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T. *•• 'V THE LIMA NEWS. JANUARY 16 kV./> '*- Friday, at 9:30 p. m. over WJZ he finds the door was locked from FUNNY BUSINESS the inside. However with the help LADIES' NITE •Kay Ky?er, Hollywood And New York To of Kitty, his wife, and his faith- FRIDAY NITE .ful bodyguard, "Doc," Piper un- 2 TLOOR SHOWS NIGHTLY locks the "Mystery Murder of 11:00 1:30 Teamed In New Ohio Movie Furnish Kate Smith Talent Silas1, French." Lucille Manners, blond soprano CASTLE FARM star of the "Cities Service Con- certs," will range fiom the "'OK Professor" And "The Great Profile" Provide sprightly Gavotte in Massenet's Orson Welles, Ingrid Bergman, Olivia DeHavil- "Manon" to the melancholy "Man . • • 'Plenty Of Mirth In Fine Comedy "Play- land And Loii Holtz Set On Variety Hour I Love" from George Gershwin's BLUE PEAKS "Strike Up the Band," during the mates" Opening Saturday Broadcast Friday broadcast of Friday at S p. m. 2 mi. east on Harding over WEAF. She also is to join the ensemble in four of Amy NOW OPEN t Teaming for the first time on the screen the 01* Professor Orson Welles, Ingriri "Bergman, Olivia De llavilland and AVoodefordc-Finden's "Indian Love UnHor New Management and The Great Profile, "Playmates," comes to the Ohio Lou Uollz; equally divided between Hollywood and New Lyrics" — "The Temple Bells," "Kashmiri Song," "Less Than the screcfi Saturday starring , with John Barrymore York, will headline Kate Smith's Variety Hour over WABC Dust" and "Till I Wake." DANCING Tapping its- brilliant cast of mirth-makers and tune-mixers, Friday at 8 p. m. Ted Col- Another expert of the John EVERY NIGHT FRIDAY, JANUARY 16 favorites-in the cast include Lupe-Velez, May Robson, Patsy Eastern St.ind.lrd P. M.—Subtract Ono lins, .Tack Miller's band and Kieran type—a literary critic of Hour tor CST., 2 Mrs. for MT. the American sports scene—will FISH FRY Kelly and the Kyscr band with , , {AUfrntiotin in i»oyram