The Church of St. George THE FOURTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME • FEBRUARY 3, 2019 Mass Schedule/Sacramental Life THE CHURCH OF ST. GEORGE Church and Parish Office Established 1916 133 North Brown Road • Long Lake, MN 55356 Weekend Masses: Pastor Phone: (952) 473-1247 • Fax: (952) 404-0129 Saturday: 4:00 pm Fr. Mark Juettner (952) 473-1247 x 104 Office Hours: Tues/Wed/Thurs 9-3pm & Fri , 9-1pm Sunday: 9:15am Fr. Juettner- After Hours:
[email protected] Office E-mail:
[email protected] Mass in Spanish: EMERGENCY LINE TO FR. JUETTNER: Sunday: 5:00 pm To report an after hour medical emergency or death, call (952) 473-1247 X 150. Weekday & Holy Day Masses: Consult schedule inside bulletin. For information about the Knights of Columbus, please contact Reconciliation: Ed Rundle at 952-473-9565. Individual: Tues. 9am; First Fridays 9am; Sat. 3:00pm-3:45pm & 5:15pm; For information about the Women’s Council, please contact President Sun. 8:30am-9am Shannon Banks at 612-554-3274. Adoration: Monday-Friday, Sunday evenings Call: Jean Kottemann (952) 471-7485 Baptism, Anointing of the Sick, Marriage: Contact the Parish Office (952) 473-1247 Pastoral visits to the sick & home-bound: The Feast of St. Blaise: Contact the Parish Office The Blessing of the Throats Parish Staff (952-473-1247) Deacon: Bruce Bowen (612) 298-4867
[email protected] Secretary: Sara Dore ext100 Latino Ministry: Melba Reyes ext106 Faith Formation: Christina Ruiz ext102 Bookkeeper: Lynn Johnston ext103 Music: Kelly Kadlec ext105 Head of Bldg., Grounds & Supplies Mike Dombeck - Cell (612) 716-7107 Bldg.