Monthly publication for the Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls July 2020 God’s promptings in the silence of my heart n each of my assignments as particular experience, passion and pastor and now as your bishop, I gifts in one or another of these areas have received a particular grace of formation. We are in a great posi- I(spiritual insight from God) to provide tion to help every parish take the next a clear vision or focus for everyone to best step they can in responding to the follow. The clear sense I got in prayer Great Commission.” for our diocese is that God desires for everyone in our diocese to focus Fr. Traynor points out that this is not on lifelong missionary discipleship a one size fi ts all approach. He says through God’s love. parishes and individual believers will be formed in their own unique way to Our feature article this month is writ- respond to the Great Commission. ten by Fr. Scott Traynor who is work- ing with the diocesan Discipleship and “Every parish and every person has a Evangelization Team so they all can unique history, a unique set of needs, support the missionary discipleship opportunities, relationships, resources eff orts of clergy, staff and parishioners and abilities,” Fr. Traynor says. “The in all our Catholic parishes, schools Discipleship and Evangelization and other Catholic institutions. Here Team treasures the relationships we are some insights from Fr. Traynor have with pastors and parish leaders and the team he is overseeing. around the diocese. We are eager to grow those relationships so we can The team has been engaged in fruit- more fruitfully serve parishes in their ful eff orts around the diocese over the eff orts to advance missionary disciple- past several years. Emily Leedom, ship.” director of Marriage, Family and Re- spect Life, has experienced these fruits Eric Gallagher, director of Youth fi rsthand in her personal journey Discipleship and Evangelization, sees through missionary discipleship. uniqueness as a benefi t and a blessing. “If I look at my own journey, it is “God works uniquely in individuals laced with individuals who walked as well as within the various parishes with me for a period of time, mentor- and communities. Our hope is that we ing me, off ering friendship and chal- can discover the uniqueness of each lenging me to dig deeper into Jesus’ parish community and inspire them love for me,” she said. “The work of to more generously share the gift of the Discipleship and Evangelization faith that God has bestowed on them,” Team is simply to create a culture in he says. “There are many popular the diocese where this is happening models and strategies being used in everywhere.” the Church today. The best model and strategy is one that is built on the Dr. Chris Burgwald, director of Adult God-given desires of each individual Discipleship and Evangelization, sees and customized to the needs of the the key to missionary discipleship in parish community.” the four dimensions of formation. In order to honor the unique gifts “The Church speaks of four dimen- spread throughout the diocese, I will sions of formation: human, spiritual, be sending out a survey to the entire intellectual and apostolic. To have diocese in July. Watch for it to arrive happy, healthy and holy missionary in your email inbox or visit our web- disciples, we need to be attentive to site at sfcatholic.org. each of these dimensions,” he ex- plains. “We have an amazing team in I sense God has great things in mind the Offi ce of Discipleship and Evan- for us as we receive and share His gelization. Each of the four of us has love through missionary discipleship. 2 The Bishop’s Bulletin • July 2020 sfcatholic.org/bishopsbulletin An Act of Hope Reminder: The bishop’s schedule is subject to change due to current cir- O my God, with a fi rm confi dence I hope in thee, cumstances related to the coronavirus that Thou will grant me, through the merits of Jesus Christ, pandemic. Changes to his schedule the assistance of Thy grace, and that after my keeping and any Masses will be updated on the diocesan website as information is Thy commandments, Thou will bestow on me life available. everlasting, according to Thy promises, Thou who are almighty and Whose word is truth. July 6 12:00 Rite of Candidacy, Seminarian Gerald Thornton, Cathedral of Saint Joseph Safe environment commitment of the Diocese of Sioux Falls... ...in order to be eff ective in fulfi lling her mission to evangelize and to remain 7 12:00 Diocesan Finance Council, true to Christ’s calling for us all, the Church’s ministries and institutions must Catholic Pastoral Center be safe places for both children and adults. The Diocese, therefore, pledges to preserve safe environments in all of its facilities and catechetical programs. 8 5:00 Solemn Vespers, Holy Cross Those clergy, religious, diocesan, parish and school employees, and volunteers Chapel, Terra Sancta Retreat who collectively carry out the Church’s ministries, remain committed to fulfi lling Center, Rapid City this solemn pledge to protect those children entrusted to her for formation in the Catholic faith. 9 10:00 Episcopal Ordination and Aware that some who have ministered in the name of the Church have caused Installation of the Most harm, the Diocese of Sioux Falls also pledges to assist any who may have been Reverend Peter Michael harmed. As a diocese, we desire to help individuals heal from injury that has Muhich as the 10th Bishop been caused to them. If you or someone you know has been abused, regardless of who caused the harm, please contact us. We promise to cooperate with civil of Rapid City, Cathedral of authorities in any investigation. We promise to do our best to help facilitate a Our Lady of Perpetual Help, process for healing. Whether the need is for counseling, an opportunity to tell Rapid City your story or something else, as a diocese, we are ready to assist. 11 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of Our chancellor or victim assistance coordinator can be reached toll free at Saint Joseph, broadcast on 1-800-700-7867 or 605-334-9861. We will do our best to help. Keloland TV or live stream via sfcatholic.org Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls 523 N. Duluth Ave. 18 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of Sioux Falls, SD 57104 Saint Joseph, broadcast on [email protected] Keloland TV or live stream via sfcatholic.org 25 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of Saint Joseph, broadcast on Keloland TV or live stream via sfcatholic.org 26 Day of Recollection with the July 2020 | Volume 74, Number 7 seminarians of the diocese, Publisher Postmaster Cathedral of Saint Joseph Most Rev. Donald E. DeGrood Send address changes to: 523 N. Duluth Avenue August Executive Editor Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 Rev. Michael L. Griffi n Correspondence should be addressed to: 1 4:00 Stational Mass, Cathedral of 523 N. Duluth Avenue Managing Editor Saint Joseph, broadcast on Sioux Falls, SD 57104-2714 Mrs. Renae D. Kranz Keloland TV or live stream Phone: 605-334-9861 E-mail: [email protected] via sfcatholic.org Communications Staff: Anniversaries, copy and advertising Mr. William B. Sealey deadline for the August edition is July 15. 5 6:45 Mass and gathering with Miss Brianna L. Wingen Catholic Men’s Business The Bishop’s Bulletin Subscriptions (ISSN 0193-5089) is published monthly by the Fraternity (morning), Catholic Diocese of Sioux Falls, 523 N. Duluth Ave., Sioux $24 per year, or as part of each Cathedral of Saint Joseph Falls, SD 57104-2714 and entered as Periodical Postage family’s CFSA contribution. Paid at Aberdeen, SD, and other cities. sfcatholic.org/bishopsbulletin July 2020 • The Bishop’s Bulletin 3 We are truly members of one human family e are used to having alerts and experienced a warning. A virus has reached warnings in our lives because around the globe, aff ecting every one of us we want to be informed and and transforming how we live and interact warned of impending danger. with one another. It is a warning, to be sure, W of the fragility of our health and lives. It is Once I slept through a tornado, and soon like all viruses, silent and invisible, and this after bought a weather radio for my bed- warns us to be cautious for our sake and for room that defi nitely wakes me up if there the sake of those we love. is a storm or tornado warning in my area. The weather radios and warning apps, the We make decisions based on this warning, security systems we put in, the alarms and and our love for one another. We prudently the devices we use all serve a purpose, to wear masks and keep a distance. We wash keep ourselves, our families and property our hands more and try to avoid large safe from harm. gatherings. The warning is out there and we really do not know where the virus might be I suppose car alarms are meant to do the hiding, and so we make choices, not out of same. The intention is simple: someone tries fear, but for love. to break into your car and the alarm goes off , which either alerts others to the crime, or Because that is our choice as well, deciding drives the would-be thief away. not just “how” we will heed the warning, but also “why.” That is the way it is supposed to work.
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