6 MSF International Office Rue de Lausanne 78, Case Postale 116, CH-1211 Geneva 21, Switzerland T (+41-22) 8498 400, F (+41-22) 8498 404, E
[email protected], www.msf.org MSF Activity Report 2005/0 MSF Activity Repor t July 2005 – July 20 06 Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) was founded in 1971 by a small group of doctors and journalists who believed that all people should have access to emergency relief. MSF was one of the first nongovernmental organisations to provide urgently needed medical assistance and to publicly bear witness to the plight of the people it helps. Today MSF is an international medical humanitarian movement with branch offices in 19 countries. In 2005, over 2225 MSF volunteer doctors, nurses, other medical professionals, logistical experts, water and sanitation engineers and administrators joined approximately 25,850 locally hired staff to provide medical aid in over 70 countries. MSF was awarded the 1999 Nobel Peace Prize. The Médecins Sans Frontières Charter About this publication FEATURE WRITERS Médecins Sans Frontières is a private international association. Nathalie Borremans, Leopold Buhendwa, Dieudonné Bwirire, Fabien Dubuet, Margaret Fitzgerald, The association is made up mainly of doctors and health C. Foncha, Moses Massaquoi, Marilyn McHarg, Dalitso Minsinde, Rodrick Nalingukgwi, Fasineh Samura, Milton Tectonidis, Emmanuel Tronc sector workers and is also open to all other professions which might help in achieving its aims. COUNTRY TEXT AND SIDEBAR MATERIAL WRITTEN BY Emma Bell, Claude Briade, Lucy Clayton,