To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883.

on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883

Metadata Source status: Original manuscript

Location: Amsterdam, Van Gogh Museum, inv. no. b8357 V/2006

Date: Van Gogh has now received the 21 volumes of The Graphic. In his previous letter of on or about 18 January he said that he had bought them and that they would be delivered this week (i.e. by Sunday at the latest) (letter 302, l. 65). Because he says he has been looking at them until deep into the night (ll. 3-4), the reaction in this letter must be from not long after he received them. We therefore date the letter on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883.

Additional: Original [1r:1] Amice Rappard. De Graphics zijn nu in mijn bezit. Ik heb ze tot diep in den nacht zitten te bekijken. k Weet niet of gij de jaargangen 70-75 b.v. kent misschien hebt ge ze zelf bij de door U gekochte partij. Doch gesteld ge hebt ze er niet bij, zoo zult gij zeker in verrukking zijn over die eerste jaren als gij bij gelegenheid deze ziet. Ik hoop hartelijk gij ze bij Uwe partij hebt, en anders zoo zal ik er U eens uitvoerig over schrijven daar er zooveel belangrijks in staat, in afwachting dat gij ze ziet, en op de een of andere wijs moet gij ze ook in uw verzameling krijgen. Zoo b.v. staan er in eene serie teekeningen uit de kolenmijnen door Ridley 1 gedaan op


1 2 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883. eene wijs die aan de etsen van Whistler of Seymour Haden3 doet denken. Er staan in dergelijke teekeningen van Boyd Houghton , over America vooral.6 Boyd H. kende ik tot heden niet als Z interessant. Van hem ook schetsen uit den tijd der commune, petroleuses eene barricade &c.8 Herkomer is superbe verscheiden groote bladen zag ik voor t eerst heden, Oude vrouwen huis, 10 oude mannenhuis, 13 schoenmaker, 15 Kegelbaan, 18 Weesmannen, 20 Lodging house21 &c. Er staan ook nog Pinwells 23& Fred Walkers 26 in die

Matthew White Ridley2 did the series Pits and pitmen for The Graphic in January-February 1871. The following six engravings from this series are in the estate: Section of the shafts and workings of a coal mine, in The Graphic 3 (28 January 1871), p. 76. Ill. 1279 (t*805); Pitmen hewing the coal, in The Graphic 3 (28 January 1871), p. 77. Ill. 2028 (t*122); Pits and pitmen The night shift, in The Graphic 3 (4 February 1871), p. 108. Ill. 2029 (t*126); The men leaving the pit, in The Graphic 3 (11 February 1871). Ill. 2030 (t*124); The coal district, in The Graphic 3 (18 February 1871), p. 156. Ill. 2031 (t*127); and Coal whipping in the Pool, in The Graphic 3 (25 February 1871), p. 173. Ill. 2032 (t*125). 3 The first etchings by James Whistler4 were made in 1858 in at the house of Francis Seymour Haden5, with whom he worked closely at that time. It is likely that Whistler adopted Hadens etching methods. Cf. Katherine Lochnan, The etchings of James McNeill Whistler. New Haven and London 1984. 6 During the journey to America which Arthur Boyd Houghton7 undertook in 1869 for a commission for The Graphic, he did a number of illustrations for the series Graphic America, which appeared in The Graphic between March and July 1870. In later volumes separate prints were also published. 8 These are scenes from the revolutionary socialist regime in 1871; during the Commune ptroleuses roamed through Paris starting fires. The estate has the following by Boyd Houghton9: The courts martial at Versailles Ptroleuses under trial, in The Graphic 4 (23 September 1871), p. 293. Ill. 969 (t*850); The Paris mob A barricade in Paris, in The Graphic 3 (8 April 1871), p. 313. Ill. 958 (t*87); The Commune of death Women of Montmartre, in The Graphic 3 (10 June 1871), p. 541. Ill. 968 (t*100) and Paris under the Commune Womens club at the Boule Noire, Boulevard Rochechouart, in The Graphic 3 (3 June 1871), p. 520. Ill. 2033 (t*199). 10 In letter 304 Van Gogh writes that he has the old wives by Herkomer11 from the 1876 volume in duplicate, so by his title he seems to mean Christmas in a workhouse , in The Graphic 14 (25 December 1876) (letter 278, n. 13). However, Hubert von Herkomers Old age A study at the Westminster Union, engraved by Eugne Froment12, was likewise in The Graphic 15 (7 April 1877), pp. 324-325. Ill. 2034. (This print had appeared in Harpers Weekly 21 too (28 April 1877), pp. 328-329, with the title The evening of life Scene in a London work-house.) 13 Probably Hubert von Herkomer14s The last muster (Sunday at Chelsea hospital / Chelsea pensioners): see letter 199, n. 12). This print showed the interior of the chapel; an engraving of a detail from it with two figures had appeared in The Graphic 11 (15 May 1875). In this list Van Gogh also mentions Orphan men, by which he may mean this print of a detail (see n. 9 below). 15 There is no shoemaker in any of the prints by Herkomer16 in The Graphic. Van Gogh may have made a slip of the pen, because as well as Violin makers Hubert von Herkomer made Zither makers, in The Graphic 5 (2 March 1872), p. 205, which Van Gogh had in his possession. Ill. 179 (t*457). In the estate there is also Francis Montague Holl17, Shoemaking at the philanthropic societys farm school at Redhill, in The Graphic 5 (18 May 1872), p. 468 (t*96). 18 Hubert von Herkomer19, A Kegelbahn in the Bavarian Alps, in The Graphic 17 (6 April 1878), pp. 352-353. Ill. 172. 20 Probably the print of a detail with two men after The last muster . Van Gogh had already included an old mens home in this list earlier (see n. 6 above). 21 Hubert von Herkomer22, Low lodging house St. Giless, in The Graphic Portfolio of 1877. Ill. 2035 (t*91). It is a reprint of the engraving in The Graphic 6 (10 August 1872), p. 124, Supplement. 23 In 1870-1875 three engravings after works by George John Pinwell24 appeared in The Graphic, namely The lost child in The Graphic 1 (8 January 1870), p. 132, London sketches A country visitor in The Graphic 7 (22 February 1873), p. 177, and The sisters, engraved by Dalziel25, in The Graphic 3 (6 May 1871), p. 416. The last of these is in the estate. Ill. 1218 (t*178). 26 There was only one work by Frederick Walker27 in The Graphic in 1870-1875, namely The lost path , engraved by W. Thomas28, in The Graphic 1 (25 December 1870), p. 85. Walkers The harbour of refuge , mentioned in letter 304, was in The Graphic in 1877. His The old gate (of 1876) was mentioned earlier: see letter 199, n. 10. Thus there is a possibility that Van Gogh thought that the monogram FSW of Francis S. Walker29 was that of Frederick Walker. Nine prints by this Francis appeared in the years 1870-1875: Irish sketches How not to pay the rent , in The Graphic 1 (4 June 1870), p. 644; Irish sketches Going to mass, in The Graphic 1 (11 June 1870), p. 657; Outside the poste restante at St. Denis Letters from Paris , in The Graphic 3 (20 May 1871), p. 457 this one is in the estate (t* 16); Women trying to see the prisoners at Versailles , in The Graphic 3 (24 June 1871), p. 589; Princess Louise and the Queens Prizeman A sketch at Wimbledon , in The Graphic 4 (5 August 1871), p. 121; Cats and cat shows , in The Graphic 4 (2 December 1871), p. 529; A recent sketch in Sandringham churchyard , in To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883. 3 eerste jaren. [1v:2] Dan Ch. Green , Buckmann , Brewntall , 30 Small , H. Woods , 32 Macbeth , 34 Gregory , allerlei schetsen van arme buurten &c. Frank Holl , the foundling , superbe36 do I am the Resurrection and the life, ,,38 do Railway station39 do Sight seeing41 Ziedaar 3 bladen43 die ik in 10 jaar niet gezien had. Nog eens kom ik op Boyd Houghton terug eene kerk der Shakers of mormonen, 44 ongeloofelijk echt. Een paar mooie bladen van Fildes. Dan groote DU MAURIERS, zonnig en helder in de schaduw. 46 Genoeg, ge begrijpt zelf wel dat er schatten in zijn. Zeer verlangend ben ik naar eenig nader berigt omtrent Uwe vonst.48 Als gij hebt London News uit de periode 70-75 zoo zou ik zeer graag willen weten wat daar al zoo voornamelijk instaat. Ik krijg zeker dubbelen door mijn nieuwen aankoop. Ik weet niet hoe ik doen zal. Deze Graphic serie is in zeer goeden staat, netjes gebonden. Het is haast jammer die los te maken. Toch, om [1v:3] de bladen te kunnen schikken zoodat het werk der teekenaars bij elkaar komt is iets dat ook van belang is.

The Graphic 5 (13 January 1872), p. 28; Rome A sketch in the convent garden of Jesu e. Maria , in The Graphic 5 (4 May 1872), p. 420; and Henley-on-Thames regatta Picnicking by the riverside , in The Graphic 5 (22 June 1872), p. 588. 30 There are ten prints after Edward Frederick Brewtnal31 from The Graphic (1871-1873 and 1877) in the estate, including London sketches The battle of the pavements , in The Graphic 15 (24 February 1877), p. 181 (t*582). Van Gogh misspells the name of the artist. 32 There are ten prints after Henry Woods33 in the estate, all from The Graphic (1871-1874). 34 There are fourteen prints after the work of Robert Walker Macbeth35 in the estate, all from The Graphic (1871-1877), including Our London poor, a tea to seven hundred tramps and beggars in Moorgate Street, in The Graphic 13 (15 January 1876), p. 61. Ill. 2036 (t*572). 36 Francis Montague Holl37, London sketches The foundling, in The Graphic 7 (26 April 1873), pp. 392-393. Ill. 943. 38 Francis Montague Holl, I am the Resurrection and the Life, in The Graphic 6 (17 August 1872), pp. 148-149. Ill. 946. 39 Francis Montague Holl40, At a railway station A study, in The Graphic 5 (10 February 1872), pp. 128-129. Ill. 950. 41 Francis Montague Holl42, Sight seeing A study from nature at Mortlake, in The Graphic 5 (20 April 1872), pp. 368-369. Ill. 951. 43 Van Gogh added do Sight seeing later, without correcting the number of sheets, hence the discrepancy. 44 Arthur Boyd Houghton45, Service in the Mormon tabernacle, Salt Lake City, in The Graphic 3 (2 September 1871), pp. 227-228. Ill. 962. 46 For several of these large prints after George du Maurier47, see letter 317. 48 Variant of vondst 4 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883.

Hoor eens kerel als gij bij Uwe partij die oude jaargangen Graphic hebt dan weet ge er alles van. Doch zijn ze er niet bij dan zult ge een indruk krijgen, als ge ze vroeger of later bij mij zien zult, die sterk zal zijn. Voor mij kwamen bij het doorkijken al de herinneringen uit Londen van 10 jaar geleden terug, toen ik ze voor t eerst zag en zij me zoo aangrepen dat ik er sedert steeds aan bleef denken, b.v. de Vondeling van Hol en de oude wijven van Herkomer.49 Tevens echter had ik een weemoedig gevoel als51 ik zoo duidelijk bevestigd zag de woorden van H. Herkomer die gij mij eenigen tijd geleden zondt n.l. dat de latere uitgaven Graphic, hoe mooi soms , over t algemeen veel, veel achteruit zijn gegaan.52 Maar die eerste![1r:4] Ik mankeer een gedeelte van jaargang 70 doch overigens 70-80 kompleet. In t geheel 21 deelen. Die eerste jaargang zal ik ook wel vinden nog. Doch hoe gaat het U? Schrijf toch eens spoedig, lang of kort. En is t dat ge soms nog zwak zijt en mogt gij misschien verlangen hebben bij U thuis eens eenige deelen van die eersten door te zien, zoo zou ik ze U zenden kunnen. Er is in die pittige, krachtige, mannelijke teekeningen iets opwekkends en versterkends als in ouden wijn. adieu, met een handdruk. t. t. Vincent

Translation [1r:1] My dear friend Rappard54. I now have The Graphics in my possession. I sat looking at them until deep into the night. I dont know whether you know volumes 70-75, for example; perhaps you have them yourself in the batch you bought. But assuming you dont have them, youll certainly be delighted by those first years if you have an opportunity to see them.

49 For Herkomer50s Old age A study at the Westminster Union , see n. 5 above. 51 Means: toen (when). 52 For this reference to Herkomer53s article Drawing and engraving on wood, see letters 278 and 293. 54 (1820-1909) English artist To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883. 5

I sincerely hope you have them in your batch, and otherwise Ill write to you at length sometime, since theres so much thats important in them, pending your seeing them. And one way or another you must also get them for your collection. For example, they contain a series of drawings from coal-mines by Ridley55 56 done in a way that brings to mind etchings by Whistler58 or Seymour Haden59.60 There are similar drawings, mainly of America, by Boyd Houghton63 .64 Up to now I thought of Boyd H. as not ALL THAT interesting. Also sketches by him from the days of the Commune, ptroleuses, a barricade &c.66 Herkomer68 is superb today I saw several large prints for the first time, Old womens home,69 old mens home,72 cobbler,74 Skittle alley,77 Orphan men,79 Lodging house80 &c.

55 Matthew White Ridley (1837-1888) English artist 56 Matthew White Ridley57 did the series Pits and pitmen for The Graphic in January-February 1871. The following six engravings from this series are in the estate: Section of the shafts and workings of a coal mine, in The Graphic 3 (28 January 1871), p. 76. Ill. 1279 (t*805); Pitmen hewing the coal, in The Graphic 3 (28 January 1871), p. 77. Ill. 2028 (t*122); Pits and pitmen The night shift, in The Graphic 3 (4 February 1871), p. 108. Ill. 2029 (t*126); The men leaving the pit, in The Graphic 3 (11 February 1871). Ill. 2030 (t*124); The coal district, in The Graphic 3 (18 February 1871), p. 156. Ill. 2031 (t*127); and Coal whipping in the Pool, in The Graphic 3 (25 February 1871), p. 173. Ill. 2032 (t*125). 58 James Abbot McNeill Whistler (1834-1903) American artist 59 Francis Seymour Haden (1818-1910) English artist 60 The first etchings by James Whistler61 were made in 1858 in London at the house of Francis Seymour Haden62, with whom he worked closely at that time. It is likely that Whistler adopted Hadens etching methods. Cf. Katherine Lochnan, The etchings of James McNeill Whistler. New Haven and London 1984. 63 Arthur Boyd Houghton (1836-1875) English artist 64 During the journey to America which Arthur Boyd Houghton65 undertook in 1869 for a commission for The Graphic, he did a number of illustrations for the series Graphic America, which appeared in The Graphic between March and July 1870. In later volumes separate prints were also published. 66 These are scenes from the revolutionary socialist regime in 1871; during the Commune ptroleuses roamed through Paris starting fires. The estate has the following by Boyd Houghton67: The courts martial at Versailles Ptroleuses under trial, in The Graphic 4 (23 September 1871), p. 293. Ill. 969 (t*850); The Paris mob A barricade in Paris, in The Graphic 3 (8 April 1871), p. 313. Ill. 958 (t*87); The Commune of death Women of Montmartre, in The Graphic 3 (10 June 1871), p. 541. Ill. 968 (t*100) and Paris under the Commune Womens club at the Boule Noire, Boulevard Rochechouart, in The Graphic 3 (3 June 1871), p. 520. Ill. 2033 (t*199). 68 Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914) English artist 69 In letter 304 Van Gogh writes that he has the old wives by Herkomer70 from the 1876 volume in duplicate, so by his title he seems to mean Christmas in a workhouse , in The Graphic 14 (25 December 1876) (letter 278, n. 13). However, Hubert von Herkomers Old age A study at the Westminster Union, engraved by Eugne Froment71, was likewise in The Graphic 15 (7 April 1877), pp. 324-325. Ill. 2034. (This print had appeared in Harpers Weekly 21 too (28 April 1877), pp. 328-329, with the title The evening of life Scene in a London work-house.) 72 Probably Hubert von Herkomer73s The last muster (Sunday at Chelsea hospital / Chelsea pensioners): see letter 199, n. 12). This print showed the interior of the chapel; an engraving of a detail from it with two figures had appeared in The Graphic 11 (15 May 1875). In this list Van Gogh also mentions Orphan men, by which he may mean this print of a detail (see n. 9 below). 74 There is no shoemaker in any of the prints by Herkomer75 in The Graphic. Van Gogh may have made a slip of the pen, because as well as Violin makers Hubert von Herkomer made Zither makers, in The Graphic 5 (2 March 1872), p. 205, which Van Gogh had in his possession. Ill. 179 (t*457). In the estate there is also Francis Montague Holl76, Shoemaking at the philanthropic societys farm school at Redhill, in The Graphic 5 (18 May 1872), p. 468 (t*96). 77 Hubert von Herkomer78, A Kegelbahn in the Bavarian Alps, in The Graphic 17 (6 April 1878), pp. 352-353. Ill. 172. 79 Probably the print of a detail with two men after The last muster . Van Gogh had already included an old mens home in this list earlier (see n. 6 above). 80 Hubert von Herkomer81, Low lodging house St. Giless, in The Graphic Portfolio of 1877. Ill. 2035 (t*91). It is a reprint of the engraving in The Graphic 6 (10 August 1872), p. 124, Supplement. 6 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883.

[1v:2] There are also Pinwell82s 83 and Fred Walker86s 87 in those first years. Then C. Green91, Buckman92, Brewtnal93 ,94 Small96 , H. Woods97 ,98 Macbeth100 ,101 Gre- gory103 , various sketches of poor neighbourhoods &c. Frank Holl104, the foundling, superb105 ditto I am the Resurrection and the life, 107 ditto Railway station108 ditto Sight seeing110 There you have 3 prints112 that I hadnt seen in 10 years. I come back to Boyd Houghton113 again a Shaker or Mormon114 church, unbelievably real.

82 George John Pinwell (1842-1875) English artist 83 In 1870-1875 three engravings after works by George John Pinwell84 appeared in The Graphic, namely The lost child in The Graphic 1 (8 January 1870), p. 132, London sketches A country visitor in The Graphic 7 (22 February 1873), p. 177, and The sisters, engraved by Dalziel85, in The Graphic 3 (6 May 1871), p. 416. The last of these is in the estate. Ill. 1218 (t*178). 86 Frederick Walker (1840-1875) English artist 87 There was only one work by Frederick Walker88 in The Graphic in 1870-1875, namely The lost path , engraved by W. Thomas89, in The Graphic 1 (25 December 1870), p. 85. Walkers The harbour of refuge , mentioned in letter 304, was in The Graphic in 1877. His The old gate (of 1876) was mentioned earlier: see letter 199, n. 10. Thus there is a possibility that Van Gogh thought that the monogram FSW of Francis S. Walker90 was that of Frederick Walker. Nine prints by this Francis appeared in the years 1870-1875: Irish sketches How not to pay the rent , in The Graphic 1 (4 June 1870), p. 644; Irish sketches Going to mass, in The Graphic 1 (11 June 1870), p. 657; Outside the poste restante at St. Denis Letters from Paris , in The Graphic 3 (20 May 1871), p. 457 this one is in the estate (t* 16); Women trying to see the prisoners at Versailles , in The Graphic 3 (24 June 1871), p. 589; Princess Louise and the Queens Prizeman A sketch at Wimbledon , in The Graphic 4 (5 August 1871), p. 121; Cats and cat shows , in The Graphic 4 (2 December 1871), p. 529; A recent sketch in Sandringham churchyard , in The Graphic 5 (13 January 1872), p. 28; Rome A sketch in the convent garden of Jesu e. Maria , in The Graphic 5 (4 May 1872), p. 420; and Henley-on-Thames regatta Picnicking by the riverside , in The Graphic 5 (22 June 1872), p. 588. 91 Charles Green (1840-1898) English artist 92 Edwin Buckman (Buckmann) (1841-1930) English artist 93 Edward Frederick Brewtnal (1846-1902) English artist 94 There are ten prints after Edward Frederick Brewtnal95 from The Graphic (1871-1873 and 1877) in the estate, including London sketches The battle of the pavements , in The Graphic 15 (24 February 1877), p. 181 (t*582). Van Gogh misspells the name of the artist. 96 William Small (1843-1929) English artist 97 Henry Woods (1846-1921) English artist 98 There are ten prints after Henry Woods99 in the estate, all from The Graphic (1871-1874). 100 Robert Walker Macbeth (1848-1910) Scottish artist 101 There are fourteen prints after the work of Robert Walker Macbeth102 in the estate, all from The Graphic (1871-1877), including Our London poor, a tea to seven hundred tramps and beggars in Moorgate Street, in The Graphic 13 (15 January 1876), p. 61. Ill. 2036 (t*572). 103 Edward John Gregory (1850-1909) English artist 104 Francis (Frank) Montague Holl (1845-1888) English artist 105 Francis Montague Holl106, London sketches The foundling, in The Graphic 7 (26 April 1873), pp. 392-393. Ill. 943. 107 Francis Montague Holl, I am the Resurrection and the Life, in The Graphic 6 (17 August 1872), pp. 148-149. Ill. 946. 108 Francis Montague Holl109, At a railway station A study, in The Graphic 5 (10 February 1872), pp. 128-129. Ill. 950. 110 Francis Montague Holl111, Sight seeing A study from nature at Mortlake, in The Graphic 5 (20 April 1872), pp. 368-369. Ill. 951. 112 Van Gogh added do Sight seeing later, without correcting the number of sheets, hence the discrepancy. 113 Arthur Boyd Houghton (1836-1875) English artist 114 To Anthon van Rappard. The Hague, on or about Saturday, 20 January 1883. 7

A few fine prints by Fildes. Then large DU MAURIER116S, sunny, and clear in the shade.117 Enough, youll understand that they contain riches. I long so much to have some more information about your find. If you have London News from the period 70-75, Id dearly like to know what the main contents are. Im sure to have duplicates as a result of my new purchase. I dont know how Ill do it. This Graphic series is in excellent condition, neatly bound. Its almost a pity to undo it. But being able to arrange the prints so that the work of each draughtsman is [1v:3] brought together is also important. Listen, old chap, if you have the old Graphic volumes in your batch, then you know all about it. But if not, then youll get a strong impression if you see them at my place sooner or later. For me, looking through them brought back all the memories of London 10 years ago, when I first saw them, and they made such an impression on me that Ive gone on thinking of them ever since, for instance the Foundling by Holl119 and the old wives by Herkomer120.121 At the same time, though, I had a melancholy feeling when I saw such clear confirmation of the words of H. Herkomer123 that you sent to me some time ago, namely that the later Graphic issues, however fine sometimes, have in general declined a very, very long way.124 But the first! [1r:4] Im missing part of volume 70, but apart from that 70-80 complete. Altogether 21 volumes. Ill find that first volume as well, sometime. But how are you? Do write soon, at length or in brief. And if youre still weak sometimes, and would perhaps like to have a look at some of those early volumes at home, I could send them to you. Theres something cheering and strengthening in those lively, vigorous, manly drawings as there is in old wine. Adieu, with a handshake. Ever yours, Vincent

Arthur Boyd Houghton115, Service in the Mormon tabernacle, Salt Lake City, in The Graphic 3 (2 September 1871), pp. 227-228. Ill. 962. 116 George Louis Palmella Busson Du Maurier (1834-1896) French artist 117 For several of these large prints after George du Maurier118, see letter 317. 119 Francis (Frank) Montague Holl (1845-1888) English artist 120 Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914) English artist 121 For Herkomer122s Old age A study at the Westminster Union , see n. 5 above. 123 Hubert von Herkomer (1849-1914) English artist 124 For this reference to Herkomer125s article Drawing and engraving on wood, see letters 278 and 293.