Tagungsbericht 9903
., ,’!y;.- ‘ i ,> , ‘. ,,1 . .. ., ,,. .,” ‘, .,. “j’ DGMK German Society for Petroleum and Coal ,. Science and Technology Tagungsbericht 9903 Proceedings of the DGMK-Conference “The Future Role of Aromatics in Refining and Petrochemistry” October 13-15, 1999, Erlangen, Germany ,. (Authors’ Manuscripts) edited by G. Emig, M. Rupp &J. Weitkamp ,: .\ .,, 1111111111111111 Ksoo25199giI R: Ks DEoi362250g ,,., , -. .,, :- . ,, ; .“ ‘/ “.. < t. 6, ‘ t ~’t.” ,. .. ,, .,, .. ,. , . ,. # .“. .4 . .. ’.’ “. .,” .. ,’, ,”,, . ......, .; ,’ ,~..~;, , , y ,,, ,.. I ,, , !,< ,, ,’”,,,’,. ; ,-. ,.,. ,, ,, ,-. ,- , ,,/ ..,1. .! ::,, , ,,.,,., : ,., ,., ;,, . ..4. .,[$ ,’, :,:. ,,, .,. ,,?, ,$ DISCLAIMER ,’,,,$ ,,4 ,., ,,;1,,,, ,. f:, ;,,,,;~j -, ‘ ,>. ,., :,.,,, I ,,.., ‘::,~portions of this document may be illegible ; ,,,c.,,,;.,, ,,a ,. ,{:,.”’,,’., ; in electronic image products. Images are ,.,,. , ,,.,,,.,,,.: ::\ produced from the best available original ; .. ‘, , !. -, -,, -,- . ,, I ,.....’....,.- ,. .<,.’:’> CONTENTS ., , ““?:,:’ .:;,.’,’,’. ,< ,, -,.’ ,.,. ,,.” ,.. ~ Page ,6 ., \ -, Aromatics: Bridging Refi~ng and Petrochemicals - 7 a major Challenge for the Future W. J. Petzny, C.-P. Halsig How will EU Environmental Legislation Impact on the 21 Aromatics Markets? M. Schuller, P. Hodges t The Role of Aromatics in Transportation Fuels 37 K. van Leeuwen Sulphur Tolerant Dearomatization of Middle Distillates - 45 A Cost Effective Way of Meeting 2005 Specifications ?’ D. Huang, E. Kohler The Roles of Aromatics and Catalytic Reforming in the 53 2000+
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