team, I kindly ask the team administrator (only one (1) person from your team), to click on the link below before Friday 14th June and inform me you have received the PBB.

Step 2 Ensure that ALL your Players, Non-Players, children U18 and babysitters accompanying kids register by capturing their data on the TEAM REGISTRATION LIST. You will use an online platform to load the information for all players and Non-players for your team. Rosters will be locked on Friday 21st June 2019.

Step 3 Ensure that ALL players complete the WFDF Rules Accreditation test. See the Rules Accreditation Section for more information. Each person should print out their certificate which will need to be submitted as one of the documents collected at event registration.

Step 4 Ensure your Spirit Captain reads all SOTG material provided and emails the WU24 Spirit Director for further communication about Spirit of the Game (SOTG) before Friday 21st June 2019.

Step 5 Collect ALL the documentation indicated in section 6. NOTE: Ensure ORIGINAL SIGNED documents are provided when requested.

Step 6 Ensure that ALL players complete the online anti-doping education tool and print off their certificate after successful completion.

Step 7 Bring all the ORIGINAL documents with you. See the Event Registration Section for more information.



NOTE: Registration for your players & non-playing team support (including U18 kids and babysitters) is done online and completed by just one (1) person per team (the team administrator). IMPORTANT: MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE Friday 21st June BEFORE THE ROSTERS ARE LOCKED.

The online REGISTRATION LIST is easy to fill out – the team admin can fill out the form on behalf of the whole team. Each team administrator will be emailed a user name and password to access your team list. This email will happen on or before Friday 7th June.

We suggest each team administrator collects the following information from each team member before filling out all details on-line.

Fields you need to have ready for the team are: o Country name o Division name o Team Facebook details (optional)

Fields from each team member to collect are: o First Name & Last Name o Gender o Birthdate (YYYY-MM-DD) o Uniform Number (0-99) *Note, you MUST NOT use the same jersey number twice o Nationality o Country of Residence o Email *if someone on your team doesn’t have an email, use the administrators email o Mobile Phone for Captains and Spirit Captains *if unknown, leave blank and inform us during registration o Emergency contact (Phone or email) o Role - Rostered players (Player, Captain or Spirit Captain) or Role - non-playing team support (guest, medical, admin, coach) or Role – non-playing team members (U18 kids and their babysitters who are not paid participants, but need access to the team)

Click on the link to the WU24 Registration Management System • Enter your username and password which has been emailed to your team administrator. If you have not received an email by evening on Friday 7th June and have checked your “junk & spam” please email us. We will resend you the details you need to login. • Select Teams from the top menu. Most admins will only see one (1) team name. If you are an administrator for more than one team, select the team you are wanting to fill out. • Select Edit (Blue button from the menu at the right of your team name) o Check, edit or insert any team fields missing or incorrect. Click Save.



• Select Players o Select Add new player and fill out all data fields o Select Add Player (green box) – you will get a message “new player added with success” o Continue for all ROSTERED PLAYERS (these are people who are taking the field to play) • Select Guests/Staff NOTE – these are people on your team who are not on the playing roster o Select Add new guest and fill out all data fields o Select Add guest/staff (green box) – you will get a message “new guest added with success” o Continue for all NON PLAYING TEAM SUPPORT (these are people who are part of the team but are NOT playing – you have paid the guest fee for these people) o Be sure to include any Under18 kids and their babysitters on this list, so that they will have ability to access the team at all times even in restricted areas. You do not have to pay for these people. They will not get a gift or access to the party. • Only after you have fully registered all players and guests, please return to Teams and select Ready for NF validation (green box). We will then know then you are ready to have your roster locked.

Repeating again!! – ONLINE REGISTRATION MUST BE COMPLETED BEFORE Friday 21st June BEFORE THE ROSTERS ARE LOCKED. Be sure to click on “ready for NF validation” when your team is complete.

Please note – All teams have already supplied their player and non-playing team support numbers and have been invoiced. TOC will conduct a final reconciliation and will adjust the fees due based on the information you provided in the registration list. YOU DO NOT NEED TO EMAIL US. During registration in Germany, teams will have to pay any fees outstanding before Accreditation will be issued. Eg: if you paid for 16 players, but now want to bring 18 simply add them to the team roster online. The TOC will then charge you for the additional 2 players.

Refunds for teams that choose to bring less players or don’t fill out the online form for all team members will not be issued. There is no chance to add players or guests after the roster lock date of Friday 21st June.

For any injury related player substitutions (once rosters are locked) until WU24, please let us know immediately by filling out the player substitution form. Substitutions are at the full discretion of the TOC and WFDF. You do not need to email the doctors certificate, simply bring with you to registration in Germany.

DO NOT include spectators on your registration list. Anyone who is not a player and has not registered as a non-playing team support, U18 kid or babysitter, are considered a spectator.



Note about fees. For any teams that have outstanding monies (Eg: bank fees to pay or additional team members) you will have to pay CASH (Euro) at the event registration. Any reductions in team sizes will also be refunded as per the list you supply (based on medical grounds for refunds). Do NOT give any money to anyone besides the nominated TOC Treasurer - Volker Schlechter who will be at event registration in Germany who will issue a RECEIPT. Any team who has fees to pay or refunds will be sent an email one week prior to the event with a full financial tally. We kindly ask you to bring the exact amount payable in cash.

Note about Roles. While we understand & appreciate that you might have multiple Captains and Spirt Captains, WFDF needs to have one (1) dedicated representative per team for Captain and 1 Spirit Captain. You may choose to indicate different people each game when checking the roster of players taking the field. Your Medical and Coaching staff have different paperwork requirements to other non-playing team support (Admin and Guest). If you are not sure of the role, please use guest.



The Rules Accreditation process allows players to demonstrate that they have read and understand the Rules of Ultimate. The WFDF Rules of Ultimate, 2017 version and Appendix V3.0 as released 2019-02- 01) are in place for WU24.

Non-players DO NOT have to do this. The WFDF Accreditation quizzes are available here:- •

The format of both levels of Accreditation (Standard & Advanced) is an open book quiz that is based on the WFDF Rules of Ultimate. The quiz is designed to allow players to demonstrate that they have read the Rules of Ultimate. A minimum score of 8/10 must be achieved to become Rules Accredited. Non- Players DO NOT have to do this.

IMPORTANT: ALL accreditation gained prior to 1st January, 2018 has become invalid. Players that passed the accreditation tests before 2018 will have to pass the test again. Don’t forget to collect the WFDF Rules Certificates from all your players and bring with you to registration.

Players are strongly encouraged to refer to the WFDF Rules of Ultimate 2017 and Rules Appendix and all supporting documentation, when attempting the quiz.

Requirements: Your team must comply to the requirements below, PRIOR to your first game in Germany at WU24. 1. ALL players on a team's roster must have a current WFDF Accreditation. 2. At least HALF (50%) of the players on a team's roster must have the Advanced Accreditation. 3. The CAPTAIN and SPIRIT CAPTAIN MUST have the Advanced Rules Accreditation.

Anyone who successfully completes the quiz will be issued with a certificate. For any questions regarding WFDF Rules Accreditation, please contact WFDF [email protected].

Important note regarding Rules Accredited players • They have the same responsibilities on the field as every other player • They do not release a Captain from their responsibility to ensure their team upholds the Spirit of the Game • They do not replace the requirement for each player to learn and apply the rules and play with good Spirit



Martin Gottschalk (ARG) will be the Official Spirit Director for WU24, along with a team of dedicated Spirit Assistants. They will be responsible for collecting and reviewing Spirit Scores, discussing any accreditation non-compliance with the relevant teams and assisting the teams to meet their requirements, and working with all teams to ensure the highest standard of Spirit during WU24.

To ensure clear and direct communication about Spirit Of The Game matters at WU24, each team must identify one (1) Spirit Captain who will fill this role for the duration of the tournament. Before the tournament, Spirit Captains must email the Spirit Director directly and introduce themselves.

Each team MUST email [email protected].: no later Friday 21st June, 2019 with the Spirit Captain’s name, jersey number, email and cell phone number

The Spirit Captain role can be filled by any player on your team, with the exception of your captain. For more information on SOTG, please make yourself familiar with the following documents:-


Before the tournament, the Spirit Director will send more information about the Spirit Captains meeting and other useful information such as the document “Role of the Spirit Captain”.


During WU24 the Spirit Director and Assistants will be doing spot checks to ensure teams have met the rules accreditation criteria. Anyone not complying will be required to leave the field until all requirements are met.

If you have any questions relating to SOTG, please don’t hesitate to contact Martin Gottschalk (ARG) [email protected].



Ultimate relies upon a Spirit of the Game that places the responsibility for fair play on every player.

Spirit of the Game (SOTG) is the mindful behaviour practiced by players prior to, during and after a game of ultimate. It encompasses attitudes and skills such as good knowledge and application of the rules, fair-mindedness, safe play and spatial awareness, clear and calm communication, and a positive and respectful attitude towards teammates, fans, and opponents, in a mutual effort to protect the basic joy of play.

We strongly believe that Spirit of the Game helps people to develop skills in polite, calm and respectful communication even in difficult situations, and to make friends all over the world despite ethnic, national or religious differences. Spirit of the Game promotes understanding and peace in our sport, and we hope that through each player, that influence can spread beyond the field and make real changes in the outside world.

At WU24, every team in every division has chosen a Spirit Captain. It is this player’s responsibility to work with their team and all opposition teams to ensure that the highest standard of the Spirit of the Game is maintained throughout the competition (both on and off the field).

A Spirit scoring system has been developed to evaluate the other team immediately after each game. With all players involved and led by the Spirit Captain, each team fills in a Spirit scoresheet. Using guidelines and examples found in the Spirit scoring examples document, each team can provide a more consistent score for the other teams. The Spirit scoring system therefore serves as an educational tool where teams can learn how to improve based on standardized feedback.

To celebrate Spirit of the Game, an award is presented to the team in each division with the highest total Spirit score. Winning this award is held in the highest regard and all teams strive to achieve this.

Good luck to all athletes. Your physical and mental abilities represent the pinnacle of our sport in your age group. You have the opportunity to demonstrate the highest values of sports competition through the Spirit of the Game. Fans and spectators, you can look forward to some incredible action and even more incredible displays of Spirit throughout the Championships.



Documentation is simple and explained below. Remember there is a slight difference between Players and Non-Players (guests). Players will be officially rostered and allowed to take the field. Non-Players include team support coming to the event who have paid the Guest Fee and any U18 kids and babysitters you have identified. Spectators who are not part of your team DO NOT have to fill anything out.

Four (4) documents are required per player and for any competition related guests (Coaches and Medical staff) and just one (1) document is required for any non-playing team support members (admin, assistants, managers and kids and team media). It is critical that each person from the WHOLE TEAM - Players and Non-Players supply the right document/s. Accreditation will not be issued if the ORIGINAL document is not supplied during registration in Germany.


1. WFDF Event Participant Agreement (waiver of liability) o Signed by EVERY event participant, Player & Non-Player & U18 kids o MUST be original o ONLY the signature sheet is required (it is a 2 page doc) print double sided if possible o Minors will need to have a parent or custodian SIGN the document for it to be valid o This Event Participant Agreement Form can be found in ANNEX 1

2. Anti-Doping – Acknowledgement and Agreement o Signed by PLAYERS & COACHES/MEDICAL STAFF o MUST be original o Minors will need to have a parent or custodian SIGN the document for it to be valid o Ensure all players & competition related staff (coaches and medics) have read the information on Anti-Doping and the use of Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE’s). Information on Anti-Doping can be found on page 13 of this book o This Anti-Doping Declaration can be found in ANNEX 2

3. Proof of completion of the Anti-Doping online education tool o EVERY PLAYER, COACH & MEDICAL STAFF must provide a COPY of their certificate or diploma o Information on completing the Anti-Doping online education can be found on page 12 of this book

4. Proof of completion of the WFDF Rules online accreditation quiz – current for 2018/2019 o EVERY PLAYER must provide a certificate



Please order/sort the paperwork for all PLAYERS alphabetically A-Z by FIRST NAME followed by any non-playing team support alphabetically at the end and bring with you to Germany.

This means, please put the documents as follows. A – Abby, Aligator PLAYER (1. Waiver, 2. Anti-Doping Declaration, 3. Certificate of Real Winner education, Rule Accreditation Certificate) B - Bugs, Bunny PLAYER (1. Waiver, 2. Anti-Doping Declaration, 3. Certificate of Real Winner education, Rule Accreditation Certificate)) Z – Zahra, Zebra PLAYER (1. Waiver, 2. Anti-Doping Declaration, 3. Certificate of Real Winner education, Rule Accreditation Certificate)) A – Allison, Ant NON PLAYER (1. Waiver) C - Callie, Cat NON PLAYER/ COACH (1. Waiver,2. Anti-Doping Declaration, 3. Certificate Real Winner ed.)



The World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) requires ALL athletes and coaches/medical staff competing in the WFDF 2019 World Under-24 Ultimate Championships (WU24) in Germany to complete the Real Winner education course prior to the event.

The “Real Winner” educational anti-doping online tool can be accessed under the following link:-


Step 1 – Click on “create account”, this will take you to the main registration site Step 2 – Enter your personal details as requested Step 3 – You should choose WFDF as your International Federation Step 4 – Click on “receive my certificate via email”

Upon clicking SUBMIT your registration will become active and then the tool will open.

Real Winner is an internet-based tool which WFDF has used for the past several years. This is an educational exercise and test to enhance the knowledge of Anti-Doping matters for elite athletes and their support personnel concerning subjects such as doping control procedures, the WADA Prohibited List, athletes’ whereabouts reporting and Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE).

The program consists of separate modules and is available in ENGLISH ONLY.

NON ENGLISH speakers should please complete the WADA ADeL training which can be accessed under the following link:-


Step 1 – Click on the link “Register” – this will take you to a registration page Step 2 – Enter your User Name and Password Step 3 – Enter your email address, first and last name, city, country, gender and age Step 4 – Select “FLYING DISC” for the question- what sport do you play? Step 5 – Read and accept the T&C’s of Use, then click “Create new account”

Upon clicking CREATE your registration will become active, you will receive a confirmation email and then the tool will open. The program consists of an introduction, 4 “Fact” sections, 4 “Decision” sections.

Important: You MUST include a copy of the Real Winner certificate or the WADA ADeL training diploma for every player on the team (including Coach and Medical staff) as part of the document submission during registration. The Anti-Doping information is updated each year on the 1st of January, only certificates obtained in 2019 will be valid and accepted.



In preparation for WU24 in Germany, we kindly ask you to ensure that ALL team members review the Anti-Doping information carefully. If you have any questions, please ask.

WFDF ANTI-DOPING DOCUMENTS can be found online:

The documents you should make yourself familiar with are:

• WADA PROHIBITED SUBSTANCES & METHODS LIST 2019 • WFDF Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) • The WADA International Standards on TESTING, TUEs and Protection of Privacy and Personal Information:

For any questions on WADA or Anti-Doping, please email: [email protected]

It is a new requirement for coaches/medical staff (non-playing competition related team members) to complete the online education course and to sign the Anti-Doping Acknowledgement which was previously only for players! Please don’t forget this requirement.



Event Registration will take place in Germany after the Opening Ceremony. We kindly ask only two (2) representatives from each team to come to registration. Please allow at least 20 minutes per team you are registering. If you are a country co-ordinator we will do all your divisions at the same appointment time back to back.

Where: a) Steffis Hostel (200 meters from Main Train Station) Alte Eppelheimerstr. 50 69115 Heidelberg

When: Friday 12th July 16:00 – 21:00 Saturday 13th July 07:00 – 11:00

To manage our workload and to split the queues, it is important you use the above registration options if you have arrived in Germany prior to 11am Saturday 13th July. Thank you! b) Late arrivals Field 11 Club house (Main Tournament Location South) Harbigweg 14, 69124 Heidelberg

When: Saturday 13th July 13:00 – 16:00


Teams will be registered on a first come first served basis, UNLESS you have booked an appointment. To book an appointment click here before Friday 21st June;

You do NOT have to have an appointment and can simply show up. Each team will be required to collect and sign for accreditation, party tickets and player packs. Please remember to order your paperwork alphabetically A-Z by PLAYERS FIRST NAME. We recommend you come early, double check you have ALL your documents and you leave sufficient time for delays and queues.



• RECEIVE EMAIL WITH ONLINE REGISTRATION PASSWORD – On or before Friday 7th June. • CONFIRM PBB WAS RECEIVED & DISTRIBUTED TO TEAM - Before Friday 14th June. • REGISTRATION ONLINE LIST COMPLETED – Before Friday 21st June • ROSTER LOCK DATE – Friday 21st June (Midnight CET) • EMAIL SPIRIT DIRECTOR – Before Friday 21st June. • BOOK REGISTRATION APPOINTMENT – Before Friday 21st June • EVENT REGISTRATION – Friday 12th & Saturday 13th July

Friday 12th July & Saturday 13th July – Event Registration Friday 16:00 – 21:00 Saturday 07:00 – 11:00 Event registration @ Steffis Hostel, Alte Eppelheimerstr. 50, 69115 Heidelberg, (200 meters from Main Train Station) Saturday 13:00 – 16:00 Last option registration – SOUTH VENUE – Field 11 Club House

Saturday 13th July – Official Opening Day, WU24 2019 A. 11:30 – 14:00 E.R.I.C Spirit Clinics @ South venue – Teams will be emailed their meeting slots B. 15:00 – 16:00 Captains Meeting (bring a playing jersey) @ Gym Room 1 SOUTH C. 15:00 – 16:00 Spirit Captains Meeting @ Gym Room 2 SOUTH

Location A – C (Above) Harbigweg 11/1, 69124 Heidelberg D. 16:15 Parade muster between F13 and F14 (teams must be in uniform) E. 17:00 Parade of Nations F. 18:00 Opening Ceremony G. 18:30 Opening Game Location D – G (Above) Heidelberger Sportzentrum Süd; Harbigweg 14 , 69124 Heidelberg 22:15 Neckarwiese Castle Fireworks * this is not part of WU24, however well worth a look for teams not playing early on Sunday. Uferstraße 17, 69120 Heidelberg

Sunday 14th July - Friday 19th July – Regular Competition Days Rounds will start every 120 minutes starting at 09:00, Sunday to Friday Tournament Location SOUTH - Heidelberger Sportzentrum Süd; Harbigweg 14 , 69124 Heidelberg Tournament Location NORTH - Tiergartenstr. 126, 69121 Heidelberg


Friday 19th July WU24 Player’s Party Halle 2, Zollhofgarten 2, 69115 Heidelberg (next to the Main Train Station)

Saturday 20th July – Finals 10:00 Men’s Division Final 12:30 Women’s Division Final 15:00 Mixed Division Final The medal ceremonies will take place immediately after each game

ALL TEAM CAPTAINS & ALL SPIRIT CAPTAINS must attend the Meetings as scheduled. There will be a team attendance sheet at each meeting and they must be signed by each team – if you are late to the meeting or can’t attend – please contact the WFDF office on Sunday to collect the information before you play.


If your team requires Breakfast or Lunch, prepared and packaged options are available for pre-purchase from the Olympic Support Center (South) / GVO Catereringkultur GmbH (North). For details and pre- order following the link below.

Please visit the event website for further information about the menu – or reach out to the TOC via email.


E.R.I.C. Spirit Clinics are interactive clinics where Spirit Captains learn from each other. Led by experienced coaches and national team players and assisted by members of the WFDF Spirit Committee, the clinics will address many of the questions that Spirit Captains have. The E.R.I.C. Spirit clinics will be held on the opening day inside the meeting rooms at the SOUTH venue. There will be 4 clinics in total, allowing for each team to send up to two (2) representatives and will happen before the Captains and Spirit Captains meetings. The final course structure and sign up forms will be issued by the Spirit Director after 21 June.



WU24 will be using Game Advisors, who will work with players during some selected games to help with game management, promote better understanding of rules and spirit of the game and aid in improving the presentation of the sport to spectators.

It is important to note, however, that the presence of Game Advisors does not diminish the responsibilities of players to self-officiate the sport of Ultimate. There are no changes in the way that disputes on the field are resolved. The sport of Ultimate is a “Self Officiated” sport and the WFDF supports that fact. It is the players’ game.

For WU24, the Game Advisors, when present, will have the following responsibilities:

• Closely monitor time limits related to the game, including time between points, Time Outs and on-field discussions, and encourage teams to comply with the rules regarding these time limits • Closely monitor rules regarding offside and encourage teams to comply with these rules • Provide advice on where disc went out-of-bounds for turnovers and pulls • Use Hand Signals to help communicate calls • Provide rule advice, when asked • Provide advice on in/out and up/down calls, when asked • Provide advice on foul and violation calls, when asked • Call Spirit of the Game Timeouts if required • Mediate off-field discussions between teams if required • Provide disciplinary action as outlined by the WFDF Player Conduct System for Game Advisors • Refer incidents regarding the the WFDF Player Conduct System for Game Advisors to the TRG

At WU24 WFDF will have 14 Game Advisors in attendance. All have extensive playing and rules experience. They will work on games throughout the event. These games will be selected by the Head Game Advisor and the Tournament Technical Director in consultation with the other Game Advisors and the Tournament Rules Group. Games selected will not primarily because of any SOTG problems, but rather to allow us to give teams from as many countries as possible a chance to play with the Game Advisors. Teams should not feel that they have done something wrong if a GA crew shows up to work one of their games.

The Game Advisors for WU24 are:

• Chihiro Ono (JPN) • Dom Smyth (IRL) • Janna Hamaker (USA) • Edwin Lopez (COL) • Kate Monforti (USA) • Liam Kelly (Head GA) (GBR) • Laura Marcela Espinosa (COL) • Philipp Huber (GER) • Linda Kudo (CAN) • Jonas Beck (GER) • Megan Chen (USA) • Jan-Ole Schulz GER) • Meret Trapp (GER) • To be confirmed



Game Disc The Official Game Disc is a championship level approved UltraStar 175g discs. The disc will be white in colour. All discs must be returned to each field Scorekeeper at the end of each game.

Field markings Fields will be marked with: Grass fields (F2, F5, F6, F7, F8, F11, F14, F17) – White paint for all markings Turf fields (F1, F4, F12, F13, F15, F16) – Orange straps for field outlines. 3m & 5m -white straps Please ensure the safety area is kept free at all times. All players and spectators must stay behind the areas as marked by the TOC.

Training & Warm Up WU24 official fields are not available for play or warm up outside of competition days. You are welcome to use the official warm up areas in the days prior. For bookings please email the TOC direct.

Please respect the TOC workload and listen to instructions from Staff as they build the fields and venue. Everyone should be aware that the warm up areas are open to the public at all times during the event and both pre and post event. Please respect all people using those areas and keep things safe. You must bring your own water and remove all rubbish each day and your training sessions prior to the Opening Ceremony are not considered part of the WU24 event. All teams and players who undertake training do so at their own risk.

Warm up for teams during the event will be limited to the unused areas of the venue. Access to your field prior to the game start will be 15 mins prior – if there is still a game in progress, scorekeepers might allocate you to another field.

Event Party Access to the WU24 party is restricted to accredited people or party ticket holders over 16+ only.

Lightning Plan Should bad weather and lightening cause need for evacuation, please follow the instructions given at the Captains meeting and make your team aware of the lightning section in the rules B4.2.1. You should NOT seek shelter in any of the marquees or tents at the venues.

Medical and First Aid facilities on site WU24 will have Athletic trainers on site daily during the event. They will provide manual therapy and taping as well as general first aid treatment. Please note that general taping will incur a small fee to cover the tape unless you bring your own. Official WU24 Sports medicine and emergency staff will be onsite during playing hours. Both injury and illness assessment and management onsite are free of charge unless severity requires movement to hospital.


Health and Medical care in Germany The Health Care system in Germany is based on individual's carrying personal insurance. WFDF & the TOC does not provide health or travel insurance for participants. There are always risks associated with playing Ultimate. Although WU24 will have medical staff on site to deal with first aid and to assess critical injuries, there may be injuries/illness in which players need medical attention that requires emergency visits to local hospitals. WU24 has requested that all players and event participants acknowledge these risks and understand that WFDF and the TOC cannot be held liable for any risk or cost associated with injury or bad health at WU24. All event participants should alleviate some personal financial liability by purchasing your own traveller’s insurance to make sure you are covered for any medical issues that arise. All teams should bring proof of medical insurance with them in case the hospital asks.

Tournament Rules Group (TRG) The Tournament Rules Group (TRG) will arbitrate on-field and off-field disputes between players, staff and members of the public. At WU24 2019, the TRG is chaired by the WFDF Tournament Technical Delegate (Chair) or his delegated representative.

WFDF Tournament Technical Director Brian Gisel (CAN) - Chair WFDF Spirit Director Martin Gottschalk (ARG) WU24 Event Director Mark Kendall (GER) WFDF Head Game Advisor Liam Kelly (GBR) WFDF Managing Director of Events Karina Woldt (AUS)

The TRG will meet daily to discuss any issues arising at the event, review SOTG Scores and SOTG Score Alerts, review any incidents from the day’s games, discus plans to communicate with teams on Spirit issues. The greatly increased workload of the TRG makes it impossible to include active players as part of the group.

The TRG will address formal requests, complaints or protests about any issue concerning on-field or off- field activities. Requests, complaints or protests may be brought to the attention of TRG by any Team Captain or Staff Member. Requests, complaints or protests may be brought at any time during the period starting from the end of the captains Meeting to midnight on the final day of play at the tournament.

The TRG may, at its discretion, disqualify a player or an entire team from any event or from the entire tournament whenever that player or team exhibits violent, obscene, abusive, disruptive or illegal behaviour; cheats or otherwise attempts to create an unfair advantage for themselves or disadvantages others through circumvention of the rules; or otherwise causes substantial hardship, inconvenience or annoyance to spectators, officials or players.

If an issue is brought to the TRG that effects the general interest of all or a group of teams participating in the tournament, the TRG may call an advisory Captains' Meeting of all or selected teams. The calling of such a meeting does not in any way reduce the powers of the TRG and the TRG is in no way bound to suggestions or decisions made by such a Captains' Meeting.



Field 14 is the showcase field and most games played on that field will be broadcast. The schedule will be rotated where possible to enable as many countries as possible to play on the field at least once.

Field 13 will be live streamed in Europe – therefore games with European teams will get preference to play on that field where possible.

Field 11 for the Finals will also be broadcast.

Please remain flexible – as the week progresses, the broadcast crew and WFDF TTD will be selecting games to play on those fields.

Commentary Survey In order to support the Media team and commentators Players are requested to complete a Player Survey. By providing information about yourself for us to use in the broadcast, you will be helping make the coverage better and more interesting.

Player survey is here

Team survey is here


Data Protection (GDPR) Because we are storing some of your data it's important that we tell you how we'll be using it, who will have access to it, and how long we'll keep it.

What will we use your information for? We will use your information as part of the media coverage of WU24 2019. This includes, but is not limited to, live game commentary, highlights packages, documentary segments and news articles. The media coverage may be distributed by the tournament or our broadcast partners online in video, audio or written format, or via network media broadcast. We may directly quote something you've told us, or we may use your information to tell a story about you and your team. We will also use your tournament statistics, and any publicly available information from the social media links you provide. E.g. Twitter. What do we store? We will store the information you give us. A lot of the questions in the survey are optional, so it's up to you what you provide. Where will the information be stored? Your information will be stored on the servers, based on Microsoft Azure in a UK data center. Who will have access to your information? The WU24 commentary, production teams and WFDF staff will have secure access to the system. How long will we keep your information? We will destroy all the information you provide 1 month after WU24 has finished. Your rights under GDPR You have the right under GDPR to request to see the data we hold about you, receive a copy of the stored data, have the data amended, corrected, or deleted. These actions are not disallowed by other laws or regulations. These requests should be made by via the contact page on including your registered email address. We will ask you to provide consent to use your data in this way at the end of this form.


About WFDF The World The World Flying Disc Federation is the international sports federation responsible for world governance of Flying Disc () sports, including Ultimate, Beach Ultimate, , Freestyle, Guts, and Individual Events. WFDF is a federation of member associations which represent and their athletes in more than 84 countries. WFDF is an international federation recognized by the International Olympic Committee (IOC), the International Paralympic Committee (IPC), a member of ARISF, GAISF and the International World Games Association, and a registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation in the state of Colorado, USA.

WFDF Executive Committee President Robert “Nob” Rauch Secretary Thomas Griesbaum Treasurer Kate Bergeron Executive Director Volker Bernardi Email [email protected] Website

WFDF WU24 Event Officials WFDF Tournament Technical Director Brian Gisel (CAN) WFDF Spirit Director Martin Gottschalk (ARG) WFDF Head Game Advisor Liam Kelly (GBR) WFDF Managing Director of Events Karina Woldt (AUS) WFDF Event Co-Ordinator Patrick Fourcampre-Maye (UAE)

Throughout WU24, WFDF Officials can be contacted at the WFDF office, NORTH club house near F1/F2. SOUTH inside the Club house at F11 WFDF Official Sponsors, Partners & Suppliers • WFDF Official Apparel Partner 2019 – 2022 * V.C. Ultimate Inc • WFDF Official Bag Supplier & Partner 2019 – 2020 *Greatest Bag • WFDF Official Beach Ultimate & Beach Lifestyle Partner 2016-2019 *BULA • WFDF Official Disc Supplier & Partner 2019 – 2022 * Discraft Inc • WFDF Official Footwear Supplier & Partner 2018-2019 * Universe Point • WFDF Official Glove Supplier & Partner 2019 – 2020 * Friction Gloves • WFDF Official Spirit of the Game Partner 2018-2019 * E.R.I.C.

22 ANNEX 1 – Event Participant Agreement 2019 WU24

WFDF Event Participant Agreement

Please read this document carefully – it affects your legal rights.

This agreement is to be completed by all registered participants (players, guests, staff & volunteers) at the; WFDF 2019 World Under-24 Ultimate Championships

For the purposes of this agreement: • "WFDF" means the World Flying Disc Federation, and includes all of its committees, member national affiliated associations and clubs; and their directors, officers, employees and volunteers; • “TOC” means the Tournament Organising Committee, including all staff, officers, volunteers and officials associated with running the tournament; • “Sport” means a flying disc sport, including ultimate, guts, disc golf and individual events; • "Event" includes the specific WFDF event for which the participant is registered and any future WFDF events that the person may participate in, notwithstanding future agreements entered into; • “Activity” means any activity associated with participation in the Event, including all competitions, preparations, social events, meetings, ceremonies and the provision of services such as accommodation, food and transport; • "I", "Me", "My" refers to the person undersigned and all minors for whom they are a legal guardian.


This agreement aims to make clear some, but not all, of the aspects of the Event that should be considered common knowledge for all registered participants. If I am unclear about the meaning of a particular phrase, I will seek clarification from a representative of WFDF.

By reading and understanding and signing this agreement, I agree to the provisions set forth within this document and that I am equipped with basic knowledge to help ensure my own safety and the safety of those for whom I are legally responsible.

I hereby agree to the following conditions in consideration of WFDF & the TOC allowing me to participate in the Event:

1. I understand the basic rules and physical requirements of the Sport.

2. I agree to read, understand and comply with the WFDF by-laws, policies, codes of conduct and the rules of the Sport. I can obtain copies of the by-laws, policies, rules and the code of conduct from the WFDF website (

3. I agree that, by participating in the Event, I am risking serious injury including chronic pain, permanent incapacitation, paralysis and death, particularly through contact with the ground, other players and objects on or outside the playing field. I acknowledge that there have historically been deaths associated with participating in similar Events due to lightning strike, heart attack and road accident.

4. I understand that the Sport is self-refereed, so that the athletes must take on all responsibilities that might be associated with a referee. In particular, I take responsibility to ensure that the Sport is played within the rules, that athlete safety is maintained, and that problems are addressed as they occur.

5. Although the Sport may be termed a non-contact sport, I agree that contact may occur. It may occur because players fail to perceive a potentially dangerous situation or evaluate risk poorly or lack sufficient co-ordination or intentionally cause contact. I will take reasonable steps to avoid collisions that would be expected to harm me or other players.

6. I understand that I must be medically and physically fit and able to participate in the Event. I agree that, prior to participating in the Event, I have consulted a medical practitioner if I have a pre-existing medical condition that could be exacerbated by my participation, or if I am pregnant.

7. If I believe it is unsafe to continue to participate, I will remove myself from an Activity or the Event.

8. Playing fields & Beaches may contain defects such as holes, ruts, mud, rocks, broken glass and other foreign materials. I acknowledge that WFDF may not have the resources to fully inspect playing fields before each Activity and so I will ensure that fields are safe prior to playing on them, take mitigating action if necessary or choose not to play if the risks are too great.

9. I will remove myself immediately from any lightning-affected Activity and not wait for an official cancellation of the Activity.

10. I will discontinue participation in an Activity if I am affected by heat, feel dizzy, nauseous or weak, and will seek medical attention immediately.

11. I will plan to avoid driving any vehicle if tired or intoxicated. I will avoid being a passenger in a vehicle if I believe the driver is tired or intoxicated. I will exercise extra prudence and planning for long journeys and in adverse conditions such as rain or night driving.

12. I agree that I am responsible for ensuring that any property I bring to an Activity is protected from loss, theft or damage.

13. I agree that either I have a right to public health cover in all of the countries and jurisdictions in which the Event will take place, or that I have taken out sufficient medical or travel insurance to cover potential medical expenses for injuries sustained during the Event, including long-term hospitalisation or permanent incapacitation. I agree that any injuries I

23 ANNEX 1 – Event Participant Agreement Cont. Pg 2 2019 WU24

sustain during the Event may result in significant financial loss through hospitalization, long-term medical bills or being unable to work. If I choose not to obtain personal insurance against such losses it is at my own risk.

14. I agree to abide by the rules and regulations set forth in the WFDF Code of Conduct, including the following: • I agree to treat other persons with respect, including using language that is respectful of their race, gender and physical characteristics. • I agree to not physically harm or threaten physical harm to another person, including reckless actions while playing the Sport. • I agree to not harass other persons by continuing to behave in an unwelcome manner after it has been made clear by them that such behaviour is unwelcome. • I agree to not discriminate against other persons in any decision-making responsibility I have, based on race, gender, age, sexual orientation or beliefs. • I agree to not participate in any betting activities relating to the outcome of competition at the Event at which I am participating. • I agree to abide by dress codes at opening, closing and medal ceremonies, wearing my team uniform if necessary or I will not be allowed to participate in those ceremonies. • I agree to abide by all WFDF by-laws, policies and the rules of the Sport. • I agree to abide by all of the laws of the countries and jurisdictions where I am participating in the Event. • I agree to not participate in the Sport if my judgement, reaction times or physical ability is significantly impaired by intoxication due to legal or illicit drugs. • I agree to conduct myself according to the Spirit of the Game, both on and off the field.

The consequences of breaching this Code of Conduct include suspension from the Sport at all levels and the referral of matters to the police.

15. I am aware that if I choose to participate in the Event, then I may be subject to anti-doping controls and testing in accordance with WFDF Anti-Doping Rules and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) World Anti-Doping Code and its international standards. Anti-doping includes control over some recreational drugs that may remain in the system after the intoxicating effects have largely disappeared. Penalties for failing a test include lifetime ban from all competitive sport (not just flying disc sports). I will inform myself of the level of anti-doping control to be exercised at the Event.

16. As a participant in the event I abide by the WFDF Code of Conduct on sports betting integrity for athletes, officials and event participants and declare in particular that I will not bet on my sport, that I will not share sensitive information about my sport and that I will not take part in any activities on match fixing or sports manipulation. I understand that any offence against these regulations will be sanctioned according to WFDF policies.

17. I give WFDF & the TOC permission for the free use of my name, voice, picture, likeness and provided biographical information in any broadcast, telecast, commercial recording, advertising, promotion or other account of WFDF, the Event and any Sports.

18. a.) As a consequence from the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2018 (GDPR) I declare that I am hereby informed on the collection of my personal data, particularly my name, first and middle names, date of birth, email contact, gender, postal address, telephone contacts, facebook account domains and sporting performance historical data and all other relevant data to register for and manage the sports event appropriately as per competition rules and for results management purposes.

b.) I declare consent that these data are collected, stored and used in any other form solely for these sports event purposes.

c.) I am informed that I can withdraw this consent at any time by sending an eMail to [email protected].

d.) I am informed about my rights to request information about the stored data at any time and to have the data deleted, corrected, and blocked and am informed that I may execute these rights by sending an email to [email protected].

e.) To contact the WFDF Data Protection Unit I may send an email to [email protected] or call +49 (0) 176 / 64 19 77 02 or address my request by postal letter to WFDF, Enggasse 2a, D-55296 Harxheim, Germany.

By signing below, I agree that I have read and understood this document.

______FULL NAME of participant TEAM/ ROLE at Event (please print clearly)

______SIGNATURE of participant DATE

If the participant is a minor (usually, under 18 years old, but may differ by citizenship) at any time during the Event, this agreement must be signed by their legal guardian (usually, either parent).

______SIGNATURE of Legal Guardian FULL NAME of legal guardian (please print clearly)

24 ANNEX 2 – Anti Doping Acknowledgement & Agreement 2019 WU24

World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF)


As a member of World Flying Disc Federation (WFDF) and/or a participant in an event authorized or recognized by WFDF, I hereby declare as follows:

1. I acknowledge that I am bound by, and confirm that I shall comply with, all of the provisions of the WFDF Anti-Doping Rules (as amended from time to time), the World Anti-Doping Code (the “Code”) and the International Standards issued by the World Anti-Doping Agency (“WADA”), as amended from time to time, and published on WADA’s website.

2. I acknowledge the authority of WFDF and its member National Federations and/or National Anti-Doping Organizations under the WFDF Anti-Doping Rules to enforce, to manage results under, and to impose sanctions in accordance with the WFDF Anti-Doping Rules.

3. I acknowledge and agree that any dispute arising out of a decision made pursuant to the WFDF Anti-Doping Rules, after exhaustion of the process expressly provided for in the WFDF Anti-Doping Rules, may be appealed exclusively as provided in Article 13 of the WFDF Anti- Doping Rules to an appellate body, which in the case of International-Level Athletes is the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS).

4. I acknowledge and agree that the decisions of the appellate body referenced above shall be final and enforceable, and that I will not bring any claim, arbitration, lawsuit or litigation in any other court or tribunal.

5. I understand that:

a. my data, such as my name, contact information, birthdate, gender, sport nationality, voluntary medical information, and information derived from my testing sample will be collected and used by WFDF and its member National Federations and/or National Anti- Doping Organizations and WADA for anti-doping purposes;

b. WADA-accredited laboratories will use the anti-doping administration and management system (“ADAMS”) to process my laboratory test results for the sole purpose of anti- doping, but shall only have access to de-identified, key-coded data that will not disclose my identity;

c. I may have certain rights in relation to my Doping Control-related data under applicable laws and under WADA’s International Standard for the Protection of Privacy and Personal Information (ISPPPI), including rights to access, rectification, restriction, opposition and deletion, and remedies with respect to any unlawful processing of my data, and I may also have a right to lodge a complaint with a national regulator responsible for data protection in my country;

d. if I object to the processing of my Doping Control-related data or withdraw my consent, it still may be necessary for my WFDF and its member National Federations and/or National Anti-Doping Organizations and/or WADA to continue to process (including retain) certain parts of my Doping Control-related data to fulfill obligations and responsibilities arising under the Code, International Standards or national anti-doping laws notwithstanding my

25 ANNEX 2 – Anti Doping Acknowledgement & Agreement Cont. Pg 2 2019 WU24

request; including for the purpose of investigations or proceedings related to a possible anti-doping rule violations; or to establish, exercise or defend against legal claims involving me, WADA and/or an Anti-Doping Organization.

e. preventing the processing, including disclosure, of my Doping Control-related data may prevent me, WADA or Anti-Doping Organizations from complying with the Code and relevant WADA International Standards, which could have consequences for me, such as an anti-doping rule violation, under the Code;

f. to the extent that I have any concerns about the processing of my Doping Control-related data I may consult with the WFDF and/or WADA ([email protected]), as appropriate.

6. I understand and agree to the possible creation of my profile in ADAMS, which is hosted by WADA on servers based in Canada, and/or any other authorized National Anti-Doping Organization’s similar system for the sharing of information, and to the entry of my Doping Control, whereabouts, Therapeutic Use Exemptions, Athlete Biological Passport, and sanction-related data in such systems for the purposes of anti-doping and as described above. I understand that if I am found to have committed an anti-doping rule violation and receive a sanction as a result, that the respective sanctions, my name, sport, Prohibited Substance or Method, and/or tribunal decision, may be publicly disclosed by WFDF and its member National Federations and/or National Anti-Doping Organizations in accordance with the Code. I understand that my information will be retained for the duration as indicated in the ISPPPI.

7. I understand and agree that my information may be shared with competent Anti-Doping Organizations and public authorities as required for anti-doping purposes. I understand and agree that persons or parties receiving my information may be located outside the country where I reside, including in Switzerland and Canada, and that in some other countries data protection and privacy laws may not be equivalent to those in my own country. I understand that these entities may rely on and be subject to national anti-doping laws that override my consent or other applicable laws that may require information to be disclosed to local courts, law enforcement, or other public authorities. I can obtain more information on national anti- doping laws from my International Federation or National Anti-Doping Agency. I have read and understand the present declaration.

______Date Print Name (Last name, First name)

______Date of birth Signature (Day/Month/Year) (or, if a minor, signature of legal guardian)

26 End of WU24 Players’ Briefing Book