
StrangerAtaru Ranks

THE 50 (+1) SUPER HEROES OF THE 1980s!


The 1980s: a time period that was alive with pop cultural relevance; with things emerging that came about and touched our hearts and souls even today, over 30-plus years later. Of course with all that was going on in the 1980s in the United States and the Western cultures, we shouldn’t forget everything that emerged in Japan in this time period. And while Super Sentai is a peculiar franchise to talk about in relation to the 80s, remember this: while it was created during the boom of the 1970s after the successes of franchises like and , it really was in the 1980s that the franchise actually “found itself”, creating an identity beyond its original basis of being “five fighting together against evil villains” as defined by . Due to certain flukes, the franchise dominated a major section of the tokusatsu sector that its predecessors brought about while likewise working alongside and creating other franchises alongside it, such as the Metal Heroes and Fushigi Comedy series. It was the only franchise that actually was able to survive all the way from 1980 to 1989; sure it had to evolve along the way and had a lot of its own unique problems in remaining relevant to the kids watching it (while dealing with many that became more popular for periods like the Space Sherriff trilogy and ), but its constant survival is a testament of it being a major force in Japanese popular culture.

But while there are probably many factors that drive what makes Super Sentai what it is then and now, it is the characters that drive these stories; and that’s sort of what I’m going to be talking about here and now. With the generalizations that tend to happen regarding the seasons and the teams, we tend to forget about the actual individual Rangers who make up these teams. Unfortunately with a franchise that has lasted this long, we end up just grouping the teams together, giving a one-sentence description, and then move on; not even that in some cases such as with recent seasons where many of the much older seasons are just “there”. Its obvious why: these teams don’t matter to the kids watching today and obviously there isn’t enough of an older audience to even watch and care enough to give a greater context of the franchise’s history since they move on when they grow out of it. So that’s where being a geek comes in I suppose: with as much “love” that can be given to these “teams”, I sort of wanted to rank the Rangers themselves, not just as some spandex costume, helmet-wearing hero but as the characters who appeared in the series that came about and what they went through during these ten seasons.

Thus this little countdown, which I have to admit is a biased, personal feeling regarding these characters. This list is going to be of the 50 Rangers (well…51; there is one I’m counting as a Ranger even though he only appeared in one episode because, technically, he is an official Ranger as defined by the season and I just felt like giving him the respect he deserved) of the 10 Super Sentai series that emerged in the 1980s, from Denshi Sentai Denziman in 1980 to Kousoku Sentai Turboranger in 1989. These are my opinions about all of these Rangers and more or less why they are where they are. This comes about more or less after spending the last 5 years watching the shows; and while I’m a bit rusty on some of them, the general ideas and feelings are genuine. A few guidelines before I get started, though:

-I decided to do the 80s mostly because it just felt like a concise unit of the franchise in being 10 years and 10 seasons I’ve seen. While some would probably want me to do “pre-Zyuranger” due to all the changes that come about due to Noboru Sugimura and Mighty Morphin , I find that having the first two series of the 1990s, Chikyuu Sentai Fiveman and Choujin Sentai Jetman, stay in the 1990s is a better classification to show the evolution of that decade in particular. And while it leaves out the first three Sentai from the 1970s, they just feel somewhat different from what came after; with Denziman literally being a complete overhaul of the franchise for a new period, it felt like the best starting point. I may list the Rangers of Gorenger, J.A.K.Q. and Battle Fever at a later time though…

-I know that Battle Fever ends early in 1980 and likewise Turboranger ends at the start of 1990, but for consistency sake I just stick with what aired and when they started since it is one season per year.

-There are probably some wondering why I went with one particular Ranger for my extra and not others; while there are others you probably could count as Rangers or associated, they really aren’t identified as Rangers or don’t last long enough. Probably one of the weirdest omissions I have made is the 2nd Blue Turbo, Ken’ichi Yamada, while including “someone else”. I didn’t use Yamada mostly because it was one episode and he doesn’t really do that much as Blue Turbo; plus the “other character” is a unique identified Ranger who has an entire storyline that is told in his one episode. On the other hand there is also Bioman’s Magne Warrior…who literally isn’t a Ranger at all: he’s a soldier basically tied to a Neo -Gigan that was to be part of a mass-produced Gear plot. While his human identity, Shota Yamamori, does have heroic elements to his character, it is only in his human form; he’s brainwashed as Magne Warrior and the moment the suit is finally removed, he never uses it again and remains an allied human. While some sort of see this as a pseudo Kamen Rider (or Metal Hero considering his actor becomes Juspion), I would have included Magne Warrior if Yamamori ever used it on his own as a heroic suit/warrior character; which he doesn’t and thus he’s not here.

-As with Magne Warrior, I’m not including the Evil Rangers on the list either: if they were good at any point then they’d be here, but most of the time the Evil Rangers never really have anything significant to bring to the series. I may change that when I get to the 1990s due to the likes of the Flowery Kunoichi Team, Jaden Sentai Neziranger…and “that first Gingaman team” (Ginga Sentai Gingaman of Fiveman), but we’ll see.

-I was originally thinking of doing this by color I admit, except that due to the weird elements of colors and Rangers even back then (mostly due to one White Ranger, 8 Pinks and 11 Reds due to Sun Vulcan), I just decided it was easier to do all of them on one list since it more or less comes out to an even 50.

-And of course remember this: these are all my opinions; if you say or think otherwise then no worries.

So with that said…Let’s Change…er, Prism Flash…um, Aura Mask…OK, let’s just get this started. 50. TAKERU (RED MASK – HIKARI SENTAI MASKMAN)

My list begins with an obvious one, and those who have read my Maskman review should know why. Takeru is probably one of the most overhyped, overdone and overly “perfected” Rangers in franchise history; more or less the definition of “Red Hype” before such a thing even existed. Obviously the main reason why has to do with him being the main focus of the season: he’s the one who ends up falling for an underground princess without realizing it and essentially becomes the focus by which Maskman has to fight their war against Tube. But I think that the reason that Takeru is at the bottom is simply because they make him too flawless a character, being not just the main focus but the one who becomes Ial’s love interest, the “main racer” of Sugata’s team before Maskman, and this out and out Aura genius who can literally summon aliens to Earth to communicate with him with nothing but his Aura Power! I think that with Sentai’s evolution of storytelling throughout the 80s and the successes in Flashman with a character like Sara, they wanted to push it forwards by having the “face” of the season be the one with said storyline; but did so in a way that unfortunately just made him the face of “how not to write a main character”. Now if you excuse me as I stop talking about him before I get sick…again.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 10: Igam vs. Takeru, Ep. 39: Revival! The Mysterious X-1 Mask


I know there are quite a few people who sort of find Haruka as a rather underdeveloped character…but unfortunately, I just had a hard time with her, period. You don’t make a character you make out as your first female ninja of the franchise and turn her into a generic female Ranger who threatens to quit the team over a doll or who claims she’s worthless because “she can’t do ninja abilities anymore due to not practicing”…when you’re martial artists regardless! The problem with Haruka isn’t that she’s underdeveloped; it’s that she’s just a terrible character in general that no one had any ideas what to do with.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 12: A Challenge! The Pride of a Shinobi, Ep. 47: The Night Prior to the Attack! The Dance of Death


One of the two later additions to the Liveman team, he actually could have ranked higher due to some of what he actually does (namely because he basically was the reason Guildian Guildos goes down); except that he’s just randomly introduced with his partner Tetsuya and is probably this low because he’s associated with one of the worst episodes in franchise history; the one which basically is so disgusting and politically polarizing that I refuse to state what it’s about here and now. While I don’t mind Liveman becoming a five-man team, it really is about the quality of the characters and not “let’s create bodies to fill suits…and make them related to the whole crisis in general”.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 36: Crash! The Tackle of Friendship, Ep. 43: A Mystery!? Guildos’ Final Form

47. SABURO AOYAMA (GOGGLE BLUE – DAI SENTAI GOGGLE-V) Who was Saburo Aoyama…no seriously, who was he!? Possibly the most underdeveloped of the Goggle-V team, he really didn’t have anything to really go with, starting off as a sports enthusiast and later becoming an amateur scientist for an episode, all the while more or less continuing on the concept of the “kid blue” that tended to be part of the franchise at this point. Sad to say, he just felt “there”, this is why he’s so low.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 31: Blue! Great Assault!, Ep. 38: The Attack of Friendship


Like Saburo, Yousuke sort of falls into the trap of the “kid Blue Ranger” that was set up by Daigorou of Denziman but in a way that there isn’t much to them that I can recommend. Like the previous Blue, Yousuke just felt very bland, but his blandness has more to do with his theme, being more a smash-up of Saburo and Kin’ya Samejima while being a surfer…and bringing his surfing into his combat repertoire. (we shall never speak of his “green screen while falling down on a surfboard” from the opening ever again) The only reason I have Yousuke higher is that at least he had an episode where he got a bit of acknowledgement with his combat abilities, from the Black Knight himself no less!

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 18: The Big Tsunami That Attacks Tokyo, Ep. 43: Shima! You’re Blue Lightning


They don’t make Rangers like Shingo anymore…which is probably both a good and bad thing. I was sort of hoping that he would be interesting since he was a racer and the now-rare “large-set” Ranger when I started watching Bioman and his first focus episode was pretty good. But then he just fell into this annoying and generic trap later in the season that sort of just prevented him from being anything more, turning one of my more anticipated Rangers into one of the most disappointing. (and that was before the disaster of showing off the team car to some kid when they’re not supposed to have any connections!) Oh and there’s also “Break Action”, which is a battle combat based around breakdancing…not one of the franchise’s bright and shining moments I admit.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 5: Kill the Unseen Enemy, Ep. 33: Has It Come Forth!? The New Finishing Move


As the Red behind the team which is known as “everything they touch dies even as they keep preaching “LIFE!””, he really is the face behind their bizarre and sad existence. Any interesting elements he could have brought regarding the team’s mission of stopping the three traitors is ruined by any aspect of the team’s general mantra and just being so generic, not knowing if he wants to be a noble Red or more of a goofball like he strangely was at times. Another reason why he is so low: considering the feel that each Liveman had a certain traitor to defeat, somehow…he defeated Doctor Obular despite being Jou’s target, while Doctor Kemp ended up with Megumi…and heck he doesn’t even take down Bias!

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 14: The Scream of Kettle-Man Yuusuke, Ep. 21: The Life Risked at 0.1 Second 43. YOHEI HAMA (BLUE TURBO – KOUSOKU SENTAI TURBORANGER)

Yohei is one of the “gruesome twosome” of the “kid duo” between himself and Shunsuke of the Turborangers; however while Shunsuke turned out to be one of the most heart-felt Rangers of the season, Yohei just turned out to be a playboy with too much of a kid-side that made him tough to bear with. He was one who somehow I wanted to like but just had a hard time with most of his key episodes and appearances.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 8: Jarmin’s House that Flies in the Sky, Ep. 40: Walk! Child of Shikoku


The other of the two “later Rangers” of Liveman, Tetsuya probably felt a bit more interesting than Jun’ichi…but only a bit, mostly due to being the lead one of the duo and at least trying to give him something more of a personality, whether it be his initial standoff nature towards the original trio due to what happened to his brother or even trying to flirt with Megumi or doing the right thing when he has to. Somehow if he was in the show longer, he probably could have been higher up but he at least did feel a bit more tolerable.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 29: The Vengeful Live Boxer, Ep. 33: Do Your Best, Tetsu-chan Robo


Jou is another one of those Rangers I really wanted to like early on…except…I just had a hard time doing so. I think losing the focus of his connection with Obular outside the first episodes focusing on them really hurt him; after that he just turned out to be some punk skateboarder who happened to have a really neat mecha that acted and looked like a lion. The addition of Tetsuya and Jun’ichi probably also ended up hurting Jou, especially considering that with them around and with Yuusuke and Megumi not really losing any of their focus due to who they were and what they were doing, he was the fall guy in losing out on anything important later on and his only focus after their arrival was a weird one involving a time-traveling girl from the age of Abaranger…er, THE FUTURE! (yeah, 2003 was “the future” in 1988) It was not made better that Kemp and Mazenda lasted longer in Volt than Obular…and of course Yuusuke taking Obular from him as his save!

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 3: Obular’s Demonic Transformation, Ep. 18: A Trap! Jou’s Beloved Brain Beast


As perhaps one of the most infamous Rangers in franchise history due to what she did in 10 short episodes and the behind the scenes mess she caused, Mika really should be even lower than this…however, she did have a lot of interesting things when she did have the spotlight. I find it interesting that Mika’s whole purpose in life is to continue the dreams of her deceased brother in being a wildlife photographer and that while she was destined to fight as a Bioman due to being in the right place at the right time, she was never really into it like the others and had to grow into being a hero. Her tragic sacrifice ultimately sort of perhaps was either one part death wish and one part finally seeing this team as something more than her own selfish desires; it’s hard to say what could have happened if she survived beyond these episodes, but at least what she did do alive (let alone being the very first Female Yellow) does give her some respect I suppose.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 6: Rise Up! Bio Robo, Ep. 10: Goodbye, Yellow


Dan is another peculiar Red, one who had the force but somehow was hindered in just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. He just felt a bit too much of another smash-up, not knowing if he wanted to be the next Takayuki Hiba in combat or Ken’ichi Akama in being a brotherly Ranger. What made it weirder is that the former only really mattered in giving him a rivalry with Megiddo/Dark Knight, while the latter of which not even emerging until near the end of the season. Worse still: all this was coming before the sudden interest in giving Reds a storyline starting from Shirou Gou! He was just rather generic with a weird “interest” in motocross and wanting to spend his time building a cleaner engine; somehow if he emerged a few years after this in a season where the Rangers were more developed or where being into motor vehicles was an advantage, he could have been something more than what he was to me.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 7: Operation Tokyo Sea of Fire, Ep. 31: The Spy Tailed Person’s Trap


Midorikawa really felt like a Ranger they were trying to push to be this really big, really important Ranger, being that he was the nice guy of the group and the first “beat cop” Ranger. Unfortunately, I think they were pushing him too hard, really not taking advantage of his abilities as a cop outside a few colorations of storylines (and really weird ones at that), as well as pushing his two “girl cop” partners upon us as wacky background characters. There were moments, luckily, where Midorikawa’s good nature really did shine, but somehow I sort of wish there were more than what we did get. (though as a consolation, at least his actor became a notable VA, such as being one (or two) of the main villains in the Naruto franchise)

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 15: An Invitation to the Garden of Evil (really this was his only good focus episode without getting into really broadly-focused episodes or really stupid ones…)


Another Ranger that probably people expected to be a lot lower on this list, but admittedly I didn’t find offense with him nor did I find any real problems. While some could consider Oowashi rather bland or generic, he didn’t have any focus episodes and really considering how few anyone else in Sun Vulcan had (and how really they didn’t get anything outside their moment in the sun unless you’re Arashiyama), he did what he was supposed to do like a good soldier and fought a good battle against Black Magma until someone way more dynamic emerged to take his place. And considering what happened behind the scenes, I sort of respect what he went through and just sort of feel his actor and what happen less his fault and more the fault of those who wanted to shake things up in the show; sure it lead to a way more dynamic and interesting Red but I feel like Oowashi deserves to be this high on my list. (plus his announcement of the Sun Vulcan Robo finisher is surprisingly way more epic than Hiba’s)

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 14: The Day the Earth Surrendered (unlike Midorikawa, he really didn’t have anything focused; but this one at least showed him working well as a warrior and a Ranger and was just a strong episode for everyone involved)


While I am a huge fan of most of the Flashman, somehow Dai just turned out to be the most generic of the five here; mostly because he sometimes just felt like the “nice strongman” of the team. There is nothing wrong with that but considering the more interesting Black Rangers that he ended up between and the rest of his own team, it just ended up getting lost to me by comparison to others. I don’t think it really is his fault that he’s so low, but by contrast he is the highest “normal Green Ranger” on the list…which probably means something in the end.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 4: Mag is a Genius Robo?!, Ep. 27: Dai’s Punch of Friendship, Ep. 37: A Ghost’s First Love


I really wish I could put Shirou lower on this list: he really feels like a personification of the mostly “generic” nature that I feel about this team in particular, which is a shame since the season has a ton of interesting and amazing things despite its problems. He’s a sufficient leader but just feels bland, made blander with the bizarre ability he gains of having the ability to talk to animals, leading to rather…awkward episodes at certain points. (an infamous example: “OH NO, MY BIRD WAS KILLED TRYING TO TRACKING DOWN GEAR…so here’s another bird to pick up where that one left off”…seriously, I still say a cat should have been recurring to eat Shirou’s “partners”; not associated with Gear or anything, just a hungry cat) The only reason that Bioman’s leader is this high has to do with actually getting an interesting focus in the end-game with the revelation of Professor Shibata being his father Shinichiro, sort of giving him an interesting contrast of his own situation with that of main villain Doctor Man and his son Shuichi. If it weren’t for the Shibata revelation and the fallout between Shirou and him due to it, I doubt I would have made him this high.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 47: Professor Shibata’s True Colors!?, Ep. 49: Critical Bio Robo


Sometimes when you have a major success in the franchise, you want to duplicate it as best as possible. In a way, Rei Tachibana is more or less that, wanting to continue the success of Miki Momozono for another season; it sort of works but somehow I find Rei trying a bit too hard in just repeating what made Goggle Pink so memorable. You can probably blame things like trying to give her silly quirks like her “weakness to cats” or copying things that Miki just did better while just going with some of the random “science” elements that this team ended up having, with Rei’s more being an animal-based theme. She wasn’t bad, but I really think she should have found her own identity instead of trying to be like someone else…luckily I love her actress as Leh Naphel by Flashman…

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 23: Operation Human Slug, Ep. 46: The Sabre that Runs Love Through


And now for a sex offender…er, one of the more annoying but one of the few “bright spots” of early Sun Vulcan…if you can say “actually having any sort of personality or the ability to have anything other than “get the boss’ job done” as a means to call a bright spot. Hyou unfortunately tries way too hard to be the next Daita Ooiwa in being the comedic, curry obsessed one…and the only reason why he is able to get away with it is due to how little we get from anyone on this team prior to Hiba, which is why he’s probably another one whose higher than I wish he could have been. He does have his epic moments regardless such as his main focus episode…oh and weird moments like his early “randomly make panther stances while on patrol” bit in an early episode.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 10: Ambush Poison Spider Mansion, Ep. 38: Asao Hyou’s Dad Lord


Nanbara follows along Aoyama and Shima in being “the kid Blue” of the team which could be enough to drive me away from him. But strangely, Blue3 stands out compared to those two and many of his Bioman teammates in actually giving his all to his role and the interesting things that are done with him. I think probably the most interesting thing done that saved him from being lower is his usage in the first Prince two-parter, where he really uses his own experiences as a “bad boy” to try and save Doctor Man’s “son” prior to the Mecha Human revelations. I’m not sure why or how he worked out but I think he really feels like the first Blue of this type that I cared about; and it only went up from there.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 19: My Father is Doctor Man, Ep. 20: Prince’s Challenge, Ep. 29: The Day Tokyo Disappeared, Ep. 46: Escape! The Town of Traps!


Does being “middle of the road” actually mean that a character is tolerable? Amazingly in Sun Vulcan, that sort of works for Samejima: despite not having anything major or important outside a tragic backstory and military experience alongside his own science aspirations (meaning he probably should have waited a season or two so we would have to go through Aoyama…or Shima…), he is ultimately ranked here mostly due to being the “middle of the road” member of the squad: not as annoying as Hyou, not as dynamic and important as Hiba (and compared to Oowashi, at least gets a backstory). And considering he is our first shark Ranger, his Shark Jaws are at least memorable…less memorable, his weird “sliding around like a sausage” bit he did early on.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 19: The Dangerous Perfect Score Boy, Ep. 20: The Machine Wrestler’s Trap

30. HARUNA MORIKAWA (PINK TURBO – KOUSOKU SENTAI TURBORANGER) While unfortunately the only girl on our first high school team, Haruna actually makes the most of it surprisingly; particularly when her mecha basically turns out to be a killer minivan. While a little dull on her own, amazingly I do sort of like that she seems to be the closest character to Seelon and the whole connection between humans and the fairies; plus you don’t get a female majorette that often in pop culture…

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 13: Activate the Witch’s Trap!, Ep. 25: The Fighting Puppy, Ep. 46: Lagorn’s Counterattack


Another situation where being the only female on the team worked to the Ranger’s advantage; Akira sort of feels like a continuation of the strand of the strong, independent but still sort of girly female Rangers that her predecessor Maria Nagisa brought to the table, prior to the weird break due to the “no girls allowed” policy Sun Vulcan enacted (which in itself lead to Miki and Rei and everything after). While I do think she was a tad selfish at the start not wanting to join Denziman despite the elements that drove her to the team (and that her tennis coach burned to death due to the first Bader invasion), I do think Akira earned her place as a memorable female Ranger; not the greatest but still memorable.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 28: The Secret Butcher of the Cursed House, Ep. 35: The Puzzling Weaver Princess, Ep. 43: The Puzzling Spectral Lady


Shirou Akebono/Battle Kenya of Battle Fever J is one of the most memorable Rangers in the franchise, mostly due to the fun performance by tokusatsu master Kenji Ohba. So…why did they decide to do him again as Denziman’s second-in-command? Obviously he isn’t an exact clone: he’s a circus performer instead of a wildman and obsesses with anpan instead of fresh fruit; but it just feels like they brought back Ohba to do a similar role the year after his breakthrough! Mind you he was good at it which explains why I ranked him this high…but I still prefer Battle Kenya.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 4: Bader Demon Castle Pursuit, Ep. 23: A Demon That Walks Above the Ceiling, Ep. 38: The Great Adventure in the Infinite Makuu


With the damage control needed by this season to handle the mess brought about by the first Yellow4, they had to hit it out of the park with her replacement. Luckily they did for the most part: while she does have problems like most of the Bioman team, Jun really did bring in new enthusiasm (and a bow and arrow to give them another weapon) that at least softened the blow somewhat regarding the season’s internal problems. Sure it probably made the partnerships with Pink5 less dramatic with how similar they were…but at least she did what she came to do.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 13: I’m Jun!, Ep. 45: Human Bomb, Jun! 26. MAI TSUBASA (CHANGEPHOENIX – DENGEKI SENTAI CHANGEMAN)

It’s a bit surprising it would take nearly half the list before I finally reach my lowest-ranked Changeman, but they really are one of the best teams of the decade and Mai is no exception. As the tomboy balance to the more feminine Sayaka, she really brings a great contrast in her ways while having a great set of abilities being the all-valuable phoenix elemental of the team. Oh and she rides a great motorcycle…and that accounts for something.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 15: Reckless Rider Mai, Ep. 26: Mai’s 20-year old First Love, Ep. 44: Leave IUt to Mai!


And now we reach the special Ranger, the one who really shouldn’t be on the list since he’s just a one episode Ranger. However, if you’ve seen the Maskman episode he shows up in and the story explanation regarding him, he counts IMHO as a Ranger and thus as someone who should be on this list. In a way, Ryo Asuka really is more or less an early hint at the stylings of Toshiki Inoue, his creator, considering he’s basically “Gai Yuki-light” (well maybe a fusion considering the death of his girlfriend is more like Ryu Tendoh) but his story really does sort of give a better understanding of the early days of Sugata’s drive to fight Tube prior to him just saying “I’ll just get some guys who already know martial arts because making my own super warrior is way harder than expected”. He’s a great character, a great warrior, and despite everything really does deserve to be on this list right in the middle. And as comedic irony: he’s literally my highest ranked Green of the 80s…and he only lasted one episode!

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 39: Revival! The Mysterious X-1 Mask (well it is his only episode…)


The top half of the list sort of begins with another surprise but I do think that Riki did enough in his story and as a leader to make it. While obviously driven to be “the ultimate hot-blooded teenager” to be able to lead a squad like Turboranger, he shows great consideration regarding what he’s fighting for and, in a way, is the front line regarding the matters in dealing with the Boma, particularly the Wandering Boma situation with Yamimaru and Kirika which is way more delicate and complex than merely “let’s fight against awakened sealed monsters”. While some could argue he did a bit too much in some elements (considering the Yamimaru rivalry is his main storyline, why have him save Kirika too?; and the only reason he got to kill Boma Doctor Lehda is to prevent Black Turbo from overshadowing him with his defeat of Jarmin), Riki still proved himself to me to be a good Red and the best possible leader for his team. Besides, considering he came after Takeru and Yuusuke, I think I needed someone like Riki as a Red.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 26: Riki! Desperate Situation, Ep. 39: The End of Lagorn, Ep. 50: The Dreadful Great Seal

24. LOU (PINK FLASH – CHOUSHINSEI FLASHMAN) Lou, like Mai before her, is a weird Pink; one who wants to be a tomboy but does enough silly or girly things that really doesn’t quite show it. I seriously don’t see Lou as a tomboy myself; maybe a glutton or someone who is a bit less knowledgeable on how to “live” on Earth compared to others on the team, but I think she is girly enough to really not be what a lot of people tend to make of her. One slight complaint: considering the dominance of her “partner” on this team, she really doesn’t get the focus as much as she could have had.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 11: Lou is the Beast Warrior’s Mother, Ep. 23: Heart-Throbbing Wishes, Ep. 26: Space Pumpkin Cooking


Jyunichi Haruta is one of those names you just have to know to understand 80s Sentai, particularly with the two roles he took up in this period. The first one…is a little off-putting considering how Haruta is more known as a high-energy, stunt-performing martial artist (who was formerly a suit actor like Kenji Ohba); especially since Kuroda is the TACTITIAN of the team, known for his brains and strategizing, as well as a little bit of science such as figuring out the means of creating the Goggle Golden Spear. (and being a shougi master) He still gets some crazy martial arts episodes and just makes the best of this first truly notable Black Ranger (if you ignore the mess of what Battle Kenya is) so there’s nothing wrong with it…but like Haruta himself, he knows there’s a better role for him in this franchise…

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 10: The Secret of a Rare Pomato, Ep. 26: Black! Great Reversal, Ep. 29: Terror of the Sleeping Quarter


One of the really good Rangers associated with this season, Momoko probably has one of the better styles of combat and really does feel like the more dynamic and interesting of the two Maskman girls, particularly with some of the gutsier moments she does that really proves what a badass she is. While sometimes I do sort of wish she had more to do like Haruka, what we do get really just made her a great character.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 8: Burn! The Flower Sword, Ep. 20: A Trap! The Sinking Giant Robo, Ep. 34: Blues of Love and Murderous Intent


Sometimes when you work at something long enough, it will eventually adapt to the point that it becomes good. With the quirks of the “kid blue” having been through several Rangers by this point, they finally get it right with Burai…er, Oozora, giving us a nice guy who acts childish but is still a soldier when he has to be fighting for the fate of the Earth. Just sort of hope he got to open that food cart after the Gozma were stopped…or that he avoids any more exploding horses.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 5: Pegasus Arrest Order, Ep. 25: Sing! With a Great Voice, Ep. 40: Strange Sweets 20. IPPEI AKAGI (DENZIRED – DENSHI SENTAI DENZIMAN)

In some ways, the early Reds ended up being the ones who defined the franchise; and while not as well- known as the likes of Kaijou or Hiba, Akagi deserves respect in what he had to do and what he lead. On a team where the mentor was technically a robot dog, Akagi was the face and the main warrior of the franchise, being a strong leader and a skill fighter; namely in karate but also proven in other disciplines (such as the time he stood in for a boxer; which strangely is the only reason why Denzi Punch probably exists when it isn’t his typical discipline). At the same time he had a kind, caring heart that was just there for anyone, whether it be the team or the kids who hung around them at Kourakuen. I sort of wish he was better known, but he was a good one.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 5: The Red Poison Flower That Crawls up the Wall, Ep. 40: The Champion’s Enemy, Ep. 47: The Mermaid who Disappeared in the Morning Sun


Why the heck did this season hate Nangou so much? So much of the focus ended up being on the other four Dynamen with very little on perhaps the most hilarious and badass member of the squadron, one who was just as great at standing up to the threats and being there as a hero when he had to be…well between ramen breaks. And it also helps that he is a horticulturalist with his dream, something quite a few later Rangers tended to come back to; but I guess they can’t see a Yellow with a green thumb. It’s sort of sad that despite how awesome he was, they felt he was so expendable that they decided had to make the next Yellow Ranger a girl…

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 6: Fight to the Death! The Haunts of a Poisonous Snake, Ep. 19: The Fuse is a Red Toxic Flower


Another underrated Red, one that probably ends up lost mostly due to being the one following Hiba. However the sad thing is I think Akama proved himself very well in his own ways: he was the first true “adventurer” Red, one who cared about kids and one who gave Goggle-V direction and leadership while having some great moments of his own. While in some ways similar to Akagi, I actually prefer Akama because he does show more of a heart, sort of giving me more of an inkling combining Akagi with some of Gorou Sakurai/Spade Ace of J.A.K.Q. (and obviously the whip elements of Kaijou…or Indiana Jones) in just giving us a brave but good guy Ranger.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 3: Attack Deathtopia, Ep. 16: Red! Close Call, Ep. 36: Shoot-Out! 0.3 Seconds!


It’s a shame that my favorite Denziman is only at this ranking (and thus lower than the favorites of the other 9 teams), but it really isn’t a consolation because he really was just a really great Ranger. Not only do you get a powerful brawler fighter, but you get a team mad scientist and a Yellow who is actually a cook instead of just “the eater” like most tend to be! I think the only reason Jun is here is mostly due to Denziman being from 1980, a time when the Rangers themselves weren’t as defined as later on and thus still have a lot of generalizations; if they were a later team with more to them, he could have done way better I admit.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 25: The Tiger’s Cave has a Saboteur, Ep. 32: The Great Shooting Battle of Hell, Ep. 41: The Greatest All-Out War in History


I actually used to have Hayate higher in my listing of Changeman, but strangely another member has been boosted up the more Sentai I’ve watched and the more I realized someone else was way better and more interesting. Regardless, Hayate is probably the earliest of what one would “typically” see of a Black Ranger in the franchise, being the first “playboy”…sort of (he did better with little girls than he did with actual girls his age sad to say) and with just a lot of moments that showed him as a hero as well as someone you’d want to pal around with. Now if only he was successful like “a certain other playboy Black”…

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 10: The Dreadful Driverless Car Army, Ep. 16: The Girl Who Had Wings!, Ep. 28: The Cursed Crayons


Hikaru is my favorite Bioman, no question. Unlike the general or generic feel of so many members of this team, she felt like someone who had true emotion and drive to do what she could at all times and really felt like the most vital and human member of the team; while I sort of wonder a bit about her background (particularly with someone once calling her a “spoiled rich princess” early on), she did more for this team than anyone else.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 14: Neo Intellect Brain!, Ep. 15: The Female Warrior’s Flaming Oath, Ep. 39: Mason’s Trap


Sometimes a Ranger can be much higher on the list mostly because they’re one of the few bright spots of a team and something that actually makes them tolerable. Megumi is literally that for Liveman: as the first female Blue and the highest ranking for the team, she really felt like the only character who had consistent and interesting developments throughout the season; from being the initial rival of Doctor Mazenda to actually using her perspectives and empathy to handle things like the end-game of the series; heck the factor of Chibuchian Butchy’s connection with her rides both in his first and final appearance; plus she’s the reason why Doctor Kemp finally is redeemed and Great Professor Bias goes down! (which is more than what Yuusuke can say) I think Megumi deserves all that respect for being a bright light in a really dark, really disturbing (in a bad way) season.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 22: Enter the Space Karaoke Master, Ep. 27: Daughter! Destroy the Giga Project, Ep. 44: Butchy’s Great Reckless Driving of Tears!! 13. SHUNSUKE HINO (YELLOW TURBO – KOUSOKU SENTAI TURBORANGER)

As I mentioned with Yohei, Shunsuke is one of the two “kid Rangers” of Turboranger, but unlike Blue Turbo, Shunsuke had some of the more interesting and emotional episodes of the series, those that felt like he actually was a member who mattered instead of just “some random kid who screwed things up”. Admittedly with the way he is used, Yellow Turbo really does feel like “the heart” of the team, the one who commiserates the best with a lot of the crisis that go on and deals with the elements that ultimately touch on the concerns of all of the Turboranger; and it doesn’t hurt he’s the only actual teenager on this team too.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 19: Clash! Demon Siblings, Ep. 36: Memories of Destiny…, Ep. 38: The Painting of Hell that Devours People


I barely actually have Daichi higher than Shunsuke, thus making him my favorite of the Turboranger; the reason is that aside he just is awesome, Black Turbo really felt like a true “second-in-command” of the team and ended up having more focus than you would have expected for a Black Ranger. In many ways, the “fall of the Boma” arc in the middle of the series is more or less about his own crisis and resolution, mainly because it is his Turbo Truck that becomes the most heavily damaged in the final battle with Zimba; thus putting him in the spotlight even as the team tries to work out how to deal with one supremely powerful Boma opponent after another. At the same time, Yamagata is just a great guy, someone who is physical but also very connecting to those he hangs around and helps out, just making him easily the best of this team.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 18: Five-Minute Transformation, Ep. 21: Dosukoi Contest, Ep. 29: Hurry! New Model Robo


When I originally watched Changeman, Tsurugi was actually below Hayate in my list for the team in general (probably since he just felt like a nicer Gai, which from all the hype of that Jetman, sort of made me feel that it could be done like this too); but the more I think about ChangeDragon, the more I realize just everything he did that just reflected well both on himself and on the team. Tsurugi is the face of Changeman as its leader, being the one who also represents the military-like Earth Defense Force fighting against the Gozma invasion. However, Tsurugi is also the one who is the first and most changed by the Gozma war, finding out first-hand how similar the aliens in the group were like people of Earth in desiring peace and resolution without conflict, and thus becomes a driving force in trying to end the war by eliminating only those causing the strife instead of just seeing all of the warriors as evil, faceless monsters. While it isn’t a “story arc” like the Reds that followed him such as Jin, Takeru or Yuusuke, Tsurugi’s story is just a strong reminder of the power and influence having a leader with such an evolution can have in reflecting the concepts of a team and a season. Preferred Episodes: Ep. 7: The Sad Space Beast Warrior!, Ep. 24: Runaway Gyodai, Ep. 45: The Rainbow-Colored Girl Aira


Leading off the top 10 of my list is my favorite Changeman, mostly because she just is a perfect contrast that really shouldn’t work but does. Sayaka really feels like the perfect element of a matronly, girly female who happens to be a tough soldier and, more importantly, a scientist who is trying to figure out means to use her knowledge to help win the war for the EDF. Her depiction is just one of the best things about the season and just shows that fighting for the safety of the planet can take all different forms.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 12: Mama is Mermaid, Ep. 19: Bet on Sayaka!, Ep. 41: The Prince of the Lost World!


With as many problems as I have with Maskman, I admit that Akira is one of the few things about the season that I consider a highlight. The young martial arts genius of the squad, he really shows off his skills while still basically being the kid of the team; yet with a kind heart that ends up being a key aspect in possibly leading to a major plot element involving him. And yes, somehow if it weren’t for the “Underground Knight Unas” arc with him, the approach to the season’s endgame would have been all the harder to get through; it’s one of the few stories that literally does not involve anything to do with Takeru and Ial and just changed the playing field quite a bit approaching the end of the story! That alone probably allows for Blue Mask to make it into my top 10.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 5: The Small Swordsman, Blue, Ep. 14: The Great Escape to the Blue Sky, Ep. 45: Prince Igam! You’re a Woman!


As I mentioned with Kanpei Kuroda, you don’t expect Junichi Haruta as a scientist; however in the season after Goggle-V, he finally gets his chance to have a bit of fun with his Sentai roles by becoming his most memorable tokusatsu role. As the first “ninja Ranger” and my favorite Dynaman, it allows for Haruta to show off and be able to put good usage to his skills and abilities while just creating a fun character who is rather outgoing but can be a tad bumbling; but not enough to prevent him from being a part of this dream-chasing squadron.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 15: Ninjutsu vs. Chimera Witchcraft, Ep. 29: Chimera’s Cursed Clothing, Ep. 40: Explosion! Silent Anger


As my highest-ranking Pink Ranger, it’s obvious that I feel things about Miki that really show her off as a classic. But in a way, the way her character was depicted wasn’t just memorable but sort of reminded people why Super Sentai is what it is in tokusatsu lore and history while creating one of the defining roles that established what a female Ranger can do. She has the ability of being feminine but tough at the same time, which for this franchise is extremely tough but at the same time defined what was started with the female Rangers prior to the Sun Vulcan split. (though in some ways it wasn’t a split due to Misa Arashiyama but…) She was a fun character, she was a great character, and in some ways proves that you can combine Super Sentai and rhythmic gymnastics together…wait what?

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 14: It’s Serious! The Earth is Sinking, Ep. 22: Attack of the Cursed Dolls!, Ep. 39: The Dangerous Man-Eating Picture Books


Of all the Reds in the entire franchise, Jin probably has one of the hardest jobs of any of them; not just returning to Earth to fight against Mess but to help his team both make a new life on the planet and to find any clues regarding what happened to them in the past. In many ways, it is this mission and this determination that defines Jin as one of the best Reds in the franchise, being someone who is not just fighting against invaders but trying to help his team find a new home on a world that is supposed to be home…and later dealing with the consequences when this world finally turns against them at the end. He even gets his own story arc early on, with his initial anger against what Mess did to them sort of driving his character until he finally realizes that it isn’t helping Flashman’s mission. He really is one of the definitive leaders of the franchise and to me probably one of the best.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 3: An Old Enemy? Hunter!, Ep. 13: Intense Battle! Danger, Jin, Ep. 33: Papa Won’t Lose!


The top five starts with my favorite Goggle-V member and obviously one of the most fun Rangers in the franchise. While some would probably feel like he’s a bit of a copy of Daita from Gorenger, I hate to admit that Kijima is way more interesting and fun, more giving us a John Belushi-esque Ranger whose a nice guy who just gets into comedic situations and just continues to smash through with his power. (hate to say this but Hyou is more a clone of the first Kirenger than Kijima, just saying) I am never disappointed by any moment where Kijima was in focus and I think his position is well deserved as one of the best. And of course: MEGATON BALL-DA!!! (had to say it)

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 7: Papa is Turned into a Ghost, Ep. 12: The Sandpit Which Emerged from a Lie, Ep. 44: Oh! Food Turns into Sand


The second of three Flashman members in the top 10 and my top Blue Ranger, Bun probably is the character that I think “defined” the “kid Blue” Ranger character completely and the one who actually made it work while being a heartfelt character in his own right. Bun tended to get into the most interesting stories of the team and always found his way in all of the encounters he ended up in, whether with the team or on his own. Somehow Bun feels like the culmination of the work in the franchise in making the kid Ranger work for the Blue (as well as in general, being more curious and emotional than just “some child-like adult with a stupid trait”) and thus was able to show that off in such a way that I think made him memorable in my eyes.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 7: Balloon! Become a Weapon, Ep. 24: The Occult Summer Vacation, Ep. 34: Bun Disappeared in the Rapids


There are other Red Rangers that could have or should have been my top Red…but ultimately, the 80s and the Red Ranger in general comes back to the second VulEagle (well OK, Kaijou too…but more seem to know of Hiba than Kaijou at times). The Ranger who single-handedly saved Sun Vulcan from being a complete waste (and yeah, best Ranger of that season too), Hiba is the ultimate leader, one who is confident and who knows what he’s doing to help his team, but at the same time friendly, adventurous and fun to watch, particularly with his skills in swordsmanship. Even though I have a way better appreciation of Oowashi than others, the season got a complete breath of fresh air when Hiba became VulEagle, and just never looked back from then on.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 24: Lake Hamana’s Nessie, Ep. 32: Capture the Face-Thief, Ep. 44: The Great Escape – Heli Explosion


I was torn in my top two regarding which Ranger I’d consider my favorite Ranger of the 80s since I love both of them. Though there is a reason why my #1 Ranger of all time is where they are, that doesn’t mean that Sara is any worse than them to make it to the 2nd position. In a way, Sara is the heart of Flashman and the story of the season, which is a journey for the entire team in trying to find their home and whatever they can do while fending off the forces of Mess and the other difficulties of being strangers to their own birth planet. Sara is both the “brains” and the “emotional heart” of the team, being the main scientific expert due to the planet she was trained on as well as the one who is the most enthusiastic in the team trying to complete their mission in both surviving on this “new world” and finding the families they were torn from 20 years in the past. It isn’t that often you get a main focus on another Ranger that isn’t the Red in the franchise; and Sara made the most of it with her being the most driven to do what the team had to do on Earth during their year on the planet and getting the main focus as she becomes the key to everything the entire season, even as the Flashman’s journey reaches its deadly climax. As my favorite Flashman and favorite Yellow Ranger, Sara really embodies everything for both her team and for the Yellow Rangers of the 80s, who are the friendliest and most emotional, giving their all for themselves and for their team and even getting something out of it in the end.

Preferred Episodes: Ep. 16: The Human Minimini Plan, Ep. 21: Sorrowful Sara, Ep. 49: Counterattack, Ra Deus 1. KENTA (BLACK MASK – HIKARI SENTAI MASKMAN)

I know what you’re thinking. My favorite Ranger of the 80s is from my least favorite season of the 80s; the season that has the Ranger that likewise is my least favorite of the same time period that appeared at the bottom of the list. How could that be? Well simply put, it is this way because considering all of my problems with Maskman and the troubles that the season has from its characters (Takeru, Mio, Igam, Kiros) and it’s concepts (the fact that you can do anything with Aura Power for the most part), there are still amazing characters, concepts and story aspects that I love about this season, since everything has it’s good or bad. Akira/Blue Mask was already in the top 10, while there are quite a few things that I have grown to appreciate from this season the more I’ve seen around it and thought it over, such as the absolute power of Earth Emperor Zeba (which sometimes feels even more interesting and developed than even Bazeu in Changeman) and the interesting aspect that he isn’t invincible (despite how invincible he puts up and the factor that the only way he nearly won is due to Igam being so prideful) and his paranoia to keep said power and secrets hidden to keep the power under his control.

However if there is one extremely bright spot about this season in its Rangers and in general, it’s Kenta. Kenta to me is the ultimate underdog and a character who doesn’t feel like he should even be a Ranger, particularly for a team such as Maskman. Sure he knows martial arts and that alone was probably enough to let Sugata recruit him to help the team and to learn the Aura Power to fight against Tube, but that isn’t the real reason why he’s a Maskman. It’s his knowledge of mechanics, particularly in the initial cover that the team has a racing squad prior to the Tube invasion; being the one who allowed for Takeru to “star” as Sugata Racing’s driver and ultimately allowing for him to be the big deal that he was. And it was this knowledge and love of mechanics that continued to be focused upon, with his main storyline prior to being recruited not about being a warrior or a ninja or a prodigy but in developing cars, even with a focal episode being about restoring a car he once helped to build and maintain to help out a friend.

In fact, it’s the factor that Kenta is so “normal” despite gaining a mastery of Aura Power that makes me appreciate him all the more. Sure he’s a martial artist and has to prove himself, but his concerns are less about just being perfect or about being a warrior but in things such as getting a girlfriend or building cars. He’s also one of the most empathetic of the Rangers, tending to work alongside those who are caught within Tube’s web and tries to work out how to protect them or work them out of their situation, such as with the underground ninjas or Parasite Seira. He’s still a warrior and can handle his own, but we don’t really get this “normalcy” from any of the other Maskman members in the midst of dealing with the problems of fighting against Zeba and his forces. And furthermore another reason he’s awesome: he’s the only member of the team who actually has a vehicle that can deal with the underground with his “Masky Drill”, something not even Takeru can claim! (And unlike most seasons where the vehicles just become “giant robot pieces” rather quickly, it’s still extremely valuable to the very end) I can’t say who had the sense of figuring out that Maskman needed to have it on one of their vehicles, but that factor gives Kenta one of the greatest notorieties of the team and the season. Somehow in the midst of the craziness and obsession with “perfect characters”, someone normal came out of it that people could relate to instead of just being another “Ranger”. And that’s why Kenta is, without question, my favorite Ranger of the 80s. Preferred Episodes: Ep. 7: Explode! Kenta’s Love, Ep. 32: Oyobu’s Lethal Dash, Ep. 37: Soldiers Who Bet on Their Dreams

Final Quality Ratings of teams by Character Rankings (This is by adding the ranks and dividing by members; the lower the number, the higher the rank)

10th: Liveman (5 members, QS: 37.8): As evident, I just never really liked this team. Despite Megumi being in the top 15, everyone else was in the bottom 10.

9th: Bioman (6 members, QS: 32.33): I think their genericness as a team really hurt them despite having some members that weren’t that bad; with Hikaru being their only saving point. Only thing that prevented them from being lower is a better distribution of member ranks, though anyone who isn’t Hikaru is in the bottom half.

8th: Dynaman (5 members, QS: 29.2): While I love Nangou and Hoshikawa, Shima and Dan’s rankings really hurt this team I say.

7th: Denziman (5 members, QS: 26.4): The team is decent enough and I do like them, but I think most of their ranks being middling and their highest, Kiyama, only being 17th made them unfortunately this low in quality scoring.

6th: Maskman (6 members, QS: 26.08): The distribution is insane, with two at the bottom, two at the top (particularly Kenta being my #1), and three (including Ryo Asuka) in the middle. It’s still rather surprising they would rank this high scorewise. (note: even if Asuka wasn’t added, they’d be 26.2, which is the same rank here)

5th: Sun Vulcan (4 members, QS: 26): Hiba being a top-3 Ranger really saved them, since everyone else was in the 30s.

4th: Turboranger (5 members, QS: 24.6): I think Yamagata and Shunsuke making it close to the top 10 (even if not making it) helped, as did Riki in the top half; this sort of negates Yohei ranking so low.

3rd: Goggle-V (5 members, QS: 20): Aside from the blemish that is Aoyama, this is just a great team to me, and it’s ranking is well deserved with both Miki and Kijima in my top 10 and Akama respectably in the top 20.

2nd: Changeman (5 members, QS: 16.8): Their lowest member was just outside the top 25 and everyone really made a good impression as one of the most memorable teams in the franchise, both in what they did and their mission. (even if only one member made it barely to my top 10)

1st: Flashman (5 members, QS: 14.4): No question what the best team on this list was, with 3 top-ten members (& 2 top-5); despite Dai being a rather weaker character IMHO.