Theatre Guide Chlcaxo Dance Orchestra—Ob-I-West Comment from Itlclund Kaion—Mbn This Country in the Foreign Film, Good Cheer Fairbanks, Jr

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Theatre Guide Chlcaxo Dance Orchestra—Ob-I-West Comment from Itlclund Kaion—Mbn This Country in the Foreign Film, Good Cheer Fairbanks, Jr 1 P»MMte^^4^|^^-,?i•v u& &r«ijt&T^^^vjnvc^rjjvCv'r/T^TT *^,' *^"''-*« r' v>" *'y/;i/fr v • y< i , *• ',,-»* r*, • •"* r '***v. * * T. *•• 'V THE LIMA NEWS. JANUARY 16 kV./> '*- Friday, at 9:30 p. m. over WJZ he finds the door was locked from FUNNY BUSINESS the inside. However with the help LADIES' NITE •Kay Ky?er, John Barrymore Hollywood And New York To of Kitty, his wife, and his faith- FRIDAY NITE .ful bodyguard, "Doc," Piper un- 2 TLOOR SHOWS NIGHTLY locks the "Mystery Murder of 11:00 1:30 Teamed In New Ohio Movie Furnish Kate Smith Talent Silas1, French." Lucille Manners, blond soprano CASTLE FARM star of the "Cities Service Con- certs," will range fiom the "'OK Professor" And "The Great Profile" Provide sprightly Gavotte in Massenet's Orson Welles, Ingrid Bergman, Olivia DeHavil- "Manon" to the melancholy "Man . • • 'Plenty Of Mirth In Fine Comedy "Play- land And Loii Holtz Set On Variety Hour I Love" from George Gershwin's BLUE PEAKS "Strike Up the Band," during the mates" Opening Saturday Broadcast Friday broadcast of Friday at S p. m. 2 mi. east on Harding over WEAF. She also is to join the ensemble in four of Amy NOW OPEN t Teaming for the first time on the screen the 01* Professor Orson Welles, Ingriri "Bergman, Olivia De llavilland and AVoodefordc-Finden's "Indian Love UnHor New Management and The Great Profile, "Playmates," comes to the Ohio Lou Uollz; equally divided between Hollywood and New Lyrics" — "The Temple Bells," "Kashmiri Song," "Less Than the screcfi Saturday starring Kay Kyser, with John Barrymore York, will headline Kate Smith's Variety Hour over WABC Dust" and "Till I Wake." DANCING Tapping its- brilliant cast of mirth-makers and tune-mixers, Friday at 8 p. m. Ted Col- Another expert of the John EVERY NIGHT FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 favorites-in the cast include Lupe-Velez, May Robson, Patsy Eastern St.ind.lrd P. M.—Subtract Ono lins, .Tack Miller's band and Kieran type—a literary critic of Hour tor CST., 2 Mrs. for MT. the American sports scene—will FISH FRY Kelly and the Kyscr band with Ginny Simms, Harry Babbitt, {AUfrntiotin in i»oyram <M Itvtnl <lut others will join with Kate to sit alongside the former intel- KVERY FRIDAY Ish Kabibble and Sully Mason, Showing for the last times entirely to cltunyca t/u networks t lectual worthy at Clifton Fadi- 6:00—It's Strictly from Dixie—nbc-iod compete the all-star line up. Tile Cadets Quartet— nbc-bluc-c.ifit Oscar Karlwcis, noted Viennese man's "Information Please" ses- Friday is "The Corsican SHorlos of Adventure—nbc-blue-wCM sion Friday at 8:30 p. m. over !;<Jwln C. Hill's Comment—cbs-baslc actor, who has been seen thruout WEAF. His name is Paul Gallico. Brothers." starring Douglas Theatre Guide Chlcaxo Dance Orchestra—ob-i-west Comment from Itlclund Kaion—mbn this country in the foreign film, Good Cheer Fairbanks, Jr. 6:10—Five MlmitoH of News—cbs-«axt e OHIO—"The Corsicnn Brothers." 6.15—Melodic Strings: News—nbc-rt>«l "Two Hearts in Three Quarter SHELBY FIGHTS : As "bis as th niighty state .Dancing Mn«lc Oroh.—nbc-bluc-cast Time." and on Broadway in "Cue QTJH.NA—"Confirm or Dcn>" "Secret City" Serial—nbc-blue-weft it glorifies, the breathtaking new- nnd "Cac'ct Girl." llcdd.i Hopper. Hollywood— cb-s-bm. for Passion," will join another TO REACH GOAL Good Company drama of the old west. ''Texas," (",iperi from the Keyboard—cbs-Dlxle brilliant cast in an original SIGMA—"The Body Disappears" 6:30—Desi Halhan. Soprano—nbc-rc<l (*\>a-lnl To Tlip Limit .Yniji) and oncns Friday night nt the Quilna The Kuril nnd Abncr Serial— nbc-blii« "Grand Central Station" drama theatre with William Holdcti. and "Among the LIMHR." Frank Father's Program—cbN-bavIc Fiiday at 7:30 p. m. over WEAF. SIDNEY, Jan. 16—Contributions Your Favorite STATE — "Forty T h o u s a n d Kuil I\CH and Ills Sonn—cbs-Uixle to the Red Cross relief fund in Claire Trevor and Glenn Ford Jaok ArmMionK's—mb«-»wl i How a simple ten cent store Liquors starred'. In the co-feature. "Sing Horsemen" and "Lady Prnr- ''What did I join, anyway—Ihc Army or the Florodora 6:45~The Three Suns, Tilo—nbc-red box of fascial tissues led to the • Shelby-co have not reached the " sextette? Gimme a bigger bell!" d.ouell Thomax New!-—nbc-blue-b:i>. For Your Supper." Jinx Falkon- Tom Mix in repeat—nbe-blue-«<>it conviction of a brutal hold-up goal set by the drive committee. and MIXED DRINKS bcrg, tltc magazine cover girl, has IiYRIC—"North Fiorn the l.f<M World & War News of Today—cb* killer of Spokane. Washington, I By Thursday, $9,100 of the amount Are Found at ihe starring role. Showing for C'.iptaln MUlnlKht—mb.s-wc1 H will be unfolded in the "Gang Star" and 'Chan al the Wat Bert Gordon, radio's "Mad Rus- ANNUAL SESSION 7-00—K. \Vj«iIns'>> Turn —nbc-ied-ta^t | had been received by Fred Elsass, l'ie last times Friday aie "Con- Museum " i-i.'.n.' Jean Cavall and Ills SOIIB—nbc-blue Bustei-h" factual crime case to be I co-chairman of the drive with $10,- i Amoi and Andv'.i SKetch—cbs-b.iMc picsented over the \VJZ Friday firm or Deny" and "Cadet Girl." MAJESTIC—"In Old Cn< \enne" Fulton l>'\\is. Jr & Comment—mbi j 000 as the goal. "The Chocolate Soldier," new and ' Remedy Tor Rulies." CONDUCTED BY 7:15—World War Broidc.iAt—nbc-red at 0:00 p. m. , A meeting of the drive chairman musical comedy which opens Sat- OHIO Dr. Caldttcll Kadlo Magic—nbc-blue A man is murdered and his I and leaders to work out additional CO.MIXC: Cl' CREDIT-ASSN l.anny Uoss and Ills Sons—cbs-bailc uvd-iy at the Sigma theatre, offers A band leader who "goes Shake-I lion's That .MorRan I'roKram—nlbi body is found in a room that has i plans to raise the $900 needed to Top" 'n "Henry' OHIO—"Playmates'' commences spearc," a jilted Mexican lady 7:30—Crnnd Station—nbc-red no windows and a barred door. complete the fund will be held in Nelson Eddy in a gay. romantic JXinclnc Music OrcheMia—nbc-bluo role, nnd introduces Rise Stevens, Saturday. bullfighter reeking vengeance, a (I.linn NC-HH Iliironn) Hawk'* How Am I DoIriK—cbs-e.T-t U'hen Michael Piper. Piivate De- I the Red Cross headquarters in the The Genial a" now singing star. The co-fea- QTTH.NA—' Texas" and "Srnfc once-great stage star forced to WAPAKONETA, Jan. 1C—More JXincliiR Music Oichostra—cbs-wett tective arrives on the scene on courthouse Friday evening. Proprietors team with a jive king, and two The Ranger, Drama—mbs-cast ture. "Niagara Falls." stars Mar- >'or Your Supper" commence than 800 persons Thursday were 8:00—Tjucille Manners, Orch.—nbc-red joiie' W-oodwoith and Tom Brown. Friday preview. screwy press agents with one-track Comment: Rhuml>;tv — nbc-bluc-ea*t Showing for ihe last time<= Friday minds! in attendance at the annual stock- Auction ISlock Oulz—nbc-bluc-nest DOUGLAS FAIRKANKS. JR.. in OWL SHOW SIGMA—"Chocolate Soldiei" and Kate Smith's Hour for Variety—cbs TONITE: -THE CORSICAN BROTHERS" SAT. NITE! aye "The Body Disappears" and Such a eonglamoralion of charac- holders meeting of the \Vapako-j Tinney; Dance Mu«lc — mbs "Among the Living." "Niagara Falls' commence nela Production Credit-assn held 8:30—I!y Information Please—nbc-red Saturday. ters are thrown together with hi- M. IJerle. Clia". I.aiiRhton—nbc-blue STARTS 'Bill Elliott, appearing as Wild larious results in the new Kay in the Wapa theatre featured by Proudly Wo Hail, for Defense—cbs Bill Hickok, uses his blazing six- STATE—"The Little Foxes" and an address by W. F. Gahm, presi- The Tropical Serenade — nibs-east ALPINE Kyser film, "Playmates," Opening The Il.inscr—mbs-west guns and flashing fists to restore "Bad Lands of Dakota" com- Saturday at the Ohio theatie. dent of the Production Credit- 8:55—i:imcr Davis and Comment—cb* TOMORROW! mence Sunday. ,_ arsn, who spoke on "Your Asso- 9:00—Abe Ionian .t Waltzes—nbc-red lew and order, in "North From The popular band leader por 1 CaiiK Uustei.x. Anti-Crime—nbc-bluo the Lone Star," now at the Lyric Z.TTRIC—"Gun Men From Bodl" hays himself in this riotous com- edition's Part in the National The Friday Night's Plaj house—ctn KAY KIDS THE TIGHTS VILLAGE theatre. Dorothy Fay is the femi- and "Murder Among Friends" | Emergency. Gabriel Heatter Speaks — nibs-basic edy with music, while John Barry- The session staited at 10 a. in, 9.15— Dune Music Orchestra — nibs j{ine inspiration in the exciting commence Saturday midnight. more is cast as a Shakespearean 9:30—Uncle Walt's Doghouse—nbc-ied OFF SHAKESPEARE . .. Spencerville Road 5 ndvor.ture film. Al^o at the Lyric with a welcome address by J. A. Michael the DetectKe. Dr.—nbc-bluo * Just West of Lima ' MAJESTIC—"Black Cat" and actor now on the skids who is try- shsuwm, prcsident o£ lhc ]ocal as_ 'I he Fiist Nlgluer Drama—cbs-bas,io is, "Chan at the Wat Museum." ing to land a radio contract to, , ("IIS Concert Orchestra — cbs-Dixle starring Sidney Tolcr in the role ' Mr.
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